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9039684 No.9039684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should we punch nazis?

Has any book taught anything about it? Is there any moral lesson out there that you're willing to share? Any philosophical insight?

Let's settle this down, /lit/.

>> No.9039749
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There exist some problems that can only be solved with violence.

>> No.9039754

You should punch whoever you want, as long as you accept the possible consequences.

>> No.9039759

1)Leftists want to punch Nazis
2)Leftists call everyone they don't agree with "Nazis"
See the problem here?

>> No.9039769

Yeah, we should destroy all those that disagree with us.

>> No.9039770

talk shit, get hit

>> No.9039772


Do you think that it is unreasonable to call Richard Spencer ''Nazi''? I mean, I'm not seeing any leftist advocating for punching libertarians or GOP politicians. They're only fine with punching the guy who obviously is a Nazi.

>> No.9039777

Punching a Nazi suggests that you think it's okay to harm or eradicate people you don't like or people who disagree with you.

So, by punching a Nazi, you're actually saying that you're the same sort of person as they are, but you just believe in different things. You're not admonishing or rejecting the idea that some people are simply undeserving of peace or respect or safety. The Nazi and the Nazi-puncher actually have a lot in common. Just like two people who engage in war on a battlefield both agree that war is a valid solution to a problem, they just have different ideas about what counts as a problem.

>> No.9039780

Punching people just because you disagree with them is fucking nigger behaviour. I'm gonna fucking laugh the next time one of these nu-male sjw fucks gets hit by a Bruder.

>> No.9039785

Silencing through fear and public displays of violence have never resulted in people becoming sympathetic with those attacked. This hasn't happened in history once.

>> No.9039786


Yes I do. Those who disagree with the ideals of the coming communist revolution should not be punched, they should be shot.

>> No.9039788

Use of force is justified as long as you're prepared to face retaliation. In other words, Spencer was in full rights to pull out a gun and shoot this cunt to death

>> No.9039793

>the guy who obviously is a Naz
Is he really, though?
I disagree with his beliefs, but that's all they are, just stupid things he believes. Does he go out hunting minorities or executing jews? or is that just something he talks about? And does simply talking about that make him a nazi?

>> No.9039795

And where do you draw the line?
Say there are two people who feel justified getting a punch in - is that okay?
What if there are ten? Well, I guess if he is still standing.
But what if he falls to the ground? Should we get a kick in? As long as it's not in the head?

See how quickly things get messy when trying to establish the proper amount of justice to be dispensed on someone?

Then the messiness snowballs as more people are allowed to decide.

It's best to stick to the principle of non-violence, because you can justify yourself your way to murder pretty quickly

>> No.9039797

>Has any book taught anything about it? Is there any moral lesson out there that you're willing to share? Any philosophical insight?
Are you having a fucking laugh? You seriously think this qualifies it without breaking the rules? Saged

>> No.9039801


Is racism, a drive for a white ethnostate and simpathies for actual nazism just a matter of opinions? Is seeing certain people as literally subhuman a 50/50 problem?

I don't think so. Now, i wouldn't advocate for punching Spencer if he was just another guy going on with his life. But he is a political organizer instead. He is trying to organize a political movement, and its foundation are just horrorific, inhuman and should find no place in society.
He deserves to be punched, since him being succesful in politics means that our democracy is ruined forever.

>> No.9039802

Yeh yeh so you're so edgy

>> No.9039807


Commie scum should be hung from trees though

>> No.9039808

It's not about whether we should or shouldn't, it's just that punching nazis is a symptom that the nazis are not as irrelevant as they should be. This makes them more proud of themselves and provides a relief for those who are against them. A relief that is temporary and not at all substantial and therefore can help conceal their real harm. There is an underlying thought of "look, nazis are ridiculed and getting punched, we don't have to worry about them right now".

There is no question that punching a nazi can be a thrilling experience for anyone anti-nazi, but if we were to repress this sensation a bit more we can see it come up a little more fiercily when it needs to be. The real question is why interview them at all, why give them press or voice at all. We should not ignore them, we should just realize there is nothing of value to even be ignored... and then ignore them.

>> No.9039809

That's the thing that gets me. SJW Liberals constantly spout that freedom of speech isn't really freedom of speech unless there's consequences. OK sure -- but freedom of speech is really just about protecting out rights to politically talk in public without legal discourse. It by no means justifies the reactionary violence that is in this video clip.

It's pretty childish imho to react this way. No matter what toxic someone spews, at the end of the day it's just words. And guess what, liberals seem to forget that they have the power of words -- and in this day and age, they should have cognitive ability to make some argument against this, instead of opting for straight out violence.

Kind of silly, really.

>> No.9039810

Doesn't punching someone suggest that they're subhuman to you?

>> No.9039812


Sounds like someone wants to go to Gulag.

>> No.9039817

I wonder what's gone so wrong in your life that you feel the need to post things like this. What void are you trying to fill anon?

>> No.9039822


He's not doing this, but he's recruiting people in a actual political movement.
Should we just let him do that, while wishfully thinking that he will somehow lose it and ruin the whole party by himself?

Wake up, the whole world is radicalizing, and people like these should be punched in the face everytime they show up. It's not just a random guy spouting bullshits, that's an actual political organizer who is spouting his party propaganda in order to recruit as many white supremacists as possible.

To think that things will just solve themselves without any need for action, and that reason is a strong enough weapon to fight these troglodites is simply naivety.

>> No.9039829


Don't certain ideas and actions make you a subhuman?
Should I really respect as a human being someone who is openly, politically advocating for institutionalized white supremacy, while blatantly spouting actual Nazi and KKK propaganda?

Give me a break, not all idealogies are the same. To be unable to see that is either intellectual cowardice or actual Nazi sympathy.

>> No.9039833

I've got the same issue with the death penalty that I do with punching nazis.

It makes no sense to me that you think murder is a crime, yet you punish people by murdering them and suddenly it's not a crime. Which means you think it's appropriate or acceptable to kill people you don't like. Which means you could rationalize a murderer's decision to kill, assuming he didn't like the person enough.

You may think that being a murderer is a crime punishable by death. Someone else may think that being a Jew is a crime punishable by death. By keeping the spirit of capital punishment of any kind alive, you leave room for people to use that tool in ways you don't like. Eradicating the very notion of violence as punishment means that you, as a people and a government, can actually stand by your admonishments of murderers and violent people. But as long as you think it's okay to kill or hurt people you don't like, you're no different from them.

>> No.9039836
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Quartz: So, is it OK to punch a Nazi?

Žižek: No! If there is violence needed, I’m more for Gandhian, passive violence.

I once made a statement, maybe you know it, which cost me dearly. I said the problem with Hitler was that he wasn’t violent enough. Then I said, in the same statement, that Gandhi was more violent than Hitler. All Hitler’s violence was reactive violence. He killed millions, but the ultimate goal was basically to keep the system the way it was—German capitalism and so on—while Gandhi really wanted to bring down the British state. But his violence was symbolic: peaceful demonstrations, general strikes and so on.

If a guy talks like that jerk [Richard Spencer], you should just ignore him. If he hits you, turn around. Don’t even acknowledge him as a person. That’s the type of violence I would call for. Not physical violence. Because, you know, people say symbolic violence can be even worse, but don’t underestimate physical violence. Something happens when you move to physical violence. I’m not saying we should greet everyone, embrace them. Be brutal at a different level. When you encounter a guy like the one who was punched, act in such a way that even hitting him, even slapping him is too much of a recognition. You should treat him or her or whoever as a nonperson, literally.

>> No.9039837

You have to realize that this man is rallying people with just words. They're words. You can use words too, so can others. So if you're so against it then just make the better argument. And let's be honest here -- that really isn't all that hard when you bring up the obvious repercussions of nazism, radicalism, etc.

C'mon. You're stooping to a level that doesn't even need to be stooped when you jump to violence.

Ideology is just a bunch of words that mobilize a group of people which believe in certain things, so you know you can do the same thing to counter said ideology.

>> No.9039838


>> No.9039844
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Q:In other words, leftists should “go high?”

Ž: I remember when [Greek leftist party] Syriza was still competing for power in Greece. A representative of [far-right political party] Golden Dawn threw glasses full of water at his Syriza opponent at a TV round table. A couple of times, Syriza members of parliament were attacked in parliament, and so on. Today it’s these new alt-right people who are acting physically violent. They represent the decay of common morality and decency. And I use here the the very precise term, Hegel calls it Sittlichkeit. It’s not simple morality, it’s a set of thick unwritten rules which makes our social life bearable. And, paradoxically, I think that progressives should become the voice of common decency, politeness, good manners and so on.

Here I see also the failure of political correctness, because political correctness is, for me, a desperate reaction to this disintegration. But they are doing it in a suicidal way, by precise regulations, saying this word is forbidden and so on. If it has to proceed like this, the left has already lost.

Q: But the “when they go low, we go high” strategy didn’t actually work for Democrats against Donald Trump in 2016.

Ž:It’s much more complex than that. I think that’s their biggest mistake. Isn’t is sad that the best left-liberal critique of Trump is political comedy? People like Jon Stewart, John Oliver and so on. It’s nice to make fun of him, but you laugh at him and he wins. My God! There is something terribly wrong with playing this game of ironically making fun of Trump. You know, in medicine they call it symptomatic healing, when you take some things, they just neutralize the effects, like you have this pain, but they don’t heal the disease itself. Criticizing Trump is just symptomatic healing. Trump is an effect of the failure of the liberal-left. Everybody knows this knows this now. The only way to really beat Trump is to radically rethink what does the left mean today. Otherwise he will be getting ordinary people’s votes.


>> No.9039845

I think that punching a nazi means you're also giving that nazi permission to punch someone he doesn't like. It's the opposite of nazi sympathy, if anything and certainly not as cowardly as sucker punching someone because I don't like the words that come out of their mouth.

>> No.9039846

To anyone who says no, here a riddle:
You sit at a bar, enjoying some beer, when suddenly a man comes up to you and says that he's going to attack and murder you precisely 10 minutes from now. Unnerved by the weirdo, you leave the bar, however, the man follows you, all while repeating that the clock is running and in exactly 5 minutes he's going to rip you apart and rape your corpse. Your home is too far away, nor you can see any policemen. But you see a shard of sharp glass lying on a sidewalk. The man says "2 minutes left".
Would you be justified to grab the shard and attack?

