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/lit/ - Literature

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9263521 No.9263521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>200 years of science did more for humanity than 2500 years of philosophy
Really makes you think, eh

>> No.9263525

about what?

>> No.9263528

Literature is still the top dog since Shakespeare invented the human

>> No.9263532

It makes me think you're a fucking moron, yea.

>> No.9263534

The 20th century was a fucking hellhole of war and genocide because Neitzche killed God.


>> No.9263535

>implying the past 200 years has been an improvement for humanity
>implying that science isnt a branch of philosophy

>> No.9263536

Sage and report.

>> No.9263541

Nietzsche didn't kill God, Kant did. Nietzsche just pointed it out

>> No.9263545
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>yfw the only truly good thing science has made is medicine otherwise it just made this hell of existence even worse.

>> No.9263549
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>> No.9263578

Ya I'm living the dream and don't contemplate suicide every day

>> No.9263583

>life is still shit

>> No.9263627


But at least you'll have a longer life expectancy over which to contemplate suicide.

>> No.9263635
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>implying science wasn't around before 1817
>Implying philosophy stopped existing in 1817
>Implying science has made human existence better
I would argue science and technology has changed habitat for the worst. If modern society is so good, why are there so many people on anti depressants, why are there so many unhealthy, sick people, and people with mental illness. Why are there people that spend their entire lives alone and unhappy.
What is actually better about living today than in hunter-gatherer times? If we look at personal well being, the people back then, who had almost no technology, were much much better off than we are. They were healthier, they were happier, they had connections with the people around them, they had purpose and meaning to their lives.
If we take personal well being out of the equation and look at the abstract concept of 'progress', then we have to ask: is the price of progress worth it? Are the poisoned waters, pollutants, death of thousands of species, is that a price we are willing to pay so a few mega wealthy sociopaths can line their pockets and fuck little kids on their yacht?
In our modern society we are caught up in the idea of progress a bit too much. What are we progressing to? It seems to me like we are progressing towards a world where the neo-aristocratic upper class of billionaires fucks us all over and destroys the earth. I ask honestly: what is one good thing science has done for humanity?

>> No.9263682

>They were healthier, they were happier
They were miserable savages who died at 30 from the flu
>they had connections with the people around them
4chan connects people all across the world, primitive humans rarely even so other people beyond their tribe
>they had purpose and meaning to their lives
Yeah, that purpose being not to die of hunger or be mauled to death

Delusional neo-marxist retards I swear on me mum

>> No.9263698

>They were miserable savages who died at 30 from the flu
Dumb meme, infant mortality was high but if you lived into your teenage life you lived about as long as modern day people

>4chan connects people all across the world, primitive humans rarely even so other people beyond their tribe
Quality > Quantity

>Yeah, that purpose being not to die of hunger or be mauled to death


>> No.9263710

>its a reddit comes in the thread and says the worlds great because now we have upvotes

Sincerely kill yourself

>> No.9263711

'Nope' is not an argument, fuccboyo

>> No.9263712


More in what sense?

>> No.9263714

>philosophy gave us the scientific method
really activates my almonds

>> No.9263715

Modern dentistry is the one saving grace of science

>> No.9263723

Neither is an absurd baseless assertion

>> No.9263759

>They were miserable savages that died at 30 from the flu
Categorically false. The modal lifespan of hunter gatherer people was in the 70s or higher. They hardly suffered from viral diseases like the flu, those only appeared in force once population densities rose in cities- literally a result of technology. It's well known that hunter gatherers were and are much healthier, stronger, and heartier than their counterparts. When people made the switch to agriculture and cities, average brain size was reduced, people had weaker jaws, were much shorter, suffered from malnutrition and infectious disease. You don't know what you're talking about at all.

>4chan connects people
No not really, no one here has an emotional connection to any other people, I would argue the same for most other social media sites. There is a lot of literature on the subject, and most of it points to people becoming more isolated and alone due to social media.

The human brain can only have stable, worthwhile relationships with around a hundred people, so everyone in a tribe would be connected and have no real need to form relationships with an outside tribe, although they would from time to time.

