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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8756733 No.8756733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of living or doing anything if you're ugly? Literature can't solve this problem.

I'm a 3. And no I ain't posting my pic, but have been told I'm a 3.

>> No.8756737

What's the point of living or doing anything if you're beautiful?

>> No.8756744

cause people will like you

>> No.8756750

Just be more confident, breh.

>> No.8756751
File: 37 KB, 417x566, 74a18245a35602bdd28b3409a9cc1660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly /lit/ people get pussy all the time. You just need to be cool and not into dorky philosophy

>> No.8756788

Deleuze is not ugly.

>> No.8756794

You're more likely to succeed.

>> No.8756799

ugly people normally try to look standardly hot by dressing in typical hot person dress and getting hot person haircuts, etc. that's what makes them look pathetic and retarded. just try to look interesting, everyone can do it, and then it won't bother people and you can slide into her DMs with your well-read ass.

>> No.8756801
File: 105 KB, 500x377, kermit_really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP listen to: >>8756751

You won't get laid if you go full autistic on analytic or continelal philosophy.
Same applies to literature.

This is what'll get you laid.

If a girl asks you about huh, lets say jane austen and you go full autistic on "game theory" and how it applies to her novels1 or if a girl inquires you about a generic poet and you rant or exhorts him pointing out either the flaws or good traits, THEN YOU WON'T GET LAID.
Sure it may work sometimes, but the generic girl won't want an analysis past: "I liked it, specially the <insert most famous work or poem>". Or she will see you as "an obnoxius basement dweller autist" or something like that.

Also drop this shit 3/10 evaluation. What matters most is hygiene and how you behave.
If you look already bad and don't treat your health and hygiene properly, you won't get anything.

1 This can be generalized to: If a girl asks you about <insert book> and you go full autistic on <insert theme>.

>> No.8756803

you can lead a life of delusional self-importance obtaining things other of lower strata can't and assign some sort of merit to yourself for it.

>> No.8756804

What about you is ugly? Perhaps self improvement is in order.

>> No.8756808

Just don't be a whiny little faggot about it, and people will like you.

>> No.8756831

But won't the inescapable process of aging and death make it even harder to accept your life and worth fading?

>> No.8756850

The grass is always greener on the other side, faggot. Even if you were 10/10 you would find some other excuse to whine about.

>> No.8756859

that is not even remotely a 3, that is a 7

>> No.8756873

That's a 6/10 at best and black and white pictures can easily raise someone 1-2 points in attractiveness.

>> No.8756888

Would be friends with/10

>> No.8756900

Read antinatalism like all the other ugly people who are socially cucked by their own faces.

Seriously though, keep trying if your heart can bear it you might find someone, but if you've been beaten down enough (like I have), find other ways to give yourself a semblance of happiness. Get a dog, play an online game with a social interactive element, post in a forum where people have identities and are nicer than on 4chan, read up on Taoism and stoicism. Or make a plan to kill yourself as soon as your parents die and fantasize about it every day as a means of existential escapism.

Source: I too am ugly

>> No.8756934

Learn how to make peace with yourself. We age, we become ugly no matter what. Even the most beautiful human being will some day experience the conflict and will need to decide to deal with it or kill himself. You just need to do this sooner than later. Don't waste your life away thinking about this shit all the time, crying about what you're missing out on.

Give yourself a headstart and accept yourself early on. Don't wait for age to kick in to accept your flaws.

>> No.8756935


The sad thing is that ugly people wouldn't be so bad off if they could accept one another.

But we never do.

(I don't mean accepting fatties, btw... they choose their isolation)

>> No.8756997

Honestly just have a wank and get back to reading, little frog.

>> No.8757009

I had the chance to be friends with an ugly fella but I rather be a no friend loner than be associated with an uggo
True story

>> No.8757015
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remember anon, Socrates was also pretty ugly

>> No.8757023

socrates was a 3. We all love him. Just get your self-worth elsewhere. Many women do lack the depth of character to be interested in anything beyond abs and arms. However many women just want you to be interesting and make them feel like they never have to hide themselves from you.

