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893954 No.893954 [Reply] [Original]

A Song of Fire and Ice. Good series?

I read a lot of history and science fiction, usually alternating between the two. I rarely read fantasy but have been in the mood for a lengthy, captivating fantasy series. I've read that this series is darker than more traditional fantasy novels. Thoughts? Worth a read?

>> No.893959

That cover is so much cooler than the one I have. ;_;

Anyway, yes I'd say it's worth your time.

>> No.893964

It's more similar to a historical novel than a fantasy novel, though there are definite fantasy elements to it. It's one of my favorite series, but others will disagree. It's a very realistic portrayal of life in medieval times, right down to the rape that went on during war and other such unpleasant things. It also has some of the best characterization I've ever seen in a fantasy novel. You could write novels about most any of the characters on their own.

tl;dr do it faggot

>> No.893966

most definitely

>> No.893971

Don't expect a lot of fantasy.

It's more like a medieval soap opera.

>> No.893973


>It's a very realistic portrayal of life in medieval times

I've read shitloads of people on the Internet ripping GRRM a new asshole about historical accuracy. Shit's fucked.

But then again, people on the Internet tend to be full of shit, so yeah.

>> No.893984


Eh, it's more realistic than 90% of other fantasy out there. I'm not a history major so minor details don't bug me, so I dunno. Seems accurate enough to a layman.

>> No.893993


Historical fiction is one of my favorite sub-genres so your comment convinced me. Thanks :)

>> No.894003


Well, I read some obsessive nerds pick it apart sentence by sentence, and basically illustrate to their readers how this is NOT to write a historical fantasy novel if you are shooting for accuracy.

It's not a big deal for me, because I'm enjoying the fucking dragons and Red Priestesses and flaming swords. I'll be honest, I was waiting for there to be more fantasy in it, and less realism.

>> No.894010

fantasy world with dragons and old magic

>real historical accuracy

i think the real question is why would they bother in the first place

>> No.894014


Well, that makes sense. I mean, obviously you're not gonna have a castle with a fucking 20 acre forest inside of it, or Ice Zombies. I was referring more to how society operates and the like.

>> No.894017


You're welcome.

>> No.894027

May as well. People will get on your case if you don't read it, and it's the only decent series that's coming out now (though now that author has a solid fanbase he's going to drag out the rest of the series, so get ready for 6 more books, then another four written by someone reading his 'notes').

Otherwise might want to try Glen Cook's 'The Black Company,' Gene Wolfe's Long Sun series (this may count as sci fi) or Jack Vance's Dying Earth.

>> No.894032


Actually, he has authorized his agent - in case of his unfortunate demise - to end the series with the line And so Daenerys Stormborn, the last of her name, died across the narrow sea without ever seeing her homeland, and The Others came across the wall and slaughtered everyone in Westeros. The End.

>> No.894034

Well at the point of his death no one's going to be concerned about how he wanted to end it, just how much more money they can get out of it.

>> No.894037


Because it's apparently based on the Wars of the Roses. Stark and Lannister represent York and Lancaster, respectively. So people feel this need to pull it apart, then whine about how it's not EXACTLY like the real thing. I personally don't recall when the Duke of York had children with huge fuck-off Direwolves, but I'm a fucking moron. And a tripfag.

I've been writing a historical story based on the Viking Invasion Of England with a friend of mine. She suggested that we try to be accurate, which is why I went on a big research session. As such, I stumbled over that dissection of GRRM's Ice and Fire series that made my blood run cold.

I am now dreadfully afraid to show that story to anybody. It's a full story - several stories, fuck, several novels, some unfinished - but I really don't need anyone pointing out to me how tenuous my grasp of English history is.

>> No.894039

Yeah, it's good, but you will need a lot of time on your hands to finish it all.

>> No.894042


Get on my case if I don't read you? You mean like if I injected myself into a discussion involving the fantasy genre my opinion would be invalid if I mention I hadn't? I was unaware the series held such a precedent. Also thanks for the other suggestions.

>> No.894044


I wish Dany would die, seriously. That ending would make me happy.

>> No.894048

It, not "you" hurr durr

>> No.894052


I love viking shit, I even enjoyed the "Hammer and the Cross" series, I'd love to critique your work for you.

>> No.894057


I'm a shitty writer, you'd probably just gouge your eyes out, and that would ruin the status quo.

>> No.894059

I think the problems with realism are more about how the entire world falls down for the nobility except when it's convenient for the story. The farther away you are from the nobles, the less important you are to the story and the world. There's a term for this literary trope but it slips my mind.

Economy just doesn't work, when you have that many people lazing about except when they're rioting.

>> No.894062

Pretty much. I mean a sensible person's not going to care, but if you were, for example, to start a thread about fantasy, expect Song of Ice and Fire to be mentioned a lot. It's the new Wheel of Time.

>> No.894066


Lazing about? Did you even read Arya's chapters in Harrenhall?

>> No.894067

the economy doesn't work without the nobles because the nobles own all the land for agriculture, which is the basis for the economy. so when nobles are engaged in war, their peasants are at war as well and unable to farm.

>> No.894068

When it comes down to it, though, there's only like two or three big series' being written right now. Song of Ice and Fire (expect it to be talked about a lot more once the tv show premiers) and the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

>> No.894069

And yet everyone eats fine except the people beyond the wall. Who eat enough to have hot chicks and houses full of wincestuous whores.

>> No.894070

He even touched on this in the fourth book, what with people worrying about their harvests while winter is coming.

Also, OP, if you haven't left yet, I suggest you do now, lest spoilers get you.

>> No.894072


>everyone eats well

>people rioting for food and fish being sold for as much as a horse in the second book

>wat is this I don't even

>> No.894087

there is quite a lot wrong with this post.
and Craster is a farmer and not at war, so it makes quite a bit of sense that he eats pretty well.

>> No.894088


Anon I am a sci-fi fan and I loved this series.

>> No.894090

For low fantasy read that.

For high fantasy read Malazan Book of the Fallen.

You will regret neither.

>> No.894092


Actually, it is high fantasy, as the genres "high fantasy" and "low fantasy" refer to the originality of the world. Fantasy stories set on earth are low fantasy.

>> No.894097

Westeros is preeeetty much England.

>> No.894101


With dragons. And ghosts (others, whatevers).

>> No.894102


Well shit, I just read the Wiki on this distinction and you are correct.

I will revise my classification to "low magic" and "high magic", although I find the actual defined distinction between 'high' and 'low' fantasy to be a bit outdated.

>> No.894104

the non-magical parts

>> No.894105


Actually, it's pretty much Europe. Try to tell me Dorne isn't Spain. Go on, try.

>> No.894107

It makes more sense as just England.
Aegon the Conqueror being William the Conqueror, and it vaguely follows from there

>> No.894108


Its history is pretty much England's, but the continent in general is pretty much Europe. Having such a big landmass, it makes sense to divide the regions up like that. The north being Scotland, the Iron Islands being Viking dudes, the Westerlands being England, etc.

>> No.894109


I wasn't disagreeing, in fact I think the whole low/high distinction is pretty lame, the way it's defined right now. You could take a tourist brochure text, obscure the real place names and add "and there be dragons!!" to it and qualify as high fantasy. Lame.

>> No.894111

Malazan reads like an anime. People get more and more powerful every appearance they make.

>> No.894114

Oh, yeah, I see what you're going for.