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/lit/ - Literature

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9930290 No.9930290 [Reply] [Original]

>Hegemony or Surival by Noam Chomsky
>Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky
>The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski

inb4 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.9930626

Nomos of the Earth - Schmitt
Concept of the Political - Schmitt
World Order - Kissinger
Diplomacy - Kissinger
War by Other Means - Blackwill, Harris
Homo Sacer - Agamben
State of Exception - Agamben
Prison Notebooks - Gramsci
Main Currents of Marxism - Kolakowski
Seeing Like a State - Scott
Tragedy of Great Power Politics - Mearsheimer

>> No.9930642 [DELETED] 

There's no fucking way I'm reading a book whose author's name is Zbigniew Brzezinski.

>> No.9930649

>2 Chomskys
>literally baiting
>please don't post more bait on my thread

>> No.9930832

blowback - chalmers johnson

>> No.9930842

overthrow - stephen kinzer

>> No.9930851

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler - Antony Sutton
The Anglo-American Establishment - Carroll Quigley

>> No.9930943

>The Prince by Machiavelli
>The Demon Lover: The Roots of Terrorism by Robin Morgan
>On Revolution by Hannah Arendt
>The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast
>The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
>Homage to Catalonia by Orwell
>Freedom and Culture by John Dewey
>Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure by Dan Baum
>Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72 by Hunter S. Thompson
>The First and Second Discourses by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

>> No.9931324


>> No.9931358

If you don't want to understand the American hegemon's policy directives then it's your loss, pleb. Brzezinski is very instructive, perhaps moreso than any other geopolitical writer.

>> No.9931770

The road to serfdom - Hayek
Anything by Kissinger
The Isreal Lobby - Mearsheimer
Tradegy & Hope - Quigley
Manufacturing Consent - Chomsky
Clash of Civilizations - Huntington

>> No.9931780

Adding in
Anything by Thomas Sowell, especially Conflict of Visions

>> No.9931878

Anti-Machiavel - Frederick the Great
The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler
The Crowd - Gustave Le Bon
The Doctrine of Fascism - Benito Mussolini & Giovanni Gentile
On War - Carl von Clausewitz
Reflections on the Revolution in France - Edmund Burke
Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

>inb4 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The Culture of Critique

Could also include: histories, biographies, memoirs.

>> No.9931935

The Fourth Political Theory by Aleksandr Dugin.

>> No.9932130

>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics."[1]
The Eurasian Project could be expanded to South and Central America.

Well, this is awkward

>> No.9932415

US got cultural marxism'ed and now it's getting reverse cultural marxism. reading all these realist steeped geopolitical thinking makes you really think that russian subversion is really just a ploy to weaken american hegemony and internal domestic politics rather than promote ideologies

>> No.9932810

A lot of what he says is happening now. I think Dugin does have some influence on Russian policy, or at least he writes about what Russia's goals are. So reading him isn't going to be a waste of time; besides, the best political theory books are the ones written by crazy fucks like him.

>> No.9932868

>The Culture of Critique
When will this meme end?

>> No.9932875


>> No.9932879

What meme?

>> No.9932892


>> No.9932897

I have only ever seen this book recommended here. Honestly not sure if it is just one guy autistically reposting it.

>> No.9932904

It is. Some /pol/ memester who keeps bringing it up no matter how badly rekt he gets by litizens.

>> No.9932924

Are there any merits in reading it?

>> No.9932948

Depends what your interests are. Probably not much though.

>> No.9932976
File: 246 KB, 960x693, robert-anton-wilson-love-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of this guys books.

the The thing that ate the constitution

Prometius RIsing.

>> No.9932989

If you're a feeble-minded numale type (not saying you are) you won't get anything out of it.The prose is exquisite, tho.

>It is.
It isn't.

>Some /pol/ memester who keeps bringing it up no matter how badly rekt he gets by litizens.
Never happened, not even once.

>> No.9932998

/pol/ outright lying to suit their agenda what a surprise.