>> No.8757024 [DELETED] 

He basically invented philosophy to have people to bait people into giving him attention before the society decided he was too much of an annoying nuisance to live.

Truly we are his torch bearers

>> No.8757026
File: 27 KB, 500x375, Get_out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we all love him

>> No.8757029

He basically invented philosophy to bait people into giving him attention before society decided he was too much of an annoying nuisance to live.

Truly we are his torch bearers

>> No.8757044

>tfw ugly so I'm never viewed as an equal to attractive people
>the I see how women pay attention to Chad, look at him whenever he says something
>tfw I see the 20/80 rule in action every day
>tfw too ugly to reproduce in contemporary society
It's a complex kind of feel

>> No.8757058

I think humanity and most things it creates are profoundly ugly to be honest. I've never seen something truly ugly that is not human or man-made.

Even the most beautiful people are only pretty in certain images from certain angles with a lot of preparation.

Ugliness is the norm for anything humanity related, the relatively small differences in ugliness between people are barely relevant in our general lack of aesthetic value.

>> No.8757069

Ugly people belong on /r9k/

Kindly fuck off, you ugly piece of worthless shit


>> No.8757076


>> No.8757077

Ugly people are often horrible people since being treated as someone ugly apparently fucks you up inside.

>> No.8757094

t. roastie
>normies think that ugly people are bad people because they're ugly
>which fucks them up and makes them become genuinely bad people
>which confirms the suspicions of normies that ugly people are bad
It used to be less of a problem. But this is now a female-dominated society. Getting anywhere as an uggo male is fucking impossible when sluts control who lives and dies

>> No.8757098

>frogman detected

Fuck off back to your containment board, you pure nothingness.

Enjoy dying alone and unloved.

>inb4 muh Chads, Stacys, normies, and evil feminists

>> No.8757103

>proving my point
wew, are you trying to trigger me?

Next you're gonna tell me that people don't treat ugly people like shit

And I am sure you are a girl

>> No.8757110

You should kill yourself, you ugly piece of shit. You have no worth to anyone and only serve to repulse decent people when you venture outside. At least have the decency to lock yourself in your room.

I feel for your parents, for having given birth to such unreproducible garbage of a human being.

It fills me with so much joy that you frogpeople will die unloved.

>> No.8757111
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Damn, that's pretty edgy

Also reee get off my board norman and so on

>> No.8757116
File: 18 KB, 286x400, thrasymachus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beauty/ugliness is the false dichotomy of plebeians.

might is right.

>> No.8757124

I don't even know if this is falseflag or genuine cancer. Back to fucking tumblr with both of your kind.

>> No.8757125
File: 146 KB, 500x560, IrVY1jE[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8757127

I am a certified 4chan poster and also agree you should kill yourself.

As in, "You must die to be born again." You must kill your narcissistic ego to be born again.

>> No.8757130
File: 542 KB, 491x492, scob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't be pathetic. I decided to quit the game before the humiliation of having to settle down with a fat wife. Maybe I'll get into gardening or hone my writing skills, who knows. But it's better to accept your lonely fate with dignity and courage.

>> No.8757139

>underage roastie or failed normie tries to make me mad
>I brush him off
>roastie is mad that I didn't take the b8

>> No.8757141
File: 18 KB, 600x419, 99f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think it's pathetic to spend my time ranting about women and jews on /r9k/ and talking about the size of labia and rinsing out my piss bottles?

>> No.8757142

But if you don't reproduce, you have failed as a human being.

>> No.8757147

Looks don't matter if you're a guy.

>> No.8757148

Says who?

>> No.8757151

>Or make a plan to kill yourself as soon as your parents die and fantasize about it every day as a means of existential escapism.

Are you literally me?

>> No.8757153

Women are much more visual and have much higher standards then men, unless you want to be a beta provider who gets to have sex once a year

>> No.8757154
File: 25 KB, 300x400, Zizek-wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fat old slovenian hobo is getting finer pussy than 99% of /lit/

You have no excuse

>> No.8757158

They *didnt* matter in the days of monogamy and sexual chastity.

>> No.8757159

I can't grow a beard.

