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/lit/ - Literature

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8968756 No.8968756 [Reply] [Original]

>first day of my lit class
>professor does a round robin of who your favorite author is
>everybody spouts lit memes
>5 people said Hemingway
>3 or more say Jane Austen
>3 or more say Dostoyevsky
>at least 2 say the author the class is about
>one guy says Joyce
>and here's the kicker
>one guy says a tie between Pynchon and David Foster Wallace
I'm in for a wild ride.

>> No.8968770

Should've said William Gass

>> No.8968771

After people started naming memes I contemplated saying Arno Schmidt for about 1 millisecond

>> No.8968774

>no Milton
>no Donne
>no Chaucer

You should just kill the whole class.

>> No.8968775

This happened to me and I said Saul Alinsky, the professor paused and never called on me to answer any bullshit questions ever again.

>> No.8968778

What did you say OP?

Should've said EL James for the bantz

>> No.8968784

I said Alexandre Dumas. And then this group of girls behind me made an "Oooo" sound, but I couldn't tell it if was in response to what I said or not

>> No.8968802

>start Spanish literature class
>professor's favorite author is a woman

>> No.8968807

That is the natural reaction of white girls to big black cock

>> No.8968810

Juana Inés de la Cruz?

>> No.8968811

>not saying John Green


>> No.8968816

Is it black cock if it's half European half Haitian?

>> No.8968817

I mean, seriously though, I don't know who I'd pick beside one of the people you named.

Borges maybe. Or Stanislaw Lem.

>> No.8968823

>everyone says their favorite author is Gabriel García Márquez

>> No.8968824

Say Celine next time.

>> No.8968826
File: 102 KB, 211x224, 136895865037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw favorite writer is Nabokov
>he made groundbreaking use of the authorial voice, and is constantly narratologically subversive in a way that's unique and widely unappreciated, in addition to his being an amazing stylist

>when I say "Nabokov" people will always assume I just like the pretty prose

>> No.8968829

Or that you are a pedophile

>> No.8968835

>not saying Sylvia Plath.

>> No.8968842

I know that feel, anon.

>> No.8968844

Seems like a nice class, when I first got into literature I remember one kid refering stephen king, and a couple of girls saying jk rowling

>> No.8968848
File: 45 KB, 600x597, 1483131508560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that

>> No.8968852

>everyone says García Márquez,Pablo Neruda, Borges,etc
>nobody says Miguel de Cervantes

>> No.8968866

Some people would've said that. The professor added a caveat saying no Harry Potter, only LITERATURE.

>> No.8968874

>say Cervantes
>teacher says he was a white European and doesn't qualify

>> No.8968875

depends on whether you said "DOO-mass" or "doo-MAH".
If you pronounced it right then panties are wet.

>> No.8968881

W-which one is right...?

>> No.8968883

That's not what a round robin is

>> No.8968887

There is not a single thing wrong with choosing any of these authors as your favorite. What is your problem?

>> No.8968893

>Not Bob Dylan

>> No.8968894

...yes it is. You go around the room and every one has to answer the question. Please go back to pre-school.

>> No.8968895

>Favorite writer
>Lists poets

>> No.8968899

It's pronounced "dumbass"

>> No.8968900
File: 146 KB, 290x301, 1477051262196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faulkner never gets any love

>> No.8968913

>he doesnt say Shakehisbeard, in a funny way.

>> No.8968914

Not even close. It's like you saw the word round and made up your own meaning.

>> No.8968916

>tfw you pronounced it dOO-mAAs

>> No.8968917

That's an idiosyncratic usage at best. Look it up.

>> No.8968922

It's pronounced Dyma, cunt

>> No.8968924

Nobody loves Faulkner because his writing style consists of him jerking off onto the page, stoping to finish a sentence only upon orgasm.

>> No.8968925

You copy pasted that from Wikipedia with no knowledge of how to even pronounce that

>> No.8968932


>> No.8968934

No, I actually speak French fuckface. A for effort though.

>> No.8968938

>having a favorite anything

>> No.8968944

The good news is yes,
the bad news is that what anon said is not true in real life.

