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9706229 No.9706229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do Atheists read if there's no life after death?

What's the point of reading if the information you're gathering will decay for eternity?

>> No.9706238

Because it's about the path each individual takes until he dies, it's not about what comes after death.
By your preteen logic each individual should off himself, i suggest you start if you actually unironically asked that question.

>> No.9706239

But the information I read is already decaying while I'm here ya dip

I can't remember most of the shit I read

>> No.9706245
File: 329 KB, 1274x1700, Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9706249

I never read nietzsche

>> No.9706272

Why do theists read if there's life after death?

What's the point of reading if the information you're gathering will remain unused for eternity?

>> No.9706278

>What's the point of reading if the information you're gathering will remain unused for eternity?

Are you this dense?

>> No.9706284

Only someone who has religion could ask such a ridiculous question. Obviously all the information you have gathered is already decaying and you have learned fuck all.

>> No.9706285

What's the purpose of life?
My Master's degree and ongoing professional activity disagree.

>> No.9706287

By op's logic, every atheist who believes in the lack of any purpose beyond the mundane, should off himself. And I stand by this. Why do atheists continue to live?
Religions always tell their adherents to not kills themselves. It's in every scripture. What's the atheist's excuse to continue living? And why read? Why do anything? This absurdist notion that no atheist can answer always amuses me. Most answers are about personal choice.
However, these paragons of rationality don't see how it's illogical to live, for them, I mean. Since existence is invariably painful. If you're too rich to give a fuck, sure, that's cool. But atheists are the victims of their own logic, or lack thereof.

And honestly, it's ironic how much atheists read "atheist lit", seeing how it's about nothingness.

>Bows, tips fedora, leaves

>> No.9706293

No. He's an atheist probably. Which implies he's dense. All in all, that's standard atheism rhetoric, which means turning theist arguments around. Never have I witnessed a sound, original, strong atheist argument. All I've heard are rebuttals.

>> No.9706300

>i don't believe there's anything after i die
>that means i should kill myself and not enjoy what i have now

are you that dumb?

You must understand that the atheists follow the "YOLO" route, no matter how ridiculous that sounds, they don't believe they sin, they believe in what ever they want to believe, they do what ever they want to do.

Why should they kill themselves? why shouldn't they enjoy what's here, now until they die?

>> No.9706305

If you said Agnostic I would understand. But the "I'm an atheist" meme is the most retarded thing one can claim.

>> No.9706318

Do you mean all atheists should believe in religion to make reading worthwhile? Do you mean any religion, or just your one? Because don't forget, all the others are wrong and yours is right because all the others are just dumb and yours makes like so much more sense than all that other mumbo jumbo that couldn't possibly be true.

>> No.9706326
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I mean, you can believe all kinds of crazy life after death shit if you want. Doesn't mean that makes whatever you're doing "not decay for eternity".

>> No.9706328

Then it is just proof that religion can turn even people of intelligence into incoherent, closed minded lunatics. All the studying in the world cannot change the fact that what you believe is just stupid. No matter how closed your mind id to hearing criticism of it or how much you have invested in it, it's just ridiculous.

>> No.9706330

For the same reason Theists accumulate assets even though they cannot bring them into the afterlife.

Its really that simple

>> No.9706331

>what is fun?
god, I am so fucking sick of these threads. what kind of pseudo intellectual retard do you have to be to pretend to not know what enjoyment is?

>> No.9706333

Faith takes many forms. But all of them hold life as a sacred gift from God. God created life.

>> No.9706339

Which God?

>> No.9706341

>Still can't explain how Life came to be


>> No.9706345

There is absolutely no argument whatsoever that atheists are wrong. In most cases we would all agree that it is unwise to believe things that are very unlikely and have no evidence. We do so with bigfoot, loch ness, fairies and even religious people do it with every other god and religion. Fact is, if you had never heard of a god and someone tried telling you about it when you were 18 you'd think them crazy and tell them to fuck off. If religion couldn't brainwash people from children it would be dead within a few years.

>> No.9706346

>Since existence is invariably painful. If you're too rich to give a fuck, sure, that's cool. But atheists are the victims of their own logic, or lack thereof.
>atheists are the victims of their own logic
You could only say that if you knew for a fact most atheists acknowledge the fact life on Earth isn't worth living. (regardless of the validity of this statement). If one person thinks life is enjoyable and there is no afterlife they have no reason to kill themselves.
>but they have no reason to live either
They don't, but that's irrelevant to the main point.

In other words, unless you can prove right here and right now that all atheists, except for the rich ones, think life is not worth living, I'll just assume you're strawmanning.

>> No.9706347

The one who made you, he has many names

>> No.9706348

No more than religious people. Just because you have a belief of how life came to be, does not make it so.

>> No.9706350

>There is absolutely no argument whatsoever that atheists are wrong
>What is existentialism
>What is the Big Bang, Life and Universal Mathematical constants that no one can explain

>> No.9706351


>> No.9706353

I don't know if there is nothing or something after death. Anyways I don't care because I'm alive now so I care about being-alive problems. If someone judges me is beyond my control

>> No.9706354

Check your pulse

>> No.9706359

>i'm spewing randoms shit to back up arguments i can't comprehend

are you that fucking dense?
take a child, let him grow oblivious to religion and tell him at the age of 20 that he's suppose to pray to some god who made him and everything we see today.

No one is wrong, now leave /lit/.

