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/lit/ - Literature

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9722311 No.9722311 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a wishlist of hard to find or expensive books you want, which you might have some day, or which you'll probably never have? I'm not talking about stuff that you could go buy right now, I'm talking about stuff you want, but can't really afford.

>I'll probably never have
Easton Press - Complete works of shakespeare (the one with all the individual books)
Easton press - Complete pocket poets
Easton press - do androids dream of electric sheep

>I might have some day
Easton press - east of eden
Michel Gira - The Consumer
William blake - the complete illuminated books (Thames & Hudson)
moby dick - charles fiedelson jr (hardcover)
book of disquiet - richard zeneth translation (hardcover)

>> No.9722346
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Pic related

>> No.9722397
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I'm tempted to buy this but there's so many other things that I would rather have first for actual reading that I can't justify the cost.

>> No.9722482

Eden Eden Eden is about 15 yurobucks on amazon

>> No.9722493

Link? Every copy I see on american amazon is over 100 dollars.

>> No.9722520


i just had my butler pick up a first folio from london last month for the keks. havent even unpacked it yet.

>> No.9722703


>> No.9722811

Complete 1001 Arabian knights 3 vol hardback by Penguin.

>> No.9722883

You know those big ass textbooks which cost a lot of money?

>> No.9723055


>> No.9723206
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"Contemporary Judaisation of the World or the Jewish Question in the 20th Century" by Konstantin Rodzaevsky, a fascist Russian during stalinism. The book was banned and is nowhere to be found. I know it exists, though.

>> No.9723215


You don't have to bump threads here. The board is slow and most people browse through the catalog so people will see the thread right up until it archives, which won't happen for at least a day because like I said, the board is slow.

>> No.9723216

Why not just read Stalin? He killed more Jews than Hitler and did not make a big fuss about it.

>> No.9723220

Most of all I would like a copy of Maldoror illustrated by Dali

>> No.9723221

my diary desu

>> No.9723237
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the limited edition (there are 12 copies) of Norman Mailer's Moonfire, published by Taschen. it comes in an aluminium case with its own stand and a piece of moon rock. bargain at €185,000.

>> No.9723382

So does that fall under the category of "might get eventually" or "probably never"?

>> No.9723408

>stalin killed (((jews)))
nice bait, faggot

>> No.9723475

Sooner or later I'll read him, but I am curious to read from this largely forgotten man. The fact that his works are lost makes it even more appealing.

>> No.9723508

Hans Henny Jahnn's "The Ship".

>> No.9723642

Which translation do they use in it?

>> No.9723651


Samuel Butler

>> No.9723768
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tfw my Amazon wish list is 14 pages long. None of the books are on the Russian library site

>> No.9723815

imo Folio Society has a nicer Shakespeare, but it's even pricier at $500-$600 a volume.

Thinking of getting EP's Idylls of the Kings, though. Looks great and has Dore's woodcuts.

>> No.9723818
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Forgot image

>> No.9723843

i've got to make room for it first

oh and sell a kidney

>> No.9723902

I've been eyeing a set of Harvard Classics. They're really nice for how cheap they are.

>> No.9724007

What the fuck. Those things are way too expensive.

>> No.9724015

>Samuel Butler

Whats the quality of that one like?, I haven't heard of his translation

>> No.9724842

It's prose. It's not bad for prose, it's readable, not too simplified, but--it's prose.

>> No.9724922

Just some translations of older books stuck in Russian or french

>> No.9725009
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considering picking up this sick ass 1998 limited edition Ulysses

>> No.9725047

>that cover


>> No.9725052

Are there any companies that offer custom made books?

Wouldn't mind getting a few editions of specific books I particularly adore, and as gifts as well

>> No.9725066

I've been reading the Cambridge Medieval history lately on my e reader, and I thought to look for the later volumes in the set as they aren't available online. This is a bit extreme here for the last volume but most of them are at least 100-200 used.

>> No.9725068
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forgot pic

>> No.9725083
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>about tree fiddy for this book
>in hundreds that is

>> No.9725089
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>> No.9725222
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Ok so apparently folio society have some deal atm where you get a free hardback version of a portrait of the artist as a young man as a free gift with your purchase

>> No.9725230

>Easton Press

Pick one.

>> No.9725233

Nope. Dont do it. Shit translation.

>> No.9725239

>have to pay by credit card

welp, goodbye marcus, goodbye free copy of joyce!

>> No.9725240

Superior book coming through.


Ulysses illustrated and signed by Henri fucking Matisse.

Only 3300 dollars.

>> No.9725243

Some of their fiction hardbacks are around like $70

Their more limited edition volumes can run up into the several hundreds of dollars

>> No.9725275

Never seen a translation of War and Peace in my native language, and there's no way I'm reading that in English. Dostoevsky is also pretty hard to fins in my language, Idiot and Underground. Idiot is like 10 euro used in normal cover.

>> No.9725295

Fucking sweet. I just ordered that History Of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell. That must be new, I didn't see that last time I went there. I absolutely adore that book, and Bertrand Russell, he's my favorite intellectual next to Noam Chomsky.

>> No.9725299


Do you have red, blue, or green colored hair?

>> No.9725308

I don't, but let me tell you, I love hipster progressive feminist vegan PEOPLE.

>> No.9725316

1st edition mein kampf signed by hitler

>> No.9725322

I don't care too much for collector's editions. I want to read some of Peter Sotos's later stuff, but I also don't want to spend $60 on stuff that I'm not even sure I'll like.

>> No.9725323

Just get all his stuff on p2p file sharing websites. I'm the last person to pirate a book, but sotos stuff is hard to find. You can get it all in one download, usually. People will have all his books and zines in one folder. I recommend soulseekqt.