>> No.8968946

Sure you do.
Whatever helps you stroke your inflated ego :^)

>> No.8968953

it's prononced du-ma you fucking english cunt you don't say the ssss

>> No.8968954
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>tfw always answer Tolkien
>manage to be both innocuous and sincere while avoiding the plebeian pitfall

>> No.8968968

>at least 2 say the author the class is about
Who is the class about

>> No.8968972

Yeah yeah, nobody knows a language that is foreign to you. You shouldn't be the one criticizing other's egos.

>> No.8968981

Just looked up Saul for the first time. Gotta get me some of that.

>> No.8968989

>no Gertrude Stein
>no Thomas Campion
>no Leonidas of Tarentum
>no-one even mentioned Finnegans Wake
Holy fuck OP enjoy your class of plebshits you fucking pleb

>> No.8968995

Me on the left :^)

>> No.8969004


>> No.8969005
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>not saying Alan Moore
>not showing an appreciation for the face of neo-lit

Missed opportunity to get pussy tb.h f.am

>> No.8969039

>favorite author
>Finnegans Wake
Someone in the class said Joyce.

>> No.8969086

>one guy says Joyce

I could only imagine the professor's reaction to this -- on the inside at least. It's the same as some teenager walking into NASA saying his favorite career is an astronaut and asking when he can join the next space mission.

The cringe...

I mean, sure you can read Joyce but can someone really say it's their favorite if they probably don't even understand it? (Not saying I do, but there's a high chance the professor doesn't even know either because it's that difficult.)

>> No.8969087
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I remember when my Prof did the same thing at the start of my college class
>everyone is saying either YA or entry-level shit like orwell, tolkein, dostoevsky etc.
>my turn and I say james joyce
>girl near me scoffs out loud and mutters 'really'?
>reply 'what? ulysses is my favorite book'
>she rolls her eyes and says 'you don't have to show off'
>class laughs at me
>get flustered, stutter and can't think of a comeback
>prof goes round to her and (get this) she says her favorite author is I made this story up
Fuck that bitch

>> No.8969099

Happened at my college, I tend to just say the author I'm reading at the time. I don't really have favorites, so when I was called out I said John Steinbeck.

The Grapes of Wrath was a decent book.

>> No.8969100

Saying Joyce is your favourite author isn't saying you completely understand Finnegans Wake. Maybe he just really likes Dubliners and Portrait.

>> No.8969106

Professor probably thought you were autistic

>> No.8969148

>Vous êtes un homosexuel.
oh yah, translate that

>> No.8969157

I don't have to, eat shit :^)

>> No.8969182

If he is teaching undergraduate literature class, his opinion is not worth my time or consideration. Scored an A+ in the class too.

>> No.8969185


I always say Henry Miller to get feminist pussy.

>> No.8969186

>not plebeian

>> No.8969197

>Using vous instead of tu in this context
Nice google translate you've got there

>> No.8969229

Yes, because poetry is making words on a page form by magic and nice thoughts.

>> No.8969242

Fuck off, Sam.

>> No.8969253

Poets are writers in the same sense that a child fingerpainting is a painter.

>> No.8969255

How could you be more pleb and know how to type?

>> No.8969265

>enjoys poetry
>calls others plebs
I am sorry to be the first to notify you, but poetry is literally the lowest form of art.

>> No.8969269


>> No.8969277
File: 205 KB, 500x333, 1458897443480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to where you learned to read literature and slap them for me, please.

>> No.8969285


>> No.8969291

>using the indefinite article where it should be omitted
wew lad

>> No.8969295

>that one faggot who always keeps going on about narratology

nobody likes you

>> No.8969310

I don't understand (outside of the naturally negative attitude of the site) why ficionnes is around #8 on lit favorites but no one talks about Borges outside of the shitposting anti Argentina threads.

>> No.8969312

5/8 master b8

>> No.8969316

t. philistine who never studied a written work older than 100 years

>> No.8969324

Nigger know how I can tell you've never actually studied literature and are just a pseud? Because there's literally no way to study literature seriously without studying poetry. It's like trying to learn mathematics without learning Algebra.

>> No.8969325

Yeah, I definitely don't get it.

Borges is honestly amazing. Ficciones is filled with brilliant inventiveness.

>> No.8969331

It's almost like people just pick authors to make themselves sound intelligent and don't actually read anything by them and thus have nothing to say.

>> No.8969335

>only 1 person said Joyce

looks like your class has a lot to learn

>> No.8969346

This happened to me as well but who really cares? I'm in school to improve myself. Fuck everyone else in the room. I got my own goals.

