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9479273 No.9479273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up earlier trying to make the thread edition.


Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9479291

first for spaceship shape like brests

>> No.9479296

How edgy is Bakker?

>> No.9479301

Judging by his blog posts on philosophy, very.

>> No.9479303
File: 702 KB, 1600x2379, evolution_by_adriansalamandre-d2bodkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is some fantasy that uses biblical stuff as inspiration.

(Similar to DMC or Darksiders, for those who have played them)

>> No.9479304
File: 104 KB, 1249x417, lolbakker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not ask him directly?

>> No.9479307

Gotta say bakker seems edgy enough.

Im deciding between him (second apocalypse series), broken empire, or land fit for heroes

>> No.9479308

Is the emperor of thrones book supposed to have the ugly font change whenever there is a flashback?

>> No.9479314

>Similar to DMC or Darksiders
So you mean fantasy that uses biblical names for the cool factor, but throws out everything else?

>> No.9479317

Guess so

>> No.9479318

>tfw the Drenai series turns into sci-fi in the last book
Can't believe I forgot that shit when I first read it years ago.

>> No.9479323

Just read William Blake, the Enochic literature, and Merkabah texts.

>> No.9479342

>posting the TKaG version
Remember to report the OP for advertising.

>> No.9479379


>It had never crossed my mind that I would read a greater story than that of Kvothe the Arcane. I had never thought it was possible to find a greater character than the Emperor Jorg Ancrath. I had never even slightly considered that there might be a fantasy world out there toppling that of Τhe Final Empire, and most definitely, I had never thought that i could love a book more than The Night Angel. But here we are.

>> No.9479380

Since when the hell are charts advertising?
There's like 10 of them in the OP

>> No.9479400

Bakker writes the highest quality grimdark available

>> No.9479401

>The magic is complex and multi-leveled; you can say it's a mix of DragonBall and Mortal Kombat

Fantasy was a mistake.

>> No.9479582

Why are modern Fantasy authors so afraid of pulp and adventure?

>> No.9479593

that's the power of a loli protag

>> No.9479642

Pulp is apparently impossible for a lot of writers to do because it requires zero pretentiousness.

>> No.9479663

>Thorn stood without motion, for only when you are truly still can you be the centre. She stood without sound, for only silent can you listen. She stood without fear, for only the fearless can understand their peril.

>Thorn waited. Fearless as flowers, bright, fragile, open to the sky. Brave, as only those who’ve already lost can be.

Is the whole book like this?

>> No.9479677

The likes of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Leigh Brackett and the Weird Tales set of Howard and C.L. Moore fell out of fashion or were denounced on spurious grounds, so they went unread for decades as post-modernism, hard sci-fi and New Wave sci-fi moved in. Consequently, few contemporary authors are aware of the older mode of storytelling, a mode which offered escapism, romance and high adventure in a format that was as accessible as it was creative, Or if authors aware, then they are unwilling to write in the old mode. Instead everything must be gussied up with literary prose, autistic levels technical verisimilitude, or misguided attempts to be inclusive by writing women like men instead of reveling in the differences of the genders.

>> No.9479686

>differences of the genders.
But there are no differences. It's a social construct aka imaginary.
Sex is a spectrum and you can change yours at will.

>> No.9479709

To admit no differences between men and women is a waste of good equipment - a line paraphrased from an Ursula Le Guin book of all things. If authors were willing to admit differences then they can unlock a lot of the sensual, exotic, and romantic forms of storytelling at a stroke. Femme fatales, women in distress, devouring mothers, virgins, crones; extremely potent symbols and ways of storytelling which go back thousands of years. Instead, stories are washed down, sexless and joyless.

>> No.9479720

Nah, that's just the prologue.

>> No.9479737

Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't Stevian, you used the wrong version of the selected fantasy chart in the OP. The guy edited it to shill his awful book. If you can, go here and rate it one star.

>> No.9479738

Imposing imaginary binary traits (usually in the form of weak female sex object/strong male hero) is literally destroying our society.

>> No.9479742

Yeah, it's keeping white males alive. That needs to be stopped.

>> No.9479752

Exactly. Glad we agree. Our reign is at an end.

>> No.9479754

I'm neither the OP nor the guy you're referring to, I'm just confused why that one book is advertisement while the rest are ok

>> No.9479771

Because its inclusion is its author trying to sell copies of his self-published ebook. It isn't a genuine recommendation, unlike the other books in the chart, since it's universally recognized by everyone but its author as completely terrible. He keeps coming in and switching out the chart for his edited version in a sad attempt at guerrilla marketing.

>> No.9479772


Oh, I get it, why does he even bother with that?

>> No.9479773

>two threads of retarded /pol/shit and shitflinging
>now Stevian has returned

>> No.9479774

Is modern fantasy too rapey?

