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8920156 No.8920156 [Reply] [Original]


Science Fiction

Last thread >>8907223

>> No.8920161

Wrong link

>> No.8920162
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Did anyone here read those award winners on goodreads for SFF? Like pic related

>> No.8920192
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First: i'm not trolling and don't want to start an argument, just curious.

Next: Could I get an idea of how many /sffg/ people use ereaders vs purchase physical novels.

My theory is that the answer will be different to people who never read series or genre fiction. The fact that many of the best series in /sffg/ are up to ten novels in length has to have an affect: do readers use e-versions to save space or do long series make readers more likely to want to collect?

>> No.8920194
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>narrator isn't an English man

>> No.8920198

One thing, as a woman, that bothers me. Is the lack of disturbance towards the concept of pregnancy in novels. Seriously, it's like nobody considers it. Especially given how little of a choice there was in the far past towards our rights and unwillingness. It's terrible body horror shit. It's demeaning, dehumanizing, it fucks up what you look like forever. It breaks your pelvis in microfractures. It's just, awful through and through with some positive elements.

But I don't like how it isn't explored, demeaning and dehumanizing labor we have no choice but to be put through is a concept I don't that's ever been handeled well or properly. Maybe it's me, it's a deep seated fear of not being understood, that men's desires for heirs in the past, or just their mindless desires in the present, override our own autonomy and emotions towards them, making you feel like you don't see in them what they see in you.

I don't know what I'm saying. I just wish women weren't constantly written as "Men! But different!", and not facing the grimey slimey disturbing bullshit dealt with is. Or how we're forced into believing its acceptable after shock and sobbing of it wear off as a child, for some people, and for many people, it doesn't wear off. This was even more prevalent in the past I'm assuming given the lack of choice involved.

>> No.8920202
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Tell me about your father and grandfather.

>> No.8920204
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>this fucking pasta again
Kill yourself.

>> No.8920233

>"choice" to kill babies
>presenting pregnancy as "dehumanizing"

i'm genuinely glad this is a pasta

oh, here's your (((you)))

>> No.8920242

I used to mostly buy books, but now that I have an e-reader I'm able to torrent ebooks and I don't have to sit and read them at my computer. I'll tend to buy more litfic type stuff because most of the time it's easier to find, and some /sffg/ stuff that I really like the covers of (the Rivers of London series for example). It's never really been an issue of size or space for me, just convenience.

>> No.8920246

i really wish a larger screen e-reader was cheap.

if i was rich enough, i'd just buy hard copies.

>> No.8920247

Why? They're about the same size as books and you can increase the font.

>> No.8920254

>same size as books
>increase the fonts
it's just a bit of a stupid thing really.
every time time i decide to buy an e-reader, i take a look at the screen size and it just make me go nope.
may be someday i''ll just give in. or may be the basic kindle will go below $50 and it'll seem cheap enough to me to not care about what i'm not getting in the price.

>> No.8920260

How can price ever be a factor? You pirate 10 books and it paid for itself. Realistically you're gonna do hundreds and are able to use it for 10+ years. A Kindle is literally one of the most value/money things you can buy in life, period. Don't cheap out and get a Paperwhite, or you're gonna regret it.

>> No.8920266

Anyone here read The Forever War , finished it a while ago , definitely a comfy read not too sure why it's considered a critique of Starship Troopers though.

>> No.8920269

Book series I own some of I tend to buy to build a collection, but for the most part I borrow from my sister's collection (she has a huge number of fantasy books). I use an ereader whenever I want to try something new or that I don't have and my sister doesn't have.

>> No.8920275

>10 books
>implying i'd ever literally pay any money.
you have no idea how big of a miser i am, bro.
inversely, i have a habit of splurging for the best when i do have money. there is no in between with me. i'm a bit autist that way.

but yeah, i guess i should just buy a basic kindle and get on with it.

also, why not a kobo aura one? it's got a 7.8" screen.

>> No.8920277

I've had my paperwhite for years and love it. What's the issue with it?

>> No.8920283

Because Kobo is terrible and overpriced. Paperwhite is not the basic one, make no mistake. It's only a bit more expensive but has double the ppi and light. You could get a more expensive Kindle but it isn't really worth it, the higher models still have the same ppi and irrelevant features.
I meant to get that one new specifically, rather than some old outdated Kindle at <50. Maybe phrased it badly.

>> No.8920286

Should I finish reading all the books in the Ender's Game/Ender's Shadow series? I've read about 7 of them, but I think there's something like 19

>> No.8920293

I mainly torrent ebooks (especially for authors I've never read before) and read them on my laptop, never use my ereader that I got as a gift.

I buy physical copies of books/authors I like because I feel like that industry needs to be supported, both authors and local bookshops. I never bother to buy copies of films/TV series I like though, does anyone else have the same inconsistency?

>> No.8920299

I stopped after Shadow of the Hegemon. The last book in the series I actually enjoyed was Children of the Mind (I have reservations but liked it nonetheless) and only read Ender's Shadow/Shadow of the Hegemon out of momentum. It seemed like there was a definite drop in quality in the franchise after CotM, and IIRC, Card has said that that was the last one he wrote out of enthusiasm, and the rest he did just for paychecks while he really wanted to work on his fantasy writing.

>> No.8920333

Should I read Bleeding Edge by Pynchon?

>> No.8920346

>Shadow of the Hegemon
I read that as "Shadow The Hedgehog"

>> No.8920365

Here's a thought. Brent Weeks's Lightbringer quartet, Brian McClellan's Powder Mage trilogy, and Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series as of the Wax and Wayne installments have some common elements. Fantasy novels where the tech level is well beyond the medieval, firearms are a thing, magic is a thing but mostly limited to a set list of predefined effects, and also you generally have to be born with it and can't just learn it by study/making pacts with entities.

Are there any more series like that? Will there be more series jumping on that bandwagon? How many more before it's recognized as a distinct subgenre, and at that point what will we call that subgenre?

Guns and Gramarye, as opposed to Sword and Sorcery?

>> No.8920367

They have another thing in common, they're all bad.

>> No.8920370

If you like Lightbringer you might enjoy Fforde's Shades of Grey although that's scifi and magic-less.

>> No.8920389

Nah, they're pretty good. Nice breaks from the established, generic fantasy "read about this farmboy whose parents gets killed and then he grows up to defeat the ancient evil mostly through lucky accidents" bullshit.

>> No.8920395

I also buy books to support authors but don't do the same for tv/films.

I must ask, why on earth are you reading novels on your laptop when you have an ereader? Do you want to damage your eyes?

>> No.8920404

>tfw you suddenly realise that every fantasy book you've read fits that trope

>> No.8920405

I only buy used physical copies from an old lady here who is selling them for 50cents.
Rest of the time i pirate books
Gotta save bucks sorry

>> No.8920414

It's just what I'm used to I suppose, I also a read a fair bit on my laptop for uni. Is it really that much worse for my eyes? What's the difference between reading a novel and browsing the internet, e.g. 4chan?

>> No.8920425

There's no difference anon, "looking at glowing screens damages your eyes" is an old wive's tale and an urban myth. Reading damages your eyes, sadly. Printed page, e-reader, computer screen, the format doesn't matter, the reading is what's linked to vision problems. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.8920437

Monitors shine light into your eyes. This effect is worsened when reading black on white background at night, or concentrating on small text. e-readers are nice because their light doesn't shine at you but works like a mirror.

>> No.8920446

>reading is what's linked to vision problems

yeah, not exactly.

reading a physical paper book won't damage your eyes no where nearly as quickly as a laptop's or monitor's screen. think like 100 times as slow.

as e-ink screens are about as worse on your eyes as a real book [>>8920437
], it becomes a really smart choice to read on a e-reader.

>> No.8920527

I don't use e-readers.

>> No.8920536

Following on from the discussion about linking and suggesting a short story every week or so in SFFG threads, I think we should begin to compile a list of short stories and novelettes so that we can come to a consensus about what to read.

Of course there are the obvious candidates like PKD, Harlan Ellison, George RR Martin, Sturgeon, Le Guin, Bradbury, Asimov.

