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/lit/ - Literature

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9674647 No.9674647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any recommendations for literature that will make me hate weed users?

>> No.9674649

just talk to a stoner for five minutes

>> No.9674655

Do you want to hate weed users in particular or do you want to hate everyone that tries to escape the struggles of life by not giving a fuck about anything?

>> No.9674656
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anon doesnt care about your bitter young /pol/fag hatred of your funner school chums.

>> No.9674661


>> No.9674662

Do you want to hate stoners who define themselves by smoking weed, or people who have the occasional spliff in their down time?

>> No.9674664

This has nothing to do with /pol/. Please do not cause yet another shitstorm.

>> No.9674667


>This has nothing to do with /pol/.

but its exactly the type of thread that a young edgy newfag who only arrived at /pol/ last election would make on another board like /lit/.

>> No.9674679


>YOur SEX life will be 10/10 LAMO






there you go

>> No.9674696

when did the wheel changed that an alcohol addict is the misfit in our society rather than the stoner?

>> No.9674815

any recommendations for drugs that will make me love literature?

>> No.9674824
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Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace actually

>> No.9674826

LSD and MDMA will make you a pretty talented post-modernist author

>> No.9674831

Psychedelics are probably the most likely to intrinsically motivate you to read in your spare time.

>> No.9674871

weed actually

>> No.9674886

should i try weed lads?

>> No.9674896

Does high school count as literature?

>> No.9674914

synthetic kannabinoids

>> No.9674929

Depends. What do you hope to get out of it?

>> No.9674942

government propaganda that discourages inner reflection and critical observations of society

>> No.9674965

i hope to experience something i have not experienced before

>> No.9674968

then why don't you just have sex
oh shit

>> No.9674972

It's pretty underwhelming if that's all you want.

>> No.9674993
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Can confirm. read this almost in one session when I was tripping on a low dose lsd.

>> No.9674997

sounds like you already do
enjoy your echo chamber

>> No.9675026

I take it you haven't done any other drugs before. Yes you should try it then. Weed is the safest drug. It is not going to fuck you up, the first time you take it you won't even notice you're high. If you've been drunk before you will be underwhelmed because the effects are different and much more subtle. Weed doesn't give you hallucinations and it doesn't fuck up your balance, all it does is that it alters your way of thinking in subtle but increasingly noticeable ways. Your thoughts will run at a much faster speed than you are used to, which inevitably results in you pursuing unusual thought paths. Some people say weed feels like somebody cranks up the volume of their inner monologue. Everything you do under the influence of weed becomes an intense, but not overwhelming experience by immersing you in whatever activity you choose to pursue under the influence. Most of the effects will only become apparent after subsequent uses though, the first times you'll just feel a bit weird and like things in your brain are happening that you have no control over. You should definitely try it if you're interested, just don't expect an LSD trip.

>> No.9675032

>tfw don't like weed and weed users but the only girl I ever want to hang out with between classes smokes it on the regular

is this what they call a dilemma

>> No.9675050

In this case the meme book is actually accurate. Suoer anti-escapism, which is the big bad thing about weed.

In a similar vein, the Roman Stoics will provide an ethical framework in which most weed usage is questionable, if not outright unethical.

>> No.9675151

I'd say 3/4 of adult weed users do it for anxiety, headaches, or just because alcohol is poison. You cant really tell desu.

Kids make it part of their lifestyle, almost always to the detriment of other aspects.

>> No.9675152

They have a persecution complex despite having the backing of billionaire business men to lobby for cannabis legalisation all around the world you don't need to read any books to despise them

>> No.9675171

smoke a weed cigarette and open that mind of yours :^)

>> No.9675180

>do it for anxiety, headaches, or just because alcohol is poison
Why don't you change your fucking lifestyle instead? I mean, if you hate the life you're living at the moment and suffer because of it, why don't you change it?
Any kind of mind altering substances are for degenerate weaklings.

