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8902009 No.8902009 [Reply] [Original]

So, I decided to relax a little, have a beer and read Elliot Rodger's infamous Manifesto. I was already browsing 4chan at the time of the shooting and saw the whole site catch fire, but I was not thrilled to go after the manifesto and read it.

Now, however, I have been reading the material and I am simply astonished at how artificial it is, it is simply too perfect, to much like the text that one would write if one would pretend to be an autistic beta-male; is something that resembles a material that someone from 4chan would do for the sake of trolling. It's unbelievable. I wonder if the text I am reading is really the correct text, because it does not seem to be true


this cant be the real thing

>> No.8902014

It's real
ER was that kid who killed himself for attention in seventh grade except he was like 22 or something and killed six other people

>> No.8902021

This guy is too perfect!

Am I right, ladies?

>> No.8902035

could've saved a handful of lives if he just downloaded tinder like every other weeb

>> No.8902038


I said "too perfect" in a sense that the material is exactly what one would imagine a spoiled autistic kid would say. The guy was just a sad little coward.

>> No.8902068

He was mentally ill, delusional, autistic, manlet, full of ressentiment and had an tiny dick.

All /r9k/ types should follow his example and kill themselves

>> No.8902077

>wants revenge on womemes
>kills two autistic asians and like two or three other guys, only kills two women
Hapas: not even once

>> No.8902078

>and had an tiny dick.

How do you know this?

>> No.8902090

what's crazier is his parents apparently didn't notice this behavior

funny because if you go on his dad's photography website he has a tab with "family" themed pictures

dude clearly didnt pay enough attention to his family those deaths are on their hands as well

>> No.8902108

He posted on the bodybuilding misc site

>> No.8902109


Read pages 57-58-59 of the manifesto


They were worried with him so they send him to Marroco

>> No.8902111


Well, I guess it is true, since his mother was chinese

>> No.8902126


he posted in the bodybuilding forums that he thought the average dick was 4 inches long, and that he was very distressed to discover it was actually over 5 inches.

>> No.8902148

this kid is so fucking ugly. glad he realized that and killed himself.

>> No.8902153


I was searched for this


my god...this guy was not a beta, he was an omega

>> No.8902187
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>this cant be the real thing

>> No.8902190

you're right though.
he literally talked like an ironic 4channer would. like sam hyde if you know what I mean.

it's really crazy..if he really did it for the lulz, he would be the lord of 4chan, but then again, who could maintain that /s4s/ life for so long?

>> No.8902203

>implying you can get dates on tinder easily
fucking lmao

>> No.8902204
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>The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.

too perfect

>> No.8902212

>bullies /r9k/ types
normies are sadistic

>> No.8902216

>being ugly


>> No.8902219
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I don't even care anymore

>> No.8902223

I remember reading some parts of it, and ER was railing about the taste of some new brand of Mountain Dew he'd bought to go along with the release of Black Ops, before going on a digression about Doritoes, ending his musings with sentences such as "all women are whores and want bad guys, they hate me because I'm a good guy, etc."

>> No.8902224

Elliot Rodgers is unironically the voice of our generation.

>> No.8902225

At least you have your waifus and 'vidya', lad

>> No.8902228

This. He's a symptom of the issues facing American society today.

>> No.8902230

The secret is it was all performance art, taken to a level it's never been taken before.

His last words? "I call it... The Aristocrats."

>> No.8902231

The more I read this the more I'm weirded out. It seems like it's not an actual person, but someone PRETENDING to be like what they think a resentful misogynist who can't pick up women is like, as the OP said. It's like they're wearing a very poorly made mask because it's too extravagant and over the top. I get the same feeling reading Dylan Klebold's diaries, except in that case it's what they imagine a manic narcissistic edgy teen sociopath is like. I'm tempted towards two (one of more depth, one more shallow) explanations:

1.) The nature of the narcissist is that they are inherently pretending to be what they are not, they are performing for the benefit of others. This is why their writing seems so extravagant, so theatrical, as if it's one person imitating another: in a sense, they ARE imitating another "person" --- or rather some role they've made up for themselves, one of someone super cool and witty.

2.) The posts are fake and the shooting was a government false-flag meant to wage psychological war against the population by furthering the hot topic of gender relations, misogyny and feminism and the sexual revolution.

>> No.8902233

Now I hate frogfaggots as much as the next guy, but the scene where he describes filling up a water gun with orange juice and shooting it at a couple in a car and then running away crying because he's so furious was genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Unintentional comedy, but undeniably hilarious. One of the best scenes in literature

>> No.8902242

It is strange, he's like a caricature of what the public thinks autistic /r9k/ posters are like. Even the most autistic person on 4chan has much more self-awareness than Eliot Rodger.

>> No.8902246

I'm glad I'm not the only one who believes this.

tbqh, I almost begin to lean towards the theory it was a govt psy-ops, his manifesto is just so fucking weird and the lack of self-consciousness so almost --- artificial, as if deliberately constructed. A parody of a nerd, that's how little depth of personality his posts and manifesto evince.

>> No.8902254

You just don't want to believe it. There are many on /r9k/ who share similar sentiments. Hell, there are plenty here

>> No.8902260

Have you read the manifesto? People on /r9k/ are usually loners because they're so afraid of fucking up and making an ass out of themselves, but Eliot constantly made an ass out of himself and wondered why nobody liked him. /r9k/ has a much more nuanced perspective than "women want bad guys and hate good guys". Like I said, it's like a popular, vilified caricature of a nerd.

>> No.8902273

I always imagined that he spent a lot of time creating his persona. Not that anything in the book is especially exaggerated/fake, but even from the first moment (when he talks about his idyllic childhood) you can tell he's just picking up on cliches and trying to be something he's not. He just doesn't seem honest to himself. He wasn't even purely crazy, he just picked up on a self-image and then took it to its furthest conclusion.

If you haven't read Crime and Punishment, you should. I think that Elliot and Raskolnikov are basically the same character, at least with respect to their damaging philosophies.

>> No.8902275
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>/r9k/ has a much more nuanced perspective than "women want bad guys and hate good guys".

They parrot the exact same shit that ER does here >>8902153

The only difference is that the frogmen don't think they deserve anything and aren't as deluded about their own worth.

>> No.8902285

A lot of those posts look like what a feminist would think a misogynist would act like tbqh

>> No.8902286

>If you haven't read Crime and Punishment, you should. I think that Elliot and Raskolnikov are basically the same character, at least with respect to their damaging philosophies.
What? No. No. You're insulting Dostoyevsky's ghost when you say this.

Raskolnikov is self-aware, he struggles with himself, he's surprisingly compassionate at times (gives money to Marmeladov's family, wants to marry the girl who dies from consumption, later it's said he saved some little girl or something from a burning house, also his love for his sister and mother, etc.) Dostoyevsky makes it clear that what's going on in Raskolnikov is an extreme struggle between the compassionate and the cynical parts of his nature, his head and his heart --- down to the etymology of his name (part of it means schism in Russian)

Elliot Rodger was just a putrid pukefilled little shitstain snot who should've been aborted at birth.

>> No.8902287

/r9k/ must've been taken over by the SJW brigade then

>> No.8902294

Have you been there? /r9k/ is much more self-aware and intelligent than anything Eliot has said. Like I said, /r9k/ types are loners because of fear, but this Eliot Rodger was a straight-up narcissist who thought the world owed him something. The reason it's too perfect is that he fits the "evil misogynist nice guy" meme to a t. No one is that lacking in self-awareness.

>> No.8902297


Dude calm down. There are far worse posts you could be raging at.

Elliot was not exactly a self-aware or reflective person. We already know this, m8.

>> No.8902300

How can anyone be this much of a white knight on an anonymous chess tournament organization forum?

>> No.8902302

Maybe it wasn't real. Maybe he was an artist immortalizing himself.

>> No.8902305

i could empathize with a lot of things he said
i just dont have the courage to do what he did
i defend my ego by reading the stoics
plugging my ears, covering my eyes, shutting the fuck up.... except on 4chan, of course ;p

>> No.8902317


>i could empathize with a lot of things he said
>i just dont have the courage to do what he did

t. narcissist

>> No.8902319

>How dare you. My looks are magnificent. I don't care about having a big physique, it doesn't suit me anyways. Girls shouldn't care either... this isn't the stone age anymore where girls go for huge muscular manly men. But then again, girls' minds don't seem to have evolved from the stone age.
>I do NOT look like a geek in that video. I look exceptionally handsome in the video, see how the sunlight reflects off my beautiful exotic eyes? And that blue sweater I was wearing is by Prada. Geeks don't wear Prada.
The writing is so stilted, awkward, and extravagant, it almost looks like a self-parody. A real virgin hates himself, but Eliot loved himself too much.

>> No.8902324

I'm kind of an asshole, yes, but I'm passionate about literature. We cannot have Dostoyevsky's intentions so brazenly sullied on this board, OK, I understand the Nabokovian position of "Dostoyevsky is not aesthetic enough etc.", but to compare Rask. to Elliot is madness sheer and simple.

>> No.8902334


he was singing along to feminine pop music in his bmw remember

i don't think he actually liked girls bruv

>> No.8902338

>The reason it's too perfect is that he fits the "evil misogynist nice guy" meme to a t. No one is that lacking in self-awareness.

The manifesto reads as if he's not aware of the irony in what he's writing.

Even the most virginal people posting on this site are able to detach themselves from their own masturbatory ideas for just enough time to realise that they're losers for a reason.

>> No.8902342

I'm a loser because of feminism, the liberal world-order and you know.. the lizard men..

>> No.8902346

Raskolnikov murdered an old women. Why are you defending him?

>> No.8902352

I never read his manifesto, but from what I read, what really angered him was seeing blonde white women dating non-whites. He couln't grasp how a white woman could ever be a attracted to an "inferior" race. His only confidence was the fact that he was half-white and had a car, and he didn't understand why women weren't chasing him because of that. I don't understand why nobody ever brings his obsession with race, which is what actually drove him into hating women.

>> No.8902353

I know people like to say that any sort of murderer is a coward, but Elliot Rodger was legitimately a coward.

He refused to see the tiniest flaw in himself and instead blamed all of his problems on society and women. He was too scared to see or admit any personal defects. The courageous thing to do when you are tfwnogf is to admit possible faults on your behalf and work to change your life.

>> No.8902355


"My Twisted World" was literally written by a person under demonic suggestion. Homicide detectives see this kind of thing all the time. Every murder/suicide note ever written is written in this voice. It's genuinely creepy.

>> No.8902356 [DELETED] 
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>I'm kind of an asshole, yes, but I'm passionate about literature.

ur a fookin wet blanket iz what u r m8

>> No.8902358

That's unironically true though. A lot of the reason why we have so many disaffected men is because the delicate balance of gender relations has been disrupted. Expect to see more like him.

>> No.8902362

That's why they should be brutally murdered

>> No.8902369

The solution is to change the system that made them what they are instead of hating and fearing them though

>> No.8902374

The real irony is that the amount of self loathing that would have been force fed down his throat by coming to a site like 4chan would paradoxically have been good for him by helping him get over his delusions of grandeur.

>> No.8902377

wominz back in the kitchen?

>> No.8902383

I think he went on /r9k/ and wizardchan but didn't like it because it was anonymous. He considered other nerds to be below him, it's strange

>> No.8902386

from the perspective of biology, it seems that decreasing sexual dimorphism (equal levels of testosterone, and therefore increasing levels of dominance in women) is what is occurring.

The only way to fix that would be to culturally make it difficult for feminine men (like Elliot Roger) and masculine women to reproduce. In a way, this is already the case, and probably part of what lead to Elliot's frustrations.

>> No.8902389

Unironically yes. It's not very likely to happen though
Yeah, it forces people into uncomfortable and alien roles.

>> No.8902394

I admit it goes a bit too far to say that they are the same character.

The point I was trying to make was that Raskolnikov explains a lot of what goes on in Elliot's head. If you were to read "Raskolnikov's Manifesto" (had he made one, expecting to die) it wouldn't be all that different from Elliot Rodger's, even if the subject matter was different. It's all just unself-aware dogmatism to protect a self-image.

You just feel the way you do because the focus of Raskolnikov's story was on the redemption.

>> No.8902395

dude actually used his real name in forums

anyone that does this is mentally ill

>> No.8902396


>He considered other nerds to be below him, it's strange

Not strange. He was quite literally a pathological narcissist.

That kid was human in appearance only. Creepy shit, when you think about it.

>> No.8902411

so how is it better to reverse the trend then to go along with it? If there's going to be resistance from both sides (women who don't want to go back to being the submissive sex and men who don't wan't to become submissive). Isn't it the same?

Also, if it is based in biology, the role wouldn't be uncomfortable. It might be new for men, but if it's based on hormones it would be natural.

>> No.8902420

The way I think of it society in general is moving towards a more feminized direction. Feminized people don't rebel and make good workers, but men with high amounts of estrogen tend to not have much drive to be anything but mediocre. It would mean no more wars or real ideological conflicts, but that state really can't be sustained.

>> No.8902422

He's still more human than any woman will ever be

>> No.8902429

This is either a massive cuck of the reddit variety or an actual female.
I believe the way their emotions work, at least at a superficial level may be quite similar.
Dad-bodied, liberal redditors who are triggered by /pol/ and /r9k/ probably have very, very high estrogen levels and low testosterone levels.

I doubt these types of men would exist at all prior to the WWII. Women I think have not changed too much, only they're more honest. Perhaps it's a fundamental part of the female psyche to deeply hate men who they do not think can become the dominant male, because in prehistoric times those men were a threat to the dominant males rule, and of course were also potential rapists (this must have been the only way many, many men got to pass their genes on).

So perhaps we can understand women's blind hatred towards "creeps", but understanding the redditors hatred, which seems to be shared in somewhat equal (astounding) amounts, towards "creeps" (which in 99 times out of 100 are simply unattractive guys the female suspects of being romantically or sexually interested in her) is more difficult.
It perplexes me, honestly. I would very much like to understand it.

