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9188306 No.9188306 [Reply] [Original]

What is your ideological hell?

>> No.9188308


>> No.9188313


>> No.9188314

Modern scientific materialism

>> No.9188317

"Ideology" itself is a living hell.

>> No.9188320


>> No.9188329

Quietism will get you nowhere

>> No.9188340
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>> No.9188371

being redpilled

>> No.9188373

The ideology of people who think they have no ideology (usually they think they are fully rational as well)

Everyone has ideology, and some of the psychological processes behind religion act on ideology as well

>> No.9188377

the irony of this post is so choice

>> No.9188422

That is the point of quietism, but I wouldn't describe myself as one (a quietest). I just mean that once you let an "ideology" take precedence, you're going to start having trouble with your life. E.g. Sartre says "Hell is other people" because his ideology has driven him to a point of self-contradictory misanthropy (i.e. Marxist misanthropy).

You're disgusted that I quoted OP? I'm sorry that my compulsive and in this case redundant clarity is enough to make you vomit. Perhaps get a fecal transplant to alleviate some of that autism?

>> No.9188496

You have an ideology whether you know it or not, some underlying outlook as the basis for your action, has it lead you to happiness?

>> No.9188503

Self obsessed feels types contorting reality to explain everything by a single feels driven principle because take the red pill kid completely unaware of how unconvincing they are to people who left the playground-philosophy days behind them. Will to *. Existentialism, the endless variations of egoism, alibi-nihilism, psychoanalysis. Lack of self-awareness where it matters, excess where it doesn't.

please sort yourself out buckaroos..

>> No.9188514

I'm disgusted by the people who reply to OP after a series of plain posts. It brokes the pattern, hurts my eyes and ruins the thread. Fuck you.

>> No.9188520

Children being forced into gender reassignment surgery by their parents and the leftist establishment.

>inb4 gb2pol

>> No.9188523


>> No.9188548
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Might actually lead to Hell-Hell too.

>> No.9188556
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>> No.9188571
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the whole ideology of Cultural Marxism in general is pretty bad

>> No.9188601

What is that supposed to mean? Are you implying I think I am non-ideological myself, I said no-one is

>> No.9189881

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

>> No.9189903

a place that mixes all the more stupid of spooks like nationalism and hard religion, somewhere like saudi arabia.

>> No.9189914

To appreciate André Gide.

>> No.9189917

who is that lady and why is she so right?

>> No.9189921

Sam Harrism.

>> No.9189925


German speaking people are high and philosophical, English speaking peoples are materialistic and base.

>> No.9189927

German idealism

>> No.9189930

The minimum legal age for gender reassignment surgery is 18 years

>> No.9189961

read Adorno or kys senpai

>> No.9191431

not hormone blockers though, which is just as bad if not worse.

>> No.9192039

They're being taught that kinky sex is ok.

>> No.9192044


>Modern scientific materialism


>> No.9192064

Is it possible to reach an ideology in which we are free from this hell?

>> No.9192108

The current one
Where if you ask for people to expand or play with their ideology they lose their shit

>> No.9192125

just kill all scientists already and bring back slavery

you can't fuck or torture a combustion engine

>> No.9192129

like anyone on 4chan is a macho man

>> No.9192286

Being suicidal but not having the balls to be able to do it.

>> No.9192309

Any authoritarianism really
Anything that tries to make everyone literally equal
Anything that tries to punish you for voicing opinions
Anything that tries to punish you for thinking things that they don't like

>> No.9192314

run-of-the-mill goody-two-shoes liberalism

>> No.9192335

It's called teenage contrarianism, bubbah.

>> No.9192343
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>I don't like rules: the post

>> No.9192366

Ideological hell is redundant.

>> No.9192385
File: 79 KB, 600x673, authoritarianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not that guy, but if anti-authoritarianism is for teenagers, authoritarianism is for children.

pic related is an almost perfect summation of authoritarianism. If only the kid looked a bit more like a huge faggot, it would encapsulate the ideology perfectly.

>> No.9192395


Why exactly are you two shitting on him? You should be against those forms of authoritarianism if enforced by a government. That is pleb level stuff

>I don't like thought policing
>lmao babby doesn't like rules

>> No.9192397


>> No.9192410

>authoritarianism if enforced by a government
Governments are by definition authoritarian and their goal is the destruction of those who oppose them.

Welcome to the real world.

>> No.9192426

>Government A doesn't jail you for liking my little pony
>Government B jails you for liking my little pony

You: They're both authoritarian cus they're both governments!!! *tips fedora*

>> No.9192434

That's pretty autistic, Anon

>> No.9192552


I'm against authoritarianism in general, but I still think that bronies should be shot tbqh

>> No.9192577


I tend to think they should be broken, their spirits destroyed, and then forced into servitude.

Is there colonies we can ship punitive servants anymore? If not I'm going to write Trump, get this ball rolling.

>> No.9192642

Libertarians tire me, especially the lind whi refuse to see that there are any advantages to government whatsoever. Their answer to everything is just "contracts" without ever fully explaining how such contracts would be upheld.

>> No.9192646

But anon, if I dont have opinioms I cant be wrong. That means I'm smart.