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/lit/ - Literature

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8856221 No.8856221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8856223


>> No.8856225

niggers cant read books lol

>> No.8856227

can /lit/tards stop pretending that their special deep thoughts mean anything?

>> No.8856261

Only people in my special club can appreciate literature.

>> No.8856278

I would say that they would probably appreciate literature more, given that they had the intellectual wherewithal to pursue a profession that wouldn't leave them in poverty.

Any education you might need regarding literature can be attained with a library card, or literally for free on the internet.

>> No.8856291

Certainly haven't met an engineer with a single braincell. They're all meatheads.

No offense to engineers. They can still be cool guys, they're just dumb as rocks.

>> No.8856292

Some of them can, but most can't. Their sense of superiority and hatred for the arts will never allow more than a handful of really incredible people to be able to do this.

>> No.8856300

I would encourage you to take an upper level mathematics course and see if you still arrive at that conclusion. Unless, of course, you're in the STEM field yourself?...

>> No.8856342
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Anti-intellectualism is a meme.

>> No.8856350

science vs. art is a lie. nothing stopping you from excelling at and/or appreciating both.

>> No.8856380

>any education you might need regarding anything
But it's definitely easier if you've got a professor guiding you.

>> No.8856390

Honestly educating. I did not know von neumann was an expert in Byzantiniology.

>> No.8856395

True enough, but typically a degree is required to work as an engineer, or to get a postion as a researcher. No accreditation is required to make any form of art.

>> No.8856402

This. It's embarrassing to watch people "pick sides." I guess everyone needs an identity

>> No.8856414

That was a surprisingly decent read

>> No.8856424

>muh false dichotomies

>> No.8856698

>upper level mathematics
Babby's first diffy q doesn't count.

>> No.8856840

Which ones? At my school, those that fit your description are the mechanical/civil/petrol/mining kids.

>> No.8856853
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>> No.8856874

How the hell do you think we manage to cope with life?

>> No.8856900

>"making art"
>not wanting a slice of the academic slush-fund pie

>> No.8856919




>> No.8856921

the only tard here is you

>> No.8856928

What was STEM for women?

Tumblr, Eating and two things else. Somebody please post the pic.

>> No.8856952
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not it but just as relevant

>> No.8856954

Was sex one of them?

>> No.8856966


and I can only assume Man-hating to be the last

>> No.8856968

Maybe misandry.

>> No.8856971


>20 niggawut trole poste

Yes, it was.

>> No.8856975

look at the big brain on brett, with his fancy words and all

>> No.8856981

You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?

>> No.8856986

>Dude I am going to be rich!
After 1 semester in freshman courses.
>Like dude engenieering didn't make me happy. I am so superior to that, that is why I chose to study this useless literature degree.
/lit/ posters in a nutshell

>> No.8856990
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>> No.8857104 [SPOILER] 
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Goethe was a geologist

>> No.8857111

Engineer here

Can confirm, nearly every stemfag i know is completely illterate.

>> No.8857120

I am and I do.

>> No.8857187

I'm in engineering and most of my classmates don't really read. People aren't really interested in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake anymore; how often do you see a philosophy or literature major studying mathematics willingly? The same thing applies here, although of course reading is a more common activity.

>> No.8857478

STEM majors/workers can, STEMlords can't

>> No.8857496

I studied Comp sci because I was depressed and followed the path of least resistance when I was young. I mean, it was a hard as shit major, but not nearly so hard as defying the implicit expectations of my parents, peer group, and myself. I was young and smart and spent most of my time on the computer, of course I was going to study programming.
Now I make 100k and the most important thing I've learned from that is the enormous gulf between here and free. It seems like so much money, but the rent on my apartment is 1700 a month and expenses are high. The whole system is set up so that it doesn't matter how much you make you'll have to keep working till you die. The only way to make enough money to escape is to do something yourself, something that generates passive income, no one else is ever going to pay you enough.
I'm actually looking into buying a trailer home soon and then after saving up a bit more taking a sabbatical to be able to focus on reading and writing.