>Not to die of hunger or be mauled to death
Hunter gatherer tribes had no problem with food, the women would forage for a few hours a day and the men would go on hunting trips and they would be set. Contrast to agricultural societies where famine was a very real death threat. Even in the past few decades millions have died from famine. Tbqh its increasingly clear you have very little understanding of primitive people outside of pop culture and misinterpretation.

Hunter gatherer people had real purpose in terms of the relationships they had and the spiritual realm that they felt connected to. Can you honestly say modern society gives us greater purpose than what they had?

>> No.9263771

I bet hunter gatherers had much better sex lives too

>> No.9263773

You are always welcome to fuck off from society to gather berries innawoods and die from dysentery, oniichan
Using technology to complain about technology makes you a faggot

>> No.9263781

Well it took about 1900 years of philosophy before we developed science.

>> No.9263782

Every ecosystem on the planet has been royally fucked to pieces meaning living off the land isn't possible anymore without having a massive start up fund
But sure I'll sit alone in my dark room because I don't want to be called a hypocrit for my shitty existence

>> No.9263788

bunch of bombs and microwaves and slaves working in factories and fucking robots and dont get be started with the internet

science was a mistake

>> No.9263797

I would trade dysentery for being born in an age where I would statistically have a loving wife and kids by now

>> No.9263804

>Without philosophy there would be no science
>Without science there would still be philosophy

Philosophy wins.

>> No.9263807

Nice excuse, hipster
Do you think original hunter-gatherers walked about and told to themselves "Oh gosh, this environment is JUST RIGHT to establish our hunting and gathering!"? No, they fucking survived on whatever was at hand.
Now turn off that scientifically-manufactured computer, tear away your factory-made clothing, and go hunt some deers to be happy

>> No.9263813

Dude there is literally not enough convertable calories per hectar in most ecosystems anyone to sustain a person

>> No.9263814

>>Without philosophy there would be no science
How the fuck do you know that? This reductionist logic is pure faggotry
>without Socrates there would be no philosophy
>without Socrates's mom there would be no philosophy
>Socrates's mom was a tavern whore for all we know
Tavern whoring > philosophy

>> No.9263820
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Somehow thousands of other mammal species, some larger and more calorie-dependant, make do every day.

>> No.9263827

I'm glad I'm living in the age where every aspect of human life is (relatively) changing not only for the mere advantages this process could and actually is producting but also for the sheer curiosity to see what will be of us.
Having records of every past age and the capacity to make comparisons to our ever-changing era is too much of a luxury and a privilege towards our ancestors; we are born in an age of change and even if everything goes south we'll get a nice show before the ship sinks.

>> No.9263840

Nah the other guy is right. Humans can't eat grass and leaves like deer can. Also you can't hunt anymore because all the animals are extinct or it's illegal. There are also very few wild places left in the world, most land has been turned into cities, farmland or pasturelands. And the places that are still relatively wild were never hospitable to begin with: Sahara, Gobi, Siberia, the great Canadian north, etc.

>> No.9263848

Of course if you have a few hundred thousand dollars you could always make it work

>> No.9263859


Why are you so irritated? Are you a STEM student or something? I suggest you learn about the history of philosophy. Believe it or not, science was once called natural philosophy. While you made some wacky argument that has nothing to do with anything, I just stated a simple fact.

>> No.9263879


you mean that in a negative way though right?

>> No.9263907

you get that hundred years of science because its a result of a thousand years of philosophy

fuck this thread is stupid

>> No.9263926

>Post an individual opinion that no one who goes on the fucking literature board would agree with
>"Really makes you think"

>> No.9263928
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>your face when Robert Langlands, greatest mathematician of the 20th century, believes that learning multiple languages is a mark of intellectual vitality

>yfw Yuri Manin, a brilliant algebraic geometer and the originator of the idea of a quantum computer, believes that humanity would never be where it was today without people like Dante and Shakespeare pushing language and, consequently, cognition forward

>yfw people are actually less happy and satisfied on average now than they were millennia ago but it doesn't matter to me because I live a meaningful life and have a good income so I'll happily enjoy the fruits of our technological advancement while the masses continue to suffer

>> No.9263937

>longer life expectancy
>a good thing

>> No.9263942

>I would trade dysentery for being born in an age where I would statistically have a loving wife and kids by now
your idealising some imaginary time where you would have been rejection for being a loser anyway. Or more hopefully contributed to the infant mortality rate you mentioned.