>> No.9675188

yesterday I experienced terror for a few hours over remembering how I slighted someone in highschool. I do not medicate. And migraine sufferers on maintenance doses of blood pressured meds still get headaches.

You are full of shit desu senpai

>> No.9675210
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>has nothing to do with your lifestyle
What did he mean by that?

>> No.9676209

no one here smokes?

>> No.9676221

>doesn't like people for their personal choices

projecting much? weed is fine, the problem is the 'smoke weed erryday" fags. Like any substance, if you use it sparingly and strategically you can open your experiences up to other possibilities.

>> No.9676253

there is nothing wrong with not liking people for their personal choices.

>> No.9676258

I do, but I don't read

>> No.9676263

Taipei by Tao Lin

>> No.9676274

I didn't say it was wrong, did I?

Usually when one feels insecure, they avoid self-confrontation by judging and problematizing the behavior of others, which is completely outside of their control. I know this because I've done it myself.

Also, I would say that it is problematic to dislike an entire group of people based on a simple choice. For example, you could dislike people who drink coffee, alcohol, or any number of things. How could one know that they dislike everyone who falls into any given group without assuming?

>> No.9676277
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>In a similar vein, the Roman Stoics will provide an ethical framework in which most weed usage is questionable, if not outright unethical.
Yeah, and then after they finished lecturing others they got high on opiates

>> No.9676290


>> No.9676414
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>I don't understand this belief yet I still want to hold it, so give me a book so I can justify holding it to myself

Can we have a blanket ban on these kinds of threads?

You shouldn't decide to believe something and then look for evidence to confirm your belief - you should first look at the evidence and then decide what you believe.

I'm not defending stoners btw

>> No.9676443
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Weed and the pleasure of using it is neither good nor bad in the Stoic view, it is merely indifferent.

Accustoming and habituating yourself to find happiness in weed, or any other thing external to your mind, is considered bad.

>> No.9676473

Most likely caused by the weed in the first place

>> No.9676495

I don't really care either way - I think it's stupid, but I don't really care

I really don't care

>> No.9676578

i do

>> No.9676730
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I think I hate the /r9k/ mentality of being against weed just because 'normies' use it and bitching about it 24/7 as much as I hate burnout stoners obsessed with weed culture. There are people who smoke who are faggots about it and those who aren't. There are people who don't smoke who are faggots about it and those wo aren't. You, OP, are one of those faggots.

I don't smoke, by the way.

>> No.9676735

Are you that fucking moron I was arguing with in yesterdays weed thread (sad that these are a daily occurrence now).

>> No.9676738


>> No.9676804

>There are people who smoke who are faggots about it and those who aren't.There are people who don't smoke who are faggots about it and those wo aren't.
>I don't smoke, by the way.
Are you sure youre not high right now?

>> No.9676815

Read the science.


>> No.9676827

not him, but I don't really see what you want to prove here.

>> No.9676830

Why do you care so much about what other people do?

>> No.9676864

>As a non-degenerate, don't you think we give degenerates a hard time?

>> No.9676902

Im stoned right now desu these kids are squares

>> No.9676999

It should be legal, but I don't enjoy it or enjoy being around people on it. People are going to do what they're going to do. As long as you don't have it in a vehicle I'm currently in, do your thing.

>> No.9677654

What is the difference between weed and alcohol?

>> No.9677657


>> No.9677673

I am TIRED of this buullshoit. The only reason why you would hate weed if is you are a right-wing fucktard who is authoritarian. There is no reason to hate weed.. It is good. Fuck right wingers seriously...We just want equal rights and equal opportnities for everyone.f fuck the haters

>> No.9677686

Hear hear. I find the edgy Puritans around here to be more annoying than any stoner.

>> No.9677692

my father threw up blood at the dinner table once

He then proceeded to have a seizure. He died two days later.

i still can't sit at restaurants

>> No.9677694

Yeah I worded that really awfully but ya get the point

>> No.9677695

>t. weed user

>> No.9677709

I agree with you, mostly, but authoritarians dominate both political parties in this country.