>> No.8902435
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>> No.8902440

>there exists a person who sat down and wrote this using time of their own day

>> No.8902441


It's amazing, almost every line for 146 pages reads like a joke.

>> No.8902443

/r9k/ losers are more than just ugly, though. They have a wide range of pathologies. Sure, these pathologies arise because they are genetic trash, but that's doesn't make them any less vile.

We really ought to solve the problem by forcefully murdering them. Up until the age of 20 they'll get to sort themselves out,

>> No.8902450


He's largely correct.

You sound triggered.

>> No.8902459

You're proving his point
>get shit on your entire life because ugly
>develop resentment, learn some ugly truths most people ignore
>people support you getting murdered for thinking unclean thoughts/"pathologies"

>> No.8902466

>The way I think of it society in general is moving towards a more feminized direction. Feminized people don't rebel and make good workers

but then who would control these workers, if all of society is becoming feminized/submissive?

It seems more likely that both sexes are reaching more of a balance, so that men are becoming more feminized and women are becoming more aggressive. If this is true, the ratio of male to female CEO's will be reaching 1:1.

I do agree that lack of testosterone does affect drive and motivation though, but in general I doubt we'll see humanity lose it's progress in science, art and culture. The only difference will be that women will be making their way into this realm more and more, but productivity in these areas for humans will remain the same. It's still too beneficial for a species to be aggressive, even against each other to wipe that trait out completely, especially since resources will be decreasing more and more. Societies will need to be aggressive to make it, unless science saves us from the effects of decreasing resources, then maybe we can have no more war or conflict.

>> No.8902467

I was referring to you and other redditors (males, women we might understand) of the "brutally murder all small-dicked, misogynistic virgins" crowd.

>> No.8902471

Give me one good reason for why they shouldn't be executed.

And no moralfaggotry. This, after all, isn't reddit

>> No.8902476


>decrying pathologies
>calls for forced murder in the same post

you sound about as self-aware as elliot was

>> No.8902477

It's almost like when people troll as autistic betas they are basing the jokes off of the lives of real autistic failures.

>> No.8902483

>I do agree that lack of testosterone does affect drive and motivation though, but in general I doubt we'll see humanity lose it's progress in science, art and culture. The only difference will be that women will be making their way into this realm more and more, but productivity in these areas for humans will remain the same.
I'm very skeptical of this, I think we're already seeing cultural development slowing down.

Another variable is that the new men and women, with their changed gender balance and the influence of birth control/abortion, will stop having children and raising families. The birth rate is dropping due to men dropping out of the game that doesn't benefit them. A shrinking Western population and a stable growth of the black and Muslim population is going to cause trouble sometime down the line, especially with the refugee crisis.

>> No.8902488

>there exists a person who sat down and wrote this using time of their own day

>> No.8902493

Not him, but I think the people who are most likely to be angry and disaffected in today's world are the ones who would be movers and doers in previous centuries, the artists and the scientists. It really takes a level of brainwashing to not be at least distrustful of the way things are right now.

>> No.8902502


>there exists a person who still sounds triggered by it

>> No.8902509

The point is that this goes beyond that, every single paragraph is an actual meme. It reads as if he wrote the manifesto after the fact. It's almost like someone went on 4chan and decided to write a book parodying the stereotypes.

>> No.8902511

You're the only person in this thread who actually gets it, and everyone is ignoring you

Elliot went on an insane rampage because of his weird brand of racism

>> No.8902518

>I think the people who are most likely to be angry and disaffected in today's world are the ones who would be movers and doers in previous centuries
That's convenient, isn't it? Are you disaffected and angry at the world perchance?

>> No.8902520 [DELETED] 

It's because most of us are redpilled and share his views on interracial relationships

>> No.8902521

Only the lowborn of the retarded normies date based on appearance. Anybody sane looks at the 50% divorce rate and dates based on personality.

/r9k/ is so in despair of this that they have gone full circle and unironically date based on appearance.

>> No.8902522

If someone as perceptive as ol' Dusty were given insight into ER's mind, the resulting ideologies might be pretty similar. You have to understand that we can only observe the parts of ER he chose to show us, consciously shown or not; ER was clearly performing a character, to some extent, so it would be foolish to draw too many conclusions about his inner psychology from what's clearly a performance.

>> No.8902523

More likely they'd be drunks and debtors.

>> No.8902527

You have to think of the type of person who keeps doing the same things and telling himself the same lies over and over again, versus the person who realizes how useless it would be.

It's sort of like that study that connected autism with "hypermasculinization" in the brain. These impulses are stifled in a world full of feminized nu-males.

>> No.8902531

>there exists a person who sat down and wrote this using time of their own day

>> No.8902532

Give me one good reason for why they should be executed?
If it is "muh concern for the greater good, muh eugenics" then it really is just another, more crude version of "moralfaggotry", to which I could reply; Give me one good reason for why women shouldn't be imprisoned and used as breeding sows, or some similarly deluded and disgusting vision as your own, only being of harm towards women rather than men (your position).

I don't see how someone's lack of sexual or romantic attractiveness should be grounds for "brutally executing them", men or female. But it seems I'm not a sick lad like yourself. Of course you're as sick as the people you hate (your "r9k virgins), but your hatred is turned in the opposite (currently more socially acceptable) direction.
The reasons for which I would very much like to know, seeing as I can't understand how a male could be brought to feel (for there is very little thought) that way, while I might understand why actual females should feel like that.

>> No.8902536
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The amount of mental gymnastics on display here.

>> No.8902542

Not gymnastics lad. Based on history, it seems like the Chads of the world are much less likely to be remembered than the truly audacious men.

>> No.8902550

The difference is that most of /r9k/ accepts they're ugly losers while Elliot thought himself a Supreme Gentleman to the very end.

>> No.8902551

>Give me one good reason for why they should be executed?

They're ugly and repulsive. They make other people uncomfortable with their appearance, lack of social skills, and general behavior. They're filth; a stain that needs to be erased so the eyes of the world don't have to suffer their existential impertinence. They're an affront to everyone's aesthetic sensibility and decency.

>> No.8902554


>Not gymnastics lad. Based on history

You are giving yourself a textual reach-around right now. This is all horseshit that you're telling yourself for self-affirmation.

Don't waste anon's time with this shit.

>> No.8902555
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>> No.8902557

Not an argument.

Prove me wrong

>> No.8902559


>Prove me wrong

he got trips and you didn't even get dubs.

>> No.8902560

Do you want to argue against it?

At least to me it seems that most of the great learned men of the past, the artists, scientists, politicians, were not very attractive and at the very least odd in behavior.

>> No.8902562

If you get ripped, people won't care if you are ugly

>> No.8902565

>the artists, scientists, politicians, were not very attractive

They still aren't

>> No.8902568


I'm an odd fuckup and social retard too. Your posts just come across as nauseatingly self-serving. It sounds like a mantra that you tell yourself out of spite or something

>Yes, but in centuries past...

>> No.8902571

That's true, but the difference is that unattractive people have much more reason to be disaffected now than in the past.
Can you disprove it? It's just a trend I've seen.

