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/lit/ - Literature

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8445527 No.8445527 [Reply] [Original]

What are the greatest single questions asked by philosophers?

something like "Why is there something rather than nothing?"

>> No.8445559

What is love?

>> No.8445560

for you

>> No.8445569

wtf i hate /lit/ now

>> No.8445578

Why do women always go for the douchebags and ignore the nice guys?

>> No.8445580

Is there an honest person

>> No.8445591

because 'nice guys' are beta cucks

>> No.8445594
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don't hurt me don't hurt me no more

>> No.8445616
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You broke your own thread. I don't feel like writing one question because you already asked the most fundamental question that can be asked. It's the foundation of philosophy. The reason why we study it.
Why indeed? Why is there something rather than nothing?

>> No.8445622

Because women aren't nice.

>> No.8445633

Douchebags have confidence etc etc

All the good traits of a douchebag + being nice > douchebag

>> No.8445642


The most fundemental question in Philosphy is the question of being. What is the nature of being?

>> No.8445645
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because women who do this like to think themselves as trophies and only douchebags treat them like trophies i.e. inanimate fucking objects.

>> No.8445657

because those nice guys are delusional enough to think they're nice

>> No.8445662
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>> No.8445686

cause "nice guys" aren't actually nice and envious losers who hate the world because they don't work hard enough for anything

>> No.8445689

What is that from?

>> No.8445691
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Most red-pilled anime ever.

>> No.8446068

The Will to Truth, which is to tempt us to many a hazardous enterprise, the famous Truthfulness of which all philosophers have hitherto spoken with respect, what questions has this Will to Truth not laid before us! What strange, perplexing, questionable questions! It is already a long story; yet it seems as if it were hardly commenced. Is it any wonder if we at last grow distrustful, lose patience, and turn impatiently away? That this Sphinx teaches us at last to ask questions ourselves? WHO is it really that puts questions to us here? WHAT really is this "Will to Truth" in us? In fact we made a long halt at the question as to the origin of this Will--until at last we came to an absolute standstill before a yet more fundamental question. We inquired about the VALUE of this Will. Granted that we want the truth: WHY NOT RATHER untruth? And uncertainty? Even ignorance? The problem of the value of truth presented itself before us--or was it we who presented ourselves before the problem? Which of us is the Oedipus here? Which the Sphinx? It would seem to be a rendezvous of questions and notes of interrogation. And could it be believed that it at last seems to us as if the problem had never been propounded before, as if we were the first to discern it, get a sight of it, and RISK RAISING it? For there is risk in raising it, perhaps there is no greater risk.

>> No.8446083

>"If that isn't a flaw of democracy, then what is ?"
>"then what is ?"
>hasn't read Plato

>> No.8446105

>confusing a character's ignorance with the creator's ignorance.

>> No.8446125
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>> No.8446902


Gender and sexuality are Satanic devices. They're fundamentally perverse.

>> No.8447670

Yeah I'm not reading all of that

5 decides what I read

>> No.8447705

It's literally a Nietzsche quote, my friend.
>I'm not reading all that

>> No.8447713

this ffs

>> No.8447724
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Get back in your jar, Diogenes, and put that lamp out.

>> No.8447743

I don't remember this scene. Is this a neckbeard edit?

>> No.8447832


So sad to see so many caught up in insignificant trivialities.
If you think that anywhere in the fundamental questions there lies 'why are women mean to me?' you should give up this board and go somewhere else.
The perennial question of philosophy is the question being. Then, what is truth and what is value? And finally, how does one live the good life?
Everything else is just a midpoint to that end.

>> No.8447858


>> No.8447881

look how many people responded to your question seriously

its a meme you faggots

>> No.8447901


This is actually fucking depressing how full /lit/ is of retards that can't even understand let alone appreciate these Sumerian stale memes

>> No.8447968

Filthy plucked chicken. I cum on your feathers.

>> No.8448018
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Why do men systematically and inherently hate women so much? Why are men naturally such sadistic savages?

>> No.8448024

I can fap to this

>> No.8448033
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Way to prove my point, you total heartless pervert.

>> No.8448068

>Why do men systematically and inherently hate women so much? Why are men naturally such sadistic savages?

In my experience it's the other way around. Women are pure evil.

>> No.8448076


We know what it means to have boundless freedom and what to do with it regardless of social conventions.

>> No.8448079

because we can be

>> No.8448083

Women are the selector sex; they choose who's genes live and who's die; they are privileged in that violence against them is considered shameful, wheras violence against men is often considered admirable or funny; women are not expected to pull their own weight in any male dominated environment, and are usually when stripped of their attractiveness are often left bereft of charm; as their personalities are often geared towards social climbing and manipulation, and when you're old and ugly these don't work any more.

Conversely a man who has had to learn to be funny and charming to be treated well will retain these traits even as he ages.

Ugly women if given time to develop character can be almost as reliable as an honest man, Lesbians are a mixed bag.

>> No.8448105


>> No.8448151

He's mostly right though. I don't see what's so controversial about what he says.

