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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 65 KB, 647x465, The All-Embracing Library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9323686 No.9323686 [Reply] [Original]

As promised to /lit/ here is the collection, hopefully anons interested will be seeing this thread.

The All-Embracing Library.
Size 177.96GB. I dare to say contains among the best books of their fields and are supposed not to repeat. It is a extremely well ordered collection by topic, and if you compare the size you soon see its value. Topics range from mathematics, physics, psychology, self improvement, survivalism, the best science fiction and fantasy literature, comics, magazines, and more. Did I mention is well sorted and contains only the best books?

Would you kindly share this torrent on other places like demonoid and the pirate bay? That would be good.

>> No.9323708

post contents

is it all stuff available from libgen already?

>> No.9323711

I'm too internet retarded to figure out how to get to them.


>> No.9323729

Pastebin won't let me, it asks for an account because the length is too high . No, you can't get all this on libgen, and the quality is not easily obtainable. If you want the contents you might download the metadata.

No problem, we've been all there. You copy the part that looks like gibberish and insert it in your client. Your torrent client must have an option that says "URL", "URI" or "address", something like that.

>> No.9323731

Any proof that it's not 200GB of dolphin porn?

>> No.9323742

Because sharing is caring, and is not the first time

I think I earn a couple bro credits anon.

>> No.9323749

why do you want us to download or share this?

>> No.9323755

I don't have time to go to every website and I would really like this work be appreciated elsewhere.

Is over 170 gigabytes, imagine how much time went there anon.

>> No.9323766

I will post the contents of some folders. Just remember this is just a fraction because pastebin won't let me put anything bigger.

Classics on philosophy

Sci-FI reading list for /lit/

Political Reading list for /lit/

Also this might be outdated because it was to kept up to date with the best until the very moment of the creation of the torrent.

>> No.9323771

so it's basically a load of trash collected from other torrents as a ruse to spread malware or something

get fucked

>> No.9323777

Trolls like you don't deserve to live.

>> No.9323784
File: 122 KB, 750x1024, 1482221232295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torrent is legit lads!

>> No.9323789

the books on that philosophy list are all available from libgen

many of them in better quality and not in silly formats like epub

the actual selection of books is terrible

at best, this is a poor quality torrent put together by some Indian

>> No.9323792

kek has spoken

>> No.9323798

Why are you even here?

>> No.9323799


>> No.9323805
File: 265 KB, 1200x900, 3-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like scanned pdfs

>> No.9323815
File: 7 KB, 425x407, 1454860765350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls go away. Torrent is legit, fuck your shit.

>> No.9323825


>> No.9323835

Your reading comprehension sucks.

>> No.9324000

>19 replies
>4 posters
Really makes your neurons combust

>> No.9324121

>silly formats like epub
why do you people still exist

>> No.9324128

I have Evening Edged in gold as a 200 mb pdf, does anybody actually want it?

>> No.9324212

I just read about this. Sounds like absolute madness. Are you going to upload it as a torrent?

>> No.9324224

Is there a way to see the contents of the torrent before downloading? I use Deluge on win 10 and I don't have that much free space.

>> No.9324383


>> No.9324394

Thanks anon

>> No.9324428

lmao this is trash, my personal scifi ebook collection is both larger (>400 books) and much better

>> No.9324452

>Bertrand Russel's History of Philosophy
Amazing anon ten/10

>> No.9325068

Download until you get the metadata. But seriously, be a nice guy a seed, there is a lot other people may want.

>> No.9325082

Does this have audiobooks or something? There is no reason for it to be 170gb unless it's crammed with audiobooks or an ungodly amount of bargain bin fiction that doesn't deserve to be read

>> No.9325149

I bet you don't read much anyway.

>> No.9325323
File: 70 KB, 1631x1571, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the greatest torrent to ever exist. I hope it never gets down

>> No.9325340

No audiobooks unfortunately ;_;

>> No.9325385

For what I can tell from your comment there is a lot you are missing

>> No.9326222

Not sure how to feel about audiobooks, haven't meet a single one worth it

>> No.9326233

Around 70GB of the collection is scans of cult magazines like Heavy Metal, Fangoria, 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. There are also documentaries (mp4 videos) about conspiracy theories and the gov't, plus some legitimately interesting stuff like Adam Curtis' "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace". I know that for the torrent to stay healthy it would be optimal if everyone downloaded the whole package, but honestly... There's a lot of quackery in there, 15-20%.

>> No.9326241

I've set Bittorrent to download 60gigs of it.
>inb4 using bittorrent

>> No.9326249

You mean the stuff from Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein? Yes, I'll keep that.

