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/lit/ - Literature

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9466929 No.9466929 [Reply] [Original]

Oathbringer hype edition



Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9466933
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Mathematicians deal with large numbers sometimes, but never in their income.

>> No.9466941
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Reposting from the last thread:

Other than Sabriel and its rather unusual take on necromancy, what are some fantasy works that feature a necromancer as the protagonist? Not strictly in the way that Sabriel worked, mind you.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Warhammer is far more focused on action stuff, than the actual way magic works and such?

>> No.9466942


There literally isn't one
Not anything decent at least

>> No.9466969

Walter Tevis was mentioned at the end of the last thread. I've yet to read him, but I'll probably read Mockingbird before the end of the month. Anyway, I wanted to point out that his bibliography is interesting, an unusual case of a SF writer successfully crossing over to mainstream novels; SF staples like The Man Who Fell To Earth and Mockingbird alongside The Color Of Money and The Hustler. Consider how many authors are either unwilling or unable to write outside of their niche. Philip K Dick yearned for this type of career.

>> No.9466977

Too Like the Lightning had some pretty lewd parts desu

>> No.9466983

Some of the Diablo novels have a necromancer protag.

>> No.9466990


Diablo is shit.

I mean, do I really have to say it that I specifically want to read decently written books? I thought that was a given in this general.

>> No.9466999


>> No.9467027

f-fuck you!

>> No.9467043

Any good novels with a girl protag?

>> No.9467054


First Mistborn

>> No.9467078
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Are there any books out there that are similar to Planescape:Torment? That is a really bizarre setting and a more personal plot rather than a 'save the world' style plot

>> No.9467123


Prequel, read to me like chick-lit or at least conforms to what I think chick-lit fantasy is. Premise is Pyrre has a hit-list with various requirements to complete before graduating from acolyte to priestess with one of them being kill someone she loves, and of course she's not in love with anyone.

So the bulk of the content is her trying to fall in love with some guy she had an affair with years ago so she can then kill him. It wasn't terrible, short enough to not outstay its welcome too badly and at least the two older priest characters were memorable but yeah still a bit disappointing.

>> No.9467126


Red Sister

>> No.9467142


It's not even on the fucking Kindle store

>> No.9467195

I thought Mockingbird was quite good. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but good.

>> No.9467199

>the protagonist lets off female antagonists easier than their male counterparts


I stomached as much as I could of Garrett PI, but this fucking enough.

>> No.9467201

All Systems Red
Might be a fun little book.

>> No.9467296

The Chronicles Of Amber books are underrated.

>> No.9467421

Haven't played that game but

>That is a really bizarre setting and a more personal plot rather than a 'save the world' style plot

Book of the New Sun

>> No.9467482

Hey now, that was unnecessary. You know very well we read terrible books all the time here.

>> No.9467499

>necromancer as the protagonist
the only series that comes to mind is the anita blake one, and that starts off as shit before quickly becoming a hot mess. i'll admit to liking the first few books, but as soon as the primary focus became the threeway fuck-lationship with the vampire and the werewolf i dropped it. also, she's more monster hunter than necromancer

>> No.9467518
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>but never in their income

>> No.9467519


>> No.9467529

Sent ;)

>> No.9467588
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Is it good?

>> No.9467621

Depends, do you like shitty books?

>> No.9467624

>le neckbearded fedora man in le trenchcoat
pic is about right

>> No.9467632


>> No.9467644

Cabal the necromancer
Anita Blake (up to obsidian butterfly)
downside ghosts (kinda)
Felix Castor (kinda)
broken empire (small subplot, isn't used much)
libat mount char (kinda, again a subplot, book does not revolve around the necromancer. You might enjoy it anyways)

Also a quick google gave me this https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/necromancer
Seems a lot of what I suggested is on there.

>> No.9467649

BOTNS is both

>> No.9467666
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Then you might like it because it's a really shitty book.

>> No.9467704

The Chronicles of Amber:

>I sat down and lit a cigarette and the runes on my blade Grayswandir glowed. Oh hell, I thought. She asked me to make love to her, and I did that thing. The runes were acting up again near the end of coitus, and in a red flash the blade exploded, releasing a man-sized demon with leathern bat wings. She opened her eyes from beneath me and screamed, so I slapped her. "Fuck off, Jack, can't you see I'm indisposed?" I said. The demon snarled and spoke in Old Welsh. "Begone, thou knave, or I'll knock you sillier than this wench."

>> No.9467761

What's Lit's opinion on Xianxia novels.

>> No.9467762

That's not from Amber you stupid man baby.
It's from Shadow Jacks.

>> No.9467769

>you stupid man baby

How do they always know

>> No.9467779

I smelt your dirty diaper all the way from there.

>> No.9467926

Can't say I ever liked drow-centric/elf-centric books and the problem with Cunninham is the fact that she writes about nothing else. Every single Forgotten Realms book of hers is about drow or surface elves.

>> No.9467981

Are there any good fantasy books (standalone or series) that don't focus on combat/warfare or politics?

>> No.9468011


>> No.9468071
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Another interesting publication decision. It's a collection, but the blurbs and advertising only mention the lead story, which appears to be a loose sequel to Dickson's "Jamie the Red". I saw no mention of collection or treasury anywhere, but noticed 2 extra copyright notices from 10 and 20 years earlier than the publishing date. The title story followed a lone infidel in Moslem territory and his experience with the kind of face saving hostility that swore friendship with you in such a way that let them kill your whole family. The second story was the kind of decent SF pulp I've begun to expect from Dickson and had been previously included in several magazines and other collections. The final story was a philosophical nugget on the nature of man and miracles, also appearing as the final entry in two other earlier collections.
There is no shared theme or any other reason I can find for these to appear together, so I'm not going to give it a numerical rating.

>> No.9468077

Gentlemen Bastards, theres violence but theyre dick ass theives

>> No.9468246

Any science-fiction or fantasy with lovecraftian/cosmic horror elements?

>> No.9468297


>> No.9468310

I'm 130 pages into Valis, and near dropping this book altogether. PKD has interesting ideas, but he is erratic and he repeats himself too much. I'm saying this as somebody who ordinarily likes reading him a lot, 7 of his earlier novels and a volume of short stories. So I may shelve this one for reading another time or forget about it altogether.

>> No.9468345

The protagonist of Tom O'Bedlam by Robert Silverberg (1985) is a traveling man in a post-apocalyptic America who dreams about several species of Lovecraft-esque aliens and their worlds. He unwittingly begins to transmit them to people immediately around him (a gang of scavengers) as well as a mental hospital on the East coast.

