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/lit/ - Literature

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8269544 No.8269544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>your age

>your job

>your /lit/ related ambition

>> No.8269546

N/A - Studying Marketing

I want to write a good book

>> No.8269548 [DELETED] 



kill some afghans child in thw war and rape

>> No.8269555



>I want to write a book so ugly, so painful, that people will be scared to finish it or even recommend it to other people

>> No.8269563
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>Hoping to die soon, otherwise have an attractive literary gf

>> No.8269573

I'm an unattractive male with an average intelligence. Being near people makes me anxious, even when it's my family. The loneliness makes me want to weep.

>> No.8269643

>work at home depo

>write a realistic dark urban fantasy

>> No.8269649


Would like to make films or write short stories but will probably never happen.

>> No.8269651

>College student.
>Impart my lit knowledge upon my future kids so they dont grow up to be plebs.

>> No.8269652

writing short stories isnt some teethpulling task, just write and improve

>> No.8269653

>read more and find happiness

>> No.8269688

Teacher where?

What's it like being 29?

>> No.8269690

Yeah, my main aspiration is filmmaking and i'm a lazy piece of shit. I'm improving slowly though.

>> No.8269712

Teacher in Russia. Being 29 is ok, I'd say. The hangovers are getting worse and there are loads of people being younger, better looking and more optimistic. On the other side I'm getting married and actually don't feel too bad about it. Everything could be worse.

>> No.8269723


>> No.8269733


>I won't say exactly but basically it's a minimum wage outdoor job that fluctuates between full-time and part-time. It's currently part-time and I'm using my free time to read a shit load, minimum 100 pages a day. Currently going through Gravity's Rainbow and it's awesome. By the time I finish it will be full-time and I'll make lots of money to help support me when I try to become a:

>freelance writer of any kind - that's my short term goal: to work from home, writing, in my own time. My long term goal is the same thing only the writing is creative.

>> No.8269736
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>uni student
>get over my fear of writing

I don't even know why, but whenever I sit down to write I get anxious as fuck.

>> No.8269750

My anxiety prevents me from going to any other board besides /lit/.

>> No.8269879
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Work at a library
Find someone who would critically look at my sole writing effort

I have tried the critique thread and get no replies. There is a writing club on meetup in my city though so maybe I will try that.

>> No.8269896

Are you doing a Masters or PhD?

>> No.8269904

If you need any critical feedback your work is probably terrible.

>> No.8269927



>publish novels and/or be a literature professor

>> No.8269949

dont. its done. an author in estonia is currently in court because of it. not even kidding. also

>> No.8269958

To become a meme philosopher, and a philosopher of memes

>> No.8269975

>student /summer job in a supermarket to make ends meet
Studying to become an English teacher in France (I'm French)

>> No.8270002

How come you're doing that at 25? What are the ages of the people you are studying with?

Could you greentext your life since you turned 18 please?

>> No.8270003

>N/A - studying philosophy / liberal arts
>want to become a scholar

>> No.8270028

>student/part-time waiter
>reviving the bohème lifestyle

>> No.8270052
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>test grader, TA, proofreader
>finish a lit PhD and teach lit, finish some translations and have them published, get an academic book or two published, try to keep a 2:1 conference:publication ratio, have a full-room library with a collection of art/items

>> No.8270220

>Woodworker/finish carpentry
>I want to write something good enough to be in the Canadian canon

>> No.8270350

>>>Poker Player
>>>Write only 1 Book and have the uppity MFA jerk offs celebrate me, just for me to reveal to them that it was all a meme.

>> No.8270360

>student/2 part time jobs at call centre and sandwich shop
>to host a homoerotic drinking party at which my friends and I discuss the nature of love

>> No.8270362
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>Aerospace engineer

>Write a book that gets univerisally well-received (be it that title be granted when I'm alive or posthumously) so that my life would've at least had some meaning

>> No.8270366
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>To improve on my knowledge on all things related to literature and philosophy because right now I am a flaming pseud who just quit videogames and now just lurks /lit/ to get gist of being more experienced in such an elite subject matter is. Maybe one day I will put my ideas for my own stories on paper, but as far as I know concepts and stories don't mean shit and it's all about how much effort and "literary qualities" you put in it. Also an ambition I guess is to not write so fucking purple.

