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/lit/ - Literature

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8596074 No.8596074 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit's reading speed?

Personally I read about 200 pages per hour.

>> No.8596094


>reading anything less that 400

>> No.8596096

I read Infinite Jest 3 times per hour

>> No.8596102

I read "In Search of Lost Time" in fourteen minutes.

>> No.8596114

I read approximately 1 page per hour

>> No.8596361

i dont really know. somewhere around 50pages/hr. yes i know its slow but i dont really think it matters all that much.
i have a friend who can read twice as fast as me. we set ourselves a goal on reading a book a week.
i read the witcher in 3 days and by the end of the first week id gotten half way through stephen kings under the dome.
he'd barely finished his book called rapture, which wasnt all that difficult or long.
after that he said he didnt want to read anymore and pretty much pussied out.

reading speed doesnt really matter, actually finishing the book does.

>> No.8596382


I believe that I average around 60p/h when presented with an average size book with about 35-40 lines per page, but it can vary widely based on the size of the page and the font. Sometimes it can be 40p/h and sometimes it can be 150p/h.

>> No.8596387

No need to brag mate

>> No.8596427

Every time I read the book takes back pages I've already read from my mind.

I read at a rate of minus 1 page every 2 minutes.

>> No.8596429

>sometimes it can be 150p/h.

fuck off.

>> No.8596430

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8596432


Lol. What? Some smaller novellas get packed with like 15 lines per page and giant text. That shit reads fast, especially if they really cheat and put in full page chapter breaks.

>> No.8596482

I unironically read 6 pages per hour

>> No.8596625

I'd say about 10-20 pages an hour, it varies a lot. I do a lot of stupid shit like re-reading the same line 10 times to register the meaning, put the book down for 5 minutes due to distraction or the wandering of my mind, and stopping after reading a sentence/paragraph to try and imagine and visualize and experience a given scene, environment, object, person, event, room etc.

>> No.8596643

Do you know the meme where you say about a name which has some sort of meme about it, like Hugh Mungus or Mike Rotch, that it is your rap name?
The 'meme name is my rap name meme'?
What about a meme where you do that meme but the meme is that the name has no meme?
So instead of the name being a meme it's just a regular name, like Jake Crandall or Kelly Stevens, and that's the whole meme.
The 'meme name is my rap name meme where the name is't a meme name meme'.
Definitely a dynamite meme, right guys?
It's sure to catch on.

>> No.8596646

It depends what it is. I could read a whole Harry Potter book in a day I'd I wanted to, but maybe only 40 pages from The Critique of Pure Reason in a day. Also, slow reader here.

>> No.8596747

I read 2,07 IJ an hour

>> No.8596753

>the witcher
>Steven King

>> No.8596758


>> No.8596791

How do I stop thinking "Wait, what did I just read?" at the end of a paragraph then read it again? I realize it has to do with concentration but can I even improve it at this point?

>> No.8596796

Drop some Adderall

>> No.8596812


Any ratio higher than 40 pages per hour is not reading and understanding is just eating and swallowing text.

>> No.8596814
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I read about 800 words per minute but I read about 5 pages an hour.

>> No.8596856

It depends on the material. Sometimes it's as slow as 10 pages an hour, sometimes as much as 100 pages per hour. Average tends to be roughly 60 pages per hour.

>> No.8596865



>> No.8596877


my niggas

when I read scientific papers, journals, web articles I read between 30 and 40 pages per hour

when I read actual literature I may read a page twice, who gives a fuck

>> No.8596907

>having such a low reading comprehension you have to reread a page to understand it.

>> No.8596909


I like to fully understand a concept before I move onto the next one. So when I'm reading some scientific book, my speed could be very slow.

>> No.8596910

Are you paroting something or earnestly asking this question?

>> No.8596914

My speed is approx 3.5 IJPH

>> No.8596923

Ten seconds a page. Doesn't matter how big it is. It's my method.

>> No.8596952

>he doesn't re-read each paragraph 20 times
>reading any more than 3 pages an hour

>> No.8597374

Mine is calculated at 3 Novels per hour

>> No.8597378

true patrician

>> No.8597435
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50-100 pages/hour

>> No.8597619

Fucking pleud.

If you're not repeating one word for two weeks until it's lost all sense of context and meaning, before moving on to the next word, you are not doing it right.

>> No.8597693
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>he doesn't subvocalize
taking away all the enjoyment if you're not giving a speech to yourself in your head

>> No.8597721

reading out loud is even better, I sometimes do this when the prose is really good or if i'm reading poetry

>> No.8597725

for poetry sure but if it's usually a sign of retardation for most else

>> No.8597741

I don't mean reading everything when it comes to prose, but just fragments of it.

>> No.8597745

This. Unless you're Harold Bloom, you shouldn't be reading more than a page per minute (for average-spaced, literary works). You don't listen to a song at 1.5x the speed it's normally at to get through the album quicker. You savor every second.

>> No.8597748

I do the same.

>> No.8597754


>> No.8597960

was waiting for this.

>> No.8597987

30 pages per hour on average, maybe more or less depending on how dense/descriptive the book is, since I'll usually stop reading to conceive vivid details or ruminate on certain fragments and ideas of a philosophical book, as >>8596625 said.

That being said, I can read books in a few days because I read for several hours spaced throughout the day.

>> No.8598033

I read about 20 pages an hour if I'm reading lighter novels, maybe 15-17 p/h for more dense novels, and probably 10-15 p/h if I am reading nonfiction (essays, textbooks et al)

>> No.8598112

Stop trying to "speed read". Just fucking read the book. It's not a goddamn competition.

>> No.8598127

How's that there reading comprehension m8?

>> No.8598141

it varies hugely from book to book
i'd say a hundred pages an hour for super readable stuff
like 10 pages an hour for dense hard things

>> No.8598147

Tfw severe ADD causes me to read the same line 3-4 times in a row and even then I struggle to comprehend it

>> No.8598161

This, I actually recently sped up to 25-30 from 20 because I suppressed my weird reading OCD.

>> No.8598609
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>read page
>turn to the next page
>go back to the last page because I forgot everything I read

>> No.8598637

>What is /lit's reading speed?
i don't know

>> No.8598644

i read 308 WPM and if i say my age i'll get banned

>> No.8598668

so, about 60 pages/hour?

>> No.8598690


Holy shit he actually wrote all that.

And his "spouse" actually wears a collar in public photos wtf

Why would anyone advertise their private life like that, that's so gross.

>> No.8598871


>> No.8599023 [DELETED] 

I sometimes find myself reading too quickly and notice that the reading becomes more of a task, something I have to get done, then an enriching experience. I slow things down and just stare at a word on the page before I move on to the next and continue with a steady pace.

It's much slower to complete a work but I get so much more from the work this way

>> No.8599368

5 pages an hour when I'm reading hard stuff. Maybe 20 when reading light.

>> No.8599895
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>Having trouble with and/or being proud of finishing a book

>> No.8600121

Just read more. The more you read, the better your concentration gets. And read things you enjoy. If you don't like reading classics or difficult stuff or whatever, then don't. Don't read stuff you don't like just to seem clever.

>> No.8600532
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>try to multitask while reading
>have to reread same page like 16 times

>> No.8600999

I don't know, I've never cared to measure and besides its an arbitrary unit. Not all pages are the same length and reading speed varies drastically depending on what I'm reading. Tons of other factors too.

>> No.8601021
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I hope you're right, sometimes i cant finish a single page without my thoughts wandering in some odd direction. One reason I'm trying to develop a reading habit is to combat this sort of frequent distraction but its hard to see if I've made any progress.

>> No.8601188

pay attention; read something you actually want to read

>> No.8601398

>go to next page
>"but what about that meaningless detail in a list of adjectives whose main point I've already understood in the previous page?"