But there are also numerous one offs, curios, and stuff that is being forgotten, as well as SF stories by authors who are not strictly associated with the genre (Conan Doyle, Lovecraft.)

So with that in mind I will highlight these stories, and ask other anons to name a handful of stories, five or six, so that we can build a shortlist.

Daniel Keyes; Flowers For Algernon (the novelette version from 1959.) A now less widely read precursor of the longer novel.

George RR Martin; Sandkings. A Box office name, but maybe a less-read short story of this would be more appropriate?

Philip K Dick - Paycheck. PKD's shorts are so well known, interesting, and numerous, that we ought to read something by him.

Something by Harlan Ellison, for the same reasons as PKD, probably I Have No Mouth, or Repent Harlequin.

Arthur Conan Doyle - The Horror Of The Heights. Just because it would be good to fit in something older that is readable and with popular appeal.

I believe it's important that our recommendations have a measure of popular appeal while we are in the early stages of doing this.

So please, five or six short stories and novelettes so we can begin brainstorming and making a shortlist of a dozen or so long, if SFFG wishes it. Fantasy is welcome of course.

>> No.8920538

I think Sanderson's pastel-colors-on-white covers are amazing

>> No.8920541
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>92 years old

Will 2017 get him?

>> No.8920546


Just 8 more years. How much could it take?

>> No.8920561

Wait he's still alive? I thought he was dead. Has he stopped writing books or something

>> No.8920652

What's the developmental level of Sanderson's worlds in the Cosmere? 18th century minus the gunpowder?

It seems uniform across all worlds

>> No.8920659
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How could you fuck up something as easy as copy paste? The flowchart is missing also the "fantasy" above selected.

Sure you are a regular here?

>> No.8920668
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Reminder that you when the release date gets annnounced people will be hyped, will read it and will discuss it and there's nothing you can do about it,

>> No.8920674

Has ligotti published any novels or is he all about short stories?
I liked teatro grotesco overall but short stories aren't really my thing.

>> No.8920678

>implying I wont torrent a copy it to get a head start on all the new memes

>> No.8920680

Do you fucking read the generals or do you just come in here and ask questions? Do you know how fucking stupid asking that question makes you look?

>> No.8920683

Hopefully. Then we can finally get Silmarillion movies right?

>> No.8920687

I only use my e-reader for several reasons.

>> No.8920709

>implying it's coming out
Even if it did it's gonna be xbox huge or Book 3: Part 1 of 3. There are too much shit for him to realistically tie up in one book without ass pulling. If he does asspull he will never sell another book again.

>> No.8920736

Is mythic fantasy dead? Why does nobody devote their lives to writing mythic fantasy?

>> No.8920791

Quite possibly my favourite short story is Turing's Apples by Stephen Baxter, I highly recommend. I thought it did well to make hard sci fi interesting and important to the story, while making the characters distinct and giving subtle hints about the universe.

For the purposes of suggesting diverse authors, I'll suggest three more that I've enjoyed recently. Firstly, A Touch of Lavender by Megan Lindholm (Robin Hodd). This was a great allegorical sci fi tale with philosophical and moral implications but is mostly just a nice story to read.

Next up, Peace In Our Time by Garth Nix. Its universe is steampunkish but I felt that it was still a good science fiction story which slowly uncovers the lead character and the story of the universe over time.

Finally, The Voyage Out by Gwyneth Jones. The work is tainted by some /pol/-triggering SJW stuff, but I don't think it damages the integrity of the work, and it's all important to the plot. It's good character-driven storytelling laced with backstory hints.

I haven't read any of the short stories you suggested, and of the authors in your post I've only read short stories by GRRM (though I'm keen to read some Dick), so I'm open to all of them. I like both Sci Fi and Fantasy, but with short stories I think Sci Fi tends to be better because short stories are more concept-based which fits Sci Fi better than Fantasy in most cases.

>> No.8920830

I've enjoyed a lot of Nix's short stories, good recommendation.

>> No.8920836

>Riil raised his eyes to the sky, his eyes confused (Elantris p. 122)

What did Bren mean by this

>> No.8920854

Make a strawpoll.

>> No.8920859

Elantris may be a bit earlier; plate armor is seen as archaic but it's still a viable option. At the present Scadriel, the world Mistborn's set is, has progressed to 19th century minus the radio. Warbreaker and the Stormlight Archives, yeah, I'd say you're about on target.

Yes, and? I'm looking forward to it. I'm new here, not part of the hatedom. I mean the books have serious flaws, but they're really enjoyable reads nonetheless.

Please, he could have wrapped it up by now if he just cut out the meandering bullshit. Fucking Denna, man. If she gets killed off early he can cover Kvothe's climactic confrontation with the Chandrian and failure to defeat them done three hundred pages later.

>> No.8920860

>You pirate 10 books and it paid for itself.
Not versus reading the same pirated books on my screen.

>> No.8920866

Absolutely not. I don't even recommend Ender's Shadow. The series is over with Children of the Mind, it's actually a very fitting end once you think about the series' overall themes, and the Shadow books are mostly OSC spitballing about geopolitics in the Bush era.

>> No.8920871

>city girl whose parents get killed and then she grows up to defeat the Lord Ruler mostly through lucky accidents

>> No.8920886
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>> No.8920895

>no option for those who read on their screens but not with e-readers

>> No.8920896

>lucky accidents
In the sense that she had superpowers and figured out how to use them well, I suppose. If that's how you'd sum that up then I don't see as you credit any character with agency in any of their accomplishments.

>> No.8920900
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Do you know any website in Braille?

Neither do I.

>> No.8920908

You mean retards? Those are excluded.

>> No.8920917
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Like one of these screens?

>> No.8920922

Why do you /r/fantasy people come here?

>> No.8920945

>"I remember… I remember asking a wise man, once… though whether it was last year or a thousand years ago I cannot tell. I asked him, 'Why do Men fear the dark?' I could tell he thought the question wise, though I felt no wisdom in asking it. 'Because darkness,' he told me, 'is ignorance made visible.' 'And do Men despise ignorance?' I asked. 'No,' he said, 'they prize it above all things-all things!-but only so long as it remains invisible.'"
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8920948

I always bought the books I read, simply because I like to line them up on my bookshelves after I'm done with them.

>> No.8920959

>I read, simply because I like to line them up on my bookshelves after I'm done with them.
noble pursuit, indeed.
kudos, sir/madam.

>> No.8920962
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I wasn't a fan of e-readers until I got a Kindle in 2013 or so. That eventually broke down and I've upgraded to a paperwhite. Reasons I love it:
Not just the fact that you can have hundreds of books on it, but also the additional benefit of not having to leave your house. Everything that's ever been put into digital word you can put on your kindle, no need to go out, order and wait. (also I'm a germanfag, which means I usually had to wait longer if I ordered books in their original English language)
>adjustable light for reading in the dark without turning lights on
>very comfortable to read on
This was honestly my main concern since reading PDFs on my PC always gave me headaches and for some reason reading on my monitor is a grinding chore while reading an actual book or the kindle is very enjoyable.
>less heavy
>can FINALLY read comfortable while laying on my side in bed without having to hold one page awkwardly. (and fuck you, I will NEVER just bend it over) biggest gain desu senpai.
>pretty much impossible to lose your page
>my god the piracy
I'm a poorfag, and I get to read WAY more since I'm able to just pirate my books. Oh and I guess amazon has a bunch of free books as well
I really must say outside of outdated sentimental reasons there's not much I can think of where I'd rather have an old fashioned book over an e-reader. And I'm not a hippy in any sense but.. using less paper would be a good thing right? The only way in which a normal book is superior are technical books that place lots of pictures in between text. the kindle CAN do that sure, but it is the only place where there is a noticable quality drop.

oh and last but not least: You can put lewd manga on it. pic related.

>> No.8920963

What's a recommended fantasy with a little girl as protagonist?

>> No.8920988

reading the same book physical vs paperwhite is misery by now.

>> No.8920989
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>> No.8920991

I mean a screen that is part of your computer/phone and not a dedicated device, similar to the one you are looking into right now.

>muh wive's tale

>> No.8921000
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>I mean a screen that is part of your computer/phone and not a dedicated device, similar to the one you are looking into right now.

You can't be serious now, can you?

>> No.8921001

>e-ink monitor for everyday use
don't give me no boners you can't satisfy now.

>> No.8921024

Typical preaching against the ills of imaginary ignorance which is what nu-intellectuals occupy themselves with when they're not policing any potential signs of arrogance and giving lessons in intellectualy humility

>> No.8921035

What the hell are you on about? I'm not from r/fantasy, I'm from /tg/. I'm the anon there who constantly argues that Kvothe doesn't qualify as a Mary Sue because no matter how many chicks he sleeps with in the story, he fails at every significant thing he hopes to do. Does't graduate from the University, doesn't beat the Chandrian, doesn't get a life together with fucking Denna. He's a failure.

I'm also the guy there that keeps mocking the series as "Harry Potter and the Curse of the Friendzone". Still enjoyed reading them, though.

>> No.8921042
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>I'm not from r/fantasy, I'm from /tg/

Not him but same difference

>> No.8921045

>John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
>Christopher Tolkien
not exactly the same kettle of fish, anon

>> No.8921059


All my initial reads happen on an eReader. Any book I really love I will look for a hard copy of.

>> No.8921060

He's got My Work is Not Yet Done, which is a novel-sized books made from three thematically linked novellas. That's about the closest he's gotten though.

>> No.8921065

what about JRR Tolkien's Unfinished Tales?

>> No.8921071

Practically all of them before the onset of Web2.0 cancer.

>> No.8921072


I'd like to see more fantasy settings where society as a whole is closer to age of sail than medieval times. I haven't seen many authors be able to geek out about colonization and trade routes and whatnot, seems like it would be rich material for detail-oriented nerds.

>> No.8921094

That poll makes it sound like you can't do both. I've got an old kindle that is a pleasure to read on, but it hasn't really affected my buying habits. Granted I primarily buy and read older books.

>> No.8921095

Think Django Wexler is a bit like that but not read any.

>> No.8921105


Yeah, Wexler and maybe Abraham are the closest I've read. It seems like it'd be a natural fit for the genre, though.

>> No.8921128

could be colonisation too much of a PC minefield for some writers to not want to give themselves the headache.

>> No.8921144


The whole "colonialism is the worst sin ever committed by the white man" sentiment didn't really catch on until ten or so years ago, though.

>> No.8921182


maybe give this a go but can't personally vouch for it.


>> No.8921247
File: 401 KB, 1024x634, warbreakermapsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish reread of Warbreaker this morning
I'm pretty upset that Brandon has fucking abandoned Nalthis. He could write the sequel within a goddamn month I'm sure, and yet he keeps putting it off to write more YA NOBODY FUCKING ASKED FOR.

>> No.8921579

If this book is as bad as WMF will normies finally realize that Rothfuss is shit?

>> No.8921590

given how absurdly long it's taking good chance

>> No.8921673

they still think he's writing great prose, so I doubt it

>> No.8921690

are you being paid to post this?

>> No.8921695

I exclusively read in print format. I despise ereaders because they remind me of reading for college. I own over 100 SF/F novels which are about half my total book collection, some of those are very long series like Wheel of Time or Malazan Book of the Fallen, plus I own like 16 of Raymond E. Feist's books. The majority are trilogies/tetrologies or stand alone novels though. I have always read printed books since I was a little kid and I probably always will.

>> No.8921711

You act as though /lit/ isn't one of the most reddit-infested boards on this site. /sffg/ is marginally better than outer /lit/ but it still has its share of redditors in it, the charts in the OP are proof of that.

>> No.8921721

Most people actually LIKED the second book. They will at best admit they were disappointed it didn't progress the story as much, but overall it's more of the same stuff they liked from book 1.

>> No.8921736

>they still think he's writing great prose
Vast majority of people reading his shit don't give a fuck about "great prose". Sure you get a few delusional types on GoodReads or Reddit who think they're hot shit for critiquing genre fiction, but average people reading his books care mostly about plot, the content of the story. If you pretend to care about prose then you already have a disconnect with Rothfuss's core readership.

>> No.8921741

That's wrong. Go on reddit or any other place with a lot of his fans and they all say how "beautiful" his writing is. Which it of course isn't.

>> No.8921760

It appears the trend for fantasy in the 2010s is an underruning drab theme and moral ambiguity.

What were the fantasy motifs of the 2000s and 1990s?

>> No.8921771


Meant dismal whoops

>Tfw so smart I word salad

>> No.8921780

If it does have the worst flaws of WMF to the same extent, then yeah, I'm jumping off that bandwagon. If it descends into another round of Kvothe's wacky travelogue with him asking about the Chandrian as an afterthought, in a half-assed attempt to tie the interludes into the main arc, I am fucking done. I'll shit on Rothfuss's name up and down the internet.

If he can salvage this, though, I'll be pleased.

>They will at best admit they were disappointed it didn't progress the story as much

I'll go way further than that. Every passage fucking Denna appeared in was a bore and a chore to read. Rothfuss wasted a great chance to reveal the Edema Ruh as less than perfect with the fake Edema Ruh caravan. The sequence with the Faelurian drug on way too damn long and was honestly largely pretty silly. Fuck the Ademre, they're a terribly imagined culture. Kvothe's grander accomplishments in the story, like the design of the brilliant thaumaturgic arrow catcher, were completely unnecessary to the plot and just gave ammo to the people calling Kvothe a Sue and the series dumbass wish fulfillment. And did I mention I really fucking hate Denna and the way all interesting plotlines get put on hold the moment she shows up, so Kvothe can moon over her?

The series has some major, major flaws. The good just outweighs the bad so far.

>> No.8921999

Enjoy two chapters of kvothe losing his virginity to a literal sex goddess

>> No.8922067

Eh, I guess I can understand how someone just reading for some hours of entertainment would like the second book, it's definitely a readable Mary Sue adventure. From a critical standpoint though especially if you consider it in comparison to the first book and look at the real world context it's an absolute trainwreck. I guess wanting redditors to actually think about what they read is asking too much.

>> No.8922554

I'm looking for some fiction dealing with the concept of private armies and warfare in an anarcho capitalist or at least a fairly liberal market society. Any recommendations?

>> No.8922564

>private armies

Basically mercenary bands? There's plenty of /sffg/ about that if it doesn't stray too much out of your criteria

>> No.8922589

Sorry I forgot to add that I wanted something set in a modern society

>> No.8922596

How can Akka be a cuck when he fucked his ex-gf's daughter?

Surely that negates his cuckitude? Or is being a cuck like the Mark of Cain?

>> No.8922637

Adam Roberts, New Model Army.

>> No.8922676
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What is going on with The Shadow of the Torturer?

I'm up to the part where Severing is in the botanic gardens with that girl and it just feels like disjointed scene after disjointed scene of pointless surreal sequences. I absolutely loved the first part of the book when he was still in the city But since he left I've found it extremely tedious

>> No.8922681

It's only going to get worse. Just drop it, the series is all memes no substance.

>> No.8922844

I have a copy of Foundation.

Is it an okay place to start with Asimov?

>> No.8922926

Recommend me books or series like The Witcher books, lads.

>> No.8922932

actually, I found that as the series progressed, the scenes started feeling less disjointed and I could maintain the story thread in my head way better, by the end of the first book I could keep myself interested., I don't know if that is because I adapted to the writing style or that's just how the books are written. Anyways, I'm starting Citadel right now, and I'm enjoying the series.

>> No.8922982

I need some, for lack of a better term, "team books," about a group of four or more people more or less working together. Sci-fi and fantasy are both fine.

The main group of characters from Lev Grossman's "The Magicians" are an example of what I mean, as are the crew of any Star Trek series.

I'd particularly love something that's expected to be a long series but only has 2-3 books so far.

>> No.8922995

Why would you want to read the same shit again?

>> No.8922996

It's true. A review at a local bookstore called it "Game of Thrones' more literate, better written younger brother."

>> No.8923050

It's a mark of Caine when literally the entire known world knows you got cucked.

>> No.8923082

You want Scott Lynch.