>> No.9677760

ICE to help you read those books really quick

>> No.9677923
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This will do the trick easily.

Now i won't even talk to my brother due to his cannabis dependency.

>> No.9678775

OP here, listen guys i dont came here to start a fight in which weed is good or not.
i only asked for recommandation for literature that **will make me** hate weed users.
as a past user myself i know the ups&downs of weed.
i dont hate the substance itself, i dont hate smokers nor drinkers and im not left-wing nor right-wing. all i want is some piece of art that i can connect with. i did asked for recommendations in the belive that there might be authers that like myself dont have anythings against weed itself but hate the fact that people who use it regularly shove the subject of weed usage to my throat constantly.

thx and have a good day

>> No.9679032

Why? My wife smokes a couple joints a day but I gave it up years ago.

>> No.9679349
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Take the Zappa pill

>> No.9679422

Browse /r/trees for an hour

>> No.9679488

>safe drug

This meta analysis showed a dose response relationship between taking cannabis and psychosis. Chronic smokers where 4x more likely to develop psychosis.


What you're doing is very irresponsible.

>> No.9679495

Read The War We Never Fought, by Peter Hitchens

>> No.9679548

I meant that in the sense that it's safer than other drugs if you just want to try it.

>> No.9680357
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>> No.9680361


>> No.9680366
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ITT: Straight edged faggots

>> No.9681346

You are a pathetic shell of a man. Literally no one, including your own family, friends, people reading this; think it's reasonable for you to disown your brother for smoking weed.

You are a joke.

>> No.9681743

>Chronic smokers where 4x more likely to develop psychosis.
Correlation is not causation. It could easily be that the kind of people who develop psychosis are often attracted to drugs.

>> No.9681798

I am high.

>> No.9681801
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>> No.9681817 [DELETED] 


his dependency (to a light drug, mind you) has nothing to do with you being a genuinely shitty brother in life. all you've done here is tell him that you're ready to bail on him as a brother under the least of pretenses. you've told him that being a brother to him doesn't mean shit to you.

good work.

>> No.9682043

Get outta here with that logic boy

>> No.9682056

>people who smoke weed are 4x times more likely to be psychotic than a representative of the GP

wow, another great reason to hate weedfags.
>but not ALL weedfa-
yeah and not ALL blacks but i still don't live in the fucking ghetto or trust a based black man with the spare key to my house

>> No.9682183

Get stoned once with a group of stoners.

I cannot take anyone who smokes weed on a regular basis serious any more. That was just plain fucking retarded. All the shit did was make me feel mellow and really fucking stuipid.

>> No.9682627

His own fault when he smokes that much.

>> No.9682731

i thought that post related to alcohol.

>> No.9683008

Definitely never eat external food or breathe external air then. A true stoic lives off his self-congratulatory thoughts alone.

>> No.9683023

this is nice shitpost

>> No.9683232
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You all know that people like me are stoned around you in public, right? You just don't notice because I just enjoy myself and don't act like a retard.

>> No.9683265

Typical Americanism. Weed is considered as bad as cocaine there while it hardly has any negative effects. Your short term memory might be fucked if you smoke every day, or you might develop psychosis if you already had a genetic disposition to do so. Otherwise it's a really harmless drug.

>It is not going to fuck you up, the first time you take it you won't even notice you're high. If you've been drunk before you will be underwhelmed because the effects are different and much more subtle.
This is bullshit. You probably smoked bad weed with a low THC percentage.

But of course this is just another edgy contrarian thread on a website that became a hate machine against 'normies' ever since that orange dude got elected.

>> No.9683279


Eating food is necessary, choosing to derive happiness from it is not. Eat to live, don't live to eat.

>> No.9683655

>You probably smoked bad weed with a low THC percentage.
it was actually a fat doobie in amsterdam. The next day i smoked again and that's where i got really high for the first time.