>> No.9039851

>Wake up, the whole world is radicalizing, and people like these should be punched in the face everytime they show up.
Maybe radicalization occurs because people are tired of being punched in the face? You give a man a choice between being assaulted on false pretenses or embracing the Nazi label to defend himself and it won't be long until you see actual Nazis and not just memers wearing Trump hats. People forget that Hitler's Brownshirts only really organized in response to Communist/leftist street violence.

>> No.9039853


Tell me, do you ever frequent /pol/?

>> No.9039854

No. That's not a riddle, it's a retarded hypothetical and you're not clever or intelligent.

>> No.9039858


>> No.9039862


Off to Gulag then.

>> No.9039863

Chat shit get banged

>> No.9039873

You are honestly pathetic

>> No.9039876
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he's a nobody, a pathetic little beta. you think any of the dangerous racists out there actually give two shits about some alt-right blogger?

he's a powerless fuckhead and if you think you're doing anything noble or heroic by sucker-punching him you're a bigger fascist than he'll ever be.

want to punch someone? pick a lockheed martin executive and go for it, they're the ones getting rich off of war and death.

hit somebody who matters and stop LARPing you stupid fuck

>> No.9039881

>C'mon. You're stooping to a level that doesn't even need to be stooped when you jump to violence.

I'm white, so I'm not a good example. Let's take this example: I'm a black man in New York. My family was somewhat wealthy and I managed to get a decent education.
One day I go to university and a guy, while blatantly using KKK and Nazi propaganda, argues for the fact that I'm a subhuman and that society should simply reject me, either through ''legal means'', or through violent ones. I ask who this guy is to the organizer and he tells me that that guy is a political organizer with tenths of thousands of followers.

Should I just be passive, hope that his movement will fail autonomously and that I won't ever have to care about it? Shouldn't I, instead, account for the worst case scenario, wich sees this guy in power, emanating legislations that identify me as an actual subhuman? Should I take the risk?

It is easy to debate about it from my (and presumably) yours position: we're not affected by it. Yet this guy is openly advocating for a white ethnostate in a country wich is not completely white. His existence is a direct thread to all the people he wish to oppress.

Also he may have never used the world concentration camp, but never did Hitler in the '30s. I feel that usually drawing comparisons with Hitler is a poor way to argue, but in this specific case, considering that Adolf is one of his role models, it makes sense to just assume that he is an actual Nazi (and nothing can make you think otherwise: he actually is a Nazi), and that he will try to push Nazi legislations if he ever manages to get in a position of power.

tldr: punching Nazis is fine if they're not trying to get involved in a political organization: in that case it's your duty to either punch them or supporting the punching of Nazis

>> No.9039882
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No. Killing communists is acceptable however

>> No.9039889
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Nazis are above nothing. They lost their human rights when they threatened to violate the rights of others.

>> No.9039894

Now, I want the government and the NSA to know that I'm a loyal Trump supporter myself and what I'm about to ask is entirely hypothetical.

BUT, if this tack works, why doesn't someone just go ahead and punch Donald Trump and everyone else they think is a bigot and a nazi and whatever else they think? Probably because it doesn't work.

>> No.9039895

Just don't give up your guns and kill anyone who tries to take them.

>> No.9039904

>using freedom of speech to spout ideology
>omg they lose their right because they offended me!!!!11!!!

That's not how human rights work anon

>> No.9039905

Richard Spencer is not Donald Trump. Although many leftists may want him punched, most of them already divorced the actual alt-right (wich is at this point a hardcore version of stormfront) from Trump's campaign (and so did he).

So stop saying that punch nazis equates punching donald trump. It really doesn't, and no one in this thread held this point.

>> No.9039906

It seems absurd to me that the left would try to engage in violence, when everyone knows that the right has all the guns.

>> No.9039907

Morally, maybe.
But punching them will just add fuel to them and their supporters.

>> No.9039908


The Gulag sentence just got 10 years longer, LMAO.

>> No.9039917

People who post things like this must have serious mental issues or terrible upbringings. What is the void in your life anon? Parents that don't love you? A lack of friends? Depression? Low IQ?

>> No.9039920

I never said that spencer was trump. I'm simply asking why, if someone believes punching a person is an effective way to stop them/their ideas, why not go ahead and punch DJT?

>> No.9039925

I don't see how you can joke about such disgusting atrocities

>> No.9039926

>the alt-right
>a hardcore version of stormfront

>> No.9039929

who/what is a nazi?
I hate real nazis, like the guys from the 30s and 40s that killed loads of people for no good reason.
but in 2017, where are the nazis? point me to them and I'll do more then punch them.

