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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.58 MB, 6101x2480, 1488929454384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9204955 No.9204955 [Reply] [Original]

wow.................... really makes u think

>> No.9204965

>female literacy turns fertile aryan women into jewish lesbians

Wtf I love boko haram now!

>> No.9204982


Reading makes your tits and ass smaller apparently.

Amazingly enough I remember the artist for that particular work saying he did for a paid submission because that was some guys fetish.

>> No.9204988


>> No.9204997

Man, I haven't masturbated to that guy's bimbo transformation stuff in ages. Don't like this thematic inversion though, it ruins the essence of bimbofication.

>> No.9205000
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>> No.9205002

This, it caused a shitstorm for no reason. Basically people thought the artist was body shaming barbie doll people.

>> No.9205012

Well, he was, since he identified them with bimbos.
That said, had he mantained the same body in all the 5 steps, people would have blamed him because he drawed a blonde woman with big lips, big tits and ass.

If you're drawing a bimbo there is no way to escape the controversy.

>> No.9205014 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9205018

fuck off

>> No.9205021


>> No.9205026
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>> No.9205027

The only woman I ever loved was a jewish lesbian.

>> No.9205030

Go to bed, Jeff

>> No.9205032

she became white!

>> No.9205034

Anne could hardly be called a woman, anon.

>> No.9205035

I love Stein, too.

>> No.9205041

Sweet sweet sweet sweet tea

>> No.9205042


>> No.9205091
File: 340 KB, 1743x786, transformation2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9205102


>> No.9205114

Shoulda been IJ

>> No.9205134

I've got a bimbo transformation fetish so this thread is making me hard

>> No.9205139

>read books
>turn pasty and insecure
>shrink a foot

>> No.9205159


someone made an IJ edit

>> No.9205162

>fertile aryan
Looks like a retarded bimbo
>Jewish lesbian
Looks like a normal woman

>> No.9205177
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>> No.9205181
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>> No.9205182


>> No.9205184

>Looks like a normal woman

that might very well be a man

>> No.9205188

Any good books on Bimbofication?

>> No.9205190

My diary desu ;*

>> No.9205191

Rupi Kaur, for the detailed descriptions

>> No.9205204


>> No.9205206

I fucking hate this board.

>> No.9205209

see you tomorrow! :)

>> No.9205211
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1425873506965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Among her more notable works is her photo-essay on menstruation, described as a piece of visual poetry intended to challenge societal menstrual taboos.
female intellectuals

>> No.9205213
File: 145 KB, 1403x570, 632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she read?

>> No.9205215

my diary desu

>> No.9205220
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>> No.9205229

lol triggered

>> No.9205230

The Eternal Jest

>> No.9205242

Any book. This is an excellent representation of the female reaction to exposure to knowledge. Her brain simply shuts down, and her biology kicks in, assuring her that in the absence of any sort of skill, her vagina will provide her with shelter and sustenance.


>> No.9205247

genuinely thought I was browsing /d/ for a second

>> No.9205255

r9k pls go

>> No.9205257


>> No.9205263
File: 153 KB, 1403x570, mydiarydesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9205269


>> No.9205308

this is my masterpiece why am I not getting any (You)s

>> No.9205313


>> No.9205314

you did a good job with the final figure

i will grant you one (You)

>> No.9205322


thank (You) kind souls

>> No.9205331

oh wow

>> No.9205336

I was going to tell you you're a boring faggot with no imagination or skill. I guess I just didn't take the time.

>> No.9205340
File: 872 KB, 1011x373, bayeux bimbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9205341


>> No.9205347

fuck you man

>> No.9205360
File: 1.13 MB, 6101x2480, 5810nr42a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9205362

I don't like my mother anyway.

>> No.9205364
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>> No.9205403


>> No.9205413

The jewish goddess is the one strap whore's mum? Interesting.

>> No.9205468

you know this is porn right
to wank to

>> No.9205501

you will have to prove that by providing some sort of source

>> No.9205516

How dare you bastardize my fetish

>> No.9205526


>> No.9205567


>> No.9205583

search 'bimbofication'

>> No.9205617


>> No.9205669

lil' bitch

>> No.9205731

what happened to her ass? Why did it get smaller? Shame.

