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File: 72 KB, 750x559, marsdome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8291459 No.8291459 [Reply] [Original]

Solar system editon

What planet has the best SF and why is it Mars?

Previous: >>8283010

Selected: http://i.imgur.com/r688cPe.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg/
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg/
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg/
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/ http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg/

>> No.8291473

>and why is it Mars?
Because it's the only one that seems even remotely plausible for colonisation

>> No.8291503

What is the biggest problem plaguing modern fantasy?

>> No.8291519

I started reading Larry Niven and loved his novels. So far I read:
The Ringworld Engineers
Ringworld Throne
Ringworld's Children
The Fleet of Worlds
The Juggler of Worlds

However, I hope to read his short stories later, and I hope to get into more serious sci fi. I have Segan's Contact on my reading queue.

Anyone have recommendations? I've read all but the last of Frank Herbert's Dune series (which isn't the type of sci fi I'm craving).

>> No.8291527


He's fine himself but his success had lead to publishers almost exclusively choosing to focus on putting out books that copy his style, which isn't a great style to copy

>> No.8291546

Has THe Great Ordeal secured Bakker's position as the King of GRI?

>> No.8291551

Try Philip K. Dick, mainly:
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>The Man in the High Castle
>A Scanner Darkly
>Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
Those are all his best (and most well-known) books.

>> No.8291589

Oh cool, thanks! I've already read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and loved it. Strangely I forget AI is sci fi. Do any of the books listed deal with space or realistic technological advances?

>> No.8291602

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch does, the most of out that list I gave you. Those are all the books by PKD I've read however, so I don't know about his other books.

>> No.8291647

>muh qirri
>muh daughter fucking

>> No.8291651


>> No.8291655
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Why am I so fucking bad at frame characters? I have the perfect trio to follow for a compelling narrative, but none of them seem like the "main" character to write from the perspective of.

>> No.8291703

Why not have all three as the main characters? Each one takes a turn to have a pov chapter. Could be fun to read/write.

>> No.8291709

Which character has the most dynamic character arc? Which seems the most realistic to be seen from a first-person perspective?

>> No.8291716

>I have the perfect trio to follow for a compelling narrative, but none of them seem like the "main" character to write from the perspective of.
Is it completely necessary for the story you're trying to tell that it be written from a single character's perspective?

>> No.8291721

Why not write from three perspectives?

>> No.8291724
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A good indication are the Hugo/Nebula winners. But Robert Silverberg is good; read Downward To Earth, and Dying Inside.

Brian Aldiss is a good British writer. He served in Burma in WW2, and apparently drew on this experience to write vividly about hot environments and mutated, overgrown, deadly vegetation; in Hot House (1962) and Non-Stop (1958.) They are both imaginative books, funny in places, with lots of deaths. His books have more characterisation than someone like Arthur Clarke.

>> No.8291735
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Is there a copy of "The Last Legends of Earth" on #bookz?

>> No.8291739

>Has THe Great Ordeal secured Bakker's position as the King of GRI?
If Bakker is King, then Black Jewels Trilogy author is Queen.

>> No.8291763
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a tripfag in our general, and why is he dinoposting?

I see some people asking for recs, if any of the names in pic related catch you, google and goodreads it before you read.

>> No.8291767

Oh yes.

>tfw Serwë is burning in hell

>> No.8291772
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>tfw its turning into a straight up mindfuck midway

>> No.8291773

>unironically recommending Codex Alera

Whole fucking book of dude bugs lmao

>> No.8291806
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>finish second novel
>watch some lectures on how to find an agent, get published, etc.
>read up on the statistics
>shelf manuscript and start on new one

Sometimes I wonder what the fucking point is. I'm an unemployed loser living in my parents' basement and no one is ever going to publish this weird shit. I don't even like writing, or enjoy what I write. I just do it because I can't help myself.

Sorry for venting. Here's some cool fanart for your thread.

>> No.8291815

>roman legions with pokemon
What's not to love?

>> No.8291834

Just sell them on Amazon

>> No.8291840
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Anyone touched this shit?
I heard blood song is good, it's also by this author.

>> No.8291841

I think the reality of being a human zero would be more crushing than my suspicion that I'm a human zero.

>> No.8291847

It's usually the weird shit that people remember most or connect with. Like Kafka. He wanted his writings burned because he didn't think it was good enough.

>> No.8291848

Pretty much all the fantasy I've read is as follows:
>Harry Potter series
>first 3 books in A Song of Ice and Fire
>The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
>The Colour of Magic
aaaand that's pretty much it. How do I into modern fantasy? >>8291763 definitely helps but I'm not sure where to start. Where do start with Brandon Sanderson? Is he even very good? I could never "get into" anything by Neil Gaiman or The Name of the Wind, either. Also, I have Assassin's Apprentice loaned out from the library and I'm wondering if I should read it? Thanks bros.

>> No.8291850

So give them to me and I'll sell them

>> No.8291856

This me >>8291847 and I think you should consider self publishing. Most people are dismissive of self publishing (even myself) but it can be a viable and the only way if what you're writing is too experimental or weird for traditional publishing

>> No.8291863

>Also, I have Assassin's Apprentice loaned out from the library and I'm wondering if I should read it?
Why wouldn't you read something you'd already borrowed? Suck it up and take the hit.

>> No.8291873

Who isn't burning in hell at this point?

>> No.8291877

I really should 2bh

>> No.8291882

They're not even weird in an experimental or relatable way. They're recognizably fantasy, but without any of the things people read fantasy for... just weird fever dreams that appeal to me and me alone.

I may be a nobody, but the nothings I've created are still my nothings. It's funny how when it comes down to it, I'm still narcissistic about what writing means to me.

>> No.8291888

Chart anon here, what are your interests?
What do you like to see most in books? GRI? Robots? Wizards? AIs? Religious Intrigue? Politics Intrigue? Shit that has you literally saying "what??" when reading?? Urban fantasy? Military fantasy? Cyberpunk? Biopunk?

What you like?

>> No.8291891
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>weird chart anon is also dino anon
It all makes sense now

>> No.8291896

Every chapter that isn't Tavi desu

Fidelias is alright but it'd be a better series if we didn't have villain pov

>> No.8291910

It seems like a step up from Raven's Shadow.
Similar to powder mage in setting

But then again the first book of that (Blood Song) was great too, the series went to shit with the later two books

>> No.8291913

Hi anon, this is gonna sound stupid as fuck but I really like specific things in my books, like tea and coffee drinking, pipe smoking, also a lot of "stoner-esque" stuff like wizards, magic, space... a lot of esoteric stuff and a lot of twists and turns in the plot and in the world... For example I really loved the parts dealing with Buddhism, the afterlife/rebirth and the Tibetan Book of the Dead in UBIK by PKD. Hope you can find me something. I'll look into reading "Hothouse" by Brian Aldiss, that one looks interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.8291914
File: 932 KB, 2323x1721, elantris_map_10yr_color_ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking Tavi Alwaysright

>> No.8291919

>For example I really loved the parts dealing with Buddhism
Try A Shadow in Summer

>> No.8291921

One of the dino anons. I will read old books and new, but some of the dino anons despises anything old. I have no problem, unless you permanently read nothing but old books, like the original dinosaur.

I saw one of my brethren put a t-rex sama in his place either last thread or the one before.

Was fucking glorious.

>> No.8291923

It's multiple PoV which Ryan isn't good at but it's only three of them so it's not too bad

>> No.8291937

This (it's political intrigue though so be warned).

The tea drinking is in an urban fantasy , but not gonna suggest that.

What specifically you want in your mag1/wizards?

>> No.8291959

So another book with jonesing soldiers, substituting coke with gunpowder?

>> No.8291998

Except this time it's dragon blood instead of gunpowder

>> No.8292007
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>3 Paragraphs explaining how underpowered protag "ebicly rekt xD" a previously established overpowered character in half a sentence with the power of wits!

>> No.8292023
File: 128 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nlye9gzjtf1touov2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Main charecter starts quipping

>> No.8292034

>Main Character starts espousing !communism

>> No.8292043

>main character enslaves pacifists because they don't agree with him

>> No.8292045
File: 772 KB, 250x200, 1449634327193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC has deadpan humor

>> No.8292047

>main character gets cucked

>> No.8292057

>mc is the one who cucks

>> No.8292062

>MC is socially awkward

>> No.8292077

Is there any good SFF with a self-deprecating MC, to the point he maakes jokes about himself?

>> No.8292080

>main character regards pacifism as morally superior
*tips ushanka*

>> No.8292117


>> No.8292123


>> No.8292127

Blindsight comes pretty close and is also good.

The Martian does but it is very reddity.

>> No.8292130

Pretty much the wise old man, gentle but powerful, mystical and yet playful with his magic. Pretty much a frolicsome Gandalf.

>> No.8292154

Probably not the best advice but self-inserting as one might help.

>> No.8292159

>The Martian does but it is very reddity.
Thank God, someone finally understands.

>> No.8292165

Start out with Book of the New Sun. Gene Wolfe is easy to read and every thing is straight forward :3

>> No.8292172

To be fair, my first taste of GW actually was BOTNS and I read it on my PSP; it took be like 3 false starts but once I got into the groove I fucking got it.

Just dont be intimidated by the dense language and you'll be fine. He's surprisingly straightforward.

>> No.8292177

I've read it a few times and I still feel like I notice a new detail every time I read it. Probably my favorite senpai

>> No.8292195

Oh yea definitely, thats one reason why I like to just pick a page at random. Always a little gem to notice here and there.

