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/lit/ - Literature

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9250028 No.9250028 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.9250029

what's on your mind

>> No.9250040

mind what's on your write

>> No.9250048

what's on your mind? write

>> No.9250052
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>tfw no jewfu

>> No.9250062

On your, wright what's mind.

>> No.9250064

these threads are always full of r9k whining

>> No.9250065
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My brother is drunkenly told me he was bi last night

Any books for this feel?

>> No.9250070

r9k threads are always whining these full of...

>> No.9250073

What "feel"? What concern is it of yours? The only feeling you should have is pride that he loves you enough to confide in you

>> No.9250074

I don't get why people are so hostile all the time.

>> No.9250085

Alcohol is the only thing that makes me happy.

>> No.9250106

they fugged up the cycle of rebirth for yet another round. I.e. Why I no enlightened yet?

>> No.9250128

Humans are supposedly social creatures, but my mind reels at the thought of unscheduled socks activities. If I sit at home and read philosophy but avoid human contact as much as I can have I truly gained anything?

>> No.9250132
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You broke my heart. Now I'll break your soul.

>> No.9250145

booze is great but i'm trying to cut back. on a 3 day sober streak.

>> No.9250149
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No, you have gained jack shit, especially if you're reading philosophy instead of literature. Most philosophers are terrible prose stylists.

Why are you afraid of human interaction? Go for a walk.

>> No.9250157

I hate when I see some beta looking dude with a gf because I know that would be me,
I'd rather be alone than not be a masculine, dominant man.

>> No.9250163

I've never read a novel that presented an idea which was novel.

>> No.9250166

>have I truly gained anything?
Only a true sense of the value of human contact, and thus some insight into the human condition. Congratulations, to you and your future acquaintances.

>> No.9250173

I really hate the Simpsons and view it is a symptom of the American decline.

>> No.9250176

Sobriety is great but I'm trying to cut back. On a 3 day drunken streak.

>> No.9250180

>a symptom of the American decline.
well it is literally a satire of the american decline, so i suppose it necessarily must be a symptom of it

>> No.9250199

I hadn't had any for a few weeks. I can control my intake, and I've never let drinking adversely impact other aspects of my life.

It's just that nothing else makes me feel this happy. Today I had a decent day at the office, ate healthy, made time to read, worked out at the gym, and felt miserable. Then I had some cheap whiskey and shit beer, and now I'm happy to be alive.

>> No.9250214

people often speak of escapism and intellectualism as dichotomous, but i don't think that's always the case. for me they're synonyms. a large reason for my interest in fields like history and philosophy is that they seem to provide a means of escaping myself, of viewing issues through a lens that exceeds me and my shortcomings.

>> No.9250224
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>> No.9250233

Intellectualism = spiritualism = escapism.

Yes, they are synonyms. If someone says they aren't, they mean that they love their chosen brand of intellectualism above all others, and they use "escapism" to mean "sinful" (they would probably call it "trite" or something, but it means the same) intellectualism.

>> No.9250249

My wife, and I, and her. Only friends, the way she entered. What a joy it is to have her in our home. Everyday I enjoy learning more about not one mind but two. Three very different beings that fit so well together. It will hurt to let go. I want to take care of them both, provide for them, and work hard for them. They both say our relationship is strange, that we each love each other more than normal. Yet in the middle of this understanding I'm still alone. The only one who dreams of further commitment. I imagine people calling me creepy, and it's all the more frustrating that I can't see why any more. I just want them both to be happy. My wife is the most important person in the world to me. So that seems to mean I have to stop caring about this... other. And I will.

>> No.9250279

The world mind moves from superficiality to depth like beating heart. Or rather, from mind to heart. Can we now move towards intelligence? Will love, you follow?

>> No.9250308

>tfw monogamy ruins genuine relationships

Monogamy only exists as a concept because most people are too small minded to love any more than one person at a time. I'm sorry you found out you weren't such a person until after you bought into the legality of it

>> No.9250330

Not afraid, I just dread it. It exhausts and frustrates me when I'm supposed to be somewhere and have no idea when I'm going to be going home. Home is the center of my world, social interactions and work are simply forays out into the external world that always lead back to home, hopefully in a quick manner.

>> No.9250353

>Home is the center of my world

This is your problem, as I see it. Remake your world with yourself at its center, and the dread will vanish like a winter's exhalation. You are the only home you need.

>> No.9250357

the idea of rare pepes is something im not very very interested in, but i'd like to program a website that would print a psuedo-watermark for an image, so people could post with standardized copies, keeping the original
i think it'd be pretty novel and might actually add real value to pepes and generally just be fun if it caught on

>> No.9250359


>> No.9250361

We will survive

>> No.9250406

i dont browse lit very often but i do enjoy reading or i at least appreciate its beauty. ive started writing something and i hope if i come here more often and emulate you guys i can become a better writer

>> No.9250592

Taking a shit

>> No.9250647

I just want to relax on the beach and eat a hotdog.

>> No.9250678

im a 30 year old uneducated white male living off welfare why continue living

>> No.9250684
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i got you

>> No.9250722

Submitted my notice today lads.

Feels fucking goodman

>> No.9250772

reddit aside, why do
you care? do you want to Succ his Dicc?

if not, leave heaven to the Angels and the sparrows DESU SENPAI

>> No.9251077

i understand

>> No.9251093

If I don't get a gf soon I'm going to join the French foreign legion and if I get rejected I'm going to kill myself

>> No.9251672

>my bf provides emotional support and safety
>my lover gives me the thrill and sexually satisfies me

God, I hate women so fucking much.

>> No.9252090

I feel like a snowman.

>> No.9252105

>tfw I just realized I don't love anyone because of this post.

damn /lit

>> No.9252118

I can't have real relationships with literally anyone and it hurts

It sucks being a terrible person, I'm human garbage with no way out

>> No.9252122

yesterday one of my pupils (who's 13) was avoiding her bf (who's two grades above her). i asked her why and she told me he has asked her on a date via text and she hasn't responded yet, because she's afraid of meeting him. she fears that he wants to kiss her and she doesn't feel ready yet. i asked her why that's something to be afraid of. because she's terrified that he won't understand and leave her, she told me.
i explained to her that it's perfectly reasonable to tell him she's not ready yet (she never kissed a guy before...) and that if he can't accept that, he's not a guy she want's as her bf. she went silent for a while and then said, that's very true...
today she was very excited and couldn't wait to talk to me undisturbed. apparently, she met up with him and he wanted to kiss her. she explained that she really likes him but isn't ready yet. happily, she added that he wasn't upset and understood her well. i told her i'm very proud of her. and that he seems lile he genuinely like her for her.

just needed to tell that to someone because i thought it was cute

>> No.9252125

I don't have relationships because I'm selfish and in love with myself too much.

>> No.9252153

My ex-gf broke up with me a year ago yesterday and today is her birthday and the exact birthday I had planned to propose on and is now likely engaged to the faggot she left me for long ago.

>> No.9252166

I know this is going to sound edgy or whatever, but you're fucking dumb.

>> No.9252169

what are you basing that statement on?

>> No.9252210

Pretty cute story

>> No.9252326

My mood swings from the disillusionment that the woman I love is spending her time and happiness on another man to me laughing uncontrolably because my boss told me about the time he went to a portoguese hotel simply because it was called "Golfinho" and he wanted to play some golf - apparently Golfinho is the portugese word for "dolphin".
Neither did he swing his bat nor did he see a dolphin

>> No.9252389

>he doesn't know about hypergamy
>he still care about women

>> No.9252479

Friend is coming back to town for the weekend and might want to go to a bar. Maybe I'll try to hit on some girls tonight. Good chance I'll just pussy out though.

>> No.9253729

>French foreign legion

Be a Yankee Freedom Fighter instead.

>> No.9253745


I've been thinking about how people in any political or belief group criticize being judged for the loudest extremists in their group and then justify their opposition to others based on the loudest extremists of those other groups

>> No.9253946

I have to see the neurologist for an hour long appointment in April. Usually they're only 20 minutes and I don't know what's up.

>> No.9253952

Why are you seeing a neurologist in the first place?

>> No.9253970

Seizures. Been seeing neurologists for 12 years now.

>> No.9253982

>Today I had a decent day at the office, ate healthy, made time to read, worked out at the gym, and felt miserable. Then I had some cheap whiskey and shit beer, and now I'm happy to be alive.

>> No.9254909

I have no idea how to be nice.

>> No.9255363
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>French foreign legion

When will this meme end? Just join a US military branch, and then work your way up your ranks, into a special forces unit.

>> No.9255367

Yeah problem is I'm not a fucking American you cunts

>> No.9255370

I want the minimum wage to be raised. now.