>> No.9468353

Valis is a difficult read, even if you're familiar with Dick. The book was rewritten several times at a severe low point in his mental well-being, and it bleeds over into the way the book is written just as much as what the book is actually about. The best way is to adopt a sort of siege mentality- schedule a block of days, plan to read x amount of pages per day hell or high water, maybe even annotate as you read. Just chip away at the story. It is worth it in the end; it's sort of like navigating your way through a corn maze, then retracing your steps only to discover that the route you took spells out everything you had for breakfast that morning. Cosmic and inscrutable with a bizarrely mundane focus, as Dick does best.

>> No.9468355

>east coast

That should read West coast

>> No.9468361

Oh I'm annotating alright. I even have a brainstorm going on a separate piece of a4. I enjoy puzzles (Gene Wolfe, Borges) but this is something else. I suspect I will put another hour or two into it tonight and then decide.

>> No.9468370

City of the Dead, it's a Forgotten Realms novel though so if you can't stand it, read no further.
It focuses on the undertakers of Waterdeep.
I read it years ago in one single evening and I don't think there was a single character dying, there was no politics and no warfare either, just basically fixing small-time problems.
It's basically some outside noble guy doing shit in the crypts (plundering and selling stuff if I remember correctly, could be something else though) under one of the graveyards and the protag must stop him before the (un)dead get too angry. The undead leave every evening through the undertaker gate and head for the mansion of the noble and harrass him by staring through the windows when he's throwing parties, really nasty thing, that.
Generally if you are into dungeon-running, Forgotten Realms novels are your first go-to, there's a lot of them without realm-shattering consequences.

>> No.9468389
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How is this?

>> No.9468393

Like what your mom dropped a steaming pile of on my chest last night mate.

>> No.9468410


>> No.9468426

It's decent enough for what it is.

>> No.9468467

and what is it?

>> No.9468486

A novel.

>> No.9468512

Anyone know of anything like The Martian and the Bobiverse books? Doesn't have to be sci fi, but I like the whole "build an empire starting from some rocks" idea, with a focus on the practical problems that would entail.

>> No.9468532


Are you 14-16 years old? If so, you'll enjoy that.

I'm not fucking with you. When I was younger, I enjoyed reading it too. Then I grew up and got some taste.

>> No.9468548

The Moon is Hell by John Campbell is along those lines, as a painstaking account of the practical problems of developing a long-term shelter in a hostile environment from limited resources with little focus on conventional plot or characterization.

>> No.9468580
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>Then I grew up and got some taste.
>still reading science fiction and/or fantasy

>> No.9468583


I recognize you. You're that pathetic weebfag that shitposts on other boards whenever there's a book thread around. Do you seriously have no life?

>> No.9468621

Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson

>> No.9468627
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fucking this. Triggers me so much. I unironically wish my protagonist would rape and murder female antagonists just to show hes not a pussywhipped faggot.

>> No.9468635
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I don't care for that. I just want the fucker to not let some cunt, that has fucked him over throughout the whole book and has resulted in dozens of people dying, go at the end of things because he's "not that kind of guy".

Then again, what the fuck did I expect from a book that has covers like this?

The sad thing is, the world is interesting. It really has lots of nifty details. I just wish there was some other protagonist instead.

>> No.9468644

isn't that the
>any kind of colonization is evil

>> No.9468893
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Anyone else want to help me write a plot summary for Echopraxia on Wikipedia?

>> No.9468956

It's just a mediocre fantasy book. I don't know why you keep up this underage meme. You can still enjoy cool things after growing up anon.

>> No.9469088

Clark Ashton Smith's stories had different settings where he mixed fantasy and lovecraftian influences. His main ones were:

Averoigne: A medieval era French province assailed by evils of the night.

Hyperborea: Antediluvian tropical continent filled with lovecraftian monsters.

Zothique: Far future in a dying earth filled with necromancers and weird beasts.

>> No.9469173

>start writing my first novel
>realize it's already boring from two pages

>> No.9469203
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What can you tell me about Name of the Wind? I felt very skeptical of it from the start, because the people recommending it were people I think are idiots.

Are my instincts right? Is it swill?

>> No.9469206

I also am wondering this since i'm looking for a new book. Somebody intelligent please answer

>> No.9469212

i am not intelligent but i enjoyed it
i found some part boring, but the rest was pretty good

>> No.9469213

No that book is trash you will regret reading it. I read it in April because /sffg/ kept talking about how great it was and eventually someone lent me a copy; here is the review I wrote right after
>Nope. Nopenopenope. Empty calories for the brain. An immensely dislikeable Gary Stu protagonist in a fedora and the friend zone. Fuck this book and fuck Patrick Rothfuss.

>> No.9469214

post em anon

not like they'll become anything anyways

>> No.9469215

I'd give it a pass.

>> No.9469219

I'm completely new to reading, what book do you deem must-read in your opinion? (Don't ask about my tastes, i'm asking about your tastes specifically)

>> No.9469227

It's not english

>> No.9469230

Prepare to hate the protagonist.

>> No.9469232

I don't think there is a "must-read", there are just things of varying quality in your interests and these will change as your tastes change.

>> No.9469234

I kind of want a book that teenagers had 15 years ago when they had the experience with Harry Potter, but im 24 years old and just started reading and need a book equivalent to that for adults I guess.

>> No.9469241

Why would you take recommendations from people you don't respect? When has that ever paid off?

>> No.9469245

>I read it in April because /sffg/ kept talking about how great it was

>> No.9469248


>> No.9469249

>made the terrible mistake of looking up "booktubers"
>look up some science fiction stuff they talk about because why the fuck not, might find something new to read
>pick a video at random
>Irish cunt that talks about how she's glad that there's queer/asexual/POC representation in the book

Fuck it. I have no one but myself to blame.

>> No.9469253

I haven't yet, but I'm asking around because at least on /lit/ I don't know whether or not the people are intelligent. The more opinions, the more I figure I can triangulate the quality of the work.

>> No.9469257

It's decent, probably the best of Feist's books. He started strong with that setting then just steadily rolled downhill as he kept going. The middle stuff is still kinda readable but it just gets ridiculous later on by like book 11 or so.

Also, he cowrote a series with Janny Wurts set in this same setting, and it's fantastic and definitely worth reading.

>> No.9469262
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I just read The Wonderful Visit by H.G. Wells and loved it.

Is there anything similar to it that I could read tonight?

>> No.9469268

I don't know you, I can't predict what'll appeal to you. Just read around some things, see what people whose opinions you respect say about whatever books and then give the ones they suggest a go if they seem interesting. Finding a book that'll have the same effect on a 24 year old as something like HP had on a kid roughly Harry's age at the time of the book's setting will be difficult.