>> No.8292209

>What planet has the best SF and why is it Mars?

American authors had seen Utah

>> No.8292218

It's been a while since I've read Robin Hobb, but I enjoyed the Assassin Trilogy a lot.

>> No.8292224
File: 170 KB, 693x1134, Jhereg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of Steven Brust? I recently started re-reading him for the first time in about a decade, and it's like putting on a snuggie and sipping from a mug of tomato soup. Super comfy.

>> No.8292297
File: 307 KB, 1440x792, Kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Inchoroi created the Tusk
>hell is real, and everyone is going there
>the gods see souls as food and nothing more
>Kellhus is fucking batshit
>dunyain fucking shits still exist

is there a single positive plot revelation in this entire series?

every single reveal has been bad fucking news for everyone

>> No.8292308

fitz shoulda married the singer chick desu

>> No.8292313

Have you read The Phoneix Guards? Was thinking of reading that

>> No.8292332

That we've so lost our vision as a culture that people can't tell the difference between sci-fi and fantasy.

>> No.8292343

The Meat is delicious?

>> No.8292347

Is there no chance for me? There's no respectable writer in my language let alone SFF writer and there's basically no market. I know English well but as evidenced by the responses I got, it's obvious I'm no native speaker even if technically I'm apt to write.

>> No.8292354

Part of me feels like this is just meme-y bait, but I'm interested so I'll bite. Don't disappoint me anon.

Can you explain further what you mean by this statement? What is this vision you speak of and how as well as why did we lose it? Also, why is science fiction and fantasy blurring the line between them a bad thing?

We have all read books by native speakers of English that made mistakes in their writing they really shouldn't have. If you are passionate about writing you should write. You are going to have to work harder than others regardless of whichever language you decide to write in, but it is possible. Write because you enjoy it, not to make money off it. You can worry about that after the you find a publisher interested in your work.

>> No.8292355
File: 901 KB, 900x929, 1468730590584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, how do I get started with the Culture series by Banks, do I just read from release order?

>> No.8292356

I enjoyed it, and the rest of the Khaavren Romances trilogy. It's framed as being written by a historian, so the prose and dialogue is excessively (humorously) formal. The majority of the dialogue is witty banter. If you don't mind the writing style it's consistently funny and a good story.

>> No.8292373

Thanks for the faith you have in me anon. I don't write to make money, I don't even write to get known but I do want to be good at it and develop my own style. It's interesting because none of the anons said bad things about my prose (only the obvious non-native mistakes) and it seemed there's a certain naïve charm to my writing, but I would need constant guidance for it to improve, something I'll never get in my own language.

>> No.8292376

No, some of the books are shit and some of them are p good, do some research and figure out which ones are best. Ironically, Consider Phlebas isn't a terrible starting point.

>> No.8292378

Where can I read your work?

>> No.8292382

I'll get hate for this but DeviantArt

>> No.8292386

No rose colored glasses, I'm certainly not saying the past, least of all not the 1960s, were any sirt of utopia, but there was at least a sense of a direction toward a better future. It took the same Old World vision to grab Von Braun & his V2 and create ICBM's, but by the time Kennedy rolled around, even my bumpkin grandparents and parents had seen a worlds fair and understood what putting a man in an icbm and sending it to the moon would lead to in no time. Hence a solid decade of the popular press full of glorious space-age vaporware that could gave easily been built, but given the harsh realitues of the late 60s/early 70's, by the 80's, the only vision this country had had left was of the old power & wealth hierarchy, and tearing each others eyes out to claw their way up it.

Now, as plausible as the sci-fi dreams were a half a century ago, they might as well be fantasy, because theyre as unlikely to happen as dragons taking swordsmen and wizards into the nights sky.

>> No.8292404

Anybody got anything for me? The playful old wizard?

>> No.8292425

Oh God is that trope infecting western fantasy too? I thought only Jap fantasy had that shit.

>> No.8292435

Don't get me wrong. If you have a completed work you feel good about (even if just a little) then you should send it out. It will most likely get rejected even if it is good, but you should try all the same if that is something you are interested in.

Have you tried forming a writing group? In person group meetings are best of course, but online seems to work well enough from what I've heard. Most groups fall apart from inactivity, but might be worth a shot if you want more feedback on your work. Posting examples here and on similar sites also work well enough I suppose. Just keep practicing. At least that's what I tell myself. I feel like all my work is trash and I still don't have the confidence to share it in the feedback thread even under anon, but if you keep writing you will get better. Otherwise I've wasted more than a few years.

Thanks for the thought out response.

I'll agree with you to an extent. It does seem at a glance that popular science fiction has removed itself from the hopeful near future of space exploration. My first reaction is to blame this on the state of our space programs across the world. After landing on the moon everything suddenly became out of reach economically speaking. Mars colonization is a joke. We cant even reach the planet in a realistic time frame to suppose a spacestation. No way in the near future can we even begin the ground work for future colonization efforts. Even a moonbase feels out of reach without a united effort across nations, but how do you justify an expense like that?

The moon landing was only justifiable because the Soviet Union had won the space race by that point in time. The good 'ol USA had to one-up the first satellite in space and landing on a foreign space body made the most sense. After that there was nothing the Soviet Union could do to one-up that.

So there seems to be nothing to look forward to. How can you write a science fiction story envisioning the future of space exploration when all that seems possible is launching a probe further and further away?

>> No.8292436
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>Now, as plausible as the sci-fi dreams were a half a century ago, they might as well be fantasy, because theyre as unlikely to happen as dragons taking swordsmen and wizards into the nights sky.

>> No.8292441

I can think of good wizards in bad books and vice versa, don't think anyone's done the whole thing well yet

>> No.8292446
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my autistic brother has written the greatest science fiction novel of the 21st century, but he forgot that he wrote it and now pursues a goal recreating dante's inferno in minecraft

should I steal his work and publish it under my name?

>> No.8292455

I don't know.
I keep ending up in post-apocalypse settings, a world where the land is irradiated and only running springwater rivers are safe, where tiny populations of scattered people paddle dugouts up and downstream, never step foot on land, and just fade in and out if the mists. Where the sci-fi is merely verbal, represented not by the physical technological objects around them, since there are none, but in merely relaying the surviving amassed wisdom of human accomplishment to each successive generation, since preserving it in hopes of someday guiding some generation lucky enough to have the chance to pick up where we left off, is all they can hope to do at the moment. Man I shoehorned 20 gallons of shit into that 5 gallon shoe.

I have wanted to write that story a while, and shoot it, but I don't know when I'd have time.

>> No.8292463

I've never tried forming a writing group because I'm not charismatic and social enough to carry it online, and in real life I don't have many friends. The closest thing to a writing group is critique threads on 4chan and the odd /sffg/ where I may post excerpts.
As for publishing I can't publish because I'm foreign in the country I live in and none are English speaking. I really can't publish that's why I post on DeviantArt and tumblr

>> No.8292468

Yeah, then there is Elon.
The fact that one man has more vision than the entire US government, its electorate, to support NASA, is a perfect example of what I mean. NASAs been fiscally hacked off at the feet, ankles, knees, hips, etc, all the way up til all thats left is the hair, until engineers have figured out how to turn it into a hairpiece, to put on someone elses head to run off with.

>> No.8292470

Is this general active enough for me to post like a chapter of the sci-fi book I'm working on?

I want to build a whole world and all that good shit but I lack criticism since everyone I ask says "DUDE THAT'S SO COOL" when I know something must be wrong with my shit

Would anyone bother if I posted a chapter or two here?

>> No.8292473

Of course you should.

>> No.8292476

Please, by all means do.

I need something other than trump, jesus, & gun threads to look at fir a few minutes.

>> No.8292493

Alright that's neat
Book incoming nigga

>> No.8292497

Just go for it. It'd be better than having faggots whine about the same tired shit.

>> No.8292502

Please do. I need to see how other anons handled writing. I promise I'll write constructive critique.

>> No.8292527

>Brian Aldiss is a good British writer. He served in Burma in WW2, and apparently drew on this experience to write vividly about hot environments and mutated, overgrown, deadly vegetation;

I read a book called The Jungle is Neutral a while back by a lieutenant who served in Malaya as part of a stay-behind group. Pretty good, plenty of stories about awful the jungle can be, running guerrilla operations and escaping from the Japanese/bandits.

>> No.8292543

>So there seems to be nothing to look forward to


The West will become more and more hedonistic in the future.

>> No.8292557

That sounds pretty cool. Spoken histories and river boat people are both neat concept.

>> No.8292590

Sounds a lot like "Cloud Atlas" or "A Canticle for Leibowitz". Simak's "A Choice of Gods" also comes to mind, minus the radiation (very worth the read, if you haven't already)

But don't let that stop you, I could dig a story woven around a riverine post-scientific culture, and your prose, even in this limited synopsis is good enough.

>> No.8292623

I noticed that the more I read and write, the more personalized and condensed they become.
I started a lot of years ago with a huge scope, mega high fantasy story of hundreds of pages with entire armies clashing and kings playing their games against each other and otherworldly forces larger than life threatening humankind.
Nowadays I write short, self-contained sweet fantasy stories, rarely with more than 1 character and its lone journey and discovery.

Anyone else noticed that in their own works?

>> No.8292628

>Ursula le guin in the recommendations
Why do you recommend such a self-flagellating white guilter here?

>> No.8292640


>another alt right fag smashes into the thread like the Kool Aid Man, with The Truth™ in his pocket

I read her because judging a book by the politics of the author is retarded and exactly the sort of thing angry tumblr users do, which is kind of ironic when you think about what you just said.

