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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 103 KB, 640x640, 1474390847233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8537423 No.8537423 [Reply] [Original]

how can any literature possibly capture picrelated? It cant. The medium has inherent limitations.

I can admit that Im an ugly fuck who wishes I had this life. can you?

>> No.8537432

>implying that chick won't be super high maintenance
>implying you won get tired of tapping her uptight puss

>> No.8537441


>implying youll give a shit when sleeping in her daddys chalet and racking up the instagram likes

>> No.8537462

>v neck with blazer
i hate this

>> No.8537470

Neither of them seem like particularly interesting people.

I can capture their essence in literary form easily enough.

>Man: Darling, did you enjoy that gift I bought you? I purchased it using funds from my job as an accountant at Shekelstien & Co.

>Woman: Indeed. It's just marvelous dear, except what I really want is to take a trip to the bungalow.

>Man: For you, anything.

>Woman: Of course.

>Man: You know we really do look like we're related.

>> No.8537473


You just need to have the immutable genetics necessary to pull it off

>> No.8537477

Why wish for something like that? Don't you enjoy reading/ your life?

>> No.8537482

This is going to sound fox and grapes but I really am not interested in this girl

>> No.8537483

Even though it's meant as comedy, it shows your misconception of what life is.
Deeming people as stupid from a short observation of one picture, makes you the same as the people in your picture.

>> No.8537487


>> No.8537493

not really. you can't be ugly, but any 7/10+ douchebag looking thinspo guy can "pull it off". doesn't mean its a look tho.

a 10/10 builtchad with a shaved head would look ridiculous in the same thing.

>> No.8537502

the only people who've found me attractive are like a handful of r9k tier gay dudes

>> No.8537506

>Deeming people as stupid from a short observation of one picture, makes you the same as the people in your picture.

>> No.8537508

>implying you will ever be satisfied with material wealth and fame

>> No.8537518

I guess you've got the answer.
>he is
Now to you.
Get off my board. Re

>> No.8537529

i don't know why you guys are so bitter. it's just a picture of two attractive people who are dressed nicely. there's no guarantee that their lives are interesting or uninteresting or fulfilling or unfulfilling and they may or may not be happy. being attractive isn't necessarily a good thing, anyway. if you ever get the chance, have a candid conversation with an extremely attractive female about what it's like to get all the attention that she does. if she isn't insane she hates it.

>> No.8537539

>how can any literature possibly capture picrelated? It cant. The medium has inherent limitations.

It easily can capture it. Maybe not in an instant like the picture (a picture is worth 1000 words). Your question brings up the limitations of a picture more than literature. The picture only shows their physical beauty, which could be adequately described. The book can do this over a few pages, creating an impression of their looks, but also can get into a lot more depth.

>I can admit that Im an ugly fuck who wishes I had this life. can you?

I don't mind the way I look, but I can admit that dude is way more (objectively) handsome than I am, and his girl is way hotter than any girl I've had.

>> No.8537545

>she hates it.
yet she'd never trade her life for that of an ugly girl.

>> No.8537547

>let me lay out these completely reasonable assertions about the variety of human experience regardless of one set condition
>oh wait except let me end it with a big fat 'no true Scotsman' that contradicts the logic of my entire post

Geez Louise

>> No.8537552

>an extremely attractive female
>a female
Our culture and our imageboards are being dumbed down, and the reasons are very complex.

>> No.8537559


Honestly, I'm sure some attractive girls like the attention without being insane.

That said, not all attractive, social people are vapid and materialistic. Not all ugly and unsociable people are intellectual and profound. I'm sorry someone needs to inform anyone of that.

>> No.8537567


>> No.8537571

>Honestly, I'm sure some attractive girls like the attention without being insane.
The vast majority does. And it's not like it lasts forever anyway. They get 10-15 years of attractiveness, then they're back to being regular people.

>> No.8537593

Thankfully I am not an ugly fuck, so no, I don't have to.

>> No.8537748
File: 245 KB, 800x1000, plato_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being good looking does not equal stupid

>> No.8537792

>itt: mad betas

>> No.8537799

Ugly man and woman; the tel envies them.
Neither of them are remotely attractive. Women her age can't even be attractive.

