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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 475 KB, 854x511, booktuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8853717 No.8853717 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about booktube?

>> No.8853723

that screencap alone does not paint a very pleasing picture
am I right to assume it's a bunch of special snowflakes who think they're the shit because they read books outside of the YA Fiction section at their local BaN?

>> No.8853725

>they read books outside of the YA Fiction section at their local BaN?


>> No.8853738

No it is even worse than that. It is 20-30 somethings who read and collect YA exclusively.

>> No.8853751

oh jesus
so it's literally just tumblrtube
end it senpai

>> No.8853782

>am I right to assume it's a bunch of special snowflakes who think they're the shit because they read books outside of the YA Fiction section at their local BaN?
So /lit/?

>> No.8853814

like youtube book reviewers? for the love of ryan is good IMO. i like how he doesnt really spoil the book. i think someone mentioned him here, otherwise i would have never have heard of him

>> No.8853816


>> No.8853824

I know a girl that reeks of this.

She "reads" a lot. Like a book a day and I gradually realized that she literally only reads YA. She also writes YA in Nanowrimo so she thinks she's an author.

I'm getting her a copy of The Crying of Lot 49 for Christmas. I can't wait to see her response to it.

>> No.8853835

Why are there no the classics booktuber?

Maybe I should start one and collect those lovely youtube shekels.

>> No.8853841

I imagine you can't make a popular channel about books unless you talk about the books that most people are aware of.
Unfortunately what most people are aware of is shit.

>> No.8853861

BookChemist is the only one I really enjoy, the rest are all either YA cancer like in the OP or unbearably pretentious.

>> No.8853864
File: 44 KB, 515x574, jamitinthisheavenlyass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a quirky booktuber gf with a basic bitch taste in books, is that so much to ask?

>> No.8853907

slam her juicy pussy wiht your superiuor lit knowledge

>> No.8853911

I enjoy watching them. I like hating. Thats why im here

>> No.8854200
File: 7 KB, 355x269, 1412549613474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never actually watched any booktube shit
>look it up because you retards constantly meme about it
Nerd culture was a mistake

>> No.8854218

This sums them all up perfectly. They are so obviously jus for the booklover aesthetic

>> No.8854553


>> No.8854705

surely she realises how ridiculous it all is. I feel like this could pass as a terrible parody just as much as a serious (but still crap) video.

but still
>tfw no booktuber novia española

>> No.8854748

What would you rather these booktubers review? Swing Time by Zadie Smith? Purity by Jonathan Franzen? Whatever the latest posthumous cash grab on DFW is? 19th century classic novels that everyone already knows about anyway? All of the "/lit/ approved" contemporary authors take 5 year gaps between book releases, is it such a crime to read pleb shit in between these gaps?

>> No.8854766

She has a bf.And by the looks of it he is a beta tamed cuck. This type of women probably don't take nothing else.

ALSO----> https://www.papelenblanco.com/animacion-a-la-lectura/y-la-polemica-alcanzo-a-los-booktubers
This program of South Valencia made fun of the whole booktuber thingie. Pretty dope.

>> No.8854777

It always kind've confused me. Just like the intent, is it to show off? Like some kind of self-validation that they're not wasting their time? Does having to make a "review" force them to pay more attention to the books?

A lot of kids at my uni say they need to take creative writing classes because without a deadline they'll never write anything or finish anything, so maybe it's the same sort of thing? Like having a quota to fill? I dont know why someone would willingly do that though, you'd have to really think you're not interesting as a person if you need to be able to prove you read a lot of books in a year. Like I remember last year I was at the Strand in NYC
>hipster pseud-catering culture shop
but the books are cheap, and I was buying a book and the tumblrista ringing me up was telling her coworker "I've read about 60 books this year." I dont know what makes them think people care. It says a lot more than they think.

>> No.8854800

Better than food book reviews is p good and reviews good lit

>> No.8854847

I wonder if it's something similar to what I do. I have a notebook in which after I finish a book I write one or two essays about the book. I don't need to do it to make sure I'm thinking about the book enough, but I do it as assurance that I'm spending enough time reflecting on it before I move on to the next one.

Maybe making a video about a book is something like that?

>> No.8854859

The only guy I watch is PaperBird.


