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8766987 No.8766987 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for pro-Christian novels or novels with strong Christian characters.

>> No.8766990

C. S. Lewis has a lot of Christian influence. Read some of his short stories and Mere Christianity

>> No.8767008


>> No.8767010 [DELETED] 


literally slave morality ;)

>> No.8767016

Look to the following authors
John Henry Newman
Gene Wolfe
Flannery O'Connor
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Leo Tolstoy (with a grain of salt)
J. R. R. Tolkien
Walter M Miller
Graham Greene
Shusaku Endo

>> No.8767020

>Flannery O'Connor
>strong Christian characters

Every O'Connor story I've read has a Christian character being exploited by an Atheist.

>> No.8767034


>> No.8767035

>pro Christianity OR strong Christian characters
I also can't say I remember many atheists in her stories, beyond The River or A Good Man is Hard to Find.

>> No.8767049

Some doubtfuls there. Solzhenitsyn? Graham Greene? And Tostoy with salt?

Tolstoy definetly recomended. Then:
Dostoevsky - Brothers Karamazov
Victor Hugo - Les Miserables
Henryk Sienkiewicz - Quo Vadis
C. S. Lewis - Screwtape Letters
Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited
Dante - Divine Comedy
Lew Wallace - Ben Hur

And my personal recomendation:
Huysmans and En Route

>> No.8767062

Tolstoy wasn't exactly a Christian during a large part of his life.
Solzhenitsyn wrote extensively about Christians martyrdom in The Gulag Archipelago as well as about his own conversion.
Graham Greene wrote about weak Christians more often than not, but it was pro Christianity in many cases.

>> No.8767075

Russell's The Sparrow
Faber's The Book Of Strange New Things

>> No.8767092

Good Country People
The Lame Shall Enter First
arguably Everything That Rises Must Converge
arguably Greenleaf

>> No.8767097

Arguably isn't atheist. Not being a Christian doesn't make you an atheist.

>> No.8767098
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>> No.8767102

Well aren't you annoying.

>> No.8767982
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>being a slave to God
>not the highest joy man can attain

Stop thinking of your relationship to God as a relationship between you and another person. Embrace the paradox of the light of the most high inhabiting the body of you, you raging infant man.

By his light we may know we are not him.

>> No.8767990

This. Huysmans is GOAT

>> No.8768000

they were jews bro not athiests it's all anti-semitic and u r worse than hitler for enjoying it

>> No.8768005

>Henryk Sienkiewicz - Quo Vadis
>been meaning to read some Polish lit and some Christian lit, maybe I can scratch both itches with this
>check out the amazon "first pages" preview
>"It was close to noon before Petronius came awake,"


>> No.8768010

J. F. Powers
Sigrid Undset
Alessandro Manzoni
G. K. Chesterton

>> No.8768013

>J. R. R. Tolkien

Anyone else experience the Mandela Effect with Tolkien's Catholicism?

Up until fairly recently I was convinced it was fact that Tolkien was an atheist, and that his friendship with C.S. Lewis was sometimes strained because Lewis was a devout Christian his entire life while Tolkien remained an atheist until his death.

Timelines seem to be ever changing recently.

>> No.8768023
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I really liked this. The story is centered around the question of whether elves have souls and the backdrop is even more interesting because it's not the typical medieval fantasy setting. It's more of a Roman empire with a pope but I can't remember how much of that is explored in this one. It takes place before a Throne of Bones and you might even want to read that one first since it's actually a better book but I liked them both.

>> No.8768033

>Vox Day
Why oh why do people like this have to be so autistic? His band was on the soundtrack for the Mortal Kombat movie and his dad is a CEO who's in prison for not paying taxes. I like religion and conservatism as much as the next guy but not when people use it to a) make money and b) put other people down needlessly.

>> No.8768037

Maybe you were thinking of Stanislaw Lem and Pope John Paul II?

>> No.8768044


Yeah he's a twat but he can tell a good story.

>> No.8768066

No, I remember it clearly as Tolkien and Lewis. These constant shifts between timelines are spooky.

>> No.8768484

It's called bad memory

>> No.8768690

>Why oh why do people like this have to be so autistic? His band was on the soundtrack for the Mortal Kombat movie and his dad is a CEO who's in prison for not paying taxes

Why do those make him bad or autistic?

>> No.8768712


>I like religion and conservatism as much as the next guy but not when people use it to a) make money and b) put other people down needlessly.

Also who the hell talks like that? "I like religion and conservatism as much as the next guy" just comes off as so inauthentic. And what, nobody should ever make any money off religiously themed books? What do you mean by put other people down needlessly?

>> No.8768750

MIlton's 'Paradise Lost'
While not novels, Kierkegaard's works are pro-Christian.

>> No.8768777

"I like ____ as much as the next guy, but [...]" is a common construction and is usually used comically. Also that's autistic because where do you get off acting like some kind of high-and-mighty "Christian nationalist" when you write techno songs for Mortal Kombat and your dad is a crank and convicted felon?
>What do you mean by put other people down needlessly?
I dunno about you but I think calling Jemisin a "half savage" was pretty needless

>> No.8768835


It comes off like you're just pretending to be conservative which is weird. I don't know any conservative that would refer to Vox Day as conservative because he's not. He's some sort libertarian nationalist or whatever. I still don't follow your logic for thinking he's autistic. Is there something wrong with writing music? Who gives a shit what his dad did?

I think you just don't like him for other reasons and for some reason you don't feel comfortable admitting it outright. The only people I know that gave a shit about the Jemisin comments were SJW's because they get stupid over words and "bad opinions." Is that why you were pretending to be conservative and "one of us?"

>> No.8768844

Yeah you got me I'm a secret SJW here to destroy your white grandchildren you retarded fuck

>> No.8768859


I wasn't accusing you of doing all that, I'm accusing you of being fake. Now you justify that belief by getting all retarded and not even trying to defend what you said

>> No.8768900

Being fake what? A fake conservative? It's pretty obviously a joke you fucking weirdo. My point is perfectly clear: Vox Day is an idiot.

>> No.8768941
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>> No.8768945
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>> No.8768946
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thumbnails too small hope this is christlit too

>> No.8768950
File: 354 KB, 948x1542, 2016-04-21 02.06.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another

>> No.8768953
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and anoooother

>> No.8768959


So when you said "I like religion and conservatism as much as the next guy but not when people use it to a) make money and b) put other people down needlessly." that was a joke?

Why do you think he's an idiot?

>> No.8768979


I love how the maker of that picture just casually recommends Summa Theologica.

>> No.8768990

Serious question, are you autistic or something?

>> No.8769040

Les Miserables

>> No.8769045


If you don't want to explain your views you don't have to. It is irrational though.

>> No.8770310

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce