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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 370 KB, 625x554, rowling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9130198 No.9130198 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think she posts on lit?

>> No.9130200

>mfw I'm a black liberal from la and i post those pepes all the time

Christ, the liberals have gone quackers, haven't they?

>> No.9130202

jk rowling is like the writing world equivalent of al bundy and harry potter is al bundy talking about how he scored that one touch down once in high school

>> No.9130208

>and harry potter is al bundy talking about how he wrote the best selling series of books in history

>> No.9130215

That was a four touchdown game, shithead.

>> No.9130217
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>> No.9130239

If rowling were smart she would write another fantasy series, maybe slightly more mature, but like a dumbed down version of game of thrones.
Her idiot fans would eat it up.
Im sure she wants to be a serious literary writer, but no one wants that from the harry potter bitch

>> No.9130244

>Im sure she wants to be a serious literary writer
what are you basing this on

>> No.9130254


>> No.9130261

Nah or we'd never hear the end of it.

>> No.9130266

>Rowling comes to /lit/
>makes a thread about HP
>gets shitposted
>whines on twitter about /lit/ being a snobbish shithole
>/lit/ is crowded with HP fans ever since

>> No.9130286
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Maybe we'd be able to introduce HP fans to actual literature. She'd inadvertently be doing them all a favor.

>> No.9130298

>some lurker writes article showing he doesn't know what 4chan is
>responses: 'omg, so true, I've never been to this side but what he writes confirms my bias so it must be true.'

>> No.9130301

endless september

>> No.9130323 [DELETED] 
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More like neoliberals get BTFO by a wwe hall of famer because their collision with the donor class and passing of globalist trade deals has turned the rustbelt into a howling snake pit while the wealth accumulated at the top and jobs were outsourced and every western nation was flooded with hordes of shitskin brown people and the left became emotionally invested in divisive identity politics that focused on gender and sex and race but ignore any and all economic and class issues while they live in gentrified areas and gated communities and the white lower class slowly dies until a magic man with golden hair comes down from the heavans and tells them to get in the car faggot we're going to make america great again and instead of admitting their massive failure they would rather blame neets on a mongolian knitting forum and russia

>> No.9130342

I wish I would get famous just so people would make threads about me and I would see them and maybe respond

>> No.9130457

she probably hires 'wizards' to battle on ethiopian cocoa cultivating plants in cyberspace

>> No.9130476
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...in my soul

>> No.9130491

Guys... this could be JK

>> No.9130492

JK, this could be JK

>> No.9130512 [DELETED] 
File: 3.06 MB, 200x200, hulk 147486385509534r34t54 nazimania.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fire rises, Brother.

Soon the juden will fall and the legendary Super Aryan will appear as prophesied.

>> No.9131799


This image is retarded.

She won't be remembered by history but she is very popular hence relevant.

>> No.9131835 [DELETED] 


To be fair its a really long read.

>> No.9131870

>article says it should take us 29 minutes
>I read it in 10

>> No.9131878

>identifies as living
i died

>> No.9131891

normos are posting this all over facebook. mfw I know they havent even visited 4chan. saddening

>> No.9131914


>Mfw JK Rowling herself started the petition to take in refuges in her own home

>> No.9131923 [DELETED] 

Proud of you

>> No.9131925

> not relevant
> literally wrote the screenplay for the most popular fantasy film of 2016 and is contracted for four more movies

I mean, I'm not a fan of hers or anything but surely people can't be this delusional to think she isn't relevant.

>> No.9131929

Article was pretty good, but I think it did a poor job in discussing the cultural vacuum or the excesses of the left. /pol9k/ hysterics against women =/= telling a jobless neet in southern ohio with no prospects for employment that he is a privileged individual.

>> No.9131932

> like a dumbed down version of game of thrones
> implying Game of thrones is a smarter equivalent to anything

>> No.9131937

JK Rowling or JK Simmons?

>> No.9131943

best selling /= good

>> No.9131947


>People who disagree with me are virgins who only disagree with me as a joke: a 10.000 word blog-post on "ARE U KIDDIN MEEEEE?"

It's getting to the point that I can sympathize with some of the people who go full-nazi. I mean, the american left is so fucking repellent.

>> No.9131957

JK Simmons. Truly a working actor who does roles for money and fun.

>> No.9131965

>using the term "skeleton key" to appeal to normies who played skyrim and make them associate ideas.
Fucking disgusting desu

>> No.9131969

JK Simmons. A true gentleman with a great ability for acting. Plus he delivered the best performance of the year in La La Land as the boss who snaps his fingers and smiles. Best 5 seconds of my life.

>> No.9131972

garbo article, hits all the right talking points and you would expect from a fucking goon, no nuance, no attempt to actually understand what motivates channers but instead focuses on filtering out every detail of this place so that all you're left with is a caricature to feel superior to

also can't stand the thinkpiece tendency of being bloated; this article is 32 minutes long but has about 5 minutes of substantive content/argument

>> No.9131973

These long articles on 4chan always make me laugh. You can always tell whether someone genuinely understands the site's culture or not, and it's so embarrassingly obvious when they don't. It's like when Redditors come on here and type with loads of spaced out paragraphs. Really makes me think.

>> No.9131978

>he thinks skeleton keys only exist in skyrim

are you retarded?