>> No.8537806

>right click
>save as

It's really easy man

>> No.8537807
File: 84 KB, 750x829, 10 outta 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we are seeing here is actually a philosophical event of considerable proportions. For over two millennia, most of the Western world has been gripped by the idea of 'mind over matter' - this idea that personality/intellect matter most, that we shouldn't necessarily judge people by how they look, and that we should forsake matter (that is, the body) if it is to the advantage of the mind.

This is in stark contrast to the Ancient Greeks, however, who knew full well the key we have forgotten over the course of those two millennia - that one must hone the body, with discipline and temperance, in order to foster the mind. If one cannot keep something so straightforward to maintain as the body in peak condition, then there is no hope for the mind. This can also be reciprocal: if your philosophy does not keep you strong, what is it worth?

As modern man becomes more aesthetic ('vain' in the minds of those filled with Christian ressentiment), so too does he go on the first step to rectifying two thousand years of folly. That handsome men, or beautiful women, may not be intelligent, is entirely expected - they are clean slates, but this is no reason to dismiss the pursuit of the aesthetic ideal. On the contrary, it is a start - the first step.

>> No.8537809

Genuinely thought that was a photo of me for a second, but I have a slightly broader, more masculine facial structure.

>> No.8537811

Good lord you should go back to lebbit with those nonexistent standards

>> No.8537815
File: 36 KB, 607x608, Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ressentiment in action.

>> No.8537816

>conventionally attractive bourgeois heterosexual couple, presumably at a restaurant or nightclub
>written language cannot capture this

>> No.8537823

Epic meme /b/ro xdDDD

Hags aren't attractive, fishfaced hags on an over-broad plank of a figure aren't attractive. Harpy hags aren't attractive.
They aren't attractive.

>> No.8537831
File: 231 KB, 304x366, Really lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They aren't attractive.

Come on, you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.8537839

Go back to lebbit or get standards.

>> No.8537840

give example of standards

>> No.8537843

Not an old hag with a clawnose or a fishhead on a wooden plank

>> No.8537848
File: 84 KB, 563x659, 1473497320009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the bourgeois individual of body and mind isn't the personification of servility and mediocrity

>> No.8537850

Post a picture of decent standards.

>> No.8537858

I'd rather not get banned.

>> No.8537861
File: 842 KB, 200x200, tumblr_maj5orlbHV1qa5hig_zpsd7cbff7e.gif-c200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8537866


>> No.8537868

Fuck off

>> No.8537871
File: 23 KB, 396x360, 1448320763684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8537876

>being this judgemental
google images + forgetfulness = tumblr.gif

sorry i failed you i guess

>> No.8537889
File: 145 KB, 1080x1080, 13687042_1774752362740684_133140331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this couple is way more attractive and probably way more interesting.

>> No.8537892

is that nigger male or female?

wait... is that albino male or female?

God damn

>> No.8537894
File: 99 KB, 750x750, neistat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another interesting couple

>> No.8537902


>I can admit that Im an ugly fuck who wishes I had this life. can you?

Sure. But I don't feel bad about it. I can think of about 10 billion lives I'd like to live off the top of my head, but the one I have is pretty fucking cool anyway.

>> No.8537907


Surprised he didn't take her eye out with that pecker.

Also, shitty pecs.

>> No.8537911

Meh. Beautiful people are ten a penny. This will be a humblebrag, but every time I go out clubbing beautiful women show interest in me, and I don't find it especially interesting. A beautiful soul who cares about you is the most valuable thing in the world.

>> No.8537934

that's because she's just pixels on a screen right now, I'm sure you're interest would increase if you were trapped in an elevator with her for example

>> No.8537945

I don't understand your post. Are you trying to say that literature is bad because it doesn't let you look at photos of people happier than you ?

>> No.8537969
File: 2.02 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160918_222528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a shitty life imo.
I mean, good on them if they enjoy it, but a major part of life for me has always been challenge. When i was a kid, i would cross massive frozen lakes on a kicksled in winter, kill rabbits and make a necklace with like 30 of their feet, climb up to 5.13a, and ski/snowboard in the backcountry. I would sometimes spend several weeks out there, poaching and hiding from the feds, i would climb 14ers casually. As a teenager, i was varsity CC and swimming, and i benched around 315, more than the entire school aside from these 2 friends of mine that i introduced to lifting before they started roiding. Theyre doing npc shows now. i started the canon at age 16 and got through the greeks and romans (over 100 volumes, still not enough) by the time i graduated. I would also do heroic doses of psychedelics and hard drugs simply for the challenge and the thrill of breaking the law. I was more of a stoner than the stoner crowd, and yet nobody considered me a druggy, as odds were i was in better shape than them.