>> No.8292647

>alt right
Also, the politics of the author are patently relevant to the consumption of her work when they inform every stilted line of it. I'm tired of every other sentence being about how brown the character are.

Her politics DO make the books bad.

>> No.8292656

Can someone rec me a short story?

I especially like when sci fi mingles with horror.

>> No.8292660

Reading isn't the right hobby for you. Stick to sports or something else that won't hurt your feelsies.

>> No.8292665


> I'm tired of every other sentence being about how brown the character are.

If you're referring to Earthsea I think Ged's color is mentioned like twice in six books.

I think you started reading her with the idea of her books being bad because of her politics already formed in your mind and just went looking for things to confirm the opinion you already had.

>Ha, she said some men in her made up world have brown skin! I KNEW IT!

>> No.8292668

Buddy it doesn't hurt my feelings. It's just bad writing injected with rhetoric. You and I would be on the same page if the whole book was full of annoying analogies about the evils of abortion and soliloquies on the immorality of homosexuality.

>> No.8292680
File: 31 KB, 480x355, The Rape Abides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do fuck off, you like sci-fi - and THAT'S strictly for shit-gobbling apes!

>> No.8292690


>It's just bad writing injected with rhetoric.

Think whatever you like, the fact remains she's one of the most critically acclaimed sff writers in the world and one of the very few that are taken seriously even outside of the genre.

Also a lot of right wing people like her works, you don't have to be an anarchist to see the beauty of The Dispossessed.

>> No.8292694


No mate, what he's saying is true. You like that sort of thing, but don't live in denial.

>> No.8292695

"Black Destroyer"

>> No.8292701


Why are you scared by anon's dislike of her?

>> No.8292702

Okay, I just googled "Black Destroyer" and apparently it's the brand name of a massive black dildo. That's not the one I'm recommending. What I'm recommending is a story by A. E. van Vogt.

>> No.8292703

I'm not right wing.

>> No.8292706

The Ruum. It's about a uranium prospector getting chased through the Canadian Rockies by an alien spider robot. Pretty intense all the way through.

>> No.8292708

Here, I found a copy online. Do keep in mind it was published in 1939.

>> No.8292713


kek thanks m8 but I had already figured out on my own it was Van Vogt, after encountering the massive black dildos of course.

I have it downloaded, will read and report back.


This seems promising too.

>> No.8292714


"Robert Heinlein is SJW for having Johnny Rico not be white!"

"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is SJW propaganda because lunar society is racially integrated and the main character is mixed race!"

>> No.8292717


The story, ironically, is about a massive black dildo on Mars.

>> No.8292721


No, you see, the difference is, Le Guin's work often offers nothing beyond the grandstanding and expectation of applause. You're deriding your own straw-man, not anon's position.

>> No.8292723

"Race was a crucial element [in the earthsea books]"
-Ursula le guin

>> No.8292728
File: 36 KB, 600x332, pampasdenizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8292738


>No, you see, the difference is, Le Guin's work often offers nothing beyond the grandstanding and expectation of applause.

Says who? You? I don't agree, in fact I think this could be said more of Heinlein than Le Guin, since at least Le Guin doesn't beat you over the head with how right she is and how wrong you are about whatever politics she's following at the moment.

>> No.8292750

I read Stranger in a Strange Land and Earthsea in high school and I didn't even notice any racial or social commentary. At that point in my development all I was thinking was "Oh, orgies and chicks covered in tattoos. Sweet. Wizards and waning magic and stuff. Sweet."

I should revisit them and see what I think now.

>> No.8292757

I just reread the story myself and was pleasantly surprised to find that the word "throb" appears several times throughout.

>> No.8292758

Really? Even as a teenager I thought he went overboard with the flower power free love shit.

>> No.8292769

I'll admit, at fifteen, I had an underdeveloped sense of both sex and social interaction. I didn't even take a sex ed class. Instead, I took an online health course from Brigham Young, and you can guess how educational that was. All I knew about sex was from watching porn. So I didn't even have a base context to compare with Heinlein's ideas.

>> No.8292772

Heinlein is very heavy handed.

For example, a lot of people miss that in Starship Troopers, somebody who digs ditches for civil engineering projects or a government social worker or a paraplegic mail clerk in a federal office gets the same vote as somebody in the military.

>> No.8292774

Hey I took that class to. Are you me? First bad grade I ever got was from those fucking Mormons.

>> No.8292778

I thought Heinlein was a conservative? A typical mid-twentieth century bourgeois American, that kind of guy?

>> No.8292779

Heinlein was a libertarian from before the randdroids hijacked the concept.

>> No.8292783


Heinlein had many ideas throughout his life, some of them conflicting with one another and ever changing as he got older.

He was never your typical conservative, though.

>> No.8292784

Yeah, that course was total ass. I'm in California, so I have to wonder why the sanctioned alternative to high school health class was from a university in Utah.

>> No.8292815

Mormons have been spending millions of dollars to fuck with CA politics and push their agendas IIRC. They likely got it as the alternative by partnering up with the Catholics/Christians and whining about how they need their own speshul snowflake sex ed that promotes "family values" or whatever instead of telling kids how to not get pregnant/dickrot.

>> No.8292826

Ok I finished reading The Ruum. That was creepy as fuck.

Now onwards to Black Destroyer.

>> No.8292840

Like I said, keep in mind it was published 77 years ago. It's dated, in an interesting way.

>> No.8292870
File: 13 KB, 265x265, whiteluckwarrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't find a UK style cover for it, like all the other books have :( Looking for a cover in the style of pic related.

Please help! I hate when the covers don't match, and I prefer this style of cover. Is it a UK release thing?

>> No.8292905

pretty sure those are the overlook paperbacks, so i imagine we won't see them until the paperback comes out (a year?)

>> No.8292956


>"any questions?"
>"Yes. What about pussy?"

I had to remind myself he was talking about the cat alien. Good reading so far.

>> No.8292967

Why are you writing SFF, anon?
For what purpose is it SFF and not anything else?

>> No.8292973

They refer to the cat alien as pussy throughout.
There's also
>Morton remembered that Kent and Jarvey had chummed together for years in the way only two men can.
And some other imagery that seems really homoerotic, but I'm not sure if I'm just projecting my modern sensibilities onto it.

>> No.8293028

Because scifi has hoverboards and nanites and space ships and awesome urban sprawls and it's totally rad, yo.

>> No.8293111

I like tentacles and gross fantasy-horror sex. Can't do that writing about the ennui of middle-class America exactly.

>> No.8293117

Pynchon does that tho

>> No.8293122

Aye, but I'm no Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.8293123

Wait, Pynchon writes disenfranchised middle-class tentacle porn? Maybe I should check him out.

>> No.8293124

Well middle class gross fantasy horror sex

V has some tentacles

>> No.8293128

Neat. I've read that I should start with V anyway.

>> No.8293429


Finished it. Thanks for the rec, that was a good read. Had almost a Dead Space vibe.

Should I check out more by this Van Vogt guy? Asimov seemed to think very highly of him.

>> No.8293451

Soooo.. you want a Tolkien knockoff? I'm sorry, but I don't read Tolkeinesque books. You could try shawn speakman or terry goodkind.

>> No.8293470

Well Elon isn't the only one but he's the most successful.

>> No.8293477

Because I dont care about other genres, or genre at all, really.

>> No.8293487

You write like you're on Tumblr, yo.

>> No.8293526

>Black Jewels Trilogy
>women writers

I am 100% sure if I ever read that series, it will never come close to the greatness of Bakker...Women are not as ambitious as men.

>> No.8293553
File: 322 KB, 2560x1600, WordsOfRadiance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the new Stormlight Archive coming out?

>> No.8293555

End of next year.

>> No.8293563

tfw he's locked himself into a bad series for the next decade

>> No.8293565

It's the best thing he's written.

It will take much longer than that.

>> No.8293569

Yeah but he'll die within that time

>> No.8293580

Please read it. Lit(elitist) suggested it to me years ago, it's filled to the brim with GRI. It even has what little girl protagonist anon wants.

>> No.8293626
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>locking himself into any series
Pick one.

>> No.8293635

>Look up "Black Destroyer" on google
>results are all dildos

>> No.8293639
File: 129 KB, 1010x378, 1464773919420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I read after finishing Words of Radiance?

I've read Mistborn 1 and I'm 50 pages of finishing the second one. Didn't bother finish it because I bought the Way of Kings and got stuck to it. I'm now reading WoR

Should I Finish the Mistborn trilogy after that, or jump to another epic adventure like the wheel of time?
Mistborn was too shallow for me.

>> No.8293641

Mistborn is shit, so is WoT.

>> No.8293642
File: 977 KB, 1173x1600, Reading order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if you want to get into the meta or not. You could at least read Warbreaker so you understand Zahel's character but probably isn't a huge concern if you're not gonna read the other books.

>> No.8293648

I thought the only character I needed to understand by reading other books was Hoid

What will Warbreaker add to The Stormlight Archive lore?

>> No.8293652

There are other worldhoppers. Lots of them. A few of them are even part of the Ghostbloods. Warbreaker will introduce Vasher (Zahel), Nightblood, and the Nalthian magic system. Of course, Brandon keeps pushing back "Nightblood", the sequel, so there is a lot of important information we still don't know. :-)

>> No.8293655

What is not shit then? Sherlock of superior taste.

