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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 112 KB, 1021x1466, infinite jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9724363 No.9724363 [Reply] [Original]

Just purchased this today, what can I expect?

>> No.9724372
File: 127 KB, 376x194, Screen Shot 2017-07-07 at 12.35.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has words in it. If you read them, you get a sort of story in your head. Very fun, you should try it one day, OP

Pic related, my actual captcha for this post. It's funny, because I'm being douchey

>> No.9724373

I will never not laugh at the greatly deserved ridicule of this hack fraud. Why bother reading someone who couldn't even live with himself? The only sincere moment in the life of David Foster Wallace was when he kicked away the chair. The rest of his life was a lie, the New "Sincerity" was a joke whose punchline was the creaking of a leather belt around the rafter.

His literary career was a menagerie of self help lies told to keep his depression at bay - the audience pussy and drugs were the ghosts at that feast of hypocrisy. The depression was warranted because behind all the gimmicks and the self awareness and the bandannas was no discernible talent.

>> No.9724376
File: 838 KB, 1000x566, infinite jape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9724379

Have fun Op. It's a good book

>> No.9724380

Return it and buy a belt to hang yourself with

>> No.9724396

No need, ordered it from Prime, it and my Helium tank should be here by Monday.

>> No.9724482

Make important note of anytime DMZ is mentioned. It's really important.
So is a certain scene at a cemetery
And here's a freebie that'll save you some confusion if you choose the refrigerator full of stuff they find in the tunnels under ETA is James's

>> No.9724519
File: 1.10 MB, 1601x850, 1491171360850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9725533

Hold on for 250 pages. It actually gets addictive at around the part where they simulate global nuclear war on 4 tennis courts

>> No.9725577

good meme. made me lawl ril

>> No.9727102

No. That is the worst chapter in the history of everything. I have nightmares about that chapter.

Speaking about book nightmares, last night in my dream I was reading this really interesting casual prose science fiction book. I read a chapter to see if I would like it. It seemed pretty cool. I checked to see how many pages it was to know if it would interfere with other books I'm reading. 5700 pages! WTF!

Even worse my subconscious was saying" yeah maybe someday I'll read it. Just to see if I can."

>> No.9727476

Enjoy the plot and prose, and take it slow. I wish I had taken more time to digest it properly. Also, keep a dictionary close by. Use a separate bookmark for footnotes, and make sure you pay attention to the dates that the events occur on!

Challenge mode: analyze it in comparison to Hamlet.

It's a good book! Too bad it's currently so fashionable to hate on DFW. I hope you enjoy it.

kek'd aloud

>> No.9727528

What did he mean by this

>> No.9727738

>clearly hasn't read the book
sorry that you're a pleb

>> No.9729065

>not liking the eschaton chapter
are you memeing or no?