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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 431 KB, 744x520, unironic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8177975 No.8177975 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite novel and your favorite album and get relentlessly judged by a bunch of pretentious elitists!

>> No.8177990

does it feel good to possess literally no originality?

>> No.8177991
File: 684 KB, 792x492, bad taste in my mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Hit me with your best shot.

>> No.8177993


>> No.8177999
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>> No.8178003
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>> No.8178006
File: 609 KB, 687x500, Why The Hell Not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh why not

>> No.8178014

does my bait taste good?

>> No.8178018

Too lazy to use paint.

Favorite book: Pale Fire
Favorite album: Our mother the Mountain - Townes Van Zandt

>> No.8178021
File: 657 KB, 2152x1500, sily-album-art - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate mates

>> No.8178022

wind-up bird chronicle

>> No.8178025
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>> No.8178027

>le I was just trolling you xD

>> No.8178028

tastes better than the dick of modern consumerist culture being constantly shoved down my throat at least

>> No.8178032

18yearsold / 10

>> No.8178033

Dune is a meme but at least not a terrible one. Infraredfoot has better albums.


>> No.8178036

doesn't change the fact that you were incapable of recognizing bait. you failed but that's OK. the more time you spend on 4chan the better you are at recognizing it. hang in there, kiddo

>> No.8178042

at least I can understand the dislike of WUBC but that album is godly

>> No.8178052


>> No.8178059

What better albums? Amnesiac more or less = Kid A > A Moon Shaped Pool > Ok Computer = In Rainbows > The Bends > Hail to the Thief > The King of Limbs > icky poopy > Pablo Honey > for good measure On A Friday

Dune isn't a "meme".

>> No.8178060
File: 94 KB, 1100x800, litmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great album, shit book

>> No.8178064
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Stoner and Jackson C. Frank

>> No.8178066

Dune is a total meme have you even read it? Kid A is better than Amnesiac. Don't even get me started on the Dune sequels.

>> No.8178077

Dune is not a total meme, Frank Herbert's Dune series is arguably the only valuable piece of golden age science fiction written. The rest is pulpy, if not inspired pulpy, nonsense. Its world and setting is rich.

>> No.8178084

shit album, great book

>> No.8178087

>shitting on civil civic

>> No.8178089

[opinion that contradicts this]
>this is literally all this conversation will ever amount to

>> No.8178091

Lol Dune is pretty pulpy senpai

>> No.8178095

Compared to its peers it's certainly not.

>> No.8178100

Compared to its peers, it's great. Compared to actual literature, it's a memey pile of trash.

>> No.8178102

>if you were as much of a 4chin expert as me
>hang in there

Nah, I'm ok with not wasting my life here

>> No.8178103

I love this memey pile of trash, it's wonderful

>> No.8178104
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>> No.8178109

Is this pronounced differently than meme?

>> No.8178112

It's pronounced "meh-may"

>> No.8178113
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>> No.8178114

Meme: MEH-MEH.
Memey: MEH-MEH-EE.
Not hard.

>> No.8178116

Meme is pronounced me-me

Memey is pronounced meem

>> No.8178118
File: 1.02 MB, 1164x703, ken and pete 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no one has posted a non /mu/core album or non /lit/core book

>> No.8178120


(using IPA)

>> No.8178122

I did.

>> No.8178126

same desu

>> No.8178128
File: 670 KB, 695x475, bkam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8178130

Most people's favorite albums are going to be the albums they most resound with are going to be albums other people know. The same goes for books. Favorite is usually not indicative of total "quality", it is usually indicative of what is known.

>> No.8178136

>posting shit that everyone else on this board figured out in third grade

thank you for your enlightening comments

>> No.8178139

Well, your post indicated you hadn't known shit everyone else on this board figured out in the third grade.

>> No.8178142

It's like you're 15. Stop posting.

>> No.8178143

show us your advanced taste then, faggot

>> No.8178144

eh, the /mu/core thing is a bit more forgiveable. a) /mu/ likes way more albums than /lit/ does books, and b) /mu/ usually has legitimately good taste

>> No.8178145

Probably Dune or Point counter point
The Ugly Organ by Cursive

>> No.8178147

I'm sad that my book/album pairing will go ignored because everyone is deciding that replying to tripfags is the best way to get rid of them

I'm sad that I'm actually sad my post won't get (You)s

>> No.8178148

wasn't me senpai and even if it was the guy was just making an observation

>> No.8178149

I will not stop being 15, I will amass enough power.

>> No.8178151

Same here. I want to know what people think. I guess I'm weak that way.

>> No.8178153

Then now you know why.

>> No.8178154

pretty radical album and 7.5/10 book I approve

>> No.8178157

gd-tier patrician

>> No.8178159

even butterfly was more tolerable than you

>> No.8178160
File: 294 KB, 1320x568, pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even religious.
I couldn't decide on one album.

King James Bible
Charles Mingus - Mingus Plays Piano
Nick Cave & TBS - Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!!
Nick Cave & TBS - The Boatman's Call
Yes - Tales From Topographic Oceans
Bohack - It Took Several Wives
Snatch - Witch 1 (Pandemonium)

>> No.8178163

Mark Twain = 6/10
weeb music = idk

>> No.8178164

damn your life must be depressing as fuck

>> No.8178165

Stoner isn't a depressing book

>> No.8178167

sounds like you have shit taste in music
you're a pretty rad guy

>> No.8178169

>not even religious
Then you just legitimately have taste that sucks this much?

