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/lit/ - Literature

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9674484 No.9674484 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get into Goethe, particularly his fiction. Can you help me, /lit/?

>> No.9674694

do you read german? -> Poems
want romance? -> Sorrows of young Werther
want weimar classizism? -> Iphigenie on Tauris
magnus opus -> Faust
want old reflexive Goethe?-> Wilhelm Meister

>> No.9674697
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Faust II is all you need.

>> No.9674707

Lotte in Weimar is all you need to read about Goethe

>> No.9674718

The Green Snake

>> No.9675848

Can you lads tell me more about him?

>> No.9675852

He was living the life. He was a statesman, a philosopher, a scientist, an accomplished playwright and a playboy.

Goethe was the alpha chad of the late 18th century. He hung with betas like Schiller though which puts him a little lower on my respect bar.

>> No.9675893

Spoiled brat who never had to work. I almost threw up reading his biography.

>> No.9675901
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Didn't he also influence writers of the likes as Dostoevsky, Gogol, Kafka, etc., etc.? If so, whom else did influence?

>> No.9675950


well Nietzsche cites him as his biggest influence (his 'talks with Eckermann' were Nietzsche's favorite book)
other than that his influence is hardly measurable [he influence at least every german thinker that came after him]
he wrote the most important book of the romantic era when he was 23(?), he invented a new genre in the german literature (Sturm und Drang), he wrote THE german national epos (faust), he influenced the german language to this day PLUS he made some noteworthy scientific archievments (wrote an essay on colours, arguing against newton and an essay on botanic), oh and all the while he was a minister in Weimar.
oh almost forgot that he is arguably the best poet in the german language

>> No.9675957

Did any other writer have as much range to have written Werther and Faust?
I cant reconcile them.

>> No.9676019
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