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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 620x413, shakespeare-smoked-weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9582084 No.9582084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think he smoked weed? Also general /lit/ stoner hangout thread, keep it /lit/-related.

>> No.9582086

Didn't they find weed resin in his pipe?

>> No.9582087

I love both weed and literature but I can only read the most basic shit when I'm high or everything goes over my head

>> No.9582096

>all this weed revisionism
wouldn't it be more widely documented if all these people were blazing fat back in the day? stop trying to justify your vice, it's pathetic. at least you won't find an alcoholic saying his drink cures cancer.

>> No.9582097

I like reading poetry and re-reading things I've read before.

>> No.9582098

I got really stoned and started reading Of Mice and Men, I don't know if it's because i've seen the movie or i was really stoned but i wasn't aware of reading the words at all, my eyes were just moving over them and the scene was playing out vividly in my imagination

>> No.9582100

whos high right now my duuudes

>> No.9582101

Being so fervently anti-weed has become the new edgy tbqh. I don't even smoke but weed culture has touched such a nerve in some people that the reaction to it is as unjustified as its glorification by some.

>> No.9582103



also, 1 bong high is best for reading, it gives you a caffeine like focus

>> No.9582110


>> No.9582112

red wine might, but thc and cbd have documented medical properties

only an anti-marijuana freak would be this anti-science

enjoy your colon cancer, ibs and prematurely aged brain

>> No.9582113

are you retarded? people used to literally think liquor was medicine. they gave it to babies.

>> No.9582116

>Implying that if you don't smoke weed that you having be a underaged drinker


>> No.9582117

i'm not fervently anti weed, i love smoking weed, i just can't take the way people treat it today.

>> No.9582121

OK lol. You called it a vice though anyway?

>> No.9582123


I'm high on weed.

>> No.9582125

Awesome thread OP.

>> No.9582132
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/lit/ is abuses tobacco, caffeine and alcohol, exclusively. The herbal Jew is a tool of the gamer

>> No.9582134

>red wine might
this is exactly as much as a fucking meme as the "weed cures cancer" thing. there's like 2 or 3 beneficial vitamins found in red wine that have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that its alcohol. You get the exact same health benefits, plus more, from drinking a glass of grape juice.

what makes me mad is retards, alcoholics, and stoners trying to make themselves feel better about doing a drug because they're too much of a self-conscious pussy and afraid of social stigma to admit they're recreational drug users.
I drink and smoke because I enjoy doing it. Don't have to make up some stupid bullshit to justify myself about "oh but I just do it because its healthy!!!"

>> No.9582137

Ignore my typo

>> No.9582138
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>> No.9582141

bro who pissed in your cheerios? i dont know a single person who smokes weed because they think it'll prevent them from getting cancer. everyone who smokes weed says they enjoy it. you're mad at a caricature person that you made up who doesn't even exist.

>> No.9582140

I am a Gamer-Poet

>> No.9582143

You sound upset. You're probably right but really upset.

>> No.9582144

i just can't blaze it anymore bros. i overdid it at one point, and now virtually every time i smoke i just get anxious and really uncomfortable, and the only way to mitigate it is to gorge myself on shitty foods.

you can't enjoy a vice?

>> No.9582148

isn't that just what reading is?

>> No.9582149

They found weed in his pipes and he likely had a couple plants up in Stratford.

That said, he died in a beer drinking contest.

Pretty much if youre not smoking and drinking daily and unapologetically plagiarizing plots you're never gonna make it.

>> No.9582152

quercetin and resveratrol are good for you

theyre not in grape juice

dont be anti-science

>> No.9582153

this is not even it. pretentious weed smokers have a moral righteousness and special snowflake complex where they like to think they are "in on" something underground and utopian that the others are not.

they know the mystical mind expanding properties of a drug that was used by aztecs and negros & so on, (ooh how ethnic!) and furthermore, THE MAN who is some strawman Reaganite brigade is trying to stop them and l-look at these studies (dude science! carl sagan neil degrasse tyson! yuppie health lifestylism!) done by the marijuana companies it cures cancer if only you bigots were as smart as we!!!