>> No.8902577

>That's true, but the difference is that unattractive people have much more reason to be disaffected now than in the past

Sure. And women had more reason to be disaffected in the past.
You win some and you lose some, innit? Can't please everyone

>> No.8902579

Those very stereotypes exist for a reason. There are many people like him that are just as evil.

>> No.8902582

Eh, I don't really see women in centuries past being more disaffected than they are now. The modern woman is neurotic.

>> No.8902590

>tfw elliot rodger's manifesto is unironically one of the greatest comedic texts ever written

>> No.8902597

>I don't really see women in centuries past being more disaffected than they are now.

Then we seem to be at an impasse. We won't find common ground. Sad!

>> No.8902599

What makes you think you know Elliot Rodger that well? You really think he was never generous or caring in his life?

This post is so sanctimonious and judgemental of an easy target, it's pathetic. You're pretending to have a little fit of rage over something you're not remotely emotional about, as it didn't affect you in the slightest. You're the picture of kitsch, moral posturing and virtuous affectation.

>> No.8902606

Are there any examples before the 19th century of women being unhappy with their social position?

>> No.8902613

Wow, you're cool. You're so fucking moral, holy shit. Sorry, I will prostrate myself before you and chop my fucking head off right now. Guess what, my post doesn't affect you in the slightest either, you little bitch, so why don't you just take your pants off and bend over? Remember, I love you.

>> No.8902614
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get this cunt to the burn ward asap he is roasted

>> No.8902615

Everyone in history was unhappy, it's called the human condition.

>> No.8902621

I don't know. I imagine there must be

>> No.8902627

It's comedy gold, and needs to be made into a hilarious tv show, narrated by voiceover.
"And then this black boy named Chance said that he lost his virginity when he was only thirteen! In addition, he said that the girl he lost his virginity to was a blonde white girl! I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my orange juice. I indignantly told him that I did not believe him, and then I went to my room to cry. I cried
and cried and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on the phone." pg. 84.

>> No.8902630


>Wow, you're cool. You're so fucking moral, holy shit.

this reads like to emotional sing-songing of an offended woman before she says something. "oh my god! on my god? oh my god!"

he blasted you tf out kunt

>> No.8902641

I don't pretend to be a good person, I'm just describing your conduct.

I meet a lot of people like you, and find them irritating. Getting offended over things which don't affect you is easier than being a good person, isn't it?

>> No.8902654
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>Wow, you're cool. You're so fucking moral, holy shit. Sorry, I will prostrate myself before you and chop my fucking head off right now.

>> No.8902656


He's so dreamy. ...
And mysterious too. Just look in those deep brown eyes....

>> No.8902662

Lol, this guy takes the thing to a whole new level. Just imagine what he told to his mother; he could not have told her the real reason why he was crying. If he did, I wonder what sort of thoughts she had at the moment.

>> No.8902664

Well guess what. Guess what buddies. You just got TROLLED. Yeah, I know you're going to post that stupid fucking comic about the guy who acts stupid and says he's a troll. Well, it won't detract from the fact that you're cunts.

>> No.8902669

stop, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.8902671


are you having a breakdown right now

>> No.8902681

go back to your grave elliot

>> No.8902691

I can't be arsed to read it because I hate ebooks, but this shit can't be possibly serious. Not even mememaster Pynch could pull this shit.

>> No.8902700


>> No.8902708

Look up Abigail Adams.

>> No.8902720

>On one of the days in July, when I was roaming around Girsh Park, a group of popular college kids arrived to play kickball in the fields. They all looked like typical fraternity jocks, tall and muscular. The kind of guys I’ve hated and envied all my life. With them came a flock of beautiful blonde girls, and they looked like they were having so much fun playing together. One of the girls did a handstand in the grass, and her sexy bare stomach showed as her shirt hung down. All of the girls were scantily clad. Rage boiled inside me as I watched those people who thought they were better than me enjoying their pleasurable little lives together. The rage was so intense that I couldn’t take it. I was insulted too much. I couldn’t leave them without getting some form of revenge, so I drove to the nearby K-mart, bought a super-soaker, filled it up with orange juice that I bought at the same store, and drove back to the park. They were still there, having the time of their lives, and I wanted to ruin it for them. I wanted to ruin their fun just like they ruined mine, as they would never accept me among them. I screamed at them. with rage as I sprayed them with my super soaker. When the boys started to yell and chase after me, I quickly got into my car and drove away. I was giddy with ecstatic, hate-fueled excitement. I wished I could spray boiling oil at the foul beasts. They deserved to die horrible, painful deaths just for the crime of enjoying a better life than me.

Cried with laughter reading this

>> No.8902727

The part where a BEAUTIFUL BLONDE girl gets banged by jamal in a room next to him, while he is crying, is pretty hilarious

>> No.8902729

This guy had to be some sort of plant

>> No.8902737



wow i forgot how funny this was

the way it escalates out of nowhere is so fucking ridiculous

>> No.8902738


Who the fuck would willingly read 150 pages of this? It's torture.

>> No.8902740

Isn't it his sister getting railed by a blond Chad?

>> No.8902741

Nietzsche didn't die for all this resentment to exist.

>> No.8902747

What a magnificent poet.

Rest in peace, you beautiful soul.

>> No.8902748

It's fucking hilarious. He must've been the most pathetic and impotently frustrated person of all time

>> No.8902752


It's /r9k/ without the satire.

>> No.8902761

>thinking /r9k/ is satire

wew. And /pol/ too, right? They're not really racist! :^)

>> No.8902769


he bitterly sped off in his car to go and buy a super soaker and use it on them

it's past r9k even

>> No.8902772


/pol/ is a left-wing board and /r9k/ is literally full of Chads.

>> No.8902779

You're confusing two parts. He met a Black guy who slept with a blonde and he became full of rage and jealousy. The other thing was his sister slept with a Mexican in the next room and he stood outside for like five minutes just listening.

>> No.8902788

Joan of Arc

>> No.8902792

Is ER more /pol/ or /r9k/?

My first week turned out to be very unpleasant, leaving a horrific first impression of my new life in
Santa Barbara. My two housemates were nice, but they kept inviting over this friend of theirs named
Chance. He was black boy who came over all the time, and I hated his cocksure attitude. Inevitably, a
vile incident occurred between me and him. I was eating a meal in the kitchen when he came over and
started bragging to my housemates about his success with girls. I couldn’t stand it, so I proceeded to ask
them all if they were virgins. They all looked at me weirdly and said that they had lost their virginity long
ago. I felt so inferior, as it reminded me of how much I have missed out in life. And then this black boy
named Chance said that he lost his virginity when he was only thirteen! In addition, he said that the girl
he lost his virginity to was a blonde white girl! I was so enraged that I almost splashed him with my
orange juice. I indignantly told him that I did not believe him, and then I went to my room to cry. I cried
and cried and cried, and then I called my mother and cried to her on the phone.
How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am
half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it
more. I tried not to believe his foul words, but they were already said, and it was hard to erase from my
mind. If this is actually true, if this ugly black filth was able to have sex with a blonde white girl at the age
of thirteen while I’ve had to suffer virginity all my life, then this just proves how ridiculous the female
gender is. They would give themselves to this filthy scum, but they reject ME? The injustice!