>> No.9725326

I actually have tried that, but it doesn't seem like anyone has uploaded his later work. Everyone has the early zines and interviews, but stuff like Comfort and Critique is nonexistent. Any idea if I'm just missing it somehow?

>> No.9725338

>Inb4 King

I always wanted the 25th anniversary edition of IT but it's like 400 bucks

>> No.9725365

I'm probably wrong then. I can't find his later stuff either. Sometimes book labels have them for decent prices though. I know RE-SEARCH has them sometimes, and there's this other book label I once knew, but sadly I can't find it in my search history which only goes back to april 2017 for some reason (I never cleared it on purpose).

>> No.9725377

Oh I remember, Feral House publishing. They only have Pure Filth right now though.

>> No.9725403

Yeah, I'll have to check those out once in awhile. I used to have that Industrial Culture Handbook thing from RE/SEARCH which was quite a trip, and Apocalypse Culture from FH of course. Someone has a few later Sotos books on eBay at the moment, but I'd like to be able to sample them first basically. I've heard that his writing changed a good bit from the early PURE stuff. Still out to offend and disturb, but going deeper than simple shock tactics.

>> No.9725726
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This signed first edition of Le Ton beau de Marot is probably the most reasonable piece of "expensive" literature that I could ever wish for.

>> No.9726346
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>> No.9726437
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I really really want this

>> No.9727156

What other combos are there i know there is a Matisse Ulysses as well

>> No.9727197

Why don't you just buy the $30 Idylls instead of the $300 one? Both have the Gustave Dore illustrations.

>> No.9727216


She ages at least 20 years when she lowers those glasses.

>> No.9727218

i've got that
i bought it for £3 from the bargain shelf of my local antiquarian bookshop

>> No.9727250

that PKD runs almost 1000 dollars my dude.

>> No.9727258

What's wrong with paying by credit card?

>> No.9727259
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The complete works of Conrad. I don't think there's an affordable set for sale anywhere.

>> No.9727926

Got this for my 21st birthday a few years ago.

>> No.9727973


Sir Arthur Evans published a multi-volume work about the excavations of Minoan civilization at Knossos and I wanted it really bad.
My university (OU) had a full set and the books are amazing. Tons of illustrations and pull out maps.

I've only seen one listening for it online and it was over $3,000 lol

>> No.9729085


>> No.9729105

EDEN EDEN EDEN, Decline and fall of the roman empire by Edward Gibbons

>> No.9729113
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It's in print again nigga.

>> No.9729114

A replica of the Voynich Manuscript
The Red Book (with his illustrations)

There are probably a few more, but those are the big ones.

>> No.9729118

Got this for Christmas last year, it's fucking gorgeous

>> No.9729121

I really like that cover, it's so elegantly simple

>> No.9729126

Could you direct me to it? I cant seem to find the edition you posted anywhere.

>> No.9729146



It's still a bit pricey but not outrageous.

>> No.9729155

Why would I have a credit card?

>> No.9729213

>tfw shipping cost almost equal the cost of the novel itself

>> No.9729255
File: 31 KB, 242x403, HMS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought the fucking $500 version of Folio's Hamlet for my gf for our 3 year anniversary because she fucking adores it
>broke up with me literally the day after I ordered it because she wanted to leave me before I had a chance to get anything for the anniversary to "make it less awkward"

>> No.9729345

You can pay with debit card too.

>> No.9729356

Is this an english translation?

>> No.9729363

But now you have a sick copy of Hamlet, so that seems alright.

>> No.9729365

No I returned it

>> No.9729366

Can't buy me loooooovvve

>> No.9729398

Just ordered that new english translation of eden, eden, eden. I called up Vauxhall & Company and they told me that it was a new translation. The man on the line didn't know whether they were sold anywhere else but in the store, but it is on abebooks; so I ordered it there.

>> No.9729414

So, I can't decide whether I want to get the complete works of shakespeare in folio society (in the less expensive editions, not the 500 dollar a piece ones), because they're half price right now and I can afford that. But I also was thinking that I could save up a little more money and get the complete works of shakespeare on easton press. I sort of like the easton press ones a little more, I think they're very pretty.

>> No.9729476

Marx Engels Gesamtausgabe. ~50 of ~80 volumes have been completed, and the average cost per volume is >$200.

>> No.9729602

Matisse/Baudelaire (Flowers of Evil)
Dali/Carrol (Alice)
and everything Dore ever did...

>> No.9729906

What the hell is that enormous book next to the tiny one?

>> No.9729933
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Women were truly a mistake

>> No.9730840

>Complete Unabridged and Unexpurgated Arabian Nights by Burton
>The 10 volume Mahabharata by Bibek Debroy
>The Secret Teachings of All Ages (University Edition)

>> No.9730852


I'd like another copy of Arno Schmidt's Evening Edged in Gold, I only have one right now

>> No.9731249

It's a fucking case you idiot

>> No.9731429

Whoa, what's eating you?

>> No.9731670
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What the fuck. I swear to God I was looking at some cheap (9 or 10$) sets of Debroy's Mahabharata a week ago on Amazon. Now I'm trying to find them again but I can't, as if they never existed. I feel angry and stupid.

>> No.9732569
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A lot of things actually, sorry, just having a fucking horrific time right now

>> No.9732759

What´s wrong anon? You can talk about here.

>> No.9732813

Are you sure it wasn't just a single volume instead of the entire set? The cheapest complete set I found was for $390. With it being one of the greatest epics ever told, why is it so ridiculously hard to find?

>> No.9732832

This is $20 or less on ebay. You could probably find it in a thrift store with some patience.

>> No.9733308

>Are you sure it wasn't just a single volume instead of the entire set?
I'm not sure about anything now, but as far as I remember it was indeed the whole set.
Getting each volume individually would be cheaper.