>> No.9582157

I enjoy doing things which are healthful. Healthful things bring me joy.

Too bad you smoke weed to jerk off to sissy porn.

>> No.9582158

>i dont know a single person who smokes weed because they think it'll prevent them from getting cancer
lucky you!

my state hasn't legalized it yet, and everytime there's a convention or petition or something there's at least 100 retards claiming "I stopped taking my pills and started smoking weed and my tumors disappeared!!!! weed cures cancer le ebin government conspiracy is trying to cover it up!!!" I'd say at least half of the people believe that kind of stupid shit.

then again I live in small town, USA where we also get retards trying to tell you molly fries holes in your brain and that if you wrap acid in tinfoil it sucks all the psychedelic out of it.

>> No.9582161

> stop being healthy, eat your soylent gmo! your correct opinions are falsehoods and i will sway you with half-truths!

not today, satan

>> No.9582164

Yes but anything they would have had back then would have likely been very weak by modern standards. Think more of a numbing effect than "HEY EVERYBODY I'M LIL JON LETS GET CRUNK!" stuff.

>> No.9582166

> a bloo bloo bloo let me extrapolate my nation's down syndrome onto all the marijuana smokers in the world

lol anti-weed people are fat and badly educated and lack 1st world infrastructure

nobody cares about your shithole country, nobody cares about your diary desu

>> No.9582167

Nobody fucking cares what you think. You're all mad at some hypothetical people you don't even know. Weed isn't legal in my state either but I've never seen a "convention" with "100 retards" claiming they cured cancer. You sound like a fucking cranky loon, triggered by something totally inconsequential.

>> No.9582168

t. alcoholic

I didn't say it was the exact same chemicals, I said you get the same health benefits. the bodily detriments of frequent drinking far outweigh the benefits. anybody pretending that they drink wine "for their health" is full of bullshit. the only significant reason you could use "drinking for my health" as an excuse is stress reduction. but in practicality nobody drinks that little.

>> No.9582173

higher ratio of cbd

so he was literally smoking it for medicinal properties

>> No.9582175

wow you sure are butthurt over nothing.
did we bomb your country last week or something?

I can honestly say if you've never seen or met people like that, or even seen them post on facebook, then you must have a very small social circle. Not even memeing. Get out more.

>> No.9582178

you dont get the same benefits

this isnt up for debate, close your eyes to science all you want

>> No.9582185

Just to trigger the anti-weed folks...

LSD is good for you. A micro-dose a day keeps the doctor away! Stay mad.


>> No.9582186

weed is the drug for brainlet'd fools.

you cannot be /lit/ and a smoker of weed.

>> No.9582188

no one is butthurt about dumb americans

>> No.9582189

What's a /lit/ drug then, opium?

>> No.9582190

Yeah you can "honestly say" whatever you want, but you're still projecting. My "social circle" includes people all over the country who I see regularly, because I travel for work. You already admitted you live in a small town full of idiots. Your experience isn't the whole fucking world. Stop being so presumptuous

>> No.9582193

>close your eyes to science all you want
Is this a fucking joke?

Please show me ANY scientific paper that proves that there are chemicals in Red Wine which give you health benefits which can't be obtained from eating grapes or drinking grape juice.

I'll wait.

by the way, you still haven't addressed my main point that "drinking for health" is a meme. your argument is about as sound as saying "if I crush up a multivitamin into a glass of cyanide-tainted water, that makes it healthy because it has vitamins!!"

>> No.9582197

Caffeine, alcohol, tobacco. Intermittent use of psychedelics as well

>> No.9582203

> weed
> brainlet

pick one


your putting your brain health at risk if you dont smoke daily. the science speaks for itself.

>> No.9582208

>your putting your brain health at risk if you dont smoke daily. the science speaks for itself.

literally lol, but its probably just forbes promoting some shitty legal weed hedge fund or something

>> No.9582209

theres hardly any, if at all, quercetin and resveratrol in grape drank

resveratrol increases through the fermentation of grapes, and most grape drank is pasteurized anyway

dont be anti-science

>> No.9582215

>your putting your brain health at risk if you dont smoke daily. the science speaks for itself.
holy shit you people are obnoxious
the benefits are trivial and pale in comparison to things like diet, exercise, and genetics.
do you wander around fast food restaurants, and walk up to random strangers and remind them to eat better?