>> No.9255382


The Marines accept foreigners do they not?

>> No.9255388
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>> No.9255400

because the future will surprise you
in a good way

you'll see

>> No.9256283

it won't happen and for good reason.

>> No.9256331

Y'all a bunch of fags
With thoughts like farts in typhoons
I still love you, though

>> No.9256340

So when are you planning on tapping that ass?

>> No.9256343

The old man with glasses sitting on the tip of his nose broke the café’s silence, turning the pages of his newspaper. The Doberman at his feet looked at the ceiling as though the overcast sky had leaked clouds inside; he watched them swirling overhead like smoke in a burning building. Outside, an empty cigarette box tumbled and scraped along the pavement. This had been life for the old man since his retirement: plod to the local café, read the newspaper, and then watch the world rush outside. He reclined in his chair and sighed. He looked to the couples that linked arms and exchanged smiles; shook his head and tried to remember when he was that young.

>> No.9256344

I loved her
She didn't feel the same
Now I'm free
Not full of pain.

>> No.9256349
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Shores of hazeron | http://hazeron.com/

Shores of hazeron is an mmo fps rpg rts 4x and like Stellaris; You start out on a random star system and form an empire to reach the stars with your friends or yourself. You eventually meet other players who are all striving to achieve the same goals. Memes and tyranny are one and the same, you carve your own path your own way.

Coupled with a character designer, you create your own DNA, name your species and germinate civilization. First beginnings on a habitable planet will eventually lead you on a path to space. There you will colonize strange new worlds, meet harmless aliens (or nightmare fuel) and gather resources as you progress up the research ladder to obtain even more new technologies such as Wormhole drive technology, shields and even Warp FTL.

The game comes with a fully functional ship designer, and a new 3D ship designer in development and ready for testing. You can make your own designs, Which can truly add weight and meaning to anyone's empire. You can design Buildings, ships and eventually the aim is to be able to design any 3D element with a simple designer that is capable of creating complex assets for an empire. Mechs, Swords and Kalashnikov's are all a possibility.

There have already been 2 pan galactic wars present in the Hazeron universe where various empires with their own alliances have mobilized and engaged in wars that span the entirety of the singular galaxy of its time. At present, there are now 20 Galaxies, with their own shapes and volumes. You are able to travel to any of the billions of star systems, explore and exploit their resources for the betterment of your civilization.

Trade, Wage war, Build cities and reflect on your victories in the epic science fiction infinite universe known as shores of hazeron. Participate on the forums and engage in diplomacy to either make terms on the invasion or try and stop the coming destruction. Available at $10 dollars per month on a website near YOU

>> No.9256445

may have just blown my entire life

i'm just going to kill myself like "well, that didn't work. i guess i have to go now."

it's weird

>> No.9256453

on my mind is this:

>> No.9256456

Do it, faggot. But before you do, write something cryptic on a note and stick in your pocket. Mindfuck others from beyond the grave.

>> No.9256461


I am bored and buying drugs would not be fiscally responsible if I want to travel this summer.

>> No.9256485

i was extremely interested until i saw the 10 dollars
now it's nothing but trash

>> No.9256524

what's on your mind

>> No.9256601

i read lolita recently hoping for some kind of catharsis for my own somewhat repressed hebephillic tendencies

instead i found myself identifying too much with humbert, excusing all but the worst of his manipulation and scheming, and feeling depressed at the ultimate fate of dolores

i nearly cried when she turned him down after he paid her

still trying to work out exactly what it means to be winking happy thoughts into a little tiddle cup tho

>> No.9256650

>I want to travel this summer

I'm sure you'll get a lot out of your touristy romp. Photos on facebook with you standing next to [identifiable artifact from other land here] will make you the envy of the Internet.

>> No.9256671
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feeling ashamed about hebephilia,

WEWLAD. Can't really go any younger then that but you are just in the green zone.

>> No.9256687
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pre-adolescent girls are awesome dude

>> No.9256703

When it comes to writing, planning is overrated, especially in discursive forms. One should always begin writing an essay before planning it to any significant extent. The theory is the praxis.

>> No.9256755

Yeah a book like that isn't going to help ya. Ain't no options but therapy my friend.

Best of luck to you.

>> No.9256820

I have varicose veins on my balls and they hurt like hell.

>> No.9256825

I just want my life to be interesting, jesus christ

even if I was living in pain and anguish it would be better than the perpetual tinnitus of this vapid beige existence

>> No.9256836

I have a huge one in my left testicle. It used to hurt but it doesn't anymore

>> No.9256841

I have several. I think I should just cut my balls off, I'm not gonna use them anyway.

>> No.9257167

That feel when no cute ugly gf

>> No.9257175

Not worth it, they usually have low self esteem and seek to validate themselves through sex (cheating).

>> No.9257226

Which gfs are worth it?

>> No.9257250

Not ones with low self esteem.

>> No.9257280

That was a cute story anon

Thanks for sharing unironically

>> No.9257293


>worth it

I've got some news for you bro and it starts with 'pick one of these things'.

>> No.9257363

Suicide is painless, but so is life.

Grief. The buck stops with you.

You. Those who till the field, while I lay basking in the sun.

Traded skin for wood, nephews and nieces for harpies.

Run with the baton, my myosin-actin alloy has set.

Like Green Boots on Everest, I will forever enjoy the dusk.

>> No.9257407

I think I might be a full-time author within 1-2 years, and it feels amazing.

>> No.9257757

Just learned The KLF have something planned for this August, just as their moratorium on discussing the 1million pound they burned expires. Now I'm hyped. Maybe I should read Illuminatus before then.

>> No.9257783

it's funny that masculinity is seen as fragile and insecure, but vacuous, paper-thin instagram girl culture isn't.

i've never posted on /pol/ in my life and i'm not planning to. i just get sick of tacky millennial feminist bullshit, i like to keep an open mind.

>> No.9257811

grats buddy
hope i find a stable job i'm passionate about one day

>> No.9257994

this zine is going to be a failure. if it even gets off the ground. seems as if I'm the only one serious about it.

>> No.9258001

How do you know this? What's your writing schedule like now? What do you write? Have you been published ?

>> No.9258015

Job interview tuesday, it's really a big one. Make or break my future career for life. Will lift me out of this shithole and pay off all my hard work for years. Pressure.

>> No.9258025

What field? Good luck friend

>> No.9258032

I'm a big child

>> No.9258063

I want to write a fantasy Light Novel but I'm not Japanese.
Would I be better off just web publishing it via a blog? I don't think any publisher is gonna want to give my degeneracy a shot

>> No.9258133

Thanks anon, I appreciate that. Aeronautical and Control Eng. Not sure if /lit/ approves but I like my field, and my work (just not my current job, which was supposed to be a stepping stone).

>> No.9258297

Fluttershy relished her pet rabbit named Angel!

She said, “Oooh what a wittie puuuuss, what a squeebly wittle gai, wid widdle eaws fo me to nibby-nib-on.” Fluttershy was a banana colored equine with eagle wings who talked like a baby. Angel became standoffish as an archangel such that Gabriel himself would have blushed, and then God, his deputy, would drill him with the destruction of his own followers as an act of punishment.

“This blows,” said Gabriel.

>> No.9258321

Do it!

>> No.9258329

Berry nice :^)

>> No.9258331

Helen of Troy wants to have a word with you.

>> No.9258334

Quit edging.

>> No.9258338


>> No.9258347

Will they go away?

>> No.9258408

I should probably shave my balls but I'm afraid of cutting my ballsack open with the razor

>> No.9258418

It's like cracking open an egg.

>> No.9258462

Anyone else feel like a total fraud every time someone points out that you're 'smart'? I just have enough free time to read a few books and I know how to argue.

>> No.9258525

I've been meeting with Mormon missionaries for the past two weeks. Their religion is a huge joke, but I really like going to their chapel to discuss wacky theology. They're such friendly and earnest people, it's quite an experience to leave the real world for 30 minutes and talk to cheerful well dressed fanatica about ascending to godhood and ancient Israelites colonising America.

Tiday I decided to mess around with them. I'd been watching hidden camera videos of secret Mormon temple ceremonies and wanted to see how they'd react to me knowing about them. I told them that I'd had a dream about entering a Mormon temple and going through the ceremonies, then I showed them the secret hand gestures. Immediately I saw that they were deeply emotionally affected by this and they told me about how special it was, in their incredibly earnest way. Then I knew I'd gone too far. Instead of making some fruitcakes look dumb I was toying with the emotions of real human beings, and I'd just strengthened their faith in a falsehood. A few hours after leaving their chapel I sent a message to the head missionary telling her it was all a lie. I've blocked them from replying and this time, I don't want to know how they've reacted.