>> No.8270374

Full stack Developer
Read great scifi

A bit boring but I'm happy

>> No.8270416
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I'm a licensed insurance agent that works at a call center

I want to read more. I have a BA in English but I kind of phoned in my degree. I regret it now that I'm out of college doing a job that I hate but that pays too well to find anything else. I'd like to get in to teaching, but the student teach requirement is going to be hard to meet now Tgat I work full-time and have bills to pay.

>> No.8270451

Chef anon

Finish my book, also build some support for my podcast which features my friend and I talking shit about history whilst stoned.

>> No.8270475

read, maybe someday i would like to write a book, the plot and themes become more clear every year, i've already write some line here and there.

>tfw can't talk about books/literature irl for not sounding pretentious. It's hard to live in a "no books" enviroment.

>> No.8270478

>get blacklisted

>> No.8270482

Biochemistry student, part time model

I want to write my fantasy novel that I've had plans for since I was a teen

>> No.8270483

> 18
> studying
> write a young adult book and get a lot of money so that I can repay my parents and thank them for everything before I kill myself

>> No.8270485

>get some recognition for my poetry and stories.

>> No.8270512


medical deliveries

i want to develop a comprehensive, secular philosophy that tackles political, religious, social, communal, developmental, and psychological issues by asking the question "what is healthy?" I want to get to the core of these issues and offer a "best practices" overview that will guide people on the broader issues that stem from this core. the bible served this function for the past 2 millennia, but we've entered an age where that's not enough for the masses anymore. I hope to have a relatively short, concise core text, with as much additional literature as necessary going over relevant issues of the day and expanding on the ideas in more detail.

ideally, this would be put together by a like-minded group of people more insightful, intelligent and hardworking than me, but I can't make that happen. maybe I can just spread the meme that this needs to be done and hope someone else picks up on it. :)

>> No.8270514

No need to stop vidya, just stop playing bad games.

>> No.8270520

>Student for geology/Walmart Associate
>Get something published

>> No.8270529

Any good game recommendations?

>> No.8270532


Funny Pizza Land

>> No.8270536

I'm same age and a software engineer. I enjoy writing software but feel like my life is meaningless and I'm surrounded by nonlit retards. Any advice?

>> No.8270539


Make a video game.

>> No.8270547

vidya games feel like a waste of time too

>> No.8270548


Crypt Worlds
Yume Nikki
Goblet Grotto
Space Funeral
Funny Pizza Land
Exploding Lips

>> No.8270551
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idk man, to me the bible seems still good

>> No.8270559

thanks, this is awesome

>> No.8270575

that poster? ALBERT EINSTEIN

>> No.8270601

>Ivy comp lit student
>Pioneer a new hermeneutic theory; publish a magazine as successful as Partisan Review

>> No.8270616

how do you discover more of these types of games

>> No.8270630

Civ4 with mods still does the trick for me.

>> No.8270636

>is a great source of wisdom etc.
That's not what it says.

>> No.8270642


Just read my diary mang

>> No.8270654

I'm a 3D animator. I've been reading since I was little and am thankful for the visual library it has provided for my job. My favorite books are Frankenstein and Dracula and other scary stuff by Meyrink and Perutz. I'm writing screenplays for film ideas for fun, that's the only thing I write, because I'm a strong visual person.

>> No.8270663


I meditate on the Five Seals until the Old Ones answer my call. An ebony maw opens in the darkness and I hear the sound of a thousand crows, their wretched cawing filling the room lik an auditory plague. And then a black tongue emerges from the maw, tasting the air and searching for flesh. I hold up the sacrifice of a freshly-killed goat and hope that my meager offering will satisfy and the darkness does not consume me instead. It pauses before consuming the beast I bring before it and satisfied, it begins to speak with six voices that fill my mind with the terrible knowledge, bringing me close to madness. Once I have managed to regain my tenuous grip on sanity over countless days or even months, I find myself drawn to these games like a moth to a flame, both allured by the light yet afraid of the inevitable fiery demise.

>> No.8270666

>starbucks barista
>want to write books and live a life of ease off the royalties. not talking like rich gabillionaire faggotry. just a life where I can provide for my family, go travel for months, and enjoy peace and quiet away from the chaos of the world.


>> No.8270674

>data entry
>not feel so burnt out after work so that I can actually read when I get home

>> No.8270679

literally me

>> No.8270683

Developer at DoD
Get published - currently writing a novel, but it's exhausting for some reason

>> No.8270686



Are you going to be the next Clancy and write military novels?