>> No.9582217

> shitty hedge fund

youre lucky the technocrats even let you know about this miracle drug

>> No.9582224

t. brain atrophied butthurt faggot

smoke weed and sip red wine daily or else risk having bad interpretations of literature and being mad on the internet

im not sure its possible to reverse the damage youve done to yourself but its worth a try

>> No.9582227

>still no proof
>still dodging my argument
>"don't be anti-science"
Not sure if you're baiting at this point. Your posts are so bad I feel like its satire.

>> No.9582232

>the science speaks for itself
>links to forbes clickba
do I even have to say it

>> No.9582236

> google is down, man!

your thc deficiency is so severe that your brain atrophy causes you to be incapable to perform a simple internet search

>> No.9582238

> t. not successful enough to afford a forbes subscription

no wonder you lash out at those who love life

>> No.9582262


drugs and altering substances is for degenerates desu

>> No.9582265

Everything worth reading was written by a degenerate.

>> No.9582269

>t. only had a bad trip once in Highschool and got bullied by the stonre kids

>> No.9582271

I'm steeping a cup of gunpowder tea.

>> No.9582281

It clears your sinuses.

I hope everyone who doesn't drink gunpowder tea can enjoy their lower quality of living from having stuffed-up sinuses and probably sinus cancer from not cleaning them as often.

Anyone who disagrees with me is anti-science.

>> No.9582284


Nice try making a whole assumption based on the fact that i think drugs is for idiots

"stoner kids" fuckin weed culture and "stoner kids" is essentially what i'm referring to

/Muhh some people use drugs responsibly and don't act like a child, sure doesn't mean that drugs are garbage

>> No.9582285

I hope it does because I've a cold

>> No.9582291


I actually agree with this, still drugs and altering substances are problematic when you look at it from a societal view

>> No.9582295

Clearly not doing drugs doesnt prevent you from being an idiot

>> No.9582298

>keep it /lit/-related
So much for that idea...
I've read invisible cities stoned 3 times (and once sober).
I smoke some weed every night an hour before bed to help me sleep (and I like the feeling) and instead of watching tv I read or stretch. There are only certain books I can read high, mostly these >>9582097

>> No.9582301

>drugs and altering substances are problematic when you look at it from a societal view
only a few drugs is this true.

and in most cases the damage is from the contraband market and gang wars, not from the drugs themselves per se.
i.e. if you replaced the cocaine trade with "blood diamonds" the negative societal effects would hardly change.

>> No.9582302

so these are the people you spend all day "debating literature" with


>> No.9582307

>themselves per se
This is redundant

>> No.9582315

shit, I knew I didn't smoke enough weed this morning.

I hope too many brain cells haven't caught cancer already.

>> No.9582317

That's true, but those are surface level problems. The fact that a large portion of the population depends on an external source of happiness shows that there's a bigger systemic issue at play here. Our culture is incredibly toxic to our mental health. We literally need escapism to function. DFW was right, desu.

>> No.9582320

I used to like weed too much now I just accept it like 50% of the time someone offers it to me. I'll never smoke again like I did in highschool & college. I don't even drink tea every day. All this shit is just better when you still get floored by it, not when it's normal. I think I could hold onto some for rainy days but it's honestly really tempting to smoke it for like anything right away so I'm just living without. Eating, sleeping, sex, and music are really great high but I think my writing and reading are only unhindered when I have a high tolerance, and I don't see the point of that anymore.

>> No.9582328

>The fact that a large portion of the population depends on an external source of happiness [...]

oh, its this reddit-tier argument again.

I guess we should stop watching TV, too. And stop reading for pleasure. And stop having sex because that's external. I guess we should just stop doing anything that makes us happy because its "escapism" and we should all just eat, poop, reproduce, and die lest we forget the world in which we live.

