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/lit/ - Literature

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9899914 No.9899914 [Reply] [Original]

>be Susan Sontag
>read all the classics
>read every new book to come out every week
>watch all the art house films
>be able to comment on painters, architects, photographers, historians
>write the most turgid, uninspired, middling fiction

How is it that this wunderkind could form a multidisciplinary critical discourse but make it seem like she wrote her novels on graph paper? She's like a mediocre Yourcenar, like every bad thing you've ever heard about Henry James rolled into two "national bestseller" books but without his narrative mastery or his human acuity.

>> No.9899922

Don't talk about my fucking waifu like that you pig

>> No.9899939

Because there is a difference between talent and tryhard.

>> No.9900268

>The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.
This is Susan Sontag, brainlet extraordinaire.

>> No.9900279

Have you read Bloom's novel? It often happens.

Her critical work is good enough that most people never hear of fiction from her.

>> No.9900323


If fail to see how the world would have been a better place with brown, black, or yellow men in charge.

>> No.9900474
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>> No.9900494

Wikipedia scholar on the case

>> No.9900516

Are you disputing Sontag wrote that? What exactly is the point of your strangely assblasted comment? If you found the quote on Wikipedia when you googled it, I'm sure you also noticed she regretted insulting cancer patients for calling white people cancer...

>> No.9900521

>Implying it wasn't (((Sontag's))) Jewishness that pushed her into prominence.

>> No.9900526

Haha busted

>> No.9900542

Busted for what? How about focus on going to school and doing your homework, kid.

>> No.9900548

Already graduated numbnuts. Good luck with your Wiki scholarship

>> No.9900560

>Sontag was born Susan Rosenblatt in New York City, the daughter of Mildred (née Jacobson) and Jack Rosenblatt, both Jews ... Seven years later, Sontag's mother married U.S. Army Captain Nathan Sontag. Susan and her sister, Judith, took their stepfather's surname, although he did not adopt them formally

Why would she take the name of the oppressor?

>> No.9900585

Graduated from what? Elementary school?

You keep repeating:
>Wiki scholarship
Which makes no sense in the context. It's just an assblasted ad hominem, and that's all it is because you already showed you had nothing else to say.

>> No.9900605


>How about focus on going to school and doing your homework, kid.

Embarrassing attempt at saving face desu.

>> No.9900606

No point posturing when you didn't even know who Sontag was until you looked her up on wikipedia and found a problematic quote to share with your /pol/ buddies faggot

>> No.9900614

Saving face because of what? Are you samefagging now?

It's very much possible I read a Sontag book before you were even born. You know, that you assume someone doesn't know who Sontag is marks you out as a kid because even long-time readers who've never read anything by her have almost certainly at least heard of her.

>> No.9900631

her point is that no one race should be in charge of the whole world

>> No.9900698
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*yiffs at you*

>> No.9900706

>"If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far. … The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don't redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself."

-- Susan Sontag.

This is what jews think about whites and our civilization. Remember that.

>> No.9900712

reads like the jewish school of frankfurt, but with a gaia flair.

>> No.9900718
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am I the only one who thinks old Sontag looks like Obama

>> No.9900719

>no tree should be the tallest, cut them down
>no tiger should be the fiercest, pull their teeth
>no nation should produce more wealth than any other, destroy them

uh ok...

>> No.9901011

>whiteys invented genocide slavery and everything evil

Did Sontag really say this? nah senpai that cant be right. Source?

>> No.9901041

Just google it. It's a well-known quote among whites who are aware of the jewish problem.

>> No.9901055

Yeah nah, I dont agree with that statement but I'm not gonna fall for your "it's da jewz!" fuckery either. nice try dumbass.

>> No.9901065

What are you talking about? Are you trying to say it's a fake quote or something?

>> No.9901105

Has any major literary critic ever written a decent novel? Writing literature and providing critique are two entirely different sjills. Wasn't Bloom's also laughable?

>> No.9901167

I guess the quote is meant that no civilization should try to rule over others/the world and that imperialism and expansion are bad things. It's stupid to think that this has anything to do with white people being evil, it's merely that we are the most successful.

I like the idea of nations sticking to their territory, trying to improve life for everyone, living sustainable. But unfortunately that is called nationalism and socialism and it's deemed evil.

>> No.9901187

But she is right

>> No.9901201

sometimes i try to pretend people aren't this bad at analogies, but then i remember people used crown trees, worship tiger teeth, and buy apple products. i wish the tree crown one was still more common

>> No.9901206


>> No.9901219

uh but she's a jew and jews run the world

>> No.9901221

>It's stupid to think that this has anything to do with white people being evil

Umm, is that what you want to believe? I think it's pretty clear cut.