>> No.8923106

Probably the most conventional place.

>> No.8923120

If you want a myth inspired fantasy try Wolfsangel. If you want a monster hunter read Claymore.

>> No.8923134

I think I just threw up a little. Not only is GoT better than the entire product of Rothfuss' existence, but they're not even remotely thematically related.

>> No.8923155

From the one Wexler book I've read he seems to be happy exploring that minefield. It was basically a napoleonic era version of one of the middle east conflicts, except with magic shit instead of oil.

>> No.8923185


Use e-readers because I can just pirate everything

>> No.8923213

I just finished Bleeding Edge. All it is, is what you'd expect from the Pinch, excepting a shit ton of 21st century culture references and 9/11 occurring as a background incident rather than an important plot device. That's all I can say.

>> No.8923226

What e-reader do you recommend?

>> No.8923255

That's only the first book, then it goes to French Revolution and war with not-russia

>> No.8923269

paperwhite with the the light

>> No.8923283

Should I give these a chance? The female posing as a male in the army seemed a bit ridiculous.

>> No.8923284
File: 434 KB, 1589x2500, illo_emperors_soul.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach it, my man. At least six years going strong.

>> No.8923302

I have an e-reader (kindle paperwhite). It sees pretty regular use. I "steal" all of my books (no different from checking it out at the library, lads) but the kindle still cost more than I had paid for non-textbooks in my life so it's really like the opposite of piracy.

When I was a kid I was poor as dirt so I never owned a book, I would go to the library every two weeks and check 'em out. So I guess I never felt the need to "collect" all the books of a series or what have you. Nowadays it's too much of a pain in the ass to go to place a hold and wait two weeks to get the book I want to read shipped to a library and go there, if I feel like reading I want to do it right now and I can get any book onto the kindle in five minutes max with the internet.

>> No.8923306

not him but it's unironically a great product without any obvious area for improvement. I doubt Amazon are selling much of the voyage or whatever the fuck the more expensive ones are called.

>> No.8923309

If you want females posing as males in the army go read Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett.

>> No.8923315

It's not like she's secretly attractive, she's described as mannish and blocky.

>> No.8923369

>10 years ago

This triggers the /his/ poster.

>> No.8923428

Appreciate the response m8

>> No.8923477

Been a thing since the 60s. It's just growing like a cancer

>> No.8923525
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never went to reddit in my life and made this chart (also read everything in it). What does that say about me?

>> No.8923573

That you should go to reddit and stay there

>> No.8923590

One would think the absolute state of post-colonial Africa and the ME would offer some kind of tonic to this line of reasoning.

>> No.8923638

Not really. They still blame whitey. Even if they all get their wish and white people become extinct, hundreds of years after the last white man draws breath they will still blame whitey for all their problems. Being able to blame some external force for all your failures is much, much easier than practicing self examination.

>> No.8923654

One of the charts in the OP is signed with a reddit user profile. People have defended this chart to me on multiple occasions. Says all that needs to be said really.

>> No.8923682

It's a fun read, however I'd think that only stands true if you already enjoy ol' Thomas Ruggles.

>> No.8923699

It's a solid enough compilation.

>> No.8923768

I tried reading All the Birds In The Sky, but it was just awful. Granted I only made it to chapter two but I just could not give less of a shit about the characters, the dialogue was just awful. It was a mess

>> No.8923786

The West has been interfering in the ME for decades, it's just colonialism with a vague political justification. aThere was the Gulf War, the CIA supplied the taliban with weapons during the 90s, the US invaded post 9/11, and they're currently supporting Israel and the UAE through funding and weapon supplies. Acting like they're not engaging in a politically acceptable form of colonialism is naive

>> No.8923803

all looks pretty rancid

>> No.8923840

>the CIA supplied the taliban with weapons during the 90

The only fraction the US directly supported was the Northern Alliance. The Taliban was almost entirely supported by the Pakistani government. Stop listening to Russian memes.

>> No.8923858

>It takes a moment, maybe a minute or three. But I learn the puzzle and then solve it easily according to frequency. There seems another level to it, mathematical riddles. I don’t know the math, but I know the pattern. I solve it and four more puzzles, then it changes once more in my hands, becoming a circle. Mickey’s eyes widen. I complete the circle’s puzzles and then toss him back the device. He stares at my hands while working his own twelve fingers.
>“Impossible,” he murmurs.


>> No.8923865

>give your slave race intense selective pressure to have fast fingers and quick pattern recognition
>be surprised when they do
Mickey's just a poser is all.

>> No.8923885

We did give the Mujahideen training and weapons in like 79-89 to mess with the Russians in Afghanistan
We don't learn much

>> No.8923916

without taking this too seriously it is somewhat enjoyable I have to say

>> No.8923929

Of the scifi awards I read Ninefox Gambit and it was great, one of the best new scifi novels I've read in recent memory and it's criminal it got like 500 votes when a fucking YA novel wins Scifi. I tried reading Too Like The Lightning and dropped it because the main character detracted from everything else.

I haven't read any of their fantasy picks, though Age of Myth and Stiletto are on my to-read list, gotta finish Rook first.

>> No.8923942
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anybody tried this?

>> No.8923949


I tend to prefer my e-reader for going on trips or for chemo because I don't take a bag or anything and I don't like to juggle a large book on top of the couple of other things I bring with me.

But I also only tend to buy ebooks when someone gives me a gift card, which reliably happens at birthdays and Christmas. Once that money is gone I usually prefer to buy physical books unless it is too obscure/low volume to be found easily in a store.

>> No.8923954

It's called black powder fantasy or flintlock fantasy.

>> No.8923978

why didn't tolkien wrote about this? he was a catholic wasn't he?

>> No.8924016

And if you knew anything about the topic you'd know that the Mujaheddin group we were supporting was the Northern Alliance.

>> No.8924019

>Being able to blame some external force for all your failures is much, much easier than practicing self examination.
This is true for everyone
They will keep your women safe, your wife's daughter will survive.

>> No.8924036
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Welcome brother.

>> No.8924046

That's still interfering in the Middle East in a colonial capacity regardless of the specifics.

>> No.8924047

Did you manifest a physical form of 4chan in your body that you need irl chemo?
Also are you a gril willing to take my virginity?

>> No.8924081
File: 162 KB, 604x876, meme book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /sffg/ opinion on A Song of Ice and Fire?

>> No.8924085

>Eat the fish, leave twenty percent to indicate its deliciousness did not overpower my resolve or make slaves of my tastebuds.”

actual kek

>> No.8924091

shit has turned into pygmalion

>> No.8924092

That part in the gardens is really trippy and messed up. It does seem out of context and random, especially when Severian talks about the other people in the gardens.

There aren't too many other parts like this, I recommend you continue reading.

>> No.8924097
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The Northern Alliance was disbanded 15 years ago after the Taliban government fell.

The vast majority of Islamic terrorism since the 1960s has been backed by either the Saudi-Pakistani Sunni alliance, Iranian backed Shia groups, or the Soviet/Russian governments (continued Russian support is complex but it all boils down to "Islamic terrorism is a way to strike at America/Israel.")

>> No.8924105

Generally, first 3 books are solid if you can get past the prose
Past that they become bloated the stories don't accomplish much in the time they're given
Even if I liked Feast the best

>> No.8924120


Also cancer movies lied. In the ~19 months that I have been going to chemo there has been a grand total of one cute girl come through and she was a 17 year old mother of two.

Couple of cute nurses though. Can't afford to make it weird by getting too friendly with any of them.

>> No.8924124

fat fuck bit off more than he could chew

>> No.8924148

Pretty good, but the last two books are going to make or break the series. It really depends if Martin is going to be able to pull everything together or not.

>> No.8924158

Just wait till the Greek-style battles and slave-taking.

>> No.8924181

After reading The Wizard Knight, I'm interested in the rest of Wolfe's fantasy novels. Which ones are worth reading?

>> No.8924237

>Kvothe doesn't qualify as a Mary Sue because no matter how many chicks he sleeps with in the story, he fails at every significant thing he hopes to do. Does't graduate from the University, doesn't beat the Chandrian, doesn't get a life together with fucking Denna

None of these are because of Kvothe's failings, they are because of heavyhanded story railroading.