>> No.9933009

What agenda? The agenda of reading a book? How sinister.

>> No.9933015

Did you block out the memory from the trauma? >>9915644

>> No.9933025

I'm not seeing any trauma. No overwhelming victory from any side. Also, I didn't post in that thread.

>> No.9933029

I guess it's still going over your head as it did then.

>> No.9933049

Maybe the book is just going over your head or you're the one with an agenda, but whatever makes you feel better.

>> No.9933072
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>> No.9933085
File: 17 KB, 200x257, Hillary__phoenix bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see that phoenix there
and rememebr it was somebody else that started with the pheonix imagery waaaay before that

>> No.9933099


>> No.9933102

JK Rowling?

>> No.9933237

You sound like a fucking schizophrenic.

>> No.9933258
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Does that Brzezinski book have him admitting America was aiding fundamentalists in Afghanistan before the Soviets invaded with the express purpose of goading them into invading, and consequences the consequences for the people of Afghanistan and the spread of radical Islam as inconsequential

>> No.9933260

>If you're a feeble-minded numale type (not saying you are) you won't get anything out of it.
>What agenda?


>> No.9933273
File: 43 KB, 493x449, IMG_5419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noam Chomsky

>> No.9933277

Is there a problem?

>> No.9933290

>the library of no America you are the cyber demon


>> No.9933332
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>> No.9933351

No, but Brzezinski has admitted that in interviews such as https://www.counterpunch.org/1998/01/15/how-jimmy-carter-and-i-started-the-mujahideen/

>> No.9933423

brainlet crossposters from /pol/ hate Chomsky because he is jewish and BTFO the US administrative narrative but they haven't actually read enough Chomsky to articulate their hate beyond vague buzzwords and blatant misinformation.

>> No.9933458

yeah it's the same dude that keeps sucking Kevin MacDonald dick and posting it in every thread he can, just ignore him like in the other threads. Nothing of value.

>> No.9933577

kinda exactly like you did just now my dude

>> No.9933598

Why do you say so, my ironic fellow?

>> No.9934601
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Who could be behind this post?

>> No.9934615

>oh god kevin your dick *ugh uuugh* i can barely take it but it tastes so good *unnnf* fuck my face fuckmyface

>> No.9934620

Go be gay somewhere else, anon.

>> No.9934636

>Rawr x3 *nuzzles kevin* how are you *pounces on you* you're so warm o3o *notices kevin has a bulge* o: someone's happy ;) *nuzzles kevin's necky wecky*~ murr~ hehehe *rubbies kevin's bulgy wolgy* you're so big :oooo *rubbies more on kevin's bulgy wolgy* it doesn't stop growing ·///· *kisses kevin and lickies his necky* daddy likies (; *nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes* $: *wiggles butt and squirms* I want to see your big daddy meat~ *wiggles butt* I have a little itch o3o *wags tail* can you please get my itch~ *puts paws on kevin's chest* nyea~ its a seven inch itch *rubs your chest* can you help me pwease *squirms* pwetty pwease *sad face* I need to be punished *runs paws down your chest and bites lip* like I need to be punished really good~ *paws on your bulge as I lick my lips* I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk *unbuttons kevin's pants* as my eyes glow kevin you smell so musky :v *licks shaft* mmmm~ so musky *drools all over kevin's cock* your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe *puts snout on balls and inhales deeply* oh god im so hard~ *licks balls* punish me daddy~ nyea~ *squirms more and wiggles butt* I love your musky goodness *bites lip* please punish me *licks lips* nyea~ *suckles on kevin's tip* so good *licks pre of your cock* salty goodness~ *eyes role back and goes balls deep* mmmm~ *moans and suckles*

>> No.9934655


>> No.9934661
File: 146 KB, 728x1033, arthashastra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a book recommendation of gtfo. Also, tl;dr.

>> No.9934833

> Kautilya

nice, what's the best edition in english though?

>> No.9935867


>> No.9937204


>> No.9937206

I'm not jewish you fucking paranoid retard.