>> No.8293701

I tried...I read Robbin hobb , the vorkosvian(?) saga, that one about the gender less robot...and others...I just don't like any of them. I want to like women writers, because I already read most of the "big" names in SFF and I'm running short...but they just suck

>> No.8293708


I had more luck googling "black destroyer Van Vogt". Still, I got the dildos the first time.

>> No.8293714

I really enjoy the ringworld books. You might try these:

Rendevue With Rama and it's sequel

Mote in God's Eye and it's sequel

>> No.8293721

inverted world - christopher priest

>> No.8293741

Enjoy your Rithmatist and Rekconers 2.0

>> No.8293754
File: 123 KB, 640x640, Autism Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try black jewel specifically? Before you read a book do you check up the author's bio? What they like? Where they shop? This seems like autism on your part.

I'm sure you read many shit male books, but just seeing that the author has a female name triggers you makes me feel you need help.

>> No.8293762
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And Lost Metal and modern Mistborn and the Elantris sequels and the Warbreaker sequel and whatever else... just all very slowly.

>> No.8293787
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Chronicles of Amber or the Wheel of time?

>> No.8293794

Zelazny's a billion times better than Jordan.

Honestly now that there's other massive epic fantasy series out there WoT isn't worth it

>> No.8293806

I just want something good and deep to delve into. I also want realism in those. Non explicit rape and sex between characters.

Does Amber deliver?

>> No.8293810

Every book over WoT.

>> No.8293816



>> No.8293844

fuck that autism chart. that's me down the line. down the fucking line

>> No.8293860

What is even the appeal of WoT? I cracked open the first book and it just seems like the most generic, derivative shit imaginable.

>> No.8293865

Priest is underrated in general, I never see anyone mention him except in relation to the Prestige movie

>> No.8293880

The first book is basically a prologue to the main plot. Introduces a lot of key concepts and most of the main cast, foreshadows a ton of shit, and the ending kicks off the main story that the rest of the books follow. The actual plot of Eye of the World feels disconnected from what follows though. Sure the primary antagonists feature later on, but nobody really references the events of Eye of the World in later books and it doesn't appear to have any real significance beyond setting the main three on their paths.

>> No.8293902

Derivative of what exactly? Reading a couple chapters of the first book hardly gives you any insight into what the setting or story is like, especially considering the big reveal at the end of the first book changes the course of the plot in a big way.

>> No.8293905

I was trying to say that he will write those YA non cosmere books before writing a book you actually want to read.

>> No.8293908

Five out of the main six, you sexist pig.

>> No.8293911

It's a deliberate copy of LotR. How did you not notice this?

>> No.8293912

there's a difference buddy. When I read a book written by a guy, I know there's a bell curve. A few ( maybe 2-3) books where soo bad I couldn't finish them, a few are really amazing, everything else in between.

For women though? This stops at average. There's no "amazing" book category...a few I are "above average" so a 6-7/10 if I'm being generous...

The point of reading ( for me at least) is to slow grough the mediocre books and get to the really good ones. One amazing book is worth 10 good ones and 100 average ones...however women don't write amazing books.

I have read about 20 or so series/books, 20 "best of" women here and from reddit/r/fantasy or /scifi. None of them came close to my favorite series so yes...women excel in mediocrity ...at least that's my experience.

>> No.8293920

Jordan is mediocre, but Amber is outright horrible. Reading Jordan is like seeing some of your old favorite TV series...when you first saw them the concepts and execution was amazing...but now it's just mediocre but good enough if you don't have anything better and the nostalgia gives you a boost.

That "zelazny"guy, I don't even care for his name, is a fucking terrible writer. I have read a few hundred books but he personally offended me, his writing and books where so bad I will never touch anything with his name on it...I think he is the only one I had such an aversion to... I tried lord of light and amber.

>> No.8293921
File: 150 KB, 842x599, dangerous visions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how has Dangerous Visions aged?

>> No.8293925
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I know. It is not cool at all.

>> No.8293942
File: 366 KB, 1101x1672, 1468867871747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this posted on another board. Do people actually read this shit?

>> No.8293944

>another board

/pol/ or /tv/ crossposter?

>> No.8293970

Oh I thought you had a real point.

>> No.8293981

where is a canticle for leibowitz

>> No.8293983

Only by self satisfied normies on their first foray into post-irony

>> No.8293986

I see a pig

>> No.8294002

Popular enough and well written enough that one of his books got a Hugo award.

>> No.8294004

>Last 20 Years

Sometimes for shits and giggles, they're only around 50 pages tops

>> No.8294009

>What should I read after finishing Words of Radiance?

Help me please!

>> No.8294019

Out of the selected sci-fi list which should I read? I'm almost done reading the first book in the Foundation series by Asimov.

>> No.8294026


Same here, I mean hell WoT has a TON of legit criticism you could make, like the fucked up pacing in books 7-10 and the autistic amount of worldbuilding Jordan put in it, but a LOTR ripoff it is not. I maintain anyone who says this hasn't bothered to actually read it.

>> No.8294040


Boku no Orphans

>> No.8294043

Tingle's a decent comedic writer

>> No.8294044


>> No.8294093

I wasn't talking about the series as a whole, only the first book copies LotR, which would explain why that other anon found it derivative. Jordan said somewhere that he did it to draw readers in with the familiar before exposing them to the White Tower, Seanchan and all that.

>> No.8294156
File: 187 KB, 1440x792, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished TGO, didn't cover as much ground as I'd like, but at the same time so Much happens

Dat Sorwheel winning best girl
The Consult Dropping a nuke on the Ordeal
Is Kellhus actually dead?
And best of all Achamian finding Cnaiur Urs Skiotha King-of-tribes, most-violent-of-men

What a fucking ride. Can't wait for the Unholy Consult

>> No.8294190

There are lots of books that jump from one character's perspective to another's.

>> No.8294228

>dat fucking nuke

>> No.8294281

revelations and revelations...I agree, it felt shorter, however my mind was BLOWN over and over again.
Forgot about
>Dat "Tall"

>> No.8294285

Hol up

so you telling me

Sorweel wins the Serwabowl?

>> No.8294286
File: 29 KB, 297x475, 29396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I expect?

>> No.8294296

It's pathetic.

>> No.8294301
File: 401 KB, 1024x634, warbreakermapsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tavi Alwaysright.

>> No.8294315

Nothing much, it's a deliberately crap concept he wrote on a bet

>> No.8294327

Man Black Prism (first Lightbringer book) was really fucking bad yet I felt compelled to finish it

One decent, if unoriginal concept, of magic being bad for everyone and then fuckall else

>> No.8294334

>farmboy who is key to everything
>his noble uncle who raised him
>distant but good king
>girl who falls in love with the first man she sees
It's like the most generic fantasy ever

>> No.8294342

Just downloaded "The Slynx". What am I in for lads.

>> No.8294343
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Fair enough.


>> No.8294346

He's definitely back in the game.

Goes from Zero to hero in record time.
Ishterebinth was just as horrifying and amazing as I hoped

>> No.8294354

Babbys first fantasy

>> No.8294365
File: 782 KB, 412x670, Banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best Fantasy Series You've ever read?

It doesn't have to be finished.

>> No.8294376

So far its Bakker, hits all my pleasure points.

I have a soft-spot for Gentlemen Bastards but Scotty has been slipping lately, that divorce really got him.

>> No.8294378

Nothing comes close to Discworld, to be that funny over that many books is insane

For more traditional fantasy I'm not really sure
Lynch really set himself an impossible bar with Lies Of

>> No.8294388

I haven't read it yet, though I also haven't read much SFF so far. The few things I've read I have sitting at 1-3 stars on goodreads and if they were series I dropped them after book 1.

>> No.8294398

Does anyone think that Kellhus is a self-insert for one of Bakker's acquaintances? Someone who fucked Bakker's and his friend's wives?

>> No.8294403

I wanna _______sex_______ Shallan with Kaladin watching from a distance, hatred brewing within him.

>> No.8294408


Pick one and only one

>> No.8294410
File: 703 KB, 2437x1047, Dinosaurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on this chart.

>> No.8294421

Vox just did that to shit shit up. And it was a nomination.

>> No.8294422
File: 312 KB, 1375x2048, WoR_SKETCHBOOK-PATTERN_fmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna read a Stormlight 3 without love triangle horseshit with Sanderson watching from a distance, hatred brewing within him.

>> No.8294424

>tfw you have a really cool idea, even an outline, but never wrote a story before except some cringey shit in primary school
Is there something that teaches the basic craft of getting from outline to first draft to finished product, writing the actual scenes, etc? Sanderson lectures good for this?

>> No.8294427

There's no real evidence to suggest so.

Dunyain are immensely practical people, and all of the cucking was extremely calculated and not really associated with "chad" mentality. So far as Esmenet goes Kellhus just needed her womb, not anything else.

>> No.8294432

I think Kellhus is Bakker. He has fantasies on cucking everyone and being the smartest "most logical" man in the room.

>> No.8294433

People gave you suggestions, if you can't read wtf are you doing on a literature board?

>> No.8294440

>wale mothers

>> No.8294443

>More Sanderson

That's all they said. I want something other than Sanderson for the sake of variety.

>> No.8294444

Not only you should, but you must. It's the moral responsibility of a learned man such as yourself to see the work of your brother reach the light of the day and touch the minds of so many young readers across the world.

>> No.8294448

he should be, I'd give him a shot.

Lajos Egri is my go-to but I know some may be turned off by his emphasis on plays, I just translate the same principles into novel writing

>> No.8294453

Hardly. Most likely, Bakker is Achamian

>> No.8294458

A song of fire and ice

>> No.8294459

So read the fucking OP.