>> No.9131983


i literally can't think of someone less qualified to talk about 4chan culture than a feminist something awful user who writes think pieces

>> No.9131992

This, but also people invariably end up writing children's books when their other efforts at publication fail because of how low the bar for children's books is.

>> No.9131997

Are there any good articles on 4chan?

>> No.9131998

>This new site I didn’t understand. It was a bulletin board, but its system of navigation was opaque. Counter intuitively, you had to hit “reply” to read a thread. Moreover, the content was bizarre nonsense.

>> No.9132006
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Not that I agree with these cucks and their biased opinions, but 4chan will one day be examined with actual academic methodology. This can't happen overnight, so obviously they need to begin with these type of articles. Just like the initial scholarship of a philosopher is different from the one that is reached after hundreds of years of examination, the narrative for 4chan will one day be more full.

I personally believe only a person who has browsed at least 50% of the board at different times and has been otaku-tier on some of the big boards can fully get the big picture here. Also a person with no understanding of anime, will never get 4chan fully, ever.

>> No.9132010

His points about male unemployment as the impetus behind the rise of the alt-right are on point. Bannon says the same thing about a "lost generation"

>> No.9132014

>a person who has browsed at least 50% of the board at different times
Does such a wretched creature even exist?

>> No.9132015

Not really. Newfags writing articles couldn't really work from the start, you know. Now, if someone actually dedicated themselves they could do something decent.

>> No.9132020 [DELETED] 

Semi-related but this guy's channel is pretty good: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR1D15p_vdP3HkrH8wgjQRw

>> No.9132025

this one is okay


angela nagle has written some decent articles too and she has a book coming out called "kill all normies"

>> No.9132026

Really? I imagine anyone who been here since 2010 has at one point known the flavour of the month memes on many boards. I personally have never spend more than 10 munites on /co/ an year, but the cross-boarding and memes travel and I do know the general feel there.

>> No.9132027

>he thinks oblivion players are normies.
>he thinks morrowind players are people
>he thinks skyrim didn't had that deep impact in normie culture.
>he doesn't check the outside world

Are you a frogposter?

>> No.9132039

JK Simmons in OZ gets a face full of shit but even then his work isn't as shitty as JK Rowling

>> No.9132043 [DELETED] 


>> No.9132054

Like, I've been to every board but the concept of someone spending time on every board and really getting a deep feel for that board's specific culture would take years. I think to understand a board you would need to spend probably a minimum of six months daily browsing that board.

>> No.9132061

>He is both the “promise” (the labyrinth”, the “alpha”) and the empty center (“the promise betrayed”, the “beta”), in a sublime, hilarious, combination that perfectly reflects the worldview of his supporters.
FUCK I hate it when authors do this. Line them up properly

>> No.9132065

You're not welcome here, this is a 18-30 year old autistic virgin white male safespace

>> No.9132079
File: 45 KB, 651x636, doubtfulbabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those comments:
>There’s one piece of the puzzle that Dale misses, and that’s the infiltration of 4chan by white supremacist groups like Stormfront, in the wake of Project Chanology.
>Other ex-Channers have made similar comments on other boards: how /lit/ started talking more about “degenerate culture”, or /x/ going completely off the rails.
>What truly chaps my hide about all of this is how Christopher Poole (moot) takes no responsibility for what he has wrought, and indeed, was rewarded with a cushy job at Google instead.

>> No.9132166

>I think to understand a board you would need to spend probably a minimum of six months daily browsing that board.

I think that only goes for the big boards, since they evolve fast. The ecchi anime boards for example don't move much in terms of their own culture. You automatically receive culture from the small boards because of crossboard posting.

>> No.9132195

> how /lit/ started talking more about “degenerate culture”
What is wrong with this. It's basically an opinion that could be shared by most members of the Frankfurt School.

>> No.9132202

Angela Nagle from Dublin uni is releasing an academic book entitled "kill all Normie's" which actually could be interesting as her Twitter is unusually nuanced for a millenial, she was on channel 4 last month stuck in the middle of a screaming sjw and alt righter

>> No.9132203

/lit/ is a left-wing conservative board

>> No.9132205

Good point, but then again, to understand all of the big boards - let's look at that, it's /a/, /b/, /v/, /vg/, /r9k/, /pol/, /sp/, probably some others. That's still a lot of browsing. I feel like I can hardly keep up just between /lit/ and /fit/.

>> No.9132219

I've never been around when /b/ was worth it(I really doubt it was actually worth it), but the others are possible. /sp/ has really fallen from their part of the main culture, so I don't consider them important.

>> No.9132235

moot never wanted this shit though. He was just a kid who wanted to shitpost about anime 2chan style who inadvertently became a champion for free speech and anonymity in an increasingly identitarian age.

>> No.9132305

Your post read like you genuinely thought that the term skeleton key only applied to Skyrim. It's a real, well understood metaphor in the real world (IRL), not some fucking video game reference you autist.

>> No.9132311

To be fair it seems like the author of that article was at least somewhat familiar with chan culture to realize Pepe is not inherently racist or anti-semitic. But yes, anyone who calls Pepe a "hate symbol" demonstrates that they don't know what they're talking about. Even the ADL admitted Pepe is not inherently hateful and it depends on the context in which he is used.

>> No.9132326

It made me smile when progressives accused of her of racism for only giving Africa one wizarding school, and accused her of "cultural appropriation" for portraying skinwalkers as non-evil.

