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/lit/ - Literature

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8573307 No.8573307 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Describe a book as bad as you can and other guess what book are you talking about

>200 pages of academics love drama and then some rape, it ends with more drama

>> No.8573317


>> No.8573320


>Neurotic old guy and pretentious twat wander around a city then become best bros.

>> No.8573322


wew that was fast

>> No.8573323

Mass murder, incest, slavery, rape, betrayal, a zombie, fire, death, justice

>> No.8573324

>Bonk, then boo-hoo-hoo, then not so much.

I shall leave the answer in warosu later

Because you wont get this

>> No.8573330

Infinite Jest

>> No.8573334

Harry Potter

>> No.8573350

>Faggot gets tricked into marrying a lady.

>> No.8573362

The Bible actually but I like the way you think.

>> No.8573371


>> No.8574255

Crazy bastard murders everyone, is defeated by wordplay and walking forest.

>> No.8574257

OCD guy and his butler travel around, rescue some bitch, classy as fuck.

>> No.8574275

Only human on earth fights the urge to fap for 150 pages and then dies.

>> No.8574285

witty's mistress?

>> No.8574286

throne of blood

>> No.8574292

we wuz trains and shit

>> No.8574297


>> No.8574302

What, no. I even thought this one was pretty easy.

>> No.8574306

Two writers travel aimlessly for 30 years and accomplish nothing

>> No.8574310


>> No.8574318

Nope, even classier.

>> No.8575465

Os detetives selvagens

>> No.8575475


>two dudes do fuck-all

>> No.8575488

drunk guy wanders around in the cold

>> No.8575496

Its too easy, I didn't read it just saw the movie.

Why can't he fap? Will he get infected or something?

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.8575504

>He is meant to help organize a festival but that's too much of a commitment.

>> No.8575506

Guy axes pawnbroker then feels guilty then confesses.
>inb4 wrong guesses

>> No.8575508

Dog gets bollocks transplant and fucks shit up

>> No.8575509

clearly the bible. Zombie gave it away.

What book has only ONE zombie.

>> No.8575512

Waiting for Godot?

>> No.8575597

drunk guy wanders around on trains/in stations

>> No.8575618

Two towers?

>> No.8575633

My diary desu.

>> No.8575660

Some kid starts a business

>> No.8575666
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There's some guy dying but then all his friends come over and the guy starts talking for ages and the other guys are like: Yes, man. That's right, dude. Totally.

>> No.8575681

Daddy issues and Christianity

>> No.8575687

Anything by Dostoevsky

>> No.8575695

guy tortures, kills and rapes, then turns out to be the new messiah.

>> No.8575708

Got it in one

150 pages of >tfw no GF

>> No.8575710



>> No.8575789

An old couple go for a hike and reminisce.

>> No.8575794

Mein Kampf

>> No.8575801


A Japanese boy gets a boner while looking at pictures of a naked saint shot with tons of arrows. Then he gets a "girlfriend"

>> No.8576245

this is shitty

a better version would be

>neet goes crazy, successfully ruins his sisters relationship, fucks a prostitute

>> No.8576251

dinner party going well until boy-toy interrupts to complain that his lover hasn't been fucking him recently

>> No.8576291

>A god tells a dude to build a city, other god gets pissed off and keeps fucking with him, dude wins a war started by the pissy god and can build the city

>> No.8576314


>guy really lets the filthy fucking frogs have it because he fucking hates tennis you asshole
>oh and he'll fuck your sister too

>> No.8576321

confessions of a mask

>> No.8576326


>> No.8576331

Confessions of a Mask or something else by Mishima.

>Man gets lost from his wife on their honeymoon in Italy and tries to find his friends.

>> No.8576343

I Am Legend.

>> No.8576347

Non-fiction too?

>> No.8576353

>A bunch of retards deal with their meaningless lives by investigating a mystery that isn't there.

>> No.8576421

Foucault's Pendulum?

>> No.8576441

>some jewfag does nothing and get trolled by everyone and no one has any idea what the fucks going on

>> No.8576448

You're thinking of the wrong book.

>> No.8576449

>Bum discovers the meaning of life in a whore's asshole.

>> No.8576470

>german fedora guy hates the society and unironically refers his edgy side as a certain wild canid then there's dancing and sex and finally some latin madman's illusion show

>> No.8576475


>about a bad man with a spastic arm.

>> No.8576512

phaedo trips

>> No.8576527

>Guy pukes a lot and curses God.

>> No.8576547

Da Vinci code?