>> No.8969351

So why does this site operate like this? I've been here for a while, starting to feel trapped a little bit, but I don't understand why there's such a goddamn circle jerk. Every board has like, 10 core things that they like, and with the exception of the daily threads over on mu, none of the boards seem interested in trying to branch out. It's really confusing, especially with literature...

>> No.8969352
File: 66 KB, 500x361, 1473348472631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these faggots taking the bait
Thank you for promoting shitposting. You retards are the reason /lit/ is so awful nowadays.

>> No.8969355

probably shakespeare since op didn't mention shakespeare. Also one of the few writers that most universities devote an entire course to (at the undergraduate level, at least)

>> No.8969356
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>> No.8969361


>> No.8969376

She's cute! And he looks like a nice old man!

>> No.8969386

tolkien is pretty pleb though

>> No.8969417

This thread is a special kind of awful

>> No.8969502


>> No.8969513

>not knowing that vous is proper since he doesn't know the poster hence vous (the formal version of you as well as the plural)

>> No.8969526

>European Spaniards immigrated to South America
>became the ruling class
>you were elite in places like Brazil if you were white, ie a European Spaniard
>>Cervantes not white

>> No.8969536

I'm taking an online Spanish lit class for my fine arts credit. What am I in for?

>> No.8969553

tu is the more familiar pronoun therefore more suited to an insult

>> No.8969555

>Willy Wigglestick

>> No.8969569

cet homme a raison

>> No.8969570


>> No.8969720
File: 8 KB, 233x216, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like Tolstoy
>'Nobody buys his moralist crap'
>Class starts laughing

>> No.8969729


>> No.8969818

>going to class on the first day

>> No.8969819

Mine was a collection of YA/Fantasy authors and one girl who was really into Fight Club (the movie).

It can always be worse.

>> No.8969828

y'all is a gay

>> No.8969844
File: 682 KB, 1399x942, modern american women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teaching comp 101 for a month because the original teacher is out with some awful flu
>entire class is fat chicks
>they all love stephenie meyers
>choose pick related as a class reading project just to fuck with them
>half drop out of the class rather than finishing reading past the first chapter
>somehow, this reflects poorly on the original teacher instead of me
>they get fired and I take their job

>> No.8969849

How could no one mention Stephen King? The greatest author of all time?

>> No.8969864

Sorry, didn't read the whole thread, should have known someone already made fun of King. sage

>> No.8969867
File: 51 KB, 297x393, celine-2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people either don't know about him or call me a bigot
Just kill me.

>> No.8970015
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Gendo_Ikari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True patricians realize that Finnegans Wake is the endgame of literature. Both a part of and detached from the literary canon. It is therefore both an author and a text in itself.

>> No.8970029

this guy knows french

>> No.8970040

I'm surprised you can reach your keyboard being that far up your own ass

>> No.8970044

>reading Death on Credit at my stem tutoring job
>lit tutor asks what its about
>manage to describe it kind of
>they look up the book on their phone
>stop talking to me after that
>later on leave the book at mom's house while visiting
>she tells me she's reading it
>start to worry
>says it's the funniest book she ever read

that's how I know momma raised me right

>> No.8970068


>> No.8970075

These aren't really lit memes but okay.

DFW is a pretty standard college answer. Pynchon isn't all that obscure either.

>no Proust

>> No.8970077

should've said gene wolfe

>> No.8970085


That's unironically his best stuff, though.

>> No.8970092

>prof asks me
>say Adolf Hitler
>she opens her mouth, unable to understand what she just heard
>boys avert their eyes
>several girls start crying
>a single student in the back of the class suddenly stands and starts a slow clab
>tells the room what a brave young man I was

>> No.8970096

is celine the most "JUST" author?

>> No.8970115
File: 288 KB, 640x480, itsgendo_zps92d3e0da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Sigh* mere ad hom. Will I ever meet an intellect to match my own?

>> No.8970142


>> No.8970154

That would be Houellebecq

>> No.8970167


My favorite author is Cervantes, am I a meme? I can't even speak Spanish.

>> No.8970184

>lol who the fuck is albert camoo

>> No.8970187

I hope we meet one day so I can make you feel unimportant by virtue of existing, and I hope I'm in a bad mood.