>> No.9582332

>think this will be a dead shitpost
>one hour later
>71 replies

>> No.9582333

Weed is highly addictive and makes you a lazy slob. When done in excess it reverses brain development (which any one of hundreds of academic journals can show you). I use to smoke excessively and I'm off it completely now, feeling sooooo much better anons. Sober life is the way to go. Stay healthy and don't get too /lit/ famm

>> No.9582339

>Weed is highly addictive and makes you a lazy slob. When done in excess it reverses brain development (which any one of hundreds of academic journals can show you). I use to smoke excessively and I'm off it completely now, feeling sooooo much better anons. Sober life is the way to go. Stay healthy and don't get too /lit/ famm

I'm going to have to ask for source on that weed reverses brain development claim bucko

>> No.9582340

of course it has near to nothing to do with literature so of course /lit/ is gonna jump on it.
Fucking retards.

>> No.9582342


Not the guy you replied to but watching tv doesn't drastically impact a persons mind/behavior or his surroundings, you're generalizing

>> No.9582346


>> No.9582350
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>watching tv doesn't drastically impact a persons mind/behavior or his surroundings

>> No.9582360

>you're generalizing
>after he just grouped every single wildly different drug from cigarettes to cocaine to LSD to heroin into a single vague statement on how they're "detrimental to society"

o i am laffin

>> No.9582364

you mean like you're doing now? no.

>> No.9582366

Google scholar: search = weed & brain development, read for yourself (it's work my man, I know)

>> No.9582382

"I smoke pot because if I didn't, I'd try and change the world. And every day, it's a contemplation against the greater of two demons."

Could this finally be the end? I've sat here tonight and saw an image I can't unsee. Me strapping myself down and force feeding stimulation just to get a rise. I say it's for writing. But an hour ago it was for games. And before that it was working out. It can't used for everything. Your taboo sensation is rising from this disconnect of acceptance. The importance of each side now a glare in my eyes. On one side, there is the continuance. And deal with the impossibilities and discomforts it leaves me. On the other, the adherence. And with that, the inhibitions uninhibited. Family. Career. Productivity. It's tantalizing. But this has also given me an uninhibited creativity which opens my mind and materializes concepts with a clarity. I've done it so long now, I'm unsure of how much of it is me or the drug. But by this point, based on my daily contemplation of quitting. Fantasizing of quitting. That's not right. That can only be me knocking at the fog gates of my mind. Reminding myself that I'm here and that I don't need this drug. By writing this out I've realized I'm quite literally tearing myself in two for as long as I continue, in this moment of time, smoking pot. My lack of will cannot destroy my passion to live. I can't be and keep fighting a losing battle I can not lose. As far as I'm concerned, that's the definition of insanity. And If I know two things, it's that I'm alive and I'm more sane than most people out there. I've got to stop drowning myself. I feel as though if I lift my head up, I truly will have wings beyond any metaphorical sense, yet still not literally. An itch to fly has clawed my mind for too long. The stillness around me only stirs my will. Perhaps it is finally time it ends. No more excuses. No more circles. Only the drain. Stop jerking off. In every way. Live. Your mother loves you, and you know your father did too; he tried. It's not fair, but blood splatters more often than not. It's not your fault. You could have never known. Be this for yourself, and be this for others. It's not impossible--it's me. Waiting on the other side of this screen. Waiting for me to finish typing myself out. I'm about a half year of honest hard work away from myself. But it's only got to be honest. Stop only eating once a day, and try harder when you do everything. Don't give up.

>-my diary desu

>> No.9582383


You call me out on hypocrisy but you can't seriously claim that drugs compared to other less harmful escapism has the same damaging effect, that's basically what i'm trying to say

>> No.9582394

Nothing like what you suggested comes up

>> No.9582399

my point was that "drugs" is waaay too broad of a category to make a statement like that. and you're still using broad and vague phrases like "less harmful escapism" and "damaging effect"

and if you can't recognize that, then your argument is probably ill-formed and worthless anyway.

>> No.9582400

Lol watching TV is literally propaganda you pay to have in your home you glorious, clueless patriot.