>> No.9706360
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>> No.9706369

painful existence>not existing in the same way that 1>0

it's not even comparable in the sense that the two different states aren't on the same metaphysical level. English isn't my first language but you get the point. Is there an argument against this?

>> No.9706373

>reading to gather information
Wut. And even if you do such a ridiculous thing, what's the use of the information you gather once you're in Heaven?

>Hey bruh, did you read much about the repeal of the Corn Laws while you were alive?
>not really m8. Does it affect my bathing in God's infinite love and seeing Him face to face?
>not really tbph

>> No.9706374

>No one is wrong, now leave /lit/.
You're fucking retarded.

>> No.9706380

>What is the Big Bang, Life and Universal Mathematical constants that no one can explain
None of these require the existence of a supernatural sentient being, also known as god, and they don't imply in any way that this god is the same mainstream religion god I'm assuming you and most theists in this thread believe in.

Honestly, arguments like these would look much more credible if you didn't have the pretense to know what a hypotetical god is like
>no one can explain mathematical constants
>therefore MY god is real

>> No.9706381

nice argument.

>> No.9706405

>It's either 1 or 0
>No one is wrong, now leave /lit/

I can't argue with retards.

>> No.9706410

>Still can't explain why the Big Bang occurred

>> No.9706429

Logically speaking its probably better to steer clear of literature that makes you appreciate the beauty of life because you will just get depressed that you aren't living it anymore. If you aren't reading to discover that then I don't see how Harry Potter will help you in the afterlife. Come to think of it, why read philosophy when you are just going to find out all the answers anyway?

>It's in every scripture. What's the atheist's excuse to continue living?
>Since existence is invariably painful
By that logic, why does the scripture prevent suicide?

The 80 or so years in which you live could majorly fuck up your after life (sinning, incurring negative kama etc.) scripture should argue that you try and die as quickly and as cleanly as possible.

>All in all, that's standard atheism rhetoric, which means turning theist arguments around

Which is basically how American theists try and justify a 6000 year old Earth
>science is the new religion!
>don't you have faith in science? XXDDDDD

>> No.9706440

>still can't prove the big bang occurred.

>> No.9706446
File: 8 KB, 265x190, Atheists in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9706473

Atheists are walking contradictions.

>> No.9706476

>only things that never end have any value


>> No.9706488

Atheists really ought to question the purpose of their existence? Religious folks have a few, like enlightenment, pleasing God, doing what's favorable to God, etc. Islam, for example, prohibits Muslims from wishing for death. Here, the irony of suicide bombers is not necessary to use as a rebuttal, as I'm speaking of ideology, not how people put it to use.

Atheism, on the other hand, does not provide any tangible reason for atheists to even live! Or do good! Or be moral in the least! Why do they read? Mostly because atheists are self-proclaimed "intellectuals". And they read to further their own absurd cause.

Let's see. An average journalist, a biologist who has not made any significant contribution to his domain, a similar neuroscientist, and there's the science guy with a panned Netflix series.

The common denominator is how they all used theology, metaphysics, religion, and spirituality -- domains they're both particularly qualified in -- and used the atheist propaganda to become famous.

And yet... None of them, and no one in the world has, formulated a rational atheist doctrine.

That's because atheism is without merit, and no pro-atheist argument exists, only non-theist ones do.

So, not only do atheists not have any reason whatsoever to read, seeing the nihilistic ramifications of atheism, the ones who do for the atheist cause, have failed too.

The hollowness and lack of imagination of atheists will probably be evident by the replies. No one will ever provide a rational answer to why do they read without contradicting the nihilist implications of atheism and therefore contradicting their own beliefs. An atheist wanting to read is a case of Orwellian Doublethink, but far subtler.

>> No.9706498

*Not particularly qualified in

>Inb4 atheists use that as a strawman to tackle instead of the argument. : )

>> No.9706504

>I'll beleive this because of the desireable consequences it leads to.

This is the perfect personification of an effete worldview

>> No.9706506

Do you have any proof that God doesn't exist?

>> No.9706512

>The hollowness and lack of imagination of atheists will probably be evident by the replies. No one will ever provide a rational answer to why do they read without contradicting the nihilist implications of atheism and therefore contradicting their own beliefs.

Well, well. The first lucky customer has arrived.

>> No.9706514
File: 43 KB, 755x772, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just scared of the implications of a godless world so you make shit up.

I can give you all the reasons you could ever need, but you will keep asking "why? but why? why that? why though? but then why?" like a 5 year old. You resolve this problem by straight up declaring gods watch over you, a decidedly laughable statement.

There are an infinite number of things that could exist.

>> No.9706521

>There are an infinite number of things that could exist.
And yet, you claim none of those exist. You're "ideology" is hollow, can't you see that?

>> No.9706524
File: 18 KB, 160x160, 1430088815865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be Moby-Dick discussions in heaven?

>> No.9706527

Well, you also say every god but yours doesn't exist.

>> No.9706533

>The hollowness and lack of imagination of atheists will probably be evident by the replies. No one will ever provide a rational answer to why do they read without contradicting the nihilist implications of atheism and therefore contradicting their own beliefs.

And the runner up is... !!!

Seriously, this is too easy. Why are atheists so stupid?

>> No.9706538

I read out of spite mostly. Sure, there's no reason to, but I see even less of a point in trying to be rational about this sort of thing.

>> No.9706546

The existence of God doesn't make our existence any more or less meaningful. God is, after all, simply another entity existing in a meaningless reality. His being more powerful than us or having created us doesn't necessitate his opinion as being any more valid than one of ours.
Furthermore, you seem to be arguing that Atheists should 'choose' to believe in God simply because then they'd think they had a meaning in life, which is frankly incompatible to the goal of having real faith.