>> No.8270694

No, I'm not PJ.

>> No.8270695



>> No.8270698

/lit/erally* me

>> No.8270700


No, that's gay

It's a medieval fantasy, which is gayer

>> No.8270702


Hey, what's wrong with medieval fantasy?

>> No.8270710

No, thanks.

>> No.8270728

Who? What book?

>> No.8270732

Very late answer, sorry, I was at work fucking up my spine

>be 18
>be top of my class in HS in pretty much every subject, graduate Baccalauréat (equivalent to the A-level) with a ridiculous score, can't decide what to do with my life
>Fall for the STEM meme
>Do a two-year hardcore undergrad preparation for the Engineering school access exams (very specific to France)
>Do mildly well, be allowed in quite a good School of Chem
>Spend most of my time partying, fail the first year exams, get expelled
>Feel like I have to go on with my Chem studies somehow, commitment and all that (worst decision of my life)
>Enter state uni, get my bachelor's degree very easily
>Do shit at my masters, redo my first year, pass the first semester of my second year
>Fail the second semester due to heavy depression (it was basically a 6 month internship in Wales)
>By this time, I have spent a year abroad (2*6-months internships)
>be fluent in English
>always loved English lit and linguistics in general
>Decide to be a teacher
>State uni back in France allows to enter directly as a third-year Bachelor student (I wanted to enter the Masters programme directly but they didn't let me)
>State unis are shit, I top my class very easily due to being much more mature and cultured than my fellow students (not trying to be cocky or anything, the level in state unis is horrendous)
I initially wanted to go the easy way and pass the exam for HS teachers but my results last year boosted my confidence enough for me to try and attempt the exam for Uni teachers (much more difficult but so much worth it). I hope I won't fail like I have pretty much all my adult life.

Tl;dr I fell for the STEM meme even though I had no passion for Chemistry and ended up hating it.
But in France you always get second chances because Uni fares are ludicrously low
Had I been American I would probably be a bum by now

>> No.8270748

>to read a book once

>> No.8270756
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You should read Nausea by Sartre if you haven't already. I wouldn't be surprised if you have, given your conclusion for a meaningful life.

>> No.8270757

Makes me jelly as fuck. I kinda did the same thing. Undergrad in biochemistry even though I hated it.

Wish I could go back and study linguistics, eng lit and philosophy. But tuition is too expensive, even in Canada.

I think I would like teaching but it's one of those things i think where the fantasy of it would be much better than the reality.

>> No.8270796


22 y.o.

Librarian assistant, currently. Currently working my master's in Library Science, plan to get a second one in Public Administration. I'd like to be executive director for the whole county someday.

I guess I don't really have any /lit/ dreams. No writer's aspirations. I'm content working through a career surrounded by books and open-access information.

>> No.8270800



1) Lawyer
2) Teach a latin class at 7am local school, and a philosophy class after work at 4.

I want to start a small private school at some point, so I'm trying to learn the 'trade' by teaching at one.

>> No.8270819

>I think I would like teaching but it's one of those things i think where the fantasy of it would be much better than the reality.

Slightly afraid of this. That's why I'm going for the Uni teacher option, I'm not sure I'd have the patience necessary to teach middle and high schoolers

I do realise I'm lucky to be French. Our country is far from perfect but free healthcare and almost no uni fares is a luxury we should show eternal gratitude for

Don't drop your studies like I did, you'd probably regret it. Get your degree and consider a reorientation once you've managed to earn enough for the tuition. It's never too lat. Alternatively, come study in France, I don't think tuition is that expansive even for foreigners, France most likely has agreements with Canada

>> No.8270830
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>elevator installation tech "liftkun"
>continue to publish books in space opera series (book 2 due out late August)

>> No.8270854

>felt the need to point out he's at an ivy

you're never gonna make it pseudlet.

>> No.8270880


>> No.8270962

40 is not bad, how areyou holding up?
What's actually the oldest poster who showed up on /lit/? I think we had a guy in his fifties once in a german thread.

>> No.8270967
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Forklift driver.

To read a lot of pretty books and maybe write a pretty book with pretty prose myself.

>> No.8270975

Where in Wales m8?

>> No.8270979


Yes but it's like 8 euros for a soda there. tres chic pour moi.

