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8791061 No.8791061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What should I read if I want to become more progressive and tolerant and accepting of others?

>> No.8791069

My diary desu

>> No.8791071

>implying a /r9k/ beta neckbeard has ever left his mom's basement and knows how to interact with other real people

>> No.8791077

You sound quite intolerant of my lifestyle. Maybe if you read my perspective you'd be more accepting

>> No.8791078
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The Adventures of Huckleberyy Finn - Mark Twain
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck

>> No.8791081

Damn. You're right. Post your diary, desu?

>> No.8791083

No I'm too offended now

>> No.8791092

The New Testament

>> No.8791093

If it would make you more like that person, why would you want that?

>> No.8791098

It feels like "progressive" and "accepting" are rapidly becoming at odds with one another. The Left won the culture war, now they're becoming puritanical, with their social theories as their new religion.


>> No.8791115

It used to be: visit the board dedicated to the topic you want to discuss
Now it's: visit a randomly selected board after getting banned from twitter

>> No.8791129
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don't get triggered /lit/

hold the line


>seriously how is this not the only way? read and don't get trigged. take a deep breath

>> No.8791131

Mein Kampf. It gave me a new found respect for Nazis

>> No.8791132

This new leftist dude bro phenomenon is so weird. Bullies will always find something to follow.

>> No.8791140

>250 years of slavery
>90 years of jim crow
>60 years of separate but equal
>35 years of some other thing I just made up

>> No.8791144

>did not hold the line

>> No.8791148

>What should I read if I want to become more progressive and tolerant and accepting of others?

Why do you need a book to tell you how to stop being an asshole? Is it that difficult just to mind your own business?

>> No.8791168

Not being an asshole =/= Progressive ideology

>> No.8791171

Ummmm, excuse me?

Mere tolerance doesn't address structural inequality. You have to be knowledgeable about privilege, unconscious biases, and microaggressions, and you have to deliberately seek out marginalized voices and choose to combat injustice in your own life and community. If you just want to "ignore race", or you think you're "colorblind", YOU'RE the racist, YOU'RE the problem, YOU'RE the white, milquetoast liberal who might as well be a European nationalist, considering you contribute to the cause equally as much.

>> No.8791175

Man Americans are fucking insane.

>> No.8791183

This can't be real

>> No.8791184

They didnt "win the culture war". The pendulum just swung to their side and now its swiging back. The sjws are dying out currently, I already see the evidence on my campus. But dont worry, a bunch of authoritarian evangelical right wingers will swoop into their place. I honestly expect the alt right to become the new mainstream radical movement

>> No.8791188


>> No.8791189

It obviously is. Why would he start filming before getting a grip on the situation?

>> No.8791192


>> No.8791194

>hold the line
fuck you you million nigger march piece of faggot shit

nice dubs tho

>> No.8791197

this will all feed the radical left once again in the long run. pseuds are into scapegoating

it's hard as fuck not to do imho. i dislike stirner but political/cultural scapegoats are god-tier spooks

>inb4 dislike stirner, kys

>> No.8791205

I intended it to be a rhetorical statement but I'm more perpexled as to how it got this bad, poor americans.

>> No.8791206

What does "asshole" mean?

>> No.8791209

>this will all feed the radical left once again in the long run
Yes thats how the pendelum works

>> No.8791210

not a prog by any stretch but your post was making spergrage look unsexy af

hold the line. i think it sounds like a good maxim for much of this shit. just don't get trigged by people trying to trig you. that's all my man

thx tho, those are indeed boss dubs

>> No.8791219

i agree. sry, i know it's obvious. my bad dawgeridoo

>> No.8791220

>the point of posting on 4chan is to look sexy

>> No.8791224

the bibel

>> No.8791227

>implying i actually think spergrage is supposed to be sexy to begin with
>tfw actually have to explain this

>> No.8791232

>just don't get trigged by people trying to trig you.
don't tell me what to do you fucking degenerate dick sucking commie

>> No.8791246
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>I want to become more progressive and tolerant and accepting of others?
You can only pick one, either become a progressive or become more tolerant and accepting, they're mutually exclusive.

>> No.8791258

>trig veda
>trigger mortis
>advanced trigonometry

k my man i'm out. but srsly tho i wish you the best. sorry th coates rustled your jimmies so hard but this was my point. the progs feed on exactly this shit. don't supply them with ammo. it's obnoxious as fuck but that's how they want it. don't play their game.

god bless you rage-anon

>> No.8791262

Huffington Post.

>> No.8791266

Hmm, just as I suspected, this thread has been deliciously devilish! Well done, OP!