>> No.9706555

>in a meaningless reality
Is this idea a reflection of your own suffering?

>> No.9706559

>he doesn't suffer
low iq

>> No.9706561

>Religious folks have a few, like enlightenment, pleasing God, doing what's favorable to God, etc. Islam, for example, prohibits Muslims from wishing for death
None of the examples you have brought up have anything to why an immortal spirit temporarily chained to a mortal body should even care about life. Couldn't you achieve enlightenment in a realm other than this one? Why please God here and not elsewhere? I get that you take these questions for granted but you aren't really supporting OP's case.

>coloured science man may may
Why do theists get so triggered by supposedly "foolish" people just because they have a t.v. series? Why does educating people about cosmology or biology upset you so much?

You wanted him to post an atheist doctrine and there you go. Why does he have to claim something exists?

>> No.9706562

The things you read are retained by the physical brain which perishes when the soul leaves it. Everyone's in the same boat.

>> No.9706563

Studies show the opposite being the case, brainlette

>> No.9706565

>no pro-atheist argument exists, only non-theist ones do.
it is a sick semantics game you play

>> No.9706568

>Making blatant claims to avoid his own reality

I never claimed I don't suffer, but unlike you I have lived a joyful life.

>> No.9706570

>Do you have any proof that God doesn't exist?
The flying spaghetti monster told me he doesn't

>> No.9706585

> The hollowness and lack of imagination of atheists will probably be evident by the replies. No one will ever provide a rational answer to why do they read without contradicting the nihilist implications of atheism and therefore contradicting their own beliefs.

And the bit about God in a meaningless reality... At least superficially educate yourself before making deeply embarrassing statements.

>> No.9706591

Why would theist read in this life when they have eternity to learn?

>> No.9706593

that only works to a certain extent, but then you reach stack overflow and go maximum suffering because your capacity for self reflection gets too strong and reality breaks down into absurdity. when you go full reductionism there is no room for meaning, purpose, self, free will. these things can only exist when you don't look into the details of your mind at the highest possible resolution, they are holistic by nature.

>> No.9706596

Please read >>9706585

The questions you pose are literally answered in scriptures. And I do mean literally. And as a courtesy...

>The hollowness and lack of imagination of atheists will probably be evident by the replies. No one will ever provide a rational answer to why do they read without contradicting the nihilist implications of atheism and therefore contradicting their own beliefs.

And nice attempt at a non-sequitur with the Science Guy tangent.

Try harder, atheistz.

>> No.9706598

I told you. I can give you all the reasons you could ever need, but you will keep asking "why? but why? why that? why though? but then why?" like a 5 year old. You resolve this problem by straight up declaring gods watch over you, a decidedly laughable statement.

>> No.9706600

If dualism is true, and there is some sort of existence after death, then it's very unlikely that you will retain any memories retaining to your previous brain.

>> No.9706603

Nietzsche would have agreed with him you shitposter.

>> No.9706610

>The questions you pose are literally answered in scriptures.
Here we go again. So why those holy texts vs others? And why didn't you just bring up an example from them instead of relying on a "literally?

>And nice attempt at a non-sequitur with the Science Guy tangent.
am not relying on a non-sequiter. I am genuinely interested as to why he triggers you so much.

>> No.9706627
File: 331 KB, 753x707, whatthefuckanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>agnosticism and atheism are the same
>an indifference or undecidedness of the existence of God is the same as the belief that God does not exist

>> No.9706630

>agnosticism is a position on god and is not a position on knowability
full retard

>> No.9706649


>> No.9706654

I think you're not getting any serious answers cause the question is ostenbily comically confused. Have you never heard of escapism? Hedonism? There are so many readily deployable reasons that it is bewildering to see someone (genuinely) asking.

>> No.9706672

HRDURR weak ass argument from authority HRDURR

>> No.9706676

Both lack an active belief in god

>> No.9706691

Why do you think birds fly?
This is a serious question.

>> No.9706700

>they cannot bring them into the afterlife.
only secular materialist humanist claim this

>> No.9706709


It's a statement on the nature of reality. Existence is meaningless. There being a big scary man in the sky who made you and tells you what to do doesn't change that.

>> No.9706716

>Existence is meaningless.


>> No.9706718

>Big scary man in the sky

Fucking sixteen year olds.

>> No.9706720

If you really believed that you would have killed yourself already.

>> No.9706723

Nice non-sequitur.

>> No.9706727
File: 301 KB, 512x439, 1491054889746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fail to see that secular humanists want the next generation to be at least as secular humanists as them, which turns out to be made in 2017 by having some republic, taxing the population and making the secular humanist education mandatory, then to let the plebs work and entertain themselves while claiming to be moral [=caring about people] like by attending a concert '''for charity'''thereby creating a symbol of fight against ''oppression'' ie non-seculr humanism

>> No.9706729

Not an argument.

>> No.9706731

Oh the ironing.

>> No.9706738


>> No.9706741

You're right, it's ironic that you're alive.

>> No.9706744

>making the secular humanist education mandatory
Do you also think creationism should be taught as a scientific theory alongside evolution in class?

>> No.9706748

>What's the point of listening to music if every song ends?

>> No.9706750

Every book ends too.