>> No.8854917

spanish is such a disgusting language

>> No.8854926
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>> No.8854935


I don't get the point unless the person is providing some sort of in-depth analysis or review. I like college lectures on literature, and professors (people like Gregory Sadler) who do close readings of the text. In the future (assuming I'm able to learn enough to feel like I can actually speak authoritatively) I would like to start a YouTube channel devoted to literature/philosophy lectures. I would love to be a college professor, but I'm not sure how much more time I want to devote to school to become one, so I'd much rather make a hobby of it.

>> No.8855076

wow, the amount of rage over that report is great. it was just a good honest report on the whole trend, and hardly even offensive (unless you are a soft cock) I don't think booktubers realise that people exist outside their online love-bubble - they get angry when they are faced with the reality of their infantilised existence.
thanks for the vid anon

>> No.8855105

Anyone know some channels like this?


No girls please. I tried that before and I can't handle the bullshit. I watched an "analysis" on Bram Stoker's Dracula and the dumb cunt kept going on about misogyny.

>> No.8855121

>how dare people enjoy different things in a different manner to me

>> No.8855129

But the status of the sexes in Victorian society is a theme in Dracula.

Have to be pretty far down the rabbit hole to sperg out at the mere mention of misogyny.

>> No.8855144


She was about how Bram Stoker was a misogynist.

>> No.8855459

this senpai,
I used to watch them ironically, just because i knew i was better.

>> No.8855481

>how dare people talk negatively about something I don't want them talking negatively about

>> No.8855500

You and me both famalam.
Bookchemist is based.

>> No.8855555
File: 533 KB, 857x797, 1453980473972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really makes you think....

>> No.8855562

I have a curated list of attractive yet shy booktubers with view counts low enough to keep their self esteem in check yet high enough to keep them uploading videos regularly.

>> No.8855572
File: 36 KB, 777x466, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this also, but I download all their vids to keep an archive of their activities so if they stop doing it, atleast I have some record of it all

>> No.8855574


>> No.8855575

The monkey toy makes me sick.

>> No.8855584
File: 46 KB, 1440x900, 1481494632012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please share anon. I admit, I crush on shy qt booktuber girls then unsub once they offhandedly mention their boyfriend.

>> No.8855594

I'd rather not, after what happened to that poor booktube girl.

>> No.8855604

Im not a troll or bully to booktuber girls, actually I almost never comment or interact with them in any way but I understand. Although I am unsure why you decided to share the fact that you have a list with us when you are unwilling to share the actual list. Bit disappointing m8

>> No.8855842

lmao his stories are fucking golden


>> No.8855847


The only good booktuber is BulletDeer


>> No.8855864

this is why capitalism has to die

I don't care if it's repaced with fascism, communism or an islamic caliphate. This disgusting culture must be gotten rid of.

>> No.8855881

There's one classic booktuber and her name is Katie

>> No.8855882

Pic related has massive boobs.

>> No.8855907

Oh, you mean that coal burning mudshark who exclusively fucks niggers and is also a feminist?

>> No.8855916


>> No.8855927
File: 451 KB, 450x340, 1480669206064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wasting a get this good on such an absolute pleb

wasted... wasted...

>> No.8855928

>I'm getting her a copy of The Crying of Lot 49 for Christmas. I can't wait to see her response to it.

Could you be any more of a literal autist?

>> No.8855933
File: 817 KB, 756x9800, 4Az268G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if the newfags deserve abuse or I should have move off the internet by now

>> No.8855941

Bookchemist is pretty good
Bazpierce is ok but his voice is annoying as fuck
CliffSargent reviews good books but I'm positive he literally just looks on /lit/ for recommendations, also he's a faggot

those are the only 3 I watch occasionally. I saw one video one time from a guy who admitted that he didn't actually read the books but only listened to them, and then 4 of his 5 favorites were by the same YA author. I decided never to go looking for booktubers again

>> No.8855943

pick one

>> No.8855944

I hope you enjoy paying $20 for a fucking literal doorstop for this girl

>> No.8855955


>Bookchemist is pretty good

but his taste is just incredibly entry level /lit/ fare.

if that's the best of the best then why even bother with "booktubers".

>> No.8855958

You can buy a new copy from Amazon for $8.74 right now.
>implying it's big enough to stop a door.