>> No.8178170
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>> No.8178171


>> No.8178173

honestly I'll redact that, I broke my own rule and judged the album too quickly. I'm getting into it now.

>> No.8178174
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>> No.8178177
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>> No.8178179 [DELETED] 

I know 4 languages so this is what I like the most from each.

German: Faust, Parisfal
Ancient Greek: Odyssey, Orphic Hymns
Latin: Metamorphoses, Carmina Burana
English: King James Bible, The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

>> No.8178181

>implying the bible isn't literally 10/10


>> No.8178183
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album isn't my GOAT but it's my favorite at the moment

>> No.8178186

I'm fluent in 4 as well but I'm not as much of a fag I guess and try to flaunt it on an anonymous board... pick your favorite is it that hard?

>> No.8178189

idk it triggers my catholic school PTSD so I hate it but maybe if you don't have a viscerally negative reaction to it it's tolerable

>> No.8178192

That's the spirit. That album means a lot to me, as does the book.

>> No.8178196

sorry I ever doubted you anon-chan

>> No.8178197

I agree about Twain in general, but Mysterious Stranger has some of the most powerful passages in literature.

Pinocchio-P is very good for a weeb artist. Makes the other ones look like a bunch of rubes. I recommend.

>> No.8178199



>> No.8178201
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>> No.8178206

eventual untimely RIP

also nice two same numbers

>> No.8178216

this is good +1 4chan point

>> No.8178221
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>> No.8178232

As I said, I'm not religious whatsoever but I must have spent hundreds of hours of my life thinking about the bible. There is some powerful shit in it.
I can totally see why people fall for it and devote their life to god. And naturally it's quotable as fuck:
>''Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.''
>''He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.''
>''And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.''

>> No.8178246

shostakovich is amazing. his film scores are also worth checking out especially his score for A New Babylon. great pic as well. original is better though bronze horseman by benoire

>> No.8178257
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>> No.8178264





>> No.8178272
File: 3.92 MB, 2200x1639, Pierre Auguste Renoir_Bal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
I like you, bro.

>> No.8178300

nice dizzee

favs of past 6 months or so
Album: The Cure - Pornography
Book: PKD - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.8178318

>dizzee rascal
>boy in da corner
dropped mate
fucking trash t b h

title track on the album is the only good song on the album t b h

>> No.8178333

just use tbqh you nig.rar it's more patrician anyway

>> No.8178374

Too lazy to fuck with files

>To a god unknown, Steinbeck

>Demon days

>> No.8178404

Notice how people with shallow taste in pop music have even more offensive taste in literature? It's because they're pseuds. Pseudery can't be scrubbed away by simply switching to a new genre of popular media to consume; it follows you like a tattoo.

Everybody who has posted ITT--please return to your pseud containment board and do NOT post here until you are vaguely familiar with literature. Thank you.

I've highlighted these post because they are particularly egregious examples of pseudery. Please do not post on /lit/ again; thank you.


>> No.8178424
File: 820 KB, 275x207, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i wasn't included in this post
I already knew my taste was patrician anyway though t b h

>> No.8178438

Fuck you

>> No.8178442

Book: Journey to the End of the Night
Album: Yeezus

>> No.8178444
File: 39 KB, 736x460, 2deeb98c4a903db12f7ee89d1d46dc56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Portrait of the Artist - Joyce
>Fevers and Mirrors - Bright Eyes

With Runners High and Little Busters by The Pillows as a close second, and Molloy and Satantango as runners-up for novels.

>> No.8178445

Whew lad no need for such harsh words. You got called out on 4chan, who gives a shit?

>> No.8178446

Fuck you.....

>> No.8178449
File: 76 KB, 564x845, 84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely fucking turbo-pleb tier
please leave this board

>> No.8178467

Yeezus was good

>> No.8178468

You're wrong (unless you're right about Céline but I find that hard to believe)

>> No.8178478
File: 2.36 MB, 1588x1004, Screen Shot 2016-06-18 at 7.10.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I've ever posted on /lit/ >__>

>> No.8178503
File: 62 KB, 450x600, 93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and die. No it wasn't. I think you're just disagreeing with me for the sake of it t b h?

Journey to the End of the Night isn't bad, it's just... what you'd expect 14 year old Jim Morrison fans to be reading. It's actually pretty good, haha.

Beach house are quintessentially Tumblr tier. I'm pretty sure the only reason they had any success at all is because of Tumblr. That being said... that album is still solid, I think.

>> No.8178509




>> No.8178517

easily one of my all time favorite albums

>> No.8178529

Wouldn't they be reading Bukowski?

Yeezus is great, it just isn't made great on purpose.
Beach House is properly underrated given their fans are tumblr yeah

>> No.8178531
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>> No.8178532

Yeezus was really goo desu. Blood on the Leaves is a great track.


You called me him two times, you need to step up your game and call me him five times in order to meet the passive aggression quota.