There is absolutely no reason why Denna is so mysterious except that we're explicitly told she is - all they'd have to do is communicate like real human beings if they wanted to stop missing each other. This relationship read like the part in a sitcom where two characters break up because one person said something innocent and the other person took it differently to how it was intended and they just never bother to talk about it because reasons.

He leaves the University despite it being his life's goal because the story says that he should leave for a while. If Kvothe had any character, you'd think he'd refuse and stay, but no because muh "plot" progression he's forced out by no one other than the writer.

He doesn't beat the Chandrian because the fucker doesn't bother showing up in either of the two books that have been released. Pacing is just another one of Rothfuss' problems. He finds room for hundreds of pages of begging in Tarbean which never affects the characters or story after Kvothe leaves, but when Kvothe is shipwrecked and attacked by pirates (etc) that's all covered in literally a single sentence.

And finally, he's not a Gary Stu just because he sleeps with so many women, but also because he's literally the best in the world at magic, music, and just everything that involves intelligence in general.

>> No.8924246

It was very boring.

>> No.8924266

If I was I probably wouldn't post lewds.
But nah man. Honestly just exited and surprised at how good a product it is. Like the other anon said, there are no real obvious downsides. even the battery life is so long that it never once ran out on me.
I mean fuck it enabled me to read way more than I did before. So yeah, I kinda love it.

>> No.8924269

>but when Kvothe is shipwrecked and attacked by pirates (etc) that's all covered in literally a single sentence.
I hate to defend the guy, but that was clearly meant to be one of the meta "look at how I disregard the conventions of fantasy stories" bits. It was retarded don't get me wrong, but it was intentional.

>> No.8924284

I know it was intentional, but I think you're giving him too much credit for deliberately disregarding the conventions of fantasy stories. It read to me more like "haha I'm the funniest guy in the world I'm not even going to describe these adventures isn't that funny hahaha laugh at me hahaha eat my turds". His entire writing style, including that section, reads like he thinks he's god's gift to writing even though he writes at a year 9 creative writing level.

>> No.8924363

Does a Kindle have the same appeal as a book?

>> No.8924364

This about says it. A character failing means fuck all if they succeed in an even better way later on.

>Heh, Superius Ultimation isn't a Gary Stu. See? He failed magic college.
Yeah, well, he failed magic college because he literally killed the dean of sorcery in a magic duel.

>W-well, Superius Ultimation has lots of flaws! Like how his superiority makes it hard for him to have friends. Or how despite fucking thousands of beautiful women, he never gets the one that he really *truly* wants. Or how his dark and brooding exterior makes it difficult for women to get close to him.
Do go on. No matter how shitty a garbage series is, shitters will always find ways to defend it.

>If Superius Ultimation were here, he would make you shut up for good with his dual wand claws!
Yes, I'm sure he would.

I think Able from the Wizard Knight is an example of a Gary Stu done well.

>> No.8924374

No, but it's a good supplement to the well stocked library.

>> No.8924621

Titus did nothing wrong.

>> No.8924649 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8924677

I used to think it was decent but extremely overrated, but after listening to a detailed podcast about Roman History I can better relate with the environment Martin tried to replicate in Westeros and the courtly intrigue of the series, whereas I previously thought that the characters were way too deceitful and flawed to reflect on reality in any accurate way.

I take issue with the fact that he or fans of the series are trying to advertise this pastiche of Roman history and late medieval Europe as an accurate representation of "How dark the Dark Ages really were" though.

>> No.8924694

Yeah I've always taken issue with the idea that GRRM is trying to depict the "realities of war" and shit like that. While he is doing that somewhat, he's also critiquing the society that creates those realities, and showing alternatives.
This video pretty much explains how I feel about it.

>> No.8924712

Is it just me or did Iain Banks REALLY like to say "like X of some Y"? I read Use of Weapons a while back and noticed it constantly (mainly because he's the only one I've seen who uses "some" like that and it stands out) and now I'm starting The State of the Art and literally in the first page it's got "like bothersome electrons around some reluctant nucleus."

>> No.8924731

It's one of those series that starts off good but then as it goes on you realize it's basically nothing but buildup and the author has no idea where to go with it. Kind of like Attack on Titan.

>> No.8924807

>it's basically nothing but buildup and the author has no idea where to go with it.

I think that's a pretty silly criticism considering it's unfinished.

>> No.8924817

Are you trying to imply that Catholics are disturbed by pregnancy?

>> No.8924819

What is this from?

>> No.8924865
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The latest meme YA novel about a plucky teenager living in a dystopian future stratified by class who leads a rebellion against their society's tyrannical rulers because they're just so special.

>> No.8924872

Valid criticism considering it remains unfinished because the writer has no idea how to finish it.

>> No.8924880
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>Allow yourself to be adopted by the guy who killed your waifu
>Save the son of the guy who killed your waifu and 'just cut off a hand' as punishment
>Marry the daughter of the guy who killed your waifu
>Literally none of your people give a shit about the fact that you look and act like the tyrannical ruling class

>> No.8924945

This. He's been "working" on it for literally 20 years. Plus, the problem is that it's still buildup even in the latest book, so the dickhead just keeps adding plot threads when he should be resolving them by now. Especially considering he is a very old, fat man because despite being what some would call a "teaboo" he is 100% American and eats grease dipped in grease and has a fucking Poindexter voice. So who knows if he might pull a Robert Jordan and die before he can finish the series. At least Robert Jordan wrote a longer series and didn't take so long between them.

Honestly I cannot believe this fucking series got a TV show without being finished.

>> No.8925019

>Honestly I cannot believe this fucking series got a TV show without being finished.
Eh, doesn't seem that weird to me, maybe because I'm used to manga getting anime adaptations long before they reach the last chapters.

Thing about that is though, when the anime outpaces the manga there's protocols to address that that. Filler chapters are a possibility. Bringing the cartoon to its own resolution, letting the manga reach its own canon one, and possibly later making a second animated adaptation that actually represents the story accurately, that's an option if there's enough enthusiasm and money for it. We don't really have those norms in place, here. It seems to me as though any way the show and books are concluded, a lot of fans are going to wind up being very disappointed.

And the number of people who absolutely hate the franchise for their various reasons, a smaller but possibly more vocal group than its fans, and I think the reception of either the show or books' denouement is going to be rather poor.

>> No.8925026

Was originally supposed to be a trilogy.
But the publishers told him to pad out the story over more books.

Most things that should have been concluded after 3 are still being build up.

A shame.

>> No.8925045
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>“Valrissa!” Aëngelas screamed. “Valrissssaa!”
>Holding her by the throat, the thing languorously picked her clothing away, like the skin of a rotten peach. As her breasts fell free, round-white with soft-pink nipples, a sheet of sunlight flickered across the horizon, and illuminated her lithe curves … But the hunger that held her from behind remained shadowy—like glistening smoke.
>And a husky voice in his soul said: We are a race of lovers, manling …
>“Beaaassee!” Aëngelas wept. “I don’t knoooowww …”
>The thing’s free hand traced a thread of blood between her bosom across the plane of her shuddering belly. Valrissa’s eyes returned to Aëngelas, thick with something impossible. She moaned and parted her hanging legs to greet the abomination’s hand.
>A race of lovers …

>> No.8925054

One of the posts last thread made me wonder, are there any novels where people actually do teleport behind each other? I think that would be cool to see in text.

>> No.8925058

>The thing screeched like a thousand falcons as it plunged into her. Glass thunder. Shivering sky. She bent back her head, her face contorted in pain and bliss. She convulsed and groaned, arched to meet the creature’s thrusts. And when she climaxed, Aëngelas crumpled, grasped his head between his hands, beat his face against the turf.With an inhuman, dragon gasp, the thing pressed its bruised phallus up across her stomach and washed her sunlit breasts with pungent, black seed. Another thunderous screech, woven by the thin human wail of a woman.
>The abomination then gave his weeping son—sweet, innocent Bengulla—to the Sranc.

how can he keep doing this? what is wrong with him

>> No.8925084
File: 1.02 MB, 750x844, 1474599388652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperion Cantos.