>> No.8855966

>why even bother if he's not as far down the rabbit hole as I am?
what should he be reading then?

>> No.8855982


i'm not saying the guy's taste is bad. just very entry and simplistic.

what's the point?

>> No.8855994


haha.ya guys..i totally am not buying this girl a book cause i like her...!

>> No.8856006

every fucking time... the last post

>> No.8856007

I just don't think "entry level" taste is a reason to write someone off.
The point to me isn't to get insight on more hidden and complex books.
He's just fun to watch senpai. I discover a book occasionally from him, but more often than not I just like hearing him talk about something I already know/have read/want to read.
It's not a class, just fun.

>> No.8856011

the point is that I don't spend all my time on /lit/, so other than the meme trilogy and William Gass I don't really know what constitutes entry level /lit/ books

>> No.8856012

yeah man ram dat book in her pussay to show her who the real mvp lit boss is tbhfamsquad

>> No.8856014


>> No.8856023


fair enough.

>> No.8856078

But she's gonna use it for that nonetheless

You really don't get the mind of someone who unironically reads YA, she's going to think it's utter trash

>> No.8856107
File: 767 KB, 932x596, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just LOVE that YA classic by bulgakov?

>> No.8856175

to be fair M&M is a relatively simple text

>> No.8856226
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1478341576182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like my videos?

In this one you can see my tits (kind of!)


>> No.8856233

Stop pretending to be a girl, Bakker

>> No.8856236

>it's for me
>it's completely for me
Is that why you made a video about it

>> No.8856240

Naw, the video is for you.

>> No.8856247
File: 176 KB, 750x905, IMG_3320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8856258


>> No.8856336

Is it worst than goodreads?

>> No.8856355

>the intent, is it to show off? Like some kind of self-validation

Notice how it's all women, or gay men whose brains are fried and who just try to imitate women.

Women don't do anything except for attention and validation.

>> No.8856364
File: 63 KB, 540x840, 1478286498773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8856522

I've heard this shitty stock music in other booktubers' videos.

>> No.8856528

Oh my god

>> No.8856550

yeah there's a near endless supply of good philosophy and literature and if you're going to read pleb shit you might as well just watch television or play videogames

>> No.8856560
File: 103 KB, 633x758, wojack18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically brilliant. Both for its ability to rope in new readers and its ability to trigger /lit/ beyond comprehension.

>> No.8856566

It's a valid point you dumb bastards. The book is like Looney Tunes steeped in cultural and historical minutiae

>> No.8856818
File: 20 KB, 377x480, 6105210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fag good God. Its like a woman in a man's body.
>Woah I like fairies!
Yeah I bet you do you poser faggot.

>> No.8856846

There are worse

I've been looking for this gay asian with a lisp I found who was going through his ultra-feminine fairy fucking fantasy books and shit, but for the life of me I just can't find it

>> No.8856912
File: 2.07 MB, 1658x811, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching for a few minutes I was quite triggered and wanted to kill myself. In a fit of masochism I clicked the link to youtube proper, and was instantly taken to this monstrosity.

>> No.8856917

Damn! They're supposed to delete their channel after they hit 25! HD wasn't made for this!

>> No.8856932

>if you're going to read pleb shit you might as well just watch television or play videogames

>> No.8856936

>and the dumb cunt kept going on about misogyny
So it's like reading "reviews" on goodreads? Someone always complains about muh misogyny, sexism, or racism.

>> No.8856949

>in response to this
Looks like a kike trying to get the stupid goyim to play videogames.. Besides that why does this garbage have so many views and likes?

>> No.8857024

Looks like you're going tits-less as well

>> No.8857037

>"10 reasons why I want to kill myself"

>> No.8857042

wow that girl is so quirky ! XD :)

Subscribed, you go! Girl power!

>> No.8857050

Everything is a fucking work for these people, even their ordinary reactions and speaking habits are shit they absorbed from Buzzfeed videos

>> No.8857131


i don't think i'm comfortable with these microaggressions of yours

>> No.8857143

>"Are Video Games Literature?"
No you fucking whore they're not. Literature is a clearly defined term, there is nothing to argue about there. It's the same logic as if you would ask "Are cars planes?" or "Are movies music?". Just straight up retarded.

>> No.8857146

Why would you say that to me? I'm not the idiot in the video.

