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/lit/ - Literature

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9183316 No.9183316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Perhaps my favourite speech yet, he gets very introspective


>> No.9183331
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>> No.9183334

Holy fuck I love this guy

>> No.9183336

Not sure every new thing Jordan Peterson puts out counts as literature, OP.

>> No.9183341

well its mostly a speech about the philosophy of post-modernism and i really want to share this guy as far and wide as possible

>> No.9183348

Fucking /pol/tard

>> No.9183351

you should watch the video. You might just learn something.
I despise /pol/

>> No.9183362

I guess you despise real intellectuals too
Stop posting here your favourite self-help guru and start reading real books

>> No.9183377
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i do read real books, and don't claim post-modernists aren't intellectuals either.

Where is this aggression coming from

>> No.9183655

Does this guy get any exposure besides through himself and The Reble Media?

>> No.9183675

/lit/ is also unofficially /philosophy/

>> No.9183685

>/lit/ is also unofficially /philosophy/
What is literature without philosophy?

>> No.9183691

>staged event on Uni Toronto campus
>controversy stems from what mentally ill people want to be called
>JP wins global acclaim for defending traditional gender roles
>becomes a spokesman for the """alternative""" media
>we are forever in debt to this guy and must swallow whole everything he sells us from this point on

oh /lit/ why are you such credulous dupes?

>> No.9183695

This is horrendous

>> No.9183714

My god, this wanker again. Constantly lowering the bar.

>> No.9183720

Go back to >>>/r/eddit or >>>/r/thedonald

>> No.9183722

Preach to that choir, Jordy

>> No.9183725

im /pol/ and i agree

>> No.9183731


>> No.9183732

>Faith Goldy, Member of Rebel.Media

Wow, the Jews just don't know when to stop do they now...

>> No.9183735

Lots of articles mad at him

>> No.9183736

Stop shilling this vapid con man here, faggot.

>> No.9183744

Isn't this alliance between Jews and Christian Right-Wingers very interesting?

It's all so very interesting to me...

>> No.9183749

It's evening in Europe right now, which means Zizek threads will get more traction than Peterson. Try this post again tonight when more freedum-lovers are on.

>> No.9183753

Kek I thought I was the only one to notice this

>> No.9183757

Why does he trigger /lit/ so hard? Also, how many of these posts are Sam Harris?

>> No.9183759

Sam Harris is also hated here, they're both two sides of the same pseud hack coin

>> No.9183762

Interesting tactic Sam, but I can see right through you. Try again.

>> No.9183765


Go back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9183788

Jordan Peterson is a brilliant man, Maps of Meaning is more than just a simple college textbook. I admire the man. What I do not admire is how this rational man is venerated by alt-right nut jobs. I love postmodern literature and some philosophy but the man presents reasonable criticism. If you are a postmodern follower, you'd be more than willing to deconstruct your beliefs to explore what Peterson has to say.

>> No.9183792

t. Johnson Mendelson

>> No.9183825

This is a reasonable post. Leave the muh sjws to /pol/ and engage with Peterson on a more intellectual level.

>> No.9183836

>What I do not admire is how this rational man is venerated by alt-right nut jobs.

If he stopped appearing on The Rebel and declaring Milo "The precursor to the savior" then he wouldn't have this issue

>> No.9183842

I don't think this is an unreasonable post. Like I said, I admire the man and agree with what most he says. Sjw's shouldn't even exist, hate speech laws are a blow to the concept of freedom of speech. I agree, just hateful people venerate Peterson which deals a not insignificant blow to his overall image in the mainstream.

>> No.9183850

Why in the world did this guy start to get memed here? There was nothing about him ever before that fucking Harris podcast

>> No.9183852


>> No.9183864

/pol/tards were shocked to be confronted with a college education/person who's read tolstoy so they decided to sperg about their pseudo-spiritual awakening