>> No.9263953

You have some decent points but
>They were healthier,
is just wrong. Children used to die like nothing and the plague in the 14th century killed at least 1/3 of Europe (maybe even 1/2). If that is healthier than today...

>> No.9263965

God, this board is literally just retarded teenagers nowadays.

>> No.9264023

>200 years of science
What exactly is the milestone?

>> No.9264029

All the good posters went to /his/ when it came to be and left /his/ when they realized it was shit. The only good board on this site is /pol/ and it's still awful. People don't even discuss interesting stuff there anymore, it's just a post-libertarian post-fascist Trumpian circle-jerk.

>> No.9264037
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philosophy defines human progress and the desirability of outcomes uwu

>> No.9264050

>sombody talks about prehistoric tribal society
>bring up 14th century

kek, civcucks are retarded

>> No.9264145

>implying that philosophy isn't a branch of science
>implying that we aren't living in the greatest time in human history

>> No.9264154

Yeah, by scientific measures, what a fucking surprise

All cats are grey by night

I want to kill myself

>> No.9264156

Where are these spergy DFW memes from?

>> No.9264161

>it's a some lonely old substance abuser on /lit/ projects his own insecurities and fears about dying alone on the rest of us and claims that existence is miserable while clinging to a thin veneer of perceived intellectual superiority.

Keep pretending that the world isn't great you contrarian. Keep sipping your cognac and reading your nihilist literature.

>> No.9264172
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This has always been the best of all possible worlds, and it gets better every day.

>> No.9264173

The internet is the one saving grace of the modern world. Without it we'd be living in a hellish cross between Fahrenheit 451 and 1984. A sort of "Really Hot 2435"

>> No.9264179
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>> No.9264185

I'm sure someday /pol/ will be great again.

>> No.9264191

Science is just philosophy by extension, it's all about rational thinking, say thanks to Thales of Miletus

>> No.9264210
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Repeat after me.
Science is applied philosophy.
Repeat after me.
There is no valuable science without ethics
(to determine what the limits of experimentation ought to be).
There is no valuable science without economics.
(to determine who should receive funding and why)
There is no valuable science without pedagogy.
(to create social frameworks in which new scientists can be trained quickly and easily)
There is no valuable science without philosophy.
(particularly all the philosophies dealing without how to do science, why, when, how much, and under what conditions.)

Science is a particularly useful incarnation of philosophy, that in turn is assisted and informed by various economic, ethical, and pedagogical philosophies essential to its worldly implementation.

The false dichotomy of STEM vs. HUMANITIES is for SPERGLORDS.

>> No.9264216

No, that was Hume. Kant tried to salvage God with his thing-in-itself bullshit.

>> No.9264218
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You can say that in a dumb voice, but you can't prove it wrong.

>> No.9264219

>killing anything but themselves

>> No.9264262

science is philosophy

>> No.9264341

Nietzsche was pretty irrelevant for the outbreak of war and genocides. The actual responsible ones were Darwin and the Futurists.

>> No.9264345
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>did more for humanity
great... so glad we gave up all that worthless philosophy for all this great """progress"""

>> No.9264366
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>posts antiscience bullshit to slander science

>> No.9264421

Why not blame the statesmen, industrialists, and military leaders who profited from the two world wars? Blaming intellectual movements for atrocities committed by standing armies and legitimate states is nonsensical.

>> No.9264435

>Surgery and hormone therapy
>Anti science

>> No.9264439

>pretending that mental illness is perfectly reasonable for the sake of political brownie points
>not anti-science

>> No.9264462

You're right as well.

>> No.9264472

Scientific progress enables the worst in us. People removing organs for cosmetic reasons is just the start of it. Cyborgs will be everywhere in a few decades, and that will be the end of human (and post-human) freedom.

>> No.9264477

>People removing organs for cosmetic reasons
What did I just read

>> No.9264498

The removal of the breasts, ovaries, and uterus to look like a man, or the removal of the penis and testes to look like a woman, both are the removal of organs for cosmetic reasons. Not so different from the Victorians carving out their ribs so that they could make their corsets tighter.