>> No.8791285

>but srsly tho i wish you the best
fuck you goddam condescending transgender nigger hippie faggot jew fuck I hope you and everyone you love dies a painful death

>> No.8791295

Lmao what a little bitch.
Those fucking imbeciles are annoying but jesus he sounded like a 14 year old standing up to a bully. Why not go into a political discussion for fucks sake? At least stand up for what you believe in. Wearing a shirt like that is provocative, and that's okay. But refusing to even talk about it is just plain passive agressive. He was probably scared shitless.

>> No.8791297


>> No.8791302
File: 11 KB, 480x360, don't look at this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r making this way too easy

just listen to mungo jerry my man, surely this will calm you down


>> No.8791309


>> No.8791316

>the compounding moral debts of our ancestors
too late, I'm triggered

>> No.8791322


>> No.8791331
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that's how it works

it's the Matrix homes. except they live in it and not you. they want you to join it. the point is not to take either pill. but neither works

anyways i really am outta here. this has been legit fun tho


>> No.8791338
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man that was a good one. take care sir

>> No.8791339

>i really am outta here
you keep saying this

>> No.8791353

love and love and love and love

>> No.8791357
File: 415 KB, 480x238, for (You).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not go into a political discussion

>implying you can have discussions with liberal scum like that

>> No.8791364

you are a part of the problem and the worst part is how you casualize that fact.

>> No.8791368

whatever bud
engaging that bitch would be like preaching to a brick wall
a brick wall with a political agenda and sub par english skills

>> No.8791384

Did she upload her the version from her phone? I kind of want to watch it too.

>> No.8791415

Fucking hell America

>> No.8791479

preaching your beliefs lowers the level of discourse considerable, i find actually, ACTUALLY, be respectful to people often helps them listen

seek to understand, before you seek to change, why do you feel like here political agenda isn't worth discussing, when you find your own is?

>> No.8791499

All i'm saying is that those two were clearly just on a moral righteousness head trip.
Discussion was not on the table.

>> No.8791511

>"You only have a fucking iphone 6!"
>"He's never been to college!"

>> No.8791512

What a beta faggot. He shouldve told them to fuck off or square up.

>> No.8791523

>>"You only have a fucking iphone 6!"
That guy is seriously about as mature as an early high schooler.

Was that her boyfriend or what?

>> No.8791526


There was absolutely 100% no chance of a legitimate conversation taking place in that scenario. He recognized that, knew he'd be better off keeping his composure and filming it for everyone to see.

>> No.8791537
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>free wifi lololol what a loser!

>> No.8791647


Those glasses make her look 30 years younger when they're on.

>> No.8791652

>claims to be mexican
>is obviously a chink

>> No.8791964

mexicans basically are chinks you faggot

>> No.8791975

Actual serious reply-

Quicksand by Nella Larsen
Orientalism by Edward Said
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
Light In August by William Faulkner
Ain't I A Woman by Bell Hooks

>> No.8791980

Do you basically become a "SWEDEN YES!" queer if you read this trash?

>> No.8792056

suck a dick you gay kike

>> No.8792061

>Do you basically become a "SWEDEN YES!" queer if you read this trash?
I had to google your childish "alt-right" meme to figure out what the hell you were even talking about. The short answer is no, you do not. I am not some elitist, self righteous SJW asshole. Just open minded to give other viewpoints a fair shake. If you think Faulkner, Woolf & Ellison are trash, I legitimately feel sorry for you.

>> No.8792071

if u read anything wrote by a nigger you become a nigger yourself

>> No.8792082
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Read works that conflict with your worldviews. Challenge yourself and your opinions; consider the perspective of others.

Something tells me you're a young ((liberal)), read someone like Nietzsche, Celine, Baldwin and Emerson

>> No.8792085

Thanks for the warning, it is unfortunate that you've had to experience that yourself.

>> No.8792092

>I am not some elitist
>If you think Faulkner, Woolf & Ellison are trash, I legitimately feel sorry for you

>> No.8792097

Right. Three widely appreciated authors taught at a high school / undergraduate level. Good argument though.

>> No.8792105

>Just open minded to give other viewpoints a fair shake
Then why do they all have such similar viewpoints? Liberal progressivism is likely the ideology OP has been most exposed to yet you only recommend more.

>> No.8792112
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>The compounding moral debts of our ancestors

Ghost stories belong on /x/

>> No.8792125

They don't have similar viewpoints, though.

>Liberal progressivism
You obviously have not read all the books on that list.