>> No.8902797


>The other thing was his sister slept with a Mexican in the next room and he stood outside for like five minutes just listening.

This guy just gets better and better. What a creepy fuck. Have you all read the book? Is it worth reading? I'm considering it after this thread. It sounds genuinely funnier than most books that actually try to be.

>> No.8902799

Yeah you're right.

>> No.8902809


This CAN'T be real. It just can't.
He had to have been a plant.

>> No.8902815
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>> No.8902826


>How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more.

He's like the perfect blend of /pol/ and /r9k/.

The One True Avatar.

>> No.8902835
File: 37 KB, 384x275, supremepost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902836

Pretty good summary of the shooting and his manifesto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oybAUKZhaMA

>> No.8902838


>> No.8902857

You pretty much can get the point just by reading the excerpts. He's a pretty bad writer and there are some slow parts. That being said, it's really short (you can read it in an afternoon) and you get a pretty complete picture if you read the whole thing. Plus memes. I recommend reading it

>> No.8902888

It's really just random bullshit about his life along with his hate of women. There's one part where he rambles on about GoT for example.

>> No.8902899

here's some elliot kino

>> No.8902900

full of genuine laugh out loud moments. a pleasure to read

>> No.8902909

come on

>> No.8902930

>muh shaky cam
when will this meme die

>> No.8902932
File: 56 KB, 974x715, 1480592407230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*

>> No.8902952

>In addition, I was a bit shocked when Spencer told me that he used to have a girlfriend. It was a casual comment that came out of a conversation we had. I didn’t understand how a chubby and unattractive guy like Spencer would have been able to get a girlfriend, while I’ve never had the chance to. The guy was three inches shorter than me, and even I am considered short for my age. I could not
fathom how such a thing was possible, and I concluded to myself that this former “girlfriend” of his that he mentioned must have been just as unattractive as he was. There was no need for me to be jealous.

>> No.8902963
File: 402 KB, 575x575, shocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he's actually not bad at writing

>> No.8902967

nice save and nice dubs

>> No.8902977
File: 21 KB, 505x550, uhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> When we sat down at our table, I saw a young couple sitting a few tables down the row. The sight of them enraged me to no end, especially because it was a dark-skinned Mexican guy dating a hot blonde white girl. I regarded it as a great insult to my dignity. How could an inferior Mexican guy be able to date a white blonde girl, while I was still suffering as a lonely virgin? I was ashamed to be in such an inferior position in front my father. When I saw the two of them kissing, I could barely contain my rage. I stood up in anger, and I was about to walk up to them and pour my glass of soda all over their heads. I probably would have, if father wasn’t there. I was seething with envious rage, and my father was there to watch it all. It was so humiliating.

>> No.8902982


>> No.8902990
File: 855 KB, 775x1718, rodger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elliot Rodger was legitimately a coward.

*leans into mic*

He repeatedly faced his fears, and laid them out in a chronicle that is as fearless as Notes from Underground. He was quite a gifted writer, especially considering he had little interest in writing or literature. He was a natural, here, if nowhere else in life. If he had honed this talent for writing, he might have achieved that success that always eluded him, and success's concomitant, the love of a beautiful woman.

Attached, a great set-piece scene. Although he does not squeeze every drop of drama and emotion from it, as a Dostoevsky might, it is a well-written and powerful scene of excruciating, indeed dostoevskian shame and humiliation.

>> No.8902994

>changing yourself to adapt to society
More like cucking.

He's right. All you have is snark.

>> No.8903005

I think this is an important post but I don't have anything to contribute.

>> No.8903009

>I tried to pretend as if I was part of a wealthy family. I should be. That was the life I was meant to live. I WOULD BE! If only my damnable mother had married into wealth instead of being selfish. If only my failure of a father had made better decisions with his directing career instead wasting his money on that stupid documentary. I couldn’t help but feel a bitter form of envy at all of the rich kids at the concert. They grew up in lavish mansions, indulged in excessive opulence, and will never have to worry about anything in their pleasurable, hedonistic lives. I would take great pleasure in watching all of those rich families burn alive.

>> No.8903015

This could be a scene in Notes from Underground if it had been written in the year 2000.

>> No.8903019

He was the kind of faggot who took /r9k/ and /pol/ way too seriously.

>> No.8903022

no he was a prototype

>> No.8903032


links to some of the notes you're thinking of? genuinely curious

>> No.8903063

Er, why are you comparing this to Dostoevsky?
Please just don't.

>> No.8903073

>The injustice!

oh lord

>> No.8903079

when you become so rebellious that you literally begin to believe in ghosts

>> No.8903126

>I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected me. The females of the human species have never wanted to mate with me, so how could I possibly consider myself part of humanity? Humanity has never accepted me among them, and now I know why. I am more than human. I am superior to them all. I am Elliot Rodger… Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent… Divine! I am the closest thing there is to a living god. Humanity is a disgusting, depraved, and evil species. It is my purpose to punish them all. I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved.

>> No.8903127

The giant flaw in your theory is that society still needs a constant stream of new workers, and that means women will always be inherently less productive due to family obligations. The western world has already seen such incredible drops in fertility (which still hasn't come close to leveling the playing field) that we're slowly committing genetic genocide, giving our countries and all that we've built away to third world immigrants who will, one day not too far off in the future, take our place. Said immigrants do not integrate, and even after three or four generations, still have far higher fertility rates as white Europeans. It's a tough pill to swallow, but feminism and "progressivism" is quite literally us digging our own grave as a civilization.

>> No.8903138
File: 494 KB, 1242x1080, 1481697828532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be burned so hard that you become retarded

>> No.8903144

it's great isn't it. if he hadn't killed people in a way designed to upset everybody into a frothing animal, he'd be the new "i think there's something wrong with my liver" or "for a long time i went to bed early".

i hope the future loses the provenance

>> No.8903181

Lol at the people saying Eliot Rodger must be a psyop or some insane false flag conspiracy, because a deranged mass murderer couldn't possibly lack empathy and self awareness.

What a dumpster fire of a thread.

>> No.8903185

Man this is so so so dumb this is the first time in 3 years I've commented on this godforsaken forum.
Dude. The board is called /lit/. Read a fucking book.
Side note:
>literally digging our own grave

>> No.8903196

Nice argument. Quite the intellectual you are.

>> No.8903197

Not him but
>no argument
>just boring mockery and platitudes
what's your address

>> No.8903198

In a few decades we will have designer babies and race will be obsolete as a social paradigm. Relax.

>> No.8903200
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>> No.8903206

Not an argument.

>> No.8903216
File: 45 KB, 594x404, literally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing to argue against. You made some silly baseless claims.

Learn the English language you pleb
>1.1 informal Used for emphasis while not being literally true

>> No.8903225

maybe i will normie

>> No.8903241

I made a prediction based on scientific progress. "Muh white civilisation" is a 19th century paradigm only around in the 21st century as a tribal identifier for losers to make themselves feel better.

>> No.8903243

stop judging elliot you dumb cunts. you have no idea how stupid and arrogant this makes you seem.

>> No.8903245

>race will be obsolete as a social paradigm
That is not a prediction; it's simple biology denial, equivalent to claiming that sex is a social construct. I've found people of your ilk entirely unreasonable, and have no interest in furthering this discussion with you.

