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9116619 No.9116619 [Reply] [Original]

All of the best living authors are going to die in the next decade.

Thomas Pynchon, 79
Don Delillo, 80
Cormac Mccarthy, 83
Joseph Mcelroy, 86
William H Gass, 92

You get to decide who lives long enough to finish more work. You are allotted the time to complete 1 novel, 1 novella, and 1 meme length book to distribute among them. Who gets what?

>> No.9116624

All I want is a final Pynchon masterpiece.

>> No.9116627

Novel - Thomas Pynchon
Novella - Thomas Pynchon
Meme Length Book - Thomas Pynchon

And I'm being serious.

>> No.9116636

It's not what I would pick but I can't really disagree with you guys

>> No.9116637


The rest are meme trash

>> No.9116666


It's depressing that these hacks are the best modern literature can cobble together.

>> No.9116681
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>tfw we could have had another 40 years of DFW

>> No.9116682


Glad we didn't

>> No.9116683


>stop cafeteria

>> No.9116689

>novel: delillo although zero k is literally the most perfect book for his last one. Pynchon if it isn't one of his trash books
>novella: gass, duh
>meme: mccarthy

>> No.9116735

>picks objectively the worst writer out of a thin field

wew lad

>> No.9116806
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>> No.9116818

delete this

>> No.9116819

novel - McElroy
novella - Delillo
meme - McCarthy

I think all except McCarthy has a meme-length book.
No Pynchon because he's been quite prolific lately.
McElroy needs another novel.
Delillo hasn't made anything great in a while, he needs the chance.

Gass is farts.

>> No.9116901

Alice Munro, 85

Btw, Gass is trash. Unironically kill yourself, pseud.

>> No.9116910

I don't know which is worse: people who pretend to hate DFW or people who worship him.

>> No.9116942

I want the door stopper from Ruggles and the novella from Tortilla, I don't carry about the others.

>> No.9117214

None of these are the best living authors

>> No.9117224
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>> No.9117228

Right, I can accept Pynchon being one of the best authors alive. But the rest are memes and literally whos

>> No.9117231
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>actors you had a crush on as a child are now going to die soon
fuck you, Harrison Ford

>> No.9117235

I actually come here every day to check has anyone of these plus Roth croaked.

>> No.9117236

>Cormac McCarthy has been working on a "long" book for several years now

He's going to die before it's finished isn't he?

>> No.9118305

The Passenger is supposed to come out next December, Cormac is actually looking decent, I'm more worried about Gass

>> No.9118318

what about John Barth?