>> No.9132351

>I Understand 4chan: The Article
>Written by: A Clueless Goon

>> No.9132366
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He's called The Weaver. He's a primordial drawfag of ancient 4chan, currently taking residence in /trash/

>> No.9132368

I actually felt that the guy was honestly trying to be sympathetic to the people on this site. This article is one of the few critical commentaries on 4chan that I've seen that views anon as real people with real problems and doesn't just dismiss them as loser NEETS living in their mom's basement.

>But rather than take this as reason to be ever more contemptuous of Anons and their misogyny, the left should regard Anon/the deplorables as a failure on its part, a terrific mangling of the left’s own arguments that has resulted in alienating the very group of people who could be the most helped by their ideas, if not the most convinced.

>> No.9132386
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>> No.9132419

I thought this analysis of Kek was pretty good.


>> No.9132438

>There is an entitlement and expectation that is simply different for the straight cis (often white) men of 4chan than it ever was for me…and I think that difference of expectation is not to be downplayed.
well we are entitled to it

>> No.9132468

>4chan will one day be examined with actual academic methodology.
There are already a number of academic works and scientific articles focused primarily on 4chan, you just haven't been looking for them.

>> No.9132474

The bar for writing children's books is extremely high because so many people like yourself think it's easy and try to do it.

>> No.9132493

>What truly chaps my hide about all of this is how Christopher Poole (moot) takes no responsibility for what he has wrought, and indeed, was rewarded with a cushy job at Google instead.

I hate this notion that moot should share responsibility for the rise of /pol/ and reactionary politics. When moot deleted /new/, the stormfags didn't leave, they just shitted up other boards. It can be argued that /pol/ is a failed containment board, but at least mods can ban people for posting threads that clearly belong on /pol/, and at least we can tell people to fuck off to /pol/.

It also strikes me as ingratitude. 4chan is single-handily responsible for nearly every meme that's existed on the English-language internet after 2003; but people will trash 4chan in-between sharing a meme from a "dank memes" page on Facebook that was created on 4chan a few weeks ago. They'll proclaim that every site should have real-name registration as a way to stop trolls on the internet, and then they'll complain a few months later that there's no more dank memes being created.

People just don't want to admit that 4chan isn't "humanity at its worst", 4chan is human nature at its most basic core. Anon are ordinary people showing their true selves when all social inhibitions are stripped away. People don't want to admit that humanity just may be this bad, so they tell themselves "the internet makes people into assholes" without considering that maybe everyone was just an asshole to begin with.

>> No.9132517

Do you know any good ones?

>> No.9132520

I think the beauty of 4chan is that the guy calling you a worthless nigger in one thread may be the same guy going out of his way to share a rare ebook with you in another.

>> No.9132542

>hard truths for the left
>fake news article by journalist who somehow knows Trump supporters think he's a joke
>evidence given are memes off anonymous frog board

>> No.9132547
File: 28 KB, 385x423, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screenshot of some assorted things I have bookmarked but can't be bothered to copy and paste the links for but you can try and google them if you want.
Three books that I know of are "Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistle-blower, Spy - The many faces of Anonymous" by G. Coleman, "This is why we can't have nice things" by W. Phillips and "Expect us" by J. Beyer. The first one's a bit overenthusiastic but the other two are interesting. I'm sure more good ones exist or are being written right now.
It's sort of funny that all the academics writing about 4chan are women.

>> No.9132588

Not so much if you are aware the women love 'bad boys'.

>> No.9132609

>Wachoski Sisters

>> No.9132632

I gather from the thread that this is a bad article. Is it amusing, though? If it's both bad and unfunny I won't read it.

>> No.9132635
File: 744 KB, 773x879, kermit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody with no understanding of anime will never get 4chan fully ever

Bullshit. This website has long since transcended it's initial pretense of anime discussion.

>> No.9132640

I have read some and they are generally low-tier as far as academia goes. By low-tier I mean they are mostly descriptive, since they are probably the first one ever to exists. I'd consider something worthy if it gives itself to a grant and consistent in-itself narrative. We need a philosopher, not some media science/communication/PR/digital humanities academics to write something great.

>> No.9132657

It definitely has insights, but is ultimately from an adversarial point of view. Also, an objective reader cannot come away without asking why these disenfranchised young men are so openly hostile to women. Just stating "sexism" is not an answer.

It is definitely someone not familiar with board culture, and is obsessed with "/b/" where as the site is currently dominated by interplay between /pol9k/ and the outlier boards, like this one, /fit/, /fa/, /k/, /int/, and /v/.

the /b/ population has much less interaction with these boards, which have become much much more serious in the last 5 years.

>> No.9132659

The dialectical method(which I think is the only method to easily explain the evolution of this site) can only begin from the start. You just can't go to being the reactionary site we are today, without years of the ideology that anime induces.

>inb4 anime is anti-conservative because of hentai, gaynees or else

>> No.9132665

Expect us is a commentary/analysis of why Anonymous as a political force rose on 4chan rather than other large contemporary websites and This is why we can't have nice things is an analysis of the way in which trolls and the media feed off each other. That's not just descriptive, is it?

>> No.9132676

No! I went to the Yale bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

>> No.9132681

not even a terrible article honestly. he brings an interesting point of view, in that he's an outsider-looking-in who's been an outsider-looking-in for a decade. of course, this limits his understanding of the actual nuance within the culture and history of the site, but he does pretty effectively capture the broader perception of the site as it traveled through the years. also think he's on the money with regard to trump's youth appeal. we've come of age in a post-vietnam, -watergate, -war on drugs, -war on terror era. politics is a corrupt joke, something that works for 'them,' never 'us,' filled with empty suits posturing about empty values. then trump comes in and doesn't even try to conceal his sleaziness. he's the only politician whose public persona is compatible with our understanding of politics.