>> No.9258526

people have been saying I'm smart as long as I can remember but I'm pretty sure I'm a moron, yeah

more than likely just surrounded by worse morons, which isn't quite being smart

>> No.9258530

I suddenly remembered elementary school. I would skip a lot of days. It was public school so this didn't really catch up with me there. The work was easy and the teachers didn't give a shit. There was a classmate who would ask me every time I showed up after a week or two of absence if I was being abused. She was smart like me. We breezed through all the assignments. She worked a lot harder though. I wonder what she's doing now.

>> No.9258560

I don't think you should've told them.

>> No.9258586

Thanks, I actually just sent in my fourth book for review with CreateSpace. I'm sadly unemployed right now, in fact my situation is kind of awful, but my writing keeps me quite optimistic. Once I've got things a bit more figured out I'm going to start handing out resumes and it shouldn't take long before I've got a job. Even if it's minimum wage it's ok. Just something to pay the bills while I continue to write. I'm already looking forward to working on book #5 and have a couple ideas in mind, in fact I have about 2/3 or 3/4 of a book finished that I wrote back in August and/or September last year that I might dust off an finish up.

I write a lot, I write whenever I feel like it and sometimes even force myself to when I'm wondering what to do but don't entirely feel like going back to writing. Not that it takes much effort; I love it. I also love movies, but of course I don't ALWAYS feel like watching one. So far I've written zombie-survival, erotica, action, and the latest one is definitely drama. I'm self-published, which /lit/ seems to frown upon for some reason, but I'm slowly but surely getting more sales. Even did a free promotion recently from the 14th-16th to give my three books out for free. 126 copies given away as I recall, so hopefully I'll get some reviews in the next couple months. I'm also working on actually publishing some of my stuff, but meh, I'm focusing more on Amazon/Kindle than actual publishers.

Feels amazing every time I upload a freshly finished book to CreateSpace. When I started writing books about 6-7 months ago, I was just doing it for fun and honestly didn't know if I'd ever make money at it. A few weeks ago when things started to pick up, I figured that if things kept improving at a steady pace, I might just be a full-time author in 5-10 years. Now though, with 4 books to my name, having figured out marketing a little bit, learned about the promotions that KDP offers, been taught how the KENP/Kindle Unlimited thing works, and so on, I now believe that I can be making an income off of my writing within 1-2 years. By Spring 2018-19. I've already got 2 novels, a novella, and a novelette written in the span of less than 7 months, and the first few months of that involved quite a lot of struggling as I learned all that I could in the world of self-publishing. I also had to do A LOT of editing because I found flaws and habits in my writing that I had to fix, even after I first published my first book. It took quite a lot of time.

I've also met a retired English teacher who has also published books. Not self-published; actually published. He wanted to have a look at the stuff I wrote, so I let him have a look on my laptop, and he had quite a bit of praise to give. Said that he's read published books that weren't written as well as my books were. It really gave me a boost in confidence, a huge amount of motivation, so I ended up writing, I guess, around 5,000 words today? Finished up book #4!

>> No.9258593 [DELETED] 

There's never anything on my mind anymore besides wondering how my life will go on after my parents died last year. I live in section 8 housing with complete psychos and drug addicts while outwardly looking composed, like the college student I was. But my days now consist of stealing food and/or clothes, reading, smoking weed and hanging at skate parks or art galleries. It's been like this for a year. While my own writing, skating and sex life has never been better I'm increasingly aware of how these vices negate my sanity. But again, I don't stick to that thought for long before I'm at it again.

>> No.9258599

snibeti snab

>> No.9258610


Down here

In the valley

I'm lonesome and oh

How I feel

As I set here alone

In my cabin

I can see your MANSION ON THE HILL

Do you recall

When we parted?

The story to me

You revealed

You said you could live

Without loving

In your loveless MANSION ON THE HILL

>> No.9258611
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There's never anything on my mind anymore besides wondering how my life will go on after my parents died last year. I live in section 8 housing with complete psychos and drug addicts while outwardly looking composed, like the college student I was. But my days now consist of stealing food and/or clothes, reading, smoking weed and hanging at skate parks or art galleries. While my own writing, skating and sex life has never been better I'm increasingly aware of how these vices negate my sanity. Yet I don't stick to that clarity for long before I'm at it again.

>> No.9258632

why did you post 3 times

>> No.9258634

It was partly for myself, I felt incredibly guilty because it was obviously super profound for them but I just did it as a joke. Keeping a lie like that wouldn't be any good.

>> No.9258640

There's never anything on my mind anymore besides wondering how my life will go on after my parents died last year. I live in section 8 housing with complete psychos and drug addicts while outwardly looking composed, like the college student I was. But my days now consist of stealing food and/or clothes, reading, smoking weed and hanging at skate parks or art galleries. While my own writing, skating and sex life has never been better I'm increasingly aware of how these vices negate my sanity. Yet I don't stick to that clarity for long before I'm at it again.

>> No.9258773

I just went to the library and almost got the police called on me because it was closed the lady was a bitch to me so I sperged out trying to be a smartass

>reading book on way to library
>enter library like every single other day
>outer door opens fine
>inner door opens fine
>don't even look up
>turn corner
>library lady at front desk
>"The library is CLOSED, sir."
>open mouth to respond
>"Why did you come in? I KNOW you saw the sign."
>she's really bitchy
>reply "I saw the sign? Like.. the Ace of Base song?"
>she's really mad now
>"Uh, you have to LEAVE, sir! The library is closed!"
>"I didn't even refuse to leave though! Alright, I'm leaving."
>"I know you read the sign. Why did you come in?"
>reply "What is it with you and the sign?!"
>she threatens to call the police

In hindsight I can't tell whether she knew what Ace of Base is. I think so though.

>> No.9258775

Also she was referring to the tiny 8x11" printer paper thing with the library hours on it. I don't think it's fair to expect me to read and reflect on the library hours every time I enter the library.

>> No.9259293

can i get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.9259299
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Gotta keep drinking, listening to these nebulous radio waves spilling out of my speaker, bathed in a purple light, waiting for a tomorrow that will never come, and I must hide within my dreams

>> No.9259318

I'm tired of being virgin and I'm friendly with two girls who seem to enjoy a bit of lascivity. Is there an acceptable way to ask for casual sex?

>> No.9259322

staying at someone's house alone for a few days is much stranger than I would have imagined.

>> No.9259339

you need some form of legal residency to enlist in any branch

>> No.9259340

>tfw your first and only kiss was at 13

>> No.9259341

Yes. Ask and be completely honest. Say youre not good at flirting or something cute like that. If youre not physically repulsive, you might have a chance.

t. grill

>> No.9259347

you could pull it off as a joke if they say no but it would be tuff

>> No.9259356

would you let me go down on you a lot

>> No.9259362

>no options but therapy
fuck you faggot, why are you trying to ruin that guys life?

>> No.9259365

the term is uglycute

>> No.9259370

maybe, yes.

>> No.9259373

Stop this degeneracy
i think I might be becoming WOKE, what do???

>> No.9259387

Thank you. Just ask and be as straightforward as possible? Ideally I'd like to minimize the amount of discomfort it causes to myself and to them.

>would be tuff
Do you mean from the emotional fallout or in the sense that it would significantly alter your relationship to them and their social circle?

>> No.9259395

Whose house?

>> No.9259417
File: 3.09 MB, 336x178, 1456259367919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be freshman in college, first week of first semester
>only book i've ever read outside of high school was Infinite Jest, I never read any real literature. I was not aware it was regarded as such a meme book in the literary world. I genuinely thought it was the #1 greatest book ever written, and I only read like 3 books, 4 if you count that i read IJ twice.
>i would talk about it at parties with girls.
>i would bring it up in my english lit class, question why it isn't on the syllabus, i'd call out, interrupt the class. i'd go to office hours and try to bring it up to my instructor in front of the other graduate research assistants and they all just looked at me like i was insane
>no matter what the topic was in any essay, i'd connect it to IJ somehow, mainly because I viewed literature as 99% Infinite Jest and 1% people making poor attempts to create something as good (meanwhile having zero points of comparison to IJ)
>my breaking point was when i attended a seminar from some famous lit professor. he said something along the lines of Infinite Jest being good, and everyone laughed, and he smiled, as if he was sarcastic and I was really confused.
>i straight up interrupted him and asked "um why was that funny?"
>i saw a few of the grad research assistants from office hours stifling their laughter, i felt something was up
>speaker says "well it's a good book but the people who rave about it only do so because they've never read much else, like upper class white kids."
>fuming i say "that's not true at all"
>speaker says "if you rave about it, have you even read Pretentious Angst by Ernest Milton?"
>i blindly respond "of course i have, it's a classic"
>the entire room bursts into booming laughter
>i look around completely dumbfounded
>after 30 seconds of loud laughter which felt like an eternity, i'm beat red, speaker says "if you're still confused, that's neither a real book nor author, case in point."
>i storm out, switch majors the next day
>4 years later, senior year, at a bar talking to a qt3.14, she says she's an english major, i'm a marketing major, i bust her balls for not having any job security (100% taking out years of my STEM roommate busting MY balls about job security)
>her friend arrives, also an english major
>"oh i remember you, you're the Infinite Jest guy!"
>she tells her friend the story about the seminar and what i'd do in freshman lit class
>qt3.14 says "and now you're a marketing major, lecturing me about job security and commercialism. you've literally become the very thing Wallace criticizes in Infinite Jest", and they both laugh
>i storm out
>creates 2 year existential crisis i've yet to recover from

