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/lit/ - Literature

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9005936 No.9005936 [Reply] [Original]

>went to Harvard
>heroin junky
>friends with prominent artists and criminals
>unapologetic faggot, pre- gay-rights era
>cut his own finger off
>killed his wife
>lived as a fugitive
>acclaimed writer and painter
>inspired countless artists across every medium and lived to see it.

Has any author lived a more interesting life than Mr. Burroughs?

>> No.9005948

>killed his wife
glad to see he was red pilled as well, good man

>> No.9005953

>went to Harvard
>failed trustafarian who got hooked on drugs
>wrote a bunch of gimmicky bullshit

>> No.9005981
File: 79 KB, 522x731, Roman_Polanski_at_Cannes_in_2013_cropped_and_brightened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in nazi-occupied ghetto
>wife murdered by charles manson family
>rapes 13 year old girl and flees to escape charge
>directs some of the most acclaimed films in history

well maybe not as interesting as Burroughs, but still pretty fascinating

>> No.9006068

fourth post best post

>> No.9006071
File: 134 KB, 960x640, moorealan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in the slums of Northampton
>kicked out of school for dealing LSD
>revolutionizes comics, then gets bored of comics industry and tells it to fuck off
>constantly ripped off by hacks
>ceremonial magician and William Blake enthusiast
>claims to have met characters he created IRL
>worships a puppet to emphasize how much he loves the human imagination
>writes 1200-page novel about one square mile of his hometown
>also paints, sings, does spoken-word pieces, and sometimes dresses up like a mandrill
>moving into poetry next

>> No.9006076
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>be literal billionaire alien Egyptian gods

>> No.9006085


>> No.9006326

yeah, but his books are complete shit.

>> No.9006330
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> wins school poetry competition
> gets fucked up on absinthe
> totally not gay
> Shoots Verlaine
> sells guns in Africa
> dies

what an absolute madman.

>> No.9006340 [DELETED] 

He was also a Paedophile, like 90% of gays are

>> No.9006341

Stop forcing this meme, it is complete cancer

>> No.9006356

>He was also a Paedophile, like 90% of jews are
Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

>> No.9006390 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 900x712, russia-politics-limonov-ru110089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grow up as Hoodlum in Stalinist Russia
>Defect to the US
>hang out with NYC punks
>Suck off Black dudes
>Leach off american taxpayer
>redpilled on women
>bros with Radovan Karadzic
>Found le ebin gommunazi party with Dugin and Letov
>emmanuel carriere wrote a book about you
>do lines of coke with the eXile guys
>foiled invasion of Kazakhstan
>/fa/ as fuck

>> No.9006529

Ezra Pound lived a pretty fascinating life

>> No.9007133

Killed his wife by accident, when he was playing William Tell with a gun while high

>> No.9007187
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>> No.9007197
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>Has any author lived a more interesting life than Mr. Burroughs?

>> No.9007436
File: 13 KB, 450x275, kerouac_ciggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has any author lived a more interesting life than Mr. Burroughs?

what an absolute degenerate with post nihilistic narcisstic personality...all of them pretentious faggots senpai


>> No.9007449


Heroin addiction is a frightful bore tbqh.

>> No.9007470

> Shoots Verlaine
wasn't it the other way around

>> No.9007477


>frightful bore

you're not a dandy you are just kind of spergy. stop doing this.

>> No.9007529

Shoots Verlaine...

>> No.9007536
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>claims to have met characters he created IRL

>> No.9007565

>when a degenerate learns to write well

>> No.9007568


Most writers are degenerate as well by your standards, and deviating from the convention is precisely what makes art, even in literature

kys please

>> No.9007576

He was delusional, like most people. How's this interesting?

>> No.9007586

>Even if everything goes to shit and I start banging heroin at least I can always come back with a writing career.

