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9977663 No.9977663 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that will make me woke

>> No.9977668
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>> No.9977676
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>> No.9977691
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>> No.9977939


>> No.9977971
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>> No.9977981
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>> No.9977994
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>> No.9978010
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>> No.9978024
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>> No.9978047
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>all this alt-left stuff

>> No.9978073

>Implying Leftists don't read Nietzsche.
Every respectable Marxist should read Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals at least once. It's essentially a historical-materialist look at how the concept of virtue arose as a response to specific social circumstances, and changes in material, and social conditions have led to virtuist systems of ethics developing a class component.

>> No.9978082

can we get some serious suggestions here?

>> No.9978088

>The Unabomber Manifesto
>not serious
Pick one faggot

>> No.9978092
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>> No.9978103

>implying every leftist is a "respectable marksist"

The author tries so hard shilling his poorly edited trash here. Is that you faggot?

>> No.9978150


Naomi Klein - Shock Doctrine
Ha Joon Chang - 29 Things they don't tell you about Capitalism
Richard D. Wolff - Contending Economic Theories
David Harvey - 17 Contradictions, and the End of Capitalism
Marx - Wage-Labour, and Capital
Marx - Grundrisse
Marx - Das Kapital Vol. 1
Marx - Das Kapital Vol. 2
Marx - Das Kapital Vol. 3
Rosa Luxembourg - Accumulation of Capital
Lenin - Imperialism, Highest Stage of Capitalism
Bukharin - Imperialism, and World Economy
Bukharin - Economic Problems of the Transition Period
Stalin - Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR
Mao - Critique of Stalin's Economic Problems

David Harvey - History of Neo-Liberalism
Eric Hobsbawm - "Age of" Trilogy
Eric Hobsbawm - The Short 20th Century
Alexander Nove - Economic History of the USSR
Robert C. Allen - Farm to Factory
Michael Parenti - Blackshirts, and Reds
Michael Parenti - To kill a Nation, the attack on Yugoslavia
Ludo Martens - Another View of Stalin
Espresso Stalinist - The Real Stalin Series
Grover Furr - Krushchev Lied

Politzer - Elementary Principles of Philosophy
Hegel - Wissenschaft Der Logik
Engles - Ludwig Feuerbach, and the End of Classical German Philosophy
Engles - Dialectics of Nature
Marx/Engles - The German Ideology
Bukharin - Historical Materialism
Marcuse - Heideggerian Marxism
Marcuse - A Critique of Pure Tolerance
Adorno - Dialectic of Enlightenment
Sartre - Critique of Dialectical Reason
Sartre - Being, and Nothingness
De Beauvoir - The Ethics of Ambiguity

Rousseau - The Social Contract
Proudhon - Philosophy of Poverty
Marx - Poverty of Philosophy
Engles - Socialism, Utopian, and Scientific
Engles - Critique of the Gotha Programme
Lenin - State, & Revolution
Stalin - Foundations of Leninism

Memoirs/First Hand accounts:
John Reed - Ten Days that Shook the World
George Orwell - Homage to Catalonia
William Hinton - Fanshen
Huey Newton - Revolutionary Suicide
Bernadette Devlin McAliskey - The Price of My Soul
Emma Goldman - My Life

Engles - Origins of the Family
Kollontai - Autobiography of a Sexually Liberated Communist Woman
De Beauvoir - The Second Sex
Foucalt - The History of Sexuality
Judith Butler - Gender Trouble
Frantz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth
Huey P. Newton - Revolutionary Suicide
Edward Said - Orientalism

>> No.9978167

Things I can't believe I forgot:
Fidel Castro - My Life
Diaries of Che Guevara
Chin Peng - My Side of History
Thomas Sankara Speaks
Althusser - Lenin, and Philosophy, and Other Essays
Althusser - Reading Capital
Zizek - The Sublime Object of Ideology
Chairman Mao - So Much Shit.
Richard Wolff - Class Theory and History: Capitalism and Communism in the USSR
Anwar Shaikh - Capitalism: Competition, Conflict Crises
Graeber - Debt: The First 5000 Years

>> No.9978173
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>> No.9978184

Is My Life by Trotsky worth reading?

>> No.9978191

Haven't read it, so can't say definitively, however I can say that Trotsky has been proven to lie about events when it's politically convenient for him to do so, so if you do read his version of events, do so with a very skeptical eye.
You can watch this for more info about Trotsky getting caught out lying about shit:

>> No.9978212
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>thread is full of r*ddit lefties

>> No.9979064

Cry bitch


>> No.9979083

People jerk off to this one all goddamn day but I found that after a certain point Debord is just ascribing random bullshit to a continuously anthropomorphized concept.

>> No.9979089

This. Could have had a good thread.

>> No.9979157

Stop being such an SJW

>> No.9979213

Read prometheus rising but skip all the magic bullshit

>> No.9979360
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How to

>> No.9979372

What the fuck is woke

>> No.9979409

How many protests do you attend annually?

>> No.9980331

You're an idiot, the book is outstanding. He should shill it here 24/7 because it needs to be understood.

>> No.9980337
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how come no one ever posts about this book on /lit/? it was a bestseller and pretty edgy in it's day, i'm sure all you babies who are mad about having to grow up and get a job would dig it

>> No.9980346

Not a real thing?

>> No.9980348

oh wait because even though it criticizes corporate capitalism the author's remedy is not a stalinist state bureaucracy making the workers into industrial serfs like in asiatic countries, but a return to the rugged individualism that made america great

>inb4 the irony of a dude writing in the 50s longing for past days of american greatness

>> No.9980357

We can't just discover new continents every day friend.

>> No.9980365

Reddit is full of liberals and right wing libertarians. They despise leftists almost as much as /pol/ does.

>> No.9980452

gr8 book, strong rec
yeah but he does it pretty quickly

>> No.9981313

Where's the charts for the other pills

>> No.9981381
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this so hard, such a great book.

<<also this

>> No.9981724

I attend whatever protests I am informed are happening near me. Sometimes that's a lot, sometimes months go by without one.

>> No.9981732

god-tier book cover

>> No.9982532
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>> No.9982546
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>> No.9982557

All this thread is missing is a call to pledge for \chapo.

Fuck off leftists. At least be sincere and just be nihilists, which you trully are,

>> No.9982847

This is even more embarrassing than the /tv/ version.

>> No.9982948

you mean weak?

>> No.9982980

Left and Right - Norberto Bobbio
Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes
Concept of the Political - Carl Schimitt
Starship Troopers - Heinlein.
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
World Order - Henry Kissinger

There may be some more, but those are the big shots of my life.

>> No.9982987
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>> No.9982989

Dropped this when I seen Naomi Klein and how you gave the wrong title for Ha-Joon's pop-economics book (it's 23 things, buddy).

>> No.9983005

This is very good for beginners, I second this.

>> No.9983152
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Cry bitch.

>> No.9983195

it’s funny how negative critique of the shock doctrine is usually unsubstantial. Sure, the book could better tie together the psychological shocks inflicted on humans to the economic shocks and find out if there really is a connection.

The connection between the economic shock in the UK and the attack on the Falklands is also not very well explained.

The details about reforms in each of the mentioned countries are also missing.

Nonetheless, the book is onto something. Friedman’s ideas of economic liberty no matter the cost are well analysed. But, I think some things just happened without any real planning, unlike what the author implies - that there was some kind of masterplan for everything.

>> No.9983913

>History began and ended in the 20th century

>> No.9984042

How does it feel knowing that in 10-20 years you're going to be extremely moderate compare to now and the revolution isn't going to be closer at all?