>> No.9039939
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this guy is wrong right? logically, racism is incorrect? if that is true, which it must be, than there is no reason to physically attack him.

not to mention the fact that you're helping his cause more than hurting it, chimping out and beating on some probably autistic white jackass.

not that hypothetical scenarios ever made any point about the real world, infinitely more fucking complex

>> No.9039940

I'd like to think I share a board with people who have a basic understanding of human rights

>> No.9039941

>the left cries about wars overseas
>the left advocates punching people

I don't get it.
They're either both wrong or both right, since there's no difference between shooting someone you dislike and punching them, except that one has a higher chance of killing them.

>> No.9039942

>this guy is openly advocating for a white ethnostate in a country wich is not completely white.

OK I understand your point. But what I'm trying to say is this. All he's doing, at this point, is using words to argue that blacks are subhuman. You know what? It's working.

You know what else would work? The black man, in your hypothetical situation, advocating against this man's ideas -- through words. Because when anyone chooses to use violence instead of arguments, they make a public display saying, "look! I don't have a strong enough argument to stop this guy's ideas from spreading, so I have to punch him instead!"

We all know that this guy's racist ideology isn't right, and that it's pretty terrible. But I'm not saying to stay passive either -- I'm saying that using good arguments against his nazi propaganda is more than enough to sway public opinion against him (if it hasn't already).

There's no need for violence when public perception and good arguments are at play. The only time I'd say go for it is when it's an oppressive government that stifles public political dissent, then it's OK to use violence.

But if on an individual level people choose to be violent so quickly, it just shows that their arguments are good enough in the sphere of debate.

>> No.9039943


People who get this assblasted over shitposts on an Uzbekistani horse trading forum like this must have serious mental issues or terrible upbringings. What is the void in your life anon? Parents that don't love you? A lack of friends? Depression? Low IQ?


It is not a joke. 25 more years in Gulag, LMAAAAOOOOO

>> No.9039954

Yeah, here's the thing I don't understand about going out to "punch a nazi"

I get on twitter and troll/fight with old conservatives and racists all day. It's fun and gets them mad and is absolutely legal. It's the 2017 equivalent of publishing a paper full of radical ideas, in terms of how no one cares. If I started showing up at their houses to punch them in the face, then that makes me the asshole, doesn't it? If they show up at my house and spraypaint the word "NIGGER FAGGOT" on my house, that makes them the asshole. They call me a nigger faggot on twitter? That's cool, I'll fire back and no one gets hurt.

>> No.9039957

We aren't on an Uzbekistani horse trading forum. We are on the pride of 4chan. Please act like it or feel free to move to another board that will accommodate your inhumane views

>> No.9039961
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the normalisation of political violence is not something the left will win
for that reason keep punching Nazis

>> No.9039963

A hero.

>> No.9039971

Advocating political violence is wrong, especially if you only advocate violence toward the people you disagree with. That goes for nazis and liberals.

I, personally, don't want to live in a world where anyone gets punched for believing something because that means I'm also fair game and could get punched, as long as someone thinks I deserve it.

>> No.9039974

>normalisation of political violence
>most if not all political violence, political movements, political outcry, political assassinations, etc. have come from the left

uhhhhh, seems to be the norm desu imho doesnt make it right though

>> No.9039975

If that means I can punch a marxist, yes

>> No.9039977

This machine kills leftists.

>> No.9039980

>muh rights
>muh amendments
Fucking americans need a healthy injection of muslims to learn realpolitik by hard example

>> No.9039984
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just watched the video. why did no one celebrate the hilarious fact that he was just starting to explain pepe when he was socked?

if i were a superstitious feller, i'd say it was a message from a grumpy frog god.

>> No.9039985

Why do the mods allow these Reddit b8 threads to stay up?

>> No.9039987

yeah maybe last century
look at the current left, they're nothing, especially in America
middle aged women calling themselves "The Resistance" aren't revolutionaries

>> No.9039990
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shoo /pol/ shoo!

>> No.9039994

Take a chill pill, buddy :D

>> No.9039996


Because there is no reason to do so. Although some of Trump's proposition are seen as unacceptable by a relevant portion of the population, those propositions are still approachable through debate and reason.

That's not available when you're talking to Nazis.
I could understand your scepticism if we had seen lots of people punching minor right wing politicians, but we're not seeing it, nor it is being debated.
People are not asking if it's okay to punch right wing nuts in the face, they're only concerned about Richard Spencer because he's an actual, certifiable Nazi.

>logically, racism is incorrect? if that is true, which it must be, than there is no reason to physically attack him.

That's very naive of you.
>not to mention the fact that you're helping his cause more than hurting it, chimping out and beating on some probably autistic white jackass.
Not really, considering that after the punching Spencer missed other manifestations (the main one is obviously the Women's March) because he was scared of getting punched again.

>You know what else would work? The black man, in your hypothetical situation, advocating against this man's ideas -- through words

I appreciate the fact that you, as a person, are good enough to really think something like this, but the sad truth is that history proves you wrong.
The rethoric used by the Nazi party, how they got the power, and more importantly, what was the reaction that liberals had towards the first signs of Nazism (wich, by the way, is the same you're exposing here) should be studied in order to identify parties with wich collaboration is simply impossible.
When you start arguing that white people are objectively superior and that brown people should be treated as subhumans you know that there is no point in debating with you. You're not using actual information, and you've already internalized a strong bias against everything that shows that racial realism is nothing more than a joke.
Saying that we shouldn't punch them only because they're yet not a massive party is a weak argument. What if they grow? Again, are you willing to risk it? Or is it better to just punch all those guys who try to build genocide-based parties?

