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/lit/ - Literature

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9703147 No.9703147 [Reply] [Original]

are podcasts /lit/?

>> No.9703170

yo bro they lit af doo is like this shit was all 'bout his childhood drama BOOM bitch! mind blown, knowwhatamsaying?

>> No.9703186

Denis, is that you?

>> No.9703218

Entitled Opinions

>> No.9703427

not the ones I listen to

>> No.9704320

Any recommendations on good podcasts about literature?

>> No.9704337

obvious non-roganite

>> No.9704349
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Only one of them.

>> No.9704356
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Who /chapo trap house/ here?

Legion of Skanks is also pretty listenable sometimes.

>> No.9704372

>muh irony
still enjoyable sometimes though.

>> No.9704418

>leftist nu-males pretending to be edgy


>> No.9704431


They're mostly on bbc radio

>> No.9704452

I've dropped off in the past few months.

>> No.9704470

I just started listening about a week ago. I have a love/hate with them. They can be relatively clever and creative, good guests, but they can be frustratingly insipid and dishonest when they break things down in the most uncharitable and desultory manner. They seem unaware of their rank ideology occasionally.

I'd welcome an episode where they bring someone on with antagonistic views.

>> No.9704473
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>leftist nu-males pretending to be edgy

>> No.9704578

I agree, it doesn't help that they go after easy targets either, as funny as it is sometimes. They did do an interview with a theocrat, though he does a poor job of explaining his views.

>> No.9704583

The POZ Button and KulturKampf

>> No.9704712


>> No.9704745

I liked the Mieville episode for what that's worth. Any other must-listens?

>> No.9704952

Welcome...to Revolutions

>> No.9704957

Camus episode was great.

>> No.9704963

we live in the zone now and the Adam Curtis interview

>> No.9704978

The one where they read aloud from Ben Shapiro's shitty book. The interview with the YPG fighter. There's a lot.

>> No.9705083
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>it's a Matt makes a reference that no one gets episode
>it's a Matt makes a joke and no one laughs episode
>it's a Felix starts out a segment making jokes about Islamism/Erdogan but ends up getting genuinely upset and calls someone sexually repressed episode
>it's a Will let's it slip that he's a Bernie Bro episode

>> No.9705108

Why don't leftists read the people they namedrop?

>> No.9705142

The classic tales podcast

It's sad I don't see this recommended more. The guy does great readings.

>> No.9705544

>So like what if we plagiarized The Daily Shoah but we took away anything offensive then got a bunch of corporations to sponsor us and branded it as an edgy left-wing podcast? *rips bong*

>> No.9705547

Fuck off Borzoi

>> No.9705567

>individualist egoist representing basically communism

>> No.9705606

>it's an idiot watching his peers episode

>> No.9705697

Spot on. My irritating anarchocommie top buddy slurps it up

>> No.9705705

don't bother, lefties don't read

>> No.9705720

Oh shit is that Mark Duncan? The History of Rome podcast guy? He's still doing Revolutions? Good on him.

>> No.9705722

I need some ammo as to why communism/anarchocommie/far left politics are anti brainmatter. Nothing big, my buddy just spews his dumb shitty pie in the sky memes at me that will never ever happen and it's trying.

>Inb4 read for yourself
What do you think I'm doing

>> No.9705901

Cum Town

>> No.9705973

Chapo trap house is just embaressing.

They're funny but they have no idea what they are talking about and it shows.

>> No.9707353

Hey anon, felt the need to think you for this recommendation. I've only listened to two episodes but so far it's shaping up to be one of my all time favorite podcasts. I especially recommend- Andrew Mitchell on Poetry and Thinking in Heidegger from June 12, 2007.

Recently I've either exhausted the backlogs of my favorite podcasts and now have to play the waiting game, or I've grown weary of listening to some of them and needed a spell.
Again, I appreciate it friend.

>> No.9707369

Also plagiarized the daily shoah

>> No.9707379

ok, but host talks too much

>> No.9707391
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>> No.9707412

The recent Gadot/Wonder Woman \was very good, give it a try.

Oh, and, I can't recall what episode it is, but they do a live reading of Ben Shapiro's book, some genre fiction political thriller. Damn for as accomplished and smart Shapiro is, I'd wager money a healthy percentage of the anons on /lit/ could fashion more than Shapiro's insipid flotsam.

Also, I recommend Last Podcast on the Left, especially episodes 118-120, a 3 part series on Satanism and the Government.

>> No.9707420

Uff da that's a lotta typos. Sorry, I have been up for a day and a half.

>> No.9707509

What a sec r u trying to redpill me

>> No.9708327
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New Yorker fiction podcast is pretty good. They get writers on to read a short story they like, and then there's a short discussion. It's a lot of fun.

>> No.9708334

Not my object. Regardless of whether you believe it's true or not, I still think it's an entertaining listen.

>> No.9708351

>inception thinks making jokes with your friends is plagiarism if there isn't any psychosexual racism

>> No.9710209


>> No.9710212

yes they are lit


>> No.9710222
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>are podcasts /lit/?

nope. only pseuds think otherwise. you might be able to give certain episodes on certain podcasts (like silverblatt's 'bookworm' for example) a pass maybe but even then it's NPR tier schlock at the best of times.

"literary" podcast are pozcasts. get it? i am making an aids joke about them.

>> No.9710339

lmao cry more, incel trash

>> No.9710376

It seems like something for people who read slower than they listen.

>> No.9710380
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1) Point out that Marx's ideas rely upon labor being essential, and a gainfully employed proletariat(even after the revolution). We are approaching a society in which unemployment/non-participation will inevitably rise due to automation. This is incompatible with Marx, unless everyone does busywork.

2) Point out the failure of socialist ideas outside of authoritarian states, and that the Left is incompatible with freedom. Plato's Kallipolis was an authoritarian theocracy for a reason(sci-fi also trends towards a capitalist society, unless they're post-scarcity, which we aren't).

3) I know Jordan Peterson is a meme, but he makes a really good case for social conservatism(https://youtu.be/Nyw4rTywyY0).). Just in case he's also a dirty progressive.

4) Playing identity politics instead of discussing policy inevitably poisons a debate, but that's where the left always ends up. Ask him why.

>> No.9710386

>you share a board with unironic brocialists

>> No.9710748

I've gotten into them as of late, despite being on the left, I always found them to be a little too "brocialist" for my tastes. But repeat I've since relented somewhat in this respect and I've found myself enjoying the varying personalities involved.

I used to listen to Novara a lot back in the day, but now it just feels like a Labour party endorsed podcast and I just can't get behind it - as much as I may be in favour of a Corbyn government at this point, despite my inherent distrust of party politics.

>> No.9710755


yeah they're bro as fuck but desu what's the alternative

>> No.9710758

The alternative is you shoving ten cocks up your ass.

>> No.9710806

Sort of the reason I like My Favourite Murder, it's not the shoddy recapping of wikipedia articles about crimes that I like, it's the personalities of the two chicks involved.

>> No.9710832

time and place, friendo, we'll have a party of it

>> No.9710836
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>unironically using the word brocialist
I want /r/socialism to leave and never come back.

>> No.9710859

Cum Town.

>> No.9711101

Pynchon in Public podcast is the only podcast worth listening to .

>> No.9711141
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>too much talking