>> No.9132687

Most of 4chan's favorite anime are actually vaguely authoritarian, aren't they? I'm talking about stuff like Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Gunbuster, Gurren Lagann, etc.. If they don't overtly support authoritarianism, they at least tend to make it look cool.

>> No.9132694

/b/ is pretty much another porn board nowadays.

>> No.9132698

Yes. Also Christianity is portrayed as cool and evil on many. /a/ was actually one of the first boards after /lit/ that had a sizeable unironic populace of christian shills, even before /pol/.

>> No.9132722
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>Are there any good articles on 4chan?
newfags couldn't do it
oldfags wouldn't do it

>> No.9132726

That's what I've used it for the past two years. It's nice to have some spontaneity in fapping.

>> No.9132744

my diary desu

>> No.9132810

/lit/ + /fit/ crossposter. The hangouts for true failed normies.

>> No.9132823

That's a good way to put it. I've felt comfortable exposing myself as an absolute psued in most threads because it can't be used against me later.

>> No.9132846
File: 530 KB, 854x480, 1428221526620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole article she links to is crazy.
It's all "muh dark corner of the internet, le virgin evil weeaboos /b/".

Just relax, you old lady. It's just a imageboard, with a lot of different boards for different subjects.

>> No.9132851

They was really nice guys, thou.
Never forget ;_;

>> No.9132857
File: 38 KB, 800x432, anon meets jkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Agent Rowling, you think you can dissect me with this blunt little tool?
You're so ambitious, aren't you? Do you know what you look like, with your good bag and your subtle botox? You look like a rube. A well-scrubbed, hustling rube, with a little taste. Good nutrition's given you length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from genteel midwit trash, are you?
And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure Gloucestershire. What is your father, dear? ls he an engineer? Does he stink of oil?
How quickly the goons found you. All those tedious, sticky conversations in the back seats of conventions, while you could only dream of getting out, getting anywhere, getting all the way to the TLS.

>> No.9132858

I don't understand why people pretend that /lit/ didn't have reactionary tendencies from the very beginning, like at one point 80% of all threads were discussing which translations of the Bible, devout Russian Christians and French Traditionalists were the best.

>> No.9132872


>> No.9132882

4chan will receive a glorious mythology fueled by endless academic interpretation once 1) 4chan goes down forever (likely due to political forces that will martyr it) and 2) once artists who grew up with it become famous and influential (eg ME)

>> No.9132894

>People just don't want to admit that 4chan isn't "humanity at its worst", 4chan is human nature at its most basic core

ironically, 4chan as the "asshole of the internet" or "worst of the worst" is an image cooked up by /b/ in the first place. the hilarious irony of most of these 4chan exposé articles is that they are inadvertently built on memes that /b/tards created to mythologize themselves for the lulz

>> No.9132902

Imagine someone reading that article then going on like /tv/ or /sp/. It just wouldn't make any sense at all for them.

>> No.9132916

all the pedophilia on /tv/ would probably reaffirm their suspicions desu

>> No.9132957

not true, imaging a woman being attracted to the ''bad boys'' of 4chan is actually hilarious

>> No.9132963

You won't see proper academic research on the mythology of 4chan, It'd be to cost productive.

Think about how many experts it'd take to explain how a anonymous neo-nazi internet board not only was more influential in deciding the election than the 7th most browsed website in the world but how their twitter accounts featured underage anime girls and homoerotic content had a direct line to the most homophobic elects for several generations.

Or how they co-opted satire and irony from the left-wing establishment so effectively.

>> No.9132971

Maybe not in the traditional sense, but in the realm of internet/pop culture we are the mysterious punk rock anarchists. Or a least that's how they perceive us.

>> No.9132980

And I'm not referring to attraction in a strictly sexual way.

>> No.9132994

I kind of get what you're saying.

4chan has percolated into the mainstream and the hipsters, hangers on who enjoy the party but don't participate in any constructive way, know about it. Some sperg was showing his Nazi coins and knives to my girlfriend's roommate at a bar. Her gay friend called her a 4chan user after he left.

Hide your power level fags. This was supposed to be a fucking secret.

>> No.9133000

/pol/ is a literal nightmare for sociologists.

>Why are unironic Christofascists singing Islamic Jihadi songs to Swedes
>How did a thread about Dams explode into a religion worshipping water and have holy poems and oracles in <1 week

>> No.9133015

You do realise that a statistically normal portion of 4chan users are left wing, right? You assume people are being serious when they're joking and left-wingers assume others are joking when they're being serious.

>> No.9133018

Praise kek.

>> No.9133019

the sheer scope of /pol/ and how fast the board moves makes it literally impossible to ever write a coherent work on it. people will eventually try, no doubt, but to be thorough you'd need to release a 600 just to describe a single week of board activity

>> No.9133020

That's the point being made.

>> No.9133034

Statistically normal meaning few in numbers?
Or is it the ebin meme about /pol/ being satire?

>> No.9133039
File: 22 KB, 480x360, nazbol don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NazBol isn't the future synthesis

>> No.9133050

JK Rowling or JK flip-flop?