>> No.9469295
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I can't enjoy a book anymore if /sffg/ bashes it
Am I retarded?

>> No.9469310

No, just a conformist.

>> No.9469316
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I read this in the sixth grade, and up until the point that Gollum appeared, I thought that Bilbo was the guy in the back.

I racked my brain trying to figure out why the dwarves would hire such an ugly fucker.

>> No.9469330
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>everyone in Bakker's work is a degenerate cockslut
>SJWs still refuse to give him accolades

where is the justice?

>> No.9469339
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What are some books that are like this album sounds?

>> No.9469348


>> No.9469421

I once had an idea for a Twitch show. The theme is this: Live book reviews, where you get a /pol/ack, a Kantbot and a Tumblr feminist to try and discuss a popular scifi/fantasy novel or a film.

Every time someone donates a certain amount, they each have to eat a hot pepper of a certain intensity based on donation size, and then keep talking. I would also have them play video games.

>> No.9469505

Sounds fun. You should find soem friends and do it. I would def watch everytime.

>> No.9469545

What the fuck are you on about. At least the /v/ cunts have a trend to go off. Asking for books based on music is a horrible mistake and you disgust me.

>> No.9469569

Just asking for some books that are like an album
No need to get mad, lad.

>> No.9469574
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>What words are like this music

>> No.9469575

Not him, but how do yo uexpect them to be alike to each other?

General mood and atmoshpere? To what degree?

>> No.9469582

about 14

>> No.9469588

>General mood and atmoshpere?
I don't get why this is so bewildering to you guys, creating "soundtracks" for books is something that you should be good at.

>> No.9469593


>> No.9469649

Soundtracks only happen in movies (or video games). I have never had a piece of music come to mind when reading. Occasionally I'll have something stuck in my head from earlier, but it just interferes with my concentration on the text.
This entire topic is weird.

>> No.9469739
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I replaced her rings, her bracelets, her combs, before I closed the grave, and that was Lorraine.

I enjoyed this collection of short stories by Mr. Long, actually prefer them to Lovecraft.

>> No.9469815
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Just finished with the latest book of the Undying mercenaries.

I have to say, the whole series is some of the most entertaining popcorn I´ve read in while, the MC is a walking keikaku genocide engine who racks up harem like its nobodys business.

Its self insert wish fullfilment pulp so shameless and honest I cant help but admire it.

>> No.9469853

The Deep, by Nick Cutter.

>> No.9469867

People who don't enjoy or understand books have a multilayered depth (in which rereading allows you to solve the mysteries presented in the storyline, to which there are many (other series with this in the High Fantasy genre are ASoIaF, Lightbringer, Stormlight, etc)) hate the series; if you enjoy having to figure out the most interesting parts of the story for yourself then you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.9469906

>When the story has literally dozens of hours of theorycrafting and you can figure out the entire 3rd book by being a perceptive enough reader
>Empty of calories for the brain

Perhaps you like your stories to just get spoon fed to you; but the point of TNoW+TWMF is that you are supposed to be able to figure out the major plot elements that haven't ever been directly mentioned; it's a series where you have to figure out the right questions to ask the material.

For instance Kvothe is a Chandrian, the silence that he has over him, the silence of three parts; that's his Chadrian Sign, as the Signs are an antithetical to who you were before you fell. There are quite literally a hundred hints that this is the case.
Another is that all the information about the Amyr is being hidden behind the four plate door in the archive, the archive war between multiple systems is just a cover for the disappearing of the largest sum of information about the Amyr,
the Scrives go out all around the world "collecting works" aka pruning collections at the express command of the Master Archivists, creating blanks on information just like we see that both Kvothe plus the Maer have encountered in their searches

Has a fair bit more depth then people who've never read it give it credit for; and I could go on about any of these other series that have the same level of depth, but just because people are too stupid to see the layering doesn't mean it isn't obviously there.

>> No.9470058

The Emperor's Soul. Enjoy.

>> No.9470073

They're awful in the way that Jap LNs are awful and the shit:OK ratio is even worse.

>> No.9470093

>some other kind of protagonist

Won't happen because I guarantee it's at least a partial self-insert


>> No.9470096
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>> No.9470117

You're welcomed. Try Neal Asher and tell me how if is

>> No.9470127

What are some comfy fantasy, sci fi, and post-apocalyptic reads?

>> No.9470200

>coercing anon into reading and then re-reading horrible trash stories
that's some hardcore rusing right there

>> No.9470254

Gonna be pissed if those fags on westeros buy any ARCs that pop up while I'm asleep or something.

>> No.9470306
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>no squid-obsessed muscleman
What's the point

>> No.9470337

Earth Abides, George Stewart. A man survives an extinction virus and looks for a woman to restart humanity with.

A Cantictle For Leibowitz, Walter Miller. Catholic monastery preserves knowledge through the ages after nuclear apocalypse.

Dr Bloodmoney, Philip K Dick. Happenings as a small West coast settlement after nuclear war; a bit like a slice of life but full of kooks and mutants.

The Drowned Word, JG Ballard. More highbrow but engrossing with the correct mindset; London is flooded after global warming, a scientist psychologically reverts under the influence of the beating sun.
On another topic, I'll update on Valis, because I know people want to know about my reading progress. It's a lot better after the introduction of the film and the obvious David Bowie like-figure, more novelistic. I'm now sure I will finish it after 192 pages.

>> No.9470432

Take your Japanese obsession with sea creatures to /a/ or /jp/

>> No.9470458

Can we all have a moment of silence for Hugo Gernsback, the father of the science fiction genre who inspired the next generation of inventors including the inventor of television?

>> No.9470594
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>I read it in April because /sffg/ kept talking about how great it
That wasn't sffg mate. We (sffg) acknowledge that the books have good parts, but the author did a hot mess of connecting them together. He had many fragments of stories that he jumped to without anchoring them to each other. He talked about something then forgot about it 100 pages later.
Those who were shilling were invaders.

>> No.9470603

I'm finally reading american gods. I don't really think anything positive of it and I don't know why I keep reading it but I'm not putting it down either

What's something that's nothing remotely like this. No dingy american suburbs and grimy cells. No rehashed mythologies and unrelatable drunks and rednecks. just something exotic and lively.

Maybe I'll try reading skullsworn instead even though I know nothing about this series

>> No.9470614

Step 1: don't read low fantasy

Step 2: continue with step 1 until you die

>> No.9470711

>tfw people have a life to enjoy on a friday night and you are at home reading sff
Sucks man.

>> No.9470714


It's Saturday morning.

>> No.9470720

Somebody left for a party Friday night and is probably enjoying vagina they gathered from said party right now.