>> No.9259463

my girlfriends

instead of finishing up midterms i spent the whole day jerking off and smoking

>> No.9259467

>tfw your nietzschean vitalism obsession carries over into your homosexuality
>tfw no boyfriend like Alexander

>> No.9259495

The Trump administration and climate change, yes, humanity will survive those. But ultimately an asteroid, or gamma ray burst, or nasty disease will cause our extinction. If we could colonize other planets then that would drastically increase our chances, but now it will be all set can do just to get by. The space future will never happen. Civilization will grind itself to dust and our hunter-gatherer descendants will all be snuffed out.

>> No.9259508

It won't. This isn't true.

>> No.9259521
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How do I learn to believe in and desire the eternal recurrence?

>> No.9260408

I have now made money for 7 consecutive days on my books. Not much mind you; the most profitable of the 7 was probably only $3.00 or something like that, meanwhile one of the days (the 14th) was literally only around 1.5 US cents since all I got was 3 KENP/KU page reads (though I also gave away over 70 eReader copies of my books in a promotion), but it still feels pretty damn good! Obviously it's not about money, especially such a small amount of it, but it means that people are buying and/or reading my books. That's an amazing feeling. Even if some of the reviews I'll end up getting are negative, I can't wait to get them. This is still very much a learning experience for me, but I nearly shed a tear when I read that first review I got. 5 stars, and said it was a great story and that I had great talent. Said it kept him captivated the whole time, and that first book of mine is just over 80,000 words; 235 pages in the paperback edition. So I'd call that quite the feat for the first book of a first-time self-published author!

>> No.9260639

It's 0712 and I am sitting on the toilet shitting. Itching caused me to stay awake, and now I will only get about three hours of sleel before I have to wake up again. I am still itchy. I'm hungry but I don't want to eat.

I keep being told I have no ambition or drive, but I feel like I do have drive. I'm just sitting in the car though thinking about where I want to go. Not wasting gas or battery. Just sitting here and enjoying the few out my front windscreen. I keep comparing myself to others my age (26) and feel like I have accomplished nothing. I am pretty content with my lazy and mostly stress free life, honestly. Other people aren't though. It's bothersome.

>> No.9260695

Should I buy Yakuza 0 or Nier Automata?

>> No.9261029
File: 9 KB, 601x694, mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw thinking about her

>> No.9261092

>tfw there's no 'her'

>> No.9261100

My partner and I have moot court tomorrow. We didn't practice at all over the break, and our first round is his argument. His second argument, the one he gave me, is shit. I'm going to have to spend all of today preparing and memorizing a speech with cases I didn't read or question pathways I didn't prepare for, instead of reading for class or studying for finals. Law school is fucking stupid, but it's better than answering phones from 8-5.

>> No.9261107


Thank you. I intend to take at least 3 (three) potential profile pictures, and 2 (two) potential cover photos. Otherwise it simply wouldn't be worth it. I am already hard at work, googling for "undiscovered jewels unspoiled by tourists" for the places I am going to visit. I intend to bed at least 1 (one) girl in a hostel - if I fail to do so, I will make up a story about it to tell to the people I call my "friends". I am quite a convincing liar. If I fail to have an Adventurous Experiences Involving Drugs, Danger and Locals™, I will likewise make one up, so as to seem more interesting to the aforementioned group of people, referred to as ""friends"".

Honestly, why be such a faggot? Unprovoked belligerence of that kind always reflects poorly on the autist who expresses it.

>> No.9261110
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Opioid-induced trains of thought last night led me to think about that one angry kind of anti-feminist man that prides themselve as being "more rational" than women and closer to "logic" than "emotion" which I then pictured in my head as an MRA annoyingly poking the people around him with some sort of stick, so as to arouse their attention and what he has to preach them, the stick here representing by way of onomatopeia (I bet I spelled that wrong) the word logic: The first syllable being the shaft, the sharp and short c being the pointy end. Man, my brain on opioids can be strange.

>> No.9261122


Christ > opiates

Repent faggot.

>> No.9261157

I'm seriously considering moving to another city but my life here is extremely comfortable. I could get a good job anywhere in my line of work, although here I have a large flat all for myself. However the people in this 100 000ish-population city annoy me a lot, it's like a town where everybody knows everyone and I've been here for too long. Also I want to find a mate but for that I would need to feel good with myself and in my current situation I don't.

>> No.9261194
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Jesus, it's been so long.
I'm wondering if it's just the thought of company that draws my thoughts to her rather than how she was as a person.
It's hard to reconcile with the idea that whatever I felt around her is just a general feeling of love, and not an experience unique to one person.

It's at the basis of a duality that springs from a hedgehog-complex,
and I can't seem to cross the threshold that would allow me to not only get my head around this phenomenon, but to learn to love it from afar rather than be thrown into the seemingly crushing jaws of the prospect of love.

I've been pondering over this far too long to be healthy or educational at this point,
but I feel as if it's the one topic that could pull me out of this godforsaken feeling of loneliness.

Is there a way to be truly happy alone as I would be with a significant other?
There has to be, right?

The big joke of it was that even the epiphany itself was insufficient to allow me to rise above the folly of an obsolete humanity.
Where in the world do I go from here?

I feel as if I've asked all the questions already, and all that's left is to start hacking away at the pillars of a philosophy I know nurtured me in the past, but does no longer.

Do I change it all?
Do I start anew, knowing full well I've dedicated the better part of my conscious life to an idea that drove me over the edge of relative sanity while it neared its "completion"?

I thought I found it, damn it.
I fucking saw it in the center of my mind's eye, and I could reach out to it.
I felt that unity in this principle.
I felt alive for thinking, grateful for my thoughts, however twisted they may have been.
I felt at home, for fuck's sake.

Where did it all go?

>> No.9261222

Wish there was more.
Good stuff

>> No.9261263
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Its amazing how their first thought is to simply replace her. "So, should we get a new cat?" I hate the way they cope, how they handle anything really. Just get everything out of sight and out of my mind as fast as possible. Is this also the reason why they have a constant need to clean the house? The litter box is already cleaned and the food and water bowls are not at their usual place as well. Only a matter of days at most until her last hairs have successfully been vaccumed into the void of repressed sadness. I cant stand it. They remind me of children when they do it and I have to actually feel sad for them too. Handling how this rotten world lets me eat shit time and time again at the worst moments is much easier when I can just be angry at anyone and pretend its their fault even if its clearly not. Im sick of it. Im not even sad, I feel empty. Just smoldering embers of anger and frustration remain in my chest. Im going to hold on to these feelings. I will wear the scars on my soul with pride. I wont hide away my feelings, at least not to myself. Savouring this sorrow I can grow. I will use this as a stepping stone to muster the mettle to try to achieve my goals, however trivial they might be. I will vanquish this malevolent world.

>> No.9261680

I'm going to run for Congress in California's first district.

>> No.9261707
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>> No.9261715

Will you make anime real?

>> No.9261716

How do I stop hating myself

How do I stop enjoying hating myself and causing myself pain of any kind

>> No.9261794
File: 48 KB, 500x500, existential-feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel like a real human

I think i'll start boxing

>> No.9263342

A female cat just showed up at my house and adopted me.

>> No.9263373

What about books

>> No.9263387

I want to pick up on something like that too. Might try MMA though idk.

Reading and music and shitposting are all fun but I want to start doing more interesting things with my life

>> No.9263402 [DELETED] 

family guy isn't actually THAT bad

>> No.9263420

this makes me really uncomfortable in a way i dont actually regret

>> No.9263429

I was on codeine after I got my wisdom teeth removed and I added this wench from /soc/ and we had this bizarro John Green encounter and she told me about how she doesn't have the time to talk to those outside of her city district like as though anything but the big apple has credence and I concurred and talked about how I loved bitches. She also just had the same surgery and we were pissed.