>The white race is the cancer of human history

And the thing is, Sontag is hardly the first jew to express this sentiment. From Harvard professors to rabbis, these words have been stated over and over by the jewish community, and if you are familiar with concepts like amalek and jewish religious texts in general, you'll understand how their hatred of the out-group they live among is fundamental to their in-group identity. It's just how they are. And I think you should take a closer look at ethnic composition of the people who are the most stalwart in attacking the national identity you speak of.

>> No.9901430

Why not though? Simply to keep others in check? I fail to see a proof for this sentimental besides emotional reference.

>> No.9901439
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>I will always remember my encounter with the writer and cultural icon Susan Sontag, largely because it was on the same day that I met the great Benoit Mandelbrot. I took place in 2001, two months after the terrorist event, in a radio station in New York. Sontag who was being interviewed, was pricked by the idea of a fellow who “studies randomness” and came to engage me. When she discovered that I was a trader, she blurted out that she was “against the market system” and turned her back to me as I was in mid-sentence, just to humiliate me (note here that courtesy is an application of the Silver rule), while her female assistant gave me the look, as if I had been convicted of child killing. I sort of justified her behavior in order to forget the incident, imagining that she lived in some rural commune, grew her own vegetables, wrote on pencil and paper, engaged in barter transactions, that type of stuff.

>No, she did not grow her own vegetables, it turned out. Two years later, I accidentally found her obituary (I waited a decade and a half before writing about the incident to avoid speaking ill of the departed). People in publishing were complaining about her rapacity; she had to squeeze her publisher, Farrar Strauss and Giroud of what would be several million dollars today for a book advance. She shared, with a girlfriend, a mansion in New York City, one that was later sold for $28 million dollars. Sontag probably felt that insulting people with money inducted her into some unimpeachable sainthood, exempting her from having skin in the game.

>> No.9901458

how is she able to relate western white civ, to america, and then back to a modified version of the original "western white race", i.e., "the white race". Is her proof simply
>as everyone from the Left to the Right declares
Because that's a pretty shitty fundamental idea to build off of.
I also find it somewhat misguided to label an entire race as synonymous with the acts of a few in power.
I guess I shouldn't expect literary figures like sontag to examine with rigor that parallels science, for if they did they wouldn't be in literature.

>> No.9901472

You know nothing about the jewish community, Amalek is a more of an idea than a real person. Its about the bad the people that exist in every nation, people who hate God and the chosen nation.

>> No.9901493

welcome to /lit/, where most of their ideologies are adapted from shit memes and pop culture references.

>> No.9901571

She is simply expressing a common jewish hatred of gentiles. Part of how a tiny diaspora group stays a cohesive entity for thousands of years while living in other people's countries is through an overt distrust and hatred toward the out-group.

I'm aware of what it is, thanks.

As we can see from Sontag's statement, along with the above individuals' reference to his people as a "chosen nation," this is part of the jewish supremacist mindset. They believe they are a "chosen" people who have a right to not only slander others in the most vile manner, but also allude to their extermination, which is a theme ever-present in jewish religious texts.

>> No.9901590
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>implying anyone knows or cares who this is

>> No.9901631

literal memer ignorant of literary history detected

>> No.9901851

that silly Juwesse, and her chutzpah cancer quote >tfw you realize that everything on that list is the result of the semitisation of European peoples

>> No.9902097

>that swarthy face with beady eyes
I don't know who she was but I'm sure she was a kike, right?

>> No.9902130
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Just googled her. Yup, an anti white kike. Ironically died from cancer.

>> No.9902158


The critical and the creative intelligence are complementary but not identical.

Sontag's a case of a smart, promising writer blowing up way too early and getting a big head. She would have been a good or even great writer if she'd suffered in obscurity for ten years and her desperation and experience honed her talent and cut new facets into it.

>> No.9902341


How would it have been any better if they were left to their own devices?

>> No.9902394
File: 14 KB, 207x300, The_Flight_to_Lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9902403

lmao typical hebe roastie BITCH

>> No.9902412

it was a different time you guys. this was edgy, not institutional thinking.

>> No.9902424

Her point is that it should be her race. It's the point of the Talmud, too.

>> No.9902430


Isn't it funny that what was "edgy" thinking in the 1960s is now commonplace? How did that happen I wonder.

>> No.9902940

I remember being at a sort of hippie used book store a couple years ago. There were some people talking at the rummage bins and this pretty jovial guy picked up a Susan Sontag book and brought up this quote as a funny piece of trivia. I think there was another quote like "I've despised gentiles my whole life," but I've not been able to find that one.
At the time I was like "haha that's pretty funny." Not these days.