>> No.8294461

Will Dalinar do the right thing and finally breed Eshonai? I mean she deserves it.....

>> No.8294464


Never read Bakker. Which book/series should I pick?

>> No.8294468

what? Did he really get cucked ? Maybe that's why his novels are so dark...damn

>> No.8294469

Bakker actually did say he based Achamian on a lot of his feelings and experiences as a philosophy student

>> No.8294471

Nah m8, fuck off :^)

>> No.8294479

Kill yourself.

>> No.8294480

Looking for good fantasy stories published in online mags. Any suggestions?

>> No.8294483

His biggest series ( and the one he's known for) is The Second Apocalypse. Start with " The darkness that comes before"

>> No.8294487

You already asked this.

>> No.8294488

Then you should have said so, we aren't fucking mind readers.

You liked suits forming over a body? Read Brent Weeks or Iron Dragon's Daughter.

>> No.8294502
File: 197 KB, 1357x2048, WoR_FASHION-LIAFOR_v02_fmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's too busy doing that to Navani.

>> No.8294505

Darknes that comes before. Its the first book in his overarching Second Apocalypse series

>> No.8294508

>no one answered me
>ask the question again
Here is your (you)

>> No.8294512

You can't learn to write well by reading guides or watching lectures. You have to feel it out on your own, and be awful until you're not.

That's what all the guides and lectures told me, anyway.

>> No.8294517

Achamian definitely comes off as the most human of his characters, so it does show a bit

>> No.8294523

Looking for good fantasy stories published in online mags.

>> No.8294530
File: 252 KB, 1080x1080, 1451264041306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks a lot anons!

>> No.8294534

those were bullshit guides and lectures

this whole meme of mystifying the writing process is laughable, its like a painter telling someone "oh yea I just felt out this human figure, I didn't study or anything"

>> No.8294536

Looking for good online mags posted in fantasy stories. Any suggestions?

>> No.8294543

>that voice
>that greasy hair
>that fat
>that Metallica t-shirt at a fucking lecture
I wouldn't want to be anywhere near him desu. His writing advice seems pretty good though.

>> No.8294545



>> No.8294546

>i'm bored
>I'm also the same faggot that post little girl protagonist because my autism compels me
>I will start posting this every thread because I feel it will piss off people


>> No.8294552

>Socrates was a homo

Don't fucking care desu senpai

>> No.8294556

Any good non-Egyptian African inspired SFF?

>> No.8294558

Should I read the Ender's Game series? I hear a lot of mixed reviews about it. Is it good? Also if if is good does it maintain the same amount of quality throughout the series

>> No.8294566

Read book 1, then read the red rising trilogy.

>> No.8294576

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I'm >>8294480 and the poster of the original request in the past thread. I just wanted some suggestions for good fantasy stories published in online mags, because I went looking myself and it was all garbage. I figured you might have some ideas. I'll leave you to continue discussing Branderson and self-publishing.

>> No.8294584

Does it drop in off in quality that much or what?

>> No.8294586
File: 27 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Dirty_Pair_TV_Ep13_Subbed_(AD31184F).mkv_snapshot_15.08_[2016.07.18_17.52.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funfact, there's a reoccuring Coeurl character in the science fiction comedy anime "Dirty Pair"

>> No.8294595

I didn't want to touch the sequels, didn't want to mess up my experience.

Red Rising does continuously improve though.

>> No.8294600

See, I'm not even talking about writing "well", developing a style or anything, just the barest bones. Things like, "okay, my first scene is a conversation between two characters, how do I describe them, the setting they're in, and then move into dialogue?"

>> No.8294603

It's a childrens book, and not a very good one at that. Same case for Red Rising.

>> No.8294609

Thank you. Don't let the door hit you in the face on the way out.

>> No.8294612

Lajos Egri is your man, trust me his books are worth the money. He gets down into characters with no filler.

>> No.8294613

If you didn't read the sequels and don't know if they're good or not why would you tell me not to read them?

Now I don't know who's right here

>> No.8294627

>I'll post it again
The absolute madman.
Didn't you get btfo enough the last time you posted this?

>> No.8294651

Any good SFF youtubers?

>> No.8294655
File: 61 KB, 800x600, GRI APPROVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what you want. I'm just giving you my opinions. When I read the blurb for the next book, the things I liked in book one were not present. So I didn't go further. People also told me it's shit.

This was years ago mind you. So do whatever.

Red Rising is not a children's book, that poster is a low iq troll who gets his jollies discouraging people from reading books. There are extreme cases of GRI in red rising. Parents would riot if they found this in their kid's book. Like how Rick Riordan got burnt for making a character gay in a fucking children's book .

>> No.8294667

Basically the author is a lunatic and after Enders was a success he got more editorial control

It's the same reason Goodkind's first book is readable whilst the rest are trash

>> No.8294673
File: 432 KB, 900x464, 1359239810401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What planet has the best SF and why is it Mars?

What other possible terrestial body is even remotely capable of sustaining human's current level of technology?

Besides the moon (which is boring as fuck), there's only Mars

>> No.8294685

Will I like Thomas Covenant if I'm an edgelord?

>> No.8294733

why not write from observer perspective and somehow somewhere throw in something from character's perspective and say it is from his diary or from a book about him that was written like 100 years after his death or something like that.

>> No.8294744

not enough GRI...Where's the gay? Where's the incest? also, the rape scenes are lame...

U need bakker, the king of GRI, this shit pales in comparison ( though it's an interesting series to read, if edgy and young adult at times)

One point about thomas covenant is just how it is to be depressed, how hard it is to escape from it...so you will read about Coevant being depressed, and read, and read ...you will read waaay to much about his depression, he will be more pathetic each time. That's the point, however it isn't an easy read...

>> No.8294754

I think that dudes mad because he's the one who couldn't find a download of red rising

>> No.8294756

Holy shit you got me curious! I never thought what the fuck an autist would write in science fiction? What is it about?

>> No.8294896

Is the fantasy in the Thomas Covenant books intentionally kiddish and stupid? Lord Foul the Despiser? The Staff of Law? Is this stuff there to juxtapose Thomas' real and wretched misanthropy? Or did Donaldson genuinely think it all seemed cool at the time?

>> No.8294984

>not enough GRI...Where's the gay? Where's the incest?
The guy bragging about how he used to bugger his brother?

>> No.8295012

>One point about thomas covenant is just how it is to be depressed, how hard it is to escape from it...so you will read about Coevant being depressed, and read, and read ...you will read waaay to much about his depression, he will be more pathetic each time. That's the point, however it isn't an easy read...

That actually sounds great, no lie.

>> No.8295202

>50 minute long videos of a someone overanalyzing shit like Malazan or WoT

I need this.

>> No.8295216


>> No.8295229
File: 139 KB, 640x960, 1468761985963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one practice writing a character's "voice," or way of speaking?

>> No.8295234

Just think about their personality, where they come from and what experiences they've had. Put them in a situation and work out from there.

>> No.8295279

Is the person an optimist or a pessimist? Are they vain or self deprecating? Do they live in the moment are are they subject to flights of fancy? What are their points of insecurity? What can't they help but dwell upon?

>> No.8295361
File: 14 KB, 220x289, R_Scott_Bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do normies hate his books?

>> No.8295366

The Rainbow and the Dove are symbols of peace for us, but that's only because of their role in the story of Noah.
What would be an evocative symbol of peace for a world on unrelated to ours?

>> No.8295372
File: 65 KB, 798x592, ec10_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has there never been a book called Fortress Europa that's actually set on Europa?

>> No.8295382

No clear good guy to root for

Normies cannot grasp the Absolute

>> No.8295383
File: 28 KB, 390x310, fuuuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that bitch priestess got telefragged

eat shit, yatwer

>> No.8295384

>In 1986 he attended the University of Western Ontario to pursue a degree in literature and later an MA in theory and criticism. After nearly completing, but ultimately abandoning, a PhD in philosophy

Turns out writing edgy genre fiction is what you do when you fail at getting a liberal art's degree.

>> No.8295399

I fucking love Bakker, but it's not hard to figure out.

First of all, he alienates 95% of all of his potential female readers over the course of the First trilogy. Female readers don't like it when the characters are constantly raped, and are generally weak. Bakker put effort into his female characters more with Aspect, but it's a bit late.

Of the remaining (male) potential readership, the unrelenting darkness drives many away. The constant sexual assault makes some too uncomfortable. And as that other guy said, there's no-one to root for, which is essential for a popular book. Personally I'm rooting for Akka, but he's a complete fuck up and has his moments of douchebaggery. There's also a lot of naval gazing, which I enjoy, but which puts off fantasy fans used to the snappy writing of Brandon Sanderson et al.

Nobody spoil me on Great Ordeal btw, still waiting for that shit in the mail.

>> No.8295402

>Do you think Yatwer allowed her to see this?
>Her plummet

Comedy gold

>> No.8295403

In Dune, tears are a sign of great respect, given the lack of water on Arakkis. It's seen as a sacrifice. It really depends what kind of world it is.

>> No.8295406

Just listen to the 1st few minutes.


>> No.8295410

>hasnt gotten his copy yet

Leave now anon, it's so good, leave now before its spoiled

>> No.8295411

>And as that other guy said, there's no-one to root for, which is essential for a popular book.

why is this necessary

>> No.8295414


>Nobody spoil me on Great Ordeal btw, still waiting for that shit in the mail.