>> No.9263475

Icyhot pads are a pretty good way to get high when weed and beer are running low. Also eating alone in a decent chinese restaurant is actually pretty nice, probably applies to most restaurants that aren't fast food.

>> No.9263529

what's the best Nick Cave album?

>> No.9263550

From Thanissaro Bikkhu's talks on "Willpower Strategies", the there's 4 kinds of actions:

1) Doing something that you like that will cause good results
2) Doing something you don't like that will cause bad results

These two are what measures one's wisdom:
3) Doing something that you like but will cause you bad results
4) Doing something that you don't like but will cause you good results

Your ability to talk yourself out of 3) and into 4) is the measure of your

>> No.9263554

Cave in my Nick Dick

>> No.9263569


Let Love In.

Actually is Junkyard.

>> No.9263641

The Good Son

>> No.9263666

From Her To Eternity obviously is the lit choice

>> No.9263667


Say with with me:


>> No.9263869

This is a liberating thought especially if you and your family has recently been (rightly) evicted

>> No.9263883

I sold at 41, hoping to buy back at 40. It kept rising instead. Maybe it'll dip and I'll be back on the ride again, but I won't accept a loss.

I have $1900 profit. This means nothing to me. I could buy a nice TV or something, but I don't want to be a screen slave in my little box forever.

I'm expected to apply for a permanent position at the place I work at. I'm not thrilled. I've been underperforming as well, and they know it, so I really have no idea why the boss offered the position, and I don't know how or whether it could be possible for us to be honest with each other, but we probably shouldn't. It'll get me a bit more money. It'll get the holes in my teeth fixed.

My dream is to become wealthy enough by staring at and gambling on the lines on the screen (the 50% return on investment I got is pretty good, though still disappointing to me) that I can buy a sarcastically expensive car (a Lambo is the meme) and drive it around the state aimlessly, eternally, and give rides to random attractive people who didn't need to go anywhere, and at night I would stay in hotels and if I get restless I would prowl the streets and indiscriminately execute homeless people, sealing their bodies in the dumpsters they dove.

There's nothing I can apologize for. I'm harmless, and if I wasn't at least annoying to some people sometimes, I would be nothing.

>> No.9263902

That's just stupid

>> No.9263947


Go to the gym and get out of your head you dumb faggot. Yes it's possible. Stop asking questions and start believing that's its possible.

>> No.9263981

I keep getting phone numbers from girls, but they keep not messaging me or calling me when I message or call them. On the other hand, this older gay guy thinks I'm hot and has hit on me more than once.

>> No.9264013

Give him the dick, women aren't worth it.

>> No.9264303

Nah, I'm not gay. Besides, I think he wants it so that I'm the one taking dick, and fuck that.

>> No.9264329

I can't decide whether I want to continue doing drugs or not. And by drugs I mean weed, shrooms, and lsd.

On one hand, when I am drug free, I can be happy, doing my meditation and staying present to the moment every day with discipline over my self, my life, and my mind. I can exist in peace in this state with a little tenacity.

But sometimes, I start to get curious. These drugs in the past have offered revolutionary epiphanies, realizations, and perspectives that I would otherwise never have seen nor known were possible. I have experienced things that were enlightening and beautiful, and sometimes scary. But, at the tradeoff of being robbed of my peace. For the drugs to take their full effects, I let go of the control over my mind, which I usually have built up through meditation, self discipline, and mindfulness every day. Every time I start doing drugs, I get thrown down the proverbial rabbit hole, and I have to find my way out the other side. I pay for more wisdom and insights with the price of my peace of mind.

I don't really know which path to go down. I feel like if I go down the path of meditation, mindfulness, and self discipline, I will be happy, yet ignorant in ways. If I go down the path of drugs, I lose the control I've garnered over my mind, but I may gain wisdom and insight I may otherwise not have received.

Both paths really have their own wisdoms and ignorances associated with them. I really am having a hard time making a decision.

>> No.9264340

Miserable stupid flies.

>> No.9264934

I look like a high school math teacher.

>> No.9264981
File: 40 KB, 910x600, so powerful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well @realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president!

Ooga booga if if if uhh uhh ahh ahh if if if if

Okie doke!

>> No.9264996

Mediocrity is the death of the soul. Being stuck in the void between the competence that creates a beautiful work and an obvious deficiency that indicates a project should be abandoned is the most torturous experience imaginable.

>> No.9265016

I don't relate to people.
I hate cars. Nobody else seems to think cars are a problem. I honestly wish and feel the world would be improved a thousandfold without automobiles around to ruin absolutely fucking everything. Cars are the worst thing to happen to us.

>> No.9265774


>> No.9265779

I hate how they pollute the cities with their FUCKING NOISE

>> No.9265790

Does anyone else support, or semi-support, Trump purely out of spite? I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.

>> No.9265795

Does he have autism? His delivery is so stilted.

>> No.9265798

lol got banned from /pol/ for being somewhat intelligent now i post here pls no ban for retarded prose

>> No.9265803

I'm a cyclist bro. I'm your bro. Let's be bros. Bro.

>> No.9266036


I did during the elections because I found american liberals completely insufferable, but not anymore, because I find Trump supporters equally insufferable now.

>> No.9266170


i was pleasantly surprised trump won at the time and while i'm still glad clinton lost, i wish just about any other republican or democrat candidate had won instead

>> No.9266714

all my college """friends""" are kissless virgins, childish retards, they are so cringeworthy I rather be in classes than in breaks with them. Everyday is the same shit, college is not bad, nor are the teachers and classes, but these retards make it almost unbarable. They are also very christian. Don't take me wrong though, nothing wrong with being virgin or christian and I don't really care, but they are to some extent that it has such influence on their behavior. The usual guy can just go by a non-virgin, but talking to these morons, their jokes and conversation topics, the way they talk about women, you can know it on the spot

I am not a special snowflake and that I sound likea bitch, but come on, I used to have actual friends

>tfw can't make new friends
>tfw need group for assignments

>> No.9266760

I will take offense.

>> No.9266766

Jews are the liar-caste of Western civilisation.
The rode our creativity like lice on a bucking bronco and now we love the feel.

>> No.9266784

Partly. I saw him as someone who'd be a brick through the Overton window and who'd smash stupid shibboleths and pieties of the educated class/middle class/society in general.

>> No.9266798

Ghey. Tbqh they're my second choice if I can't get into the Aus army, but the suicide thing is a bit silly.

>> No.9266804

Many men who can do this do do this.

>> No.9266807

Because you can/will do something else when your current situation becomes unbearable/better options reveal themselves.

>> No.9266814


his is yours, yours is his

>> No.9266819

Way less men are even able to do it.

>> No.9266828


This is my modern China up to the fall of Chiang Kai Shek song.

Nick Land liked one of my tweets today.

>> No.9266831

I'm mildly white nationalist and all I want is one to take me by the hand.

>> No.9266844

But what does that mean?

>> No.9266849

He wants to be built

>> No.9266856

What does it mean to be built?

>> No.9266881

Jacked, ripped, not shredded, huge.

>> No.9266902

i hate you people. i really hate you all. i am so sick of spending time with you. i'm sick of arguing with you. i'm sick of the pointlessness of trying to discuss anything with you. i'm sick of your dishonesty. i'm sick of your petty need to have the last word. i'm sick of your almost wilful ignorance of every topic you choose to discuss. i'm sick of you pigeonholing everything. i'm sick of memes. i'm sick of shock value humour. i'm sick of your predictable jokes, like responding to this post by saying "i'm sick of your post" or whatever variation you were planning on. i'm sick of forgettable scandals. i'm sick of e-celeb drama. i'm sick of american politics. i'm sick of all you cunts but i don't know where else to go.

>> No.9266940

Change the world in some way. Have a different experience. Join the military. Make some money.

>> No.9267028

What do you want to discuss, anon?

>> No.9267117
File: 2 KB, 213x78, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always wanted to write a book
>spend countless hours of my life world building
>create characters in a shared universe and try to write their stories in my head
>never had the drive to actually write anything down
>more of a big picture guy who's terrible at working out the finer details
>decide to say fuck it and started writing a story completely unrelated to the one I'd been world building for years
>having a lot of fun doing it so far
>happy with the general story and how the characters are coming to life
>dialogue heavy and not very good at writing non-dialogue stuff to set the scene
>basically writing at a high school level at best
>regret wasting so many years not learning how to write properly

>> No.9267484

Wasted more than a decade, got no higher ed. than high school, no friends nor any future.

Don't do it like me guys.

>> No.9267503


>i'm sick of your predictable jokes, like responding to this post by saying "i'm sick of your post" or whatever variation you were planning on.

For you.


