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/lit/ - Literature

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9508943 No.9508943 [Reply] [Original]

>open /lit/
>look through the catalogue
>no Pynchon thread
>close /lit/

>> No.9509138

>close /lit/
>make thread on /lit/


>> No.9509557

Once the Pynchmeister's wiki said he was married to Heidi Honeycutt (it's been changed back to Melanie Jackson since), so I did some searching online and the source was probably a joke in Honeycutt's IMDb profile. I was kind of surprised at first, thinking the Pynch got married again at 79.

That's all I got

>> No.9509703

Pynchon > Joyce

>> No.9509735
File: 57 KB, 500x639, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this rare pynchon

>> No.9509739

Johmas Pynciante

>> No.9509745

How to into Pynchonian polymath mode?

>> No.9510595
File: 172 KB, 504x756, 1fightposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see who the best is in December, bud.

>> No.9510645


i would actually want to see this very bad

>> No.9510661

Joyce was physically frail, Pynchon would probably just knock him out.

>> No.9510670

hit the random article button on wikipedia for 6 hours a day

>> No.9510712

A steady diet of weed and Corn Flakes

>> No.9510763

someone post it

>> No.9510777

“Who claims Truth, Truth abandons. History is hir'd, or coerc'd, only in Interests that must ever prove base. She is too innocent, to be left within the reach of anyone in Power,- who need but touch her, and all her Credit is in the instant vanish'd, as if it had never been. She needs rather to be tended lovingly and honorably by fabulists and counterfeiters, Ballad-Mongers and Cranks of ev'ry Radius, Masters of Disguise to provide her the Costume, Toilette, and Bearing, and Speech nimble enough to keep her beyond the Desires, or even the Curiosity, of Government.”

>> No.9510820

This isn't as illuminating as I thought it would be. I'm mostly just getting sporting events.

>> No.9510824

OP, this post has caused me to experience a jubilant elation the likes of which no human could possibly ever have come close to feeling before. The sheer internal euphoria ripping through my synapses right now is beyond intoxicating, all because of your post, your beautiful post that is perfect on all possible levels. In every context and situation, every possible reality, your post is the thing that brings all iterations of me the greatest joy mentally possible. As I type this, I can feel the tendons and ligaments holding my body together easing, shedding the load they've borne for so many years as the ultimate orgasmic sensation ripples through my body. This is it. My purpose is fulfilled, I no longer need exist on this earth, and my body knows it. I am coming undone at a muscular and skeletal level, I will be found as a simple pile of disconnected meat and bones, and no one will know that before I died, I experienced the complete pinnacle of raw feeling, all because of your post. Thank you, OP.

>> No.9510855

Pynchon is nowhere near as great as Joyce.

That said, Pynchon is the most discussed author on /lit/, so he doesn't really need another thread. Sometimes I think that Pynchon is all people on /lit/ have actually read.

>> No.9510860

What should one have read before tackling Pynchon?

>> No.9510868

lots of loli manga and Plotinus

>> No.9510909

Don't diss Pynchon bro

>> No.9510928

Cryptically healthy. I sub the latter out for Lucky Charms. Unfortunate results.

>> No.9510942

Only have AtD and V. left to read by him. Gonna try V., and hope it doesn't seem too novice.

>> No.9510946

Has he actually referenced manga, though? I've heard he does in BE.

>> No.9510950

Where cozy and convoluted do lunch.

>> No.9510955

>open /lit/
>look through the catalogue
>Pynchon dumbass makes a thread complaining about lack of threads
>none of the Pynchon readers have anything interesting to say about Pynchon or anything else
>the Pynchon readers nurse their delusions of being a Pynchonesque polymath by browsing muh wikipedia. Too bad they're too stupid to make anything profound from that information.

Typical day on /lit/.