>> No.8903254

>nu-male thinks millions of years of evolution will be canceled out by some magical "science" that he can't even reference within the next century.
You sound like you'd feel a lot more at home at /r/literature.

>> No.8903257

Kek. You're the one denying biology by claiming whiteness is an immutable historical category, rather than one subject to mutation. In 100 years the only pure "white" people will be the undercaste living in the boonies, unintegrated into the global economy run by multiracial designer babies. The panic over eurabia is akin to the peak oil scare which disappeared rapidly after new drilling technologies were invented.

>> No.8903258

Why would someone want to read anything from that loser?
What on earth were you expecting? His actions speak louder than any of his words, and his actions said that he was a spoiled loser out of touch from reality

>> No.8903262

>he still hasn't substantiated his claims
>being this delusional
It must be difficult living a life lying to yourself constantly just so that you don't have to face uncomfortable truths.

>> No.8903263

Yes, homo sapiens is still subject to the exact same evolutionary pressures in the 21st century as it was 500,000 years ago. The agricultural revolution had zero impact on our genomes!

Nice psuedoscience

>> No.8903266

Nice strawman faggot. You haven't made a single post yet that wasn't filled with blatant logical fallacies. Go read a book.

>> No.8903275

>uses a strawman with meme arrows
>accuses his intelocutor of strawmanning and fallacies
Kek. This is what happens when losers who use their race as an crutch of identity lash out when they feel it threatened

>> No.8903295

>most good authors weren't mentally ill or miserable shits

>> No.8903350

I hope this is bait. /r9k/ types are completely un-(self-aware) faggots, who probably stand to benefit from bullying if anything. "Robot" autists are just as ruthless and cruel as the "normies" whom they resent so much. Maybe if they had a shred of empathy, compassion, and self-awareness they would be such self-loathing faggots.

>> No.8903358

>Every murder/suicide note ever written is written in this voice
Citation and/or examples needed. If this is true, I'd be really interested to see an example, but considering you ignored the other anon who (You)ed you, you're probably puling this shit out of your ass (NPI).

>> No.8903373


absolutely heretical 2bh senpai

>> No.8903401

This reads like a monologue from American Psycho

>> No.8903410

It does sound very unreal but then you remember he actually went out and killed a bunch of people and it makes sense he would think like this.

My favorite:

>As I made my way back from school one day during the first week, I was stopped at a stoplight in Isla
Vista when I saw two hot blonde girls waiting at the bus stop. I was dressed in one of my nice shirts, so I
looked at them and smiled. They looked at me, but they didn’t even deign to smile back. They just
looked away as if I was a fool. As I drove away I became very infuriated. It was such an insult. This was
the way all girls treated me, and I was sick and tired of it. In a rage, I made a U-turn, pulled up to their
bus stop and splashed my Starbucks latte all over them. I felt a feeling a spiteful satisfaction as I saw it
stain their jeans. I then quickly speeded away before they could catch my license plate number. How
dare those girls snub me in such a fashion! How dare they insult me so! I raged to myself repeatedly.
They deserved the punishment I gave them. It was such a pity that my latte wasn’t hot enough to burn
them. Those girls deserved to be dumped in boiling water for the crime of not giving me the attention
and adoration I so rightfully deserve!

>> No.8903428

It is. 4chan has just ruined you so that when you meet a complete idiot you think they're doing it on purpose. They aren't smart enough to do it on purpose.

>> No.8903448


Welcome to the world of hyperreality.


Parts of /r9k/ don't hate others, they just hate themselves. I can muster some sympathy for these robots, not the resentful ones.

>> No.8903460

Nice projection. Still you are wrong.

>> No.8903467

>deserving anything
If you think you deserve anything in your life, you are doing something wrong.

>I don't think I deserve X
Yes you do. You are complaining about women who don't notice you or dump you and complain about not getting any. What the hell does that mean for you, brainlet?

>> No.8903516

>Only the lowborn of the retarded normies date based on appearance
Not really. I am a turbo autist that is far way more intelligent than any humanities brainlet and I cannot take fat women seriously and would never date one.A fattie tried to trick me on tinder and when I saw that she was a landwhale in real life I just blocked her

>> No.8903519

Elliot Rodger was a false flag infa 100%

Why the fuck else would he use his real name and picture on random as fuck forums (and youtube) than so it would be very easy to trace back to him?

>> No.8903523
File: 391 KB, 2000x1000, o-NARCISSIST-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the thing is that he was a NARCISSIST. Few people in this thread seem to understand that.

>> No.8903525

Fat women are vile, utterly revolting

Just the sight of them from an unflattering perspective makes me want to puke, can't understand how anyone would fuck them

>> No.8903536

You've never heard complaints from a person with no self-awareness - so he must be a PLANT? That's delusion, buddy.

>> No.8903538

The feeling of injustice is one of the most underrated feelings and can make a person go crazy.
It's also largely a direct consequence of upbringing, which says that if you're a good boy (whatever that means for you) you'll be rewarded (whatever that means for you).
So it's largely avoidable, as long as you're being real/"unspooked" with your kids.
But it is also a cultural problem of society in general.

>> No.8903539

i started noticing a lot of his anecdotes build up perfectly to hilarious outbursts in the final sentence. The comic timing is actually pretty good, albeit unintentional.

>> No.8903542

>I regarded it as a great insult to my dignity.
THIS here is the key: that's something only a NARCISSIST would say.

>> No.8903543

Robert Graves's Caligula has nothing on this dude.

>> No.8903547

He really liked splashing people with things. This needs further analysis.

>> No.8903551

Grade-A narcissist, actually believes he deserves to be better than others. Notice that what he considers "better" is always in appearance: showy wealth, cars, bodybuilding. He desperately hates people, but wants acceptance. Because he hates himself and doesn't know how to love himself. SHAME is at the heart of every narcissist.

>> No.8903554

Just gonna leave this here.

>> No.8903556

I wonder what would an audio book recorded by the author would be like. Would it be funnier due to awkward performance, or chilling because of its sincerity?

>> No.8903559

Both anti-social + narcissists

>> No.8903562

elliot rodger is the tragic product of a white beta nerd having children with an asian woman and then neglecting the kid, leaving him emotionally stunted

these pairings are very common today among stem autists... there is a ticking population time bomb of elliot rodgers waiting to go off in ten-twenty years

>> No.8903564

If I had been reading this as a novel without knowledge of the real world context, I probably would have guessed he would become some kind of acid attacker guy burning ladies' faces off.

>> No.8903565

rally makes u thenk

>> No.8903566

Is that all your evidence?

>> No.8903570

Ive heard of two types of acid attacks on women:
>muh family honor in islamic shitholes
>organized crime attacking female investigative journalists in Eastern Europe

I dont think he fits well with any of those. More of a serial killer that has a grudge against women and his preffered victim type is a tall blonde in a relationship.

>> No.8903572
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, fuck off retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking KILL YOURSELVES redditors

>> No.8903586
File: 46 KB, 532x557, 1403743577834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Muh white civilisation" is a 19th century paradigm only around in the 21st century as a tribal identifier for losers to make themselves feel better.

