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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 233x216, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9085126 No.9085126 [Reply] [Original]

4chan is without a doubt the worst website in the history of the internet. I have never seen such an agglomeration of stupidity and wretchedness anywhere else, nor would have imagined that so much ugliness — mental, and no doubt also physical — could be possible in this world if I had never come across it. And they are all fully aware of this, which is why they prefer to remain anonymous, and almost immediately trash everything that they write, since they know it's rubbish. We are talking about individuals so weak and fearful that even the nicknames used by forum users feel too restrictive and oppressive to them. Individuals so slow and incoherent that they don't want others to be able to connect even as much as two of their posts together and hold them accountable for some measure of logic between them. This is the true bottom of the barrel of (sub)humanity. And that's why I keep an eye on it from time to time. You couldn't even meet such idiots in the street, since people in the street possess at least the minimum amount of strength required to leave their rooms and walk around. So if my site is the greatest site that exists and that will ever be made (and it is), 4chan is the lowest one, and will remain so for as long as it remains the internet's bastion for all those who are attracted by anonymity (which is to say for nobodies).

And now sit back and watch the torrent of threads confounding anonymity with pseudonymity that will be popping up on there.

>> No.9085138

Then leave.

>> No.9085174
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>> No.9085175

Seconding this.

>> No.9085181


Ha, you've been tricked!

>> No.9085185

>my site

>> No.9085189


>> No.9085199

I'm here rather on reddit because sometimes I just need to make a controversial statement without having a ton of replies harassing me because I didn't qualify my post from two hundred angles. And also reddit is definition of normie although askhistorians and academicphilosophy are good subs.

>> No.9085201

nice blog faggot

>> No.9085205

>tfw you really want a marble bust of Colonel Sanders on your bookshelf but you'll never have it

>> No.9085210

I have a marble bust of Venus and I kiss it sometimes

>> No.9085297


>> No.9085331



>> No.9085340
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>4chan is without a doubt the worst website in the history of the internet.
Prove it.

>I have never seen such an agglomeration of stupidity and wretchedness anywhere else
Wow, nice fancy word! Also, you haven't looked very hard. You're also forgetting the "agglomeration" of brilliance that can be found here, as diamonds in the rough. But that's OK, I can tell you're a simple minded, not-very-deep individual so it's understandable.

>or would have imagined that so much ugliness — mental, and no doubt also physical — could be possible in this world if I had never come across it.
You have a shit imagination and not much experience on the internet; you're probably 16 or 17. What's your point kid?

>And they are all fully aware of this
And how do you know this, friend?

>which is why they prefer to remain anonymous
Says... you? Painting with a rather broad brush now aren't we?

>and almost immediately trash everything that they write
You installed cameras in all of our houses and are spying on us?

>since they know it's rubbish
Oh, so you're from that part of the world that is obsessed with the USA, but that the USA doesn't give a shit about, Europe. I know where all this is coming from now.

>We are talking about individuals
Sometimes I post here with my girlfriend and we collaborate.

>so weak and fearful
I'm not physically weak, but I'm confident in my own manhood enough to being fearful at times, something all of us human beings are from time to time (fear is one of the most important driving factors to a human; for example, fear is why you put on a seat belt, it is why you put fresh batteries in your smoke detectors, etc.)


>> No.9085360
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>that even the nicknames used by forum users feel too restrictive and oppressive to them.
Once again you show that you have a very simplistic worldview, indicative of being in highschool or in your first or second year of college (I'm sure that liberal arts degree will be extremely useful to you, and society). There are many reasons why nicknames are unappealing to many of us. And, regardless, even if the primary reason for being opposed to them was because of their restrictiveness. Are you saying you are pro-restrictions? Another clue you're from Europe, that or you're just a colossal liberal faggot. (Trump won, get over it.)

Again, sometimes me and my girlfriend post here, so it's not always individuals. Also sometimes we compose posts while we fuck on my bed. You know it's interesting, some of her most profound ideas for posts have come to her after I blew my massive load in her mouth.

>and incoherent
I'm sorry you lack reading comprehension skills, kiddo :^)


>> No.9085372
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>that they don't want others to be able to connect even as much as two of their posts together and hold them accountable for some measure of logic between them.
This makes you mad, doesn't it? Really, really mad. It makes your blood boil, it eats you alive, knowing that you can't resort to any of your favorite logical fallacies, and instead must attack the crux of the argument made in the post itself, something you find really really difficult. Because you're a fucking faggot.

>This is the true bottom of the barrel
I'm really offended. :^)

>of (sub)humanity.
Sick burn breh. Nice touch with the parenthesis.

>And that's why I keep an eye on it from time to time.
Why should we care?

>You couldn't even meet such idiots in the street
Dude man you should write for reddit. Nice grammar too.