>> No.9133083

>You do realise that a statistically normal portion of 4chan users are left wing, right?

I don't give a shit about your economic position. All shades of this site hates feminism and that's enough to consider it right-wing. I don't know if you are one of those /r/fullcommunism or /r/the_schults idiots who think they can make memes, but you are losing your time with your totally wrong narrative.

>> No.9133086

>tfw i spent my entire childhood posting in feels threads in /b/
only place i ever felt loved as a kid

>> No.9133099

>the idiot thinks he's in good company

>> No.9133119

>if I post this meme quote from le smug French philosopher man I'll win
The cruel truth of this place is that at their heart most anons have a very deep seated hatred of freedom-limiting ideologies and use memes about Nazis as a way of telling people that aren't down to roll with the big boys to fuck off

>> No.9133121
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>he thinks he's in company here

>> No.9133129
File: 87 KB, 1600x900, lilm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you have to tell yourself mate.

>> No.9133145
File: 78 KB, 699x624, logicsofmysogyny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is gold

>> No.9133153

It has to be satire

>> No.9133169
File: 101 KB, 408x381, figure2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's satire
Allow me to direct your attention to figure 2

>> No.9133185
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Poststructuralism, queer theory... it's poz, all of it

>> No.9133214
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wrong timeline buddy

>> No.9133235
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White males BTFO

>> No.9133253

i do miss bratty apolitical 4chan who just wanted to put swastikas all over habbo hotel

>> No.9133263
File: 29 KB, 636x165, footnote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the author learned to lurk moar

>> No.9133265

game's the same, just got more fierce. now it's swastikas all over the white house.

>> No.9133282
File: 140 KB, 1024x677, ramones h8 reds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that this is taboo has political import. Face it.

>> No.9133358
File: 17 KB, 356x332, 16194952_1406911129340840_1364370034652447439_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan's favorite anime

Stop writing about the website like a block you stupid faggot, I bet you're the guy who wrote the skeleton key article too

>> No.9134245

The reactionary state of this website is wholly indebted to the website's nature of being a haven for the socially disenfranchised. This has relation to anime culture, but isn't dependent on it. To argue that anime "induces an ideology" is ridiculous. There are connections, but it definitely isn't the sole cause, and you'd be ridiculous to think so.

>> No.9134277

It was four touchdowns you ignorant fag. And what are you implying? That shes washed up? Anything she puts her name on will be a best seller until she dies of some disease youve never heard of because only rich people catch it

>> No.9134291

She will be remembered by history she literally has millions of books she wrote floating around every corner of the globe and internet you fucking imbecile. Hell at this point shes probably the most saturated author in the world second only to that jesus fella

>> No.9134294

>referring to the users of 4chan as a whole

easiest way to spot a normalfag/newfag

>> No.9134296

Youre really fucking rad man
*Tips fedora*

>> No.9134300

Id rather have the most sales than the most respect from neets on 4chan. As it stands i have neither

>> No.9134341

jk flip flops are da bes

>> No.9134361
File: 103 KB, 1015x389, grrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying GoT is a smarter equivalent to anything

>> No.9134405

>smart people dont talk about poop
Guess you hate vonnegut too

>> No.9134427
File: 542 KB, 2268x3351, 1482857351367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authortarian always looks cool in the media. Just look at Star Wars. Who looks cooler, rebels or storm troopers?

>> No.9134432

>be Martin
>hmm, what should I put after this paragraph about explosive diarrhea?
>She dreamt of her dead brother
>Ah, yes, future generations will praise my name


>> No.9134441

There are much, much smarter and more literary ways to talk about poop. Read Joyce.

>> No.9134442

Really? Thats your criticism? Wew lad

>> No.9134448

>literary ways to talk about poop
Joyce is a meme but youre too far gone to see what a pseud you are

>> No.9134458
File: 33 KB, 400x589, 1420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even a matter of "evil is cooler than good." Look at The Lord of the Rings. The good side in LOTR is cool as fuck, but it's certainly not democratic. Kings everywhere.

>> No.9134472

>lit memes are bad

Kill yourself pleb. Joyce is a good recommendation.

>> No.9134486

Ulysses' is an overwrought, overwritten epic of gratingly obvious, self-congratulatory, show-off erudition that, with its overstuffed symbolism and leaden attempts at humor, is bearable only by terminal graduate students who demand we validate the time they've wasted reading it

>> No.9134507


>surface appraisal couched in endless emotion

I bet you couldn't put forward a substantive critique if you tried. We'd just see the very same thing you've done here ramped up another notch.

Honestly mate you're the one that sounds pseud here.

>> No.9134513

>books that require supplementary books to even understand wtf is going on is a good recommendation
Pat yourself on the back for slogging through it but id hardly call joyce anything other than intellectual onanism and a feather in your pseud cap

>> No.9134516

Stay mad pseud

>> No.9134526

This is true though. Sorry newfags.

>> No.9134530 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger

>> No.9134531


So you'd never in your life attempt a work that required secondary lit?

... is that what you're saying right now?

>> No.9134532

>using pseud this much
hello, >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9134533

Look, the whole point of the recommendation is that Joyce is better at writing about poop than George RR Martin. At least we can agree on that, right? Even Joyce's disgusting letters to his wife are better than anything Martin will ever write.

>> No.9134537

There was no reactionary tendency on /lit/, it's just that before fullblown /pol/faggotry one could discuss books on /lit/.