Go outside you stupid faggot. And read Either/Or by Kierkegaard and start taking your life seriously instead of wasting it on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.9267573


>> No.9267599

Too late for me.

>> No.9267688

Same. We should start a club.

>> No.9267747

It's only too late if you don't act now to chnage.

>> No.9267764

i sort of want to just throw away my smarphone. it's eating up all my free time. but then i think about how convenient it is to text, receive emails, check stuff online, etc... i'm weak. i would need to just cut out the time consuming aspects but i fear i'm not disciplined enough

>> No.9267804

I have no idea what to do. And the stigma is too great.

>> No.9267840

Only self-damaging thing you could is to not take action, inaction brought us to this terrible spot in life. Force yourself to take action and deny yourself the fear of change.

I guess lol sorry for sounding corny

>> No.9268108

Fake it until you make it
Nobody is born learnt

>> No.9268446

selfish and alone

>> No.9268799

There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.

>> No.9268809

my bf got mad at me yesterday because my libido has decreased since i'm pregnant. now he appologized over text with the lame excuse that he doesn't fully grasp that i'm actually pregnant and i don't even want to answer to that shit.

>> No.9268822

Selfish, maybe, but alone? You're here with hundreds of other anons!

>> No.9268826

You both seem far too immature to have children

>> No.9268834

Just suck his dick, don't be so selfish.

>> No.9268839

tell me more about how mature adults usually are

i did. apparently that's not good enough.

>> No.9268872

They don't complain about stereotypical underdeveloped male emotional intelligence, and don't vindictively ignore honest texts because they're upsetting.

>> No.9268873

ate a doughnut for lunch and now i feel guilty. wasn't even filling either, fuck.

>> No.9268888
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What does he expect though? If you don't feel like it you don't feel like it.

Just wait until the little shit gets born and you have to feed it every three hours or whatever it is, you probably wont' be having much sexy time then.

>> No.9268896

ofc they do. because it's annoying to deal with. you can't excuse idiotic behaviour with "it's stereotypical". well, then get the stick out of your ass and stop being stereotypical.
i have responded. ofc i have. i'm not THAT immature. i just said i didn't want to. but i know that leads to nothing. doesn't change the fact that i would have prefered to switch off my phone.

i might be reacting overly sensible, sure. but god damn that activated my almonds.

>> No.9268916

he has a lot to learn about selflessness, yes.

i can understand his concerns perfectly fine and also his needs. but excusing them that lamely instead of owning up to being an insensitive asshat is infuriating. besides, we still have more sex that the average couple. so he's really complaining on a high level.

>> No.9268947

I'm not "excusing" it. If you were mature, it wouldn't "annoy" you. You would be able to calmly explain to him why your libido is diminished. If he were not immature, he would understand your explanation. I know calm discourse may be more difficult because of the pregnancy hormones, but that's another aspect of maturity: knowing your own body.

But I agree, a conversation with a future father about his inability to comprehend fatherhood does neither of you any good. He should probably see a psychologist.

>he has a lot to learn about selflessness, yes.
You mean "empathy," which is necessarily selfish. Don't undermine what little credibility you have by appealing to nonsense like "altruism," that'll just push him further into denial

>> No.9268950
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Film > novel

>> No.9268974

wondering if I don't read more because of volatile emotions or i'm just stupid.

>> No.9268984
File: 37 KB, 540x247, 0dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing master's thesis on Aristotle's De Anima
>ctrl+f final draft
>called it "De Anime" 26 times
>tfw i even called it "De Anime" in the first line of this post and had to backspace and rewrite

>> No.9268995

i had that conversation. in a very calm manner. it went down like this:

we had about an hour left till he had to leave (he works abroad) and were lying in bed and cuddling. he starts to fondle me and i tell him that i couldn't get in the right mood right now becaus i'm constantly on the verge of vomiting. (note that we had sex that day twice already and i also gave him a bj...)
he started sulking. i asked him if that's a problem for him and he said, it is, because we only had sex that weekend four times. and that our average was five (i didn't know he was counting...). i told him i'm sorry but i'm really not feeling well. then he went on a rampage. he asked me if i don't like having sex with him anymore or if i am not attracted to him. ofc i tried to convince him that's not the case and explain to him that being pregnant is rather exhausting plus the hormonal boost of my body trying to have sex/get pregnat is now completely gone for obvious reasons.
he said he couldn't handle it if we stopped having sex. to which i pointed out that we had rather much sex the last few days... to which he replied "not as much as usually". which i countered with "yeah, that's probably because things inevitably change if you do big stuff like get pregnant".

then he had to leave.
and now i got that text. in which he tried to hamster his rampage away with "sometimes i forget you're pregnant". dude, i told you atleast trice that's the reason!

no, i mean selflessness. i get that he can't be empathic with me because he'll never exprience what it feels like to be pregnant, but i hope for a certain level of selflessness from him for his unborn child.

>> No.9269073

Ok, again, that's his immaturity (desire for sex overriding his self-awareness). He can't reconcile the contradiction between "I have impregnated my girlfriend and she doesn't want sex" and "I want to have sex with my girlfriend."

>no, i mean selflessness. i get that he can't be empathic with me because he'll never exprience what it feels like to be pregnant, but i hope for a certain level of selflessness from him for his unborn child.
No, fucking no, you do not mean "selflessness." If he were "selfless," he would be a vegetable in the hospital being fed and shitting through tubes, etc. Or he would be dead. "Selflessness," literally "not-having-self," is always a kind of death.

You mean that *you want* (selfish) him to want (another selfish act) to care for the child. You want him to be as selfishly pro-child as yourself, which he should be if he accepts his fatherhood. "Empathy" simply means "emotional understanding," which anyone can have for anyone else; you don't need to physically experience a situation to have "empathy" for that situation unless you're an emotional dullard.

He should have a selfish desire (the only reason anyone ever does anything) to care for the child if he wants to be a father. It really sounds to me like you've been knocked up by someone whose explosive nonage revolts at the idea of child-rearing, i.e. doesn't want a child. Basically, if your BF only cares about the kid out of "selflessness," he'll be a terrible father. He has to SELFISHLY WANT to be a father for the situation to work

>> No.9269120

ok, that convinced me. bear in mind that i might have chosen the wrong word. english obviosuly isn't my first language.

the ((odd)) thing is that he never forgets that i'm pregnant when it's not about sex. which is why his excuse seems so dishonest. i don't believ him. he's just trying to avoid having to admit that he was acting like a manchild.

honestly, this scares me. because it makes me question his maturity. i don't want a kid with an immature man. he never before showed any signs of it. and now i'm definitely in too deep.

>> No.9269193

I *like* my friend but he's dating a pretty awful girl and there's nothing I can do about it.

>> No.9269228

The few times I had the courage to confess or just try to hit on girls I liked, I must say that being rejected brought me relief and I soon grew indifferent towards them. Compared to when it's prolonged uncertainty, which is a torment.

>> No.9269242

Eh, plenty of people who are native English speakers use "selflessness" the way you do. It's a linguistic cancer, an uncommunicative spook that signifies literally nothing.

Your second and third points illustrate exactly what I mean about the contradiction: he wants to have sex, as it were, "with impunity," i.e. as it was before you were pregnant. This problem is that while you're pregnant he can't have as much sex as he's used to, and after you give birth the same will be true, as >>9268888 pointed out. It seems to me that he has been looking at sex like a crutch, i.e. overusing it or abusing its power, and now is behaving like an addict faced with having to cut back on product.

It's a volatile situation, because trying to force maturity has the opposite effect, in most cases. That's why I recommend he see a psychologist: for better insight into where this self-overriding sex drive comes from. Although, it could be that he's just not ready to be a father. In that case, I would still recommend staying with him (unless he's actually abusive), because it's better for a child to have an emotionally damaging father than no father at all. That is, he can always get better.

>> No.9269328

he has definitely tendencies towards overusing sex.
i don't know if you could already call it an addiction. althought the fact that he gets unreasonable when he should cut down the dosage is implying it.

the problem is that for about a year, he has been abroad during the week. and so we naturally had a lot of sex the two days he was home. for me, it was obvious that this is a temporary thing since i don't have the libido to have sex every day 2-3x. i guess the real issue here is that he found out that i don't plan on sustaining that daily count when he's home every day again. and thinking that he would actually want/need sex trice a day is a bit scary. that really seems over the top and unhealthy.
it's the old tale of "clashing libido's and how to find a compromise everyone can live with".
but i actually do ask form him that he is able to make compromises, even if that means that we might ((only)) have sex once a day or GASP every second day. especially since it will happen that i'm just too exhausted after a night with a sick baby or because my boobs are too sore or whatever.

i also wonder how he will survive the six weeks after birth that i'm not allowed to have sex. and it makes me anxious about having to endure his immature whining when i'd actually would need his empathy.

i have no clue where this exaggerated sex-drive comes from. i know that he needs a lot of reassurance since he's got terrible selfesteem. but that doesn't explain why he also needs to get up at night to fap after we just had sex. that seems excessive.