>> No.8270992

>N/A-Studying pre-Nursing
>Want to get around to reading all of Michel Foucault's books eventually

>> No.8270996

Good luck Gaskun :3

>> No.8270998

>studying philosophy / liberal arts
Oh, my poor boy.

>> No.8271001


>> No.8271017

>Researcher (Doing a master's degree in computer and electronic engineering)
>I want to read enough to one day feel intelligent.

>> No.8271024

You'll never feel intelligent with that dream.

>> No.8271032

>English lit, retail slave
>Publishing work in literary journals or big publishing, maybe stand up comedian

>> No.8271045

Why do you say that?

>> No.8271103

Feeling intelligent (and being) is all in your head. If you dream to be intelligent you'll be a pseud.

>> No.8271109
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>Fuck off to another country and write for a while.

Would attend party.

>> No.8271110
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>> No.8271114
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This is meme.

>> No.8271118
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>> No.8271124

>high school
>want to go into politics
>publish something

>> No.8271135

Life is not very expensive in France

Cardiff, nothing too original

>> No.8271136


>Editor at a university press

>write a popular technical nonfiction with literary value

>> No.8271142

>going back to finish masters degree

>> No.8271170

>Odd jobs
>I still don't have it spelled out. At first it was pansophy, then it was enlightenment, now all I want is a sense of identity that I can put into coherence, in a book or two of sorts. They say personal-myth is a powerful tool of psychotherapy, what I'm trying to do is reconstruct my world to my own liking and immortalize it.

The problem is that I still don't hear my calling.

>> No.8271178

>to stop being self-conscious long enough to write something honest

>> No.8271187


>Im part time painter/carpenter/handyman. Doing lots of stuff.

>Finishing my movie script, then continue to work on TV-show wich i feel will parallel many of the "great ones", i've worked on it for 3 years.

>> No.8271188

>write novels. Get PhD in English. Write some more. Read a lot.

>> No.8271203


>Host at a Chinese Buffet

>create a blog/interactive web-crit of Wolf in White Van that compares diction in the book to points in John's songwriting career, pointing out references to songs in the text.

>> No.8271209

yo i'm actually interested in this, do you have anything in the works or is this just an idea right now

>> No.8271212

>pizza boy
>i like to read

>> No.8271230

Where in France?

How much would it cost to rent a cheap room somewhere in a white French town or city?

>> No.8271234

sales coordinator
actually finish a book before getting bored with it.

>> No.8271236

Which university? Or if you don't want to say, which country?

Also how did you get the job?

>> No.8271241

How can you be a pizza boy at 25?

How are you not suicidal?

I literally don't understand it. Doesn't everyone else feel an insane amount of pressure to work a "respectable" job here?

>> No.8271243

I live in Brittany.
A student room in a province city would around 350€ a month I'd reckon.
I used to rent a 40 sq meters for about 500€

>> No.8271251

You sound like a normalfag.

>> No.8271252

not all of us have the desire/privilege/opportunities to go to university, back off and let him be a sad neckbeardo

>> No.8271255

Pretty good, Moving units but not as many as I'd like. The con of being a nobody is that you have to hustle twice as hard. I'm working on marketing and ads right now.
My projected schedule is:

Book/ Release date
1. May 21st 2016
2 Aug-sept 2016
3 Nov-Dec 2016
4 Feb-mar 2017
5. May- June2017
6. Aug-sept 2017
7. Nov-Dec 2017
8. Feb-mar 2018
9. May-June 2018
10. Aug-sept 2018
11. Nov-dec 2018

If you're looking for something big to get into, here you go. It's not going to be for everyone though. A lot of people (even sci fi crowd) think space opera is low tier.
It's exclusive to Amazon until August 20-21st and then it'll be in aggregators draft2digital and smashwords as well as Apple, kobo, Sony, nook, etc.

>> No.8271256


> get phd
> don't want to research any more
> looking for jobs
> see ad for editor wanted in my field
> no publishing experience necessary
> retrain on job as editor

it's not bad

>> No.8271258

no job
to write something intelligible someday

>> No.8271260
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>Summer internship at a regional construction company

>Majoring in English and History, writing prose and poetry

>> No.8271262

Wow that's pretty nice. I'm thinking of living for three months in France, but I don't speak French and I don't want to get ripped off. Are cheaper places available that you know of?

>> No.8271264

you forgot intelligence

>> No.8271265

How many have you sold so far?

>> No.8271268

be oblomov irl

>> No.8271276
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Gave away about as many during a promotion.