>> No.8178537

Also stop posting Roman bastardizations of Greek sculpt in marble as an appeal.

>> No.8178543

attacking someone's taste rather than simply memeing on the particular things they like is the hallmark of an meta-pseud. Congrats, now go do your pre-calculus homework.

>> No.8178551
File: 3.35 MB, 4298x3165, 1462201051412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a computer rn but

Autechre - Confield
Boredoms - Super AE
Faust - Faust
Obligatory Can album

The Illiad

>> No.8178564
File: 1.64 MB, 1543x1209, favs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a new asshole please

>> No.8178570
File: 666 KB, 1200x800, 85 - Hydra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Bukowski isn't Jim Morrison tier really.
And again, no it's not. You wouldn't know a great album if it literally kicked you in the face. You think it's great because you've probably listened to a hundred albums in your life and have nothing truly great to compare it against, but whatever.

No it wasn't at all, see above, but whatever.

No. I like powerful imagery.

>> No.8178573

pretty nice

>> No.8178584

Greek was meant to be done in Bronze, not Marble. The Romans fucked it up and defaced Greek sculpt with Marble instead of Bronze.

Learn what you enjoy and stop celebrating the bastard child of Greek civilization.

>> No.8178586
File: 1.20 MB, 1002x632, books and music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the french version of Cyrano so I don't know if the translation is shit or not. I like classical music too, mostly Jean Sibelius and Vivaldi. Picked more then I needed to just in case someone wanted to check out some new stuff.

>> No.8178616

Bukowski's favourite book was Journey, the tier is much closer (not on themes).
My backlog of music is more than 160gb I've listened to stuff from Toumani Diabaté to Wire to Julius Eastman to Oval to Cap'n Jazz to Sicko Mobb to Gastr del Sol to Rashad yadayada

>> No.8178621

But that's not what I said. I enjoy powerful imagery. I wouldn't care if they completed it in dung. It is pleasing to the eye and powerful in the same way that a nice verse is.

Also, I'll give u a bastard child if u want bby

>> No.8178637

And you're still a pleb? Fucking shame.
Like whatever you want, desu. Just don't go around calling garbage work ''genius'' like most Kanye West fans do.
I've seen people on this board claim lyrics from mbdtf are as good/ better than the entirety of Paradise Lost.

>> No.8178671

I told all of you this would happen when I started this thread.

>dat semicolon usage
pick up a fucking style guide you autist

>> No.8178672

>Bonobo, Black Sands
>Zarathustra (I don't ever read novels)

>> No.8178675
File: 3.04 MB, 2300x2600, cca95b6efdead1238ede9728eff53421f235ff60_s2_n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my phone so I can't make an image.
Books- Umineko no Naku Koro ni, The Plague
Albums- Crybaby (inb4 tumblr), KIKUOWORLD3

>> No.8178677

What do you like?

>> No.8178680
File: 143 KB, 968x967, todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sally mann

>> No.8178693

>calling everyone a pseud and posting that kind of shit

holy fuck the irony it's too intense

>> No.8178699

>saying >>>/mu/ in a /lit/mu/ thread
u stupid or somethin

>> No.8178706
File: 138 KB, 568x352, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8178714

Each semicolon is used correctly in that post.

>> No.8178716

he wasn't wrong though. most of the posts were fucking turbopleb 101.

>> No.8178718

>correct use of a vestigal structure

>> No.8178722

Please just fucking stop. This is the smartest board on 4chan afterall and we can do quite nicely without shit like that

>> No.8178731

>implying you didn't giggle like a bitch and then proceed to shake your head when you first heard that term
because i did

>> No.8178736

It seems your sense of humor is that of a turbopleb :^)

>> No.8178738

they're correct but they're fuckin gay

>> No.8178748

t. a 110-120 low iq turbopleb

>> No.8178754
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>> No.8178757

>he doesn't post his pair

thats not the only pair u lack faggot

>> No.8178759
File: 55 KB, 600x475, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best radiohead album
I need to read Dune, I've been meaning to

>liking Naked Lunch this much
album is great though

>> No.8178778

tame impala are shit

>> No.8178791

the first two albums were great. That one was trash, though

>> No.8178800
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> inb4 English only
> inb4 I am a stupid hipster

>> No.8178801


>> No.8178803


>> No.8178808
File: 910 KB, 500x333, 1364520336479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your images.

>Favorite novel

Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle

>Favorite album

White Light/White Heat

>> No.8178811

Divine Comedy
The Sound of Il Giaguaro 3

>> No.8178814

Every single person in this thread is a pseud pleb except for me and I'm not posting anything because I'm not giving you pleb pseud fucks anything that's actually objectively good.

>> No.8178815

>favorite album is beatles
>"le hipsteur xDDD"
>implying you're not an insufferable normalfag

>> No.8178824



You can't be serious. Please, don't be.

Are. I'm English, so fuck you. This is how we talk.

Album is good. ''The Gift'' is great tier. The instrumental version, that is.
Also, probably one of the best album titles ever t b h.

>> No.8178833

solid patrician music taste although I prefer their eponymous album

>> No.8178838

>judging a person's music taste based off of how popular it is
Fucking die

>> No.8178845

>You can't be serious. Please, don't be.
About the album or the book?