>> No.9326264

I ended up with roughly 85 gigs after filtering out the shit I don't want, including manga and anime, the magazines, steampunk and fantasy, and some of the "mysticism" pdfs. I might get the magazines, too, but that would require additional storage that I've yet to purchase.

>> No.9326278

After skimming the metadata for the second time, I have to admit that I've misjudged OP. Usually, when reading folder names like "The Fifth Column" and "Human Experimentation", I think of conspiratards babbling about anal probing, but this seems neatly organized and at least the filenames sound sane. We'll see... in about 60 hours.

>> No.9326298

>"Human Experimentation"
I know what you mean, but digging a bit on trustful sources (the white house!) everything there is documented.

Not saying is too healthy to read only that and becoming a conspiratard, but at least is not crap.

>> No.9326303

>silly formats like epub
Wow what a retard.

>> No.9326316

Thank you man, that's amazing.

>> No.9326329

The material in this torrent is handpicked and it shows. Even sections like "graphic novels" have no capeshit, only quality stuff like The Watchmen and Enki Bilal.

The "Survival" section is also handpicked. Books like "When there is no doctor" are classics, I've read and used it on camping trips.

>> No.9326404

OP, I haven't checked FICTION, (downloaded it all); but the rest is good material. Thank you.

>> No.9326665

I put it on uTorrent but the download doesn't start. What's the problem?

>> No.9326683

Unless you're Slowrotation this is going to be shit.

>> No.9326710
File: 279 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9326724

Can 't you wait until it starts like everybody, a couple of people got it fast once it started

Can you be more vague

>> No.9326737

your samefag is showing

>> No.9326745
File: 5 KB, 337x119, BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9326748

Yeah, I know the trick too.

>> No.9326751

can a normal person enjoy this collection or do i need to be a greek philosopher?

>> No.9326754

The trick of not samefagging?

>> No.9326758

I am not sure you can get answers here, is full of trolls.

>> No.9326771

I'm a goofy stupid chicken

>> No.9326778


>> No.9326815

You can enjoy it. There's a lot of stuff there: comic books, documentaries, novels, survival manuals, philosophical essays.

>> No.9326825

Reported it.

>> No.9326854

Good luck, it's not like we can't just repost the magnet link, lmao.

>> No.9326864

"Creepypasta comics"
"Fullmetal Alchemist"

Sure sounds like a fine collection for a true patrician this.

Quick look at lot of the sections reveals they're shit, like what the FUCK is wrong with that existentialism section? It's missing basic works, like EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Oh, at least it has "Existentialism for Dummies", CAN'T MISS THAT CLASSIC!

Terrible, just terrible.

>> No.9326878

It took me literally ten minutes to scan the titles and uncheck the stuff that doesn't interest me, I suggest you do the same. The missing stuff is on LibGen, anyway.

>> No.9326882

For people who don't know what the fuck >>9326864 is talking about, he means the general philosophy folder not the classics,

>> No.9326886

I am curious to know what you mean with missing.

>> No.9326892

Like >>9326864 said, there are some basic works missing from certain sections, but honestly, if you can't find your Kierkegaards and Camuses on LibGen or aaaaarg.fail, then you're hopeless anyway.

>> No.9326893

Same for the poetry folder and the languages folder.

Not to mention The Divine Comedy in the fantasy / fiction / sci-fi category. I mean WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.9326903

Wait a minute, but Kierkegaard and Camus are included. You must mean other works that are not canonical. Anything specific?

>> No.9326914

Then why is Sartre in "PHILOSOPHY" and Camus in "PHILOSOPHY - CLASSICS"? This is far less organized that I hoped.

>> No.9326921

Let me check.

>> No.9326923

Never mind, Sartre is in both. I guess I don't understand OPs intentions.

>> No.9326924

Sartre is under its full name in "PHILOSOPHY - CLASSICS", ya dingus.

>> No.9326932

This is why you should download everything you can, and criticize later.

>> No.9326941

I'm doing just that, sorry for the confusion. I will miss out on the magazines for now, but as I said I don't have the storage capacity atm. Hope the torrent will stay alive for at least a week, lol.

>> No.9326961

Sorry to hear you lack space.

To ease your decision take it like this: The regular folders that come without numeral are for regular study of such topics, range for beginners to advanced but is mostly for quick and practical reads. The ones with a numeral before the name are for advanced and top tier readers. The one exception here is the folder named "1 - RECOMMENDATIONS", a lot of charts there.

>> No.9326973

>for advanced and top tier readers
Some of the books there even a child could understand, so the label should be "for serious and non-pleb readers".