>> No.8857148

I don't talk about you, I relate to the video you shared, otherwise people wouldn't know what I mean.

>> No.8857149

>>8857148 meant for >>8857146

>> No.8857204

What are your prerequisites to subbing to booktubers brehs?

>has to have <10,000 subs
>must have an average of <1000 views per video
>must not be in a relationship (must check all social medias to confirm this)
>must be cue tea par two tee innocent virgin of course
>must not be a feminist, SJW, progressive, etc
>must not be more informed on books and philosophy than I am

If they pass then I may sub them

>> No.8857427

This completely but with one extra rule
>overlook all previous rules for qt Italian boy
I'm gay for the Bookchemist

>> No.8857513


The ultimate irony is that I play video games myself. I don't think they're literature though as I have stated.

>> No.8857616

Are there actually any out there that fill this? I can't find a single good booktuber. Doesn't have to be a girl though.

>> No.8857625

The book chemist sometimes does classic reviews. Also theres that other guy who doesnt do reviews anymore but he was really good when he did. From buffalo, very thick accent. His name escapes me

>> No.8857889


What is the point of reviewing classics? Everyone who cares about the channel in the first place would already know it.

>> No.8857897


K-katie ;_;

>> No.8857968

There's a good booktuber-esque guy, but he's French.

>> No.8857977

I don't think anyone who has thought it through would call videogames literature. The real question is if videogames are art.

The overwhelming majority, of course, are not, but there are some outliers, such as Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.8857983

I like fortheloveofryan

>> No.8859034

Videogames are entertainment. Not art.

>> No.8859103

o x f o r d g i r l

>> No.8859149


It's a novella.

>> No.8859169


His implication was that she isn't going to read it and is instead going to use it as a doorstop.

>> No.8859193

I think that's true of the overwhelming majority, but it's not universal.

Just like books, when you think about it. A John Grisham has no more artistic merit than Shadow simply by dint of being a book instead of a game. Similarly, the latest Marvel superhero movie isn't art, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible for film to be art.

If, then, it's the content and not the format, then the blanket statement that games cannot be art is wonderfully ignorant.

>> No.8859236

>there is probably a /lit/ friend that downloaded all of her videos and just won't upload them

>> No.8859279

The point isn't to make people aware of the books existence.

>> No.8859294

>bookchemist gets $60 per month on patreon
>cliff gets $328 per video on patreon
Pretentiousness will get you everywhere

>> No.8859303

cliff also asks for money in exchange for his diary or whatever in every video

>> No.8859317

It's much worse in my english lit courses at uni, everything is a 'piece' or a 'work' or an 'ouevre' , words pretentious people use to feel more artistically vindicated for being into art

>> No.8859320

I only sub to people whom I think are smarter and more well-read than I am, otherwise I don't get much out of listening to some joe blow talk about blood meridian and parroting the same talking points ad nauseum for the 500th time

>> No.8859326

you faggots have obviously never read a single essay on artistic formalism

>> No.8859338

I don't know who it is but I would stick my Willy in her tube desu

>> No.8859391

Shut up

>> No.8859422

praise kek

>> No.8859474

Because it takes effort and aims at a smaller audience

>> No.8859488

I would have even accepted Susan Sontag, as pleb as she is. But yes don't mind me, keep having your meaningful arrested development discussion about how Shadow of the Colossus is art

>> No.8859498

No I will not have a meaningful discussion.

>> No.8859740

A good classic review isnt just a score though, it adds commentary on the book, its place in our society, and its lasting relevancy.

>> No.8859749

Hes alright. Hes kind of cringey sometimes though. Hes too white and not even in the good way.

>> No.8859996

Wow, you're clearly very smart. Everyone is impressed.

>> No.8860089

>it's a dumb booktube whores who exclusively read YA schlock picks up some classic lit like virginia woolf/bronte sisters because the book cover was pretty and that they might actually read it one day episode


Gas booktube now

>> No.8860206

so? People like those things.

>> No.8860290

this reads like a /lit/ shitpost

>> No.8861068
File: 51 KB, 519x412, 1473825157901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it

>> No.8861075

I want to cum in polandbananas. it's what Nietzsche would have wanted.