>> No.8970188


>no Douglas Adams

time for OP to do a school shooting

>> No.8970197

you should've said Honoré de ..Ballsack

>> No.8970199
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>> No.8970220

>not saying "myself"

>> No.8970225

That makes them incredibly boring people that will almost certainly be able to mechanically write. It doesn't lend much credence to that writing doing them much good though.

>> No.8970226

T'es un pd surtout

>> No.8970235
File: 197 KB, 1024x1024, 1478997588837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teacher asks me
>say Hideo Kojima
>teacher and 3 girls clap

>> No.8970378

Fuck off

>> No.8970391

You have no idea what you're talking about.

The distinction you're thinking is "novelist," you insufferable cunt.

>> No.8970406

>favorite career
Lol what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8970422

I didn't say anything about your personality or argument I'm genuinely surprised you can reach your keyboard from that far up your ass it's a compliment

>> No.8970500

What is there to discuss? He's universally loved. You can argue about translations of the Russians, you can argue about DFW and McCarthy, you can argue about Virginia Woolf because of her vagina, you can laugh about Joyce's farts and Finnegans Wake, but there's really nothing to shitpost about with Borges, he's good and that's that.

>> No.8970510

>No R.M Drake
>No Topher Kearby

You're gonna have a hard time getting laid.

>> No.8970527

>ei Väinö Linna
>ei Volter Kilpi
>ei Pentti Haanpää
>ei Heikki Turunen
>ei Kurt Wallenius
>ei Juhani Aho
>ei Aleksis Kivi
>ei Mika Waltari
>ei Joni Skiftesvik
>ei Juha Seppälä
aika plepii

>> No.8970550
File: 204 KB, 600x538, dgfr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do an English minor for undergrad
>take classical english class 3rd year course
>prof asks goes around asking what our favourite and least favourite books are
>get to one precocious girl
>"my favourite book is Harry Potter because it taught me to be myself!"
>"my most hated novel is 100 Years of Solitude. It said it was magical realism but it had no magic in it, really really boring!"
>Not even a fan of Marquez but she angered me so much I had to drop the class on principle.

>> No.8970552

>5 people said Hemingway
If he knew he had that many fans he probably wouldn't have offed himself.

>> No.8970563

You guys are so amazingly arrogant
I love you all

>> No.8970622
File: 82 KB, 398x350, Farty kekks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hate to break it to you, but Joyce is lightyears ahead of all those old fucks--well, perhaps not LIGHTYEARS ahead of Chaucer, but he is still better. After Shakespeare, Joyce was the English-speaker who most firmly grasped what being human is.


Get over yourself bruv. Some people (including myself) like to read deeply. And of course, if a piece of literature is any good at all, you will never totally understand it. The erudition of middle and late Joyce is a matter of degree, not of kind, and indeed I'd say that any really attentive reader can pretty much get what's going on in Ulysses everywhere but the 14th episode, without annotations.


Well evidently she didn't if you're tutoring a STEM subject.


>slow clab
Cf. attachment.


I wouldn't call that precocious, but okey-dokey.

>> No.8970720


>> No.8970748

Why would someone have to be familiar with someone to insult them? In this example, two anons implies unfamiliarity

>> No.8970781

Because formality implies respect you autist

>> No.8970814

>Joyce was the English-speaker who most firmly grasped what being human is.
I just shed a tear.

>> No.8970835

>all these straight white men

try harder shitlord

>> No.8970845

In one of my comparative lit classes (attendants were mostly students of foreign languages) there was an ice breaker exercise where people had to choose a literary character as their avatar. The vast majority of students came up with something from Harry Potter with one or two Tolkiens sprinkled in. I went with Conrad's Marlowe and mumbled something about being a side character in my own life as regards university. That is all.

>> No.8970973


>> No.8971032
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>> No.8971214

Va te faire foutre, fils de chienne.

>> No.8971258

>>Joyce was the English-speaker who most firmly grasped what being human is.
primarily, not, but almost, limited to, getting your dick farted on

>> No.8971260

because everyone here is fucking stupid

>> No.8971268

>Because formality implies respect you autist
your a idiot

>> No.8971292


Quite prodigiously, my friend, have you, perhaps, though probably not, unintentionally nested a great many, by which I mean three, or four, since I am not too hot on grammatical terminology, outside that of Latin, of course, as that is the queen of tongues, clauses.

>> No.8971355

I disagree mister retard

>> No.8971382

You really think you are funny, don't you?