>> No.8576559


>> No.8576578



>> No.8576601

nice work

>> No.8576609


>> No.8576649

>Guy becomes possessed by a frog, then reeeees at all the normies.

>> No.8576659

>really smart guy gets raped by literally everyone he ever meets


>> No.8576700

Posting an easy one:
>A supercilious neckbeard tromps about a city and fucks shit up for everyone.

>> No.8576707

Took you guys long enough. That's why you start with the Greeks.

>> No.8576708

christians out-jew a jew

>> No.8576716

Some arrogant faggot wanders around in horrible situations but because he's so smart he gets out of them at the same time being a beta cuck for a girl who has a sugar daddy

>> No.8576720

savage detectives

>> No.8576727

4chan /r9k/

>> No.8576748

everyone can't see shit except for one bitch who fucks up a bunch of assholes and then its post-apocalyptic wandering and creepy relationships until the end

>> No.8576752

ensaio sobre a cegueira

>> No.8576753


>> No.8576755

some dude eats cheese get shot

>> No.8576762

A government clerk getting fucked over by the government for his diary desu.

>> No.8576779

This dude dedicates his life to be an exceptional writer, has an intellectual/existential crisis, gets married and ends up as an empty husk.

This is hard mode, I'd be surprised if anyone here gets it

>> No.8576786

Auto da Fe by Canetti?

>> No.8576792

A guy learns to be a tough guy by watching his de facto kidnapper beating the shit out of other people and then telling him why it's the "right" thing to do.

>> No.8576797

Guy fucks his daughter OR DOES HE? and she dies to a snake bite OR DOES SHE?

>> No.8576803

>Guy terrified of death believes he can extend his life by being bored all the time.

>> No.8576807


but he just was asexual.

>> No.8576813

Oh yeah, I forgot "faggot" has an actual meaning, I thought anon was just using the 4chan definition of faggot, which is simply "some guy".

>> No.8576963

Merchant of venice

>> No.8576972

Catch 22 ezpz

>> No.8576984


>> No.8577171

>Farmer marries an ugly woman, builds up his land and family, and tragedy never seems to bother him.

>> No.8577178

Weren't there at least two?

Or did I imagine the whole Lazarus thing.

>some bros decide to throw a party for doc

>> No.8577185

Rich beta dies unloved.

>> No.8577191


My short biographicnaccount "Reading Critique Threads on /lit/."

>> No.8577407

/lit/ pleb tries to live out his fantasies IRL in search of his waifu. 4chan bullies encourage/make fun of him and his autistic disciple until pleb dies in the end.

>> No.8577507

A guy hangs out with his friends and goes fishing.

>> No.8578057


>> No.8578240

the Aleph
my diary desu

>> No.8578440

>The (_____) is an unsurpassed work of Russian and world literature. They do not only portray the hard work, but also the (_____), where there the Russian nation lived under the tzar of the Romanov's house. (Quote by Lenin)

>> No.8578470

The Trial?

>> No.8578495

Cigar Sex Alcohol Nigger Cigar Alcohol Sex Sex Nigger Alcohol Dance Sex Cuba

>> No.8578503

My diary desu.

>> No.8578762

bitch gets some dick on the side then kills herself

oh and this country faggot gets married

>> No.8578802


Feast of Snakes

>> No.8578830

guy says fuck society like 1000 times

>> No.8578840


Cannery Row

>woah, fucked up inheritance
>I'm an alpha freed slave, bitch
>let's go hunting bears
>forest is disappearing
>ruff, ruff!
>boy becomes man
>finds trinket that is actually heirloom

>> No.8578878

I want to know what this is

>> No.8578886

Magic and drinking like its the 1920s.

>> No.8578902

>Bible fanfic where autistic permavirgin goes on an adventure with the devil

>Drunkard travels the world but forgets about his wife and dies because he couldn't b himself

>> No.8578982

divine comedy?

>> No.8578986


>> No.8578995

The Pale King?

>> No.8579002

The opposite of East of Eden?

>> No.8579008


>> No.8579012

>Women learns about the postal system

>> No.8579027

Faust actually

>> No.8579043

Lot 49

>> No.8579055

Dog heart

>> No.8579057
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The psychosis of X

Primates = primitive

pada -

That pot smoking old man,


Of a Pynchon fan,

That I met on the


“He la vuy”,

Or something like that is what it said.

“I don't want to go back to the hospital for the day before I leave my house and we can go out and about the whole thing.”
“Motha’ fuckin’ crack’r!”.