>> No.8861096
File: 74 KB, 640x641, 7e744bec8f91eaf068fc3570f16888dc554c337f559178873ef27dbb7d9faf76_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8861100

Look at her first video, then scroll through to the last. That's how SJWism turns a sweet qt girl into a hideous trainwreck

>> No.8861139

what book even is that

>> No.8861143

Why that's City of Lost Souls, the fifth instalment in Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series.

>> No.8861145
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1468110725347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, really? I thought it ended after the third because people around me stopped talking about it. How can one author milk a series so bad?

>> No.8861161

It's even worse than that. There are six novels in that series but the series itself is just one part of a universe that will eventually comprise 5 book series. Wiki tells me she's at 15 books and counting.

>> No.8861163

Holy shit, and people actually read and collect those? Kudos to her though, that's one hell of a way to make easy money.

>> No.8861258


10/10 book, despite that mystic stuff.

>> No.8861276
File: 19 KB, 235x296, 1439353428751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her downfall is tragic. I can't watch this.

>> No.8861397


>> No.8861410

this, don't share anything good here friend, /lit/ is a retarded place

>> No.8861418

>Literature is a clearly defined term
and yet Bob Dylan got a Nobel

were is the world going?

>> No.8861422

But it's a novella

>> No.8861426
File: 43 KB, 620x315, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your country have a YT channel were professors talk about almost every book in the western canon


>> No.8861485

It's nice if you find some one with a taste close to you so you can enjoy their recommendations

>> No.8861489

Your house must be drafty if your doors would clear a novella

>> No.8861505

Demonstrate my false but ok

>> No.8861515

Video games are art.
Space funeral is artier than shadow of the Colossus though.

>> No.8861522

Brazil rules!
Check Rodrigo Gurgel's videos, sometimes he can sound a bit too slow, but he is a great critic and his first lecture on the Short Story (O conto - Aula Livre) is great, he talks about Fita Verde no Cabelo from Guimarães Rosa

>> No.8861559

this is creep as fuck.
but hey, i'm on 4chan

>> No.8861609

thanks brah, gonna check it out

>> No.8861957

O la cucerracha mijos !!! i thinks you need to hablo english beuno first before you tackle the western cannon

>> No.8862045


>> No.8862090

>a triggered autist on /lit/
oh my

>> No.8862187

guys please stop subscribing to me on youtube i legitimately have no idea what kind of video i want to make so i haven't made anything in a month

>> No.8862282
File: 969 KB, 756x9800, rip lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevar forget

>> No.8862317

No, but the doors can move novellas because novellas are not heavy enough to be doorstops.
Because they've novellas.

>> No.8862830


>tfw liked her more when she was utterly depressed and miserable
>now she is on medication

No fun desu

>> No.8862835


>> No.8862843

How many are really just shills for publishers?
This bitch gets sent dozens of things from publishers to advertise/review.
>32,000 subs
The bar is so low to get free shit.

>> No.8862854


I have 162 subs

How do I get this

>> No.8862858

Post link to channel.

>> No.8862865

Judging by those books, wait 3 months after release and travel down to your friendly neighbourhood book pulper.

>> No.8862866




I could just save time and gouge my eyes out now

>> No.8862894

Where are the books?

>> No.8862967


i haven't been given them by publishers yet

>> No.8862969

Steal them

>> No.8862979


>> No.8862992


i'm white

>> No.8863047

book stacies are fucking disgusting and need to be injected with cancer

>> No.8863126


>> No.8864016

I have a youtube channel focused on books but I think I have only 20 followers.

I hate booktubers in general because they post the most irrelevant videos. Book hauls? Quirky pics like in OP? Stupid fucking ukelele music? Cancerous!

And I seriously doubt they read the shit you see on their shelves in the background. At most superficially then forget about it.

That better than food guy is ok.

>> No.8864724

I'm so happy you brought this to my attention. This guy is such a caricature; it's almost inspiring.

>> No.8864742

Post channel

>> No.8865174

This always cracks me up

>> No.8865199

sadly, this was a good action for /lit/

>> No.8865287


>> No.8865376

i think that person looks like markiplier.

>> No.8865422
File: 324 KB, 444x522, 1473866741547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen anime, and I have read Gravity's Rainbow, and honestly this hot opinion doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.8865488


The guy is better than most but that's not saying much. Every episode is pretty much the same...