>> No.8857499

Theoretical mathematicians and theoretical scientists can, but those working in fields of application can't. They belong to the tradition of anti-intellectuals who value action and utility above contemplation and truth.

>> No.8857502

Good luck, anon. I hope your plans are realized.

>> No.8857527

Software engineer here. I work closely with electrical engineers on a daily basis and can confirm that many of them have a disdainful attitude with regards to literature and liberal arts in general. I program and read lit in my free time and have never understood why people think you cannot enjoy both. I do not think it is the case that STEMlords are incapable of understanding lit, its that the commonly held attitude seems to be "the universe is too interesting to waste my time on fictional universes". They have a very instrumental, utilitarian approach to knowledge which is in my view, a very myopic and a fedora-tier worldview.

>> No.8857538

Thanks man. It's really quite uplifting, surprisingly and powerfully so, to expect the usual 4chan shit-on brigade and instead get a bit of encouragement.

>> No.8857561

Yes, yes we can. Just because we didn't waste daddy's money on liberal arts college to go reads books we could read at the library doesn't mean we can't appreciate literature.

Mathematics and logical pretty much got me into philosophy and /lit/ in the first place. I still enjoy mathematics, and I feel as though it would be wrong to not use my natural ability in the field to actually do something useful in my life, so I am getting a computer engineering degree. Mathematics and philosophy are equally important, and having a job where I can do mathematics all the time will be great, and I read in my spare time.

Not all of us can leech off our bourgeoisie parents forever, and the stem fields offer intellectually stimulating jobs that pay decently, enabling us to support our studies.

>> No.8857569

This is the beginning of class consciousness my man. Just because your job pays a lot doesn't mean you aren't a proletariat, it doesn't mean that porkie takes a special liking to you. I encourage your trailer plan, do whatever you can to make the current system work for you, but always be prepared to support your prole brothers when the time comes.

>> No.8857609

STEM is basically the antithesis of philosophy -- in STEM, the focus of your eduction is to convey solutions to problems as concisely as possible, while a philosophy undergrad consists of repeating that whatever problem you're given is impossible to solve until you meet word count.

>> No.8857634
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anecdotally, these guys are correct.

people studying engineering, chemistry and biological sciences (applied science) tend not to be very well read. (i imagine most computing students would be here, but i dont know enough of them well enough to judge)
people i know who study mathematics tend to be extremely /lit/. physics also traditionally but maybe less so in these times.

whos /maths+philosophy/ master race?

>> No.8857645

depends on the phil department. mine has an insanely strong analytic bias. we've studied hume and symbolic logic for the first year :^) also the most common quality of response to a question might not be what they think is the ideal quality of response to a question.

>> No.8857682

Comp sci students are noticeably more /lit/ than engineers, but less so than math and physics students.
It sits at an interesting divide. On the one hand most are motivated entirely by the desire to learn their trade and get a place amongst the holy institutions of Amazon or Google, but at the same time in order to do this they must master some incredibly complex and abstract subjects which is always a gateway to the realm of true thought.
You can generally see the divide in what 400 levels they take. If they go for Network Security or Operating Systems then they'll be more or less engineers. But the Theory of Computation and Advanced Algorithims classes tend to be full of some staggeringly well read people.

>> No.8857684
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Programming use a lot of concepts of philosphy.
And art is too important to use, creativity is everything, sometimes, even more than math.
That's why others engeneerings say that we aren't real engineers.

>> No.8857686

this is for

>> No.8857694

>anti-intellectuals who value action and utility above contemplation and truth

That's just conjecture.

What tradition? Who specifically?

It's disrespectful how you deride those with the modesty to presume that they don't have the potential to make serious academic contributions and would rather pursue the certainty of creating direct utility than throw darts at the board and hope to get a 180.