>> No.8271278

i assumed that was implied with privilege

>> No.8271279

Has anybody ITT ever quit a full-time job with nothing else lined up?

I've worked 42 hours a week since graduating in a mind-numbing job and I'm feeling suicidal at this point. Is it naive and pathetic to quit and take a couple of months out?

>> No.8271280

age m8?

currently working on my english and history BA's, but is it a totally outlandish idea to take the LSAT just to see what happens?

what are you reading, Doctorow?

have you thought abt teaching english in central Europe? I recently spent some time in Czech and am considering going back for work

what's good femanon?

what country?

>> No.8271287

You've SOLD 300 copies?

As in more than 300 people have paid money to read your work?

How much money have you made?

>> No.8271292

because i'm doing much better than when i was a pizza boy at 24, and much much better than when i was a pizza boy at 23. and when i was 22 i was a college dropout neet, and i wasn't doing very well.

i don't have to tell you that not everyone gets by the same way

>> No.8271296

Your image has frustrated me

>> No.8271297

The prices I mentioned were for Rennes, biggest city in Brittany (that's not saying much, around 220 k inhabitants)
Brittany in general is quite touristy but I'm sure you can find cheaper in shit places where nobody wants to go. Depends what you're looking for really. I know my grandparents rent a little studio near the coast for under 300€ a month.

If you're coming as a tourist, you might want to consider staying in a hostel or something. Avoid Paris, as nice as it is, it's much too pricey for the penniless traveller

>> No.8271307

$2.99 - 30% fee - 6%? Tax X 300

Plus I make money through prime/unlimited. Every time a person gets it for free but reads 200 pages I get a buck. New report isn't out yet

>> No.8271319
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This* is a meme:

>> No.8271320

Doesn't it tell you how much you've made?

Well done man if you're not bullshitting.

How the fuck did you get so many people to read it?

>> No.8271330


> 25

> teaching math, about to start teaching middle school ELA

> write something I'm proud of.
> Inspire a student to write something they are proud of.

>> No.8271334

Know your audience. I gave out a buttload of samples at comic book/gaming/MTG stores. Over/underweight guys who can't get dates are my bread and butter

>> No.8271335

>Inspire a student to write something they are proud of

Cuck mentality

>> No.8271339

not op but fuck off

>> No.8271340


I did. Ended up languishing in debt and uncertainty for about a year. Worked at a gas station and did some editing/copywriting to make ends meet (hardly made anything). Finally found a decent job where the pay was shit but I was happy.

It was worth it. I hated my job. I was having panic attacks. I was addicted to weed, addicted to adderall, and on my way to be addicted to benzos.

I can say it was worth it in hindsight, but being unemployed is a terrible feeling. I don't know if I would be saying it was worth it had I not found another position by now, and I was still a night clerk at a gas station selling smokes and liquor to people with less money than me.

>> No.8271343


> He wants others to be successful, what a cuck xd.

> I can't think in anything but memes.

You're a lot like my students.

>> No.8271366



>to learn and to become a better reader.

>> No.8271432

Mate its 2016, there aren't that many opportunities anymore.

>> No.8271488

That's simply not true if you're ambitious and hard-working.

>> No.8271496


>> No.8271526

Depends totally where you live.

>> No.8271551
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you sound spooked as fuck normalfriend

>> No.8271554

>the american meme

>> No.8271562

is liftkun gaskun?

i wasn't around for a while

>> No.8271589

Nursery student

Want to finish writting "Revolutione" (a book about a multicultural city)

>> No.8271600

Billing for an insurance company
Get a bigger bookshelf

So many unemployed people on this board. Get a job you bums. Student is no excuse; I worked part time for all 4 years of my undergrad.

>> No.8271604

He evolved. Pokemon rules

>> No.8271620

>Get a job you bums.

A bit rude.

>> No.8271633

congrats on pulling one five hour shift every weekend while you were in school that must have been really tough on you

>> No.8271643



I've already achieved it with my; published novel, collection of short stories, a collection of plays, and an Ancient Greek translation of Das Kapital in verse

>> No.8271661



It's not necessarily /lit/ related but i want to involved in the making of a great story or piece of art

>> No.8271664


I make educational video games

I'd like to transcribe a book I like into a video game.

>> No.8271671

What's the novel about? I'd be interested in reading it. There's something charming about reading a published book by a young /lit/ user.