>> No.8971409

Formality or familiarity; which determines the use of term?

>> No.8971422

But anon, you do know the other anon wasn't joking about the farty dick, I hope.

>> No.8971427

I, believe it, or not, believe, I have, indeed, likely, to a relatively, high degree, give and/or take, a semi few, bedded, at once, three times, each once, at the moment, a, Mrs, and daughter, thereof, very, verily, in relation to that which you speaketh of, though I must recall, they insisted, like a man or river run, that I must wrap my package, as traveleth it does, in the blood, of that rosy family

>> No.8971437

There is even a >firmly grasped

And getting your dick farting on, as I presume if the poster of said statement, is as genius as they must be, to write such, could have intended it, or might it duly be, beyond ones intention (death of author), metaphorically

>> No.8971459
File: 153 KB, 794x510, joyce to nora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8971464

forgot to mention, throw in, that I came, tither, and hither

>> No.8971621

Being overly familiar is not formal and is rude

>> No.8971635


>> No.8971640

East of Eden was way better.
Some of his short stories are pretty dope as well, if you can be okay with having non-ironic f33lz

>> No.8971726

What exactly are you supposed to say? It's possible to appreciate a wide range of literature but reserve a favorite that is considered "pleb"-tier.

>> No.8971864

You use term X if you are familiar with the person you are using it to.

You use term Y if you are unfamiliar with the person you are using it to.

On an anonymous board, we presume the person insulting the person they do not know, would use term Y.

This would also be the, unformal, as you wouldnt know the person, this is a Siberian slinky sucking board, and you are insulting someone. I suppose insults could be formal, or perhaps even if a stranger, you always want to use the formal in insults, because then it automatically puts you at the higher edge, as if you were wearing a tuxedo?

>> No.8971876

wow it's the most pleb statement ever

>> No.8971892

>everybody spouts lit memes
Or a very mainstream selection of some of the most famous and critically acclaimed authors, possibly. /lit/'s insularity and belief that its memes are remotely obscure is always entertaining.

The only one there that might make me even vaguely suspect /lit/ is 'Pynchon or Wallace' and I'm betting that was OP

>> No.8971904

No, you clearly don't understand, it has to do with both the speaker's social relationship to the subject and the terms used. In an egalitarian society like ours it may be hard to see, but it's directly visible in hierarchies. Say a student is stressing his teacher, he would call him by his first name instead of sir if he would insult him, it shows a disregard for position and respect and puts more bite into the insult. It's more blatant in places like Japan with honorifics, a stranger of the same status is formally addressed with -san, a lower honorific or none at all might properly be seen as an affront.

>> No.8971905


>> No.8971907


>> No.8972032

I was thinking the exact same. Not sure if I should get the ebook or paperback.

>> No.8972046

>not Paulo Coelho
get on my level fag

>> No.8972048

It is because those who branch out most don't have time for this site. Maybe make a Branch Out General? I could get behind that!

>> No.8972057


>> No.8972070

Any suggestions for an actually good ice-breaker for a gen-ed intro lit class? I've never done one.

>> No.8972151


>> No.8972437

mate i understand that you once studied high school french, but that;s not how the frogs actually use their language

>> No.8972469

His works are inellectual to a fault and his ideas, although many of which are very good, are rehashed too much throughout his works. Plus he gradually got less and less entertaining as he got older. I loved ficciones and quite like some of his other short collections (mainly the early ones) but there are certainly some things about him which you can complain about.
I know I am not the only one who feels this way either.

>> No.8972476

Whats wrong with being gay, tranny, fat or black?
Ding ding ding! Yes just like pedophiles these groups are threats to society!

>> No.8972503
File: 214 KB, 942x1028, katyperry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This happened in one of my earliest entry level classes, and because I still don't have a good answer to it, I just said Stephen King.

Teacher laughed at me. Zero fucks given.

[spolier]Right now it's probably Carver, I drink too much[/spolier]

>> No.8972713

You're kidding, right?

>> No.8972736

I would say Dr. Sauce

>> No.8972752

Lem is one of the best philosophers of XX century, but he's not that great as an author. Especially not if you're reading nonslavic translation.

>> No.8972829


>> No.8972859

wtf im a pedophile now

>> No.8972895

>After Shakespeare...

>> No.8972900


I would say Andrei Bely or Martin Heidegger

How much puss would I crush?