>> No.9007696
File: 215 KB, 486x609, dostoyevski feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a degenerate learns to write well


If they did not write, society would have rate them as what the were - bums and losers. But somehow society has a blind spot when a bum can write/paint. Same phonomennon is in all forms or art.

>Most writers are degenerate as well by your standards

no, they are not. Mattisse, Dostoy, Kierk, Pascal were all sane persons (yes, they had their flaws) but they were suckin BBD and shooting heroin like a bunch of nasty insects.

>> No.9007711

this, also hemingway and buk. Their life wasn't a fucking gay circus and their books are great.

>> No.9007753
File: 32 KB, 775x1000, peacoatwool_serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ill let you know I studied literature on most prestigious universities and dropped out after I found out it doesnt interest me. Started writing in early days of high school, learned foreing languages just for fun and experimented with hallucinogenic drugs regullary (most of my novels are written under the influence btw).
Right now Im living in a crappy flat in NY city that is full of books Ive read and fall asleep with a ciggarette and different nasty hipster girls every night (occasionally a different boy – yeah, I dont care, does that trigger your middle class morals? )!

literally, do you even write!!?

>> No.9008001
File: 21 KB, 223x270, Tommy the Pinecone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does he know?

>> No.9008079

I tried reading Naked Lunch and it was shocking and disgusting. When I got over the shock it was just a boring list of degenerate acts, like "and then she fucked him in the ass with a dildo, and then she hung him and he came..." etc. I guess the crazy style is cool.

>> No.9008368

Dostoyevski literally went to a prison camp in siberia because of his 'degenerate' socialist ideas and would by /pol/'s definition be considered a christian cuck later in his life.

He also suffered from a major gambling addiction. Stop trying fit authors into your autistic definition of non-degenerates anon.

>> No.9008415


>> No.9008428

>moving into poetry next
Would read desu.

>> No.9008436

Is Peacoatwool Serveimage a Pynchonian character?

>> No.9008468

not rated as high as it should be in all honesty family members

>> No.9009327


>> No.9009341

Gambling is worse than heroin IMO

>> No.9009381


>> No.9009401

Spoiled cunt. Dullard junkie.

>> No.9009410



>> No.9009418

wait why did he cut off his finger?

>> No.9009419

this desu

Guys like Alan Moore, Gen-P Orridge and Billy Childish are the definitive realization of modernist project, at this point, their life, art, geography, philosophy and spiritual beliefs have come to such an ammalgamation that they essentially live life as an act of art, though only on a individual level, which kinda makes them failures.

>> No.9009424

Man you idiots are delusional. Like someone else said, the vast majority of artists are degenerates when adhering to the /pol/d standard.

>> No.9009435
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Because the only way to not be a /pol/ degenerate is being the fucking underground man while you wait for emperor-god Trump himself to deliver a pure white waifu at your door while you shitpost your days away on a tupi-guarani clay-mation webm. news portal and dad drinks more and more.

>> No.9009566
File: 48 KB, 620x413, 7cb66d20-bf4f-11e3-_585596c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born rich as fuck to old money social register New York society family
>worked for the CIA and started one of the most respected literary magazines as a cover
>fantastic writer
>married the most beautiful girl in Paris
>focused on nature writing
>went on the infamous Papua New Guinea expedition where Michael Rockefeller was killed and eaten by savages
>left his wife cuz fuck you
>wrote some more amazing novels
>became deeply involved with Leonard Peltier and the AIM
>lived on a Jamaican turtling boat
>got into Buddhism before it was cool to be into Buddhism
>super gravelly voice

>> No.9009834
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>Born into academic family
>Doesn't bother get a degree, becomes a fisherman for his whole life

>> No.9009997

>>failed trustafarian who got hooked on drugs

He graduated from Harvard, went on to do post graduate work, and later studied medicine at a post graduate level.

Don't be bitter just because your stoogly little life is filled with failure and your greatest asperation is to loose your virginity before you hit thirty.

>> No.9010014
File: 109 KB, 600x798, jocelynwildenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like the male version of this