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/lit/ - Literature

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9185955 No.9185955 [Reply] [Original]

You guys recommended this to me as a primer on how to read literature, but everything after Pound starts to talk about his exhibits is complete incomprehensible gibberish to me. All of the exhibits are written in Middle English which I can't understand at all, and most of what Pound expounds appears to apply specifically to poetry only and not prose. Am I missing something?

>> No.9186425


>> No.9186979


I find Pound to come off as pretentious and hard to understand in this book. HOWEVER, give each chapter a second read. This book is mostly about poetry but can be applied to prose.

Ezra Pound is always right.

>> No.9186995
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Imagism is the worst cancer to plague poetry

>> No.9187057

He straight out makes the assumption that the reader is already familiar with a large number of poets. Some exhibits aren't even in English.

>> No.9187362
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>Ezra Pound is always right.

B-but what about his facism, anon? Is he right about that too?

>> No.9187372

This book is pretentious nonsense, mostly. Pound strikes me as a boring academic douche of the kind who think that blue curtains must symbolize melancholy, and who thinks that art must be one way and never the other.

>> No.9187375

Well technically fascism can be regarded as left since it's socialism

>> No.9187683

>blue curtains
4/10 bait