Crackheads are burdened with enough afflictions, woes to be a crackhead with torretes.

It was unclear whether she was i

Im fuckin high right now pedro. I know you are watching me.

>> No.8579058

Maybe that was too obvious

>> No.8579066

It was

>> No.8579070

Dude gets boners, like, all the time

>> No.8579078


>> No.8579099

>Man learns to hunt, dies

>> No.8579176

Growth of the soil?

>> No.8579184

french doctor taken as a slave ends up in africa, fucking jews

>> No.8579197

hello céline

>> No.8579280


>> No.8579296

Guy fucks his gf at the beach and then shoots someone.

>> No.8579307

The stranger.

>> No.8579322

Yeah, that was way too easy, but I don't know how else to break down the novel.

>> No.8579397

Artemis Fowl?

Top tier middle school lit tbqh.

>> No.8579425

>Guy fucks a shark.

>> No.8579437



>> No.8579450

Rich guy does all he can to be quiet then doctors tell him he has to go back to the city so he stops puking and hallucinating church songs.

>> No.8579525

I have not read this but I'm sure this has been written by a russian (probably Dosto)

>> No.8579530

No it's french.

>> No.8579822

À rebours

>> No.8579845

And they rode on, and they rode on, and then something happens.

>> No.8579849

/lit/thread/8573307 by anon

>> No.8579864

guy tries hard to be a careless motherfucker but in the end he has to obey the law

>> No.8580695

Two guys murder a family then fuck off to Mexico

>> No.8580702

none of these things happened


>> No.8580709

The early part all the way back, a bit in the middle, and a bit more at the end

>> No.8580785

>tfw no gf
>tfw no bf

>> No.8581030

In Cold Blood

>> No.8581041

>mfw big government
>mfw turkroaches

>> No.8581048

Chick gets interested in beastilality. Society discovers first hand why it should remain taboo.

>> No.8581051

the sun also rises

a guy is cold and works all day but it's not so bad

>> No.8581303

So. Much. Sodomy.

>> No.8581385

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.8581391

Interested. Does she take a horse cock to the base of something?

>> No.8581424

this one guy writes something nice and then his kooky pal write a bunch of bull shit about it

>> No.8581448


>> No.8581490

Pale Fire

>kooky nazis get up to some crazy shit immediately after the war

Also it's not Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.8581796

How to kill a mockingbird

>> No.8581818

Notes from underground

>> No.8582193

>tfw you trippin so hard on thinks you bully a fag with your bros

>> No.8582403

1. /r9k/ poster acts like a retard by giving away his stuff to random-ass people, ultimately becoming more and more starved

2. Goo impersonates guy's dead wife. He falls in love with it. Also: space

3. Loli incest

4. Half of the book is just a genealogical tree

5. Mom dies. Whatever

6. Guy gets rejected by his friends without explanation. Travels to Finland to get an answer fucking 16 years later. Turns out his friends were just brain-dead

>> No.8582431

1. Timon of Athens?

>> No.8582441

Hint: main character is a chronic liar

>> No.8582444

2. Solaris
4. The tin drum? Midnight's children?
5. think it's already been done

>> No.8582447


One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.8582455

2. yes
4. Nope. It's also japanese
5. Yeah, my bad.

>> No.8582457


>> No.8582459

>german dude gets friendzoned and kills himself

>> No.8582462


>> No.8582472

Guy whines about his past and plays chess.

>> No.8582474

Werther again

>> No.8582481

>American collects garbage, gets sodomised by pistol, and kills everyone

>> No.8582509

Yellow man be do what do not good so it be bad,and then it wasnt bad but it was actually good cause he was actually having a bad time all the time, just nobody kno,cuz he sneaky like dat .

>> No.8582546


>> No.8582553


>> No.8582597


>> No.8582600

do another one.

>> No.8582648

Gay faries and teenagers prance around in the woods.

>> No.8582652


Midsummer night's dream.

>> No.8582665


>> No.8582677

one more pls

>> No.8582679

Fanboy searches France for a bird.

>> No.8582747


>> No.8582773

Flaubert's Parrot, I would have been surprised if you'd got it.

>> No.8582779

How to spot someone who hasn't read Notes

>> No.8582789

It's cheeki breeki all over the place after a mysterious shot alien visit.

>> No.8582835

Its metamorphoses book VIII

>> No.8582838

Theatre edition:
1. Doctor denounces his brother in a newspaper and ends up being the strongest man in the world.
2. Lady loves the son of her dead husband. Guy comes back to life and everybody dies.
3. Is this a play in a play or what?
4. Rich nobody thinks he's ill, ensuita purgare
5. Jew cucks himself under a balcony
6. This day looks exactly like yesterday, don't you think?
7. Two couples and a fireman talk about a singer.

