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9452962 No.9452962 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this? Is it worth it?

>> No.9452970

>a women
>about nonwhite culture
>best seller

eh... are you sure you should be browsing 4chan, kiddo?

>> No.9453022

i m 32
if you think Nietzsche is the pinnacle of (anti)civilization, wait till you turn 17

>> No.9453092

bumping for interest

look, be pretentious all you want, i m just curious if this helped someone tidy up their workspace. i m sure its no kusamakura or city of god or what have you.

>> No.9453099

I believe in the redpill, idiot

>> No.9453111

I can help you tidy up your workspace if you want. I haven't read the book though.

>> No.9453119

I have read it and it is trash. The concept can be summarized in one paragraph in a magazine at most:

Dump everything, starting with clothes, go through each item. If it doesn't "spark joy" then throw it. Keep going until you only have items you love.

The rest of the book is meandering fluff about her journey to get to that realisation, going into boring detail about how she would collect women's homemaking magazines as a kid and cut out shoe boxes to come up with storage solutions.

If you can get it free, or better yet, read it in a book store, you'd waste an hour on it at most.

You might find it helpful in the same way some people find Paulo Coelho's work inspiring and meaningful, but honestly it's just a fad.

>> No.9453139

>red pill

thanks breh. any tips are welcome.

thanks a lot for the summary. so its basically throw away everything inessential. i get it. but how to know whats essential or to prioritize?

>> No.9453256 [SPOILER] 
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Its a book about tidying you dummy. If you're too fucking WOKE to clean your room, that's legitimately sad.

Maybe you're redpilled because the feted odor of three day old socks filled with man juice and cool ranch powder repels any woman you might talk to.


Shits perfectly fine. I tried the Konmati thing, worked out pretty good. Its way easier to keep shit clean when you throw a bunch of shit out.


Pretty much. There's only a little more to it than that. I think the author almost accidentally hits on some really good strategies for tiding shit, but mis-attributes why they work.

Like, the idea of assembling all of one category of thing into one place helps to shake shit out of little corners, and forces you to consider how much value one thing contributes to your shit. i.e. books - when they're all on the floor you're less likely to want to keep that fourth stupid fucking puzzle book.

>> No.9453259


Oh, also, just get it from a library or read it in a bookstore like >>9453119 said. No reason to buy a copy.

>> No.9453263

> throw away everything inessential. i get it. but how to know whats essential or to prioritize?

She literally just says that it has to "spark joy". If you were to follow the book to the letter, she doesn't even tell you "yeah don't throw out your vacuum cleaner, or your credit cards, you might need them even if they don't spark joy".

In theory it might work but the way she tells you of doing it is inane.