>> No.9470906


I honestly have no idea, the only other thing I read by Glen Cook was the first three books of the Black Company series.

>> No.9470952


Southern Reach trilogy has Lovecraftian elements

>> No.9470972

.... Why does lit, no, 4chan hate reddit so much? You guys all go there anyways, so why pretend? xD

>> No.9470973
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This year, guys, I'm feeling it.

>> No.9471013

Redditor tourists will never fit in here.

>> No.9471014

I think I speak for everybody who was let down by book 2 when I say: who cares?

>> No.9471026

tbqh I liked it
But I read the books one after another. I guess if I had to wait years for it, I'd be more bothered by fedora-tipping fairy sex and autism people adventures.

>> No.9471037
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How many of you guys would describe yourselves as marxists or at least leftists? I ask this question because post-modernism permeates the genre of fantasy. Not trying to start a fight. Just wondering.

>> No.9471042

I didn't mind any of that shit because I'm not a sperg. What got me was how little he did to advance the story. He just dithered and wasted pages and pages on Denna shit nobody cares about. After dangling all those delicious plot threads in book 1 I was expecting some serious follow up but there was nothing. Just side quests. Like I bet you could skip from book 1 to book 3 if it ever comes out, and not really miss anything that important. Maybe just read a quick summary of book 2 so you know where he got the cloak and sword.

>> No.9471045

I would describe myself as thinking that marxism or any related forms of modern leftism count as mental illnesses and their adherents should become entangled in some Muslim terrorism attack.

>> No.9471051

Denna, Felurian and Adem are the main things people usually name when they criticize how the story didn't move.

I think that even if it didn't move, more of the setting and the lore was revealed and that was interesting enough.

>> No.9471077

I despise Marxists nearly as much as I do fascists. I don't know what you mean about post-modernism permeating fantasy though, cause I read quite a bit of it and don't see what you mean.

>> No.9471113

>post-modernism permeates the genre of fantasy
Uh examples? Unless you mean Hugo Awards """"fantasy"""" bullshit.

>> No.9471136
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>book has female protagonist

I swear im not sexist but I dont like female protagonists at all, am I a faggot.

>> No.9471144


Nah, most female protagonists tend to be written really poorly. They remind you that they're female by either slutting it up or by bringing up periods. So they're pretty much female standup comedians in some fantasy/science-fiction setting.

The only female protagonist that I personally liked was Sabriel.

>> No.9471156

I think you're more likely to find anarchists here than communists and socialists - or believers in Robert Heinlein-esque libertarian/self sufficiency. Post-modernism's influence on genre fiction is low; PoMo usually de-emphasizes matters of plot, whereas plot is king in most genre works, as is fulfilling conventions of setting and character.

People (who don't read her) also confuse people like Ursula Le Guin like she is the leader of a Marxist and feminist cabal, when she is more of a Taoist and Zen demagogue than anything. I struggle to think of a didactic Marxist writer of SF&F; not even Soviet era Russian science fiction authors like the Strugatsky Brothers.

As for myself, my politics aren't solidified, but Tolstoy's Christian anarchism is interesting.

>> No.9471182

I don't know if China Mieville counts as didactic but he's definitely Marxist.

>> No.9471190


>Start reading Mistborn at a friend's urging.
>Absorb the first book rather quickly. Get super into it.
>Especially loved Vin. One of the rare instances where the author wrote the female protagonist to be strong in her own right, while also filled with glaring flaws and weaknesses. You know, like a fucking human being you can relate to and not a flawless goddess born of flesh that can do no wrong.
>Into the third chapter of the second book. Reading it on my lunch break.
>Coworker sees this.
>"Oh I loved that series. I was soooo pissed when Vin and Elend died though"
>Proceed to close the book.
>"Oh shit...Umm...Sorry Anon. My bad"
>Haven't picked it up in two weeks.

And I was so enjoying myself.

>> No.9471207

>genocide engine

>> No.9471296


>caring that much about minor spoilers

100% faggot
PS: every character in every book eventually dies
Go ahead and quit books now

>> No.9471298

What are some series similar to Lightbringer?

>> No.9471320

He made you a favor if you stopped reading Sandersonshit.

>> No.9471351
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>> No.9471353

The book does spoon-feed you that information though. Maybe it seems like a fascinating puzzle to you, but I found Rothfuss had a severe case of underestimating the reader. It's not at all subtle and just made me cringe. That's partly what I meant by "empty calories for the brain". I'm complaining that the book is too dumb, not too smart, as you seem to have incorrectly inferred.

>> No.9471367
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Do you find this ranking agreeable?

>> No.9471382
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>> No.9471389 [DELETED] 

What seems the be the problem?

>> No.9471391

What seems to be the problem?

>> No.9471400


>Harry Minority
>Dresden Files
>Worm (isn't this fanfiction of some sorts?)
>The Broken Empire

Jesus Christ, how horrible.

>> No.9471405

Worm is an original web novel.

>> No.9471412


Yeah, like I said, fanfiction.

>> No.9471417

Maybe if the voters were 14 years old.

>> No.9471432

i want AI to run everything

>> No.9471436
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>> No.9471439
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>no Blindsight

>> No.9471464

Fucking reddit is even worse than i thought.

>> No.9471473

It's basically a popularity contest.

Just what is well known will get votes.

Rowling is shit.

But Hobb definitely has a case to be above George and that mormon.

Le Guin too, but she's become worse as time went on iirc.

>> No.9471478


The Broken Empire is actually good though
Stop being such a contrarian

>> No.9471482


>Womameme authors

There shouldn't be any in the top 100

>> No.9471484


>I don’t like to get angry. It makes me angry.

>> No.9471496


I enjoyed Le Guin's works more before I read something about her own beliefs. I really dislike it when an author's own politics and beliefs are blatantly shoehorned into what they write. Obviously, a writer writes about what knows and it's inevitable that some of who they are bleeds into their works, but just pushing it over and over and over to the audience is plain stupid.

>> No.9471515
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>Other than Sabriel and its rather unusual take on necromancy, what are some fantasy works that feature a necromancer as the protagonist?

The Necroscope.

An odd mix of urban fantasy, Cold War spy thriller and low fantasy.

>> No.9471530
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Like fucking clockwork. Theres always somebody up in arms asking where are all the women. But I never see these people actually making an effort to search for good female writers outside of their diversity meme spouting cliques.

I´ve shilled Days of the Deer a couple of times, Its written by a woman, its set during the conquest of the americas, and has the Leguin seal of approval, but I guess that nobody cares because the author is not a disabled migrant transgender black woman and her books are not about disabled migrant transgender black women smashing the patriachy.