>> No.9269339

to add:

i don't plan to leave over this! i firmly believe that good communication can solve almost everything. but it's demanding and exhausting and sometimes the temptation to just not communicate is big.

>> No.9269548

Can you really express love? As in how it actually makes you feel. You could describe for hours on end how the biological reaction happens within your body that causes you to feel love, but it still wouldn't explain love as it is experienced. Can you really express any feeling adequately with any means of communication?

>> No.9269550


i have this fantasy in my head where im at IHOP and im fucking this waitress and she's like pouring coffee for a catholic priest that looks mortified that im railing this bitch in the cunt with my average white pecker and she's like moaning and screaming 'OH DADDY-- DO YOU WANT MAPLE SYRUP WITH THESE BELGIAN WAFFLES YOU OLD CRUSTY FUCK?!!? HNNNHGGHHFHFHFHF!!!' and then i go to nut on her face but she didnt kneel down in time and ends up all over this priest's catholic waffles and i'm just like 'OH SORRY FATHER MEATBALL, LOOKS LIKE YOU GET EXTRA BUTTER HAHA'

sometimes i wonder when im going to die of cancer or finally get into a drunken swoon one of these nights and put a pistol in my mouth and end up like ernest hemmingway who's name i dont know how to spell or care about googling

im sick of commercials, advertisements, sensational media, anything relative to politics, faucets of entertainment that spin gratutious violence and films that depict war so inherently innaccurate and completely fail to capture the human side of the aftermath of it all

i can see myself taking a few tabs of PCP and sprinting into an abortion clinic with a rugdoctor wearing a CDC suit

there is nothing more in this world that i would like to see than everyone who escapes from reality to have their prisms of safespace ripped away from them and for all of us to be forced to come together to fix things instead of waltzing endlessly in a ballroom masquerade party thats timeless

immediately upon waking up and realizing there is something of which i am socially obligated to do i begin to drink vodka like a dying horse stranded in the mojave desert

i begin to drink vodka regardless if there is an obligation or not

prescription pills will eventually turn you into a lifelike mannequin that is equitable to a catatonic zombie that has the spiritual energy of a sloth

4chan is full of degenerate children that are emotionally and socially retarded and have matured at the pace of a nautilus decaying into a fossil at the darkest depths of the pacific

my ideal death is shooting the cockpit out of a spacecraft and being vaccuumed into the black abyss

i find it odd how new-age liberal identifying people mock and ridicule individuals who are employed federally in positions that utilize violence who only employ violence to sustain liberal-oriented systems where violence is inevitable

i want to drive into a fucking wall at 200 miles an hour

>> No.9270088

nigga wat

>> No.9270093

some people are just really close minded

>> No.9270126

Fuck off cunt

>> No.9270168

jesus mother of fuck this made me remember how shitty it was to be in a relationship and how fucking glad i am to be single

christ, thank you for reminding me. i was sliding back into ":((( i need a gf.. i miss intimacy.." mode lately and i was probably unconsciously looking for relationshit again

you realize men would not be in relationships with you at all if it weren't for sex, right? this isn't some badass ultra-edgy comment about how women are only good for sex, it's just a fact. female companionship is almost a necessary evil to men. you basically provide oedipal mom-nurturing, to an extent, and sex. the amount of work required to sustain a full-blown relationship with a woman, the amount of sacrifice it requires, the initial slog to find and woo and court a girl, maybe 1% of men would actually commit to that, if they weren't constantly dogged by their horniness 24/7. take sex out of the picture and 99% of men would be aromantic as well.

you conceive of it as a "compromise" only because you assume the friendship/companionship component of the relationship is PRIMARILY why he is there, like it is for you, and then sex is something you both enjoy on top of that, and have to compromise on. no, the thing that primarily drove him toward you in the first place, the thing that makes him open to spending tons of fucking time and energy and probably money dating you in the first place, was that he's constantly driven half-insane by his horniness and the only socially acceptable cure is a girlfriend.

that's why men pursue and women select. the desire and the capacity to withhold from commitment is disproportionately in favour of the woman.

you think you're both in it for the camaraderie, but men can get camaraderie from one another. men enjoy playing counter-strike until 4:30 in the morning with their autistic friends way, way more than they enjoy barely sharing some shitty hobbies with you.

if your boyfriend were asexual he would never give a second thought to you. you're assuming your needs are the same as his needs. put out or he'll start looking at other women. call me a virgin loser misogynist if you want but i guarantee you: remove the sexual dimension of yourself from the equation, even a little bit, and you are proportionately removing the love he feels for you. he needs to NEED you, you need to be his source of sex in life, which is huge for men. it's a primal fucking need. he's not primarily with you because it's fun for him to live with some broad who takes up half the fucking bed.

like it or not, if his deep, primordial, instinctive mind doesn't see you as the sexual centre of the universe, he will unconsciously look elsewhere. and for exactly the same reason that sex is so entwined with love for men, he will unconsciously be open to feeling love elsewhere too.

>> No.9270196

I'm in love with my cousin, she is so fucking hot. Her delicious skin makes me insane.

>> No.9270212
File: 86 KB, 300x300, 1473167806117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this is so twisted

>> No.9270258

oh god seriously i can fucking feel the ENTRAPMENT of it, it's like an ethereal force that just emanates from women and encloses you like an iron cage

this is what happens to EVERY FUCKING GUY. this is the death phase of every man, it's like the first death a man undergoes.

you date some cunt for a few years and it just imperceptibly slides into less and less sex (and every guy says, "pfft, that'd never happen to me heh i like sex too much :P!!," yeah, wait and see motherfucker), and then she starts acting like this, acting like it's a given that you're together, being cunty and emasculating,
>ugh he's just such a fucking baby sometimes. i can't take his whining. ugh.

just remember: this dude not only has to tolerate this whiny hag's "I'm throwing in the towel on being sexy and alluring to you, I'm ready for menopause now, it's about the children now, you're a superfluous piece of farm equipment that just puts food on the table, ugh maybe I'll jerk you off once a year.. ugh.. maybe for your birthday.... ughhh" behaviour

not only that, but he's TETHERED TO HER because he knocked her up. HE CAN NEVER ESCAPE. HE'S DONE.

this is why women are the biggest trap in the universe, because they are only what you perceive as "Women" (youthful, feminine, sexy, etc.) for just a few short years, and then they seamlessly transition into being a fucking mother-in-law you have to support for the rest of your life. i swear to god i've dodged this shit narrowly so many times now that it's like i can feel it, it's like the dark side of force. i can feel how dried up this bitch's soul is. she's not a woman anymore, she's a crone. his job is now to service her and her child, she's molted her femininity and any feeling of obligation she ever had to be sexy for him. he's a fucking roommate to her now.

women are really bad. don't get trapped by women. if you're reading this, run for your life from any vagina over 25. they'll literally poke holes in condoms and shit so that they can have some guy to scream at about not doing the laundry properly for the rest of their lives.

>> No.9270266

this isn't /r9k/ or r/theredpill, so you can fuck off back there

>> No.9270286

fuck, i'm checking my spellbook and i don't have a counter to this attack at all! i'm looking for any possible response to you telling me i have to go to a PUA subreddit because you don't like what i'm saying, but i can't find one!

hang on, wait, i found one


>> No.9270404

yeah, nigga, fuck those roasties hahaha, sure thing they must always give sex to men, they can't surely feel uncomfortable or unwilling, they're only tools for the pleasure of men, hahaha, I'm glad I got to know the trouble these roasties bring, now, do you want to go to my home while I buttfuck you in the ass? Since women are so much trouble I guess you must know that the only true way is being a fag :)

>> No.9270428

i got so many things to do but i'm here scrolling through /lit/

>> No.9270443

hehehe let's have an epic internet argument about it, that will solve the BATTLE OF THE SEXES once and for all

your "Anti-Misogyny Barb" just really wounded me so i'm gonna cook up a sick fuckin' reply to get you back.. maybe i'm gonna post some pictures that prove women have lower IQs!!

or, you know, i could just reiterate: enjoy the literally inevitable outcome of your boyfriend looking at other women and slowly but surely chipping away at seeing you as the central thing in his life.

regardless of the reddit ideological warfare you want to wage over this, i'm simply right. you know how you'd imperceptibly fall out of love with a guy if he did certain things? and there are certain things that made you love certain guys without being able to explain it?

the male equivalent of that is you being the sole source of sex in their unconscious. when they think of "sex" they should instantaneously be thinking of you. and they think about sex, apparently, several times a day more than you're willing to put out.

enjoy raising that kid alone.