>> No.9510975

Pynchon references Astro Boy in Ready Player One

>> No.9510984

It will but won't. There's something of the feel of M&D in there, a jacked sadness, although the only sympathetic character in the entire book is a female sewer rat theology student whom I've just now decided is my waifu.
It remains my favorite. GR next. Then M&D.

>> No.9510987

Pynchon > Joyce

>> No.9510988

Boo hoo

>> No.9511001

Only in the minds of losers on /lit/ marginalized by the true literary establishment.

Why are Pynchon fans always so dumb?

>> No.9511006

I shared my insight on GR yesterday and the thread didn't get much attention, I'm too lazy to type them out again
The best from reading GR was ending it and slowly after feeling how all the book started to glue together, almost gave me a hardon
I think I'm done with contemporary literature for a while

>> No.9511022

how is Joyce better, Pynchon gives insights in every field possible, he is a more complete writer, Joyce only tops him in originality

>> No.9511030

It's like the "I Fucking Love Science" page on facebook, when actual science is posted. As soon as real brain power is required, all the loudmouths seems to have vanished.

Most people who claim to be Pynchon fans are retards and/or pseuds who freeze and steer clear as soon as actual literary discussion about Pynchon is being done.

>> No.9511031

You opt for a rhetorical question as opposed to a direct one because you know youll get your ass blasted, mr. smarty pants.

>> No.9511040

Really? Give examples of Pynchon's insights in about 5 important fields.

>> No.9511044

Go read them, they are on his novels

>> No.9511050

Good thing they're "on" them. I'd be distressed if they were "in" them.

Pynchon posters, everyone.

>> No.9511068

>Insulting Tom in the /Pynchon/ general on a Pynchon forum


>> No.9511072

You totally bTFO'd me

>> No.9511074

You insult Pynchon by your very existence, you and the rest of the Pynchonposters here.

>> No.9511075

Joyce was too much of a brainlet to even finish GR

>> No.9511079

It's just banter, no need to be hurtful.

>> No.9511086

>I make bold claims about an author I haven't read, and expect others to do the majority of the work, to back my claims for me.

Weak, unforgivably weak.

>> No.9511093


>> No.9511095

kek. i heard descartes didn't even read pynchon. what a retard.

>> No.9511107


I had Gravity's Rainbow on my reading list next, but looking at this thread, I guess I can put him off for a while.

>> No.9511111


>> No.9511114
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You wouldn't understand it anyway.

>> No.9511121

And you didn't for sure.

>> No.9511126
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Oh for sure, not a single word registered through the old noggin.

>> No.9511127

At least you'll admit you're a pseud.

>> No.9511130
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>> No.9511134


>> No.9511139

the truth is, contrary to popular fucking meme-belief, all authors of the meme trilogy are talented and wrote mostly good books.
fact is, very few people bother to truly understand all of the works well enough to compare and see their similarities, they just pick one author, sometimes not even a member of the meme-trilogy and obsess with them to the point where people think they might be dull in the head or close-minded and dismiss that person as a "memer" and while they're probably right, it's equally memey to do this.
Don't dismiss books for being too memey. Just read and try to see the merit (youre either an idiot or a luddite if youre opposed to this)

>> No.9511140

Nice digits.

The pseuds who circlejerk about Pynchon on this board definitely makes reading him seem a little off-putting. Pynchon is okay, but he's insanely overrated by people on this board for whatever reason. Perhaps he's the only "difficult" writer that they've ever read. The fact that people in this thread genuinely believe that Pynchon is better than Joyce shows this well. Even Pynchon himself would be upset that you think he's better than Joyce. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for your shitty opinions.

>> No.9511157

Of course he admires Joyce.

>> No.9511162

DFW is the least good among them, though he does have some discernible talent. Infinite Jest is okay, but I wouldn't consider it great or even good.

This is one of the most fair minded opinions for this thread, and the most objectively right one.