What a waste, are any of the authors in that pic any good besides Leguin? and excluding Rowling of course.

>> No.9471538


I can't read any of her works because I've already read how butt pained she is irl

>> No.9471542


>Womameme author
>Ever good

Please, this is a literature board

>> No.9471561


I can still enjoy them, I just don't discuss her online, because her own personal beliefs always get brought up one way or another. IRL I have a friends who read her, enjoyed her works and don't give a shit about what she says in real life. Wish I'd stayed as ignorant as them.

>> No.9471603

With the exception of Ayn Rand, women writers suck. Most are stuck at the mentality level of 5 to 13 year olds.

>> No.9471623

Only Ayn Rand is good, out of all woman authors ever? What makes her so special, anon?

>> No.9471719


She's a good writer. period.....not a female writer who receives praise just off the merit of her ax wound .

>> No.9471734

She's not, you're being trolled.

>> No.9471750

>who is Le Guin

>> No.9471864

Her style is basically if Nietzsche tried writing fantasy.

The Fountainhead has 753 pages but a 115 minute film was able to adapt it completely.

Way too padded.

But libertarians like her because of "objectivism", basically be a selfish ass.

>> No.9471869

I unironically enjoy lots and lots of shitty Amazon Military Sci Fi. Steel World series on the pulpy action side and The Lost Fleet on the harder end of the spectrum are great.

>> No.9471877

That's an insult to Nietzsche

His thought was deep and widespread. She was a one-trick pony.

>> No.9471887

Let me ask you one question.
How do you feel about The Martian?

>> No.9471917

i remember being 14

>> No.9471941

>You know, like a fucking human being you can relate
Why do you guys have to "relate" to characters? Just read the story for what it is. Inserting yourself into characters is the most autistic, childish thing to do. We are all adults here, we don't have to pretend like we are Khaladen to enjoy Way of Kings. You guys autisticly cry about some character doing something to "break immersion". Stop immersing / inserting yourself into characters.

>> No.9471958

Because it's easier to understand a character who's you then one who isn't.

>> No.9471968

>similar to Lightbringer
As in? Colours attributing different things?
Warbreaker, Red Rising, waking fire and Shades of Grey.

>> No.9471990


Magic mostly, I've read warbreaker, how good is red rising?

>> No.9471992

Wtf... Is that reddit? If so they took a lot of the books I've been recommending over the years. It looks like I'm a reddite now when I show my chart.

At least now I know all the fags who talk about mousewall are redshitors and can safely be ignored.

>> No.9471996

Never read or watched it.

>> No.9472000


It should have more female authors in it, otherwise OK

>> No.9472020


>At least now I know all the fags who talk about mousewall are redshitors and can safely be ignored.

bitch Im going to cut you

>> No.9472037

>Ayn Rand
You know years ago posting her name or books in lit was cause for an instant ban? It was in rules for /lit/. I miss those days.

>> No.9472044
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>book has non-virgin female characters

>> No.9472062


Homosexuality is the last step towards misoginy, anon.

The greeks had the right idea

>> No.9472074
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why are people so butthurt about this? the best books were factually written by men, if they want more women in those lists then maybe they should write good books? this is such a fucking horrible mindset, constantly complaining about minority/gender [x] not being in any kind of best-of list and that there needs to be more "diversity". Write a fucking good book and you are in it, the end.

>> No.9472087

Okay. One more.
How do you feel about migrating across from reddit, exposing yourself, and people here disliking your views on things?

>> No.9472098
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>gib quotas

>> No.9472104

>Because it's easier to understand a character who's you then one who isn't.
This is why racism, classism, sexism is never going to end. Some people are too autistic to understand someone if they don't have a dick and the same skin colour.

You just single handedly answered a bunch of shit I've seen going on in this thread, and slightly pondered upon.

>> No.9472105


>> No.9472141

It's scifi. And it's about colour being a person's social standing. It's far future where people have been genetically modified to fit certain roles. Pink is sex, red is miner, etc.

The first book started with some hunger games finger in the sky whistle shit. I was going to drop it but the anon that shilled it to me made me promise I would read past that. It was hard anon, I cringed irl reading that hand on chest shit.. but I pushed through. Then he died and it was one rollercoaster loop to loop to another.

I had to restrain myself my reading all 3 books in succession. I interspersed some other books between book 1 and 2, and I think those books suffered for it as my mind was on book 2 when I was reading them.

I highly recommend the series. I don't know why the author had that hunger whistle shit at the beginning. Maybe to trick hunger fags into reading his books, but I'm sure he lost a lot of prospective readers by pulling that shit. If the anon didn't beg me I would have dropped it.

>> No.9472154

What do I do after reading all of Wolfe's works?
I can't go back to a regular narrator without any puzzles to figure out.

>> No.9472170
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>> No.9472191

What is the "Chrono Trigger" of fantasy?

>> No.9472215

This bitch is stupid. There are a bunch of female authors and female protagonist books. If women actually read fantasy more this wouldn't be a problem about her feeling "lonely". Most of the guys reading these books would be called manchild by females such as herself irl. Those guys took reading as a hobby and read what gave them enjoyment.

Now that reading is "so kewl, lol aren't I a nerd guise" females are flocking to it more. If she and more of her other kin read, hung out, and discussed their female books in those threads their would be a noticeable increase in "female authors" and this wouldn't be a problem.

Also lol @ her saying that because x amount of the books were female authors that means x amount of users are female. I'm sure as a guy I read more female authors than herself.

>> No.9472230

well what's Chrono Trigger firstly

>> No.9472258

I liked Valis a lot, but I'm now 1/3 into Deus Irae and it's the first of his books that doesn't interest me at all. Does it ever get worthwile?

>> No.9472279

medieval fantasy with time travel into the past and future

>> No.9472280


>> No.9472321


>Now that reading is "so kewl, lol aren't I a nerd guise" females are flocking to it more.

This is what happened to video games back in 2007. From then on it only started to get worse.

>> No.9472358
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It's happened to video games, Magic: The Gathering, and comics, and is now slowly infecting programming, television, and books.

I think the tabletop RPG community is the only one to effectively stop it so far.

>> No.9472380


>I think the tabletop RPG community is the only one to effectively stop it so far.

didnt the DND books have an entire section dedicated to gender identity

wich is pretty fucking silly to add on a rulebook since it has zero impact on the actual rules

>> No.9472385

I don't think that exists

>> No.9472395

>I think the tabletop RPG community is the only one to effectively stop it so far.
that's because you need to physically be there to play those games, not just talk about them and pretend you actually played them

>> No.9472398


Nope, pretty sure tabletop is fucked too. Not all of it, of course, there's a fair amount of obscure shit that barely anyone plays, but the bigger ones did get trampled with that kind of shit. Most notable example I can think of is World of Darkness. IIRC Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary was filled with all sorts of sidebars where they talk about gender and identity issues, whereas before they were usually meant to talk about fluff or help players/storytellers with finding their way,.