>> No.9134546

>I don't give a shit about your economic position. All shades of this site hates feminism and that's enough to consider it right-wing.
Literally just fuck off robot

>> No.9134548
File: 24 KB, 327x327, coldsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh wait this is an old pasta. Had to check.

Fuck you cunt ya got me.

>> No.9134549

I like you. Can we be friends?

>> No.9134555

There needs to be more aggressive moderation on all boards to keep /pol/ in /pol/, but of course Jap Moot does fucking nothing.

>> No.9134560

Ive never in my life recommended one no

>> No.9134564


>There needs to be more aggressive moderation on all boards

Fuck no. That is the last thing we need.

Learn how to hide thread or literally go to Reddit from now on because you are a Reddit person.

>> No.9134568


You'll need secondary lit for Hegel. I don't believe anyone who'd try to claim otherwise.

>> No.9134569

I'm tired of non-/pol/ threads getting hijacked by /pol/ posting, though. Even hiding the dedicated /pol/ threads doesn't work, because they crawl like roaches into the other ones.

>> No.9134574


I don't care what you're tired of. Aggressive board moderation is never the answer.

>> No.9134581

Haven't seen the other two but:

Gurren Lagann has at least three overt, impossible to misinterpret unless you're absolutely retarded, anti-authoritarian plot points: the fight against Lordgenome, Rossiu's coup, and the fight against the Antispirals. It's certainly not conservative, reactionary, or rightist in any sense. Simon points out that spiral nature (i.e., existing, being alive) is progressive and unstoppable.

>> No.9134584

It's either that or delete /pol/ entirely. If the tumor can't be shrunk with drugs, cut it out.

>> No.9134585
File: 19 KB, 500x313, whoseline22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, but it's still refreshing to see someone who understands 4chan isn't the Mr. Robot-esque clandestine hacker supergroup that most normies think it is.

>> No.9134589


>It's either that or delete /pol/ entirely.

Go home, Reddit.

Go home.

>> No.9134594

Not him but yes it is, it has always been the answer. Boards that had aggressive moderation that stopped shitposting early were always better. The quality of 4chan plummeted with lax moderation.

>> No.9134609

You're a fucking faggot. Can't handle different political opinions? Deleting /pol/ will make them flock in another board, or worse, all of them.

>waaaah why aren't mods deleting posts that go againt this board's hivemind waaah why isn't 4chan more like reddit

Kill yourself, idiot.

>> No.9134619



>> No.9134626 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 1000x994, 1486957579976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>delete /pol/ please I don't feel SAFE in this ZONE anymore

you fuckin queef get rekt and stay rekt

>> No.9134632

this is embarrassing over, salty goon post

>> No.9134647


>> No.9134650

Select boards at select times were pretty gud

>> No.9134654


No these guys are just openly mocking you.

You are soft.

>> No.9134666

Nah, they flew into a rage at the mere mention of someone poking their safe space with a stick. Only /pol/tards are so sensitive. No better than Tumblrinas, really.

>> No.9134667

it has some interesting ideas, it's not an outright bad article. it is actually the best article about 4chan I've ever seen, typically all they talk about is rick-rolling and lolcats. the guys psychological explanation of what motivates 4channers is both inaccurate and insufficient although this is probably the best analysis 4chan will ever get, given that those who really know the place are either incompetent of writing coherently or are in no position to make their voice heard, both of which are due to the fact they spend so much time on 4chan

>> No.9134672

look at how incoherent what i just wrote was, i proved my own point

>> No.9134682

it really boils down to normies will never get it in the end, you need to be immersed in the chaos and reemerge to tell the tale, the catch is anyone who gets out will never have the full idea.

>> No.9134686

This is true and trips confirm it. /pol/ literally not not stop losing

>> No.9134690

>they flew into a rage at the mere mention of someone poking their safe space with a stick

Isn't this what you're complaining about though? That /pol/ is disturbing the peace on other boards? Why can't you just deal with it? Ignore, hide the thread. The most popular anonymous website in the western world will never be free of cunts and shitposters.

>> No.9134691

I mostly lurk but I post some. Not in HP threads obviously, that would be poor form.

>> No.9134694


>Only /pol/tards are so sensitive.

You want a whole board shut down because they make you feel "tired". I get that you feel compelled to spin now after anon were openly laughing at you for being so safe space but it's not gonna work.

>> No.9134702

I can deal with random shitters, but /pol/ seems to coordinate. It looks and feels like a concerted effort, and that I can't abide. Especially when we consider the Stormfront infiltration of /pol/.

>> No.9134716 [DELETED] 
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>Why can't you just deal with it? Ignore, hide the thread.

he can't deal with it because he is a little fuckin queef boy, m8.

>> No.9134746
File: 431 KB, 483x607, 1481704987983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's either that or delete /pol/ entirely. If the tumor can't be shrunk with drugs, cut it out.

"Not on MY 4chan. Shut it down."

>> No.9134756

Are non-users not capable of understanding that each board has its own culture?

>> No.9134769

They always use /b/ or /pol/ as an entry point and representative of the board as a whole, because they think that's where its 'essence' comes from

>> No.9134814

while obviously a simplification of 4chan as a whole, this is a good description of the /pol9k/ side of 4chan, and a lot more sympathetic than i expected

>> No.9134824

>oldfags wouldn't do it
I don't think I could do it. There's just been so much rapid evolution I'd be bound to forget some major points.