>> No.9205741


>> No.9205895


Where'd her tits go?

>> No.9205902


>it's Das Kapital

>> No.9205905

4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1

>> No.9205907

lmao I love how /lit/ gets triggered by this. Its like they haven't interacted with women outside of dating sims.

>> No.9205911


>> No.9205914

are you saying that because it turns her communist and she starts to starve?

>> No.9205926



>> No.9205977



>> No.9206051

meme girls

>> No.9206057
File: 2.36 MB, 326x254, 1488518640368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#4 is a fucking babe

>> No.9206074


>> No.9206089

Jeff pls

>> No.9206113

>loses all her thickness
wtf I hate books now

>> No.9206259


It's like she went too far.

>> No.9206273

>forced fedora meme, even though he's right


>> No.9206281
File: 114 KB, 500x500, 1478556470397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that really the best you got?

>> No.9206298


Looks like they're the same bigger size in the first 2, and the same smaller size in the rest

She probably had fake ones in the first 2

>> No.9206310

in the last one she turns into some a sexual genderless snail person though

>> No.9206312

Is it bad that I only find #5 attractive?

>> No.9206315

Art of the Deal

>> No.9206333

>no screenshot

looks like we're done here

>> No.9206335

I think number five is a goddess.

>> No.9206345

as someone with blonde hair and big boobs, this makes me insecure

>wtf i hate my body now

>> No.9206347

>he doesn't know how to check for samefag
>he is THIS new

>> No.9206350

is there a purpose for the evolution from coin purse to backpack?

>> No.9206351
File: 418 KB, 448x486, 1481568748185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironically debating porn as though it has any meaning
>/lit/ is this retarded

Very disappointing.

>> No.9206352

She had to put those tits somewhere

>> No.9206357

what's it like being the archetypal image of a dumb bimbo?

not even trying to insult, actually kind of curious.

>> No.9206363

read a fucking book dumb dumb

a backpack is what smart indie girls with ill fitting sweaters and an internet obsession have while a coin purse is a sign of the patriarchy and consumerism, who's credit card do you think does it hold?

>> No.9206366
File: 31 KB, 704x396, 1482613652652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fast damage control reply
>trying too hard to fit in

please stop posting

>> No.9206377


reminder that you are actually wearing a fedora right now

>> No.9206393

you have to make a real effort to not dress too feminine or you will not be taken serious. which is a shame, because i'd like to do exactly that. but i can live with that compromise.
other than that, the pitfall is to not become a huge attentionwhore. it would be very easy and i can't say i'm not guilty of it. but i try to not let it be the only type of validation i rely on. actually, i try to not rely on external validation in general. but i'm only human

i am. are you?

>> No.9206429

Goes from being a happy, confident woman comfortably expressing her sexuality into a barista.

>> No.9206435

and changes your eye, skin and hair colour, making you Hispanic midway through.

>> No.9206464

Guys the girl I've been seeing for awhile started posting provocative pictures on instagram what do I do if it makes me feel uncomfortable

>> No.9206475

look up that Mel Gibson shouting at the woman for dressing slutty thing and practice doing it like he does, then confront her

>> No.9206495


>> No.9206571

post them so we can come to a conclusion

>> No.9206580

embrace your betaness and tell her you will eat her pussy for free

>> No.9206585

only if there's already a bunch of cum in it though

>> No.9206588

Far right girl is probably a stuck-up liberal arts student, and everything from the middle over is too old and worn out. Second from right is the best girl: intelligent, fun to be around, and objectively the most attractive. Prove me wrong, /lit/.

>> No.9206594

Ironically, it looks like she has taken the most dicks out of any of them, followed by 2, 5, 3, and 1.

>> No.9206592

r u swedish?

>> No.9206598

far left has everything that matters though

>> No.9206602

middle one is by far the hottest though

she reveals her belly

>> No.9206622

Fuck off normies stay away from my fetish reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.9206659

no. but i often get that question

>> No.9206900
File: 297 KB, 923x620, 1487248381649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9206913

She's the only one who looks attractive.

I'll never understand the American obsession with orange-coated chickens with pasty bottle hair.