>> No.8757160

Unless you do something great like cure a disease or write a great novel, as an animal it is your only duty to pass on your genes and continue your species. If everyone decided to not reproduce we wouldn't be here today.

>> No.8757163

Ugly people own /lit/ and academia. Go snort cocaine from a hookers torso you mainstream mouthbreather, leave philosophy and literature to the people who have owned it since the beginning of time.

>> No.8757164
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t. spooklord

>> No.8757165

Socrates was uggo as all fuck and he was drowning in boipussy. It's all about cofidence and what you do with your life.

>> No.8757166
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1282979675031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8757167

>implying Zizek isn't mentally an alpha Chad
His hyper-autism and intellectual posturing makes him look deep to girls

>> No.8757170


How often do you guys go out? I'm average looking and am doing good for myself, but I have fuckugly friends that get much more pussy than me. Forget about what you think of women - go out and see that they just want a man who doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.8757175

>yeah dude just stop reproducing
Google "behavioral sink"

>> No.8757178

>you now manually realize that you're discussing literature with ugly people

Terrifying. I thought anime and 'vidya' were your sources of entertainment

>> No.8757181

>as an animal
I am not an animal, I am a human made in the image of God.

>> No.8757182

Zizek is not ugly.

You guys have really bad standards as to what constitutes ugliness.

Not only that, but pictures and even moving pictures, otherwise known as footage, don't even tell you how attractive a person is. Their mannerisms, personality, body language as they speak to you and voice can be important too.

>> No.8757185

Confidence matters if you're actually average and just going through your teenage angst foreveralone phase

Genuinely ugly people look creepy and autistic no matter how good their social skills or how confident they are

>> No.8757187

>Their mannerisms, personality, body language as they speak to you and voice can be important too.

We're talking about fucking Zizek here

>> No.8757188

You need to have friends to meet women.

>> No.8757191

>It used to be less of a problem
Lmao citation needed, Elliot.

>> No.8757196
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>this is actually what your average frogposter looks like

>> No.8757200
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>In 2005, he married 26-year-old Argentine model Analia Hounie in a celebrity wedding heavily covered by the international news media. It has been reported that Hounie is the daughter of Lacanian psychoanalysts, that she has read and understands quite competently Žižek’s difficult and voluminous works, and (depending on the report) that she either is or is not a genius.

>Argentinian model
>daughter of Lacanian psychoanalysts
>read and understands quite competently Žižek’s works
>pic related

Why is Slavoj so alpha?

>> No.8757202

>he doesn't know that most writers are ugly as fuck
>he doesn't realize that attractive people tend to have less empathy because they don't go through as much hardship as average or ugly people
Roastie dilettante detected

>> No.8757205

Zizek looks like he fucking needs to shower.

>> No.8757209

>le citation needed meme
Looks like it's already triggered you, afraid of the truth

>> No.8757213
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Its stories like this which make me not give up on Academia

>> No.8757215

>reading ugly authors


>> No.8757221
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idk man

>> No.8757222
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Salmand Rushdie and his wife

>> No.8757228
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>read Flannery O'Connor
>can't stop thinking of what her hideous, stinking vagina must have looked like

>> No.8757230
File: 1.36 MB, 2668x1498, 43248762834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.8757231

Seriously though, how do you ugly people justify going out in public when you know that everyone finds you revolting to look at?

Is it not unfair to subject decent-looking people to such a sight and discomfort?

>> No.8757232

Nigga you are literally speaking in memes and buzzwords.

>> No.8757233

>Seriously though, how do you ugly people justify going out in public

>implying I go out in public

>> No.8757243
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spooky post

>> No.8757251

This is the main reason I want to kill myself

I care enough about people to not want to force them to be with me. I don't have any friends because I would be afraid I would be the "weird friend" or the ugly guy that makes the others look good in comparison

I have a hard time even looking people in the eyes. On the street I'll see girls and make sure not to make any eye contact, facial expressions, or sudden movements that could get me labeled a creepy sexual predator

>tfw you paint, make music, and write but nobody will ever give two shits about what you're feeling because you're an uggo

>> No.8757260

I think I speak on behalf of all good-looking people when I say 'thank you'. Thank you.