>> No.9134951
File: 7 KB, 192x185, 1486685995486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really disagree with this categorization of why young Trump supporters support him, and about Trump himself, but I can't tell if that is because of my own bias or if the author just missed the mark...

>> No.9134973

you're a super reader kiddo , gold star

>> No.9134991

I don't know why he said Gunbuster was authoritarian either. I really don't get it at all.
Is it because it portrays the military as good guys or something? Well yeah, I guess they would be when space monsters are pressing down.

I wouldn't call Legend of the Galactic Heroes authoritarian either. It just doesn't straight up condemn an authoritarian government.

>> No.9135094

It's not even like it's that hard to *get*, most of the motivators behind the 4chan psyche were already explored quite fully 200 years ago in characters like Raskolnikov and the underground man

a site like 420ch would probably make a more interesting character study 2bh

>> No.9135218

4chan is too Dionysian for someone like Rowling to tolerate. People like her, who comment on daily political bullshit in order to stay in the spotlight would never understand the appeal of becoming one drop in an ocean of schizoid sentimentality and aborted dialectic.

The entire way she writes always pissed me off and I think it's because of how horribly organized her thoughts are, how completely transparent she is and how boring that makes her to read. Her constant defenestration to status quo shone forth in her books even before she started donating money to stop brexit. Not once is there any implication in her books that hogwarts as an institution may have failings. Dumbledore, the pederast he is, is the surrounded by cocksucking children who want to flock under his banner and join an army. I never got far enough in the books to see that shit but when I started seeing tweets about that shit I had to go look at a plot synopsis.

>> No.9135246

this desu

>> No.9135285

t. redditor that doesn't understand anime
Fuck off, frog poster.
Gunbuster is barely even political, TTGL is more popular with normalfags and is actually radical. As in, fascists get their asses handed to them or are at least portrayed negatively.

>> No.9135312
File: 862 KB, 1280x720, 087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I love Fafner and I think it's better than most other mecha out there but even I understand that one of the conflicts is between a community of socialistic isolationists forced to interact with the world at large and it's largely authoritarian and ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS government because everyone's going to fucking die to aliens otherwise.

>> No.9135323
File: 1.22 MB, 1430x2164, 23b9834af631ce4ef068b9d5b0db152c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I label them as "authoritarian" because they both lean so powerfully on the idea of the "Great Man." In all of them there is an element of the one man, or one woman, standing astride the cosmos and acting as savior. In TTGL, it's Simon. In Gunbuster, it's Noriko in Gunbuster. Someone, some single individual, who has the strength and the spirit and the force of will to carry the fates of all on their shoulders, and then they succeed in doing so, saving all by their singular actions.

Maybe it's not overtly political, but the idea of the hero above all does have an authoritarian ethos. In a truly democratic society, it seems to me that the hero would be the people. There wouldn't be anyone who stood above all the others. It seems to me that in a democracy there is no room for saviors.

>> No.9135470

that's a bulge

>> No.9135479

Unironically thought this was good tbhwy fampai

>> No.9135849

But Simon would have never won without the power of friendship

>> No.9135854

Noriko is so manly it wouldn't surprise me if she grew a penis from sheer willpower.

>> No.9135915 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 680x478, 1487670505906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>on this site since 2005
>get accused of being a redditor that doesn't understand anime

>> No.9137228

>a site like 420ch would probably make a more interesting character study 2bh


>> No.9137338
File: 2.26 MB, 480x366, sideshow lit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the appeal of becoming one drop in an ocean of schizoid sentimentality and aborted dialectic.

>> No.9138786

They smoke weed bro

>> No.9139322

What's the cutoff year again? I started around 2008

>> No.9140969

Aside from all the DUDE WEED LMAO jokes, there are a lot of broken people on that site.

the main boards are pretty high school tier but check out /other/,/hooch/,/opi/ or /ss/ if you want to see what happens when the average 4chan type actually hits rock bottom

>> No.9141948

But they're arousing...

>> No.9141958

2007, sorry bro

>> No.9142010

>As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
>literally bullshit Bloom just made up

How did he get away with this?

>> No.9142179

You remind me of myself at 13.

>> No.9142483

How exactly?

>> No.9142537


Everything Shi Knows was a great series of articles on 4chan written by the oldest of oldfags

>> No.9142558

Jesus, took long enough for someone in the media to actually connect all the dots correctly, even after a wildly popular show like South Park spelled it out very plainly that trolls. elected. Trump.

>> No.9142746

I always find it hilarious when outsiders try to analyze this site and completely fail to understand it.

>> No.9142753


God what a steaming pile of shit that article was.

>> No.9142764

>You do realise that a statistically normal portion of 4chan users are left wing
That's irrelevant, because they're irrelevant. They have zero vitality and produce no content, whereas outright nazis dominate /pol/ and cause constant media shitstorms.

>> No.9142806


The author typed: "unquestioning of his own mansplaining and spreading" unironically.

>> No.9142831

you forgot /int/, but the board culture is largely gone and now it's just country generals

>> No.9144510

I love how whenever tumblr meets up it's almost exclusively fat white chicks with blue hair. Then the cathedral of misogyny, the internet hate machine, meets up and it looks like a lowe's mocha paint sampler.

>> No.9144544

it most likely is desu.
t. me.