>> No.8448185
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>> No.8448190
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>> No.8448197

I hate this reaction image. Do you know what a douche-image it gives off?
You're not a manly man in the 1950's you little weak cunt.

>> No.8448202

The resentment is the post is very undignified. Do not assume that everyone is as unpleasing to look at as you are.

>> No.8448204

Why are you so mad?

>> No.8448206

Ok, I can stop assuming if you post a picture of your manly handsome face right now.


>> No.8448213

I don't have anything to prove. You can believe what you want to believe.

>> No.8448218

You just told me not to assume.

>> No.8448251

The greatest questions pertain to truth.

What is truth?
Can we know truth?
Is truth worth it?

And the answer to those questions? Well, read some fucking philosophy and find out.

>> No.8448288
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How do you know if a theory of truth is true?

>> No.8448304

Except he is right.

>> No.8448356

>What are the greatest single questions asked by philosophers?


>> No.8448374

Never watched that movie, what's the comparison?

>> No.8448388


this meme needs to end soon

>> No.8448389

"How do i make my dick bigger?"

>> No.8448405

Why does he wear the mask ?

>> No.8448409


>> No.8448413

u mad

>> No.8448427

If i pull that off would you die

>> No.8448435


>> No.8448448

In that scene Matthew McConaughey says to Leonardo: "We don’t create shit, we don’t build anything." (They're both stockbrokers.)

>> No.8448454
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>> No.8448620
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> How might I discover the preconditions that enable my mind to even work with concepts like "why?" and "something" and "nothing" in the first place?

>> No.8448627

Kant was next level

>> No.8448631

>Ugly women if given time to develop character


I only date ugly/beta girls because I actually plan to veiw my partner in a positive light and not as just a vagina. They also value the relationship and you WAYYYYY more than the average chick

>> No.8448641

Honestly 80s and 90s anime were comfy and based. Before the moe fags were able to take over plot and art style were amazing.

>> No.8448662

Dialectics my friend, such are the same qualities in women.

>> No.8448672
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how might i climb completely up my own ass?

>> No.8448681

what's the deal with airplane peanuts?

>> No.8448682

Lizzy will be saved, but only if you reply 'Leave Lizzy alone silly Elefanny'

>> No.8448733
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Ass is phenomenal, friend.

>> No.8448748

Leave Lizzy alone silly Elefanny

>> No.8448835

Is there a God?

Is the universe deterministic?

Are morals real?

>> No.8448871

Those high school tier questions.

>> No.8449252
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Can you prove that any thing really exists - that it exists independently of your mind - merely by thinking about its concept, analyzing its meaning within your own mind?

>> No.8449278

Am I born into my duty, or is my duty determined by my life? Is that duty in and of its self my purpose, or do I harness purpose from my duty?

I am 12 and what is this?

>> No.8449287

The Problem of Universals

All the Modernists and Postmodernists like to give Plato shit for the Theory of the Forms, but they've never really given a countervailing explanation for the existence of categories of items. At least, they haven't given one that's satisfying.

>> No.8449293

From impacts on our sensory surfaces, we in our collective and cumulative creativity down the generations have projected our systematic theory of the external world. Our system is proving successful in predicting subsequent sensory input. How have we done it?

>> No.8449298

stop hypostasizing the framework

i bet you ontologize propositions and qualia and numbers and sets too

>> No.8449302

you should read Searle's new book

>> No.8449412
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Why they put the dick on the pussy?

>> No.8449934

because we love them anon, we hate them because we love them.

>> No.8449938
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He was the first to honestly question Hegel which given his influence and the richness of his philosophy, was extremely necessary

>> No.8449950

middle school

>> No.8450469
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Which one is that?

>> No.8451279

what about schopnehauer

>> No.8451298

can i survive death?

>> No.8451332


Everyone here's a stupid faggot, myself included. Fuck this, I'm going to go read Plato.

Because I'm not a real intellectual.

>> No.8452403

why arent we using crack and smoking pot every single day

>> No.8452428


>> No.8452443


You can be both.

>> No.8452446

What is existence?

>> No.8452447

which is why zizek worships lacan

>> No.8452468

You don't read philosophy for theories.

>> No.8452490


I don't know about greatest questions, but this meme is one of the greatest conclusions.

>> No.8452517
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why me?

>> No.8452652

How is understanding possible?

Read Truth and Method, Hans Georg Gadamer. If you have the Greeks, good amount of classic literature (Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare), Nietzsche, Hegel, and Kant under your comprehension you should understand this book.

>> No.8452662

"Why is there something rather than nothing?" is probably the most profound philosophical question one can ask. However, "why, fundamentally, do people ask such questions?" and "how is asking such questions even possible?", are, to me, deeper, albeit meta-philosophical, questions, questioning the natures of questioning and the questioner himself.

>> No.8452673

Also, what is the good life and how can I live it?

>> No.8452686


Both of you are idiots.

>> No.8452694

2 chicks at the same time

>> No.8452738

laughed my ass off

>> No.8452743

Nothing is more pleasing than a woman with a well developed personality.

>> No.8452748

Did a baby boomer hurt you?

>> No.8452754

>he doesnt ontologize everything until the fundamentals