>> No.9206929




>> No.9206941

Except he's wrong. Of course it still has a message.

Serious question: are you new here?

>> No.9206944

really fires the synapses doesn't it

>> No.9207062

tits or gtfo

>> No.9207072

i've already overstretchen my share of attentionwhoring itt to dangerous amounts

>> No.9207080

The interesting thing about this is the amount of tiny judgements about fashion choice. And the implication that blondes are somehow stupid. And she gets paler... The more you look at it the less feminist it becomes

>> No.9207090


>> No.9207099

1= lives life free from ideology
2= is rightfully disgusted by ideology
3= can't believe people fall for ideology
4= franatically tries to justify her ideology
5= ideologue

burn the books

>> No.9207107

Literature turns drag queens into Ellen Page?

>> No.9207132

1. Some people took my commission De-bimbofication and (I assume) posted it to social media along with some sexist variation of "women should spend more time reading, less time primping" or "once you start reading, you grow principles", as if being smart and being sexy are mutually exclusive. They were leaving similar comments on the image itself, forcing me to keep replying "Nope. I'm not saying that. There is no message. Women should be free to dress and act any way they want."

Most of my artwork is obviously sexual, so people can dismiss it without reading too much into it. I suspect that, because De-bimbofication isn't clearly identifiable as "porn", people assumed it must be some sort of social commentary.

2. Other people saw those first social media posts and called out the misogyny in what they assumed was its statement (just like I'd been doing in the comments). nell-fallcard (thanks!) brought this to my attention just as things started getting nasty.Shetried to support me against people making harsh assumptions about who I am without bothering to check the image's origin or context. I couldn't stand up for myself on Facebook, since it would mean connecting this account to my real life identity (something I'm not yet comfortable with) so I created a Twitter account to try and handle things there. It was tough. I was trying to understand their point of view and present my own side only to be met with mockery and derision. A few people, to their credit, actually treated me like a human being, leading to some interesting conversations. They helped mecomprehend what was happening. For a while, it felt like I was alone fighting a huge, faceless, angry mob. If you ever find yourself attacking someone you've never met on the internet, please consider that they're also a real person, with feelings. It's easy to forget that.

Around this time, I got an email from a Buzzfeed editor, asking for a short interview.

3. Bimbofication is, undeniably, a sexist fantasy. I was very conflicted about this. In everyday life, I like to consider myself a feminist. Can I support feminism and women's rights while harboring sexist fantasies? What if I create work that caters to others' sexist fantasies?After all, we don't choose what turns us on. I believe erotic art is a way to indulge sexist fantasies safelyand harmlessly. However, its nature as porn needs to be clear. In the end, that's what caused the outrage: outside its context, people mistook a sexist, fetishistic fantasy for a statement about the real world. It's also the reason I apologized; not for creating the image, but for unintentionally offending with its statement.

>> No.9207146

Until the Buzzfeed article was published, I was freaking out. I barely slept that first night. I realized that the stream of hatred could actually go on for days, with new people constantly discovering the image and being outraged. I also worried about Buzzfeed's portrayal. Would they present my side fairly and help de-escalate or would they fan the flames? I considered telling my audience what was going on but I worried they might go into attack mode and fighting fire with fire could make things even worse. Thankfully, the Buzzfeed article confirmed what I was saying all along ("it's sexist, but it's just porn") finally allowing me to relax (and sleep).

Once the Buzzfeed article went live, and especially after I was featured on the Philip DeFranco Show the outrage died down.Most of the comments had become positive messages of support. Thank you all! I hate it when people say "I can't answer you all individually, so I'll thank you en masse" because it sounds super pretentious but it'd honestly take days to go through all the messages. Know that I read every single one and every single positive thought means a lot to me!

4. Finally,now it seems we've come full circle. People are outraged about the outrage. They say "People are too sensitive! There's nothing wrong with drawing a slutty woman being cleansed by literacy!" which just brings us back to the beginning.

To clarify: the image IS sexist. My work IS sexist. If that turns you on, then great! Enjoy fapping! It's meant to be a fantasy! But if you use my work to justify your behavior and real-world beliefs, you might want to do some soul-searching.

tl;dr Patriarchy sucks.