>> No.8582892

war really sucks

>> No.8582897

roadside picnic

>> No.8582899

The Things they Carried?

>> No.8582904

Some guy spends years with niggers and travels upriver.

>> No.8582906


>> No.8582911


Lonely Japanese writer slays mad teenage p*ssy while his childhood love searches for him and gets pregnant from no one.

>> No.8582922

Generation Kill

>> No.8582924

Heart of Darkness.

>> No.8582929
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Okay now I gotta know

>> No.8582937

The Stand

>> No.8582941

Young man gets sick, gets heartbroken over an Asian red-head and dies in the war.

>> No.8582943
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Spit it out I must know

>> No.8582950

Fidel Castros memoirs

>> No.8582957

The Magic Mountain

>> No.8582958


>> No.8582965

A bug's life

>> No.8582966 [SPOILER] 
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The plot driver sounds like a really annoying get addict on /b/

>> No.8582970

it is definitely kafka. it is either the trial or the tower

>> No.8582986

i don't kniw how it translates to english but i'm gonna try is it " leather(skin) of shagren" anon?

>> No.8582997

guy goes in mexico to learn about plants for his uni research, meets an old fart who makes him a wizard by stuffing him with mushrooms and peyote

>> No.8583008

nope, but I smiled
I would be rather surprised if someone finds it.
It's a "trilogy"

>> No.8583201


>> No.8583323

Teachings of Don Juan

>> No.8583442


>> No.8583552

Absolute madman banters with a nurse and befriends an Indian

>> No.8583580

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.8583581

Death, rebirth, tyranny, prophecy, waifu, betrayal, invisibility, death, scatter

>> No.8583588

Nigger rapes a commie girl who basically saved his life, just before he's put down, he realizes that he dindu nuffin.

>> No.8583601

Murders*, not rapes

>> No.8583630

things fall apart

>> No.8583635


>> No.8583653

Talking pigs.

>> No.8583666

Animal farm

>> No.8583669

That was literally the worst way I could think of explaining it.

>> No.8583675

son turns to enourmous asshole and fucks shit up because the father didn´t do a good job at fathering

>> No.8583678

everyone has a shit memory and is to dumb to read properly

>> No.8583698

Οἰδίπους ἐπὶ Κολωνῷ;

>> No.8583700

Mein Kampf

>> No.8583716

around the world in 80 days?

>> No.8583723

neither of those

>> No.8583726


>> No.8583727

>war criminal is secret agent, beloved by white supremacists.

>> No.8583733

There are people worse than leon trotsky

>> No.8584582

Eagle feather or forehead dot Indian?

>> No.8584590

>Asshole becomes disgrace to family after it's discovered he likes to wear a mask and cape.

>> No.8584601

A cat and some magicians fuck up shit in Moscow

>> No.8584602

Kid is a baby about sex then steals a bunch of money to have sex, feels bad about it and does something very naughty.

>> No.8584612

>kid sees dominance porn
> goes to america
> goes back to home country
> adopts a suicidal sex slave

>> No.8584614

name of the rose


mark david chapman

native son

under the volcano

>supreme gentleman cheats on his girlfriend, gets what he deserves

>> No.8584615

A thinly disguised 1000 page autobiography with no ending

>> No.8584635

The Master and Margarita?

The Stranger

All the Pretty Horses?

The Metamorphosis

Infinite Meme

>> No.8584653

literally my diary desu

>> No.8584673

The Kite Runner?

>> No.8584713

French man with bad vision tries to murder his clone. Plot twist he was wrong!

>> No.8584791


>> No.8584797

Mother Night?

The Bible.

The Trial

>> No.8584816

>tfw nobody takes a crack at mine after 24 hours
Here you go:


The Holy Bible

>> No.8584820

1. Hunger

>> No.8584868


sounds like my life bro

>> No.8584910

>dude almost dies after the war
>decides mortality is a meme
>trolls bunch of fags for being pussies
>gets wrecked

>> No.8584934

Yeah, you got it, mine was native son.

>> No.8584971

Four dudes try to stump this Catholic dude, psycho bitch comes into the picture and literally ruins everything. Everyone is just disgusted by the whole affair at the end.

>> No.8584986

Lady cheats on her husband. Some boring ass guy farms.

>> No.8585007

Anna Karenina?