>> No.8178848

Nice assumptions there shitstain. I never said I was judging him because the Beatles are popular.
He was the one that brought up the word hipster.

>> No.8178852

I was assuming the novel would draw the "hipster" hate, not the album
Also >>8178838

>> No.8178857
File: 203 KB, 368x396, dfw o god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8178889

>''The Gift'' is great tier.

Absolute pure fucking groove.

Honestly, I think After Hours is probably a better closing track than European Son. Their s/t has a couple weak tracks, but when it gets it right, it's amazing.

>> No.8178921

dude lmao nice bait


>fuck off

>> No.8178962
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>> No.8178987
File: 29 KB, 450x338, frodocries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought teen dream was their first album, you just made my night

>> No.8179005

> >implying the bible isn't literally 10/10


>> No.8179014

Holy shit. I thought tthat the /mu/ infestation was just a meme. No wonder the quality of posts has depreciated so rapidly in sucha short amount of time.

>> No.8179015

You're the pleb for implying it isn't, you Toby.

>> No.8179016

nah senpai I was talking about TVU not TVU&N. Not the Andy Warhol one, the b&w photo one.

>> No.8179050

Yes, I know. I was commenting on how strong of a closer After Hours is, to the extent that I think it even outclasses something totally off the wall like European Son, despite being much calmer and more collected. I should have been clearer.

Plus the guitar effect they achieve on What Goes On is A+ (like a swarm of mosquitoes). Lou Reed always had a thing for making feedback behave exactly how he wanted it to.

>> No.8179081
File: 1.78 MB, 265x257, shake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guitar effect they achieve on What Goes On
>(like a swarm of mosquitoes)
You're a fucking pleb/10
It's literally a fuzz pedal and slight delay.
Dropped everything else you said, you fucking pseud.
How can you believe you're in any way fit to criticise an album if you don't even know basic shit like that?
God damn, I forgot that sometimes people on this board are fucking stupid and shouldn't be given the benefit of doubt.

>> No.8179188

Oh settle down. Speaking as someone who actually plays guitar, it's not just a fucking fuzz pedal. You're correct when you say that's the effect he's using. But the line is clearly layered.

My assumption has always been that they either just slathered the take on top of itself, or routed one amp through another to get that distinctive, absurdly treble-heavy sound. Either way, it's making use of the distinct sound which emerges from the amplifier in a creative way, which, as I said, Lou Reed did with finesse for the better part of his career.

I'm going to assume you read something about their use of fuzz on that album and just assumed. But being a douche doesn't really get us anywhere, does it?

>> No.8179229
File: 415 KB, 847x683, lit mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigger

>> No.8179248

>Speaking as someone who actually plays guitar
Oh wow! Tell me about how that makes you a god!? You're a fucking master. A genius. You must be the only one in the world apart from Lou Reed who plays a guitar?!
>But the line is clearly layered.
>Routed one amp through another to get that distinctive, absurdly treble-heavy sound
>Distinct sound which emerges from the amplifier in a creative way
Just admit it, you have literally no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?
''Emerges from the amplifier in a creative way''? What? Literally what the fuck are you talking about, mate?
>Assume you read something about their use of fuzz on that album and just assumed
It's fucking obvious to anyone who isn't an absolute fucking moron. How long have you been playing guitar, bro? Because I know it's not very long.
Stop pretending you know about things you don't, on the fucking internet... to people who actually do know. Pseud cunt. Fuck off.

>> No.8179306

>Oh wow! Tell me about how that makes you a god!?

I can tell we're feeling a bit abrasive tonight, so I'll just let you get to that. I said I play guitar to illustrate the fact that I own fuzz pedals, and (this is where it gets pretty crazy) have used them. They simply don't do what you're describing.

When I said "feedback" earlier, I didn't really mean it in a "squeal and screech" sense. This was ambiguous language, and clearly a mistake on my part, because this is a pretty fucking bankrupt conversation for me to be having. My original point was that he was very, very good at producing interesting sounds through either his instrument, or his equipment. There's a part of Sister Ray on which guitar takes an absolutely brutal percussive tone for the span of like 15 seconds, and I have no clue how he pulled it off. That's the sort of thing I was referring to. I think "gain" is probably the word I was looking for. But you're still acting pretty asinine t b h

>the line is clearly layered

This is something called "overdubbing." You take one melodic line and you play it (or something else) over itself. Reed played three similar solos with distortion and what you hear is definitively not delay. Nor is it just fuzz.

>literally what the fuck are you talking about mate?

See above. I get that "emerges from the amplifier" bit, but the rest makes perfect sense and I don't know why you'd be deliberately playing ignorant. Other than to be difficult. Which is a dick thing to do.

>to people who actually do know

Now, this is just demonstrably false. We are having this conversation, after all.