>> No.9706752

Lmao he can't recover from that
Teens spewing shit about the meaning of life, but when you approach with a reasonable argument they answer with this >>9706723

>> No.9706763

>secular humanism

oxymoron much?

>> No.9706768

Obviously not, given that I don't believe it and haven't.
Please, explain how God defines Meaning in any way that isn't simply tautological.

>> No.9706771

*do believe it, excuse me.

>> No.9706774

I don't have to explain shit. You're literally contradicting yourself. Explain to use why you haven't killed yourself yet. You didn't disproof what I said.

>> No.9706780

Not a reasonable argument though.

>> No.9706782

Are you autistic? you believe your existence is meaningless yet you still live?
Why for? why not kill yourself right now?

Any reply would just back up >>9706238

Thanks and have a nice day autist.

>> No.9706783


>> No.9706789

Not to mention, there is one very big reason to learn while you're alive: the future. If you disregard learning and evolving yourself in general, then it is to the detriment of the future. Future generations, your children, etc. Which is ignoble, decadent, lazy, and downright just not something anyone with a healthy mind and spirit would want to do even subconsciously.

Theists come out appearing as having less hearts than their fellow atheists for this reason. We strive for a better future for this world out of love for ourselves and the world, while they strive to fulfill commandments in promise of paradise (for themselves alone) they aren't positive will even come.

>> No.9706793

I'm not sure if you're the actual teenager here or just baiting, but I'll bite: why should a nihilist kill himself because of his nihilism?

>> No.9706797
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If you're not going to explain to him, explain to me.

>> No.9706802

>a person who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles.

Why should he not?

>> No.9706809

Answer the question.

>> No.9706818

Life is meaningless, i don't care about right and wrong, no point in living desu man
Life is shit man no point
Just no point

>> No.9706819

nice OP, you made the shittiest active thread on this board, complete with the swimsuit babe to attract attention because nobody would reply to your weak shit otherwise

>> No.9706821

Not an argument.

>> No.9706823

If you TRULY believe that, you would kill yourself, nihilism is retarded.

>> No.9706825


Do you feel cornered by your own flawed logic?

>> No.9706834
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>> No.9706846

you take for granted, and are unable to demonstrate, why atheism or nihilism should lead to depression and suicide. the reason you're unable to articulate the reasons why nihilism should lead to suicide is because you think it goes without saying that any meaning to life must be an "objective" meaning, meaning that you need to be able to prove, independently of your feelings, how you "ought" to feel, or put another way, you need to be able to prove, independently of how you feel about something, what that thing "is", that thing's nature. once you understand that meaning is a feeling instead of a property, then everything will click. if a man bumps his toe on a leg of a table and gets angry, it's not because the table has a property of being angering or paining, it's because the man has been angered, or pained

>> No.9706850

>So why those holy texts vs others?

Great non-sequitur again. Questioning scriptural authority when you fail to respond. Honestly, this was the most retarded question you could've asked, and you didn't disappoint.

> And why didn't you just bring up an example from them instead of relying on a "literally?

To display your ignorance. If you don't know the subject, don't talk about it, kiddo.

>> No.9706853

this is how my god made the universe.

>> No.9706854

You sound like a freshmen who read a little philosophy, please refrain from posting any more.

>> No.9706857

lol your dumb

>> No.9706860

posting this instead of showing my error only has the opposite effect of vindicating me further

>> No.9706862

im not agruging with you, i am not an annihilationist or an atheist. i just don't like you or these dumb threads. your OP question is "could god microwave a burrito too hot for him to eat" tier. and its insulting to ask an impossibly huge metaphysical question while putting so little effort into the thread yourself, it guarantees that the responses will also be low-effort and shitty, which all of them are. you are just filling this board with weak content. i already feel like a schmuck for writing this much in reply to you, you don't deserve it

>> No.9706863


>> No.9706866

No one cares you faggot.

By the way TL;DR

>> No.9706868
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>> No.9706869

Why kill myself? I'm enjoying life. It doesn't have to be meaningful. Why do you derive meaning from an illusory authority??

>> No.9706873

You don't seem to truly grasp the meaning of Nihilism do you?

>> No.9706875

Why do Christians read if "all knowledge will pass away? (1 Cor. 13)"

We read because reading enriches our lives. I'm sure the same is true for atheists.

>> No.9706876

Someone needs to nuke this fucking board.

>> No.9706880

>I'm enjoying life
>Life has no meaning

Oh, I see. You're just dumb.

>> No.9706881

the term "god" has no descriptive power anyways. It's just a word with no specific properties that somehow is asserted as such. But religious people continue blaming the universe on god as though it's a useful model.

>> No.9706882

They like doing it?

>> No.9706884

You still haven't explained defined meaning.

>> No.9706885


>Daily reminder that these people exist

>> No.9706892

explained/defined meaning.

>> No.9706893

And you clearly don't own a dictionary.

>> No.9706895

>meaning from an illusory authority
Are you that fucking retarded?
Most of you preteen sacks of shit don't even know what true Nihilism is, you're using these words to sound edgy, if you TRULY believe nothing in the world matters you should off yourselves.

Don't go around "but i'm having fun xd"
"i'm just living without believing in god lol "
Doesn't matter, the fact that you're waking up in the morning, brushing your teeth, eating, breathing justifies a MEANING to what you're doing.

Idiots like him need to fucking stop posting.

>> No.9706898

Yes. Something meaningless can be enjoyed.
I'm still curious why you seem to think that one entity deciding what meaning is, is any more valid or ultimate than another one disagreeing.