>> No.8925088

*Well not so much as teleport as phase and farcast

>> No.8925119

Is this just a meme or is this genuinely in Bakker's books?

Was considering reading him but not interested in reading some dude's rape fantasies.

>> No.8925123

Be honest /sffg/ how much do you read per day?

>> No.8925133

I try to average 50 pages a day

t. brainlet

>> No.8925136

Bout a third of a book. I average 109 titles a year and have been since I started tracking it in 2013. I lacked reliable internet access for most of that time and assumed the distractions would slow me down now that I have it, but that doesn't seem to be the case; four days into the year and I'm halfway through my second novel.

>> No.8925138

>50 pages
only if you also have a 9-to-5, and cook and clean for yourself.

>> No.8925141

Stop posting Darrow.

>> No.8925142

>reading less than two books a day without breaks
>not brainlet

>> No.8925257


Hol up niggers we raided here

>> No.8925277

I used to like until it got popular.

>> No.8925300

>all those lowercase frogposters
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.8925378

I liked when I first read it around 2009. But then again, at the time my exposure to fantasy had mostly been LotR and a about twenty licensed Dungeons and Dragons novels. I've read a few hundred different fantasy books between a few dozen series in the last few years, and everything in Martin's books I thought was ground-breaking, I've seen other authors do earlier, better, or both. The series doesn't seem like such hot shit now.

Of course, my opinion shifted right around the time the show got trending, so now all anyone hears when I say this is

>I used to like until it got popular.

>> No.8925394

What really fucking pisses me off about ASoIaF is that when I first heard of the series, AFfC was fucking new. Now it's been over a decade since that book was released and there has been ONE new book since then. And that pretty much only happened because the show pressured him to work. I haven't even bothered reading it.

>> No.8925408

I haven't read ADwD that is, I just realized my wording might have implied I didn't read the rest of the series.

>> No.8925417

>this man is a respected published author
how the fuck did this happen

>> No.8925473
File: 45 KB, 325x499, 51y7cJyXMRL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe not so much behind specifically

>> No.8925500

How acceptable is to have a female disguised into a male if her species lacks the obvious differences between man and woman?
It's highly relevant to the plot.

>> No.8925509

>highly relevant to the plot.
then why does it matter if the people detest such a blatant show of gender-changing?

better yet, drill the fact that "it is highly frowned upon to pretend to be the other gender" into the plot and use it to show how "brave" your protagonist is, and how "necessary", if albeit, dangerous it was for your protagonist to do so.

and that is how you make a hero of a cross-dressing faggot of a character.

>> No.8925563

*teleports behind you*
let me get your coat

>> No.8925577

My local writing association (with whom I've never anything to do) is holding a short story competition. I want to write a sci fi story and compete, but it's not a sci fi contest, it's "open theme". I think they'll prefer boring mundane real world type stories. Should I submit to it, or should I save my story for a dedicated sci fi rag?

>> No.8925579
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Literal and I mean LITERAL anime in prose.
Does the teleport behind you.

I was shilled this book months ago, afterwards I started doing shilling of my own and no one bites.

>> No.8925602


>> No.8925603

There is magical realism, I'm sure there is also scientific realism. Write a sci-fi novel and pass it off as real life problems.

>> No.8925611

I'm not very familiar with the genre. Instead of putting it aboard a spaceship, set it in the near future or a slightly different present with the sci fi element in an otherwise normal world?

>> No.8925614

No, put it in a spaceship but make it painfully clear that it's just a metaphor for pregnancy or something lame.

>> No.8925619

Oh. Reminds me of a short story I read recently called N-Words by Ted Kosmatka, in which Neanderthals had been cloned and now existed among humans and faced prejudices like exclusion from certain jobs and college etc. It was painfully on the nose. I guess that'll be me now.

>> No.8925639

based bakker doesn't give a shit

>> No.8925674

Hey, I'm open to pretty much everything right now, so I'll give it a shot. So you've sold at least one person on it. I mean, this is 4chan, so of course I love anime. And may I add that Will Wight is an excellent name.

>> No.8925685

Speaking of asoiaf, people like to shit on 4th book but i really liked it.
Jaime chapters and greyjoy brothers were great.
It sucks that oldfart has no idea or time to move greyjoy plot and will have them conveniently killed of so that asha and dickless theon can rule.

>> No.8925713

It is entirely excessive now, there was no need for that kind of scale - going across continents and giving POVs to minor characters. Better to have started wrapping things up after the second book, and finishing with a fourth, and closing the series - and then he could have wrote Dunk and Egg stories and spinoffs focussing on the minor houses, leaving the original as a more tautly plotted and self contained unity, a bonafide classic on the strength of the first two books alone.

Fifty pages, but I am getting through War And Peace. Its lengthy society balls, teas, love affairs, cross-continental warfare and general David Lean-esque scale still doesn't feel as gratuitous as ASOIAF.

>> No.8925719

I liked it because it was the book that made me actually like Cersei so I retroactively enjoyed her character more.

>> No.8925735

A big problem with ASoIaF is that his "nobody is safe" policy means that he kept killing off the characters who are capable of moving the plot forward. The Red Wedding was quite surprising but also wiped out one of the few forces powerful enough to oppose the throne.

>> No.8925744

At this point his "nobody is safe" policy is just another dank meme.
When his writing fails him he always has the easy way out.

>> No.8925924
File: 55 KB, 512x512, y5Rh_22T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The young, dark-skinned nobleman was a favorite among the women of the court, his delicate features ad impeccable manners caputring even the most steady of hearts

Elantris p. 186

>> No.8925968
File: 55 KB, 621x467, because-fuck-you-thats-why-george-r-r-martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if he even gives a shit.

>> No.8926053

>delicate features

>> No.8926059

Yeah, I was thinking of saying something about that as well. The thing with it is that he killed a few "major" characters to make it look like nobody is safe but the majority of his characters have some serious plot armor. Another way in which it is similar to Attack on Titan.

>> No.8926064

Cosmere humans deviate in physiological features from regular hums often, I don't see why this wouldn't be the case here

>> No.8926075

A lot of people say they read fantasy novels for escapism, but is the other way around for anyone else? Many of the books I read I think "Glad my life isn't like that."

The world is shit, but you can take solace in thinking, at least it's not THAT shit.

>> No.8926098

Nope, hasn't happened. Even if something bad happens to the characters I'm never "Woah glad this isn't me". I just read the story and hope it immerses me.

>> No.8926127

Why does he always wear that gay biker hat?

>> No.8926201

>Glad my life isn't like that.
I never think like that.

>> No.8926223
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>> No.8926264

The character in question wasn't a nig, it was a normal person in disguise. He used illusion magic to darken his skin and hide a number of deformities caused by a magical curse, including baldness, slate-grey skin, and wounds that were incapable of healing.

Obviously, 'normal' is relative here, but the character wasn't a damn moon cricket.

>> No.8926275
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>why does he wear the hat?

>> No.8926281

>only wars were in Dungeons and Dragons

Hey, that's totally untrue. GRRM is also an enthusiastic player of GURPS and has background playing Chaosium's Super World.

>> No.8926290


Tolkien served in WW1

>> No.8926324

I don't mean to the extent that it breaks immersion, but when you're sitting around thinking about it after the fact don't you ever take a moment to appreciate what you have?

>> No.8926328


>> No.8926333

The part about Tolkien releasing books while dead cracked me up because it is so true.

>> No.8926350

Oh, fuck off if you have nothing of value to contribute.

>> No.8926362

>ask question
>get answer
Have you been born retarded or did you become later so?

>> No.8926364

I don't have Aurang to pleasure me

>> No.8926366

I sometimes envision characters from the story and anticipate what questions they would have about this world and how to explain it to them.

>> No.8926659

Are there fantasy authors that describe architecture vividly?

I really need to learn how to describe a building.

>> No.8926930

Don't be an obtuse shithead. If all you do is post one-word replies instead of actually engaging in discussion then your posts are worthless.