>> No.8179314
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>> No.8179437

You probably spent fifteen minutes typing that and it said nothing. You just said a bunch of shit that you made up and it means nothing.
I could show this to a recording engineer and they would literally laugh at your post and then they'd realise you were being serious and possibly get visibly angry. You should be a critic because you're full of shit and don't mind typing it up.
>This is something called "overdubbing."
Wow, great master, teach me your ways!
That doesn't work here, though.
>I have no clue how he pulled it off.
Because you're a fucking pseud who has no fucking clue about anything. You want to appear as if you know what you're talking about. You don't.
>what you hear is definitively not delay. Nor is it just fuzz.
I'm telling you, without a doubt, with the confidence as if I was in the fucking room when it was being recorded, that what you hear on that record is exactly that.

>Lou Reed
''I don't like overdubs, never liked them.'' - Lou Reed

Now... Fuck off?

>> No.8179453

How much of a normie do you think you are?
Because however much you think you aren't a normie, you're a normie

>> No.8179479

Man, I don't know why, I've heard in a lot of places that Twain is pretty average tier literature, but holy christ do I get a kick out of his stuff.

Like actually hands on my knees laughing at some points.

Submitting for roast:
Huckleberry Finn
Volbeat - The Strength/The Sound/The Songs.

>> No.8179486

/mu/fags stay on your containment board.

>> No.8179499

>fifteen minutes

It was closer to six, and you need to get over yourself a bit. This is basically my one excuse to occasionally look away from Watt, which has been a pretty thoroughly unenjoyable novel so far. If I feel like dithering, I will. You're apparently mad enough about this that I'll at least have someone to talk to.

>said nothing

Sure I did. I clarified a few things that you seemed to be misunderstanding, though it really seems like you weren't appreciative.

>Wow, great master, teach me your ways!

This was me being condescending, because you're being rude. I know you know what overdubbing is. Relax.



>I don't like overdubs, never liked them.

I believe this. But I also wouldn't be surprised if, on a record where they paid a lot closer attention to production than on previous ones, they tried it out anyway. It's just what overdubs sound like. I'd actually be very interested to see how they did it, if it wasn't overdubbing. Because I'd say that it's not simply fuzz and delay with every bit as much certainty as you're saying it is. Shit, even when they played it live they did it multi-layered.

If you can provide a good source saying it's ONLY fuzz and delay, I'd gladly recant everything I've said (aside from my praise for Reed as a guitarist, and the albums we've mentioned). Apologies in advance for the following hideous link:


Otherwise, we're just going by ear (and Doug Yule's testimony). And so we're going to have to agree to disagree.

>> No.8179509
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this /mu/ is about as bad as /v/ or /b/

>> No.8179511

Piano concerto no. 21 (no particular recording)
Anna Karenina

Playing it safe

>> No.8179516

>not TMR and Finnegans Wake
U havin a giggle, blep?

>> No.8179526

juss playin it safe XD

>> No.8179539

When you at the times of the posts, you have to feel a little sorry for the angry man, projecting so hard.

>> No.8179554

>having a favorite book
>having a favorite album

>> No.8179562

>having no favorites

>> No.8179564

Kid a is far more coherent than its sister album

>> No.8179574

The Crying of Lot 49
Brilliant Corners

>> No.8179594

i dont lurk /mu/, can someone tell me what that album is

>> No.8179600

Just do a reverse image search you imbred mouthbreathing fuck

>> No.8179637

I hated Ender's Game even when I was in 7th fucking grade, sorry but I can't take you seriously.

>> No.8179676

It's I Love You Jesus Christ by Courgette Face.

>> No.8179679

nmh aeroplane

>> No.8179684

It's Perfect 10 by pH 7 Dairy Hostel

>> No.8179709
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I'm really not a big music fan, I stick mainly to hip hop and only listen to music when I'm working out and drawing, so I won't or can't judge the albums.

But anyway, here's mine and...

7/10, Murakami is pleb, but he can absorb you in a narrative like few writers can, and this is his best work. If Murakami were as good a writer as he is a storyteller he'd be master class.

3/10. Come on dude, Naked Lunch is interesting, but it's really your *favorite* work of literature *ever*? My guess is you are 19 or 20 and just becoming literary minded. I won't fault you because you just need more time become more well read and mature in general, most likely. I remember when I was like 18 I was fixed on druggy edgelord core as well.

4/10. Dazai's slim, one-note gloom fest is really your favorite work ever? I mean I like Dazai, but man... Try reading Akutagawa if you haven't? He's similar but more varied and also more clever and creative in my opinion. If you like Dazai I think you potentially have good taste, but if Ningen Shikaku is really your favorite book ever I think you need to read more.

8/10. Also, 808s is underrated, but still low tier Kanye. It's better than Late Registration though.

6/10 interesting choice.

I haven't read since high school/10 (I like One Flew though).

8/10. Music is fedora/10.

8/10 because Joyce, but Ulysses is better. I also preferred Dubliners to Portrait.

>> No.8179716

>druggy edgelord core

It's almost as if you didn't read the book.

>> No.8179722
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>> No.8179730

in the aeroplane over the sea

>> No.8179739

eugene onegin
music for egon schiele

cba to make a jpg

>> No.8179746

It concerns drug use and is a largely incohesive non-narrative that Burroughs said you can just pick up and read anywhere, so in that sense it's kind of "edgy". Drugy edgelord core is a pretty apt description of Naked Lunch.