>> No.9706900

nihilism is not depressions. nihilism, i assume everyone itt takes for granted we're talking about existential nihilism, is the position that existence has no meaning in and of itself. nihilism is the result of a reductionistic worldview, to try to reduce things down to the individual parts. when you look at living being, or the brain, with that sort of analytical mindset, you stand to become nihilist, because when you reduce things to individual components, you won't find meaning in each one individual part. i've been a nihilist since i was a teenager due to that reason, but eventually i realized that it shouldn't impact my subjective experience of things being meaningful, i still feel like things in my life have meaning, i just don't attribute that meaning as an intrinsic property of those things. things "matter to me", but in and of themselves, they don't "matter".

>> No.9706902

Is this bait? Yes, existence is painful, but it's also wonderful. We live for those wonderful moments, and I think we also live for the pain, at least to an extent.

Why do animals continue to live? Do you think the religious stigma against suicide always existed and has existed in every culture? If not, then why didn't those people just off themselves?

Do you think that we, as evolved animals, don't have an innate sense of self-preservation? Even people who want to kill themselves have a hard time doing it.

If you're living comfortably, there is no reason to commit suicide. Yeah, in the end, nothing really matters. So? I still experience pleasure. I still do things that interest me, even if, when I die, these things will no longer matter to me. They matter now.

Why are people so hostile to others who believe differently than they do? You aren't even trying to understand another's point of view.

>> No.9706905
File: 15 KB, 261x201, 1471780753903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. Something meaningless can be enjoyed.

>> No.9706906
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1477323751262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of you preteen sacks of shit don't even know what true Nihilism is

>> No.9706909

I'm not claiming to be a dyed-in-the-wool nihilist, I'm just saying you're wrong. The idea that if someone believes there is no meaning to something they must believe in the need to kill themselves is silly.

>> No.9706911

>>Idiots like him need to fucking stop posting.
still only vindicates me

>> No.9706917
File: 401 KB, 504x504, 1473313187418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life is meaningless xd
>i still wake up
>talk to people
>brush my teeth
>drink and eat
>go to school read books
>but all is meaningless guise
>"i'm a nihilist desu, i don't believe there's a meaning to anything"

>> No.9706918
File: 68 KB, 625x415, COLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you seek pleasure instead of suffering?

>> No.9706921

You probably never had sex so I'll give you a pass.

>> No.9706922

Because I feel like it. I'm some sort of animal and that's what we do. Is it meaningful? No.

>> No.9706925 [DELETED] 

>Yes. Something meaningless can be enjoyed.
I reported your post.

>> No.9706926

if you think nihilism means "nothing has meaning" you haven't read anything. existential nihilism is specifically about INTRINSIC meaning. you can be a nihilist and believe that your life has no meaning when looking at the universe as whole, but still believe that your life matters to you.

>> No.9706927

You're not great at this whole rational debate thing, are you?

>> No.9706928

>Is it meaningful? No.
are you saying you don't care if you get the shit kicked out of you randomly on the street?

>> No.9706933

Why are you shit-posting then? Why are you engaging a discussion if nothing has meaning? This thread clearly has meaning to you, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
>inb4 this still is not the definition of "meaning". Buy a dictionary then you faggot.
The above applies to you.

>> No.9706935

>ou can be a nihilist and believe that your life has no meaning
>but still believe that your life matters to you.
The single most autistic piece of shit i've heard and i've been on /b/ and /pol/

Holy shit being a virgin must be hard.

>> No.9706936
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I know what you're trying to pull but aversion to pain is an involuntary reaction.

>> No.9706938

What does me caring have to do with intrinsic meaning? That I don't want to get beaten up doesn't give life meaning. Are you confusing nihilism with some sort of advanced anhedonia?

>> No.9706942

*tips fedora*

It brings me joy to know I'm not one of you. Holy shit, I'm so glad I'm not a looser.

>> No.9706943

why are you posting on a nihilsm thread without having read anything though

>> No.9706944

Because I enjoy it. You're really not very good at this.

>> No.9706949
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>i enjoy this
>but it has no meaning
>but i like to do X
>but nothing matters

You people are something

>> No.9706951

hold on
are you saying it "means" something to you when you get hit
might it be that pain "matters" when you make decision
it is possible that you "purposely" avoid pain
dear lord

>> No.9706952

You are a loser virgin though.

>> No.9706962

It matters to me, not to the universe, reality or existence. Subjective meaning is not objective or intrinsic meaning. The other anon already explained this to you in quite simple terms. I'd love to know how you get from 'I don't like being punched' to 'Therefore God is right about everything'.

>> No.9706963

Pussy is too good. If you knew that, you'd realize that Nihilism is wrong.

>> No.9706968

You're talking about the meaning of life as if it's the meaning of a word. You're confusing the definitions.

>this is what virgins believe

>> No.9706970

subjective meaning has the word meaning in it though
so it looks like your life has a type of meaning after all
damn it feels good when the semantics are on your side

>> No.9706971
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Holy shit these people exist
>i don't care about the world
>but i won't harm myself no
>i will wait until i die
why not end it now?
>i want to enjoy life though
but nothing matters
>to me it does
so it does?
>no you don't get it omg

>> No.9706974

i'm not talking about of the meaning "of life" in and of itself, only the fact that people made value judgments about what is meaningful to them
if you are able to find things that you like then you won't kys

>> No.9706975

Did I hit your soft spot sunshine?

>> No.9706981

Sure, this thread was about theism originally so that's what we were talking about.