>> No.9207156


>not choosing far right

cuck detected.

>> No.9207157

>>To clarify: the image IS sexist. My work IS sexist. If that turns you on, then great! Enjoy fapping!
I like how people love hedonism yet still try to tack principles on it.

>> No.9207165

pursue the drawings series to unfuckable, unmarriable SJW and you get the real here

>> No.9207166

>If you ever find yourself attacking someone you've never met on the internet, please consider that they're also a real person, with feelings. It's easy to forget that.

Isn't that the only reason people actually bother attacking other people online?

Interesting read though

>> No.9207169

i just had a revelation

reading the book makes her less female, she turns into something closer to a man
reading makes her more male

fucking think about it

>> No.9207180

whoa.. this is deep..

>> No.9207181
File: 67 KB, 632x441, rupi kaur QyW5wki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9207187

>upload a scat photo
>get kicked out of bars for yelling at people
>write down angry thoughts and press enter a few times

>> No.9207190

Why does reading turn you into a lesbian? Wait no I get it

>> No.9207191
File: 64 KB, 900x558, ice ages global warming 1387070458866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shriveled away by hormonal imbalances triggered by her anti-life thoughts and lifestyle

>> No.9207209

Yeah fuck Sade and Nabokov.

>> No.9207211

>tackled tough topics
The sign of any bad art.

Art isn't for abstract temporal concerns like rape or alcoholism. It's for core human qualities, like power and obsession.

>> No.9207232

Death of the author tho

>> No.9207234
File: 2.29 MB, 2336x1727, 1451471425681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the purest fetish.

>> No.9207276

The purest fetish is unconditional love.

>> No.9207284

add procreation and we're talking

>> No.9207287

Then it's not unconditional is it faggot

>> No.9207290

not as a precondition mongrel

>> No.9207293

We're talking about a fetish. Therefore, you have to be looking for unconditional love + procreation; it cannot happen accidentally, or it isn't a specific fetish, it's just your relationship. Therefore it's not unconditional.

>> No.9207314

Continue this sensible, reasonable-to-have argument by all means, ladies and/or gentlemen. I hope you don't mind if I'm a fly on the wall?

>> No.9207320

Cuckoldry is the least pure fetish.

>> No.9207324

i said "add", which indicates that it comes later than the first. so unconditional love would be the fetish and reproduction would be the logical conclusion

>> No.9207561

This proves global warming is true

>> No.9207572

Only woman I loved was Jewish and she turned lesbian after she broke up with me. Eat your heart out Kostanza.

>> No.9207580

cmon jeff

>> No.9207583

Conservatives get to decide what is life and what is not. Right

>> No.9207589

The artist is responsible for his work. Just because it is a comission, doesn't mean the artist is not saying something. He could have refused to do it, but chose to draw it. He is body shaming barbie doll people (amongst other problems with the pic)

>> No.9207602

are you autistic

>> No.9207605

>I'll never understand the American obsession with orange-coated chickens with pasty bottle hair.
That's because we don't have an obsession like that you elitist fag.

>> No.9207610
File: 480 KB, 736x588, bboogg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9207615


>> No.9207627

thank you

>> No.9207636

blonde looks too mulatto for me

>> No.9207658

What a nasty, selfish cunt. Her poetry isn't even any good.

>> No.9207703

Reading books probably makes most men less masculine.

>> No.9207745
File: 2.14 MB, 6072x2544, emmawaffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9207751

books turn quadroons into proper white women

>> No.9207754

wtf women can't read and aren't human I hate women

>> No.9207788
File: 113 KB, 950x672, burka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9207797

that would mean that books nullify gender extremes. which would fit the feminist agenda quiet right. reading is feminist propaganda guys! you've all been brainwashed! reeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9207988

Threemilkt or whatever her name was?

>> No.9208005

>posts image drawn as a joke by a bimbofication fetishist
>170 replies

>> No.9208006

Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.9208080


>> No.9208348

really makes u think

>> No.9208358

Go away Stacy. Stop trying to troll, you're awful.

