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/lit/ - Literature

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9742424 No.9742424 [Reply] [Original]

Along the lines of the Unabomber Manifesto, Julius Evola, far right non-fiction, Nazi books, Soviet Revolutionary books, reactionary, neo-reactionary, etc stuff?

>> No.9742429

Fifty shades of grey

>> No.9742436
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>> No.9742483

"The Autismo Magnifique" by OP's extra Y-chromosome.

>> No.9742490

omg so cool

>> No.9742505

This Book Is Gay
Sh*t My Dad Says
The Hate U Give
Dear Martin
Dangerous by Milo Yannapalapadingdong
Everyone Poops
The Assgoblins of Auschwitz
Harry Potter
The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Ching Chong Chinaman by Lauren Yee
The Earth, My Butt and other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler

books that would be right up your alley, op

>> No.9742508

/thread. OP start here.

>> No.9742558
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>If people say The Turner Diaries was my Bible, Unintended Consequences would be my New Testament. I think Unintended Consequences is a better book. It might have changed my whole plan of operation if I'd read that one first.
-Timothy McVeigh

also it is good

>> No.9742568

For anti-civ you could try Derrick Jensen. You could also try the scum manifesto.
And I would suggest to add some papers to your reading for creative ideas.

>> No.9742583

>it's another americans have a phallic obsession with their guns episode

>> No.9742584

The book "evolutionaries" discusses some theological and new age evolutionary theories

>> No.9742587

It is as unabomber tier as possible, and Ross' wife was harassed by feds supposedly, so it is well within OPs question.

As far as guns, shit is enshrined in the bill of rights. I dont care particularly, but the book does suggest an interesting scenario regarding single topic voters flipping out. Even though the revolution is started by tripfagging

>> No.9742621

Some ideas:

- Pentti Linkola is a Finnish ecofascist who always wants to go back to a preindustrial society, stop migration completely, thin mankind etc. 'Can Life Prevali?' is a recently published English translation of some of his essays. IMHO he has problems thinking straight, there's lots of handwaving ('we'll close the borders, but our living standard will improve because we have all the resources we need inside our borders!' yeah right)

- There are two collections of 'fringe' essays - Apocalypse Culture 1 and 2. I once had the first one, it's a relatively interesting collection of weird crap. I remember an essay/interview with a guy who hung his skin from hooks on the wall for religious enlightenment, an interview with a relatively famous guy (can't remember the name) who was extremely into hating women (I think he's been posted here a few times), an interview with a necrophiliac woman convicted for stealing a hearse + body for sex, can't remember the rest. There's a PDF floating around, some parts are also online 'legally'.

- Dancing Naked In The Mindfield - it's a kind of autobiography from the guy who shared the Nobel Prize for PCR, he's a kooky one. There's AIDS denialism, climate change denialism, detailed stories of all the women he had sex with, motorbike riding, the LSD, and that one time a glowing raccoon talked to him in the forest. It sounds more interesting than it actually is.

That's all I can think of.

>> No.9742865

Anyone want to brainstorm for a /lit/ guide to literature that falls into this category?

Evola is definitely in there, as well as Kaczynski.

What about Spengler?

>> No.9742868

Make sure you not only make it rightwing

>> No.9742872

Yeah, they were just the first that came to mind.

>> No.9742875

>viewing every post through some political lense

>> No.9742896

My twisted world
Manipulated man
Elementary particles / atomised

>> No.9742901

>>viewing every post through some political lense
I'm not sure what you mean. But here's a story: I was memed by /his/ into thinking beyond left and right. But after some political science books I changed my view. While not completely hereditary one is born with predispositions towards the right and left. And if you don't believe that there's the moral foundations theory which indicates different values of the right and left.

So what that means is that indeed literature will have tendencies of either the right or the left, even though there is still a lot of room for ideas that are not the outcome of those inherited tendencies.

So a nice list would have some diversity in those tendencies as well as ideas unrelated to those tendencies.

>> No.9742912
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St. Petersburg Dialogues. High level of edge, low level of craziness.

>> No.9742936

The Origins of Consciousness - Julian Jaynes

>> No.9742943

Pimp: The Story of My Life - Iceberg Slim

The Rational Male

Also we should make a chart for the funniest, most contradictory, and the most radical edge list we can.

>> No.9743327
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>> No.9743353

>we'll close the borders, but our living standard will improve because we have all the resources we need inside our borders!' yeah right
Hmmm it seems like you're the one who can't reason and is sucking the marxist cock

>> No.9743362

Read Zerzan and delete your twitter account

>> No.9743398
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rei koz

anything by azsacra zarathustra

russians are scary

>> No.9743400

"The Self-Born" by Kate Simmons, 1961

It's this crazy mystic Gnosticism text. I found it in an old antiquarian bookshop in Edinburgh and had to buy purely for the WTF factor. I think it's kindof rare though so good luck.

Excerpt: "What man cannot know and what is unknowable, yet the mystery knows. The universe is neither blind nor unconscious: it is not a machine. Because of the mystery, man himself could know. Likewise except for a boundless ineffable, the individual could not truly comprehend boundaries and what is effable and expressed. Today, and as is were starting from our own basis in time and space the same point seems to have been reached from an opposite direction. Explorations into the nature of things have culminated not in a certainty which i known but in the presence or actuality of a mystery." -p.10

>> No.9743409
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kill all normies

>> No.9743437

Angela can you stop doing this?