>> No.9511196

Pynchon has the rhythm, Joyce has the melody and harmony

>> No.9511210

David was fine. He's just more modern. It seems worse because youre in denial about literature dying.
If you dont like DFW you will probably never be published in today's environment.

>> No.9511227
File: 66 KB, 359x272, no jaw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Joyce had a masculine jaw while Pynchon basically doesn't have a jaw, his throat just continues until there's a mouth
Joyce wins psychologically already during the weighing

>> No.9511235

He's fine but still the least good among the meme trilogy. Nothing you said contradicted me.

>> No.9511236

How could one not admire Joyce? The man was an absolute genius. I still remember the first time I read the dappled seaborne cloud section of portrait, and understood just how phenomenal his writing really is.

>> No.9511242

I would say Pynchon is a little bit worse than Joyce by that same logic though, is my point.
Literature has been dying/evolving.
It's not really fair to compare any of them because they're symptomatic of the times they lived in.
It's literally blind to not to respect them equally in their own right.

>> No.9511381

>mfw Plato didn't start with Finnegans Wake

>> No.9511394

I will never read IJ, I just know it sucks

>> No.9511407

You're part of the problem, friend. It's flawed but there is definite genius in there. If you like Pynchon and don't like Wallace, chances are you dont understand either.

>> No.9511414

>Perhaps he's the only "difficult" writer that they've ever read.
woah your lit cock is so much bigger than everyone else's in this thread!
>The fact that people in this thread genuinely believe that Pynchon is better than Joyce shows this well.
it is abosolutly forbiden to like one writer more than other writer, guys! this guy says so!
>Even Pynchon himself would be upset that you think he's better than Joyce.
lol who cares if he likes Steven King more than his own work
>You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for your shitty opinions.

>> No.9511429

Wallace's prose doesn't even compare to Pynchon's

>> No.9511440

Not in Infinite Jest, sure.
Infinite Jest is very experimental with it's prose so it's can't compare. Pynchon was a bit more classical in that regard.
In terms of the meta-elements, which I believe were Pynchon's true innovation, i honestly feel Wallace somewhat succeeded Pynchon.

>> No.9511462

>In terms of the meta-elements, which I believe were Pynchon's true innovation, i honestly feel Wallace somewhat succeeded Pynchon.
Maybe, but in terms of exjecution Pynchon blows Wallace's ass the fuck out and Joyce's ass too

>> No.9511467

I agree with your sentiment but disagree with your autism

>> No.9511471

My sentiment and my autism are two faces of the same coin

>> No.9511487

>it is abosolutly forbiden to like one writer more than other writer, guys! this guy says so!
Liking an author more than another isn't the same as objectively claiming that they're superior. I even like Pynchon, but to claim that he's anywhere near the same level as Joyce is just ignorant.

>> No.9511530

Childhood is liking Joyce
Adulthood is liking Pynchon.

>> No.9511585

Why do you suck Joyce's cock so much

>> No.9511610

The Pale King had flashes of brilliance that Infinite Jest never even came close to. I believe that, had he finished it (it's clear from his notes that it wasn't even close, assuming he hadn't even finished what he viewed as part 1 of 2) it would have been his masterpiece. I think it's safe to assume he would have continued to improve, and perhaps there would be arguments to be made for him against Pynchon, but it's not even close with only Infinite Jest and some short fiction to hold up on comparison.

>> No.9511615

I wouldn't call DFW a genius, though he is brilliant at times. He merely rehashes older social commentary and applies it to modern suburban ennui. He's not an irreplaceable, world changing mind like true genius tends to be.

>> No.9511628

Because he's objectively the best. His sincere efforts to reach the pinnacle of literature and language is insanely inspiring.

[Spoiler]My family is from Ireland[/spoiler]

>> No.9511629

Why couldn't he kill himself after finishing it, fucking half-assing his own masterpiece, asshole

>> No.9511643

that doesn't make him objectively the best, maybe the most visionary

>> No.9511645

He knew the vast majority of people would misread the entire thing like they did with IJ.