>> No.8757261

This, he has Chad bone structure, he's just balding.

>> No.8757262
File: 38 KB, 600x463, salman-rushdie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rushdie. literature solved that problem.

>> No.8757268

I'm just saying, he'd have no place dating a girl like that if he was a jannitor

>> No.8757270

Do you post frogs? If so, I'm happy that you're feeling this way.
If you don't, then I'm so sorry that you find yourself in this predicament and hope that you'll find someone, or get some peace of mind. And -- if you aren't a frogposter -- I hope you realize that no one really cares about you when you're out-and-about and no one is actually repulsed unless you're elephant man-tier.

>> No.8757271

Zizek has Chad bone structure too, he's just unkempt and slovenly.

If OP is who I think he is, he's an ugly mulatto with literally no bones in his face and a crooked nose.

>> No.8757279
File: 298 KB, 600x512, IMG_0452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting Pepes makes you a bad person

>> No.8757282


try to get some therapy though, you don't owe the world your disappearance

>> No.8757285

This, ugly people have nothing of value to say.
Hah, in his younger days I'm sure he could bed whomever he wanted. He has FACE and that's the one sole thing that matters most, it is literally THE indicator of genetic quality and health.

>> No.8757287

Theyve found pretty people are less happy

>> No.8757288

Have you visited /r9k/, lad?

>> No.8757291

what about HEIGHT and FRAME, fellow incel?

>> No.8757293
File: 18 KB, 520x282, shyboysirl2011.0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has FACE and that's the one sole thing that matters most, it is literally THE indicator of genetic quality and health.

This sounds familiar

>> No.8757294
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 1474390847233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed OP. Why the fuck should pay for books when picrelated are the writers who had everything handed to them and want me to buy their narcissistic and barely disguised memoirs?

>> No.8757300

>tfw you'll never know what it's like to sniff the butthole of a hot girl

>> No.8757305

Important too, but FACE is really the one thing that above all else indicates good genes and a healthy upbringing.
Well it's not untrue, look at that guy, plump lips, narrow palate, pretty much no bones and weak dimorphism. He has poor genes and grew up eating candy in front of the computer.

>> No.8757319

How do you rate your own face out of curiosity?

>> No.8757328
File: 156 KB, 740x464, 1479389243373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a 3.

>what I see
>every individual person has their own amorphous perspectives of their attraction towards other individual people based on a multifacted array of different forms of value that change at any given time as they see the person in different lights and depths

>what I don't see
>abstracted rigid atemporal tiered single axis medians of discreet attractive utils somehow floating around space

Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.8757339

Good post

>> No.8757343

I used to say 4, but after actually taking measurements, I realize I'm actually a 6 or possibly even 7. Solely held back by autism and poor grooming in spite of possessing some Chad-ish features (narrow eyes with + tilt, large brow, wide face, ok palate, short philtrum, decent jaw and a dimpled chin)

I am not incel though, so it doesn't really refute anything.

>> No.8757351
File: 64 KB, 810x611, 1473811398523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but after actually taking measurements

>> No.8757358

Yeah, it's kind of important.

I have a very poorly groomed beard for example which disguises those features.

>> No.8757360

>Solely held back by autism

It shows.

>> No.8757363

That's the thing though, if I actually go out and try to pick up chicks, I more likely than not succeed, proving that women subconsciously pick up on facial structure and can "look past" the other things.

I also have a terrible haircut (or rather lack thereof) which softens my face, not working in my favor, but it seems to be more or less irrelevant.

>> No.8757369
File: 27 KB, 306x517, Sylvia Plath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proving that

>> No.8757371

Post your face, you obnoxious autistic sperg.

>> No.8757372
File: 36 KB, 460x793, ottom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pathetic, why in the hell are you guys so obsessed with pussy? The only people who care about your looks is women; as in, you can still make guy friends if your personality isn't a dumpster.

>> No.8757376

>The only people who care about your looks is women; as in, you can still make guy friends if your personality isn't a dumpster.

Do you actually believe this?
Its far far easier to make friends as a good looking guy

>> No.8757377

>t. virgen

>> No.8757381

>tfwynb 3 enough for humans to leave you alone with your book

>> No.8757391

I will not.