>> No.8585016
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>> No.8585071

Some guy goes to war then fucks some girl on another planet

>> No.8585115

>child gets tricked into exterminating an entire alien race to save humanity

>> No.8585125

the bible

>> No.8585133

Enders game

>> No.8585138

Dreams of a neet by That Anon

>> No.8585148

hmm the bible would certainly fit
but no that would have been to easy of a choice

>> No.8585159

6. Colorless Tsukuru

I wanted fucking magical realist Super Sentai, Murakami you fag

>> No.8585185

The greatest Andrew Carnegie erotic fan-fiction ever written.

>> No.8585220

True grit

>> No.8585226

Anna karenina

>> No.8585250

> rich alpha is beloved by everyone but also incredibly vain. Generally behaves wickedly while living the dream. Finally says enough is enough and as his final artistic expression he destroys himself.

>> No.8585250,1 [INTERNAL] 


Answer is The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion

>> No.8585668

two best bros travel all day every day until the douchy one leaves the other to die in mexico

>> No.8585680

obviously Candide by Voltaire

>> No.8585702

John Carter?

>> No.8585704

rich boy joins islamist extremists and fucks up the cultured civilization with magic powers

>> No.8585723

Slaughterhouse 5
fuck you those were the best chapters

>> No.8585726



>> No.8585728

Yeah, was easy I guess.

>> No.8585740

Some nerds go to Antarctica and see some serious shit

>> No.8585751

4 old dudes have some fuck in a remote castle

>> No.8585753

Real life Sweden.

>> No.8585765

You can't stop doing job because logic sucks

>> No.8585792

Monks fight aliens and win.

>> No.8585800

Two guys go down a river and stuff happens.

>> No.8585807

>Hippy bums rides across the country and also jazz

>> No.8585818

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

>> No.8585829

30/40k horus heresy

>> No.8585855



>> No.8585878

Various weirdos live in a shitty town and everything's eternal

>> No.8585891

A day in the life of Ivan Danosovich(?)

A little bitch gets pimped slap

>> No.8585897

The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.8585905

Some guy fucks a lot of bitches, death is just a b it of a meme

>> No.8585910

is it by philip k. dick

>> No.8585941


>> No.8585973

Guy gets slipped between big women boobs, enjoys it, goes home

mountains o' madness

notes from underground maybe

>> No.8585978

Gulliver's travels.

>> No.8585988

The Awakening
At the Mountains of Madness

>A man walks around and is screamed at or beaten by his family members and by strangers, and the smell of plants comforts him.

>> No.8585990

>Kid's seventeen, from a good family, but he's ended up a drug addict and impregnated his girlfriend. He blames the government for his problems and engages in Islamist terrorism.

>> No.8586000

yeah i didn't even try to obscure it honestly

Guy steals some shoes, goes into a ditch and stays there for a while with friends

>> No.8586018

>Also the man's brother likes his sister and does not like the smell of plants, and so he dies.

>> No.8586056


>> No.8586087

city girl moves to small town, gets mad when it isn't just like the city

>> No.8586129

>autistic kid solves a murder

>> No.8586177

Disregard, even better

> Chad is literally jealous of his portrait

>> No.8586223

Every 20something liberal arts major starbucks girl ever's diary?

>> No.8586260

>Real life Sweden.
They don't put down non-white rapists in Sweden, they encourage the victims to feel bad for the rapists because 'they had a hard life and it is hard to live in a different country'.

>> No.8586281

Nah, more recent

>> No.8586432

poetrait od dorian grey

>> No.8586456

Just fuck my shit up senpai.

>> No.8586462
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sweden memes are memes and nothing else

>> No.8586555

Sod it, no one's going to guess before bump limit: it's Jerusalem.

>> No.8586663

>Mountains of Madness

>> No.8586685


>> No.8586686

Irulan a best, Paul a homosexual.

>> No.8586804

Old man and the sea?

>> No.8586955

Successfull autist fucks a young chick to find out she is his daughter.

>> No.8586991

The courious incident of the dog in the night time.

>> No.8586998

My Twisted World by the supreme gentlemoon.

>> No.8587062

That´s correct

>> No.8587092

5. cyrano de bergerac??

>> No.8587111

scarlet pimpernel

>> No.8587120

atlas shrugged

>> No.8587178

Anna Karenina

>> No.8587256

A Little Life

>> No.8587558

I'm reposting these in the new/other thread, I'm glad I got at least one guess/answer

>> No.8588104

poems. ships and rain