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/lit/ - Literature

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8582791 No.8582791 [Reply] [Original]

What is a straightforward example of post-ironic literature?

When it comes to television, Million Dollar Extreme would be an example; it's somewhat sincerer humor that is distorted by exaggeration

Can't think of any equivalents in literature

>> No.8582810
File: 114 KB, 347x344, DFW4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>giving any credence to bandana man's bullshit

>> No.8582829

My diary obviously.

>> No.8582846

My Twisted World

>> No.8582854

I'm a bad poster. But to me being a good lurker is more important than being a good poster. Your post. That i can't get my head around. Your DFW. Now that's something i don't understand.

>> No.8582864
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Isn't MDE coming out with a book? Prayers = answered

>> No.8582872

You haven't read DFW
He had nothing to do with post-irony. It didn't exist then

>> No.8582936


>> No.8584640

>Million Dollar Extreme would be an example
No, that's simply called being unfunny.

>> No.8584665

I'd actually like Hyde to write some more real shit.

Some of his iPhone videos, and his fantano interview have a tiny peak.

Would be interested to see him really lay something out

His anger and bitterness are actually top quality, he awakens anger and bitterness in yourself you arnt supposed to have and let's you laugh at the fact you were keeping down what society told you to keep down.

Hyde is great catharsis at his best.

His issue is quality control is garbage. He can be very unfunny.

>> No.8584705

>His anger and bitterness are actually top quality
He has perfected the smug absurdist thinking that millenials possess due to him never growing out of it. He's a 30 year old man who makes content for 20 year old pseuds.

Deep internet brought with it a second form of puberty so between the ages of 18 to 22 you actually think post-ironic humor has some sort of inherent value rather than being lowbrow humor for stupid teenagers

>> No.8584732

I'd say the point is millennials are running so hard from the fact they are all losers.

Even the ones with jobs are bitter and got fucked over

Hyde is able to point you where it hurts and it's funny to watch yourself squirm. It's funny because this huge retarded faggot had your number in an embarrassing way

>> No.8584773

>Sam Hyde

Sorry, but no.

>> No.8584786

>It's funny because this huge retarded faggot had your number in an embarrassing way
I guess, I do enjoy Sam but I'd enjoy him more if I felt like his personal life and comedy routine wasn't one and the same.

He's funny but he's like a teenager who never grew up

Why not?

>> No.8584807

If there is anything he opposes and satirizes, it is the postmodern-relativist-absurdist-hedonist ideology of society at large. How could anyone watch his vids and not pick up on this?

>> No.8584893

look at who he follows on twitter, Sam Hyde is full on fascist

>> No.8584897
File: 29 KB, 258x400, Martin Heidegger, Looking Surprised, scanned image, 2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>postmodern-relativist-absurdist-hedonist ideology

>> No.8586333


>Sam Hyde (also Hide) is a historic or apocryphal character in the folklore of New England, used in the folk saying to lie like Sam Hyde.[1]

interesting, as MDE is from the New England area. Is 'Sam Hyde' a real person? the character 'Sam Hyde' is a dark trickster figure, reminiscent of Phillip K Dick's demonic comedians. the 90s slacker archetype evolved into an hypermedia demon mass murderer and Memetic shaman for the Alt-Right. (remember, totalitarian political movements often have ritual or even religious aspects.)

You really start to wonder what's their real goal, or who's behind it all. They somehow got a cable show while calling for race war and joking about killing politicians. MDE's ambiguous 'political' content recalls the methods of Limonov's National Bolsheviks in post-Soviet Russia. Is 'Sam Hyde' actually an advanced Russian Psy-Weapon in a mission to destabilize the united states through memetic warfare disguised as 'ironic' internet humor? He does look vaguely slavic or maybe central asian.

>> No.8586343

>He does look vaguely slavic or maybe central asian.
Fuck off, he looks like an ugly Anglo and has an ugly Anglo name to boot.

>> No.8586933
File: 437 KB, 1010x947, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall fucking trippin


>> No.8586938
File: 636 KB, 892x1493, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Sam is attractive desu. That being said, I heard someone say he was Jewish, which is a huge turnoff (pol fag here)


>> No.8586942

Anon I fucked up, my reply was 4 u (not the Image)

>> No.8586962

this is pretty woke

>> No.8587052

He also follows Richard Spencer, Ramzpaul, and all the guys from therightstuff.biz on twitter
Sam is fash as fuck lmao

>> No.8587698

I really hope so. I heard he responds to most of his emails, so a few weeks ago I wrote him a serious letter about some political things and I'm hoping he responds.

>> No.8587703

He's got a lot to say for a person who's most likely completely sheltered, though that's usually the case.

Experiencing the world through your screen is a bad way to form opinions, I'm not saying anecdotal evidence is better but he's like an infant preaching about world order, it's impossible for him to be right because he doesn't actually know anything about the world.

>> No.8587714

This, DFW is an excellent meme, a middling writer of fiction, and a terribly narrowminded critic

>> No.8587737

>Went through uni, got a job at a high paying advertising firm, quit to make his own art, lazed around his house til his mom kicked him out
>Couch surfed for years, was homeless for a while, friends homeless too, crashed in a drug dealers pad, hand built a brand people love and that's gotten many people talking about


Sam's lived a more full and rich life than the majority of lit users tb h

>> No.8587805

>>Went through uni, got a job at a high paying advertising firm, quit to make his own art, lazed around his house til his mom kicked him out
How does that make him urbane? anyone with some form of volition in life has done shit like this by the time they're 30
>>Couch surfed for years, was homeless for a while, friends homeless too, crashed in a drug dealers pad
Is this supposed to be impressive? there's a lot of people like this, especially college dropouts. This is the kind of "feat" that people who haven't graduated high school find impressive
>hand built a brand people love and that's gotten many people talking about
this is where he gets my respect
>Sam's lived a more full and rich life than the majority of lit users tb h
He's also older than the average /lit/ user.

Tell me when he's seen more of the world and experienced something outside of his own self obsession

>> No.8587821

lel what a faggot

>> No.8587963

>you need to backpack around Europe or you can't know anything
I want to fucking kill people.

>> No.8588054

>>you need to backpack around Europe or you can't know anything
>I want to fucking kill people.
>epic straw man
Are you 19?

>> No.8588058

Again, explain to me how Sam has lived a rich and exciting life that isn't just the basic college dropout experience? how dull does your life have to be to actually consider the shit you posted worthy of praise, what a fucking joke.

>> No.8588130

You demand that people live rich, fascinating lives if they want to be taken seriously, as long as they disagree with you. You're so charmed by the "go outside" rebuttal that you introduce its cousin into places it barely fits. I'm sick of loud, sanctimonious hypocrites everywhere, and you're one.

>> No.8588240

Quitting a safe job you dislike is more than many people would do in their entire life. Especially to focus on their own business or art, with no savings and no garuanttee anyone would support them in the process. Very very few people would do this, and end up succeeding to boot.

I'm not saying couch surfing and homelessness is impressive, in fact it's the opposite. But it didn't make him crawl back to the 9-5 life that depressed him so much. And he lived in that situation for years, sticking with MDE as his primary focus. Even fewer people would do this.

>older than the average lit user
Lol confirmed underage.

Look, what's your problem? You think you're suppose to be impressed? That's on you if you aren't, it's in your opinion what is or isn't impressive, I can't change that. All I did was try to prove Sam hasn't lived a sheltered, cushy life. Even his home life was marred with poverty, it's very obvious in his early videos. But backpacking and shit like that doesn't necessarily make you worldly, and being "worldly" isn't the only thing that should allow you an opinion on things that DIRECTLY AFFECT you and your country. Lol, I bet you're one of those types that think the voting pool should be limited to people who prove some arbritrary amount of worth.

What, do you just not like MDE? Do you not like his political views? Is this how you justify your attitude?

>self obsession
Anyone building a business or a brand, even working on a book does this. It's not obsession, it's focus and drive and spirit, if you didn't know that. He probably only succeeded because of this "obsession".

Jeez, I bet Ernest Hemingway is your favourite author. I bet you're impressed buy those pictures of him hunting lions and the stories of fucking boyish women. This didn't t make Hemingway any better or worse an author, nothing makes great artists great. It's not something you can just develop, sorry kid. If Sam was a hermit and never did anything or talk to anybody in his life and suddenly started making videos, they'd still be as funny and insightful as they are now.


>> No.8588355

How to Bomb the U.S. Government.