Call me retarded, but isn't the book out already?
If so, why don't e-books come out at the same time as the book?

>> No.8295415


>> No.8295418


It's late as fuck here.

>> No.8295419

>Normies cannot grasp the Absolute

Bakker is without beginning or end Bakker is without beginning or end Bakker is without beginning or end...

>> No.8295426

Just out of interest, how would you rank it compared to his other books? My own ranking would be:

1. White Luck Warrior
2. The Warrior Prophet
3. The Judging Eye
4. The Darkness that Comes Before
5. Thousandfold Thought

>> No.8295429

I'm in Europe, that shit isn't getting released until late September so I ordered it from the US. And I don't like reading e-books.

>> No.8295435

I dont know, I just see it all as one story, but I guess I'd say I'm enjoying Aspect-Emperor a little more than I remember doing for Prince of Nothing.

>> No.8295437

Most people connect to the books through the characters, and a lot of people don't like to empathize with complete bastards. And they can't divorce their personal feelings on the character from the actual quality of the character. It's simplistic but that's just how it goes. Think of all the best-selling fantasy, it generally has at least a couple of big characters who are very relatable.

>> No.8295441

I think so far I've felt the same. I guess I enjoy the more meta-physical aspect of it. And all the Tolkien references. Does GO have a Tolkien tribute?

>> No.8295449

It's not out in Europe yet

I'd put it after warrior prophet, which imo is his best book

>> No.8295453

Warrior Prophet is pretty incredible. Re-read the Plains of Mengedda chapter recently, still great. Still a bit confused about Saubon seeing his own face, probably missed something.

>> No.8295455

I think characters are perhaps the very DNA of fiction, but I never really thought that I have to "like" a character to relate or understand them.

Ivan Illych for example. He's a man who wasted his life on pretensions and died pathetically - I didn't like him - but I understood his character and why he ended where he did.

>> No.8295461

My issue with Bakker is more that his shit is really boring. I tried to read The Darkness That Comes Before and got bombarded with stupid made-up names and a tediously flat main character 2edgy4me. It's not because I found Kellhus unlikable - it's that he doesn't feel like a person at all (inb4 that's the point he's a magic autism monk). A good unlikable lead would be a GRRM character or something from Guy Gavriel Kay, someone who makes bad decisions for human reasons, not HA HA I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THIS PERSON I WONDER WHO I WILL PRETEND TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT NEXT.

>> No.8295463

He's a bad writer

And unlike popular bad writers who are just serving up light action he's a bad writer trying to be complex

>> No.8295464

That gets explained in TGO

>> No.8295472

>inb4 that's the point he's a magic autism monk)
That kinda is the point, he's the product of thousands of years of training and selective breeding.

Thats not how Kellhus works, he dodnt even think on the level of "pretending to give a shit" for some malicious reason, the entire world is just levers and gears to him, a functional thing to be manipulated. And no, he's not a Gary Stu.

>> No.8295474

No doubt. I have the same perspective. Most literature is based on that perspective. But that stuff just doesn't sell big bucks.

>> No.8295480

>got bombarded with stupid made-up names
That's like 99% of fantasy dude.

Kellhus is a force of nature, he's barely a person. And anyway, he's barely in that book. Cnauir is a great unlikeable character, same with Proyas.

>> No.8295482

>Still a bit confused about Saubon seeing his own face, probably missed something.


>> No.8295486

Ikurei Conphas is probably my favorite from PoN trilogy, fucking madman

>> No.8295489

Most fantasy has either immediately pronounceable names or short names

Bakker goes full on for the cliche of unpronounceable garbage

>> No.8295491

>Bakker goes full on for the cliche of unpronounceable garbage
Its only unpronounceable because you dont read them.

"Anasurimbor" is catchy as fuck; it actually FEELS like an ancient line of royalty.

>> No.8295493

Give me one example of this that isn't Cnaiur

>> No.8295499

I didn't count him because dude has zero redeeming qualities. Awesome character though. One of my issues with Aspect Emperor is there aren't as many great side characters as there were in Prince, even though I think the new trilogy is better overall.

>> No.8295501

Really? Serwe? Achamian? Esmenet? Conphas? Proyas? These are all main characters, and none of those names are hard.

>> No.8295506
File: 26 KB, 720x480, [EG]Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Movie_II_(Triple-Audio)_[DB12297B].mkv_snapshot_01.21.19_[2016.07.03_11.46.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm rooting for Akka
>Not rooting for the consult

>> No.8295510

Team Dunyain T B H

>> No.8295517

Dunyain genocide best day of my life

>> No.8295520

but Sorweel must have his queen

>> No.8295532

Just because his magic autism monk stuff is justified in-story doesn't justify it out of story. It makes for a a very boring character. Why do I care if he finds his father or not? Even unlikable characters are people you should want to watch. PoN is like a video game, sociopathic hero gaming the system to get the best loot from the NPCs while the author shows off his DEEPEST LORE skills every few pages or so. I wanted to read a novel. Maybe it has other characters who are better, but the fact is it starts with Kellhus, so he has to carry the story enough to get me to those characters. He doesn't.

They're nonsense. Good fantasy names have linguistic sense behind them.

>> No.8295535

Elezearas is pretty bad, but he's not a very big deal.

>> No.8295537

I like that Bakker doesn't try to appeal to the Reddit crowd by skirting around the heavy shit.

Everyone gets fucked murdered/raped when foreigners sack your city? No way.

>> No.8295539

>They're nonsense. Good fantasy names have linguistic sense behind them.
You mean, like just ripping off existing names and changing one letter?

Who would you say had good fantasy names.

>> No.8295541

Agree! That is one thing the first trilogy does batter. Conphas, the Emperor...they where really funny in a fucked up way, and interesting also!

Conphas must be the most arrogant person in fiction...he rationalizes getting butfucked as some sort of good thing for him...damn.

>> No.8295545

To be fair, he does go overboard. The sheer amount of rape is probably more than there should be. I do like that he doesn't shy away from it though, and he's one of the few fantasy authors that has men being raped as well.v

>> No.8295546

It might just be you, I found Kellhus to be rather satisfying and interesting as a character, seeing how he operates. There's an interesting dynamic where at times you're scared of Kellhus yet also glad to have him around.

> Good fantasy names have linguistic sense behind them.
lol you really dont know shit about Bakker

>> No.8295549

I hardly even register all the rape, is it really that big of a deal?

>> No.8295555

You completely miss the point. And I mean completely.

The whole point of "autism monk" is that he is insanely overpowered, literally the smartest and strongest man on the planet. He doesn't matter, he "carries" the story like an avalanche or a nuclear attack, you get a few glimpses into his mind so you know he is fucked up, you get a few insight he has about the world around him but he is completely irrelevant as a person.

What is important, are the people around him. How does the world react to him and his truths? How do the characters react to his lies and manipulations ? In the 3. chapter you already meet his adversary, Cnaiur, a very intelligent man who is the only one able to resist him ( because he knows Kelhuss' past aka what comes before ) .

It starts with kellhus the same way a post apocalyptic novel starts with the description of nuclear winter... He is a "Place", not a person.

>> No.8295557

>The sheer amount of rape is probably more than there should be.

Open a history book sometime. Rape is literally what happened to the women of a conquered people.

If anything, Bakker glosses over it.

>> No.8295561

>nuclear attack

>> No.8295573

> I know

>> No.8295574

Tumblr types hate any instance of male on female rape in fantasy books, even if it is a gritty pseudo medieval setting.

Gay rape is fine though.

>> No.8295575

It's not actually, outside of the mongol hordes which isn't Bakkers setting at all

Otherwise rape's one of those "dark ages" myths like everyone supposedly dying at 20

>> No.8295579

Yep. Which is why him getting raped by Cnauir was such a blow, even he couldn't delude that one away.

I will say that Inrilatas, Cleric and Kosoter were all great additions, but they're dead now. And we never got into their heads.

>> No.8295586

Soldiers to this day rape women of conquered foes, lets not kid ourselves. Its only a huge atrocity today because of all these regulations placed on soldiers.

Take away that supervision and throw a green light, you can bet there will be alot of little tan babies running around.

>> No.8295591

Yes, but there's insane amounts of rape even outside of conquest. There's very characters in the story who aren't raped at some point.

>> No.8295593

Inrilatas was the shit

>> No.8295595

He probably spends more time on that aspect than he should, especially since it doesn't add much often.

>> No.8295599

That scene with Maithanet man...crazy awesome.

>> No.8295606

The Inchoroi are literally sex aliens who did so much /d/ shit that the gods condemned them to hell. Rape and sexual depravity is central to the story, like it or not.

>> No.8295608

I thought the only characters who were raped are serwe and Conphas. Oh and that one nomad who got Consulted

>> No.8295611

that's because you are no a rape connoisseur... There isn't a single "gratuitous" rape scene in the whole series, every one of them has a point.

If you think the rapes don't add nothing, you to triggered to look deeply.

>> No.8295612

I think you're greatly exaggerating.

At best only like 3 fucking characters have been raped "onscreen" and the spacing between them is very, very big.

The only time you can even say there's alot of rape is when Sranc show up, but thats just what they do and its always just glossed over.

>> No.8295613

But...basically everyone is condemned to hell right? The gods are serious cunts.

>> No.8295614

I don't remember that one, explain ?

>race of lovers

>> No.8295616

Do you have your mother's bones?

>> No.8295622

Your favorite rape?

from what I know, those saved scream as do the condemned.

>> No.8295628

I remember something...kinda...but you need to explain this shit.

