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/lit/ - Literature

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9257013 No.9257013 [Reply] [Original]

/tv/ fag, can I get some recs on stuff to read? Is there anything good that is remotely similar to directors like Antonioni, Fellini. or Lynch? Or is /lit/ just a different ball game? pic related

>> No.9257018

You might like Vonnegut.

>> No.9257028

Check out Haruki Murakami's novels.

>> No.9257039

always had Vonnegut pinned down as someone I never thought I would enjoy, not entirely sure why. Any specific reason I should read his stuff?

>> No.9257063


I think the problem is that pretty much all of the movies in your picture rely heavily on some sort of visual tone. If that's what you're after then yeah you're barking up the wrong tree really.

I mean something like Zabriskie Point (Antonioni) is a strange film about the death of 1960s counter-culture. A book like The Crying of Lot 49 is about the same subject but they are VERY different in how they go about it.

I'm sure you can appreciate that some films are more about characters. Those are the types of films that relate more to /lit/.

>> No.9257064

It's surreal and had a lot of black humor, which is similar to Lynch.

>> No.9257074

that chart is fucking entry level /film/

go read stephen king

>> No.9257077

>Antonioni, Fellini. or Lynch
These directors have nothing in common stylistically.

>> No.9257146
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>posts films that are easily recognizable ON A BOARD ABOUT LITERATURE
the problem here?

>> No.9257165

How are we supposed to recognize these movies, you dumb cunt? I recommend Beckett's Trilogy.

>> No.9257225


By not being a pleb?

8 1/2
Vivre Sa Vie
?? (looks like a Kieslowski movie)
Chungking Express
Mulholland Drive
The Tree of Life

>> No.9257233



Just realised it's Three Colors: Blue

>> No.9257244

Don't be such a fuck. He obviously means to ask for recs to each one individually.

>> No.9257304

He's terrible. The Manuscript Found at Saragossa (there is a film too), Master and Margarita, sanatorium under the sign of the hourglass.

>> No.9257307

I know exactly what kind of books you want op but I'm not gonna tell u

>> No.9257309


>> No.9257327

Seconding the rec for Sanatorium. Also the Lime Twig, the Atrocity Exhibition and maybe some of Dostoyevsky's stories.

>> No.9257366

Jesus, watch more films first, it's like you're an 18 year old and watched the most popular 'arthouse' movies and now think you've got it all down pat

>> No.9257420


Doesn't work that way. Most people's 'favourite' movies usually come from their impressionable age.

>> No.9257435

Maybe read the fucking sticky.

Why can't you fucking phoneposter faggots read the fucking stick.

>> No.9257436
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I tried to include stuff that is fairly recognizable, I'm not gonna go full autist and only ask for recs based off of really obscure movies . . .

>> No.9257445

It's hard to make a recommendation when all his 'favorites' are just a collection of the most popular world cinema, there's no thematic continuity or shared sensibility to any of them. I'd have to be forced to just recommend a well-regarded novel, like Anna Karenina, since there's no way to get a metric of taste from these 9 films

>> No.9257450


If you have more obscure tastes, tell me them. I've seen a lot of films, so I don't think I'd be too lost with whatever you gave me. Then it would be easier to recommend you something because I could tell more what you're into

>> No.9257462
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>Or is /lit/ just a different ball game?
Pretty much. If you feel like getting into it, I recommend pic related.

You sure are a faggot.

Maybe that's exactly what he's looking for. Maybe he doesn't want Polish surrealist drama and spanish baroque poetry, maybe he wants the well-known artistic peaks of the medium before he can dig into the more obscure stuff.

>> No.9257474

>Maybe that's exactly what he's looking for. Maybe he doesn't want Polish surrealist drama and spanish baroque poetry, maybe he wants the well-known artistic peaks of the medium before he can dig into the more obscure stuff.

That's what the fucking sticky is for. Actual threads about this shit should be reserved for *specific* recommendations

>> No.9258341


I'm a tv fag as well and your taste is absolutely fantastic but yeah, this guy got it right unfortunatly:


You can find literary equivalents to Rohmer but not Tarkovsky.

>> No.9258353

I also reccomend Stephen King, or Kurt Vonnegut. King: any book you have not already seen the movie for. Vonnegut: Cats Cradle or Breakfast of Champions maybe.

>> No.9258355

1/ read the tao te ching
2/ compare all available translations
3/ ????
4/ profit

>> No.9258727
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>?? (looks like a Kieslowski movie)
Vertigo (No?)

But thanks for the two on the upper corners. Haven't seen 'em.

>> No.9258768

you should watch some Antonioni my dawg, better than Parajanov the smelly Soviet

>> No.9258774


Learn to shitpost, you're way too obvious

>> No.9258786
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Oh this recommendation doesn't harbor confidence

>> No.9258787

are you still an ancommie?

>> No.9258882

if you like fellini try white nights by dosto

lynch? read dune!

start with novels which inspired your favorite film makers and develop your taste

>> No.9258958
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I hesitate to confirm because so many misunderstand what communism actually is.
But they also have just as bad an understanding of anarchism.

"Freedom isn't free". Yeah, it takes lots of hard work, intellect and responsibility to get it.

>> No.9259123
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desu op, just seeing your favorite movies really isn't helpful for a rec, we need to know why you like them. With that said, I like all of these movies and my favorite books are Ada by Vladmir Nabokov, and The Recognitions by William Gaddis so maybe check those out? You could also just read the sticky, it has good charts.

>> No.9259300


Nabokov - Pale Fire
Roberto Bolano - 2666
Raymond Carver - What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian