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8163011 No.8163011 [Reply] [Original]

New Savannah poem regarding the events in Orlando.


>> No.8163020

it's official; she's (he's?) doing hormone replacement therapy

>> No.8163027

Shit I was just writing a poem about the Orlando thing! Who is this bitch?

>> No.8163042

Not even funny.

Cut the misogynistic language please.

Savannah Brown. Youtube poet. Very popular and very talented.

>> No.8163045


Maybe I'm in a decent mood today but this was fine. Not overtly obnoxious. She wasn't trying to hard to make herself seem like a victim. She was rather talking more about genuine victims that had to deal with a legitimate massacre.

It's obviously sloppy writing but whatever. It's fine.

>> No.8163048

it's very honest, at least :)

>> No.8163051

it wasn't supposed to be funny, attempt-pretend-Savannah

>> No.8163054


>Savannah Brown. Youtube poet. Very popular and very talented.

lol you are trying so hard to get your lame thread off the ground

>> No.8163058

The worst thing about the internet is it makes everyone think they have some opinion or talent worth sharing and then gives them the ability to do that.

>> No.8163061

I can say bitch without being a misogynist...
anyway, I'll keep writing my own, this one's a shallow list of headlines and reddit comments rewritten with bad grammar.

>> No.8163069


nigga FUCK YOU and your shit "opinion" about the internet

>> No.8163072

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.8163078

aaaand here it goes

(warm reminder to at least sage)

>> No.8163084

why dont you fuckin yanks just make it mandatory for everyone over 21 to carry a gun at all times. if you don't have one you'll get fined. there would be no more shootings and probably less violence if everyone knows everyone else is carrying a piece

>> No.8163090

Fucking hilarious post.

>> No.8163091
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>f-fuck off, f-f-f-aggot

>> No.8163092

>boo hoo muh scary guns
I've always hated this bitch

>> No.8163098

I never accused you of being a misogynist. I said you use misogynistic language. Two different things.

Fair enough, I disagree but would be interested in hearing your poem.

>> No.8163101
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2nd amendment BTFO

>> No.8163104

It's not a Def Leppard song, son.

>> No.8163106

(warm reminder to at least sage)

>> No.8163112

>muh amendments were written by god himself

>> No.8163113


Great bump for shit thread, OP.

Keep going.

>> No.8163119

>probably less violence if everyone knows everyone else is carrying a piece
That's a very hopeful view anon.

>> No.8163122

Why can't one of those autistic fucks shoot up a slam "poetry" contest?

>> No.8163123

here's your (You)

>> No.8163128
File: 1.38 MB, 357x200, rupaul-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans thinking farther than temperamental impulse.
As an American, That's funny tell another one!

>> No.8163130


>but like uh guns are bad

These are the types of intellectuals that will be the establishment in twenty years.

>> No.8163133

This is underrated.
Youtubers validate themselves with the masses.
Elitists validate themseleves with anons who they would like to think are very patriche.
They feel being anon somehow means they aren't craving attention when in fact it only reveals their insecurities in so far as they are too unattractivene or untalented so as to seek validation via more popular mediums like youtube or even academia.

>> No.8163135

or the dead hippies nobody's heard of or cares about in thirty years.
Let's watch.

>> No.8163138

It's funny how americans actually are so crazed, that you have to preface your post that you are one to not get crucified

>> No.8163142

What the fuck is this autistic drivel?

How much of a pseud can you be?

>> No.8163146

poetry is fucking gay. you guys are fags

>> No.8163152

Okie dokie savannah

>> No.8163154

This, but unironically

>> No.8163163

(warm reminder to at least sage and report)

>> No.8163168

Ban all guns NOW.

No more bullshit, no more procrastination - NOW.

>> No.8163169

Most of the greatest poets in English letters have been noble gaywads. OP is doing them no justice.

>> No.8163173

Summum ius summa iniuria.

>> No.8163175


>implying she would ever call her writing sloppy

But great bump OP, what is that the second time you have samefag replied to that post now?

>> No.8163181

Why even worry about anything? I've been told a hundred times since the massacre that love will always conquer hate so we should just sit back and relax.

>> No.8163182

Why is she so hot???? my penis is literally dripping from this picture

>> No.8163186

Yeah man, just like all the other countries have free guns for everyone.
Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.8163190

It's the short black hair and lips and possibly her blowjob eyes

>> No.8163192

it's funny how she went from normal girl to total hipster in a heartbeat. kinda like the lizzy grant lana del rey switcheroo

>> No.8163193
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>if you want a handgun to protect yourself in your home whatever that's fine but no human needs a semi-automatic. literally no one

>> No.8163198

How could anyone possibly argue with this?

>> No.8163210

i need a full auto to kill muslims with if im in the military, bc they have them and i dont want to be at a disadvantage

>> No.8163214

I need my own personal nuclear arsenal. You know, for protection.

>> No.8163215

Honestly what's wrong with "being a hipster". You can throw that on anyone it's such a horseshit loose term.

>> No.8163217

Are you purposefully avoiding context? you little dog you! :)

>> No.8163219

nothing. it's just weird to totally change like that. I'd say it was weird if she went from normal girl to hoodrat gangsta

>> No.8163220


>> No.8163221

It isn't weird at all.

>> No.8163224

why not

>> No.8163225

>But great bump OP, what is that the second time you have samefag

I haven't samefagged or tried to bump this thread once. I can send you the fucking pictures to prove this.

Wtf is your problem? If you're not interested in poetry just gtfo.

>> No.8163228

Why is it weird? What exactly is "hipster" about her? How is she not normal right now?

These terms are loosey goosey

>> No.8163232

bc teens r always experimenting with their identities ;)

>> No.8163236

can someone fucking post the picture with the 2 poems so this faggot can see what I'm talking about.

>> No.8163237

is it a fucking slam poem?
judging by the looks of it it's a fucking slam poem.

>> No.8163238

What makes you say that?

>> No.8163239


>Wtf is your problem? If you're not interested in poetry just gtfo.

Right. This is a "poetry" thread. Not a subtle r9k circlejerk thread. It's all about the "poetry".

>> No.8163240

I know plenty of people who argue against it with muh rights.
"You can't tell me what I can or cannot have, that's authoritarianism, muh rights, ISIS, they're takin muh guns, etc."
Two of my friends have AK-47's, among other things for "protection". I think it's a bit much. I'm considering maybe getting a pistol, but there really isn't a need beyond that.

>> No.8163242

I'd say there's plenty wrong with being a bearded, sleeve-tattooed guy with a semi-ironic tophat and no shirt and suspenders on, skating.

>> No.8163244

isn't she in her twenties

>> No.8163245

I've already seen it, these things were happening in poetry before the term hipster even existed.

Experience. This is normal.

>> No.8163247

>I know plenty of people who argue against it with muh rights.
Another way to argue against it is that handguns are literally fucking semi-automatics and these liberal cocksmokers couldn't tell a Glock from a howitzer

>> No.8163251

Only dirty faggot hipsters like yourself have trouble recognizing your own ilk. Like a slaughterhouse cow that has forgotten what its own manure smells like.


>> No.8163253

the way she looks you retard. her appearance.

>> No.8163255

You sure about that?

>> No.8163257

I honestly think the term hipster is obsolete as what was hipster in 2011 is now the norm in casual wear.

Tempted to call that a hipster, except that sounds more like a reinvented masculinity douche, the beard community. The beardies.

>> No.8163261

Yeah i ment actually arguing for it, not just spouting muh rights.
Like a person would ever find himself in a scenario where he's attacked by 10+ armed guys in his home, and has to blow them away with his AK.

>> No.8163262

I see where you're coming from, where you're coming from is just stupid and old.

Short hair, make up, a little thick eye shadow? Clothes that aren't bought from walmart?

These things are not "hipster".


>> No.8163263

Handguns are not assault rifles, dumbshit.

>> No.8163264

this nigger a hipster

>> No.8163272

There is absolutely no reason why a normal person needs to own a Sig Sauer MCX.