>> No.9582425

I got a book for you degenerates

Peter Pan,

It's about a little boy who never grew up

>> No.9582426


Right you're one of those guys, i think patriotism is idiotic and i'm European btw

That being said not all tv is garbage, when you have a 1000 channels the choice of what exactly you watch is up to you.

Not all tv is propaganda, besides now a days you can skip commercials and brainwashing garbage.

/Muh mass media corporations blaze it 420

>> No.9582442

>harmful escapism
LSD won't help you run from your problems. Amphetamines don't take you out of the moment. Is caffeine escapism?
We'd be years behind in our research into Deoxyribonucleic acid without the help of the other acid; as Kary Mullis confirmed and Crick refused to deny, even if he didn't confirm it either.

>> No.9582451

>Right you're one of those guys, i think patriotism is idiotic and i'm European btw

Holy shit it's actually retarded. Are you loving the life within the movies and shows? Does the television bring you a sense of fulfillment/satisfaction? That another life is justifying yours? For good or bad?


>> No.9582454

>4chan poster
>telling others to grow up

We're all manchildren here, friend

>> No.9582456

You probably aren't even aware of the impacts based within the question I asked. But you're European, so it's okay. LMFAO

>> No.9582514

LSD is probably more harmful than you'd think. It's literally a psychoses inductor.

>> No.9582519


You're so oblivious that you don't realize that this applies to literature as well

Yes i actually enjoy movies, what's your point exactly ?!

Does that book bring you a sense of fulfillment/satisfaction that another life is justifying yours ?

You backsided fool, also quit using greentext and typing in acronyms you child

>> No.9582524

>4chinz is muh sekrit club 4 rejects like me
grow up sweetie, 4chan is mainstream like reddit now, there are all types on here now

>> No.9582526


I wasn't aware you were asking a question because questions usually have tone and end with a question mark.

>> No.9582531

>this applies to literature as well

What is "no shit"?
Oh man, it's gonna be rough for you growing up.

>> No.9582540

Is me too, but I understand you probably aren't good with reading and deductive reasoning. Why else would you be here?
Holy shit you're digging a hole into a grave brother.

>> No.9582545

>General stoner hangout
>degenerate retards thinking they have a place here
No, fuck off. This is a literature board, take your drugs elsewhere. Stoners are so fucking annoying to be around.

>> No.9582572
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Look. You saged, and I didn't. Here's even an image for my bump. It's related to you!

>> No.9582573

I'm well aware that it can be dangerous if misused or given to at-risk individuals, but so are most tools. The point I made was that it's not escapism and it has helped society. The problems television has caused are immeasurable, both in scale and because there's no control group so actually impossible to measure meaningfully.

>> No.9582591

I know that feeling. I had maybe half a year of massive over-consumption, now whenever I smoke I have to be really careful with it or I get anxiety.

>> No.9582607

>tfw went to empty out my dirty bongwater and dropped the slide and it shattered
why is my life so hard?

>> No.9582611


For christs sake man if you have no argumentation at all just shut the fuck up !

I'm also sensing some projection in your sentences but hey whatever makes you feel slightly better

digging a hole into a grave doesn't really add up either but i'm quite done with you now

If you can't argue like an adult, use acronyms, form odd sentences with to many question and are falling back on name calling than just be silent.

>> No.9582612

That is my high school experience summed up in one sentence

>> No.9582643

Please keep responding to me. Your cluelessness is making this free time I've got right now fly by.

>> No.9582649

guys chill we're all stoner bros here, lets just smoke a bowl and calm down

>> No.9582660

>have a profound insight into the novel you're reading
>forget it 2 minutes later

I love indicas but they don't help me read

>> No.9582668

Take notes my dude. You get to practice handwriting at the same time.

>> No.9582671

>living somewhere and being able to decide what strain you get.
>heaven is 4 real

>> No.9582674

no it isn't a "inductor" you fucktard
if you get mental illness after taking acid, it means you were going to get it at some point in your life anyway. the majority of people have no ill effects.

caffeine can give you a heart attack if you have a previous heart condition, that makes it dangerous and harmful?

>> No.9582678

I keep a reading log. It's awesome and super productive.

