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8618998 No.8618998 [Reply] [Original]

I just started reading this and it feels like ive started in the middle of a series, this is the first dan simmons book ive read. Is there another book im missing?

>> No.8619014

No. Why do you have that feeling?

>> No.8619031

no background on the characters, it just starts with "the consul" and the other characters. no history on the planets or anything. usually these types of books tell us why the war started, where the character is from and how when they were young something happened to them that changed them forever etc etc.

>> No.8619043

You can't be very far in. The book is divided into sections, each one telling the backstory of an individual character. It's been likened to the structure of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

>> No.8619055

It's an intertextual reference to the Canterbury Tales, and not a particularly subtle one either. Essentially, Hyperion is a framing device for a series of short stories. Read it as such. Worry about the greater narrative when it's revealed to you later.

>> No.8619058

you are correct, i just wanted to make sure before i read any farther, didnt want to spoil it for myself (done it before)

>> No.8619062


>> No.8619187

Ender's Game is better.

>> No.8619421

Further novels explain almost everything, too much in many people's opinion. Although the ultimate ending is a bit tacky, it's satisfying and makes sense, which not many sci-fi series can boast

>> No.8620711

First time reading Hyperion was a great feeling. Still have two more books to go, though.

>> No.8620722
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>Scholar's Tale

>> No.8621469
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>Soldier's Tale

>> No.8621675
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really fucked my shit up but then I remembered that they were Jews

>> No.8621678
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That shit made me cry.

>> No.8621689

Poet > Priest > Soldier > Kike > Consul > Detective
>tfw didn't get to hear Templar's tale

>> No.8621708

le fugging mudder bidtch :DDDD FUG hahahaha

Silenus was just an edgy faggot

>> No.8621718

I commend this book for portraying intergalactic humanity as the opposite of what the usual sci-fi stories like to glorify it as. I enjoyed how hopeless and dreadful it all felt.

>> No.8621874

Second Book>(By a little margin)First book>>>Fourth book>>>>>Third book