>> No.9511689

such a lame excuse
he kiled himself because he stopped taking his pills because he had the delusion (maybe he was actually right) that they were limiting his creativity
his brain became a fart and then he killed himself
if I don't get some kind of direction in life by the end of the year I will do the same thing desu

>> No.9511701

Fuck is he an amazing stylist

>> No.9511710

Those shoulders though

Also just because he has a thinner ovoid face with chubby cheeks doesn't mean he doesn't have a jaw, you can't really tell that from these pics

>> No.9511711

where is this from, Mr.tripledigits?

>> No.9511721

God I love that fucking book

>> No.9511727

*good cop/bad cops your path"

>> No.9511747

mason & dixon

>> No.9512181


>> No.9512197

There have been a lot of those.

>> No.9512203

Started Against the Day a few days ago, so far so good. Seems to be more dialogue than his previous tomes

>> No.9512575

i miss reading GR, it was such a challange, such a wild ride

>> No.9512904

what does /lit/ think of this theory?

>> No.9513325

I don't listen to the opinions of Twitter accounts m8, not even if they're respected outside of Twitter.

>> No.9513379

I too am suspicious of this.

>> No.9513638

No need to have a jaw when you have elusive Pynchonian footwork.

>> No.9514972
File: 16 KB, 236x284, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure are mad.

>> No.9515102

was it autism?

>> No.9515265
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What other prefaces/reviews has Pynchon written, if any?

>> No.9515276

There's honestly very little interesting discussion on literature on /lit/. This whole thread is pretty much a lot of jokes, saying what we've read by Pynchon and asking what we should read next, insulting other people and /lit/ in general, "arguing" if Pynchon is better than joyce w/o giving any support, etc.

This is why, whenever anyone writes a mildly detailed, interesting, and correct post on a piece of literature, everyone flocks around to give them 10 to 20 replies saying , "whoa, good post man"

As if posts like that shouldn't be more common on /lit/

>> No.9515389

He wrote a review of Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.9515438

been down so long it looks like up to me

>> No.9516497

This board is a shell of what it once was wgaf

>> No.9516596

>tfw my brow is just as big as his but I probably don't have even half his IQ
I'm such a fraud

>> No.9517060


>> No.9518438

Oh fuck off. Joyce wrote nothing but masterpieces. All Pynchon produced after Gravity's Rainbow was potboilers.

>> No.9518484

Pynchon hacked /lit/'s servers for a few hours because of this post

>> No.9518562

Finnegans Wake isn't even literature

>> No.9518726

If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers.

>> No.9518818

did a foreword to 1984
also gave Blood Meridian a nod on that 90s sitcom he gave notes to...

>> No.9518877
File: 19 KB, 400x550, 1450395968475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a conspiracy!

>> No.9518912

So why was Mucho Maas in Vineland again?

>> No.9518933

>Abandon /lit/ for a few months
>Come back here
>good ol' pynchonposting still here

>> No.9518968

It's really like the left one is all serious "Listen, we only want to help you. But it's only possible if you agree to help us", and the right one sez: "Tcha'! Ya really think this gullibl' one's gonna do the job? Yuk yuk!"

>> No.9518974

he wrote liner notes for a crappy elevator jazz group Lotion

>> No.9519204

Is like he has two personalities, one is the nicest person you will ever meet and the other is a twisted fucking psychopath

>> No.9519285
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>> No.9519524

Kerouac is a prose-artist in comparison

Stone Junction

>> No.9519630

days between stations

>> No.9519706

I couldn't figure it out. It didn't really seem to increase the meaning of either two, other than saying Mucho and Oedipa get divorced amicably. So at the end of CoL 49 she doesn't die or come to hate Mucho more than she already did.

Sledge Poteet is in Vineland and then mentioned in Inherent Vice (would be back in the past). There's Weissman in V. (which I haven't read yet) and he's in GR.