>> No.9085385
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>since people in the street possess at least the minimum amount of strength required to leave their rooms and walk around.
Good one "m8", top level bantz, how do you come up with this stuff, really

>So if my site is the greatest site that exists and that will ever be made (and it is),
Wow you have a website? That's incredible.

>4chan is the lowest one
I'm literally crying right now. Almost as hard as the daily tears of laughter I cry when I see people who are still upset (and cannot fathom the fact that) Trump won.

>and will remain so for as long as it remains the internet's bastion for all those who are attracted by anonymity (which is to say for nobodies).

>And now sit back and watch the torrent of threads confounding anonymity with pseudonymity that will be popping up on there.
Whew, more big words! You sure showed us. :^)

>> No.9085400

i hope this is op

>> No.9085414

>a bunch of acerbic adolescent males are the bottom of humanity

It really sounds like youre projecting. I know theres countless ignorant idiots her but yeesh, dont let that get to you that deeply.

>> No.9085439
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thanx , i made this place to torture ppl like you >:P

>> No.9085442
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>> No.9085445

lol it says boob when it flips

>> No.9085463

ive been on forchan four for years and iv never seen a threat thus bad

>> No.9085471
File: 69 KB, 581x590, 1478204312997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes I post here with my girlfriend and we collaborate.


>> No.9085482

4chan is without a doubt the best website in the history of the internet. I have never seen such an agglomeration of genius and virtue anywhere else, nor would have imagined that so much beauty — mental, and no doubt also physical — could be possible in this world if I had never come across it. And they are all fully aware of this, which is why they prefer to remain anonymous, and almost immediately critique everything that they write, since they know it's of value. We are talking about individuals so humble and generous that even the nicknames used by forum users feel too arrogant and self-important to them. Individuals so devoted to art and aesthetics that they don't want others to be able to connect their posts to their egos and so deteriorate their transcendental nature to the melancholy of the human condition. This is the true pinnacle of humanity. And that's why I keep an eye on it from time to time. You would often meet such intellectuals in the street, mulling with all manner of classmen – workers, academics, white-collard professionals. So if my site is the worst site that exists and that will ever be made (and it is), 4chan is the greatest one, and will remain so for as long as it remains the internet's bastion for all those who are attracted by anonymity (which is to say for the very best of mankind).

And now sit back and watch the torrent of threads thoughtfully articulating opinions on the most important crises facing humanity in contemporary society.

>> No.9085488


Only brainlets need a signpost to identify posts of similar style. What, do you need everything spelled out for you? If so, then /lit/ isn't for you.

>> No.9085491
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Is this faggot serious?

>> No.9085492
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>> No.9085500

Son, let me give you a little tip and life lesson. I don't mean to embarrass you; it's nothing personal. We all learn it eventually, although you're learning it a little later than most. But here it is: generally speaking, when someone annihilates you in an argument, and you have absolutely no valid counterargument and can't prove them wrong, it is highly advisable that instead of opening your mouth and confirming to everyone that you are extremely frustrated by that fact, you keep your mouth shut and accept defeat with grace like an adult. Everyone will still suspect that deep down you're seething, and that your blood is boiling, but at least you yourself won't be confirming it to the world - an embarrassing situation for all. You seem like an otherwise decent young man, so I truly hope this helps you going forward in your life. Best of luck.

>> No.9085520

Here's a little piece of advice. The next time you're gonna unload your jealousies and inadequacies online, here's a little piece of advice. Here's a little piece of advice, slick. Next time you're gonna go on the computer (mommy and daddy bought you a new computer!), you're going to unload your jealousy and inadequacies on somebody else, on a stranger? Just make sure you don't pick Sam Geno, the son of the Papa Geno Pizza empire. I've bought people like you. I've destroyed people like you. It's nothing for me to call up my father, and have every pizza jockey in the nation have a photo of you, right above their oven. Thinking about you, my personal army of pizza makers.

They'll put sauce on you. They'll lay you out. Swing you around in the air just like in the old movies.

Then they'll destroy you. Piece by piece. Piece by delicious piece. Cheesy piece by cheesy crusty piece. They'll destroy you.

That's option one. Option two is you can apologize to me. Just say you're sorry. Takes a big man to apologize, don't it? Humble yourself before a god, a pizza god?

Anyway. That's about it. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9085598

I laughed

>> No.9085653
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>> No.9086196
File: 85 KB, 540x568, popcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google it because I assumed it's copypasta
>OP actually wrote out this whole autistic spiel

>> No.9086222

>tfw a leddit tier pasta strikes a nerve this hard
kys yourselves

>> No.9086244
File: 945 KB, 346x263, starTrekNiggerThumbsUp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP btfo

>> No.9086266

what's the fastest way to em-dash on a normal regular PC keyboard windows machine?

>> No.9086302

Genius, file name too

>> No.9086444

Sup icycalm

>> No.9086523

You cunt!

>> No.9086560

Ever hot glue it?