>> No.9582711

I choose indicas.

I can buy a multitude of strains. they help with my testicular pain after a motorcycle accident

thanks for the suggestion, but if im too lazy to wash im hardly going to start taking notes

>> No.9582774

I overdid it for probably 1-2 years. 2 years of terrible anxiety every single time I smoked, yet I still did for some reason. I didn't touch the stuff for years but now whenever I try I still get anxiety. I try smoking tiny amounts and even then I can feel the anxiety creeping up on me.

>> No.9582823

no you're a fucking retard. psychosis is different from schizophrenia. which is a disorder characterised by a series of symptoms one of which may be psychotic episodes.
The altered brain state you're in when you're on acid is an acute induced psychosis. Which is why anti-psychotics will snap you out of a trip. While you are correct that it may trigger a mental illness that is seperate from what I was referring to. In the same way that few people will get a heart attack from caffeine but everyone gets the raised heart rate and increased blood pressure.

>> No.9582833

take a benzo before you smoke

>> No.9582857

Listen to my claim you retarded sub mortal:

I hereby by this very words, very seriously that drugs compared to other less harmful escapism has the same damaging effect.

This shall be written on stone in the library of GOD and must be believed in order to enter to Heaven.

In fact, that's the only requisite to enter to heaven, just that.

The lord (me) has spoken!

>> No.9582858


Just be more picky with who you blaze with. I stopped getting anxious once I started smoking alone.

>> No.9582863


You were gonna get at some point in your life anyway....

I'm assuming you don't know anything about mental illness and the relation to drugs

Besides having a predisposition doesn't mean you will automatically get it at some point, assuming you're talking about schizophrenia

Psychosis on the other hand can happen to anyone, so again you're wrong, substances like LSD are never truly safe

>> No.9582867


>> No.9582873
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But it's the "enjoying" part that's good for your health anon, provided its in moderation.

>> No.9583026
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Only rare smoke and read. It sparks my imagination when the literature itself is too terrible to give any inspiration

>> No.9583048

and cocaine

>> No.9583070

Right and see how that turned out

>> No.9583087

This man knows.

The true kicker is that the damage is irreversible, which you will only find out slowly bit by bit in the years following you quitting.

You will continue smoking and periodically write such things into your diary, I did. It's vicarious atonement. It's also pointless self-orbiting, detached from the world, like smoking weed or masturbation.

>> No.9583909

So /lit/ I'm pretty new to this board. I'm 23 and have been smoking since around age 17. I think that smoking has fucked with my ability to retain a lot of information. I'm taking a philosophy class, though and I find it a lot easier to analyze when I am baked. I guess I just think out of the box more when I'm stoned? How do i go about retaining all this intellectual, esoteric shit though? Am I permanently fucked because I started smoking so young? I've learned to enjoy reading more but it's hard to get a good hold of everything. I guess I just want to rid myself of the stigma of being a stupid stoner and I'm glad I came across this thread to keep my hopes up of one day becoming somewhat of an intellectual.

>> No.9583912



>> No.9583919

>i think patriotism is idiotic
>i'm European btw
I think that goes without saying.

>> No.9583944

I am going to print this thread out and use it as Exhibit A of why marijuana should never be legalized. Sage

>> No.9583967
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Sup /lit/, do you prefer pen or paper?

>> No.9584054

But weed is a psycidelic

>> No.9584074

I wrote that a year ago when I quit. Haven't even wanted to smoke since.

>> No.9584124

Has there ever been a smart stoner? Serious question.

>> No.9584229


Robert Hooke might have tried it but wasn't a stoner.

>> No.9584388

Pynchon is stereotypically thought of as a stoner, but I don't know if we can assume that just from a lot of drug references in Gravity's Rainbow and some in other books

He was probably a huge stoner at some point in his life though tbqh, IMO probably around the time of writing Gravity's Rainbow, that's the feel i get having read Gravity's Rainbow twice at least, compared to the more restrained works of V. and CL49, and also the gratuitous description of smoking hemp in Mason & Dixon he seemed to have put in just for fun.

>> No.9584490

They work best as a team, don't you think?