>> No.9706982

That's not semantics, that's a basic failure to understand that phrases made from multiple words mean something different to the individual words.

>> No.9706985

So you're selectively nihilistic, ok makes sense shitface.

>> No.9706988

You seem very sensitive, dear.

>> No.9706990

I love that you're so unable to articulate yourself that you're resorting to memes.

>> No.9706994

Not an argument.

>> No.9706996

an adjective'd noun is still a noun
subjective meaning is still meaning
looks fine on over here m8

>> No.9706998

What does it mean for an action to have a point? Can we easily distinguish between pointless and point-ful actions? It doesn't seem like it.

>> No.9707000

Good thing that what you're saying totally stands up as an argument in its own right and doesn't need to be propped up by emotional ad hominem.

>> No.9707003

I've never seen so much anger aimed at atheists conflated with nihilists as this thread
Are you guys shitposting or legitimately unable to comprehend that something can matter individually, to one person, but not to the entire universe? That's all they're trying to assert

>> No.9707006

A composted plant is not a plant.

You didn't say anything that hasn't already been addressed.

>> No.9707009

It's fucking hilarious that you can't prove that.

>> No.9707018

How would you like your proof?

>> No.9707019

How could something matter to me if i MYSELF don't believe that anything matters?

>> No.9707020

Every law in physics disproves what you say.

>> No.9707024

a composted plant is kind of a plant though it's just dead and reformed

you're just triggered by the fact that people define words ways you don't like
it's not being disputed that people make value judgments, it's just that when this is termed subjective meaning you can't accept it even though it's the perfect way to call it because it's actually meaning

>> No.9707027

like >>9707020 said. Every single thing you do has consequences to the entire Universe.

>> No.9707028

What does the dog star feel about what you had for breakfast?

>> No.9707030

Don't pretend you have any understanding of physics.

>> No.9707037

>out of arguments

>> No.9707039

Does it? I thought it was not a plant but compost. Where in the divisions of the kingdom plantae will I find compost?

>> No.9707041

I made a pretty simple statement that I'm not going to prove from a set of first principles which you would probably reject anyway. You can jack yourself off for winning this argument if that's what you wanted from me.
Atheism and nihilism are often associated but not necessarily the same thing. An atheist can have completely different philosophical beliefs from a nihilistic atheist.
Laws of physics say absolutely nothing about things having importance to some conscious being. You'll have to be incredibly specific if you're going to make that stretch.

>> No.9707044
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As I read I give the illusion of extending my life's experience. Indeed I am learning things besides bringing myself pleasure. At the end of it I will not mourn, I cannot mourn, this loss of information. This is not even an actual "loss" as it was used in its gathering.

No contradictions here.

>> No.9707045


Reality check
You're made from star dust

>> No.9707047

Why can't you answer my question

We're talking about Nihilism, not Atheism, so please.

>> No.9707050

I already knew that. Did you just randomly pick three people to reply to?

>> No.9707053

Is star dust generally worried about the meaning of reality?

>> No.9707056
File: 93 KB, 600x592, 1496824034412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single thing you do has consequences to the entire Universe.
>You're made from star dust

So this... is the power of theism..

>> No.9707058


What prompted Star Dust to become life?

>> No.9707060

whats the point in fuck girls? or drink a beer? or travel? whats tthe point of putting this bait is a shitty forum like this? are you THAT desperate for attention? here is your (you), have a nice day.

>> No.9707061

It's true. It's not my problem if you're too blind too see it.

>> No.9707063

Why should natural processes need prompting to do what they do anyway?

>> No.9707064

This is not actually true. In the future, much of the currently-observable universe will be causally disconnected from us, due to expansion at superluminal speed. In fact, we'll only be able to see inside the Milky way.

>> No.9707066

>Trying to segregate subjective and objective meaning

>Using that to create a brand of self-serving, selective nihilism

>> No.9707067

i thought it was still plant matter only you chopped it up and added it with rotten meat and cow dung so other than the form it was still the same
i didn't really mean it when i said every adjective'd noun is still noun because sometimes the adjective transforms it and now the meaning isn't literal but abstract like crocodile tears aren't tears of a crocodile
i still think that we should abide by how the layman uses words when we have such semantic arguments instead of making up special snowflake definitions to define the conclusion into being

>> No.9707069

What's the point of replying?

>> No.9707070

I don't know.

You're crossing from retarded to full schizophrenic.

>> No.9707074

Ok. A nihilist will believe that on an objective, universal scale, none of our actions or even existences matter. I don't personally hold that belief, I'm just explaining it.
However, a nihilist can (doesn't have to, but can) also believe that his actions and experiences matter to the nihilist himself during the short period of time that he is alive. This is "subjective meaning" because it is not objectively important on a universal scale that I go to the bathroom, and it won't matter to Ping the insurance salesman in Hong Kong, but to me individually it is very important.
This is a very simple concept and I honestly think that the difficulty you and others in this thread have with it is fake and nothing more than a strange attempt to fuck with people.

>> No.9707075

>>>Using that to create a brand of self-serving, selective nihilism
best kind of nihilism

>> No.9707076

Which Natural process created life?

>> No.9707085

>You're crossing from retarded to full schizophrenic.

Thank God for Isaac Newton.

>> No.9707086


The designation "God" has specific properties - what you might call "core properties." These vary depending on whether you are looking at a monotheistic system or a polytheistic system, but you will find core traits which are ubiquitous.

I'll provide one example. In a monotheistic system, "God," is always the originator of the universe.