>> No.9472406

not to mention that there are spells that make you able to permanently change your gender ingame so why the fuck is that even an issue?
and while we're at it, that newest Baldur's Gate expansion which got criticized for being shit also added a transgender character which was literally thrown in your face (wooh look at me, I'm transgender XD), the writer of the game (a woman) defended that of course and called all her critics misogyn for calling her out on that fact.
Why has this world become to horrible?

>> No.9472410

Because white males like you opressed everyone else for centuries. Now you're getting your just desserts.

>> No.9472424


did you just assume the gender and the race of that poor poster?

anon, you might be a transphobe

>> No.9472498
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>The record-breaking debut novel that won every major science fiction award in 2014, Ancillary Justice is the story of a warship trapped in a human body and her search for revenge. Ann Leckie is the first author to win the Arthur C. Clarke, the Nebula and the Hugo Award for Best Novel in the same year.

>A book literally about a Transpaceship

I'm almost tempted to read this.

>> No.9472516

>can't enjoy a book unless she can self insert into the main character
Well that's more her problem than the book's isn't? I think fiction is wasted on people whose only means of appreciating a story is to "relate" to characters. Why even read fiction if you just want a mirror for your life experiences? Just start a blog and read that since you love yourself so much.

>> No.9472520

I think the first one was the strongest out of the trilogy

>A book literally about a Transpaceship
people lost their shit over pronouns

>> No.9472559

Guys, this meme is becoming real. The other day i see on twitter the same thing, a womeme concluding that we need gender quotas even in literature because of muh matilda effect and muh visibility of mediocre women writer.

>> No.9472566

I read the story a while back but felt increasingly irritated at the protagonist, his relationships and the overall characterization. What you wrote does sound interesting and even captures interest but once reading the book all you get is rothfuss self-insert while wanking himself over muh

>She can fuck all the guys but I'll be the one she has her heart too
>A sex goddess became impressed with me due to my sexual prowess except I was a virgin before her
>I am oh so witty and talented and you will never meet anyone else like me.

It's not that people aren't too stupid, it's just the writer is plain fucking obnoxious with his pacing and characterization not to mention he is high off of his own stink. Almost on the same tier as Goodkind.

>> No.9472578

I am hoping to write a female character soon that won't be some caricature. It's rather hard though, I am basing her off a female friend of mine but even then I'm surprised at how difficult it is. I have to find a difference between her not being some snarky independent don't need no man womyn and someone who is genuinely not being dependent on someone and knows how to handle herself which honestly I haven't met many. I'm taking all the goods qualities of my female friend but with that said, it just makes her boring if I leave it at just that.

>> No.9472589

>What books are like this album sounds
>Not what this album says

>> No.9472591

Nah, my little sister was in her hs tabletop game club and she came home complaining about how some girls were bitching about how there were so many guys there and not girls. One of them even tried starting a feminism club but apparently couldn't be assed to do the paperwork for it.

>> No.9472592

Thanks saved the pic. I was here (chan) since 06. Went through all those stages except 2012 forward because I stopped browsing /v/.

If 2016 is a female she is either underage (not knowing how gaming was looked down upon pre 2000) or a normal hypocritical bitch (get over it). Why doesn't she get over that the large percentage that pays video games and comic studios are males? And if you force shit your game will flop. Why doesn't she get over that there are more males buying certain games so the studios have to cater to them?

Not because 10% is making the most noise means that you will get 80% sales when you listen to what the 10% wants.

Now people are screaming the same shit with books. I mean if you give these female authors a try and if they succeed good, there are many good female authors who craft wonder worlds (just that their cunnies start to itch and a chad shows up to scratch it...). What these females want is very popular authors who got to mainstream because of "nerds" like us, to write something that is totally against their demographic. They picked up a book and see "how few strong females" are including and get outraged. How dare a guy write what he knows? If he could write females he would have, these in inclusionists are hurting the industry. When they get bored and leave no one is going to buy "Female Conan conquers America through her always wet, always tight, always insatiable vagina, which needs constant stuffing".

As a matter of fact... Why can't female authors write about hot women taking a regular dumpy guy? A non chad, someone with acne scars, who isn't the embodiment of zyzz or scooby and actually loving them? Why must female authors be appearancists? See how that works? Of course if I bring that up in a female discussion I will be called a weirdo for wanting sexual gratification... Even though they do it with their billionaire 50 shades of normie(for us channers) sex.

>> No.9472596

post strong female characters

>Dianora & Catriana

>> No.9472597



>> No.9472598

Even if you wrote this completely ironically it's still really sad.

>> No.9472615

Read library at mount char. That is how you write a female protagonist.

>> No.9472616

Fuck you, instead of fighting on and trying to escape she went full Stockholm syndrome and decided that the best way to act was to blame the others and whore herself out the first chance she got.

>> No.9472617

>feminists bitch and flail yet take no steps to actually make a tangible change

Sounds accurate.

>> No.9472621


God I fucking hate that cunt fucking hell I'm so buttpained I don't know how I made it through reading her chapters fuck that bitch

>> No.9472624

>I listen to this music so everyone listens to this music
>let me leave my echo chamber board and go to the fucking literature board and ask them what book is like a fucking picture
>because they obviously heard it
>they are on lit because they listen to /mu/ and know mu memes
Fug off

>> No.9472627

Samar Dev
Tavore Paran.

>> No.9472636

I really can't think of any from books, but Ellen Ripley in the Alien series (the first two movies, anyway) is a great example, just not /lit/.

>> No.9472637

In The Court Of The Crimson Kings was quite uplifting, so I'd recommend Tolstoy's work.

>> No.9472639

Sad because it's true? Or sad because I put so much time into it?

P.s. It's unironically written.

>> No.9472646

>on /lit/
>lists actresses
Do you even read? Are you that tv poster who asked about the American Gods series a while ago?

>> No.9472652
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Should I read LoLL?

>> No.9472662


it's a meme book just like Buried Giant

>> No.9472676


Don't bother. I fell for the internet praise of it, especially on reddit. Its readable but the author has horrible pacing and shit endings. Its full of angst. Find something else.

>> No.9472688

But what else could be as enjoyable as Name of the Wind?

>> No.9472692

I tried Elantris and hated it. I'm trying Mistborn. Is it any better?

>> No.9472707

It's ok guys, once my book gets published we'll be in a new era of SFF. Just give me another decade to actually start writing it.