>> No.9039997

stop overthinking this guys, we should be able to punish wrongthink with impunity

>> No.9039999

Hopefully Trump is the start of this overthrow of people like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz who cry about "muh constitutionalism".

I used to be a libertarian and then a paulbot.
t. reality hit me hard and I got on board the Trump train!

>> No.9040001
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It's fine, so long as the Left is prepared to admit that the gloves are off in doing so. They get as good as they give, and give as good as they get.

If they want it to be a one-way street, fuck 'em. I personally want it to be a two-way street, because if it comes to a contest of physical force between Left/Right, the Right will win every time. Particularly in America, where they are by far the most armed.

If they want to go down this route, be my guest. Just be honest about it.

>> No.9040007

Is that the Sam Hyde? The one who committed numerous mass shootings?

>> No.9040014
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Yeah. He gunned down 46 people during HWNDU a day or two ago.

Fucking sick that he's still on the run.

>> No.9040019
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>> No.9040021

this desu

>> No.9040023
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Reminder that the right always starts the conflict better armed.

Reminder that the historical dialectic leads inexorably to communist revolution.

>> No.9040026

If you believe so strongly in the power of punching, why are you even bothering to have a conversation here with your ineffectual words? Put on a boxing glove and plant one on me, anon.

>> No.9040030
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>Reminder that the historical dialectic leads inexorably to communist revolution.

How about no?

>> No.9040038
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>> No.9040039

Quality thread.

>> No.9040056

The women and minorities of the world should watch out and stay indoors until this madman has been stopped!

>> No.9040064
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I lol'd at that pic. Embarrasing, but it happened.

>> No.9040078
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This is a rather simple matter for Deontological Ethics.
1) All people live within society
2) Society abrogates to the government certain powers to avoid the abuse of these powers
3) In contemporary society conflicts are resolved first via discussion, then debate, then through legislation, then the courts. Internal political violence is reserved for the police who act only in obedience to the law and the courts.
4) It is the duty of members of contemporary societies such as this to adhere to the process and have political violence reserved only for state actors.
5) If and only if the discussion/debate/legislation/court process is broken can the use of political power be morally reassumed by the average citizen.
6) Those citizens who violate the process (i.e., 'Nazi punchers') are objectively more dangerous/harmful to society than non-violent citizens who are still in the discussion/debate area of the conflict resolution cycle.
Even more bluntly, a few weeks ago Spencer was a nobody who had trouble getting 200 people to attend a party with free food. Now he is well-known and has a legitimate reason to have armed security with him at all times - all because super-geniuses thought he was Bad.
In another stellar move, the sorts of geniuses that advocate punching Nazis (as they define them) forget just how bad it was for the Left not too long ago.

>> No.9040090

Wouldn't surprise me if the so-called radical who punched him was one of his friends. That would certainly explain why the puncher's identity has remained a mystery.

I mean, if I were some retarded political pundit with an unpopular opinion and a boner for attention, I would definitely take a punch to further my cause. It wasn't even a good punch.

>> No.9040098


Is it just me or has there been a spike in /pol/ threads for the past few weeks or so?

>> No.9040106


We're specifically in a terrible /pol/bait thread on /lit/ mate, not exactly the pride of 4chan.

>> No.9040107

Probably the only good post in this train wreck

>> No.9040110

Well, more people are thinking and talking about these topics in general now. If you have a problem with that, you're either a child or a retarded centrist and you should let the big people talk while you play rocket league or read harry potter, whatever it is proles like you do.

>> No.9040114

Centrism is literally the only ideology that manages to get away from the retardation of the left and right

>> No.9040121

> leftists are the only ones who demonize their opponents

>> No.9040122

Centrism is for people who say things like "no politics or religion at the dinner table, let's just have a nice meal"
aka fools, babies, cowards, simpletons, assholes

>> No.9040128


>> No.9040131

Fools that manage to collect the evidenced-based policy from both the left and the right..

>> No.9040134
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No need, really.
A little something I learned by reading history - the Nazis (as in the real one, the NSDP) *counted on* the Communists and Anarchists being violent. Assuming they would attack NDSP meetings was key to the early growth strategy of the NDSP. Anarchist and Communist hecklers would show up and the NDSP used this as an excuse to have "guards". Then then the Communists tried to push and shove the "guards" pulled out rubber truncheons and beat the shit out of them.
The police had hundreds of witnesses that proved that the Commies started it, so when the NDSP gave their "guards" brown uniforms and called them the Sturmabteilung 'so they could be recognized as legitimate security' there was little to complain about, was there?
After the Roter Frontkampferbund began not just attacking NDSP rallies but clashing with police the SA was seen by the common man as *bringing order* by assisting the police in stopping Communist agitators.
So - way to go, Nazi-punchers!

>> No.9040138

>He's not doing this, but he's recruiting people in a actual political movement.
Should we just let him do that, while wishfully thinking that he will somehow lose it and ruin the whole party by himself?