I don't know how seriously you took this post when you created it, but I hope not very. You haven't put much thought into it, have you?

>> No.9707090

What are you saying

>> No.9707096

Plant matter isn't a plant though.

Okay, sure. Arguing about adjectived nouns isn't helpful. But nihilism is about intrinsic meaning, that is, objective, and not subjective meaning in the sense that wanting to enjoy yourself and not get hurt can be called a meaning. Your phenomenal world may have meaning but the noumenal one does not. Someone else, no matter how powerful or 'divine', telling you otherwise is irrelevant.

>> No.9707098

Something non STEM faggots like you will never understand.

>> No.9707099

>A nihilist will believe that on an objective, universal scale, none of our actions or even existences matter.
ok but this is an incoherent concept because meaning only exists and can only potentially exist subjectively. even if god exists you only find that fact meaningful because of personal preference. to say that things have meaning in and of themselves is like saying rocks are sad. it's not that "rocks are sad" is wrong because as a matter of fact rocks aren't sad, it's because it's an incoherent concept so right or wrong can't be applied to it. sadness only ever exists within the framework of a mind, outside of that context, it has no meaning as a word. similarly meaning only exists within the framework of a mind, when theists or whoever are talking about "objective meaning", they literally do not know what the fuck they're talking about, it's undefined.

>> No.9707100

Atheism is intrinsically nihilist.
Nihilism propagates a lack of meaning.
A proponent of nihilism discards subjective and objective meaning.

Why the fuck can you bastards not see this? WTF is "personal meaning so no nihilist but only when i wanna 2 be edgy n cool"?

>> No.9707105

Why are you so obviously going for the nonsensical prime mover argument?

>> No.9707106

Well where did that come from... You need to be more articulate

>> No.9707111

>Claims that God doesn't exist
>Can't explain how Life came to be

>> No.9707112

is a dead plant not a plant though
it has the characteristics of a plant, the form of a plant, and it's reckoned as a plant when people look at it. a chopped tomato is still reckoned as a tomato when you eat it, tomato is a type of plant. i agree with you on subjective meaning so why am i the theist all of a sudden

>> No.9707113

This post is damn right. Scriptures speak of God in absolute terms, hence defining His properties. Fucking ill-informed atheists like >>9706881 are stupid little shits who want to argue but know little.

>> No.9707117

>doesn't know where the crab on the beach came from
>God did it!

>> No.9707118

But I do know. That's a fallacy.

>> No.9707122

Because that's the fucking opposite of a chaotic, uncertain, nihilistic theory of origins.

And vastly more statistically probable.

>> No.9707123

Actually thinking there is no superior power to all this you call life is ignorance at its best my friend.

>> No.9707128

Strawman detected

>> No.9707130

A superior power? Which superior power? Why not superior powers?

>> No.9707134

You must be autistic.

>> No.9707138

>Doesn't know there can't be multiple absolutes
>muhh atheist logic

>> No.9707143

>no argument

Why do the superior powers have to be absolutes? Besides, why can't there be multiple absolutes since these superior powers are beyond our understanding?

>> No.9707144

why do normies look at pictures of pretty girls if they'll never fuck one?

>> No.9707151

Why do we masturbate?

>> No.9707155

>Give the illusion

You accept that there's an illusory benefit to reading for atheists.

So, by default, you accept the nihilistic nature of atheism. As it's illusory.

Yet you say there's no contradiction by stating you read.

>Atheist, logical. Choose one.

>> No.9707161

note that prime mover or first cause arguments are unable to demonstrate that the universe had to have had a cause and that the big bang is insufficient to conclude it. the universe could have always existed in an infinitely regressing chain of cause and effect

>> No.9707165

Imagining it makes it true.

>> No.9707173

i wonder what your post would've looked like if it was an argument

>> No.9707176

>Why do the superior powers have to be absolutes?

Not a general debate on superior powers. Quit generalising, kiddo.

>Besides, why can't there be multiple absolutes since these superior powers are beyond our understanding?

Goes against the idea of being an "absolute".

>> No.9707177

Your imagination is not an argument faggot.

>> No.9707183

question begging that the universe had to have had a cause because you feel like it isn't doing your argument any favors either
difference is one of us has the burden of proof

>> No.9707193

Oh I see, you're one of those faggots who asks "Who created God in the 1st place?"

>> No.9707201

that's silly since god is a spaceless and timeless disembodied mind, i'm one of the faggots that ask why the universe can't be eternal and uncaused since apparently violating the axiom of causality isn't such a taboo idea among theists

>> No.9707203

But surely the superior powers are beyond us, they can be absolutes and not absolutes.

>> No.9707206
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>> No.9707213

uncaused entities are all the rage grandpa

>> No.9707219

>We wuz magicians and shit.

>> No.9707221

>muh causes and effects
>muh Gods and meanings

Y'all niggas need more Nietzsche.


>> No.9707224

when i grow up i'm going to become a disembodied mind and shitpost forever in the astral plane. i'll be the ideal form of shitposting!

>> No.9707234

>rejecting the axiom of causality
how unkosher. who is this neetzsche faggot

>> No.9707243

>Well, I dont know the answers to this trascendental questions, but I can make up some shit.

>> No.9707257

I think when it comes to semantics, some meanings aren't entirely specific. Chopped tomato is tomato but it's also chopped tomato. Whatever, your crocodile tears example was better than mine, I was just a bit on the spot and chose poorly.
Why are you a theist? I guess the lines of argument just got tangled, I was responding to you as I was responding to the previous posters.

