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9572119 No.9572119 [Reply] [Original]

Why being somewhat handsome and a sports guy isn't that much of a meme to be a writer like being mentally ill and an addict?

>> No.9572121
File: 35 KB, 500x646, Gabriele-DAnnunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9572124


>> No.9572127
File: 573 KB, 752x1051, Jack_Kerouac_Naval_Reserve_Enlistment,_1943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not both?

>> No.9572128
File: 261 KB, 893x1280, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9572136
File: 58 KB, 250x250, algernon_blackwood_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy smells like he has his mom in the basement.

>> No.9572137


It's a /pol/ dogwhistle thread.

Not that I care the only problem I have with /pol/ is that most of them are too young to even bother listening to about life. The older posters are good but the young ones are all T_D tier hysterical.

>> No.9572148

>bother listening to about life

you what

>> No.9572158

This is not a buggy man thread. People are always talking about being fucked up and going through tragedies to become and artist, but they never talk about this other side.

>> No.9572170
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I just mean opinions in general.

Most /pol/ kids have a boatload of them but zero experience in life. They have no depth of character. That's why they bark and screech so loudly all the time. On this board as well as every other.

Older /pol/ guys just go with the flow and look to their own. They'll only speak up to have a bit of a bant or address important issues. It's the younger ones that like to proselytize to a nauseating degree.

Every screeching /pol/ anon that constantly rages about muh degenerates on this board is newfag Reddit.

>> No.9572195

This guys can't be considered /pol/ material. Why did you bring that fucking ghost into this?

>> No.9572206


Because you didn't approach the question in any kind of interesting way. You said the same shit that every young /pol/ tourist usually says on this board. How else am I meant to interpret it?

>> No.9572208
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9572210

You are way to spooked by /pol/. How would you approach the question then?

>> No.9572219


>You are way to spooked by /pol/.

Please I post there more than I do here.

It's the young divisive tourists that I hate.

>> No.9572242

I don't know anything about 4pol but have lurked on 8pol for a couple years now. Your analysis seems like mostly guesswork and I happen to see the juvenile mindset you're referring to as a reflection of image board culture in general. 8pol seems to take what they do seriously and if you are knowledgeable about the jewish problem, you should be able to understand why young white kids who are aware of it could come off as pretty radical about it. Then again, I think image boards were created exactly for that reason, to create or spread a much needed right wing youth culture through the internet. Just a suspicion of mine as an outsider, though a sympathetic one, of the aforementioned culture.

>> No.9572313

>much needed right wing culture
>the jewish problem

Please don't try to sound smart and detached if you write shit like this.

Also, you're wrong. Anonymous image boards should be (and were) all about irony. Pic related is what happened, probably because of the Trump candidacy.

>> No.9572315
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>> No.9572342
File: 10 KB, 689x448, spurdo meltdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I think image boards were created exactly for that reason, to create or spread a much needed right wing youth culture through the internet.

You clearly know nothing about the history of this site.

This is exactly the kind of no fun zone shit that I am talking about. Fucking newfags.

>> No.9572356

So you are a /pol/tard and you came to shit this place. Thanks, wouldn't have guessed it.

>> No.9572370


I've been here since /pol/ was even around. Kiss my taint, faget.