I see you schlomo

>> No.8903587

As funny as that is, there's some truth to what he says. Those jocks would never accept him (unless he was a celebrity or something).

People are vain. All people, including ER and all the awkward "beta" fags.
ER was just realizing that and it frustrated him and caused internal conflict, made even worse by him being a mongrel.

If he had taken a step further he would have realized that we're all fucked pretty much by design and the only solution is to do away with all the normie conditioning and be more philosophical or just become religious.

>> No.8903589

>Even the most autistic person on 4chan has much more self-awareness than Eliot Rodger.
That's why they don't become mass shooters and he did.

>> No.8903591
File: 260 KB, 1200x2700, poltards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8903594

why would you think anyone who decides to murder a whole bunch of people who are totally unrelated to what they perceive to be the injustice in their life would be anywhere near the state of possessing intelligence to begin with

stupidity and senseless violence are never going to be that far apart

and by the way, most people who browse this website are idiots in case you hadn't noticed

>> No.8903599
File: 29 KB, 696x413, laugh out fucking loud you cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 yrs

>> No.8903611

>muh family honor in islamic shitholes
i could see him joining ISIS.

>> No.8903622

I always get sad thinking about his little brother. Imagine him reading all that one day.

And ironically Elliot will be cock-blocking him from beyond the grave for many years to come.

>> No.8903623

wow u got me dude. :^(

>> No.8903626

Guess Elliot got one thing he wanted then.

>> No.8903637

>Elliot joins ISIS
>Fights bravely because he's finally found a group that accepts him
>Receives a bride as a reward from his commander
>Sent on suicide mission before he can consummate

>> No.8903640

What life-wasting lemming makes these images..

>> No.8903644

It is best book Bret Easton Ellis never wrote.

>> No.8903649


>> No.8903694
File: 134 KB, 647x684, 1482852326712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets incontrovertibly BTFO by a single image
>"wow that guy must have NO LIFE"

you are either a woman or a numale

>> No.8903711
File: 85 KB, 759x1092, elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8903712
File: 905 KB, 987x645, l9mMAXU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does have nice eyes though

>> No.8903886

this is an obvious bait pic

>> No.8903935
File: 33 KB, 1001x1001, -font-b-Unicorn-b-font-Head-Latex-font-b-Mask-b-font-Halloween-Xmas-Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is true. I'm sure this thought has been beaten like a dead Californian kid, but what if some sad girl had actually given him some attention?
What is the deal with the mental illness that makes you be autistic around girls so they don't like you so you autistically hate girls and kill people?

>> No.8903953

>that fragment
Jesus that's horrific, like a 21st century version and a cheap knock-off of the Underground Man

>> No.8903954

What is up with his obsession with throwing drinks on people.

>> No.8903992

Zyzz and ER ascended to the pantheon of anonymous image boards - who's next?
Can Moot be considered one of the gods of 4chan while he lives?

>> No.8904001


According to the DSM-5, individuals with NPD have most or all of the following symptoms, typically without commensurate qualities or accomplishments:[8][11]

1-Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others
2-Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
3--perception of being unique, superior and associated with high-status people and institutions
4-Needing constant admiration from others
5-Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
6-Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
7-Unwilling to empathize with others' feelings, wishes, or needs
8-Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them
9-Pompous and arrogant demeanor


Seems to be our guy

>> No.8904006

The fagtron makes a lot of bold claims but gives no sources to back it up, I think that's why the anon calls him stupid.

>> No.8904017

It's ER, but ER is just an extreme product of our times. Narcissism is everywhere if you would just look at Facebook and Instagram. The pampered millenial generation (like me) is extremely susceptible to narcissism. They are the children of parents who decided to put the last block on the tower their child built, fearing that if the child would finish the tower it would collapse and the child would be disappointed.

>> No.8904030

My best friend has this disorder. He's had it since we were first year in high school, possibly his entire life.
He's a good person, really fun to be around honestly, but really comes off as ridiculous sometimes. He also writes a lot and tries to make his life have extraordinary importance. Sadly, he's had issues with being violent at times, not towards me or his family of course, he's loyal and true. He's supposed to leave jail in like 6 months or so, he's in for the assault. When I read this list of symptoms. I really must chuckle, its ridiculously accurate. He told me about his disorder 2-3 years ago, but I never bothered to look it up.

I would perhaps abandon him as a friend after all the trouble he caused to himself and because of how he appears to be, but I have more than enough reasons to trust in his friendship. Over the years he was as loyal as a friend can be and very good to me and my family, as I was to his.

7) is also only somewhat true, he can completely dismiss rest of the world, but never those close to him. And believe me, Im being honest with him to the point it would make such person want to murder me, but he's got used to it. Also unwillingness =/= actual feelings. He simply tries to ignore what he feels, but there's a lot of actual empathy underneath

>> No.8904036

(Cont) I believe that ER could've benefit greatly from having one true friend or his parents giving a damn about him. It seems like his superficial world kept confirming his beliefs and hatred for it.

>> No.8904048


suicide notes are not reliable

>> No.8904075


I remember reading on wikipedia that he had a friend that one day told him that he did not want to be his friend anymore, without offering any reason for it.

I also read some bits of the manifesto yesterday and in some part he said he had a friend with whom he played WoW. Then one day he decied to stop playing and realized that now he and his freidn didn't know what to do with their time together (they used to spend he whole day playing).

He says that they started to take long walks and talk. He explained some autistic-beta-theories to his friend about how he pictured a perfect world where people wouldn't be alowed to have sex, where sex was going to be forbidden, and his friend said something like "You only think like this because you yourself are a virgin and cant sleep with any girl", so that Rodger thought "He could read me perectly; this was exactly the reason behind my ideas".

I dont know if this WoW-playmate is the same friend who is supposed to have abandoned him.

>> No.8904078

does anybody get the same vibes reading this as from reading something like lolita?

>> No.8904079


that's not a suicide note: he took great care producing it, and obviously wrote it along a larger period of time than simply some hours in a single day.

>> No.8904137

How its he considered ugly? or he was just soo autistic.
Im not gay but he doesnt look ugly..

>> No.8904193

Lips too large, eyes too small. Not hideous, but not attractive.

Though it's clear his personality was his virginity's gatekeeper.

>> No.8904211
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>> No.8904249

>this sudden political correctness comes from a guy that that filtered "peanut butter" to turn into the word "nigger" a few years ago.

So I guess growing up and not being an edgy teenager anymore means you're a cuck now?
Fuck I hate /pol/ with all my being.

moot is more accomplished than anybody on 4chan. I really don't get all the hate he is getting.

>> No.8904287 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 1280x960, correct that record.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"(((growing up)))" means becoming pic related

sorry you are a joyless unprincipled philistine cunt who hates western culture and never had a masculine influence in his life

your side lost however, so now is the time to kill yourself. you are a sterile cultural relic, doomed to gather dust in your numale ennui engendered by Trump's stellar victory.