>> No.9472708
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>Someone literally made a book about "I sexually identify as an Attack Helicopter"

>> No.9472714

Allegedly it's much better.

>> No.9472727

My sf novel about an ugly woman having sex with historical people all through time is coming soon too.
Sex will include acts such as ball-crushing, scat, vomitus, anal vore and hand-holding.
Expect it within the next 50 years.

>> No.9472730

I'm just gonna steal Sanderson's next book and publish it first
Except it in 6 months

>> No.9472735

The prose and dialogue are still at a 12-year-old's level.
Plotting is decent.

>> No.9472745


D&D has a few paragraphs basically making it OK to play as a snowflake gay, transwhatever and shit but D&D scaled down the hot semi-naked chicks and gayed up a lot of the art. A lot of the art is also mostly non-white characters. Mike Mearls and his ilk are destroying D&D and Pen and Paper RPGs which why the OSR movement is building more fans with people going back to playing older editions of RPGs from the 70s and 80s.

This is contemporary modern table top RPG writer/player/GM: https://www.youtube.com/user/skinnyghost

>> No.9472749

Dors Venabili from the Foundation prelude series, if robots count

>> No.9472762

She was what, 13? Yeah, her sheltered upbringing in a noble family should've made her capable of making good decisions when faced with the ugly reality of the Malazan world.

>> No.9472765


She was a disgustingf fucking cunt christ how much I hate her

>> No.9472770
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, Adam Koebel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the fat, stinky, greasy guy at the table any time over that

>> No.9472777
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Anyone hear read this? Would you say it is worth?

>> No.9472789


what is that thing

>> No.9472790

>written by a guy

>> No.9472796

the fag from the linked youtube channel from the post I quoted.

>> No.9472801


I asked what, not who

>> No.9472806


>> No.9472815

>no matter where I download The Forever War the formatting on the epub is all spaced

I fucking hate ebooks sometimes

>> No.9472823

just use calibre to fix it

>> No.9472825

"the fag" is a clear description

>> No.9472830


>the ebook has typos in it

>> No.9472844

>comparing Buried Giant to Lynchshit
Opinion discarded

>> No.9472891

wow, this thread is so fucking full of edgy pre-teens

>> No.9472896

You can leave and make it one less

>> No.9472907


>tfw you hate women so much for not wanting to sleep with you that you can't even grasp that they enjoy things you like and so assume there's some kind of sinister agenda in the works

you guys are adorable

>> No.9472915

I Know You Are But What Am I? V2.0.0

>> No.9472927


If there wasn't a sinister agenda then don't infiltrate the established genres and franchises. Create and establish unique content and franchises for women, queers and trans(mentally ill).

>> No.9472933

you seem to have quoted the wrong posts

>> No.9472935

>unironically repeating the 2016 section of >>9472358, just with less words and expletives

your lack of self-awareness is adorable.

>> No.9472951

And if they did that you'd shit on them for ruining the genre. I'd say there's no winning with you, butt that somehow implies your opinion matters. It doesn't, even slightly. If you seriously cant handle people you don't like (for really stupid reasons) enjoying the same thing as you, you're literally nothing but a spoiled, crying child who was allowed to graduate kindergarten a decade too early

>> No.9472967


I wonder how long it will take for you guys to realize you're reaffirming every derogatory stereotype we have of "games".

This is why women won't sleep with you

>> No.9472983

Why do so many people have an autistic aversion to the concept of hunger games? The books sucked but weren't close to the first that did it, and to me didn't suck because of the concept, they sucked because of the fucking terrible characterization across all three and awful pointless plot in the last two. I'd be perfectly fine if someone was to write a better version of the hunger games which red rising basically did in book 1. I read the battle royale manga too and didn't like how that was executed either, don't know if the book is any different, it's a fine concept just always executed kind of shit.

>> No.9472985

The battle royale films are fucking great

>> No.9472988

I know right? Lynch was the shit, when compared to emotional and philosophical circle jerks like buried meme.

>> No.9472989

women don't want to sleep with me because I don't leave the house save for the gym

>> No.9472992

A lot of people have already decided to embrace reaffirming those stereotypes if it meant bringing their hobby back to the less politically-driven state it used to be in.

If you didn't want any pushback, you shouldn't have infiltrated those communities in the loudest, most aggressive and entitled way imaginable.

>> No.9472993

you seem to have quoted the wrong posts

>> No.9472996

No, the opposite of that - Lynch has one good pulp book, followed by two highly mediocre ones, where Ishiguro is an actual writer.

>> No.9473005

You're the ones making video games political! Women and minorities existing isn't political, only an idiot wold think that. Initiating long-term harassment against them sure as hell is!

>> No.9473007


Who in their right mind would want to have sex with a female?

Hot and steamy man on man brosex is the right way to go.

You people disgust me.

>> No.9473008


You are just making excuses. The truth is they are too lazy or untalented to create their own original content so they appropriate other peoples.

>> No.9473014

>so they appropriate other peoples
For example?

>> No.9473018
File: 65 KB, 900x584, r11f4sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... Yes.. How do you feel about Adare?

>> No.9473021

They did and then you sent them murder and rape threats until they left the industry scared for their lives

>> No.9473024

They always existed and didn't get any hate until recent years, I wonder why. And stop bringing up nothing but video games to sidetrack the thread to your gamergate boogeyman, every other poster mentioned games along with other things.

>> No.9473028

It's the same book turned into 3 books.

If you're doing Sanderson do Way of Kings all of his series are nearly identical so you might as well read the best version of it.

>> No.9473033

I think the first Mistborn is still his best work.

>> No.9473034

Help me my wrists are slicing themselves

>> No.9473035


This is not poe's law its just a master baiter.

It has to be.

>> No.9473043

I'm muslim. You better apologize RIGHT NOW!

>> No.9473046

No, there legitimately is a tumblr/ghazi/whatever site those retards visit activist constantly residing in this thread, they have these outbursts all the time. Not that I agree with every single post against him here like the wamameme poster but they about on par with how retarded they are.

>> No.9473052

If they were there for years than how exactly were they "invading" as you put it.

of course I am. There are obviously no women on SFFG and nobody who isn't a crotch-bleeding harpy would ever find your immature prejudices objectionable. Good on you for figuring out my master plan

>> No.9473059

>You're the ones making video games political!

No, we're not.

This isn't limited to games, either. Comics are effectively ruined because of insanely heavy-handed diversity (see Marvel: female Thor, black female Iron Man, Japanese female Wolverine, et al.)

Programming is also busy with dealing with a group of people who want to force a "Code of Conduct" onto the entire Linux community.

It's all insanely obvious, aggressive, and insincere.