So? People are allowed to recruit for political movements, it's a basic tenent of liberalism, we don't disqualify certain political groups, left or right, because they might become "dangerous" in the future.

>Wake up, the whole world is radicalizing, and people like these should be punched in the face everytime they show up.

This is could be true of any group outside the mainstream liberal consensus: communists, Nazis, political Islamists, anarchists, and so on.

>To think that things will just solve themselves without any need for action, and that reason is a strong enough weapon to fight these troglodites is simply naivety.

If you start your preemptive "war in the streets" against a threat that you are so certain is coming, don't be surprised when your feverish nightmares becomes true after you have alienated much of the mainstream moderates.

>> No.9040139
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>> No.9040140

I wrote NSDP?
I need more coffee

>> No.9040141

Deontology is irrelevant.

>> No.9040146

Abstaining from politics in general is altogether the best thing to do, but it's tempting to 'get involved'

>> No.9040150


And they should, sure, but how about you do it on /pol/ instead :)?

>> No.9040151

The left is:
- anti-hate
- anti-division
- anti-violence

The left supports:
- the hate of, alienation of, and violence against political dissidents

>> No.9040152
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>Spencer missed other manifestations (the main one is obviously the Women's March) because he was scared of getting punched again.

ah yes, at last you reveal your true form.

richard spencer's a nobody with no real power to hurt anybody for real. you're making yourself feel good, that's what all of this is about.

>> No.9040154

got some nice stories for you:
first one is about the son of the founder of Stormfront

second is about a guy who basically dismantled the KKK in Maryland all by himself (podcast)

if you think punching people would have brought a better outcome in any of those situations you are an idiot.

>> No.9040157


>Centrism is for people who say things like "no politics or religion at the dinner table, let's just have a nice meal" aka fools, babies, cowards, simpletons, assholes, neurotypicals

FTFY. It was actually really fun visiting /pol/ during the holidays a month ago, the huge amount of threads detailing familial meltdowns from "dropping redpills"/sperging the fuck out were hilarious.

>> No.9040161

I understand your argument, however you fail to illustrate the result that would occur if you did punch these people everytime they showed up. It would logically not stop their followers from believing them. The ideology would still survive, the only difference is you'd be charged with assault and have to pay for the guy's medical expenses. If you really want to stop an ideology, you must prove it wrong in all aspects of your society. Promote black role models frequently and give contrary evidence to moderates so they are not radicalized. Isolated violence will solve absolutely nothing.

>> No.9040164


>the left is one person


>> No.9040165

>Abstaining from politics in general is altogether the best thing to do
That's literally what children and old ladies do. I've never met anyone who was wise or informed who didn't have an opinion on these things.

>> No.9040167

I never said that.

>> No.9040176

There are two kinds of fascists: fascists and anti-fascists.

But what am I saying, this place is full of stupid women and antifa cucks.

>> No.9040179

>politician advocates for imminent racial cleansing
>a wave of racially motivated killings sweeps through the country
>lol why you mad at the end of the day those were just words

>> No.9040181

Even old ladies have got their things to say on the subject. By abstaining I mean not participating, because really what's the use

>> No.9040183

We can also use Virtue Ethics and even Consequentialism to reach the same conclusions....

>> No.9040184

>implying any of this happened
How is it like to be in constant fear of things that aren't even real? Such is life as a liberal.

>> No.9040186
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yall mind if I.. anti-politically kick your ass?

>> No.9040188

I like how butthurt this made liberals. If they don't like nazis getting punched because 'they have the right to speak and we must be tolerant and shit' then they're gonna cry when they find out about WW2.

also, all the retards ITT should learn the difference between liberals and leftists

>> No.9040189

Both are also irrelevant.

>> No.9040191

Yeah, nothing like that has ever happened. Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.9040193
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>also, all the retards ITT should learn the difference between liberals and leftists

They're both getting helicopter rides, so it isn't really worth thinking about.

>> No.9040194

>>a wave of racially motivated killings sweeps through the country
[citation needed]

>> No.9040197

Here you go.


>> No.9040201

>the left are 'muh tolerance' faggots who want peaceful reforms to fix society's problems
epic meme my friend
rojava and zapatistas not hillary and syriza ok?

>> No.9040202

It's not relevant. Spencer is a literally who who was propped up by the media to give the masses an easy enemy for their two minutes hate. Apparently some antifaggot actually thought he was a serious threat.

>> No.9040205

liberals are just progressive capitalists who idolize people like zuckerberg, they're by all means right-wing

protip: right-left politics is about economics, not social issues

>> No.9040207

Low quality replies.

>> No.9040208

I wasn't talking about Spencer, improve your reading comprehension if you want to post on the board about literature /pol/baby.

>> No.9040210

Nationalist =/= Nazi

You dope.

>> No.9040212

I liked you until this post

>> No.9040214

>protip: right-left politics is about economics, not social issues

In what decade are you living in?

>> No.9040218

I'm speaking of the vocal left, not the irrelevant left.