>> No.8972914

They're both awkward and nervous after all the steamy sex they had the night before
It's a heartwarming picture

>> No.8972918

They don't call them e/lit/ists for nothing. I like it too- it's refreshing in this pop culture-filled world to have people being openly elitist.

>> No.8972921
File: 17 KB, 384x250, The_end_of_film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True patricians realize that Weekend is the endgame of film. Both a part of and detached from the cinematic canon. It is therefore both an author and a film in itself.

>> No.8972945

>taking a lit class
oh I see, you like throwing away your time and money

>> No.8973044


>> No.8973064

what are some unpretentious answers to this question? Chekhov, maybe?

>> No.8973079

Nick Smith

>> No.8973125

the author that is actually your favourite one, I guess.

>> No.8973151

but if your favorite other is actually, say, joyce, people will think you're pretentious

>> No.8973159

Why should you care what they think

>> No.8973299

>therefore both an author and a film in itself.
what does it mean, for a work of art, film or noel... to .... be... an author? Is not all art already assumed to be "in some sense, speaking, the artists "word""?

>> No.8973378

The only way to win is not to play.

>> No.8973438

B-b-but Borges is amazing, senpai.

>> No.8973449

>first day of my lit class
>professor does a round robin of who your favorite author is
>we don't all say shakespeare simultaneously, and then start a circlejerk

literally everyone is a pleb

>> No.8973460

All these plebs struggling to virtue signal with their unique tastes, not realizing that a true patrician has evolved beyond such base foibles and the desire for the respect of sheep.

>my favorite author is Dr. Seuss btw

>> No.8973505

JK Rowling

>> No.8973539

Roald Dahl would be a better answer

>> No.8973816

Alice Munro

>> No.8973969
File: 77 KB, 372x300, 1476757370985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when too smart to read because I've already theorized all forms of philosophy and literature in my own mind before the age of 7.

>> No.8974341

Most American writers are trash, the thing is America is such a navel gazing culture that anything outside its own cultural whirlpool is not worth perusal. American exceptionalism demands artists that are only American. Bar Cormac McCarthy, Faulkener, Pycvhon. Precious few good writers have emerged.. Bob Dylan winning the Nobel prize is a joke, the biggest case of pandering from the worthless Swedes..

>> No.8974357

You seem like an insufferable person.

>> No.8974364

think your missing some mom and dad thesis' there

>> No.8974372

Who/what are some great non American contemporary writers/novels?

>> No.8974373

Nah man I'm just tired of some of sort of writers you get. They try and write this Great American Novel that is invariably set in New York or San Francisco and is all about how much of a snowflake/great or confused they are. It's a total cliche a this stage.

>> No.8974380

I agree.

>> No.8974395

Not contemporary but
The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa.
J. M. Coetzee - some great novels by him
Michel Houellebecq
John McGahern - Amongst Women
John Banville - The Sea
Atonement (can't remember who wrote it)
Lots of others I can't remember I'll post another comment give me a while to think

>> No.8974398

American contemporary authors are the some of the most talented authors who've ever lived.

McElroy and Gass especially

>> No.8974404

In the "auteur" ssense of the Cahier du Cinema
Im aorry I'm . little drunk

>> No.8974409

William Styron is an fantastic writer as well. Sophies Choice is brilliant book that no one mentions. One of the rare books that a have a brilliant plot and some beautiful prose. I'm the same guy who said American where trash but I'm sick reading them guess I was a bit too strong..regret nothing

>> No.8974581

wrong fucko, MUSIC is the lowest form of art

>> No.8974644

How many forms of art would you estimate there are?

>> No.8974659
File: 106 KB, 845x562, c_Olivier_Roller01_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He and Houellebecq are the best contemporary writers.

>> No.8974660

The correct answer

>> No.8974677

James Joyce looks so utterly goofy
His countenance suggests hes aware of it too

>> No.8974704

>it says "dumass"

>> No.8974721

He looks like he's wearing a poorly made disguise, a proto-Groucho-Marx glasses-n-mustache. The fucking trilby, too. It reeks of Communist agent.

>> No.8974770
File: 902 KB, 1600x900, monarch-butterfly-orange-flower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eres una

>> No.8974920

Nope. It's D-eww-m-a-ss
I have heard the name a million times in French classes over 10 years.