>> No.9208638

i like you anyway

>> No.9208651

you don't even know me

>> No.9208731

>attention whoring
at least do it right, anon
greentext plz
i want it
you want it
for great justice

>> No.9208738

you seem likeable enough to me

>> No.9208780

miss algrave by lispector

>> No.9208788

i already am aware, thank you

greentext what?

>> No.9208806

Your big, beautiful breasts.

>> No.9208810

>i already am aware, thank you
but you reply anyway

>greentext what?
-being attractive and not taken seriously
-being attractive and use it to your advantage

>> No.9208892

it happened mainly when i was less aware of it and didn't intentionally put effort into being taken serious.

>be at friends house
>there's his male roommate
>since i like to get to know new people, i engage in a conversation with him
>i ask him about himself and a lifely discussion unfolds
>the subject of literature comes up (the coincidence...)
>i'm thrilled, cause that's my topic
>before we can dive any deeper, he shuts me down with "you wouldn't know anything about it, girls like you don't read worthwhile books".
>i jokingly say "you'd be surprised" but my enthusiasm to talk to him is killed

use it to my advantage:

i try to avoid that. but sometimes, it just happens anyways.
>the guy at the pizza place always gives me a free donut, he probably thinks that will coax me into giving him my number or suck his cock. he's 50 something... yeah, no

>this weekend, i went to an event
>you would have to pay 30$ entrance
per person
>guy that sells the tickets leans over and handles me three (for me and my 2 friends) and whispers to me that he won't charge a cute girl like me. dude...

many other incidents, actually

it's flattering, yes. but it also makes me feel obliged to return the favor in some way and i don't think it's the right thing to give someone your number or whatever out of obligation. so i guess a lot of guys now hate me and think i'm an entitled cunt

>> No.9208952

holy shit
i knew it would be good
what kind of books are you into?

>> No.9208963

>implying the world has existed for 400,000 years

>> No.9208967

>You wouldnt know anything about it
I call bullshit.

>> No.9208971

female (male) detected
true women don't think such impure thoughts

>> No.9208972

>looks like a cartoon

>> No.9208982

i'm currently reading kafka for pelasure and nietzsche so i know wtf i'm talking about. you sure managed to meme me

how would you know? have you been there?

i can only speak for myself and i surely do

>> No.9208986

Actually, you're not obliged to return the favor. Men throw money away all the time in hope of getting laid. Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't. But they can't know when it will work and when it won't. If you feel bad that they are wasting money, kindly say not thank you and your conscience is clear. But most of my friends take free drinks not thinking twice about it. Women using their looks is completely normal.

>> No.9209010

i am the meme master
wanna hang out a bit in my tree house?

>> No.9209011

you would be surprised how offended some guys can get if you say "no thank you". i understand. it's basically a rejection of their advances. which they immediately interpret as me thinking i'm better than them. when infact it could have a lot of other reasons, like me not wanting to leech off their money.
i don't always say no. not because i want to take advantage of the generosity of men. but because it actually makes them happy in some instances to do me a favor. take that pizza guy for example. i know he knows it won't ever led to anything. but he knows i like pink donuts and he probably likes to make me smile so i guess it's a winwin. i've tried to pay for them so many times, i have just given up now.

>> No.9209021

tile patterns, bimbofication, any more lovely meme-fetishes?

>> No.9209054

if i like to look at your ass, it's ok to repay it somehow
don't sweat it babe
sometimes just having nice girls being around is enough desu

>> No.9209057

concret enemas? pizza parties?

>> No.9209060

You sound a girl who is already committed to someone, are you?

>> No.9209062

Can you post that tile pattern picture? I haven't seen it in ages

>> No.9209066

guys like you aren't the ones getting offended. but there are more guys that will feel rejected and taken advantage off.

>> No.9209073

That's because they don't read the contract

>> No.9209074

i am, yes. how did you know?

>> No.9209080

You can't be serious lad. That person isn't even putting in an effort.

>> No.9209081

Go outside you underman

>> No.9209085

unfortunately, that doesn't stop them from trying to blackmail me.

>> No.9209093

You don't need or seek validation from other men.

It could well be a larper, (s)he will never post proof anyway.