>> No.9040220
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Good point.
Remember, folks:
'Liberal' means
>"The belief that the main or only purpose of government or even society is to maximize individual freedom and equality. There are two broad categories of Liberal ideology called generally 'Classical Liberal' (or Liberty-Focused Liberal') and 'Social Liberal' (also called 'Equality Focused Liberal'). "
The encyclopedia britannica as well as any decent PoliSci textbook.
All of contemporary Western politics is a fight between Classical Liberals (the Republicans/Tories/etc.) and the Social Liberals (Labour/Democrats/etc.) all well within the Liberal sandbox.
Communism vs Laissez-faire Capitalism? Liberal on Liberal.
Progressive vs Libertarian?
Liberal on Liberal.
Democracy vs. Socialism?
Liberal on Liberal.
Most modern people don't even know what a real Conservative/Right Wing stance looks like, let alone what to do about it.

>> No.9040221

we call them neoliberals -- liberals who are ok with capitalism and globalization

in terms of social issues, theyre quite authoritarian, so that explains the punching

id say a lot of the liberals in the US are pretty center-right, and maybe even identify closely with Obama in that regard, since he governed quite center-right as well. But thats not saying much because the overton window in politics is already far right (im not saying media is far right, just government).

>> No.9040223

This. We all know that leftists can't control themselves around people they disagree with. You're already ostracized if you have a slightly right-of-center political view, how long until they start jailing or executing us for hate speech?

>> No.9040226

On what board are you posting on?

>> No.9040227

>people like these should be punched in the face everytime they show up

tactics like these would just cause them to multiply. People not on board with the leftist agenda have been verbally and physically assaulted a lot and it's only created more of them

>> No.9040228

>Nazi shoots innocent anti-fascist only a few days into Trump's presidency
He'd be retarded to do anything of the sort

>> No.9040229

>id say a lot of the liberals in the US are pretty center-right
t. stupid person

>> No.9040231

pls stop

you do realize that there is a political graph depicting left-right, authoritarian-libertarian

typically, left-right, then, is about economics and then authoritarian and libertarian, naturally, is about social issues

>> No.9040234

>ugh, people who don't agree with me are HORRIFIC and INHUMAN
This is why people hate brainwashed liberal normalshits, they're stupid sheep

>> No.9040236

t. someone who doesnt understand politics but sure go back to washington post and get ur daily fix

>> No.9040237

I hate Spencer but if some rabid ideologues are convinced he is literally Hitler then why would anyone believe they stop there? This is the ear of all against at all

>> No.9040240

Nazi is anyone to the right of Stephen Colbert according to progressives. Every Republican candidate is compared to Hitler. You should not be able to punch 50% of the country

>> No.9040241

No, I mean now, in the US, to justify punching a guy with a blog.

>> No.9040242

Liberals are such fucking pussies

>> No.9040243

>actually buying into the retarded ameriburger political dialectic
If you want to discuss this at least use terms accepted in countries that have a representation of the entire political spectrum instead of just two right wing parties.

>> No.9040248

>liberals who, by default, believe in retarded things like secularism, diversity, multiculturalism, relaxed borders, feminism, and a whole cornucopia of other decidedly non-right positions

>> No.9040249

well, you have a point there
politics nowadays has been reduced to stances on social issues
I wish leftism would be associated with the labor movement again instead of SJW liberalism

>> No.9040251

Spencer started a wave of ethnic cleansing in the US already?!

>> No.9040255

wtf I love Spencer now

>> No.9040258


fun fact: relaxations of borders were originally pushed by right-wingers for corporate profits before they realized that ''leftist'' tolerance rhethoric was a better way to push for it

>> No.9040261
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>Democrats are Left
>Republicans are Left-Centre
try reading this

>> No.9040262

Can you imagine SJWs saying the same thing about Black separatists like the NPPP also spout similar rhetoric against Jews, Muslims and non blacks? They're actually arguing they should NOT be grouped with white hate groups. Bullshit

>> No.9040263

But the left have left the labor movement. They hate the few blue collar workers left because those people are often against immigration.

>> No.9040268

He needs to be put down before he tries, since he openly advocates for it.

>> No.9040269

again, those are social issues and only relate to the authoritarian-libertarian spectrum, not the left-right spectrum.

in terms of the left-right, liberals today believe in economic equality while also believing in an economic status quo, they opt for the welfare state because they acknowledge that it does some good, while also accepting things like taxes and publicly funded infrastructure, etc. these are all normally conservative principles -- so while some things are largely liberal, they are still tugged to the right because of their large belief that "we've made it" and that not a lot more can be done to change the status quo

>> No.9040270

oy vey goyim, niggers are superior, just accept it you virgin insecure beta goy

>> No.9040273

>Left liberalism leads us down the path of our own demise

>> No.9040276

hmm, this sounds very similar to another group of people who killed political dissidents...

>> No.9040281

>>>>>>>he thinks that the alt-right is real
w e w l a d

How does it feel to completely lack critical thinking skills?

>> No.9040285

I support any group that killed people who openly advocate for ethnic cleansing.

>> No.9040288

>recommends black genocide as a thought experiment to show that he will be censured while the white genocide some other prof got behind gets ignored
>he gets censured
>Drexel dude gets ignored

>> No.9040290

So you should support Nazis? After all, they did kill Jews.