>> No.9270450

This evening I emailed the president of a literary agency. Instead of a standard query letter, I wrote to him about the trouble I've had finding representation for my novel, how often I've been rejected, and the particular things I think may be dissuading agents from the book. I've gotten nowhere with a standard query, so I might as well try something totally different, right?

>> No.9270470

A+ post.

>> No.9270496

My Twisted World/10

>> No.9270613

I did something bad to my genitals. things feel different, although they're slowly going back to normal. I'm still worried.

>> No.9270675

ways to kys without leaving a corpse

>> No.9270864

nuclear war provocateur

>> No.9271252

things surely got worked up since i went to bed.

firstly, to get this straight, it was his idea to even have that baby. i tried to convince him that we should enjoy the time we have just for ourselfes a little longer but he was basically begging. i warned him about the possible downsides. he still urged me to get pregnant as fast as possible.

maybe if being the center of his attention means that i'd have to endure sex that i don't want trice a day, i don't even want to be in that center. if men are really that immature, and sex is all there is for them to life, then i honestly don't want to take part in that way of living.
sure, sec is nice. but come on, it's not that important. it's just rubbing one's genitalias on someone esles till you get a pleasant feeling. so what? is this worth making the woman who carries your child feel used? if so, then thank god i'm not a man. then i don't give a fuck. i don't have to stay the center of his sex driven universe forever. if he thinks the sex i'm giving him (which is plenty... more than once a day.) is enough, then he's free to go seek it somewhere else. i'm not going to force myself to fuck him if i feel repulsed by it because i'm not horny in the slightest. maybe instead of whining he should work on his skills on not ruining the mood by being too insensible about it.
some men should really grow up a bit already.
this anons spewing all that idiotic crap made me really reconsider if i actually want to be in a lifelong relationship. you disgust me.
maybe men and wome are inherently incompatible after all.
maybe it's not your fault. you're just so preocuppied by your reptilian brain wanting to spread your seed that you can't even maintain a tiny level of empathy and willingness to take a step back for someone else's needs, like your OWN FUCKING CHILD.
i can't get over how immature this is.
i have accepted the fact that i will sacrifice a lot for his wish to have offspring. i don't whine about the fact that this kids head will likely tear up my vagina, that it will bite my nipples bloody, that i wonmt catch a full night of sleep for the next two years and so on. sure, i ask a bit of understanding from him. but GOD DAMN, that's the least he can contribute.

maybe it's true. men are stuck in the lowest biological urges. they only care about impregnating a woman. what happens after that is none of their business and they are off to find a new body to inseminate. well then, go. i don't need your sex obsessed animal self. i don't want you to infest my baby with your backwards mindset.

>> No.9271266
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damn, you're like the joker... ON CRACK LMAO!!!! >:)

>> No.9271332

I wish i knew were to go with my story after the first page, i know what will happen in general, but the characters are a bunch of assholes who, whenever i sit down to watch, just stop what they are doing and stare at me as if i suppose to tell them... You were doing fine without me on the first page you asshole, why do you have to wait for me now?!

>> No.9271351

i like you. i wanna be your friend. how to pm on 4chinz?

>> No.9271398

I don't think I'm capable of having romantic feelings for anyone. Every time I try to go on dates with people, to spend time with them in a romantic capacity, I usually find them pleasant but not really necessary. Like, I could exist perfectly fine without all of it.

Yet I feel like I'm supposed to at least try because society dictates it.

Kinda sucks.

>> No.9271490

I'm going to do this as a free-write like I used to do back in my Theatre Arts Class in high school. I need a free form to vent, I'm faded, and I'm tired. Had a long shift at work even though we closed early.

I'm listening to that one milo album. The one that came out right after we fell out of touch. The other one that I liked the most came out right after we'd met. I don't know how to talk to you anymore.

I'm 22 years old and my wife is pregnant. She's going to give birth in July and it's the most incredible thing to me. I'm so young. And my first born will be a boy. I'm proud of him already. I can't wait to teach him and learn from him. He'll be a strong man, just like his father. And his father before him. And his father before hiim. All four of us. Four generations in one little pocket of overlapping time - spinning as fragilely as a soap bubble in the sink.

Four years ago I was determined to get my engineering degree. Now I've learned beautiful things I never would've otherwise. I wish I could tell you about how I've learned to grow more spiritual just by peace and love with myself, my family. I'd fill you in on the crazy stories you see on my side of life. I'd try to teach you some of my lessons without being corny or pretentious. Not because I think I am better than you - I've never been more truly humbled.

I'm too high and rambling. Let me explain my situation a bit better. I was successful and then got depressed. Dropped out. Moved out, got my fiancee pregnant, and vanished from everyone's radar. Here's the twist - and yes it is a twist to live it - I'm white and she's black. And that opens your eyes up to a whole lot of shit as a white man.

Like that fact that you think I'm fucking my life up because I got a black girl pregnant.

The side eyes you get in china town for being an interracial couple.

The restaurant that doesn't send a waiter to your table for 45 minutes (all white place).

The restaurant that is deadly quiet the whole time you're there and throws your sandwich on the grill like a bag of dog shit into a can (black place).

Whatever. This isn't buzzfeed I won't put you through that shit. But it's real and it weirds me out to see it.

I just remember too much. I used to think quicker. Write more eloquently. I used to have so much to say. But for now this is all. I'm just burned out.

>> No.9271498

this is fucking hilarious.

>> No.9271596

I had a few close friends I made in high school, recently there's been a growing rift between us. after being shitty friends to my brother, I told them they've become depressing burnouts because their only hobby is sitting in a room, listening to shitty rap, roleplaying as rappers, and smoking too much weed. Meanwhile, they wonder why they constantly face suicidal thoughts and feel a loss of direction. They replied "fuck you don't judge me."

>> No.9271810


>> No.9271831


>> No.9271838

I think /lit/ is full of a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.9271843
File: 14 KB, 220x294, 220px-Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To become the will and to be or to become the will and not to be?

I don't know the answer to that quesion therefore I know nothing.

>> No.9272879

last night i was crying in my bathroom because my relationship is falling apart. i guess i was being too loud because one of the ladies in the next unit yelled "shut the hell up." i panicked and left the house, and when i came home my boyfriend was gone. he came home later and told me the same lady had picked him up and driven him home.

ready to die

>> No.9273386

Its amazing---albeit unsurprising---how types attract each other. Your overreaction to run-of-the-mill 4chan misogyny is embarrassing. Couple this with your crater of a relationship and you come off as retarded. You let an extremely large manchild clinical retard impregnate you. Are 90% of men as shitty as the autist in this thread describes? Yes, probably, but that is life. 90% of women are shitty in their own way. You are who you surround yourself with and you hitched your life's wagon to dogshit. Its no secret what side of the 90% you are on.

>> No.9273391


Post feet.

>> No.9273398

i'm a man

>> No.9273402


>> No.9273492

Discussions are overrated. There's nothing to discuss or gain more information from. Everything you need to know will naturally come to you, or if you really need some info, ask the faggot who's barely got a grasp of said subject and take their word for it. The words of people you're close to and connected with should always be taken with good faith. Am I right? Of course I am because I have good faith in YOU. Fucking faggot.

>> No.9273652

Promiscuous girls are actually much easier to talk and be with, my ex gf was like a fucking wall to talk to.

>> No.9273980

i always suspected the reason none of my prospective employers hired me was because they could somehow detect my disinterest in the position, but about a month ago i was interviewed for a position i actually wanted yet it looks like that's going to be another dead end.

>> No.9274052

I'm an aspiring fantasy writer, is it okay to use contractions outside of dialogue. I don't think they are commonly used, but I feel comfortable with that particular writing style. Thank you for all your opinions.

>> No.9274076

I am currently lying in bed thinking of scenarios that will absolutely never happen but i keep hoping that they will one day come true
Every day is moving faster and faster...

>> No.9274686

i do this too

ususally it involves a gf

>> No.9274721

I feel such a deep sadness. It feels so heavy. Good God.

>> No.9274730

holy... I want more...

>> No.9275623

Should i make a book about my imaginary friends, or a different book for each one?

>> No.9275655

I'm disappointed by life

I've never been happy

>> No.9275657


>> No.9275667

I don't know if I have the brain to appreciate literature to the fullest. Possibly too much autism, but I feel as though I won't know for sure until I really apply myself to mindfully reading some classics.

>> No.9275692

I'm thinking of a story where someone tries to kill Hitler back when he was just a painter, he success but things change for the worse, another dictator took his place and won WWII.