>> No.8857731

generally people who actually have a passion for a stem field can appreciate the arts, yea

vice versa is also true

most of the people who whine about either field(s) are only interested in stem/arts because it makes them look smart, or makes them money

>> No.8857744

> doesn't even realize the next wave of great literary geniuses are going to be masters at wielding vast stores of information and data, i.e., compute scientists

>> No.8857748

Not sure where you received your education, undergraduate engineers from my uni are all required to take several 5000+ level math classes.

>> No.8857760

Only if they aren't in the vicinity of someone with a useless major

>> No.8857767

I knew what was coming and still spit out my drink
thanks, lady

>> No.8857787

I hate that learning has to be tied to a career because of capitalism. I hate that in order to go to a university here to learn I will have to go into debt, and I hate the stigma that afterwards I will have to get a job in whatever field. I thought university and college was for the love of knowledge? They're just factories now for potentially more money later. I enjoy just studying on my own, but what I wouldn't do to be able to learn in a setting where I could ask questions in real time from people I know will know the material.

Thanks, capitalism.

>> No.8857793

disregard any anon who uses the words "anti-intellectual" unironically
Any person studying a field, whether its in humanities or computer science, is an intellectual, plain and simple.

>> No.8857798

>What tradition?
That of protestantism and utilitarianism
>Who specifically?
Engineers, the new proletariat, only now, 100k in debt from the get go

>> No.8857799

It's better than university being only for the children of aristocrats.

>> No.8857800

earth isn't paradise. you either grow your own food, or you convince someone else to do it for you in exchange for commodity.

>> No.8857804

lol, aristocrats get tutors for their children
universities have always been for parvenus

>> No.8857806


But that doesn't make it good. I could say freezing to death is better than being shot to death but my end result is still the same. Can we do away with "well at least it's not..." because that doesn't focus on the problem but instead makes excuses for it.

>> No.8857814

Universities have turned into a money-making scheme for the administration. A celebrity can aenroll in an ivy league school with little resistance or chance of rejection, because its known that more people will want to attend the school that James Franco is currently living in.
Its almost impossible to get a job in a high paying field without a college degree, but this being America i'm still confident in the work arounds to the system while taking advantage of man's natural ability.

>> No.8857815

I don't get it. Do you bellheads actually believe that you will appreciate literature better if you regurgitate the latest buzzwords that your lecture notes provides you? How does that make you any different from, say, X rights activists? You're like economists, except you don't actually contribute to society

>> No.8857817

You think economists contribute to society and yet wanna shit talk literature students. I honestly hope that you die

>> No.8857831

Atleast economics has more utility than literature

>> No.8857836

this is an underrated comment - you have to at the very least pay the people who are teaching you...

>> No.8857839

Economics only has a neutral effect on human culture.

>> No.8857840

Economics has had so much utility since 2008, look how useless mainstream economists have been at solving the issues behind economic crisis.

>> No.8857844

the federal reserve is entirely run by economists; financial markets, are for the most part, designed by economists. Economists play extremely pivotal roles in the modern economy.

>> No.8857845

Fact: if a major doesn't require at least 2 semesters of calculus, it is a meme and useless

>> No.8857849

This is false, the introduction of fiat money has unambiguously and unilaterally been great for mankind; financial markets unambiguously and unilaterally have been crucial in the development of the globalized world.

>> No.8857856

>disregard any anon who uses the words "anti-intellectual" unironically

Yet another anti-intellectual sentiment.

>> No.8857858

You sir, are a fucking idiot. Economists are the only reason why the world economy didn't actually disintegrate. Hang a picture of Bernanke on your mantle and kiss it before you go to bed every night.

>> No.8857864


Why? I volunteer to help others with no recompense at all. I get nothing monetary or anything of the nature in return.

>> No.8857872

I'm just so fucking triggered by this, financial markets are literally the only reason why supply chains for technology can be implemented; we'd be living with tech levels of approximately 1970's without economists planning financial markets.