>> No.9040294

I prefer chauvinist, racist workers over progressive capitalists

>> No.9040300

Jews didn't call for ethnic cleansing of anyone so no.

>> No.9040304

>the sad truth is that history proves you wrong.
the sad truth is IRL nazis got their big break recruiting during street violence in Weimar Germany

if you advocate punching Nazis you are literally advocating a renewed, powerful Nazi party

>> No.9040305

>he actually believes this
stay bluepilled

>> No.9040306

No - they just believe that gentiles are inferior cattle and wanted to impose a Communist state in Germany.

>> No.9040307

Poor whites, so persecuted :(:(:(

>> No.9040309

Upvoted my good gentlesir!

>> No.9040310
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Once you break the taboo of political violence, you need to be disposed of.

Antifa are rats dressed like humans, who think they are wolves.

>> No.9040313

>ignoring principles in favor of some sort of grief calculus
But sure, enjoy burning through all your social capital in a generation.

>> No.9040315

Next time try making your bait less obvious /pol/.

>> No.9040318

>anything I don't agree with is bait

>> No.9040324

In my opinion, anybody who supports unproved violence against political opponents needs to be punched. I fully support the beating of leftists.

>> No.9040326
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How many allies of your home nation call for the extermination of Jews?
How many more support the expulsion/torture/murder of Christians?
And I am not talking about lone men making a rhetorical point, I am talking about official policy or actual mass governmental action.
Name you home nation, I'll post the nations you are officially allied with.
Here's my guess - you will look at the list, realize that while Spenser is one guy with no power (so you can posture all you want) places like China, Egypt, etc. have actual power so you'd have to do actual work and take actual risks, and you won't do shit.
Here's another one!
How many of your very own friends are actul Communists?
You know, 'the Communist world will be built by the Revolution'/'the only good Capitalist is a dead Capitalist'/'The X will be the first up against the wall when the Revolution comes'? Those guys that openly demand the violent overthrow of all non-Communist states and the execution of Capitalists, the bourgeoisie, and all counter-revolutionaries - you wanna' go punch them, too?

>> No.9040329

truly makes one ponder

>> No.9040337

You don't make any sense.

>> No.9040340

YOU don't make any sense. Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society. Read a goddamn book or atleast just browse wikipedia instead of getting all your information from memes.

>> No.9040345

>Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society
Maybe this is true in Candy Land. In reality, every place that Communism was allowed to fester featured a state, classes, and money.

>> No.9040348

>Capital punishment is an appropriate response to thoughtcrime

>> No.9040349
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>> No.9040351

Then it's fair to say they weren't communist.

You can argue whether communism is desirable or feasible, but it's intellectually dishonest to pretend the soviet union was communist

>> No.9040357
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>all Communists
>All states
>All with classes
>All murderous and oppressive
You weren't replying to me, but I have indeed read several books about Communism and what happens when people try to turn the fairy tale into reality

>> No.9040359

> but it's intellectually dishonest to pretend the soviet union was communist
o i am laffin

Peddle your "No True Siberian" bullshit somewhere else

>> No.9040360

Too bad, those workers are moving to the right right now.

Even in my own family the shift have been the same, after several generations of voting for the same damn stupid left leaning party. My little country is going to fall apart in the future.

>> No.9040364
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>> No.9040367
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>all communists are stalinists
kropotkin not marx ok?

the right-wing is appropating socialist/pro-worker rhethoric and policies though, which I actually encourage, the liberal left is shit

criticize communism's desirability and feasability instead, cucks

>> No.9040369

You need to actually read 1984 or look up what a thoughtcrime is on wikipedia.

>> No.9040371

can someone please post the version of this that involves utilitarianism?

>> No.9040373

I love how orwell completely BTFO'd socialism

>> No.9040383

Time to look up Orwell's views on socialism on google.

>> No.9040384
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got you covered senpai

>> No.9040388

It's by far the most rational thing to do, and I don't care who you compare me to.

>> No.9040389
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Ask the leadership of the USSR what they were
Ask the people of the USSR what they were
Ask the Communist Parties of the rest of the world what the USSR was
The USSR collapses
>it wasn't Communist
Listen, I'll even spot you one.
The USSR was still only Socialist. Of course, per Marx and Engels, Mao, lenin, Trotsky, etc. a Socialist state is the intermediary step in the creation of the Communist Man and Communism.
But Lenin, etc., still called it Communism. And even if you grant that he was being "hopeful" every attempt to create Communism has ended the same way - oppression, poverty, starvation, and mass murder.
So, once more - if we can punch Nazis, we can *certainly* punch Commie, right?

>> No.9040397
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>List multiple Commie murderers
>You mention one
You caliming Lenin, Trotsky, etc. were choirboys?

>> No.9040398

all state socialists were retarded

kropotkin was right

>> No.9040399

>I was only pretending to be stupid
Kill yourself

>> No.9040400
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>the right-wing is appropating [sic] socialist/pro-worker rhethoric [sic] and policies though, which I actually encourage, the liberal left is shit
>the right-wing is appropating socialist/pro-worker rhethoric
>the right-wing
There is a Monarchist Catholic Party talking about Socialism????