I still think I'm ugly, but the measurements show otherwise.
Well, maybe not. You are generally going to have to make an effort obviously.

I did end up losing my virginity to a girl without having to do anything, she initiated everything. That was a major confidence boost.

>> No.8757396

Yes, I do believe that. Do you live under a rock or something? Men will like you if you can contribute something to the group overall; for example, you will probably make friends with mathematicians if you knew about mathematics and didn't have the personality of a dumpster.


damn you got me bro.

>> No.8757397
File: 76 KB, 200x200, 1477350612919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I did end up losing my virginity to a girl without having to do anything,

OP here; gonna kill myself now


>> No.8757398

No lie, I probably would kill myself if I were less than a 5. The world's already mostly ugliness, having to look at myself in the morning just wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.8757399

Fuck off Uggo, this is our thread now

>> No.8757404

>he has an ugly friend in his clique of lads

kill yourself

>> No.8757406

>I still think I'm ugly, but the measurements show otherwise.

I'm not saying you are ugly, but you can't actually measure whether a face is attractive you fucking sperg

>> No.8757409

That's the thing though, people will automatically like you better if you're good-looking, and will tolerate much more bullshit. I doubt I would have any friends if it wasn't for my looks.

>> No.8757410

Cause confidence and money outweigh looks. Get a good job, go to the gym, focus on yourself, and you'll feel a lot better about your lot in life. Looks are relative anyway. I've seen some ugly ass dudes with good looking chicks, but you can be sure they either had money or a killer personality.

>> No.8757416


>t. someone who has the social outlook of a high school girl.

>> No.8757418

You sort of can though, it gives you information on how well-developed the face and skull is. Good development = Attractiveness.

>> No.8757426

>implying ugly people aren't shitty company

Nice try, uggo

>> No.8757429

Yeah you can sort of make abstracted median ratios between a number of faces deemed attractive but its not going to tell you with anything near certainty whether an invididual face is attractive or now.

You can have all the right ratios but something could just be "off" about a given face because its as much about the idea of the person it gives as its "developement"

>> No.8757431

Idk, I sailed with this guy who was, for lack of a better word, alpha. Wasn't really the definition of handsome, but he was a tough guy. Shaved head and tattoos, but really cool and polite to everyone. Anyway, he was constantly getting chicks at bars by just being cool. Kind of the example of girls wanted him and guys wanted to be him. So I'd argue it wasn't conventional looks that aided him, rather it was having looks that fit a personality that everyone wanted around.

>> No.8757432

There is more to a person then the facial structure. Even if good looks give off a good initial impression if the person is trash then it will show. I mean this is what happens when you consume ideology and build a very simplistic 2d world, no wonder people love shit like anime and MLP.

>> No.8757436

fuck you A. you know you're not>>8756733

>> No.8757440
File: 600 KB, 740x960, 1456149301080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8757444

I don't understand what the point of that anecdote was

>> No.8757451

If he had a very masculine, robust face (which I would imagine) that is in fact an attractive face, if not "pretty".
Yes of course, I am not saying it's all down to face, but it's so, so incredibly important, and many people don't understand just how much it rules subconscious processes.
Well the point is, I have robust, masculine measurements, as in I have large developed bones and a broad face on a thick skull. This is generally found to be attractive.

>> No.8757453

I'm saying in the real world being looking like a pretty boy doesn't matter. Only online with people whining in their echo chamber about height, face, etc. does it matter to anyone.

>> No.8757463

Yeah no one in this thread implied you have to look like Justin Timberlake to be attractive. Again who are you addressing?

>> No.8757473
File: 39 KB, 396x594, dennis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you man, but I just wanna say that I got a diamond cut rock solid jawline. My jawline is so sharp, nigga, motherfuckers use it to merk other niggas in the cut. Niggas on the street call me Diamond Jawline Dennis and I ain't afraid to cut a nigga into pieces if a falls out of line, with my jawline of course.

>> No.8757481

I'm handsome and attractive and it isn't any better.
Sure I can have sex and people like me, but I don't like them. It's all so superficial.