>> No.8179747

fuck you guys i hate this board

>> No.8179749


>> No.8179754
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>> No.8179755

You're right I did read it in high school, but I've done a lot of reading since then. But there's just something to the simplicity of books like Stoner, The Catcher in the Rye, and One Flew that make them stand out. They are strong from cover to cover.

Is m&d as good as everyone says it is? I've read GR and tcol and I'm learning more towards V or Inherent Vice next.

>> No.8179756

Death Chants, Breakdowns & Military Waltzes

>> No.8179760

Great Big Sea is comfy as fuck

>> No.8179764

This is a pretty patrician, cohesive combo.

>> No.8179766

inherent vice is great tbqh underrated

>> No.8179788

You browse this site too much

>> No.8179813

Of course if you ask me I think it's as good as everyone says because it's my favorite book ever. I think it's Pynchon's best work. Much more readable than GR and with characters you actually give a shit about, but no less ambitious or large in scope. It's staggeringly philosophical and inquisitive but also really quite accessible and has the magic and whimsy of a bedtime adventure story.

>> No.8179982

Please return to /mu/

>> No.8179998

the virgin suicides

exile on main street - The rolling Stones

>> No.8180000

One Hundred Years is heavier than most metal.

>> No.8180039

by knowing two well known works? and is that supposed to be a negative thing

>> No.8180538

I remember when IJ and Aeroplane weren't memes like 5 years ago. /lit/ used to love IJ back then.

>> No.8180570
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you're probably cool

>> No.8180574

Nope. Please return inside my ass.

>> No.8180578

ITAOTS honestly, yes.

And maybe Lolita, or Steppenwolf, or A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

>> No.8180580

oh fuck off you pseud.

>> No.8180632

Finished Butcher's Crossing just yesterday and highly enjoyed it, just like Stoner.

Do Augustus and his debut work hold up to them?

>> No.8180723

There are depressioncore albums, is there anything similar for books? Feeling like shit and want to go deeper.

>> No.8180738

i haven't read those yet. some other bredrin said augustus is good, though.

>> No.8180834

Book: Lolita
Album: Either Snowing - fuck your emotional bullshit or Girlfriends -s/t

>> No.8180838

Talk shit, post lit

>> No.8180839

this post is 100% correct

>> No.8180845

What the fuck is up with that goth guy on the right? he looks so out of place.

>> No.8180900
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>> No.8180908

what's the death grips equivalent?

>> No.8180934

Say what you want about me, at least I'm not throwing buzzwords around.

>> No.8180943

Naw bby. The narrative is with intent. Refer to the Nova Trilogy... It's structured as something of a thin, threading thought. Also some of the most haunting prose poetry in American lit. It's defying deconstruction.

>> No.8180945

> 8178104


>> No.8181232
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>> No.8181252

Sick, not listened to faust or boredoms before, thanks so much

>> No.8181266

ebin simbly ebin (you)

>> No.8181269

Please don't faint when I show you my business card

>> No.8181271

Something wrong, anon? You're sweating.

>> No.8181322
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>> No.8181341

come on it'a good but saying ITAOTS is your favorite album is like saying the Beatles is your favorite band. get some less generic taste, jésus

>> No.8181343
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>> No.8181359

meme-tier book. haven't heard the album

>> No.8181366

smashing pumpkins are meme tier
ur a pleb

>> No.8181385

he's the quirky special odd-one-out OMG don't make fun of him your like so mean

>> No.8181394
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>> No.8181453

I like you

>> No.8181472


I l i a d

>> No.8181493
File: 189 KB, 786x474, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus shit you people are boring

>> No.8181504

your choice in music is memetastic

>> No.8181513
File: 368 KB, 1250x1250, pity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity your closed-mindedness

>> No.8181515

>To a God Unknown

Reading it at the moment, about halfway through it. I have to say, I have been pleasantly surprised with it so far. Thought it would be disappointing since it is a work of his you never hear about and it was only his second published novel. I don't think it'll rate as my favorite work ever, not even favorite Steinbeck, but it is pretty good.

>> No.8181523

memes and originality don't equate, anon

>> No.8181527

Holy shit I love that album

>> No.8181537
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>> No.8181543

>Judges everyone and talks shit on book choices
>brushes over the fact he literally knows nothing about music

>> No.8181592
File: 26 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My book is Dune

>> No.8181598
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there we go, my friends

>> No.8181600

?? that's literally pleb tier/10
back to /mu/ with your meme music you fucking retard

>> No.8181616

Nice album

>> No.8181628
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>> No.8181654

No Paint
Favorite Albums:
On the Beach-Neil Young
John Wesley Harding-Bob Dylan
Illinois- Sufjan Stevens
Favorite Books
Grapes of Wrath
Caine Mutiny

>> No.8181678

You sir have good taste

>> No.8181697

sorry, can you just format that a bit more poorly for me?

Decent taste though tbqh

>> No.8181727

We can be friends

>> No.8181743

I read it when I was in grade 3, so it's mostly nostalgia for me. I lived in a small community and part of our library was in our classroom. I found the book in a shelf next to my desk and spent a good while reading it. I loved it back then and although it's just meh to me now, reading it still makes me happy.

>> No.8181751

>Blood Meridian

>> No.8181756
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>> No.8181773

No I'd rather keep listen to things I actually enjoy, but thanks for the advice.

>> No.8181783

They were really comfy live too. Newfoundland bands seem to be pretty comfy in general for some reason. Several of them came to our schools and played in the gym for us just because they had been passing by. Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers, the Ennis Sisters (twice actually), and Kevin Collins all came to our school at some point. There were several others but I don't remember who they were unfortunately. They were all extremely nice and staid for as long as they could. The elementary had about 200 students K-6, and the high school had about 400-500 7-LIII so the schools were fairly small for even NL standards and they were out in the boonies.

>> No.8181805

oh shit

>> No.8181850

I haven't been to mu in 5 years, define what's non-meme music?

Is it still meme-music if I don't participate in the meme-discourse and listen to it solely out of enjoyment?

>> No.8181867
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Can't wait for hate.

>> No.8181892

yes, it means you have a pleb ear.
come back when you own 25,000 records, know what you're talking about and aren't an unpractised mong.
now fuck off back to /mu/ where they'll tug you off for saying you like kanye west.

>> No.8181950

Both great choices. Just saw them live a couple months ago. Worth whatever you have to pay.

>> No.8181960

Turtle Island is the best song on that album, imo. Saw em back in March. Solid live show. Teen Dream/Depression Cherry are better I think.But you can't really go wrong with them if you're in that mood

>> No.8182191
File: 300 KB, 500x500, givemeahug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Sound and the Fury
the Odyssey

Elliott Smith
Pink Moon
A love Supreme
Einstein on the Beach (technically not an album, but it's my favorite opera so I thought to include it)

>> No.8182212

>Einstein on the Beach (technically not an album, but it's my favorite opera so I thought to include it)

For my own education: what did you like about it?

I can appreciate it, and I really love some of the individual knee plays and all that. But I've seen a full performance of it, and it just wasn't all that engaging on a personal taste level for five hours. The level of of repetition, even though that's the point, makes it hard for me to get it being someone's favorite opera ever, considering the other masterpieces in the form.

>> No.8182365

The repetition is key to why I enjoy it. The repetitive melodies slowly morphing into slightly different but still very similar rhythms puts you into a trance and all of the music starts to blur. And then, almost out of no where, the melody and movement of the piece changes completely into something else, and that dramatic change after you've been hypnotized by all that repetition feels so powerful and intense that it sends shivers down your spine. It's minimalism at its finest.

>> No.8182472

Tristram Shandy
Don Quixote
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship
Moby Dick

Maurice Ravel - Piano Concerto in G
Charles Ives - Symphony no. 4
Albert Ayler - Spiritual Unity
Alban Berg - Lulu
Philip Glass - Einstein on the Beach

If you can really follow it, it's amazing how much variation he fits into the repetition, how he makes these changes that would be monumental in another structure while leaving the underlying repetition intact. Train 1 and Spaceship (although I have to agree with everyone who accuses it of bathos) are probably the most musically captivating for this. It's a tremendously playful piece.

>> No.8182477


I read Butcher's Crossing a few weeks ago, and just felt like I didn't get it. What did you enjoy about it?

>> No.8182497

simultaneously pseudy and patrician

>> No.8182503

Weezer has far better albums than Pinkerton. Consider suicide.

>> No.8182510

properly the only time where i wanted cancer to win

>> No.8182520

haven't gone back to the book for a few years, scared it wont be as good as i remember and decent album a little dulll

>> No.8182523

You probably spend too much time online.

>> No.8182532
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>> No.8182543
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who doesn't on this site

>> No.8182567

Novel - Infinite Jest
Album- Velvet Underground-S/T

>> No.8182594

I've actually interacted with Porter robinson on a music making forum back in 2007. before he was famous

>> No.8182595

Shit album, meme novel

>> No.8182654

I don't think you know what the word meme means friend, however it is a popular book that most people think of when they think 'literature,' so maybe the expression you're looking for is 'entry level.'

>> No.8182670

never listened to that album but you seem like you have good taste

>> No.8182676

>I also preferred Dubliners to Portrait

It's been historically acknowledged that Joyce wasn't much of a short story writer. Didn't have a good handle on thematic development/substance when confined to short stuff.

He's by no means bad, and I still love Dubliners, but your rating system falls apart when you reveal that you're basing it off of liking a work without actually analyzing it.

>> No.8182682

Could never get into Confederacy. Just seemed like it overexaggerated its point. Hurr durr here's a fat guy who's everything wrong with society, let's have every single sentence exacerbate how much he sucks. It was just overkill, but I can't really talk, I only made it a chapter in.

The guy who's responsible for helping it get published wrote The Moviegoer though, which I really enjoyed.

>> No.8182684

Gravitys Rainbow
Captain Beefheart- Trout Mask Replica

>> No.8182690

Why this Tao Lin novel above the others, out of curiosity?

>> No.8182692

Great album.

>> No.8182710

sorry I got my memetics wrong

>> No.8182727

How can one man be so angry over another one's taste in music
Well I wish you and your advanced taste all the best

Btw do you listen exclusively to metal and classical?