I'm sure the Pynchonian universe never contradicts itself I just don't really get why.

>> No.9519711

Joyce wrote one masterpiece. Pynchon wrote four.

>> No.9519738

M&D is a phenomenal book

>> No.9519742

Rather, Pynchon wrote four ambitious tomes

>> No.9519768

God, I need to read Mason & Dixon. It has been sitting on my shelf untouched for years. I've always been intimidated by it.

>> No.9519780

No you don't. It's strictly Pynchon-by-numbers.

>> No.9519783

I regret nothing.

I loved V and Gravity's Rainbow, but the indiscriminate Pynch worship ITT is just cringe-worthy.

>> No.9519787

We get it. You're not ready for Joyce yet. Give it another ten years.

>> No.9520041

What about M&D and AtD?

>> No.9520063

>Finnegans wake isn't a masterpiece
>Portrait of the artist isn't a masterpiece
>The Dead from Dubliners isn't a masterpiece
Wew lad. I wish this board had id's so I could just filter out all the retards who don't even read.

>> No.9520069

Finnegans Wake isn't a masterpiece .A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man isn't a masterpiece. The ending of The Dead is masterful but Dubliners is not a masterpiece. I'd filter out a pleb like you if this place had filters.

>> No.9520499

One in light the other darkness.
Like pottery.

>> No.9520517

one with tie the other without tie
one with mr. mommy's boy shirt neck and the other with a pimp unbottoned bigass neck shirt
how does he do it?

>> No.9520529

thank god someone noticed none of those are that great, so overrated, but i pretend they're good so i don't look like a pleb or have to spend all day arguing like a spaz

>> No.9520968


>> No.9521432

Finnegans was stupid, Dubliners was good, Portrait is a masterpiece

>> No.9522895


>> No.9523181

This thread will reach 300 even if I have to do it myself

>> No.9523244

>Portrait isn't a masterpiece
Here's how I know you're a retard. When you actually learn how to read literature, and realize that each sentence in portrait takes every other sentence into consideration for its word choice and placement, structure and prose style, you'll see why it's a masterpiece.

>> No.9523600

Someone post the Torquato Tasso pasta

>> No.9523684

this man knows

>> No.9523792

>open book
>is not writen by Pynchon
d r o p p e d

>> No.9523824

this but unironically

>> No.9524343


>> No.9524376
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Just finished this today. I hadn't read any Pynch before. I enjoyed it a lot, but I didn't understand the ending.

So, was Edipa trapped in a horrible joke?

>> No.9524383

"it's a meme you dip" is a meme, you dip

>> No.9524426

>make a Pynchon thread
>other anons make Pynchon threads in response


>> No.9524460

>open /lit/
>see Pync
>close /lit/

>> No.9524472
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——Well *fidgets with glasses* Charlie I think this kind of, ahm, almost proto-lynchian satire if that makes any sense to anyone, or say fantasia on...I don't regard it as a joke (except as a—these are air quotes—"metafictional" one), but as a sort of fabulistic send-up and satire of this, ahm, '60s-era, Nixon-era atmosphere of paranoia and *winces* also—and here I hesitate to, well, I'm sensing a paradox—with regard t-t-to say, which I haven't seen in, ahm, Western Europe, this phenomenon *wipes forehead*am I making sense?—where media falls into this trap of uh uh uh of ironizing contemporary existential and *winces* psychosexual issues and..., well and and I know Wittgenstein said the most serious, uh ahm*touches face*issues and problems could only be discussed in the form of jokes *skin flushes* but in ironizing they devalue them almost in this sort of abstract neural ahm interior way and uh uh well I am just having this will be cut right? None of this is making sense I, well I—

>> No.9524606

I'm reading Against the Day right now, it's really great. I'm about 200 pages in so far, but my favorite passage so far was the segment about Merle and his daughter. God, that gave me some feels tbqh

>> No.9524789


>> No.9524878

Barth did this better

>> No.9524907

Barth literally did nothing better. He's the most mediocre author to have ever existed.

>> No.9524936

>he hasn't read The End of the Road

>> No.9524975


>> No.9525041

No, but there's no possible way that Barth is a better stylist than Pynchon

>> No.9525129

Have you read Vollmann's attempt at the colonial American style? It's also pretty good.

>> No.9525141

>a masterpiece

>> No.9525175

Which book is that?

>> No.9525187


>> No.9525430

Thanks anon. I've read Whores for Gloria. The concept was great and close to my heart, but the writing was hit or miss, like he wrote whatever came to his mind without much editing. It would be interesting to see the same guy write in the style of Mason & Dixon.

>> No.9527043
File: 53 KB, 382x460, ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this phenomenon *wipes forehead*am I making sense?

>> No.9527112

I feel you anon. I recently wrote a pretty big paragraph in a thread discussing We/BNW/1984 only to realise I was the only other poster and the thread would 404 soon.

>> No.9527117

This is what continental philosophy does to you
Not even once

>> No.9527244

Maybe not overall, but I think his early colonial English is better (partially for being more closely modeled on actual documents from that era as well as 18th century English novels)

>> No.9527252
File: 40 KB, 700x700, IMG_0408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing dfw voice pasta

>> No.9527259

Barth literally did metafiction better than any (American) writer ever

>> No.9527455

>It's strictly Pynchon-by-numbers.


>> No.9527579

Holy fucking hell
Are Pynchon threads always this good

>> No.9527583


>> No.9527658

No problem qtπ

>> No.9527683


>> No.9527795

>The best from reading GR was ending it and slowly after feeling how all the book started to glue together, almost gave me a hardon


>Most people who claim to be Pynchon fans are retards and/or pseuds who freeze and steer clear as soon as actual literary discussion about Pynchon is being done.

you dont understand pynchon

>> No.9527807

How is Ulysses even relevant today? Don't get me fucking started on FW.

Joyce's insights just don't seem that interesting to me. We live in a different world now.

>> No.9527813

>We live in a different world now.

Get out of here you dumb brainlet

>> No.9527828

> calling anyone a brainlet with that punctuation

>> No.9527910

is pretty dope isnt it
the only thing similar I've experienced was with Ulysses on Ithaca, I was in the middle of it when suddenly I felt like the whole "essence" of Bloom just passed right throught me

>> No.9527935

Sorry, didn't know that you were a scholar in disguise.

>> No.9527949
File: 30 KB, 657x527, helperpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me, to be for real. I don't really understand Pynchon on anything deeper than the surface level. I like him because the stuff that happens in his books are wacky and crazy, and on a page-to-page basis what he's writing is just entertaining to me. Plus, his writing is really really good, some passages just sound really cool when you read them out loud. I don't really know anything about the 'themes'. If you asked me what Gravity's Rainbow was really about I'd say it was a criticism of the evolution of war post WW2 and a commentary on the environment of the cold war.

I've still read a lot of his books, though, and he's one of my favorite writers.

>> No.9528229

Why 'sez', guys?

>> No.9528251

I always imagined it might've been a sort of inside joke with his buds. Like maybe they were all out getting high one night and then the ol Pynchmeister was all like, "hey, you guys ever wonder why 'says', is spelled like s a y s, it kinda sounds like 'sez' don't you think?".

>> No.9528365

Hi there, we'll have your 4chan pass refund organised later today, please don't post here ever again

>> No.9528513

Dislike this theory

>> No.9528597
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand him just fine, lad. No worries.

>> No.9529402
File: 26 KB, 300x294, pynchon-appears-in-public.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea

>> No.9529717
File: 98 KB, 1300x866, very good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the right one sez: "Tcha'! Ya really think this gullibl' one's gonna do the job? Yuk yuk!"