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/lit/ - Literature

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830727 No.830727 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I just finished The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep and Never Had To. Anybody else read it? What did you think?

I really enjoyed it, myself.

>> No.830743

Wow. /lit/, the last place to talk about books.

>> No.830749

Have you ever been to this forum before?

>> No.830757

wow, 5 mins and you're already complaining.

>> No.830758

It occurs to me in the time you wrote that you could have pretended you've ever had an opinion about a book.

>> No.830762

/lit/ - Bitches Bitching

>> No.830764



>> No.830768

Try using some punctuation.
It helps people understand your idiot ramblings.

>> No.830774

haven't read it because i enjoy reading good books with non-shitty covers.

>> No.830776

I see you haven't read my book. It's called "Suck My Balls Until You Black Out"

>> No.830781

Good one.
I think there's a board for that kind of humor.
gb2 where you belong broseph.

>> No.830783

>I judge books on the cover


>> No.830786

True, they probably have better opinions on books than /lit/, so I'm gonna take off. Later bitch.

>> No.830791


Holy shit, look at all these trollers trolling trollers trolling trollers trolling trollers.

>> No.830798


Not the same guy, but everyone judges books by covers. If you say you don't, you are just a liar.

>> No.830801

I don't and I'm not a liar.

>> No.830804

I'm talking strictly about books.

>> No.830815


Yeah, you are. You just have different opinions on a good cover.

Hearing about a book beforehand or being recommended it is why we forgive good books with bad covers, but when you have nothing to go on, just a cover, that's how you judge it.

>> No.830822

I judge it by
1) If it's a author I know
2) The summary on the back

u troollin nigga.

>> No.830823

I go by the synopsis on the inside jacket or back of the book, plus flipping through a few pages to get an idea of possible style or content.

>> No.830862
File: 66 KB, 498x456, Thich_Quang_Duc_-_Self_Immolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this thread

>> No.830895


But you don't even pick up the books with bad covers. You don't get to the synopsis on the back unless the cover interests you.

And I already said I wasn't talking about books you already knew about beforehand.

>> No.830921

No, I really don't pay attention to the cover. The title on the side, when I'm browsing in the library, is what I'll go by as a first indication of whether to get it or not. Some books I've picked up and thoroughly enjoyed had terrible covers.

>> No.830933

>implying the title isn't a part of the cover.

You judge it like everyone else, you just go by different details.

>> No.830934

i judge a book by:

1. its title
2. its cover
3. its summary
4. the author
5. the first page

>> No.830935

You're really having fun with this, aren't you?

>> No.830946

does twilight have a good cover?
is it a good book?

i think I've made my point

>> No.830954


It's not rocket science. I'm just saying that when you've never heard of a book before, or its author, you only have a cover or title to go on. A bad cover doesn't mean a bad book, but we see a cover we like and it sparks our interests and then we read the synopsis to learn more.