>> No.8904295

"wow thanks alot soumaya youre the shittiest babysitter ever"

>> No.8904318


>> No.8904322
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>> No.8904326

>Jew meme (why do neo-Nazis use parantheses, why have they become scared to name Jews?)
>you hate whiteness and masculinity if you aren't like me
>CTR meme

You're a living meme.

Also, it's clearly the /pol/ contingent who're yearning for the strong disciplinary authority figure that they never had.

>> No.8904333

this is really sad.
things were never this black and white.

>> No.8904334

Moot left us, and a lot of us have abandonment issues.

>> No.8904336

doubly so

>> No.8904338 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 950x633, 1478930583390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets completely btfo
>"y-you're just a MEME!"
>meanwhile he is literally the "angry liberal" meme

take a picture of yourself and upload it so I can add it to my 20gb "angry/crying libtard" folder thx

with moot they are black and white

see: >>8904211

he's a cuck piece of shit

>boohoo why cant everything be nice and sparkly? flowers and world peace? pumpkin spice starbucks

grow up

see img

>> No.8904346

i wonder what nietzsche would say about this phenomenon

>> No.8904395

ER's logic is GOAT

>ER is a god amongst men (he literally says this)
>despite being a superhuman, his only goal in life is to get laid
>this perfect gentleman can't even do that and fails at convincing or forcing even one woman to fuck him

>> No.8904532
File: 78 KB, 924x571, 4OCyKgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, he wasn't a basement dwelling slob and he actually did what most of betas and losers are advised in those cases:

>started to care about his looks
>went out to socialize even though he was scared
>was rich
>looked at every event as a opportunity to do something with his life

and he still failed; that's why it is pretty scary, especially to faggots like me, since some of his stories had happened in my life too, the difference is I've yet to become so bitter and desperate

>> No.8904537

>you are discussing literature with people who are genuinely scared that they'll end up like Elliot Rodger

Dear me

>> No.8904540

Racism is just one manifestation of his nuttiness. You are mistaking the part for the whole.

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.8904603

>reads tlp once

>> No.8904618

*tips objective superiority

>> No.8904619
File: 17 KB, 520x441, CYEntsm407[22-50-29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude now im depresse

>> No.8904623

Black Elliot


>> No.8904635

Just be yourself.

>> No.8904636

This girl.............................

>> No.8904637

This. Eliot failed because he was fucking ugly. His narcissism was his way of not falling into complete self-hatred and depression. He tried his entire life, and he still couldn't make it.

>> No.8904646
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>> No.8904659

>went out to socialize even though he was scared
but elliot thought that girls should throw themselves at him for walking down the street, he didn't actually genuinely socialize

>> No.8904673

If you feel like it you can read a super long thread on KiwiFarms where they document Kent's loop.

Or just:
>You're contradicting yourself again Kent. You make a video talking about rejection and your ambitions to find a girlfriend, and in this video you talk about wanting to stay to yourself and wanting a drama free life. Pick one man, if you are in a relationship, you're gonna have to make sacrifices, that includes your freedom. You need to stop flip flopping so much and stay in one direction. Good luck.

>> No.8904676

>A spree killer's mind works so differently than mine he must be fake!

/lit/, everyone

>> No.8904712


Here's a subreddit full of same race mix and hate.

>> No.8905123

holy fuck what a bunch of fucking 2 inch virgins

>> No.8905175

It was all his step-mothers fault for continiously bullying him. The cunt should be hated more than him.

>> No.8905209

you're on 4chan, any high opinion of yourself is completely unwarranted

>> No.8905217

That site is worse than /r9k/

>> No.8905239

He clearly pulled a narcissistic act to not dissolve into self-loathing/self-hatred. He used it to shield himself off.

>> No.8905244

If Rodger only had learned that there are other things in life than having a girl. He didn't even talk about kids, only wanting a gf for prestige. To look good before others. Without a hobby he was doomed to always focus on his unreachable goal. Surely he knew that there are many others like him but he didnt care because of his "high heritage", so by holy order he deserved to have a girl. This rule of his was holy. His parents failed to show him that what makes a person great is not only money or social status but also by personality, wisdom, etc. A mental stance I think is more likely to be found at wealthy people.

>> No.8905273

all ugly people should off themselves. what? just saying

>> No.8905305


he tried to socialize but he didnt understand how socialization works.

he never actually got to socialize.

he would stay still, in his expensive car, and expect women to APPROACH HIM, as if he was shit and the women were flies attracted to it.

That is not how it works, acting like a pretty flower vase isnt socialization.

>> No.8905344

He probably picked it up as a gesture of outrage/disdain from a movie at an early age and thought it was a "gentlemanly" way to display his anger.

>> No.8905349

he's not ugly tbfh

>> No.8905934


Say what you will about his writing or his message, this video is impossible to watch. He is just such a FAGGOT. I know exactly why no one wanted to hang out with him

>> No.8905941


>> No.8905970

>Eliot failed because he was fucking ugly.
Being ugly is not necessarily the end (unless you believe it hinders you, which most do).

But he wasn't ugly anyway.

His problem was that he never actually tried to speak with a girl and that he was a psychopath, evidenced by him genuinely wanting to inflict pain.

>> No.8906083

what a a boring cunt. i would kill myself if i had to put up with a mind as dull as that

>> No.8906090

Does a 300 reply mean the thread has reached its limit? If so, good

>> No.8906139


This guy doesn't know

>> No.8906175

I hate /pol/ as much as you do but you are objectively a faggot.

>> No.8906179

what a fucking weirdo

>> No.8906199

this is also a list of what self-help books are trying to help people accomplish:)

>> No.8906200

Damn, I thought my false-flag theory was out of the norm.

>> No.8906226

remember reading at the time (prob in his 'manifesto') how his final attempt to meet a girl consisted of wearing an expensive sweater and sitting in a starbucks waiting for grills to approach him. I really feel for you spergy guys, just getinto programming and meet a nice semi spergy azn girl

>> No.8906269

>Humanity is a disgusting, depraved, and evil species. It is my purpose to punish them all. I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved.
I thought this was a parody at first.

Wow, this guy was infantile. He had the mindset of a six-month-old child who doesn't get the toy he wants.

>> No.8906381
File: 70 KB, 1000x800, IMG_3409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up ElliotRodger.pdf
> ctrl+F
> "orange juice"
> 65 results

>> No.8906830


>> No.8907617
File: 86 KB, 438x503, 1482864750642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents being responsible for anything 4 years after becoming an adult

>> No.8907645

So much normalfaggotry ITT, it's both depressing and reassuring.

>> No.8907708

>most likely to be angry and disaffected in today's world are the ones who would be movers and doers in previous centuries, the artists and the scientists.
lmao, are you seriously this deluded?

artists and scientist have retained their role in society. the angry ones are those who've become obsolete due to technology or otherwise are unable to fit in. the qualifications required for decent jobs are ever-rising, and women, on average, outperfom men in school. but those who would previously turn to manual labor are now no longer needed. what should they do?

>> No.8907828

Its not about sex, its about achieving a magical impossible dream without "degrading" himself. Its the reason he never used a prostitute. I'm certain he'd think tinder was "too easy".

>> No.8907939

I think everyone should consider that they too are on the brink of becoming of a elliot of they do not make the right choices.