>> No.9209107
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, clint-eastwood[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded bimbo =/= normal woman

>> No.9209119

>You don't need or seek validation from other men.
i've tried to eliminate that flaw before i commited. mainly because i suspect it's the main reason some girls cheat.
i'm not 100% free of it. this thread is evidence enough. i never said i'm flawless

>> No.9209156

It's not a flaw, it's natural from women and your man should provide enough validation on his own. Although of course for some girls one is never enough.

>> No.9209160

Anon, I. . .

>> No.9209161

i don't try to not seek his admiration, obviously. but i think there's a sane amount of validation that one person can yearn for. everything else is driven by bottomless insecurity built up on a lack of feeling worthy. which is often due to sheer immaturity. a shame it doesn't come automatically with age.

>> No.9209162

come back to the fucking tree house at once, miss kitty!

>> No.9209167

you're not the real dr. x

>> No.9209172

Thread ruined. Been fun lads.

>> No.9209175

>generalized assumtions based on a few experiences with girls barely out of the teenage hormonal shitstorm

that's why you are so bitter, anon

>> No.9209180

of course not
i'm on the secret island
keep going it wont be long

>> No.9209183

no you aren't. i would see you. don't you lie to me

>> No.9209186


>> No.9209187

4chan: Women are all dumb and are all cheating whores who will betray their man first chance they get.

Also 4chan:

>> No.9209197

I try to be an optimist.

Some people just can't see their SOs as full persons they have to commit to, instead of side characters that has to cater to their identity. If you are real and not larping then your bf is a very lucky man.

>> No.9209198

>choosing a disgusting feminazi over a proper woman
Yeah, nah

>> No.9209208

the persons you are talking about are just not able of captueing the meaning of commitment and probably don't even love their partner. i made sure i know what my definition of commitment and love is before i immersed myself in it. that's also not a problem limited to females. it's simple immaturity and unawareness.

>> No.9209215

Can we blame Hollywood and romantic comedies? I'm pretty sure if the idealized romantic life that people always wish themselves to be in were to be originated from Russian literature instead of pop media, things would be better.

>> No.9209227

I don't think they're dumb. I do think they're basically all cheating whores though.

>> No.9209241

we can blame romanticism as a whole. it gave everybody (not just females) a hugely distorted view about what a relationship realistically will be like and how to handle it properly.
but anybody that's willing to put some effort into educating themselfes about love could easily do so. i don't understand why that's not more common

>> No.9209244
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>> No.9209247

I think my mother, her sisters, my grandmother, all the women I've slept with who are cheating on their boyfriend or girlfriend were all out of the teenage hormonal shitstorm. Of course there were plenty in teenage hormonal shitstorm as well.
Not that I think men are more virtuous, they just happen to be less desirable.

>> No.9209255

then i'm sorry to give it to you that straight, but you are surrounded by a accumulation of people that never grow up. it happens. it's usual that they come in bunches. maybe you should completely switch your social circle to experience the difference between mature and immature people.

if your inmediate environwment doesn't push growing up, then yes, you will be surrounded by cheating whores.

>> No.9209260

The same media makes OK for older couples to try to act like young people, where love is pure eros and emotions. Have you seen how many middle aged people get divorced because they think they fell out of love, simply?

>> No.9209271

they're not. i mean, a lot of them aren't, and that's not fair as a generalization. you can't fault a person for actions that weren't their own.

i was abandoned by my ex out of nowhere so believe me i understand what it's like to distrust everyone, but don't lose hope man, there are some genuinely good people in the world.

>> No.9209274

Seems to be the situation wherever I go. Probably my fault in some way.
And now I see or talk to no one, but that's only part of the reason.

>> No.9209282

>a lot of them aren't, and that's not fair as a generalization
Of course not. Just every one I meet and grew up with.
It's not like I've stopped giving chances, to them or myself.

>> No.9209285

>Inverse bimbofication is a fetish
You learn something new every day.