Ugly or not, there's an almost uncrossable gap between any two people. I used to be fat and ugly, but at least then when someone seemed to like me I knew it was because of my personality. Now all girls think I'm charming and interesting, but not because they have the grey matter to actually comprehend anything I care about (intellectual masturbation basically), but because I'm tall and have a symmetrical face.

I'm actually getting to the point where I hate people for being nice to me. When the same girls who would have looked down their noses at me when I was younger now fawn over me it doesn't make "me" feel wanted, just confirms the fact that my life is a completely subjective experience that is only genuinely communicated through ranting internet posts on Mongolian cartoon websites.

I dare people here to ask their "friends", "lovers", or coworkers to draw a portrait of them some time. Its actually repulsive to look at. Like a girl telling you she loves you just because you fucked her good. Almost every social interaction is a pathetic facade, and I genuinely come to believe that the only true love is platonic.

>> No.8757482

>ywn have a huge manly jawline
Fucking kill me

>> No.8757483
File: 57 KB, 600x658, db46b75bd93c0474116fba993bf58b2a932f3b3d2f206e59330a207861eedc5a_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm handsome and attractive and it isn't any better.
>Sure I can have sex and people like me

Stopped reading here

>> No.8757488

you do not. Why can't you go out by yourself (I do)

>> No.8757494

>yeah man my life is shit too haha, it's like everyone is so shallow you know?
>you guys are so lucky to be ugly and alone
I bet you aren't even smart and just namedrop philosophers so girls think you're deep. "Intellectual" Chads are psueds 90% of the time because of positive bias towards them (you're hot so they think you must be smart/interesting)

>> No.8757501



Go talk about the size of labia

>> No.8757503

See, that's a powerful and healthy individual. He becomes somewhat "pretty" too as he has some more feminine features (large eyes, small, shallow nose root, slightly less aggressive brow).

>> No.8757504
File: 133 KB, 680x651, IMG_0407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you even here if this triggers you so much? Why not stay on Reddit?

>> No.8757506

>gets triggered by sexually active people


>> No.8757509

Why do you hate /r9k/ so much? Did they say something mean to you?

>> No.8757512

Why don't ya bend over and let him play pitcher?

>> No.8757526
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I don't talk about philosophers with girls, I've only ever met two girls who I could actually have a conversation about that shit with. One was completely in love with me, but it was when I was fat and ugly (I spent most of my childhood without friends and the popular kids used to beat me up at recess because I was an autistic foreigner and fat and poor), and I never did anything with her because she was literally the first girl to ever show any interest in me and I didn't know what to do.

The second one refused to sleep with me because she actually got to know me and realized I'm a shitty person, but we used to have great conversations about literature and philosophy.

The girls who do sleep with me are stupid cunts that don't give a fuck about art, and just see me for my body.

You don't know anything about me though, you just judge me because you're bitter. Different side of the same coin, ya know?

And btw, if you worked out three times a week and paid attention when you got dressed girls would think you're attractive too. Then you'd realize that they're just shallow people who don't really care about anyone except themselves. Just like everyone.

Pic related is what most women want, and they don't give half a fuck about your personality. When I get older, or if I ever get in an accident, or suffer from illness, I'll go right back to being an ugly person and women will go right back to not giving a fuck about me.

Its nice to tell yourself that if only you were richer, or handsomer, or whatever, people would like you and life would be great, but the reason life is shit doesn't have anything to do with your personal qualifications, it's simply a fact that penetrates every part of existence. Most people will spend their entire lives without falling in love, most married couples are married just because of comfort and repetition, and if you can't connect on a basic level with other human beings, nothing will change that.

Ask someone to draw a picture of you. Whether your handsome or not, the picture will look nothing like "you" as you perceive yourself. This is what I've come to realize. Better to just accept it and resolve yourself to a life of untranscendable loneliness.

>> No.8757529

He's the example of one of those people who tick all the boxes (except being black) but look "off"
Something weird and uncanny about his face

>> No.8757534

I don't think he looks off really.

The only thing is possibly his low inserted nasal root and high forehead. It's also probably because he's mixed, which does generally look a little off.