>> No.9902948

fucking bitch I knew she wasn't wort reading and now I have the proof!!!!!!

>> No.9902961

To be fair western civilization fucked eastern civilization something fierce by getting half a continent addicted to drugs and eradicating a good portion of india's intellectuals.

>> No.9902969

Jesus Christ. I bet this guy went to some fancy college too. Maybe he got a master too.
Man, I feel sad and stupid, then I see supposedly smart people beign so dense and I don't know what to think

>> No.9902978

Not anon fault if she was an anti-white jewess

>> No.9902992

I don't believe in "muh jews are responsible for white genocide", but shit like this keeps me second-guessing.

>> No.9903108

Are you referring to the opium trade and China? That racket was operated by jews. Look into the Sassoon family:


Time to be less self-righteous in what you think you know and start learning about what you don't. Everyone telling you to look into the jewish question was once as skeptical as you are now, believe me.

>> No.9903530


>> No.9903603

I imagine she probably wouldn't be able to write that in any other civilization than our own.

>> No.9903866

More like Susan on-the-rag

>> No.9903886

>the jewish question

The absolute city of /lit/

>> No.9904050

Where's the source for her being this culture-consuming behemoth? If not, other people who did this?

>> No.9904064



>> No.9904388

He is right though. Don't worry, I used to be the same cuck as you are now.

Name the jew.

>> No.9904434


>nearly every major European literary and philosophical writer discussed "the jewish question" from 19th century into mid 20th
>suddenly such discussions are only relegated to being associated with moron skinheads on /pol/

Really makes me update my priors.

>> No.9904451


>> No.9904464


there are a lot of precocious readers who turn into nothing, and there are nonreaders who read later in life who become geniuses. I mean there is Joyce and Nabokov who were both genius and well read from a young age, but DeLillo and Faulkner were kinda slow starters, for example, and then there were a bunch of child geniuses like Clark Ashton Smith who turned into nothing of real lasting value. You can read all you want, but it'll just make a smart person have more insight into the art field, and a middling person will just find something to ape. A middling writer imitates but pretends he/she is not, a great writer imitates at first but moves beyond this after some time.

>> No.9904481

Think of her as Anne Frankenstein.

>> No.9904937


were the analogies really that bad?

>> No.9905496
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>The Jewish Question

>> No.9905504

I am still convinced that this is one person shitposting about Jews repeatedly

>> No.9905529

There's one guy who reccs Culture of Critique in every comment chain, it seems

>> No.9905531

>shitting on the markets just two months after the largest terrorist attack in modern history resulted in the destruction the two biggest symbols of American capitalism
At least Taleb waited over a decade before shading Sontag

>> No.9905532

just like you're convinced the jews are running the world?

>> No.9905534

huh? huh? l

>> No.9905537


He's not /pol/. It's too obvious. He's trying to make you think he is /pol/ to the point of annoyance. He's in other threads as well.

>> No.9905548

I've gotten into pretty long exchanges with him, he refuses to engage past a certain point which makes me think he's either stupid or trolling

>> No.9905598


sip from all the arts
drink from none

who doesnt know this??

"cultural historians" "cultural critics" are shit

>> No.9905856

I've never read her fiction and I doubt I ever will. I do enjoy her film criticism tho, which isn't to say I agree with it (I shouldn't have to say that but these days you seem to have to point this out)

>> No.9906083

What about Paglia

>> No.9907200

>If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares

Typical fucking seppo, how can 56 % be an example of "white" civilization? They're about as white as fucking South Africa lel. The US and everything that came from it was a mistake.

>> No.9907213
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she's 100% right

>> No.9907236


I read somewhere that she was suicidal for a large part of her life. Maybe 20 years or so.

>> No.9907275

I don't know. /Pol/ is pretty obvious. The line between them and leftypol is getting really blurred now though. There might not be any substantial difference.

>> No.9907317
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>> No.9907320

Shame she wasn't better at it.

>> No.9907591


>> No.9908169
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>> No.9908202

There's a bit in her early diaries where she describes going to see some dumb movie w/ her stepfather and she sounds like every 16 y.o. /lit/ poster.

>> No.9908230

Prolly the author. "Available now on Amazon!"

>> No.9909009

there is something so hot by young paglia

>> No.9909093

No matter how often it happens the exact opposite of marxism being called marxism still annoys me.

Goddamnit /pol/. Just fucking read. Although I'm leftist I like reading old-school mystical right-wing wankery like Guénon and the like. Why do proud anti-intellectuals have to be their political heirs.