>> No.8182732

fuck off to /mu/

>> No.8182760
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>> No.8182777
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>> No.8182792

Just gotta talk some more about Einstein because I really do love it. I love how the electric organ is scored to sound like amateur noodling but makes such perfect sense all the same. I love how everything slips uneasily but inevitably in and out of sync. It's so melodically repetitive but then the minute you think you've got a handle on it it's gone somewhere else. It's a monumental injustice to call it repetitive and leave it at that.
And then the character of Einstein—how it dances vaguely from the universal to the modern and then back to him—just enough to evoke him and his impact on the world that we live in but just vaguely enough to leave it open. It's such a disappointment when Spaceship turns it all into nuclear paranoia.

>> No.8182803

>own 25,000 records
this is like $400k go suck a dick you don't own that many vinyls

>> No.8182851
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>> No.8183239

The Bible is Bach's Kunst der Fugue

>> No.8183245

>being a poorfag

>> No.8183422

do you live in berlin

>> No.8183490

>It's better than Late Registration though.

>> No.8183553

unlike the other pathetic ingrate boards on 4chan, /lit/ is not a sub where this works as an insult. Being economically destitute is a prerequisite for the literary lifestyle

>> No.8183565

Good pairing
No they don't, mr. contrarian 4chins man. And don't link that stupid Fantano video where he argues that The Blue Album is objectively and artistically 'better' because more people like it and it has catchier hooks

>> No.8183594

this is just gross

>> No.8183618

You are from Newfoundland? I am from Newfoundland. We are now new found friends

>> No.8183623

Nice Cave picks

>> No.8183635

Labyrinths - Borges
Who will cut our hair when you're gone - the unicorns

At work, can't make a picture

>> No.8183642

the public burning by Robert coover

the meaning of 8 by cloud cult

>> No.8183660

This is the kind of trash that posts on /lit/ in 2016

>> No.8183663

>implying Godthony Deitytano could be wrong about music

seriously though I prefer SFTBH sue me

>> No.8183666
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>new found
i c wat u did there

>> No.8183670

>it's a "pseuds from /mu/ fish for /lit/'s approval of their shit taste" thread
If you treat art like a fashion accessory (i.e. almost everybody in this thread), you should be exterminated via the most painful means possible

>> No.8183682

Why do you use a trip? Really, quit posting.

>> No.8183707
File: 19 KB, 300x268, 518UnB8axIL._SX300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnegans Wake and pic related.

Captcha: something in Chinese

>> No.8183905

because he desperately wants attention from a bunch of pseudy, NEETy weebs

>> No.8183908


>> No.8183912

To answer your question though, no.

>> No.8183937 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8183982

you're basically just proving my point nobody actually knows or gives a shit who you are and thus doesn't know that you're female now fuck off

>> No.8184018

Too lazy to make an image
>The Plaque - Camus
>Blurryface - top

>> No.8184066

If a grill I'd date you

>> No.8184077

I'm disgusted

>> No.8184092
File: 63 KB, 550x448, 1462922972760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ blurryface are you a fourteen-year-old white girl who thinks she's unique and intelligent?

>> No.8184230

I figured I'd get this response. I'm a dude though, just very gay and young. All my friends are white girls who think they're unique and intelligent at least so you're kinda right


>> No.8184235

being gay is no excuse for having terrible taste in music I know plenty of well-listened gay people

>> No.8184241

Come on now

There's no excuse for that

>> No.8184270

Meh, as an upper middle class pretentious and bored teen, its quite appealing.

>> No.8184280

go watch memethony memetano tear top a new asshole and then find some decent music from him

>> No.8184288

Sure, but who the fuck is that?

>> No.8184321

Cal Chuchesta's roommate

>> No.8184343

Well nice meme I guess.

I watched the guy's review, but honestly that doesn't really tear top a new asshole.

Its still not that bad, sure maybe it doesn't deliver in the ways that other albums might, but personally I like the kind of hectic and random mix of styles and sounds.

>> No.8184363

thanks bb I strive to provide top-notch memes

>> No.8184457

>being a consumerist swine

>> No.8184487

SFTBH is great but Pinkerton is more refined

>> No.8184509

In what way?

>> No.8184511

Thank god you exist.

>> No.8184728

>then find some decent music from him
I really hope this is bait

>> No.8184830

White Noise
Gravity's Rainbow
The Brothers Karamazov

Rogue Taxidermy - Days N Daze
Fuck World Trade - Leftover Crack
Strange Homes - Mallory
Vacation - Bomb the Music Industry !

And a shitton more on albums. I probably can't even choose an unordered top 25 on albums

>> No.8184837

Shit taste in music

>> No.8185178

Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
Hatful of Hollow - The Smiths

>> No.8185179
File: 275 KB, 1463x1309, received_1743508909262632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite book is Ulysses. Other favourites

Master and Margarita
Moby dick
The Tunnel
Gravity's rainbow

>> No.8185583

the other two anons who replied weren't me, obviously
>implying i don't own more than 600k worth of vinyl
>implying i didn't spend up to 5k numerous times for one vinyl
>implying you know anything
top lol

>Being economically destitute is a prerequisite for the literary lifestyle
Lol. I bet you think ''Chads'' or good looking people, have to be stupid?