>> No.8926931
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>Think post is a joke
>Read on



>> No.8926945

I hate to suggest him, but Terry Goodkind. It's almost as if it's a fetish of his.

>> No.8926979


>not a nig
>a normal person

Black people are normal people, too

>> No.8926987

Better return to Reddit then if you can't handle it autismo.

>> No.8927013

What a trite shitpost. You don't belong here.

>> No.8927038
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>trite shitpost
>doesn't belong on 4chan

>> No.8927044

You made an extremely retarded "muh sentimentality" post that has nothing to do with good discussion. Go to Reddit if you want people agreeing with you on inane garbage.

>> No.8927088
File: 64 KB, 403x599, WarriorsBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How autistic am i for liking these books? Be honest.

>> No.8927136

If you're a girl under 25 or above 35 you're fine enough for nobody to really bat an eye

>> No.8927164

Reading The Wise Man's Fear.

I'm one third in and so far I like it. But I guess most *tips fedora* parts are yet to come.

Also Denna fucks everyone who pays for her company, right?

>> No.8927245

I don't recall this being in the books at all.

>> No.8927263

Oh come the fuck on, that particular subterfuge was unraveled about eight pages after it was introduced. It does not call for a spoiler.

>> No.8927315

You can't seriously have so little self-awareness that you think screaming "Reddit" at someone is the way we do things around here.

>> No.8927316

>Also Denna fucks everyone who pays for her company, right?
That's unconfirmed. The obvious implication is "yes". Judging by Kvothe's perceptions, "no". But then Kvothe has total rose-tinted glasses when it comes to her. But then he also those when it comes to not-Gypsy race, and just when they were revealed to by thieving, kidnapping rapists (like real Gypsies) it turns out that they were fake and Kvothe was right because of course he was.

So as far as canon goes, at this point "unconfirmed" is about the best anyone can do for you.

>> No.8927490

the Denna sections got really retarded by the time they have the fight over her song - kvothe freaks out over nothing right off the bat instead of at least trying to have a discussion about the Chandrian and she mocks him for even believing in their existence, as if the wedding in the previous book never happened

Same shit in that last scene by the brook - they have a good time and then the "muh angsty silence" comes up for no reason at all

at that point the drama between them just becomes forced even though those scenes could have actually been used to push the story forward in some way

>> No.8927494

My perception is that Kvothe is a cuck.

>> No.8927537

it's essentially a glorified South American telenovela - the TV series exemplifies that

you've got a huge cast of characters mostly centered around several families who do constant evil shit to each other and most events are spurred by retarded decision making by everyone involved

the drama is rhytmic, constantly providing for the reader whose attention may be falling with yet another event born out of idiocy

speaking about the TV series, you could pull all those characters out of their low level fantasy world, set them in Bogota, shoot the series in Spanish on 48 fps cameras, cut out the sex and without missing a stride the series would become one of those shows that my grandma watches on Sunday mornings because those books don't contain a single theme that somehow difers it or requires it to have a fantasy setting

>> No.8927557

>contain a single theme that somehow difers it or requires it to have a fantasy setting

I'd like to shill for Martin and say that Dragons have and will probably prove essential for the progression of the story which makes this point fall flat.

I mostly agree with the rest of your points

>> No.8927579

Not him but what has been essential about the dragons? They feel shoehorned in like "Ooh it's a fantasy novel, gotta have dragons" and they've hardly done anything so far. And saying "will probably" when we're two books from the end is kind of dumb, especially considering the entire series has been squandering buildup.

>> No.8927583

>at that point the drama between them just becomes forced even though those scenes could have actually been used to push the story forward in some way
And that right there is what I hate most about her role in the story. Not only does their subplot not advance the main plot, even though it could, but even within that subplot absolutely nothing is fucking happening. The missed appointments, the notes that don't reach the recipient on time, the contrived drama, their status quo is exactly the same at the end of the second book as it was two-thirds of the way through the first one.

>> No.8927606

>And saying "will probably" when we're two books from the end is kind of dumb

They're Dany's only possible chance at regaining Westeros.

Unless she falls prey to everybodyfuckingdieslol and she never gets to use them.

>> No.8927631

>And saying "will probably" when we're two books from the end is kind of dumb, especially considering the entire series has been squandering buildup.
So you really don't want us to answer your question at all.

Dragons are there to fuck shit up. It's foreshadowed with Aegon and sisters massacring a battlefield with their dragons in the history. The dragons will fuck shit up.
Don't be stupid, anon.

>> No.8927640
File: 10 KB, 245x239, Aegon6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dany is literally the biggest example of GRRM building up a character and then having no fucking idea what he wants to do with her. She's basically accomplished jack shit since her story exists separately from everyone else's. It's almost as if Martin intended for everything she did to be a monumental waste of time because in ADwD you have Dante from the Devil May Cry series (Aegon) suddenly appearing and getting more done than Dany ever did. This is what happens when you let a woman do a man's job.

>> No.8927672

>those books don't contain a single theme that somehow difers it or requires it to have a fantasy setting
You mean besides all the prophecies?

>> No.8927680

>why isn't this character following a railroad plot based on my expectations?
>she's making her own (terrible) decisions that have nothing to do with the cliche fantasy plot I was expecting!
>Martin is a horrible writer!

>> No.8927688

>stories that use what they previously established are railroading
>coherent plots are so cliche

>> No.8927692

pretty much

like it's obvious her Patron is in some manner connected to Kvothe's story in one way or another (whether it's Cinder or Bredon or someone else people speculate about) but WMF does absolutely nothing with it

by the end of the book Kvothe is:
1) a bit richer
2) has sex (which is totally impersonal because of his time with Felurian and with Adem, so it's pretty much meaningless to any emotional development)
3) knows how to handle a sword
4) knows the names of Chandrian from the Adem
5) knows a bit about the Fae
6) his sleeping mind has woken up a bit

and that's pretty much the only progress made in a thousand pages:
1) he is in the same (or even worse) place with Denna
2) the avenue that he opened with Maer has closed just as quickly without giving him anything substantial (and so did the arc with Lady Lackless)
3) he is still at the University
4) he found basically nothing new about the Amyr or the Chandrian
5) he is still the same hot-headed idiot who fucks thing up before they even get rolling through a sheer power of autism - there is no personal development at all

and even though many of those arcs will probably get some sort of resolution in the last book (though I suspect many won't and will be kept for later stories), that doesn't change the fact that Rothfuss is incapable of pacing

>> No.8927708

It's pretty much Rothfuss's life, isn't it?

>> No.8927721

so you say Kvothe will start running a charity in the third book?

he is already an accomplished scammer, so it may happen

>> No.8927729

>stories that use what they previously established are railroading
In a manner of speaking, yes. That's how fantasy usually works. It gets foreshadowed via prophesy/conversations that Character A has some great destiny then sure enough they eventually set out to fulfill that destiny. Only in Martin's books prophesy doesn't mean shit and characters get derailed from their foreshadowed plotlines all the time.

>Arya leaves King's Landing to join her family
>gets waylaid over and over, ends up going to Braavos instead
>Jon begins setting up his huge complicated plan to defend the Wall from the Others by reinforcing the Watch with wildlings
>gets backstabbed by his own men before he can finish sorting it out
>Robb is about to mend fences with the Freys and secure his unsteady alliance so he can renew his war on the Lannisters with fresh support
>gets betrayed and murdered along with his mother and most of his supporters
>Dany's baby was supposed to be the Stallion who Mounts the World and lead all the Dothraki on some kind of global crusade
>dies in the womb due to witch magicks

And so on, and so on.

>> No.8927738

Denna either needs to be a low-key chandrian or she needs to GTFO - such bullshit. The good news is I think she's definitely a plant by this point because who keeps writing her into the story unless she is...I think Rothfuss is smart enough tho

>> No.8927742

That's actually how stories usually work. Prophecy isn't that common a trope in fantasy anymore.

>> No.8927761

>Prophecy isn't that common a trope in fantasy anymore.
You need to read more fantasy. It's still pretty common. And it was even more common when Martin started writing ASoIaF. You can tell he set out to deliberately confound notions of destiny in his story, nearly every single long-term plan that has been laid in the series has been FUBAR. Basically the only schemer with more wins than losses is Littlefinger because his schemes are basically just "cause as much chaos as possible then exploit people when the chance arises".