>> No.8295631

When Maithanet smashes his face in and tells Kelmomas that he's next on his shit list.

>> No.8295636

Look guys, I'm a big Bakker fan. I'm not some triggered Tumblr ballerina, and this stuff doesn't really bother me that much. I doubt I'd have read 5 of these books otherwise. It's just an aspect I don't see as adding very much, except in the case of the Consult and Cnauir and Conphas.

>There isn't a single "gratuitous" rape scene in the whole series, every one of them has a point.
I suppose the stuff that's irritating is all the Serwe scenes with Cnauir. I know why they're there, I just got the point immediately and it was dragged out.

>At best only like 3 fucking characters have been raped "onscreen" and the spacing between them is very, very big.
There's Serwe (many times), Esme, Conphas and then that nomad guy, I guess that's not too bad as far as onscreen rapes go...but the offscreen rape should probably counted too, no? I'm not saying the books are nothing but rape or anything.

>> No.8295639

The nonmen basically agree that the best you can hope for is to either become a god's "pet" or achieve oblivion.

>> No.8295645

>this stuff doesn't really bother me that much

sure looks like it

>> No.8295647

It adds as much as all the killing does, it characterizes.

Serwe is a hopeless doormat so Cnaiur fucks her into the ground until Kellhus decides she has some use.

Esme getting raped was buildup to the Skinspy reveal

The Traveller getting muder-raped was showing us firsthand how the Consult work,

et fucking cetera

>> No.8295649

>Not Grasping the Absolute

>> No.8295657

I didn't really want to get too deeply into it, I just briefly mentioned it and people jumped on it. I'm not calling Bakker a sexist or misogynist. If you think this is a tumblr conversation you've never been to tumblr.

>> No.8295662

Me personally I just wonder what the big deal is, the rape never really bothered me at all. Its more or less what you can expect from all the characters onstage

>> No.8295666

New thread w h e r e

>> No.8295671

>Serwe is a hopeless doormat so Cnaiur fucks her into the ground until Kellhus decides she has some use.
See, why did Serwe even need a POV in that case? I just found that shit boring man, she's a nothing character. Compare her to Mimara, who's a victim of abuse and fairly passive, but still great to read.

>> No.8295674

She had a POV? I remember only Kellhus and Cainur actually having thoughts.

I'd have to read the PoN trilogy again to see how she works indepth, I'm pretty confident she does have a purpose in the story.

>> No.8295677

People get more touchy about rape, wrongly or not. Especially female readers. My personal feeling is it's because people in Western societies get raped fairly frequently, but don't get murdered or tortured.

I guess part of my frustration is I think that Bakker could be so much more popular without that element, even though it sometimes pays great dividendds.

>> No.8295679

having thoughts among that trio*

>> No.8295684

It's to showcase how Kellhus operates, how she goes from this hopeless person who has given up on love and happiness to a steadfast devotee who can stand up Cnaiur.

All because of Kellhus using her for his own ends

>> No.8295689

GRRM has plenty of rape too but nobody says shit, Gregor Clegane is murder-rape incarnate

The only difference is that GRRM plays into the sensibilities of rape being this super-abhorrent thing and the bad guys will get karma one day. While Bakker plays it straight with rape just the reality of the situation. He dosent give a damn to say whether its bad or not - its just what happens.

>> No.8295692

>I'm pretty confident she does have a purpose in the story.

I can think of a few that came up in TGO.

1. Cnaiur loved her (despite claiming that she was just his prize) and was still heartbroken that she hated him and loved Kellhus 20 years after the fact.
2. To show that the gods are huge pricks. That even if you're stupid, have a horrible life, and try your best regardless, you'll still probably go to hell for reasons.

>> No.8295699

She does have a purpose, to show how someone could worship Kellhus. But she has a fair few POV chapters. It's just incredibly repetitve until she dies, which is why I find it so boring. Worship Kellhus, get raped, repeat,

>> No.8295703

People criticize GRRM and the show for that all the time man. And he has practically no on-screen rape at all.

>> No.8295708

I get that, really. But after the first couple of chapters it seemed redundant, she was 100% enthrall from the start. I wouldn't have given her any POV chapters after tDtCB until she was up on the circumfix, when she was finally relevant.

>> No.8295710
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>its a proyas chapter

>> No.8295721


>First of all, he alienates 95% of all of his potential female readers over the course of the First trilogy

Only a small camp of "feminists" and that freak Requires Hate had problems with his books. The most sizeable chunk of female readers simply don't care about it either way (think of generic "wow!" "great book"! reviews on goodreads by females in a rape-heavy book), or women who actually like rapist protagonists (like that prince of thorns series). And most of these people might even describe themselves as feminists as well.

>> No.8295722

Proyas is my nigga, feel bad for the guy. Have a feeling he's gonna have his shit kicked in Great Ordeal.

>> No.8295724
File: 245 KB, 900x827, 1459715695954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a feeling he's gonna have his shit kicked in Great Ordeal.

please avoid these threads for now

>> No.8295730


>Proyas is my nigga

He's a murderous self righteous prick who gets everything he deserves

>> No.8295732

Abandon this thread

>> No.8295734


>> No.8295741

>Have a feeling he's gonna have his shit kicked in Great Ordeal.

>> No.8295743

That's not the impression I get, but maybe you're right. Hard to judge the silent majority. Practically every big Bakker fan I see on the web is a man though, and that's in a genre that has a lot of female readers.

Most people love badass characters, especially fantasy readers. Prince of Nothing has a tonne of male badasses, and zero female ones.

>> No.8295749

>Prince of Nothing has a tonne of male badasses, and zero female ones.

Not many female badasses can realistically come from the scenario. An in other works its pretty much forced. I'm glad Bakker dosent play those silly games.

Besides, the high priestess lady in Aspect-Emperor is a better take on "badass girl" than any second-hand warrior girl so many authors like to peddle.

>> No.8295751

>He's a murderous self righteous prick who gets everything he deserves
Eh, most of that murder hasn't even been on-page, hard to judge so far. Self righteous? Yes, though in a world where gods definitely exist I don't blame him.

>> No.8295756

>Not many female badasses can realistically come from the scenario. An in other works its pretty much forced. I'm glad Bakker dosent play those silly games.
No doubt. It wasn't meant as a criticism, I think it makes sense in his world that women couldn't be badasses (though it is odd just how few female characters there are. You never hear references to women ruling any nations, which you'd expect under feudalism). Merely a suggestion of why the average female fantasy reader would be turned off. Basically every other fantasy series has badass women.

>> No.8295763

Yea, I get you. I will admit I do like Brienne from ASOIAF, she was butchered in the show but her book version is probably among my favorite characters in the series.

>> No.8295767

>Prince of Nothing has a tonne of male badasses, and zero female ones.

Bakker was going for gritty and semi-realistic. No shit some teenage girl isn't going to be swinging around a broadsword. That isn't to say he doesn't have powerful female characters, they're just not the cliche "man with boobs" Red Sonja wankfest that plagues so many other stories.

>I'm glad Bakker dosent play those silly games.

Same. It's cheap and disingenuous, even if it does get some bitchy Redditors to read your book.

>> No.8295771

How does the future taste?

>> No.8295779

>That isn't to say he doesn't have powerful female characters
Honestly, I think they're mostly pretty shit at being powerful. That priestess is useless. Esmenet is dreadful at being Empress. Xerius' mother was a skinspy the whole time.

Mimara is the only female character of his that's actually a great character I'd say.

>> No.8295784


>> No.8295788

I like Esmenet more than Mimara.

You can tell Esme knows she's fucked but is trying so hard to save a sinking ship. Mimara is more or less a spoiled brat even though its somewhat understandable. Sometimes though I feel like she's just in the fucking way in regards to Achamian, but then again he's just way too soft on her.

>> No.8295789

Alright alright, fair cop, I actually forgot about her. She's pretty good so far. Prince of Nothing's female characters were awful tier though. Esmi is better now, but still a complete failure

>> No.8295792

>You can tell Esme knows she's fucked but is trying so hard to save a sinking ship.
She fucks up so hard that I think it's worse than that. Her stupidity with Maitha was just infuriating.

>Mimara is more or less a spoiled brat even though its somewhat understandable.
I don't really see that man. She doesn't ask for that much.

>> No.8295801

>She fucks up so hard that I think it's worse than that. Her stupidity with Maitha was just infuriating.
Its basically a comedy at this point, but like you say for Mimara you can tell all Esme really wants to do is just love her kids and be loved by someone, but that boat has long sailed and she knows it subconsciously. Now its a mad scramble to uphold her image as Empress.

>I don't really see that man. She doesn't ask for that much.
Its the way she came at Akka demanding this and that like she was actually somebody. She got better over the course of the slog but I'm not really liking how she's handling The new Dunyain, its like she's not thinking practically although she thinks she is (I guess she dosent have a reason to). Akka is the man with a plan but it seems like she's frustrating it.

>> No.8295813

>tfw when it hits you again how hard Akka got cucked

>> No.8295819

What traveler? don't remember that.

>"Tell me, did Father grasp the Absolute ?

your OK bro, keep the discussion going. Bakkers books ( and his handling of rape and women) is controversial...at least there's some discussion to be had.

>> No.8295826

>What traveler? don't remember that.
Its at the tail end of one book but I dont recall which

basically that guy who got fucked to death by Sranc

>> No.8295827

Every time, it's like a raw wound.
Poor Akka, it wasn't even his fault

It's the final chapter of Warrior Prophet

>> No.8295839

Granted, I'm the guy who hasn't read Great Ordeal, but I have read up to the sample chapters and it seems to me that Akka has no goddamn plan at all. Mimara didn't seem to be getting in the way in JE and WLW.