>> No.8857876

>implying that guy is a third as much of a worm as you are
Looking for a job you need to consider both income and property values. You may have to commute farther if you want to save money. Nobody is controlling retail and income to keep you working forever. It isn't that coordinated. It's just that he works in a place with wealthy people, and they drive up property values.

You're a whiny bitch who is probably still in college. Marxism is not difficult to understand, and you are not doing anything impressive here. There will not be a workers revolt, and if any kind of insurrection happens in Western countries it will probably be European ethno-nationalism, not Marxism.

>> No.8857895

You can study on your own. We have the internet. Unless you are reading academic quarterlies, you can probably get 90% of the things you're interested in for free online.

>I wanna go to college to learn
You want to go to college to get laid and do nothing. You can learn any place with a wifi router. Any system that lets people just take time out of the work force to "better themselves" without paying is going to tank economically.

There is no reason to get a major that will not help you economically now.

>> No.8857902

>You sir, are a fucking idiot
You sir, are a dumb redditor.

"The queen of the social sciences" is dogshit. Keynsian economics is continually racking up debt and inflation because it's popular in a democratic society to lay off problems for another twenty years instead of solving them.

>> No.8857909

only STEMfags can truly appreciate the literature

>> No.8857912
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>what is hard scifi

The literature forever forbinned to the rest of you

>> No.8857923

What kind of stupid fucking question is this? God damn you people are pathetic.

>> No.8857924

>but always be prepared to support your prole brothers when the time comes.
>implying you aren't bourgeois yourself
Eat shit, buddy, Marx wasn't talking about you in his proletarian uprising, he means the men and women who have no education, no prospects, who can only survive by working. Your understanding of class consciousness is clouded by your own shortcomings, but if you have any modicum of free time then there is no chance in all eternity you can be classified as "prole".

>> No.8857925


Which I am doing. In fact, I think I said why I would want to go to one. It isn't to get "laid," but thanks for putting down a quest for knowledge and conversation with people who definitely know what they're talking about to a simple quest for base pussy.

Really, congratulations. Why are you even on this board?

>> No.8857930

If you are a STEMfag who wants to into lit: start with the Greeks

If you are a /lit/fag who wants to into math and science: start with the Greeks

>> No.8857933

Neither operate nor create complex systems.

>> No.8857936

By that definition, proles don't exist in the first world

>> No.8857937

Debt isn't a problem. Historically many of the most robust economies have been those furthest in debt. Proponents of laissez-faire economics have manufactured the debt bogeyman in order to massively cut spending, thereby shrinking the government.

>> No.8857943

>If you are a /lit/fag who wants to into math and science: start with the Greeks
you mean the guys who didn't have an algebraic system? lol

>> No.8857949

If you know nothing about math Euclid's Elements is the best place to start

>> No.8857953

it should be noted that an engineer came to most sensible and rational conclusion in the thread.

>> No.8857954

>you mean the guys who didn't have an algebraic system? lol
you mean the guys who mastered geometry despite having no algebraic system? lol

>> No.8857970

>thanks for putting down a quest for knowledge and conversation with people who definitely know what they're talking about to a simple quest for base pussy.

>Really, congratulations
Why are you so passive aggressive and whiny? Where did you come from and why was it acceptable to argue this way there?

And yes, going to an institution to filter out plebs who haven't read Goethe so you can have an intellectual journey is nothing noble or easy to sympathize with. Instead of being a whiny bitch you should acknowledge the system you're in, think about what you need to do, and do it. You do not need to get an English degree to take advantage of your university's intellectual assets. Get an economically sound major and study more culturing things in your spare time. If you are only willing to read when your GPA is threatened then you aren't serious about your intellectual development.

>> No.8857971

STEMlord here.
I like dosty, Tolstoy, Borges, Kafka
still, I don't read a lot of fiction these days