>> No.8792128

>widely appreciated authors
by elitists maybe

>> No.8792132

Thanks for confirming you are either shitposting or sincerely ignorant and anti-intellectual. For your sake, I hope it's the former.

>> No.8792134

No, I haven't which is why I asked my initial question. Do any of them offer a truly different viewpoint?

>> No.8792158

Yes. Especially Beauvoir, Hooks & Said. They are extremely insightful on gender, race & culture, respectively. All are also pretty accessible (by theory standards) which is the reason I recommended them. The other books I recommended are solid literature with diverse perspectives.

>> No.8792172

Meant to quote.

To give an example. Quicksand is from the perspective of a mixed race woman living in America (for most of the novel). She does not feel kinship with white or black people, and feels alienated by capitalist, patriarchal society. Extremely depressing read without being preachy or "white man de devil" at all. Very unique perspective on race, gender & class.

>> No.8792174

When two ornery lunatics approach you in a bar and are clearly looking for a fight, especially when one of them is a chick and the other is one of those guys who is clearly a "problem," it's not time for a confrontation. Especially if you've had a few.

The bitch is genuinely nuts and her cuck paladin is looking to impress her. This is the kind of thing that ends with you on the pavement, with her giving you brain damage and laughing about it after he knocks you down.

I've been in situations like this. A dozen things about the guy's behaviour show he's ready to do something fucking stupid, over shit he read on Twitter. And she's clearly the kind of cunt who is used to being able to harass and bully men, because they are holding back from hitting a girl. Bad fucking combo.

>> No.8792181

Jesus, and there's a second guy listening in too. He pops in around 6:50.

>> No.8792185
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No they aren't, they all come from the same viewpoint. It's all the same marxist diarrhea that has polluted literature since the second world war.

>> No.8792202

This guy is right.

>> No.8792204

Fair enough. I'll take my "marxist diarrhea" and you take your ideology.

>> No.8792224
File: 72 KB, 600x640, che.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i love che now

>> No.8792243

I don't have an ideology, I'm just tired of people presenting the same old crap as if it actually was something different about it. The foundations of all your presented authors are all the same so they cannot possibly say anything of significant difference, their differences of identity doesn't matter because of the ideological lens which through they view the world which is the same for all of them.

I've already read that stuff and I am genuinely interested in new perspectives, the problem here is that I already know the marxist perspective. How about something new for a change? Not superficially new but fundamentally different.

>> No.8792288

>It's because you're here for the free Wi-Fi aren't you!
What did she mean by this?

>> No.8792291

Was she getting sexual with him at the end?

>> No.8792297

your facebook feed
the mainstream media

>> No.8792310

it saddens me that there are actually people who only get their news through those outlets

>> No.8792328


>> No.8792333

>I don't have an ideology
>I already know the marxist perspective

lol. There is no escape from ideology. Maybe you don't know "the marxist perspective" as well as you think. Also, fields like feminist and post-colonial theory are certainly influenced by Marx and his method, but doing and saying something very different. You are conflating them.

>Not superficially new but fundamentally different.
Marxist theory is the antithesis of "common wisdom" and is fundamentally different from a mainstream worldview to the point of being practically taboo outside of intellectual circles. It is also flexible enough to allow for broad, unique application.

>> No.8792344

>Maybe you don't know "the marxist perspective" as well as you think
I know it too well but I don't subscribe to it.
>Also, fields like feminist and post-colonial theory are certainly influenced by Marx and his method, but doing and saying something very different. You are conflating them.
Same shit different flavour. I want different shit, or maybe something not that's shit at all.

>> No.8792374

Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin
Ice by Anna Kavan

>> No.8792388


Do not read any of those. Especially avoid Said. He is neoliberal scum. Read Marx.

>> No.8792393

Avoid all of these.

>> No.8792411


if you really are as well acquainted with marx as you claim, then you should at least understand you just want something that doesn't make your privileged position feel uncomfortable

>> No.8792417


Tolerance is a multiculturalist meme. Read Marx and learn to hate the rich.

>> No.8792444
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FFS, I already told you I don't care for Marx nor Marx derivatives. Yeah yeah, privilege, class, oppression blah blah blah. Heard it already, not interested.

>> No.8792466
File: 70 KB, 1236x960, re2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FFS, I already told you I don't care for Marx nor Marx derivatives.

You better get out of my store before I kick your ass I tell you hwat

>> No.8792481
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>Ice by Anna Kavan

There's a name I haven't heard for a while. She's pretty obscure. How did you find out about Ice?

>> No.8792499
File: 150 KB, 500x347, Well he's not wrong....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8792513

Read these >>8791975 I guess, I haven't actually read any of them, but they're pretty well revered.