His original plan was basically.

Step 1: Get band together
Step 2: Find the Dunyain
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit.

>> No.8295849

What I'm talking about hinges on some very recent developments. I havent finished myself but thats just my impressions so far. I think Mimara definitely has more room to grow, though

>> No.8295851

> she is his "proof"

What did he mean by this ?

>> No.8295870

IS there anything else like The Second Apocalypse ?

Besides Wolfe and Erickson, What work matches it in ambition and scope? (preferabbly SFF (

>> No.8295872

Any of you folks read Memory Sorrow and Thorn? Just started Dragonbone Chair, solid typical fantasy so far.

>> No.8295873

Proof that he isn't a Dunyain tool.

And Kellhus twisted it and drove him insane

>> No.8295875


Wheel of Time is pretty ambitious and has a massive scope. But is also not very good.

>> No.8295884

I don't understand...I thought it's proof of his heterosexuality ? what does she has to do with the dunyain ? Explain this shit like i'm a retard, really curious

read only the first, is the rest worth it ? Stopped reading the wheel of time after book 8 or 9, sucked too much...

Simply put, you where right. Solid, typical and slow. The last one might be a negative or a positive, depending on tastes.

>> No.8295891

>read only the first, is the rest worth it ?
The next three are definitely worth reading, very interesting ideas and scope. Like marmite though, doesn't have the universal appeal of the first book. God Emperor of Dune is one of the craziest books I've read. And R Scott Bakker is a big fan of it I believe, there's a few inspirations.

>> No.8295892

It's that too. He uses her as a buffer between him and Kellhus, like he did with his wife when they first met

>> No.8295904

>Simply put, you where right. Solid, typical and slow. The last one might be a negative or a positive, depending on tastes.
Does it have many original touches to it?

>> No.8295908
File: 58 KB, 720x540, 1446694497349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One time, when he’d returned to the tenement and hadn’t found her sitting in her window, he had dared come up to her door, moved by some shameful curiosity. What’s she like with the others? Is she the same as she’s with me! He could hear her gasp beneath some grunting body, hear her bed creak to the rhythm of thrusting groins. And it seemed his heart stopped. Clammy skin and ringing ears.
>He’d placed numb fingertips against the door. There, on the other side . . . There she was, his Esmi, her legs wrapped around another man, her breasts shining with his sweat. He remembered flinching when she climaxed and thinking: That cry is mine! Mine!

>> No.8295917

heh, still remember him fucking the ground. Kellhus is a cuckmaster.

I read it a long time ago...I remember a few surprises here and there, but nothing that will make you put down the book with your mind BLOWN. It is what it is however, it doesn't pretend otherwise...

That guy ( forgot his name right now) has a specific writing stile, he is very slow.

>> No.8295928

This scene really hits hard... Imagining a 40 year old man stumped, cringing,with tears in his eyes, was the first honest "feel" in the series...damn, the books are depressing...Imagine how he feels when Kellhus cucks Akka...

>> No.8295936

Especially considering he's a schoolman, he should be a god among men, but he can't even get his grill to stop fucking johns until he leaves town.

>> No.8295941

damn nigga, u telling it how it is.

Anyway...is there any other SFF book where cucking is used to such an extent ? Or is Bakker the cuckmaster?

>> No.8295949

the Gay/Rape/Incest thing seem to all happen simultaneously with certain characters in Red Rising (Tactus with his supposed rape by his big brother Tharsus, but Tactus is a psychotic fairy so who knows)

>> No.8295956

It's even worse when it's Kellhus. He had just been tortured by the scarlet spires. Did the impossible by escaping, then the first thing she says to him is, "save Kellhus I'm carrying his kid." Heartbreaking.

No, Bakker is the grimdark King. Nobody writes GRI at his level. By reading Bakker you have reached the current GRI pinnacle

>> No.8295968

>No, Bakker is the grimdark King. Nobody writes GRI at his level. By reading Bakker you have reached the current GRI pinnacle
Pretty much. I honestly think I'm desensitised at this point. I used to flinch at Abercrombie, but after Bakker? Same goes for Richard K Morgan.

I was reading a thread on a forum, and someone pointed out that even the fucking forests are grimdark in Bakkerland. The Mop is constantly described as gloomy and rotting.

>> No.8295970

>Nobody writes GRI at his level.
What's GRI?

>> No.8295980

Bakker is grimdark?

>> No.8295983

Not sure its possible. You can't just have all cucking all the time, it loses meaning. You need to build the world and flesh out the characters to have maximum cuckholdry impact. Bakker, I think, has nailed the golden ratio of cucking.

>> No.8295987

Gay rape and incest

See this image

>> No.8295998

The highest quality grimdark on the market right now. Not grimdark for the sake of being edgy, but it all has meaning, which is what makes it so good

>> No.8296021

>That twist with Denth and Tonk Fah
Bravo Sandman, that caught me off guard

>> No.8296023

In some ways, Akka is the most tortured in the series...is there anyone who suffers more? Cnaiur maybe?
Abercrombie has his moments....but his worldbuilding sucks. Cool characters but the most generic shit ever.

Agree! Bakkers cucking is sublime

>> No.8296034

Its the best delivered cucking since The Eclipse, both hinge on very careful buildup

>> No.8296050

>Abercrombie has his moments....but his worldbuilding sucks. Cool characters but the most generic shit ever.
I think he's gotten better at the woldbuilding in the Standalones, but yeah, it's definitely his weakest point.

>> No.8296054

>In some ways, Akka is the most tortured in the series...is there anyone who suffers more? Cnaiur maybe?
Serwe had a pretty pitiful and painful life. At least Akka had some high points.

>> No.8296080

>You completely miss the point.
And you completely missed the point that, even if we assume everything you say is completely true, none of that makes Kellhus a good character, or makes him being the central "force" in the books a strong enough tentpole to support the series. If you introduce an element that makes your books uninteresting, it's a bad thing, even if the element was completely intentional on your part and justified by the text.

>> No.8296083

I think Kellhus is interesting

This is the fun thing about >opinions

>> No.8296085

"Uninteresting" is particularly subjective, especially in this case.

>> No.8296086


>he's not a Gary Stu.

>smarter than everyone, every female character wants to fuck him, gets everything because le superior logic

Not a Gary Stu at all.

>> No.8296092

Part of being a Gary Stu is that you're a hero/a good person. Kellhus is a fucking robot.

>> No.8296096

>character details make a Gary Stu
>not how they function in the story

just stop, if you actually read the fucking book its clear that Kellhus has his own challenges, they just dont pertain to getting cucked or having trophy wives.

>> No.8296126

I am kind of disappointed in /sffg/ for seeing Rothfuss as the neckbeard wish fullfillment that it is, but then failing to see Bakker is the exact same because he uses le big philosophy words.

>> No.8296134

Am halfway through the Farseer trilogy. Are the other books in the Elderling series worth reading as well? Should mention that I am enjoying it

>> No.8296138

>wish fulfillment in a world with relentless suffering
>thinking Kellhus is wish fulfillment

I don't think it's possible to miss the point of a character this hard

>> No.8296149

I feel pretty confident in saying that there's no Bakker fan who would genuinely want to be in the story. It's sheer horror for the most part.

>> No.8296160


>b-but the world sucks!

Unless of course you happen to be the invincible Jedi Grey Warden Mentat magical monk, fucking and ruling 24/7.

>> No.8296166

But he actually doesn't enjoy any of that. Because he's completely devoid of emotions. He's a robot. I'm starting to doubt that you've actually read this at all, it's fairly obvious.

>> No.8296171


>But he actually doesn't enjoy any of that. Because he's completely devoid of emotions. He's a robot.

I know, but I don't see how that makes him not a Gary Stu. If you don't believe me look online for the tests, he passes them with flying colors.

>> No.8296184

He just doesn't fit the mold. Super competence and likeability is not the only thing that makes a Gary Stu. A Gary Stu has to be a good person, a hero or a self-insert. Those are main component. An anti-hero can't be a Gary Stu, let alone are villain like Kellhus.

And you called it wish-fulfillment, which shows that you clearly don't understand. Wish fulfillment would be if he had emotions and was having the time of his life.

>> No.8296188

what tests? Are you deceived, world-born ?
You have no clue what Gary Stue really is. You can't grasp the absolute and you surely can't grasp this...
Read the books again or keep your silence!

>> No.8296193

>middle age
>implying he saves anything

The whole point is that his character is a man made horror that rivals the evil of the consult. The whole point of Cnaiur 's PoV is to show you that Kellhus is a monster. Even his "perfect logic" fails him at times, and has to be saved by other characters

>> No.8296201

when does the Logos fail him? Every time he is in trouble, there's simply no other path to choose or it's something the Logos cannot predict(because insufficient data)

>> No.8296219

Plains of Megendda

He tells moegnhus in TTT that he basically lucked out there, and has no way to explain how he knew to say that

>> No.8296240

What about The Colonel by Watts?


>> No.8296454


I read this but at the end I realized I should have read Blindsight first. Why would you rec this without mentioning it's a tie-in between two novels?

It was still good though.

>> No.8296464

>naval gazing

>> No.8296476



>> No.8296553

>a Gary Stu has to be a good person

No, they don't. They just have to succeed at everything. Look at Mark Millar for an example of a writer who loves villainous Gary Stus.