>> No.9473060
File: 208 KB, 843x699, I'm one of you Trust me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do my work for me by giving references, adjudicated sources and scientific journal studied case
I really want redshit to leave. They make themselves so obvious. I'm also 100% your female or pretending to be one(irl faggot). That is why you are triggered that we don't accept what you and your people are doing the fantasy / sci-fi industry.

>> No.9473061

You're talking to about five people, and the guy probably meant virtue signaling retards like you invading not actual women and minorities with zero agenda.

>> No.9473064

>waste more time on a longer version of shit

Looks like it's a balance between how shit it is and how much time one should put into it.

Do I want to read a large amount of lesser shit or a small amount of greater shit

>> No.9473065

it's adorable how you talk about virtue like it's a bad thing

>> No.9473068

So you have exactly zero facts on hand, then.

>> No.9473071

It's adorable how you also can't read along with being unable to punctuate.

>> No.9473074

Fuck you buried meme shilled, after fasle shilling me that book I hope you get blind so you can't enjoy reading anymore.

>> No.9473082

Anon, no one's autistic enough to "fasle shill" you things you'll hate. I genuinely like that book on a lot of levels; what did you find so terrible about it?

>> No.9473083

virtue isn't bad

the virtue signaling that he is talking about is. People that try to change a community they aren't even a part in the name of "just being a good person" and pushing what they think it means to be virtuous in a space that does not welcome them and is really fine as is until they make it a problem.

I am not interested in their morals. I am interested in the quality of what I like. And if shoehorning in your all so amazing "virtue" kills the quality of what I like then go fuck yourself.

>> No.9473084

I liked it. You might enjoy reading it too, but it is impossible to judge on information you haven't given. Looks like you might have to read it to find out.

>> No.9473094


You assume our views are radically different from one another.

What I find objectionable is the way you go about them.

You are a sad little shit and you deserve nothing.

>> No.9473102

>sffg is only me and another guy
>anyone who responds to me is that other guy
Kys pls.

>> No.9473103


Can't win an argument so insult the other person and claim a moral high ground.

>> No.9473109

Then why don't you let Axl take some Viagra and bugger you while calling you his princess.
Jesus fuck you made me waste a fucking week reading that shit. And it didn't even pay off.

>> No.9473117


You assume we had an argument going in the first place.

>> No.9473136

Im sorry asking your players to stop harassing women and minorities somehow makes the game worse

>> No.9473138

Just ignore "her". Those redshitor activists are notoriously hypocritical. I wouldn't be surprised if someone (maybe the guy who made the screenshots) linked that bleeding heart "no strong self insertable female that doesn't exist in the fantasy world I'm reading" to this thread.

She is the one we are fighting with. I'm honestly surprised she didn't put on a trip, like the self centered narcissistic cunt she is.

>> No.9473147
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>> No.9473154

The payoff is when Wistan kills the dragon. It resolves the issue about Axl and Beatrice not remembering their son, wraps up Gawain's arc, and lets the remaining characters get on with their lives. Did you just want the battle to be more epic, rather than a withered old dragon?

>> No.9473157


said anon goes from

>of course I am. There are obviously no women on SFFG and nobody who isn't a crotch-bleeding harpy would ever find your immature prejudices objectionable. Good on you for figuring out my master plan


>Can't win an argument so insult the other person and claim a moral high ground.

Yeah you are pretty much spot on on your analysis.

>> No.9473164

Taking the bait but video game culture isn't going to ruin your life just because a salty person called you a faggot or a roastie.

The fact that you make it "just about women" and then throw in "minorities" just to try and make it seem like it's not just some hag with a slash is so self-centered. You don't give a flying fuck about "minorities"

All you care about is completely sterilizing what is just usual video game banter and people venting off steam about loosing.

It's very rare that someone will purposefully go after a chic just for being one, it's usually because she's shitting up the game and acting like her shit don't stink. Same goes for anything else. "Harassment" usually has a reason behind, and even then. It's just name calling.

So fuck off. Everyone gets shit talked, everyone gets called names in video games. You aren't anything special as much as you try to cry out about it.

>> No.9473215

Except the Cthaeh, Iax, Halliax, and Kvothe all have the exact same storyline, they are all connected in great detail, like a totem pole of connecting events with the Cthaeh at the top and Kvothe at the bottom.

>> No.9473228

Right, so please tell me of the Cthaeh, Iax, Haliax, and Kvothe, tell me how each is just another part of the same story; explain to me the purpose of each, how they connect together, and what the goal of the Cthaeh is. Should be easy since it was so spoonfed.

>> No.9473271

No, it's the definition of Reddit Tier. Read something where a completely unexplained magic saves the main protagonists; like all the books every recommends here.

>> No.9473304
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>Comics are effectively ruined because of insanely heavy-handed diversity (see Marvel: female Thor, black female Iron Man, Japanese female Wolverine, et al.)

/co/ here, it's only Marvel on the forced diversity train though.
DC effectively contained it into two
books (Batgirl and Green Arrow) while going back to the roots with their flagship titles. Superman/Action Comics for example is Superdad, Supermom and Superson having super family adventures together while teaching midwestern family values.
DC was in its edge-phase during their new52 reboot (between 2011 and 2016), which they are effectively retconning right now with DC Rebirth

>> No.9473305

Read Stormlight, Kingkiller, and Dresden Files. Those are the only other series where the magic actually has rules, so it's not just one asspull after another to solve all problems. Also you could try listening to Lightbringer on GraphicAudio, they do an incredible job.

>> No.9473608

>Programming is also busy with dealing with a group of people who want to force a "Code of Conduct" onto the entire Linux community.
I want to read more about this, got links?

>> No.9473613

The Gods of Pegana

>> No.9473615
File: 2.11 MB, 1574x848, literature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheesh, I can't leave you guys alone for two minutes...
Let's return our discussion to quality works of fiction.

Just hang out on /g/, they bellyache over that stuff all the time.
Don't actually go to /g/, it's horrible.

>> No.9473643

I want a novelization of kotor 2 to hold & to treasure

>> No.9473657

Sure. Here's the most recent news about it:

>> No.9473698

this is utterly frustrating.

>> No.9473863

Just ignore him, he's clearly an idiot.

>> No.9473867

new thread when?

>> No.9473989

>if you don't like my clearly sophisticated tastes you are an idiot
Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.9474007

>I don't understand things mean others don't
>tries to use reverse psychology to get his answers / discussion of Rothfuss going
Nice try.

>> No.9474100

Whenever you want to make one. Let's aspire to a slightly better thread image next go-around.

>> No.9474142

New thread:

>> No.9474162

You are like 4 hours too late dipshit