Read some Coates articles, read some HuffPo shit but take it with a grain of salt because they'll publish fucking anything that would pass Word's spellcheck.

You could just read wikipedia articles on progressive shit.

The most important thing is to try and understand that shit sucks for different people for different reasons they have limited control over, and to try to not add to that burden. Not everyone has to be an activist, some people are fucking terrible activists. And if someone tells you you're wrong about something, ask them to explain it, and keep an open mind. If they tell you they don't have to explain it or to educate yourself, just pray for their quick death, for they are the cancer that is killing progressivism and making people lose respect for education. Then try and educate yourself, because why the fuck wouldn't you try to improve your understanding of something?

Or you could just become a Marxist and bitch about people ignoring the "real" problems, as though worker uprisings and class consciousness would magically erase hundreds of years of ingrained racial tension in society.

>> No.8792521

You have to look at that in context. The guy published his diary where he went from having severe prejudice to this incredible message on a pan-South American vision, where all were mulatto. If you ever have the chance ask different people about this, it's really amazing.

Don't get me wrong, Che t-shirts are often stupid, but the man himself was someone very important.

>> No.8792547
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>> No.8792551

that guy was a numale cuck, he wouldn't have had the balls to actually do anything

>> No.8792564

You're a retard. The left would have imploded had it continued on its course, but now the Trump is in office and liberals are less powerful they have more reason to feel oppressed.

Liberals have a psychological dependence on victimization. They NEED to feel wronged. The right gaining power will only help them in the long run.

>> No.8792570

Liberalism is basically just secular Judeo-Christian slave morality. Religions will ALWAYS exist, and the new religion is scientism and social liberalism.

>> No.8792580

Liberals are pathetic
>agree with me or you're evil and ignorant!
Fuck off

>> No.8792586


Also stop discriminating against the alt-right you bigot my viewpoint is equally valuable to yours

>> No.8792590

>it's sooo hard being a woman in the West!!!

>> No.8792596

kek you are the definition of a basic liberal retard

drink your starbucks kid

>> No.8792601

anybody who unironically uses this term is pretentious beyond belief

>> No.8792617

>implying racial tension is bad
>implying struggle is bad
>implying that we should erase all struggle and conflict
>implying the Ubermensch gives two shits about racism
Read Nietzsche you bluepill

>> No.8792627


here's your whatever friend

>> No.8792631

Ain't a meme friend

Read Nietzsche

>> No.8792742

it's almost as though your ideology is preventing you from even parsing my post

>> No.8792759

>typing all of that when you clearly don't know anything

And that wasn't a dig at your politics, there seemingly are none. You really just said a whole lot of nothing for no reason other than to see your words in print. It may not be a problem now, but it will be in the future.

>> No.8792765

>implying struggle and conflict are being erased among those who have way more power than you

>> No.8792775

Whenever I see women like this an /r9k/ light in my sparks for a little bit until I forget about it.

>> No.8792777
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Ideology: The Shitposting

>mfw this entire thread

>> No.8792799

I sort of think we should do this; but it would be interesting to see what kind of shit show it turns into when only people who are determined to be descendants of U. S slaves are given reparations, and people whose ancestors were immigrants from the Carribean or Africa are not. Maybe he addresses those issues in his book. I suppose I will read it and find out.

>> No.8792822

this is... so fake...

>> No.8792830

a friend from around here.

>> No.8792844

wtf, a real response?
Did not expect that in this thread.

>> No.8792849

When Leftists Attack (GONE SEXUAL)

>> No.8792862

>Mere tolerance doesn't address structural inequality. You have to be knowledgeable about privilege, unconscious biases, and microaggressions, and you have to deliberately seek out marginalized voices and choose to combat injustice in your own life and community. If you just want to "ignore race", or you think you're "colorblind", YOU'RE the racist, YOU'RE the problem, YOU'RE the white, milquetoast liberal who might as well be a European nationalist, considering you contribute to the cause equally as much.
I'm a girl btw

>> No.8792889

My daybook of personal happenings.

>> No.8792918

The Gospel of John

>> No.8792928

you shouldn't read anything, because you'll eventually get smart

smoke weed all day and read your timeline on facebook, be sure to like as many ironic leftist pages as possible

>> No.8792951

>that ubermensch at the end


>> No.8792968

>might as well be a European nationalist
If that's the case, I might as well just go all the way.

>> No.8793021


American leftists are such tools.
The fact they hopped on the Hillary train, the most neoliberal bitch to have ever walked this Earth, proves they're nothing but a virtue signalling bunch of cunts.