>> No.8163273

she looks like a hipster mate. trust me I live in Toronto. I know bout hipsters.

>> No.8163276

This is very /mu/ talk of you, but there definitely is a hipster trend and actual stereotype.
Using it as an insult is very bottom-tier, unless you are actually talking face to face with a real life hipster stereotype

>> No.8163278

And where did she distinguish semi-automatic "assault rifles" from all semi-automatics? At any rate, "assault rifle" is a meme distinguishment used by leftist politicians to drum up fear in their legions of useful idiots.

>> No.8163281

Kill yourself hipster

>> No.8163283

>I can send you the fucking pictures to prove this.

>it's the uncounterfeitability meme

>> No.8163284

Can someone please post the two poems?
My interest is piqued.

>> No.8163288


>I did actually record one single-shot kill from a 9X18 (Makarov). It was a contact shot into the center chest on a sleeping target. The victim died immediately.

>On the civilian side, I saw only one single-shot kill from a pistol ever, and that was from a .357 magnum, within a living room, probably not more than five yards. The round entered the sternum and exited the spine.


>> No.8163290

So does almost everyone who's walking outside right now unless you live in the bumfuck midwest, or Florida. There's nothing offensive about looking like a hipster to you.

So is your sister, your cousin, your nephew. So is everyone.

That's more or less my point; people who throw the word around usually don't know what they're accusing someone of being. Outside of some ideological difference.

I am staying alive, I am thriving.

>> No.8163296

Well since this thread can hardly get much worse, I guess I'll post my own poem, which is more about Christina Grimmie's murder than the nightclub catastrophe, because after all Stalin tells us that the death of one person is a tragedy, but the death of millions (or in this case even 50) is a statistic. I live in Orlando, regrettably, by the way. It's a very loose villanelle. I posted it in the poetry critique thread and got no response. I realize it's crap, but I actually think it's the best poem of the few I've so far attempted.

The Gunman

At close of day I grab my gun
Because the leaves have slipped away:
Away, when all is said and done.

The wires have slipped from the hostile Sun,
And with their music hold me sway:
Therefore, this day I grab my gun.

Malicious muse, list to your son,
With verses made from useless clay—
All clay, when all is said and done—

But worse (far worse!) that music which I shun,
Spelled out by automated fay—
For them, for them I grab my gun!

Time was when praisèd would be Bion,
Whose lovely piping ceased in May;
Then, no more could be said or done;

But elegy has had its run,
And now the Devil’s Tone has had its say:
For this, this day I grab my gun,
And all will soon be said and done.

>> No.8163300

I'm guessing there are guns that are neither automatic nor semi-automatic, how is this so hard?

>> No.8163303

I never said being a hipster is bad dumb dumb

>> No.8163305

>I am staying alive, I am thriving.

That's a pretty hipster response, faggot

>> No.8163306

hipster detected kys

>> No.8163309

I am thriving.I am staying alive

I am growing stronger.

>> No.8163310

I didn't watch the poem, nor do I plan to, but I don't think that's the argument.

You definitely should have followed up with your opinion because I don't see what you're trying to say

>> No.8163311

I think your are putting a little too much faith in your average American, bud. Imagine a shopping mall on black friday if everyone there had a gun.

>> No.8163317

>but I don't think that's the argument
There is no argument because all liberals do is whine about their feelings.

>> No.8163319

Please PLEASE be posting this ironically.

>> No.8163324

everyone comment on her video asking for dick suck

>> No.8163332

Just because these liberals are crazy doesn't mean you have to go all-in on the right and be pro guns, you are allowed to have own opinions without being affiliated with either of them.

>> No.8163333


>> No.8163336

>watch the poem
either you write it as a text or go home imo

>> No.8163349

You know he's referring to the OP, right?

>> No.8163356


The bigger the gun, the better the likelihood of killing your attacker in one shot. The medic who wrote that article describes seeing insurgents get struck by assault rifle fire in the chest, crawl to cover, and then begin to shoot back. He saw people get shot in the face and head and still be able to walk around and fire their guns. His point was that pistols and assault rifles rarely killed in one shot, and that in a war it's hard to shoot the same person twice.