>> No.9209287

that might be because they never truly were in love to begin with. and they rather toss everything in the bin than work out solutions and mend what needs mending. i donmt beliebe there are a lot of relationships that could not have been saved with a bit of honesty and introspection. oh well

>> No.9209295

no, it's not your fault. it's your experience and the conclusions you made of them. but now that you are aware, it would be your fault, yes.

you should definitely not get into the habit of locking people out. believe me, i've done that for far too long. it caused me a lot of intimacy problems i had to iron out first

>> No.9209298

>no hijab gf
Get these kaffir whores out of my sight, none of them are suitable for a wife!

>> No.9209299

How is drawing barbie doll people "body shaming" them? By that logic literally any drawing of a person is body shaming that person

>> No.9209304

I don't think they were never in love, but that love changes and grows and they never learned how to do that, or what mature love love actually looks like.
This is where literature, specially classic literature, is important.

>> No.9209307

forsooth m'lord, forsooth

>> No.9209309

>By that logic literally any drawing of a person is body shaming that person
No one said these people weren't fucking insane mate

>> No.9209312

underrated post

>> No.9209316

>i'm currently reading kafka for pelasure and nietzsche so i know wtf i'm talking about. you sure managed to meme me
are you 14

>> No.9209321

Can we please focus?

I'd tell you to prove me wrong, but you literally can't.

>> No.9209326

they might have been infatuated, yes. but love takes effort. somebody able and willing to put in the required effort is also capable to adapt to the changes love goes trough with the ages.
i still think there is not enough literature that portrais love and relationship realistical. i wish there was

>> No.9209329

that's good to hear.
i do think it can sometimes be good to be a little cynical. it's kept me from rushing into things regrettably. but you need to be able to let your guard down, as nauseating as it can be initially. without taking that risk and being vulnerable you're kinda stuck in the presumption that the whole world is shit.

>> No.9209335

They don't need to be realistic, just a different and more mature ideal than what's it is today.

>> No.9209351 [DELETED] 


>> No.9209359

i'm sorry i'm not well read enough for your entitled taste. good thing i don't need your approval

more mature is more realistic in my definition. i just think that all what can be gathered under the assumptions of "having found my soulmate, everything will just fall into place from now on and be a smooth ride" is toxic to building a gold relationship

>> No.9209372
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Your lesbian waifu is a pseud brainlet.

>> No.9209397

l'art pour l'art you idiot

>> No.9209412

>entitled taste
no offense, but Kafka and Nietzsche must mean you've just started reading

>> No.9209417

why? how do you know in what order people read? and how do you know i'm mot rereading?

>> No.9209421


Still better than having an obsession with 19 year old African and Arab males like Northern Europe.

>> No.9209427


You do know if your gut sticks out further than your tits, your tits don't count, right?

>> No.9209430

why? how do you know in what order people read? and how do you know i'm not rereading?

i'm aware of that rule, yes

>> No.9209448

The soulmate, lovey dovey period is the beginnings of relationships, that's why once they settle down they are so confused.

>> No.9209449

alright, so you're trying to tell me you left out the somewhat important detail that you were rereading them both? it'd be rather dumb to not mention that on a imageboard
do tell me your highly interesting opinions about either of them though! i'm sure you're an intelligent fella with a bunch of interesting opinions!

>> No.9209486

i'm not. but i could be. calm your assumtions.
i also never claimed to be a literary genius.
i can't really hit you with a lot of opinions since i haven't read them yet. i've read the judgement yesterday and i'm not sure what to make of it. the father seems unnecessarily violent. i don't see why a father would feel the need to deceive his own son like that, why he would call his bride a whore or degrade him by openly stating he's rather have his friend as his son. seems like kafka had a lot to work trough there. but he himself said he can't make a lot of sense out of it. i'm inclined to think he is either not honest or has pulled a good one on everybody because it's a classic case of "this has no deeper meaning bt let them interpret a shit ton into it and slit their throats argueing who's right".

>> No.9209657

>thinking of literature in terms of linear levels like a fucking video game

This actually suggests that you are new to the hobby

>> No.9210016

>reading make you ugly

well shit

>> No.9210465
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>> No.9210482

Still looks like a fucking whore after one year.

>> No.9210483


>> No.9210520

>I like how people love hedonism yet still try to tack principles on it.

Did you read the whole thing?

