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/lit/ - Literature

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9204462 No.9204462 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met a woman that was an actual intellectual?

And by that I don't mean knew facts about particular events or dates, I mean a woman that could really understand something with all its nuances and develop a way to understand it or rapidly question it.

Do women have any opinions at all? It's almost as though they rehearse every single line before they speak. It's as though they have calculated all replies in every area of conversation. Look at the way in which they flutter, the way in which they smile, move their hand, touch you, all seemingly natural but upon closer inspection reveals the true horror...she practised this and you weren't even the first one.

Sometimes I wonder where I could find that one woman, the one that could complete me, I realise I'll never find such a gal for she'll never meet all of my expectations. At least my expectations are real...hers are shallow and for that reason, she'll never be for me....

>> No.9204470

My girlfriend, not even memeing

>> No.9204474

my sister

>> No.9204477



Please fuck off. Please.

>> No.9204478

s m u g

>> No.9204486

Yeah my Reagency Era Literature professor was amazing, she'd wipe the floor with anyone on the subject

>> No.9204493

this weird korean chick I used to fuck in the ass in college was definitely one. She was super smart, knew way more about just about everything than me, I think she spoke like 4 languages.

She gave me scabies too, btw, and she hung herself our senior year.

>> No.9204502

>not appreciating the paradox of sprezzatura
ffs start with the greeks doesn't mean you can skip the entire medieval and renaissance periods

>> No.9204510

your expectations are shallow
hers are for the bettering of our species

>> No.9204513

Go on...


>> No.9204520
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Well I know philosophy students.
One, tall, model looking type, knows her shit from Kant to Derrida. Impressive to me.
But then again they don't see seem to be people who want to act upon the world.
I know intellectual women, and I know female entrepreneurs.
I don't know women who form their own worldview, ideology, and push it out into the world and have a mission in that sense. Then again, men don't care too much for women past 35, and when they are mothers they are even more off the screen.

>> No.9204522

just come out of the closet, op, and get done with it

>> No.9204557


>Have you ever met a woman that was an actual intellectual?

80 year old college professors

>> No.9204559

Wow... Now that I think about it.. I have never met one... I am now forced to conclude they do not exist.
On an unrelated note, I have not left my room or house for that matter in 7 years

>> No.9204583
File: 1.74 MB, 294x232, pain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a good friend of mine in HS.
Very sexy, witty, tall, blonde and knew how to use her body to get what she wanted.
A lot of guys liked her.
She was smart when it came to literature and arts but laughably dumb when it came to foreign languages and sciences (except Biology but that is a girls field anyway).
Only reason I was friends with her was because I wasn't obsessed with just her sexuality, liked to joke around and play vidya with her.
She was incredibly two faced though, I knew it and I told her all the time.
>I miss late HS now
>thx OP

>> No.9204592

>and she hung herself our senior year

didn't expect that

Thats some Joseph Heller story telling right there

>> No.9204601


Thanks. Can't take much credit for it, she's the one who did it and all.

Post script: I also snuck into her dorm and stole her laptop, which i traded for a lot of pot, after she died.

>> No.9204602

why would i want to fuck an actual intellectual?
do you think accountants only want to fuck other accountants? astronauts only fuck astronauts? hairdressers only fuck other hairdressers? who gives a shit you homo

>> No.9204609

I met many at university...not so much in highschool.

>> No.9204613

yeah, plenty

stupid thread, op

>> No.9204663

>It's another episode of "anyone who tells me to fuck off must be a woman because irl women only ever tell me to fuck off"
I'm really tired of the r9k invasion. It's called containment for a reason

>> No.9204675

Same with my Renaissance\Reformation prof. I even joined the History Club because she was the coordinator! Only crush I ever had on a teacher. Turned out that the age difference between she and me, about 20 years, was less by about 10 years than the age difference between she and her husband, who had been one of her grad school thesis advisors....

>> No.9204705

Had some very intelligent female professors while I was a student. My friend's sister is really bright too.

>> No.9204709

No. Anyone who claims to have is a lying nu-male.

>> No.9204717

>Do women have any opinions at all?
I've met plenty of them but they too all seemed to be "rehearsed" as you put it and upon investigation shut off completely. I however found out that when I prioritize talking in their language and developing my counterargument starting at their position without ever explicitly stating it and acting as though I "almost" agree with them works wonders for kicking their creativity into gear and I can totally act as though I am having an intellectual conversation with a woman :^)

>> No.9204730

This is why there can be women professors. Generally they have memorized a lot of facts but they don't have it in them to find any real passion or insight into their subject.

>> No.9204735

Girl I fancy is pretty smart. If she doesn't understand something she will make an actual attempt to do so.

>> No.9204738


Mine, too, desu. 130+ IQ, in law school, etc.

>> No.9204748
File: 75 KB, 634x1090, 1479674752999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, what did your mother do to you?

>> No.9204754


>> No.9204757
File: 94 KB, 683x694, 1452059319418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant , they are meme only there not real.
get over it.
pro tip you will never be turned on by a womans int alone ever.

>> No.9204758

Male intelligence and female intelligence are qualitatively different.

Most of the smart men I know are extremely passionate about things and are good at "thinking outside the box".

Most smart women know a lot and understand a lot, but they rarely venture beyond what has already been mapped out by others. Women also tend to keep things at an arm's length, and they generally prioritize social relationships over intellectualism.