>"OMG. This book is fucking amazing. The prose is outstanding and [insert writer here] is a fucking genius."

Rinse and repeat.

Aramini really was /ourguy/. He pretty much only focused on Meme Wolfe but he was undoubtedly the most intelligent and knowledgeable of literary criticism and theory and used it to make his points. We need more booktubers like Aramini.

>> No.8865490


>> No.8865496

what a degenerate poser

>> No.8865542

Nice fucking rack tho

>> No.8865566
File: 99 KB, 258x330, 1474492896102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>semi-qt version of grimes
>but all those fucking tattoos

>> No.8865581


also, just found out by watching her patreon video that she's actually a cam slut. adds up

>> No.8865705

This guy isn't bad.

I haven't determined if he's a homo yet, has decent enough taste.

>> No.8866052

No thanks not yet. It needs more content and i need to get better at making videos.

>> No.8866071

Her tattoos look like scribbles girls make in middleschool with their rulers
> B O O K W O R M on every finger
It only goes downhill from here isn't it?

>> No.8866072
File: 122 KB, 281x314, dfw laugh1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking damnit

>> No.8866076

What the fuck is wrong with your voice?

>> No.8866081

*Not their rulers, I mean ballpen. The drugs must be eating up by brain.

>> No.8866092

so fucking gay

>> No.8866100
File: 18 KB, 297x414, 1481880045410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one did this for "the one"

>> No.8866130


in which video?

>> No.8866464

might as well share it, their views would triple and it'll give them hope.

>> No.8866631

That's pretty accurate yes

>> No.8866649

this has nothing to do with capitalism, fuck off you commie bastard

>> No.8866692


my fu

>> No.8866768

The house might have a slight step with the door, then you can slide the novella under it when it's open.

>> No.8867933

Thats who it was. Anyone know why he stopped making videos? He was so good.

>> No.8867974

New Bookchemist review.
Bookchemist is funny, desu.
I want his dick in my mouth.

>> No.8867986


i don't know what to ay about this dude

>> No.8868016

hailo everybody it is ta bookchemist waince agayn

dubs, trips, dubs my man

>> No.8868022
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1460083887591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>literally has "BOOK WORM" tattooed on her hands

i bet this trashy pleb is amazing in bed.

>> No.8868045
File: 96 KB, 451x633, 1372822137972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no book worm curling her way through your text block

>> No.8868081

There was one guy who did some good reviews on books that I would have never heard of otherwise. The guy had unique taste in literature. He did a pretty cool video on benzo withdrawal, and worked on creating indie horror films or something.

Wish I could find the videos

>> No.8868305

Your picture looks disgusting. It's like a dick head but the cum is coming out of the holes where there used to be a piercing.

>> No.8868451
File: 13 KB, 236x236, 4329f3fd54ac5467ac6c7640e7970e86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, Vesp

>> No.8868465

An old friend is a beauty and booktuber. I watched some of her old videos because she is super cute, but she never did any books that I would want to read and her opinions on them are mostly "It was reaally good" etc.

>> No.8868483

a good booktuber! i'm surprised

>> No.8868655

´this one?


>> No.8868723


It's a bulletdeer and the semen is actually antlers

>> No.8868775

>mfw for a moment I thought it was going to be in Spanish so I'd be able to watch it
back to watching YA-reading attention whores I guess ;-;

>> No.8868780

still, not a single writer in the western canon
t. argentina

>> No.8868791
File: 88 KB, 1630x913, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fug xxxtina!

>> No.8868881

i still feel bad about this, never forget

>> No.8868908

Me too, but I always wonder how many pounds of makeup she has on

>> No.8868913

who cares breh

>> No.8868931
File: 8 KB, 236x177, d22058191aa79a390cee64cbee844f8a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit rude

>> No.8868975
File: 34 KB, 767x433, sav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't kidding.

>> No.8868986

Yes how the hell did you know?

>> No.8868997

She looks better now to be honest desu

>> No.8869001
File: 513 KB, 600x782, a68[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8869002

delete this

>> No.8869007

I do this with most things I like. Youtube channels disappear all the time; it's good to have a backup.

>> No.8869136

Hi Cliff

>> No.8869148
File: 33 KB, 540x318, Screenshot_2016-12-21-16-57-34-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya did good kids