So, is there substance to this bragpost, or am i just shitting up your board?
A little bit of both.
See, im ugly as sin. I look like a mountain man that hasn't been to a rendezvous for a decade. In the end, i like it that way. You dont see pretty boys making it long out in the shit, or even going out there to begin with. They all respect and fear me, because even though im not cutesy and pretty and i cant flirt with girls, im a useful human being, and if somebody needs something i can usually supply it or deny it. All the popular people always knew my name, because they constantly pressured my friends and i to hang out, sell them drugs, or go lifting with them and give them advice. We would usually refuse, but if the person in question was a real cunt we would sell them estrogen pills.
A part of me is just sour graping because sex and money and status sound nice, but the societal things that come with it are absolutely horrible, so i would never take it.
But when people like that turn on the tv, read books, or consume any media about adventure and danger, they see people like me and convince themselves that their life is better. Sometimes they cant and they go crazy.
In the end, as long as youre scary ugly and not bitch ugly, youre good.

>> No.8537970

We don't need your kind here. Go back to jerking off over your $1000 geomemes.

>> No.8537973

Swann in Love captured falling in love very well I though

>> No.8537989

But they aren't particularly attractive. They're just a couple of normal looking people.

>> No.8538002
File: 95 KB, 540x540, electrick4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beautiful soul

>> No.8538008

The Truth Hath Been Spoken

>> No.8538030

If you go clubbing, you dont got no beautiful soul

>> No.8538044


>his highest inspiration is racking up likes in a chalet

I would rather die in a gutter holding my manuscript that somebody finds and publishes to great acclaim desu

>> No.8538079


>I can admit that Im an ugly fuck who wishes I had this life. can you?

A thief believes everybody steals

Everybody wants to be successful, everybody wants to be a millionaire, but the picture you posted and your wish of instagraming your life outs you as a vain millenial imbecile.

A successful prestigious average looking or ugly millionaire, say Kasparov for example, could fuck two russian models young enough to be his daughters on the back of an Indian elephant if he desired so, he just chooses not to, because not everybody is as vain as a young American.

>> No.8538085

Kasparov gives the impression of a bad to mediocre lay who thinks he's a great lover.

>> No.8538140

That seems like a biased accusation. Can literature capture "sad ugly man staring into the abyss dot jaypeg"? Or is it simply your affectations that make you go in that case "oh yeah I totally get what you are saying much wow" but not in the case of Chad staring into the camera in his little V-neck?

It's projection. Personally I can read a Chad's instagram and picture myself as him and everything that goes along with it. There's no big market for it in literature but I don't see why it should be ruled out when we can have literature of said ugly sad man, men fantasizing about being the little girl etc.

So no, I don't see any special limitations here.

Btw your pic related is some nasty German Italian mongrel shit. Do not want. But what you really mean of course is the desire to have something you decided was not possible attaining. And that can definitely be examined. How ugly, what kind of ugly? You a manlet? When was the point you decided to believe in your inductive reasoning for being ugly? Have you thoroughly examined the evidence? How many girls have you tried with? Have you tried being Chad, can you say of yourself that you are interesting to normies and you have the qualities of a leader/someone with high social status/power etc.? Have you thought about the sacrifices that would come along with this?

You're playing life on hard mode, deal with it or kys my man. Wishing is for babies.

>> No.8538232

im as good looking, probably better than this dude. ive banged chicks this hot. you guys arent missing THAT much tbqhfam

>> No.8538246

They're typically a lady in bed as well.

>> No.8538259

Sure sure, you keep saying that.
She isn't attractive, she's completely unattractive.

>> No.8538272


>> No.8538285

No, just not a filthy tel.

You know what a tel is, right?

>> No.8538289
File: 1.56 MB, 500x240, LOSER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8538291


Can't speak for the guy, but that woman isn't attractive.