>> No.8271688



>currently writing a novel, just wanna be published.

>> No.8271692


IR/polysci student and paid intern for a joint art/civil rights museum

Want to revive the parisian salon lifestyle among 'scholars' and genpop alike, pitch a successful pilot for a tv show/screenplay a film, go bohemian for a decade and eventually fuck off to the wilderness ala thoreau or emerson and publish anonymous critiques on everything from government to individual spirit

>> No.8271693


How about you go fuck yourself you flaming faggot and mind your business like a real man.

>> No.8271694

>published novel, collection of short stories, a collection of plays, and an Ancient Greek translation of Das Kapital in verse


>> No.8271698

oh, and I forgot

>> No.8271712

Kaur Kender. The book is Untitled 12

>> No.8271716

God you're dense

>> No.8271722

not the first time ive been called that

>> No.8271751
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Trust me, I have beaten lots of good games. I have played through all the good ones and I have had some fun times, but now I just don't feel anything from videogames anymore. I don't know if I have changed or the industry has changed, it's probably a combination of both, but videogames and movies and all that stuff really don't do anything for me anymore and I feel generally hollow and empty towards them now. I am hoping literature will be my saving grace and be a new line of passion for me, a new hobby that I haven't explored but has quite a high ceiling of experience level.

I have a feeling I am not the only one and a lot of people my age may gravitate towards literature as they grow older as a safety net when we realize just how shit everything else is. I hope there is a new golden age of literature in the future desu.

>> No.8271770

Web Developer
I want to read more

>> No.8272002

Still haven't got my Buddha

>> No.8272047

Biochemistry student/musician

I want to anonymously write completely obtuse critical theory manifestos filled with scientific obscurantism that are only passed around small groups of pretensions academics in the vain hopes of appearing smart by being able to decode it. But in actuality it'll be impenetrable substanceless trash devoid of any meaning.

>> No.8272105

>find a part time manual job that pays a cheap room and food and that doesnt involve my mind so i can read and write the rest of the time.

>> No.8272119
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I want to do this too, too bad you're way more intelligent than I, maybe I could help. I know how to post philosophers to make me look smart

>> No.8272124 [DELETED] 

I have been in the same boat, my friend, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised by literature filling that entertainment void to overflowing. The more you give, the more you get, Anon.

Regarding a golden age in literature, don't hold your breath, there's plenty of shit out there anyway.

>> No.8272126

Make who look smart?

>> No.8272145
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>your age

>your job
writing grad student

>your /lit/ related ambition
win some awards, get on one of those obnoxious 30-under-30 lists

>your un/lit/ related ambition
work at a marketing firm and make some real money doing creative work until I know enough to start my own

>> No.8272164

it's called welfare compadrito

>> No.8272240


Can I live in Mont St. Michel for 500 Euro?

>> No.8272262

>Your age

>Your job
I'm a computer science major so I can have an evolving job that I can be introverted in.

>/lit/ related ambition

I want to write a novel about my grandfather, his life and his downfall. I don't go a day without thinking about it.

>> No.8272272


>> No.8272478


>> No.8272487

>Fry cook for the summer, back to physics student in a month
>Develop prose skills I can be proud of but probably never share with anybody

>> No.8272757

>Your age
I'm 19.
>Your job
I sell drugs and find people who need to be found by the people they owe money to.
>/lit/ related ambition
I want to write the story of a hero I keep dreaming about. It's the only thing I can focus on. It's nothing grand or amazing, just really simple, but at the same time, I can't remember much of my dreams. All I know is that I wake up crying a lot because I want to be him instead of the piece of shit I am.

This is all I want.

>> No.8272824

>Odd jobs
>Write children's books, comics, and trashy pulp genre fiction.

>> No.8272849

I want to have my hundreds page long fantasy eventually be longer than Realms of the Unreal, though I know I will never out-crazy Darger


Wasn't that a South Park episode, only people ended up really liking the book?

>> No.8272866

I'm the guy considering going abroad. How easy is it to do as an American?

>> No.8272889

>to be a /lit/ meme like DFW, Tao Lin and Pynchon

>> No.8273089
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>Student and a cashier at a grocery store
>I've written three novels. All of them shit. Some people called me a child prodigy. I won a bunch of awards when I was young. Though all that did was instill a false confidence that I have been working away from. I figure anything I write before I'm well into adulthood will be something that will make me choke up and immediately regret writing it. What I'm working on now shows promise though. No first drafts are good after all, unless you're an extraordinary talent.