>> No.9327067
File: 12 KB, 466x119, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9327268

>replying 2 hours later
go to sleep troll

>> No.9328208

Remember to seed afterwards

>> No.9328586

Did something happen? I left the torrent for the night (Eurocuck here) and now it shows 0 seeds and 0 peers.

>> No.9328668

Thank you, kind-hearted soul. I shall forever remember your name, ummm...anon.

>> No.9329017
File: 72 KB, 470x512, 1488810653655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't like pdfs.

>> No.9329148
File: 48 KB, 330x310, 1489686440222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 seed

>> No.9329154
File: 48 KB, 480x320, IMG_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noam Chomsky

>> No.9329636

You still seeding this OP?

>> No.9329816

I don't think anyone else is seeding right now. Torrent is massive and just started saturday, is improbable anyone got 100% already

>> No.9329833

The torrent is so requested the OP is under heavy stress, give it time and soon there'll be more people seeding

>> No.9330008

It depends on what you're getting from it.

>> No.9330712

Fair enough. Thanks.

Then it still wouldn't be 100% of the torrent.

>> No.9332610

I see many leechers doing okay, do you still have problems?

>> No.9333716

stuck on downloading metadata for about a day and a half here :-(

>> No.9334152

Started to download it 2 days ago but ended deleting it because literally no one is sharing, my download could only reach 100kbs/s because of some canadian and american dude, the rest of the 20 leechers didn't share shit. I guess it isn't that bad because most of the stuff i was downloading are "classic" books that i can find on libgen, but still.

>> No.9334633

I am not sure what happens because others claim to have downloaded already

>> No.9334641
File: 31 KB, 551x417, the-trolling-is-strong-in-this-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you just won't leave

>> No.9335006

don't be so sure you can find it in libgen, but even then the quality seems is higher here

>> No.9335354

I'm not trolling and i'm not the same poster of >>9323789

I mean you're actually right, most of the books are from very reliable editions, but still, i struggle to download at a speed greater than 10kb/s, so i don't think i'll be able to download anything, not even a few folders.

>> No.9335419

Do you know if these are full of annoying OTR mistakes, missing spaces, etc?

>> No.9336516

well, torrent is not even five days pretty sure nobody on /lit/ had access to one so early, it is to expect you'd think is going to be always slow

maybe try in a few days but is a waste, it helps when people don't bail out

I haven't see a single one like that

>> No.9336886
File: 402 KB, 660x495, 0gBmk2n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

The torrent is seeding, what happens is that some are receiving more, and then some others terminate the torrent once they get what they want without seeding. Add to that than the torrent has a lot of people and you soon find why you get so low speeds right now.

What I can say is that the torrent is going to be seeded and it won't stop anytime soon. Is more than enough for the torrent to become well seeded in the next few weeks.

So keep confident you are gonna get what you want, and if you are willing to seed, everybody is going to get what they want even faster.

>> No.9336908

Oh man this brings me back. Years ago I remember accumulating tons of these instruction manuals, textbooks, and literature in the vain hope of becoming a Monte Cristo-like savant. I think I read one or two pdfs and never got any further.

>> No.9336919

Better luck this time, lazy fuck

>> No.9336927

I went to college instead rofl.

>> No.9336944

I want to think you actually read a book there

>> No.9338297

is just like every torrent at first, but some trolls made people scared of the torrent being dead

>> No.9338677

Thanks OP. The torrent is for me at the moment. I'll seed once I have it.

>> No.9338682

"torrent is faster"

>> No.9338700

>Sci-FI reading list for /lit/
You had room for 'World War Z' but the only Wolfe work that could fit was Book of the New Sun? I wish death on you. Also this sorting system is ass.

>> No.9339384 [DELETED] 

look again, is there, now apologize

>> No.9339408

did you just said WWZ is from Wolfe?

>> No.9340365


>> No.9340370

already downloading friendo

>> No.9340382

Thanks for the torrent, anon, but it would've been more useful if the text were simply sorted alphabetically.

>> No.9341388

>Sharing ebooks in pdf format

its fucking trash, all of it.

>> No.9341792

we already had this conversation, actually read the thread before commenting

>> No.9341803

You don't like scanned pdfs? Good, some idiot were complaining the AEL has epubs.

I guess you then like this torrent.

>> No.9343092

Don't die on me yet

>> No.9343100
File: 79 KB, 403x604, 1491352201915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't torrent.

>> No.9343107


>> No.9343116
File: 173 KB, 500x517, ideology5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't torrent
Get a load of this walking ideology