>> No.9707337

>Personal cause demonstrated by the teleological argument

>Universe could've existed...

Read up on the Big Bang, kiddo. Nothing existed. Nothing doesn't create something from nothing.

>> No.9707343

>Nothing existed.
that's wrong though because you have no way of knowing what happened before the big bang
the assertion that time began at the big bang is a shameless metaphysical claim

>> No.9707351

You're all so stupid. This board is a mess.

>> No.9707371
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>As I read, it gives...

>You accept that there's an illusory benefit to reading for atheists.
For everyone.
>So, by default, you accept the nihilistic nature of atheism. As it's illusory.
In reading. The reaction, the pleasure is very real.
As for accepting the meaninglessness of life, I'll say it again. You make your purpose in life. Make it a good purpose, poseur.

Beauty is a present. Find it. Feast on it.

>> No.9707377


>> No.9707416

You're not helping.

>> No.9707891

Probably for the same reason many christians commited sins knowing they will suffer in hell for an eternity. Because of our instincts

Personally i spends more time thinking about my life than my death. It doesn't matter to me if it makes sense or not

>> No.9708015

They read so they can attrack chicks with their intellect and fuck them at least while they're still alive, because they're too pussies to kill themselves and end their life earlier anyway.

>> No.9708393
File: 799 KB, 320x240, 1398212289904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this thread? How did this happen?

>> No.9708396

damn dude you aren't joking huh. I thought this was just some 3rd rate trolling.

Calm down lil buddy.

>> No.9708484

>another "atheists justifying their not suiciding because "it's all in the moment, bro, it's important right now", even though they "know" they go to nothingness after death and literally, in the fullest sense of that often misused word, NOTHING matters" thread
When will you people at least start being consistent with your views and off yourself?

>> No.9708503

Atheism =/= nihilism. How many times do you have to be reminded of this, in a single thread no less?

Christianity is closer to nihilism than atheism ever will be.

>> No.9708509

Atheism IS nihilism, no matter how many times you and other mongoloids parrot that it isn't.

>> No.9708520

Atheism doesn't mean you perceive life as having no value. Belief in an afterlife implies that more strongly than atheism does.

>> No.9708526

The current life is not important, what counts is what happens in the end, after we die. Plus, people who thinking afterlife exist don't think their current life has no value. If anything, it has value because it's a preparation for the afterlife.
I can't fathom how anybody with a functioning brain can think atheism isn't nihilistic. The claim that it isn't is so self-refuting that it boggles my mind. "Life has no value and I know I go to nothingness, but hey, it still has value in my eyes". One of the most retarded philosophies, next to logical positivism.

>> No.9708543

>The current life is not important, what counts is what happens in the end, after we die.
Sounds like a nihilistic portrayal of life to me.

>If anything, it has value because it's a preparation for the afterlife.
A utilitarian's weak attempt to reconcile the fact that they see no value in life.

>I can't fathom how anybody with a functioning brain can think atheism isn't nihilistic.
The only god is myself, and I am life. If belief in myself constitutes in theism, then I guess I am a theist. But in your eyes I would still be an atheist, no doubt. I love myself, thus I love the whole world.

>"Life has no value and I know I go to nothingness, but hey, it still has value in my eyes"
Life has value as I render it, and to value anything outside of this life, such as an afterlife, is to deprive it of value. The destination is necessary, but not what is most beautiful; it's the music along the way that I love, not the silence after. I can't fathom loving the silence after a song's end more than the song itself.

>> No.9708566

Do you even know what that word means? Christ.
>The only god is myself, and I am life
You have no idea how funny you look right now. Also I cringed.
>I love myself, thus I love the whole world
So the whole world is yourself? Sounds like solipsism to me, and not atheism.
>I can't fathom loving the silence after a song's end more than the song itself.
An extremely stupid analogy.

>> No.9708599

>Do you even know what that word means? Christ.
Yes. And that way of valuing life that you did is bullshit, like a utilitarian's. Life is made useful to your afterlife and nothing more, there is no love for it outside of its use. If it wasn't in the equation at all, you wouldn't make up such bullshit, since you don't love life, and you only do because you have no choice but to do so in order to mask your horrid reality from being the farce that it is.

>You have no idea how funny you look right now. Also I cringed.
>Christians in charge of saying how funny others look

>So the whole world is yourself?
Indeed. It is not quite solipsism, but I can see how the uninitiated such as yourself would think so.

>> No.9708718

religions are inherently anti-life. They have to include the "if you commit suicide no paradise for you" stipulation so the religion can continue past one generation.

>> No.9708741

This might be the most plebian perspective I've seen on /lit/ yet.

>> No.9708752

? Why do religious people read? Do you expect to take the knowledge to heaven? Do you think heaven is some fay court that somehow does not know something that people on earth know?

>> No.9708774

If there is no god eternal recurrence is probably a thing, you know. In an infinite universe, if something happens once it's a given that the same conditions will be met again and again, and every time that happens (you) will once again come into existence. Have fun!

>> No.9708999


bubble buuuuut
bubblebubblebubblebubblebubblebubble buuuuuuuut

>> No.9709034

Hey OP.
“At the Day of Judgement we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done.”
― Thomas à Kempis

So stop posting lewds if you don't wanna go to hell.

>> No.9709045


God made that butt for our pleasure why shouldn't we look at it
Thank you Jesus for that butt

>> No.9709049

Why not?