>> No.8273322

>robotics software engineering
>want to learn how to enjoy stuff that isn't 100% plot-driven fiction

>> No.8273354

>Student for geology
same, what are you planning to do afterwards?

>> No.8273439

>Law researcher

I am writing a novel about Spanish expats in Luxembourg, whistleblowers, and evil.

>> No.8274399

His grandparents came from Greece and made a great impact in all of their communities. Most of them became business owners and extremely wealthy. I should mention that I'm not blood relatives of him but he has been my grandfather since I was born. Anyways, he was kicked out of his house by his father when he was 18 years old. Not for doing anything wrong but because his father wanted him to make something of himself. he moved to Florida and lived an average life as a fisherman for a while. He moved to Georgia when he was in his mid twenties and opened a business in construction. He was absolutely broke and lived inside of his office. He never stopped working. One day he married his current wife and things began to take off in his business. He was making high into 6 figures and spent most of his time with his wife, the kid they had together and myself. He nearly forgot about the family he had with his old wife. He wasn't there for them and tried to make up for that with money. One day, he figured out that his father had cancer. It was so bad that he was used as research at Emory's hospital. When his father died, the downfall began. He got a call one night and discovered that one of his sons had died of an overdose. A large piece of my grandfather died that night. He felt fully responsible for the death of his son. After that, his business began to dismantle due to the economy. He had millions in property that became worthless over a year. Instead of owning a successful business, he became a contractor taking any job that he could find. On one job, he asked his brother to help him do painting in a house. On the way from the job, his brother was killed by a drunk driver. Debt piled around my grandfather and his marriage began to break down. His wife became a massive alcoholic and addicted to gambling. She spends most of the money that he made. He simply stopped caring about most things. Today, all he speaks about is the business he's creating and how one day he'll be able to retire on the ocean. Where he'll be able to take me on fishing trips like he used to. He's in his late sixties.

Sorry if my writing was bad here. I was just trying to explain and I'm typing on my phone. I missed a lot of details as well but I'm sure you get the point.

>> No.8274438

no cause welfare wont make you move your body. that is important to have a clear mind to write. and just going to the gym of to walk does not do the thing.

>> No.8274439

I would read the shit out of that. Sorry for your -and his- losses, Anon.

>> No.8274478

Thanks anon. It's just life though. I grew up fatherless so he filled that vacuum until it all broke apart. We are very close now though and I've seen him smile more recently than I have in years.

>> No.8274512

>janitor (not on 4chan), and in under two months a student of philosophy
>publish books

>> No.8274548

>too much of a loser to go to /r9k/
Holy shit.

>> No.8274560

Going to the gym or running or walking or cycling will do your body a lot more good than ruining your back hauling crates all day.

>> No.8274874

>Automation Engineer
>Write something worth remembering.

>> No.8274971

sell a screenplay or publish novel before i commit suicide at 25

>> No.8274977


>> No.8274988

>I don't even know why, but whenever I sit down to write I get anxious as fuck.

Me too.

It is probably anxiety performance. Read this book

>Freedom From Fear, by Howard Liebgold.

It saved my life, altough sometims I still have bad days or bad weeks, but setbacks are normal and should be expected.

The golden rule is: face your fear and it will go away. Sit down to write day after day and your anxiety will gradually starts to dimish.

But seriously, read the book I suggested: it's wonderful.

>> No.8274994

>automation engineer
like PLC programming? Or project design

>> No.8275044

This is me but I'm one year older, I worked at a marketing agency straight out of uni and I'll let you in on a secret. Unless you work for an UBER trendy one, w/ V prestigey kook kook, you will be moving numbers around on a spreadsheet like everyone else.

>> No.8275119

Go ahead, take the LSAT. I majored in journalism before I went to law school. Though a BA/BS is required before going to law proper in my country

>> No.8275167




>Improve my writing, someday be a published poet/novelist.
>preferably not kill self soon

>> No.8275206
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"I'm working on my novel"

>> No.8275223

You mean actually IN Mont Saint Michel? I don't think you can live there. I live roughly 20kms away though

>> No.8275228


>> No.8275260


>Janitor, though I may have just gotten a job doing QC for a wire company

>I want to write a fantasy adventure novel

Trying to create a distinct fantasy setting is pretty daunting.