>> No.9144547

>4chan is single-handily responsible for nearly every meme that's existed on the English-language internet after 200

woah there don't take all the credit now

>> No.9145074

>4chan is single-handily responsible for nearly every meme that's existed on the English-language internet after 2003
newfag or baitfag get the fuck out

>> No.9145079
File: 111 KB, 800x789, 1482046434548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4chan is single-handily responsible for nearly every meme that's existed on the English-language internet after 2003

>> No.9145177
File: 115 KB, 620x912, C4GRSWeWIAAOyEm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this if u crie everytiem ;-;

>> No.9145808

this can't be real

>> No.9145816

not him, but why don't you just kill yourself?

>> No.9145849

the majority of people who like GOT are pseuds

>> No.9145910

I don't know if she's right but that article sure is. I voted for trump for no other reason than I thought it would be entertaining to see another idiot as president. George Bush jr was hilarious and I really miss him. so I voted for that retard trump and so far it has been incredibly entertaining. I hope Kanye runs. I'll vote for him too.

>> No.9146180

Well at least he's correct.

>> No.9146596

Saying you need to watch anime to understand 4chan is like saying you need a can opener to jack off.

>> No.9146650
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying you need anime to understand 4chan is like saying you need japanese diarrhea to jack off.


>> No.9146954

>"4chan is kill"
>less than 2 years later hillary clinton does a panicked exposé on /pol/ and 4chan
if only people knew what was coming

>> No.9147328

>We need a philosopher, not some media science/communication/PR/digital humanities academics to write something great
Nick Land is literally /ourguy/

>> No.9147408

It's not so much that you need to watch anime, but that anime was a much larger part of this site's culture back in the day, and if you had been here back then, you would probably have watched anime.

>> No.9147418

t. reddit

If you don't understand anime you will not understand this website as it is. Instead, you will see it as an extension of Reddt.

>> No.9147429

No, it still is a part of the culture. The only thing against it is Reddit.

>> No.9147438

I'm not saying it isn't, I'm saying it was much more important back then.

>> No.9147457

The only good anime was made in 1988.

>> No.9147483

Name a single good meme that didn't originate here

>> No.9147500

peepee the frog, nicki minaj first posted it on twitter then nazis hijacked it

>> No.9148853

I miss the days of Numa Numa remixes being spammed on /f/ all the time....

this was also a nice one too.


>> No.9150523

Akira? What a pleb thing to say, the only good thing about it is the animation.

>> No.9150543

why don't you?

>> No.9150547

Not that guy but if you feel the only worthwhile thing about Akira is just the animation then you are the true pleb.

>> No.9150621
File: 28 KB, 343x450, IMG_7228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really isn't much "culture" when it comes to 4chan.

Cmon guys, it's just a forum where people repeat memes

>> No.9150647

The crypto-horsefucker The Weaver?

>> No.9150665

Not having any interest in the anime-oriented boards means you never interacted with 30-50% of this website.

>> No.9150681

>most anons have a very deep seated hatred of freedom-limiting ideologies

Most anons have no coherent ideology at all.

It literally all boils down to not getting enough pussy.

>> No.9150708
File: 89 KB, 1024x683, IMG_7225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has never been such a thing as a good meme though

>> No.9150722

Rowling has been introducing HP fans to actual literature ever since she published The Philosopher's Stone.

The key word being introducing, however.

>> No.9150735

>It's like when Redditors come on here and type with loads of spaced out paragraphs
I have never seen this happen.
There's no such thing.

>> No.9150740

Nah. The Harry Potter generation reads less than any before it. The only introduction to literature better than reading Harry Potter is not reading Harry Potter.

>> No.9150744

Identity politics portraying straight white males as the Enemy is more important than >tfw no gf, desu.

>> No.9150745

Not all shades of this site hates feminism. /lgbt/ and /co/ and a few others are much more conflicted.

I dunno why you think opposing feminism makes you right-wing.
True with Nazism, not explicitly true with other extreme views.
Every anon is an anarchist whether they know it or not.
Source. Not that what you're saying contradicts what I'm saying.

With regards to literature, obviously. Nobody cares what impact HP has on reading shitty YA &c.

And explain why HP is a bad introduction. Despite Bloom's meme quote, HP is pretty good except for the prose.

>> No.9150853

>implying /lit/ isn't just feels threads lite

>> No.9150857

> you have to go back

>> No.9150966

You mean the wild beasts thing? that only was successful because it was attached to harry potter which millenials and gen y all love due to nostalgia

>> No.9151017

this thread proves she does hire 'wizards' to battle on ethiopian cocoa harvesting plants in cyberspace.

>> No.9151048


Telling people what they want to hear is the best way to attain influence and prestige as a professional opinion-haver

>> No.9151076


Genuinely don't see what's wrong with this passage

She's all dehydrated and she's been living purely off of partially cooked meat. She has to walk miles and miles after. Anybody who is remotely in tune with their body would be thinking about the deadly threat of diarrhea in this scenario.

>> No.9151918

The cutoff was the year before you started browsing.

>> No.9151958

Why is she trying so hard to stay relevant?

>> No.9151964
File: 434 KB, 806x674, 1487253531323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bernstein et al.

>> No.9152410

Simmons starts with an S, and Rowling starts with an R. Since S comes after R in the alphabet, that means it is a superior letter. This idea can also be applied to names.

Therefore, J.K. Simmons > J.K.Rowling

>> No.9152429

>I've been posting on 4chan since 2002