>> No.9204766

Most interesting girls are ugly and most attractive girls are uninteresting. How cruel life can be...

>> No.9204774

It's like that with men too

>> No.9204803

As long as the girl is clean inside and outside and not fat she's attractive.

>> No.9204810

To add to this:

I think this has to do with innate characteristics. The sort of strength and courage that men needed to develop is channeled into intellectual pursuits. It requires a certain amount of bravery to sail into uncharted seas. The best writers are warlike in their passion for ideas. To them, everything seems to be a matter life or death.

Women are generally saner and less likely to take chances because they evolved to be mothers. There are less spectacular failures of women, but also less true geniuses.

>> No.9204817

I've met lots of them, but they were all out of my league.

>> No.9204828


>> No.9204841

Get some standards bro
Definitely more true with women. Almost every man is willing to innovate and build. Can't say the same for many women.

>> No.9204967

Not OP but sometimes I wish I were gay.

>> No.9205016

You did that to us on purpose, you scallywag

>> No.9205024

lol, this is amazing

And yeah, there are plenty of intelligent people of all genders.

>> No.9205028

>only 130
>pleb-tier degree like law
you get meme'd

>> No.9205033


That actually looks like a really attractive version of my ex-girlfriend. And no she wasn't an intellectual but she was okay. Quite lazy, really. I genuinely think she thought like most girls in that she saw no point in putting the effort in. Though, you have to ask yourself why would she, and by extension, most girls. They don't need to appear smart to get attention. Unless they're completely fucked up.

>> No.9205039

Nope. But I also avoid everyone and am addicted to my interior monologue. I am startled and uncomfortable when someone approaches me, male or female.

>> No.9205056

Project harder, dipshit. Women get biochem degrees all the time. If you're another retard dumb enough to think that all the calculus and systematics of those harder STEM degrees just can't prepare one for all the ins and outs of literature, you're beyond pathetically delusional. But that was already apparent by your compartmentalizing women into all being whatever chick wouldn't fuck you.

>> No.9205059

all legit female intellectuals have spergers to varying degrees - only someone with a masculine cast of mind can be a proper intellectual

there are lots of smart well read women but they're too scattered and contradictory to think systematically. Their core identity is THOT-ism and they will deliberately slowplay their intelligence to date 6'4 chads with 115 IQ

>> No.9205071

this thread is full of idiots who think getting an advanced degree or professional position (or even being a professor) is the same thing as being an *intellectual*

>> No.9205080

>implying paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a piece of paper that says 'we smart now' doesn't make you a jenious

>> No.9205144


More like we're using those indices as shorthand for their attendant attitudes, practices, and capacities. Why waste the effort explaining ourselves in detail in a shit-posting thread?

>> No.9205164

yeah that doesn't work though, shitpoasting or no

1000 scholars in academic philosophy departments do not necessarily add up to 1 philosopher. There's a generativity to being an intellectual that cannot be quantified by listing professional or academic achievements.

>> No.9205219

>Post script: I also snuck into her dorm and stole her laptop, which i traded for a lot of pot, after she died.

I mean why not?

>> No.9205227

well the bitch gave me scabies...so...

>> No.9205234

Doing a pleb science degree because of affirmative action != being a creative writer

>> No.9205237

>all these betas that think obtaining a degree or phd = intellectualism or genius


>> No.9205239

This. The only reason women can even get degrees is affirmative action. Education has become less rigorous to accommodate females.

>> No.9205241

>im a second semester cs major

>> No.9205270


>doesn't work

For numbskulls like you. Again, why would I waste my time trying to clarify my meaning to someone who cannot understand me?

>> No.9205278

i understood you you stupid faggot

you're already wasting time moaning about wasting time

>> No.9205282


How many men are you personally acquianted with that fit your definition of an 'intellectual'?

>> No.9205285

so you killed her. I get it

>> No.9205286
File: 1.88 MB, 320x382, 1487799890380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats fucking sad

>> No.9205291

literature_chat on kageshi

escape from /pol9k/!

>> No.9205295


It's my lunch break and, again, this thread is for shitposting.

>> No.9205310

>ugh, I just, you're an idiot, ugh
Female intellectualism, everyone

>> No.9205320
File: 57 KB, 200x200, 1487065555897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go

make sure you aren't plannin gon gong to bed anytime soon
because youll stay up crying since if just one of them really hits you then all the following ones will too.

>> No.9205380



>> No.9205409

I came close with one girl.

She read a lot, and was somewhat able to grasp ideas. However, I never got to see her make an actual effort of it. She called Marcus Aurelius a Greek and my boner died.

>> No.9205423

>reproducing with a man because he buys you shit

don't see how that helps anything on a scientific level

>> No.9205446

>Have you ever met a woman that was an actual intellectual?
within their field, yes

>> No.9205450

it is such a shame.

there's a nice girl in my Intro to fiction class who has a good grasp on understanding literature and the like, but she has a very plain face and rotund body.

Cuter girl in my choir, but I don't know if she'd ever be into me. She's older, and may be lesbo.

>> No.9205462

it's not that hard to convert.
start with some ladyboy porn, be very picky and only watch HD vids. You standards will loosen up bit by bit until you can stomach looking at a feminine boy, then a feminine man, then a thin man, and finally most men in decent shape.