>> No.8538295


>> No.8538304


>Found the guy with no taste

>> No.8538310

Taste is subjective, you're both right/wrong. :)

>> No.8538312

>implying that guy isn't a fag
>implying you can't get a girl like that by actually being a man

Nobody said it was easy.

>> No.8538316
File: 3 KB, 125x119, 1452902329969s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Taste is subjective

>> No.8538322

lots of pathetic people in this thread. theyre both objectively hot, but lets say theyre not - is that the only reason you wouldnt want to be them

>> No.8538332


Seriously? You think that dude's cool? He fits in in a high end club, that's why he has to look like that, but gay haorstyles and suits and shit aren't what actually make girls pussies wet.

They want a giant nigger who does deadlifts. I tell you.

>> No.8538344

i said hot not cool. are you that autistic you think hot white girls literally want nigs?

>> No.8538360


Yes. Haven't you seen the news? Nothing but foreign cock, it's everywhere, why even leave the house?

>> No.8538371


In fact, there is a correlation between being attractive and intelligent.

>> No.8538373

You are autistic :^) YOU GOT BAMBOOZLED

>> No.8538376

A tel is an actual thing and a response to an opposing pejorative.
Old hags are objectively unattractive, you have just been deluded into thinking otherwise.

>> No.8538377

Pretty people have are more intelligenz right? That's what i read.

>> No.8538382


Yeah I have autism. You think that's funny, pal?

>> No.8538387
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, *snap*.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a meme is an actual meme and a response to a meme

>> No.8538388

My guess would be that it's the down syndromes keeping the average prettiness down for dumkopfs.

>> No.8538392

No. I don't care about your opinion.
Well it is. Did a doc confirm it? If yes, all the more so.
The world you build in your head why you're so unsuccessful is hilarious.

>> No.8538396

'tel' comes from 'teleo'
It's not an opinion, you've deluded yourself.

>> No.8538415
File: 18 KB, 236x314, Artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a compliment

>> No.8538422

Your 'objectively' is subjectiv. Now shut up, you are wrong.
Here's why: there's someone who differs your opinion, which is made as an general for everyone. If you wish to say that something is accepted as attractive in general, say most people think something is attractive, not 'it is attractive'. Also, what attracts isn't only looks.

>> No.8538425

OP, I'm a lot uglier than that guy and attract better looking women than her. You can have that life.

>> No.8538429

The Great Gatsby?

>> No.8538435

>how can any literature possibly capture picrelated?

I got you covered pham

>Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: the woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

>> No.8538439

It's not, it's a sign of severe delusion and satisfaction with excrement.
>it differs
I already explained why this is irrelevant; those people are delusional.
'false consciousness'

Tels truly are sickening.

>> No.8538440


Heh. Actually I know I'm unsuccessful because I have no will to live, or do anything at all. I actually hooked up with a girl way out of my league recently and I'm still suicidal. I even do squats and kettlebell swings. So you see all along it was you, not I, who was bumbazzled.

>> No.8538441

how does one pursuit aesthetic ideal if it's mostly genetic? dumbfuck
>inb4 get /fit/

>> No.8538450


I believe your epigenetics can bring out your jaw if you just drink some of your fathers semen.

>> No.8538453

literature is a hobby, just as gaming, trekking, playing football, none of them will render such feeling.

>> No.8538456

Your opinion that they are delusional.

>> No.8538460

Not at all, they are delusional because they have settled, but believe they have done otherwise.

>> No.8538467

Pure ideology.

>> No.8538472
File: 194 KB, 1370x1240, averageface[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just settle this: The woman in OP's pic isn't attractive to men who are turned off by the Roman nose and her Cheshire cat's grin. This doesn't make anyone homosexual, it's a matter of personal preference in faces that are statistical outliers compared to the blended average. Science does these ratings all the time and different hetero men have different preferences and it is perfectly hetero to have different opinions of faces that are on the far end of the bell curve of facial features.

Pic related is blended averages. Every white male will rate the white chicks as "pretty attractive, higher than average" because blending all faces creates good symmetry and proportion and eliminates all extraordinary facial features.

I hope I explained myself well enough because non native etc.

>> No.8538474
File: 73 KB, 1200x600, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the idea of this. Only good post ITT, actually.

>> No.8538478

Not at all. It's ideology to fascinate oneself with dull old hags.
Stupid ESL tel.

None of those hags are attractive.