>> No.9210583

the one on the right is the hottest

>> No.9210618

Honestly, it sucks now for discussion of literature (IMO it used to be better a few years ago, but then again, you all know the stale trope that 4chan was never good...), but it's good for a laugh.

>> No.9210663

What the FUCK is going on on /lit/ and why are you letting this attentionwhoring whore tell you about the benefits of having a cunt and looking pretty?

holy SHIT has this board become awful

>> No.9210671

>giving sappy relationship advice to an attentionwhore on 4chan

stop being a fucking eunuch

>> No.9211009

>make a board that attracts women
>blonde says baka being pretty is so hard xd silly bois
>other women encourage her and feed her complex
rly mak u tnk

>> No.9211257

how much would it cost to commission some reverse-bogification porno

>> No.9211978

her diary desu

>> No.9212005

>some guy starts LARPing as an entitled whore complaining about the "hardships" of getting free shit

>all you idiots take the bait

nice 1 lads

>> No.9212035

fuck this thread is shit. ree

>> No.9212195

Then explain all the porn.

In order to preserve western debauchery a certain degree of elitism is now necessary.
This is objectively wrong. I'd much rather ram my pole down Mohammad's tight boipussi than some screeching rotisserie chicken. Not even gay.

>> No.9212214

I didn't think this fetish could get any stranger

>> No.9212220


Can confirm.
Women who read aren't hot.

>> No.9212223

oh my sweet summer child

>> No.9212782

Good post.

>> No.9212795


I do wish getting free shit was the greatest problem in my life.

>> No.9212801

I'm so terrified for when this thread hits 300 and all of you trash are spilled out into the rest of the board.

>> No.9212817
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>> No.9212908

>books deplete lip collagen
>Cure Jaundice
>Darkens hair

I don't really get it

>> No.9212918

Girl 2 shocked to see some pleb left a book on the ground
Girl 3 reading the back cover to Atlas Shrugged
Girl 4 Actually reading book
Girl 5 Holds book as both a fashion and political statement

>> No.9213032

My head says rightmost; my penis says leftmost; my heart says >tfw no gf.

>> No.9213208


*tips fedora, adjusts Anonymous mask, and fades into vape cloud with his honed samurai skills he learned from thousands of hours of Anime*

>> No.9213232

wtf, can someone explain this picture? Can we not even wear a ponytail these days without you men judging us by it?
this is absurd.

>> No.9213243

>My head says rightmost


>> No.9213254

People judge other people by anything, all the time. Cut the victim crap.

>> No.9213271


>> No.9213272

Anyone who thinks the left is hotter than the right is mentally ill.

>> No.9213279

t. stick-"woman"

>> No.9213283

Settle down snookums, you'll get a Chad of your own one day.

>> No.9213299
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>his taste ain't like mine
>I will call him idiot

>> No.9213305

why is thread alive?

>> No.9213311

how do I join the bog family

>> No.9213318

Yeah? Well, guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using 4chan for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

>> No.9213323

There's a book in the picture so its relevant to /lit/

>> No.9213598

dudes c'mon it was international womens day yesterday, have a little respect. But really this is so stupidly sexist and 4 is the hottest but 5 seems more approachable/ less high maintenance

>> No.9213625

is the next phase a dude?

>> No.9213661
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the inevitable next step

>> No.9213764


>> No.9213861

4 3 5 2 1

ankle bracelets and shoulder tops are some of my biggest turn ons

>> No.9214083

i want more of this

>> No.9214090

what else do you expect to find on a peruvian ice-sculpting forum

>> No.9214101

tits or gtfo

>> No.9214120


>> No.9214295

If you are Asian it doesn't really count desu.

>> No.9214800

omg men, right? Like totally.

>> No.9215605


>> No.9215665

>1= lives life free from ideology

"let me buy all this materialist stuff desu, so ideologically free !"

>> No.9215680


Greed is instinctual

>> No.9215696


Lol. Look everyone! A categorical error lol.

>> No.9215731

I get what they are trying to convey but its pretty shit.

>> No.9216342

some egoist shit probably

>> No.9216532
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>tfw refuse to take prescribed antibiotics

>> No.9216539

doesn't OP's picture require one more image where she's wearing a hijab

>> No.9216824

Why did her tits shrink?