>> No.9479775

That also applies to Bakker who we know posts here and shills his books

>> No.9479777

No idea, but in any event it's pathetic.

>> No.9479779

No, modern fantasy is too American.

>> No.9479781
File: 27 KB, 272x217, ss (2017-05-08 at 03.32.58).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too rapeless
Captcha: maximum preschool

>> No.9479786


Pardon me for not being a gender studies professor, baitanon, but the idea that gender is separated from biological sex seems silly to me.

Your entire personality and patterns of behaviour can be changed by a slight chemical or hormonal inbalance in your body, and those are not determined by cultural incentives, 99% of the time, you sex determines the presets that rule over your body.

If you overload a female with testosterone, they are going to get find cars sexually attractive, just like that anon who wanted to fuck floor tiles.

Im not fucking joking.

>> No.9479790
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Learn Japanese, play lolige.

Captcha: Select all squares with street signs

>> No.9479796

Yeah, but that series has genuine fans, and his book isn't even in the selected chart or flow chart (and I think of the selected and flow charts as the charts most intended to give recommendations).

>> No.9479798


I'm noping the new mark lawrence series has loads of rape like his previous ones

>> No.9479800


>> No.9479807
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Not so far. But I'm not far in.

>> No.9479813


Holy shit, that's exactly where I stopped my audiobook at 10 minutes ago

>> No.9479814


>> No.9479816


>> No.9479818


I have pretty bad ADD, I can't read books, which is why audiobooks work because I can do other menial shit while listening which helps me focus

>> No.9479819

Does Iron Dragon's Daughter get better? I'm about 170+ pages in and loved the part in the factory, but this!NotAmerica part is very meh.

>> No.9479823

Hmm, fair enough then.

>> No.9479860
File: 39 KB, 500x822, 6665ad728459972c3be97493da9a4d28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good /sffg/ books about weird ass relationships?

I dont care if its SFW or not, I dont care if its weird-waifu/man or weird-husbando/woman. Monsters, eldritch horrors, AI´s, Aliens, The Irish: anything goes.

I could settle for something thats just a blue human recolor, a ghost or a catgirl, but I consider that cheating, if its not humanoid, the better.

>> No.9479872

The second third of The Gods Themselves involves the sexual relationship of a trigendered alien triple.

>> No.9479873

>Your entire personality and patterns of behaviour can be changed by a slight chemical or hormonal inbalance in your body, and those are not determined by cultural incentives
Pardon me for not being a professor in the field, takingthebaitinanexcellentmanneranon, but I honestly thought these could be manipulated by our surroundings/the environment we live in.

>> No.9479879
File: 64 KB, 433x313, 1486277770453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender determination is actually one of the most complicated fucking things in the world and it's not just the hormones but the receptors, the affinity of the receptors, the affinity of the hormones, the amount transcribed, the feedback circuits everything.

And yeah, females already make testosterone check this completely simplified diagram out: http://i.imgur.com/APhlt8o.png

Timing of the hormones is also very important. For example, high levels of oestrogen in males are required to mature the brain and also what we refer to oestrogen is actually 17β oestradiol, oestriol and oestrone all produced in very different circumstances.

And what we refer to as the male hormones includes DHEA, DHEA sulphate, androstenedione, testosterone and DHT. And each of these hormones is created by something so for example DHT is converted from testosterone by 5α reductase and then there's LH, FSH, GnRH, inhibin, antimullerian hormone (which is confusingly referred to by at least three different names).

And even before that then there's the lets make the base sex organs from the intermediate mesoderm and oh the cloaca needs to divide just fucking right and hope that the right ducts degenerate and the urethra folds/does not fold over and the right gene activates.

And then even if you get all that right well there's some enzymes like 21 hydroxylase and 11β hydroxylase which can control a female's masculinity.

And then there's completely unrelated annoying shit like increased insulin actually causing male appearance because somehow insulin can ↓ the amount of sex binding protein.

It's so fucking interrelated.

It's so fucking complicated and a lot of the time you will never know how abnormal you really are.

>> No.9479881



why am I not surprised, I remember a girl banging a robot in caves of steel if Im not mistaken

>> No.9479887

A girl bangs a 'male' robot.
Hari Seldon band a 'girl' robot.
At one point in the novel, it gets mentioned that sex is one thing that humaniform robots are great for.
And another guy falls in love with a robot.

At one point Solarians make themelves into hermaphrodites.

Equal opportunities fucking.

>> No.9479888

>Replacing the actual selected fantasy chart to shill your book

I don't know if you knew the OP you copied had the shilled version or not, but at this point I don't really care. I just want the mods to pay attention so I'm reporting you.