>> No.8927770

Yeah, you can avoid destiny without pulling a bait-and-switch.

>> No.8927786

And yet we all eat it up. Pretty edgy to hate on the most "Post-Modern" fantasy series which is probably expanding the genre to more audiences than anything else has bar maybe LotR (and speaking here to their screen adaptations' impact).

GoT is all about the derailments - hard to say they don't make for a great story when we've yet to see his full vision but there it is.

>> No.8927787

He's not avoiding destiny, he's deliberately confounding it. I used that description for a reason. It's one thing to write some lame existential novel where there is no destiny of any kind, and another to show people trying to fashion destiny from chaos and just having it blow up in their faces. Another good example of this is the comet, and how various people all took it for an omen pertaining to themselves.

>> No.8927808

Its from the short stories he releases on his website iirc

Just consult doing consult things

>> No.8927811

I think the unpredictability of the plot is the major reason the books got so popular. Nobody expected Ned to die in book 1. Once that happened it sort of upended all expectations for how the series could go, because he killed off what should have been a "rock" character, somebody who readers could rely on as a steady, safe presence amid all the blood and chaos, a point of comfortable reference. If he was willing to kill a character like Ned then nobody was safe. And yet that lesson wasn't really driven home until the Red Wedding, which I think broke a lot of people's spirits.

>> No.8927821

You can't seriously believe that what Martin did with Dany is good writing.

>> No.8927835

Lost made it to a lot of audiences too. Put JJ Abrams in charge of Star Wars and Star Trek both even. Doesn't mean it's good or he's good.

>> No.8927844

>sunset found her squatting

>> No.8927846

ASOIAF is far from the first series to do this. I don't know how it got attention while others didn't, since I don't know much about "book culture" and how a book's popularity spreads. Perhaps the simplistic prose made it widely accessible? Kind of like Eragon.

>> No.8927874
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Anyone try it?

>> No.8927883

Just finished The Last Wish, are the novels as good?

>> No.8927887

>read GRI

>complain when he puts the R in gri

Bakker is the king of gri for a reason

>> No.8927894

Might as well read the other short story collection first but yeah. Last volume translation due out this year.

>> No.8927951
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>> No.8927989

My friend was a huge fan of the anime so he bought the volumes as soon as they came out and really loved them from what he told me. The passages he quoted were very well written.
Unfortunately he passed away before I got his opinion on volume 2.

>> No.8928029

>expanding the genre to more audience

Except that you're posting in contrarian central and the genre reaching out to borader audiences means it will neglect the sensibilities of people that post here. Don't tell an anon fantasy's rising popularity is a good thing.

>> No.8928030


>> No.8928033

I have a coworker who was on winter vacation with his family.
His daughter broke her leg and they later found out in the hospital she was suffering from bone cancer.
Already a very late stage and a lot of her leg bones had already eroded.
She died less than a week later.

I just think her parents are idiotic because they never noticed something was amiss despite bone cancer being easily recognizable.
And many bones in her legs were already very eroded.

>> No.8928034
File: 207 KB, 970x545, ouija-970x545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a run for


And do yourself a favor

>> No.8928044

Was meant for


>> No.8928056


He only has three short stories up, and this isn't in any of them.

This is just /lit/ memeing.

>> No.8928071

stick to the short stories

the trilogy is pretty awful

>The Adventures of the Amazing and Awesome Ciri (featuring Geralt!)

>> No.8928191

Oh. It might be the last chapter of warrior prophet then

>> No.8928247

Ciri is obviously going to be the main character in the Witcher games from now on so I don't see the problem.

>> No.8928336

Is there a title that comes to mind when you think of dimensional travel? I'm in the mood to get hopelessly lost in a story.

I'm open to recommendations.

>> No.8928341

Stephen King's "The Jaunt".

>> No.8928416

I did, I really enjoyed it. It's a critique of Starship Troopers in that ST focuses on the badass-ness of the soldiers being honed into fighting machines to take on a deadly but defeatable enemy while TFW focuses on the clumsy and myopic decisions of higher ups that lead to a probably unnecessary war against an enemy they don't even understand. In ST military service is key to citizenship and higher ups are more competent than, though still care for, the grunts. In TFW the grunts are the best and brightest citizens humanity has and they are slowly ground down by incompetent superiors into a handful of survivors who are damaged shells of their former selves.

Starship Troopers is future war through the lens of WWII propaganda, The Forever War is future war through the lens of experiencing The Vietnam War.

>> No.8928535

Nine Princes in Amber

>> No.8928587
File: 96 KB, 396x385, endit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That bakkerfans autist got to read TUC before me

Where's my ARC.

>> No.8928624
File: 74 KB, 326x500, Transition_UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8928630

>Banks uses the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics theory to imagine "infinitudes" of parallel realities, between which The Concern's agents—known as Transitionaries—can "flit", intervening in events to produce what The Concern sees as beneficial outcomes for that world. Transitioning, or flitting, is only possible for people with a predisposed talent for such movement, who may only flit after ingesting a mysterious drug called "septus". When a Transitionary flits into another world, he or she temporarily takes control of the body of an existing inhabitant of that world, along with some of that body's residual idiosyncrasies (such as personality disorders and sexual preferences).

>> No.8928687

>traveling "between" realities

gonna have to add this to "aliens actually exist in the milky way" and "artificial intelligence is plausible" to my "fake sci-fi" trope list.

>> No.8928710

>trying to use reverse psychology to get people to meme your meme

>> No.8928716

Or rather - this is an example of GRRM not knowing how to write women or write, unless Dany has somehow gained sentience.

>> No.8928818
File: 121 KB, 1048x505, Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari - c0024.0 - Chapter 24 [crunchyroll].zip-img 00008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Haldeman drew on another novel instead of actual 'Nam
>he thinks Starship Troopers has a reliable narrator in the first place

>> No.8928869

>tfw some anon knows if Kellhus is alive or not before you do

>> No.8928946


What do you mean? Are you talking about what happens in TGO?

>> No.8928998

In SST you get voting rights by federal service regardless of if it's military or civil, so a social worker or LeQuansha down at the DMV is going to get citizenship the same as Johnny Rico. (which is always funny to point out whenever somebody is going "ONLY VETERANS SHOULD VOTE LIKE IN STARSHIP TROOPERS!")

>> No.8929000

>aliens actually exist in the milky way
Do you mean intelligent aliens or life of any kind on other planets?
>artificial intelligence is plausible
Not arguing that it is, but why isn't it?

>> No.8929015


>Do you mean intelligent aliens or life of any kind on other planets?
Aliens don't exist.
>Not arguing that it is, but why isn't it?
It's not real science?

>> No.8929016


>> No.8929019

Seconding the Amber books, and adding the Magicians Trilogy.

>> No.8929025


Kellhus is 100% alive, Esmenet on the the other hand...

>> No.8929028

>Aliens don't exist.
That's a pretty bold claim given how big the universe is.
>It's not real science?
There are cognitive scientists, programmers, and engineers trying to do it now.

>> No.8929046


>That's a pretty bold claim given how big the universe is.

Aliens don't exist.

>There are cognitive scientists, programmers, and engineers trying to do it now.


>> No.8929063

>Aliens don't exist.
On what are you basing this assertion, though?

>> No.8929097


The fact that they don't exist?

>> No.8929130

personally verified this have you?

>> No.8929147


If aliens existed you wouldn't be alive right now.

>> No.8929184

Why not? Suppose aliens with a roughly human level of tech exist somewhere in Andromeda - we wouldn't even be aware of each other, let alone have a chance to kill each other.

>> No.8929191

It's the last page of The Warrior Prophet (well, 1245.8 / 1259 in my digital version).

>> No.8929230

Stop giving him attention. He's one of those shitposters who tries to keep his posts as short as possible because he feels like if he gets you to type more than him, he "wins."

I don't know how this point got to the point where communicating with each other is a no-no, but I hate it.

>> No.8929271

New thread