>> No.8975021

teacher asked us what the last book we read was, i said Stoner
am i the crancer

>> No.8975112

yes pls leaf

>> No.8975140

You people are the worst faggots.


People will say the author that they liked the most, and it could be fucking anything as far as you know based on their individual experience. Their family, loved ones, or mentors could have related the book to them. There are any number of reasons why a book might be someone's "favorite".

I would likely say Hemingway myself. But I'm well aware that he's far from the "best" and pretty plainly mediocre despite being influential.

Chaucer is fantastic, but unless the only thing you value is the quality of the writing instead of the actual characters or narrative or relatability then most MODERN people will favor something that has emotional resonance for them.

And fuck your suggestions are just as entry level anyways.

>> No.8975157

Kill yourself you ignorant cunt.

Dance is the lowest art form by far. Just because you know literally nothing about music theory, harmony, rhythm, and the actual process of composition doesn't mean its a "low art" you dumb ass

>> No.8975173

I know about music theory, harmony, rhythm etc. and I still think it's the lowest form of art. You can talk about composition in music all you like but it comes nowhere close to being an adequate parallel to disegno. It's no mistake that music is the least artistically advanced medium.

>> No.8975536

>it's the lowest form of art
How many forms of art would you estimate there are?

>> No.8975539

if the views of others bother you to such an extent you should just end yourself so that you never have to worry about sounding pretentious again

>> No.8975634

>first day of poli sci tutorial
>TA does a round of introduction
>"say your name, what year you're in, your major, and...favourite book"
>can't think of a single favourite out of all the books I've read
>comes to me
>"um...Oxford English Dictionary"

>> No.8975636

> I know about music theory, harmony, rhythm etc
no you don't lmao

>> No.8975740

This board is full of children

>> No.8975766

Show us what a big boy you are

>> No.8975814

>no Kafka
> no Luigi Serafini

>> No.8975913

im pissed, I had a lot of emotional investment in that story

you fucking cunt

>> No.8975926


>> No.8976237

I probably would have gone with raskolnikov

>> No.8976245

Is this really what people in Russia look like? On the subway? Fuck, I'm impressed...

But then I realize anon is some creepy fuck clandestinely taking their picture without their knowing or consenting.

>> No.8976909

I suppose you're the global authority on James Joyce that everyone loves to talk about then?

>> No.8977002

I don't have a favourite author. I simply haven't read enough literature to give you a good answer.


>> No.8977277

Jon Fosse

>> No.8977307

That just makes it sound like you don't like books tbph

>> No.8977443


>> No.8977502

Old spics and modern super omg talented women
Cervantes would be proud

>> No.8977993

Missäs helevetissä Järnefelt ja Sillanpää on? Kloppi taida tietää mistään mtn ja kopsailee vaa iso vanhempien kirjahyllystä

>> No.8978048


t. muunyymi

>> No.8978153

Laura Gallego > your diary desu

>> No.8978161

>laurago aalle

>> No.8978194

nice shoes

>> No.8978766
File: 19 KB, 420x354, 1477598898715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just happened

>First day of IP Law.
>Professor asksif anyone has read Barthes
>4 people raise their hand, including me.
>Asks the girl behind me to explain Death of the Author
>Fucking Death of the Author (keep in mind, this is 3rd year of JD).
>Girl umms and ahhhs, obviously hasn't read Mythologies.
>Take over and get it right.

th-thanks /lit/

>> No.8978793

>Take over
Don't do this you tryhard cunt

>> No.8978840

I bet you made a lot of obnoxious sounds before she finally fell silent. Sorting, grumbling and after brushing your greasy hair, you lay your fingers on her hand. "May I? Can I... Take it over? I've, hrrm, studied these kinds of things", before going on rants on the degeneracy modern literature community

>> No.8978890

I did all those thing

>> No.8979422

>Law School
>Marxist professor
It checks out. What a hard, driving rain is about to pour down over some completely unsuspecting """""folks""""".

>> No.8979438

Is like saying "faster than a snail"

>> No.8979449

Can you name any novels that are like that and which are regarded widely as great and American?

>> No.8979456

Hi sir edginald, how does it go?

>> No.8979610

No like, he then motioned to me and I answered.

You're not me, kys.

Dude so much of the school is hard conservative, it hurts. Semiotics is an important field of defence in Intellectual Property.