So buy a big, big, gun. Especially because if you shoot someone and he lives, he can then sue you for wounding him. If your life was in danger, surely you would have killed him, right?

>> No.8163376

The poem is bit shit, but at least she is not making it about herself (although she is making it about a cause, which is also a bit exploitative). Her attitude is honestly not that bad, I was afraid that it was gonna be another "oh poor me" thing.

And I really don't like the way she reads it. "I'm a Slut" was also shitty, but not so dreary and meandering epression-wise.

>> No.8163381

>big, big, gun. Especially because if you shoot someone and he lives, he can then sue you for wounding him. If your life was in danger, surely you would have killed him, righ
This is the most retarded, obscene thing i have ever read on this board.
How fucking backwards is america?

>> No.8163386

lol don't worry. Americans are fucking retarded. just sit back and laugh. be happy you aren't American. and pray trump wins. so we have more to laugh at.

>> No.8163404


That's the law. Killing someone in self defense is supposed to be a last resort. If you just shoot Jamal/Bubba/Carlos in the leg, you might very well get sued. Shoot to kill, or try to escape. No half measures.

So why fuck around with a little handgun? You could shoot somebody half a dozen times and he might survive at the hospital.

>> No.8163414 [DELETED] 

someone asked the other day what an actual psychopath looked like...


kinda like this

don't murder me for saying this pls

>> No.8163418

I disagree on a few points. First of which is the "one shot one kill with a huge gun" thing. Your home is not a warzone and a robber, rapist, jealous ex-boyfriend is not going to keep coming after you if you shoot him. ISIS militants are not climbing through your window. Secondly, you don't need a high caliber BFG in order to "adequately protect yourself". Hollowheads work as advertised, you don't need to be GI JOE.

Also, a co-worker of mine read an article that stated that short barreled shotguns are best for home protection because in the heat of the moment, you're aim is not going to be as action-hero accurate as you like to pretend. Also if you get shot with a shotgun your ass is grass, I don't care who you are. also you're dumbass emotionally unstable middle class white kid couldn't steal it and go on a rampage with it.

But no, if someone came to my home with mal-intention I would not want to kill them. I don't want to kill anybody. The gun is to protect my home, not kill people. I would obviously call the police first, and IF it came down to having to open fire, all likelihood is that the police would come to arrest a wounded assailant.

>> No.8163429

God anti-gun fags are so fucking retarded
They think that literally the only thing guns are used for is to kill people
"durrrr nobody needs an automatic rifle!!!"
Yeah no shit, people don't own those guns out of necessity or protection, they own it as a hobby, because shooting targets is fun. Banning guns won't do shit either, guns aren't the only way to kill people. Homicidal maniacs won't just go "oh golly gee, I can't buy a gun, I guess now I have no way to kill people!" they will find a way.

>> No.8163433

>Also, a co-worker of mine read an article that stated that short barreled shotguns are best for home protection because in the heat of the moment, you're aim is not going to be as action-hero accurate as you like to pretend. Also if you get shot with a shotgun your ass is grass, I don't care who you are. also you're dumbass emotionally unstable middle class white kid couldn't steal it and go on a rampage with it.
And what about the recoil and weight of shotguns perhaps not being the best option for some users? Or its lack of precision and maneuverability compared to a handgun? Or its lack of capacity compared to a rifle? Or how a shotgun can run the risk of overpenetration and harming loved ones inside the home?

>> No.8163434

nobody :) needs :) muslim :) refugees :)

>> No.8163443

Liberals conveniently forget the fact that using guns isn't even terribly common as far as Islamic terrorist attacks are concerned.

>> No.8163448

All guns have pros/cons, but shotgun is best option imo.

I don't know if you've ever held firearms, but the whole recoil/weight thing isn't an issue after you've grown accustomed to your gun. Which I would hope you are.
As for lack of capacity, I don't think I'm going to be overrun by a fireteam. I couldn't imagine needing more than a 4+1. Seriously, it's a bit stupid to think otherwise.

Speaking of stupid
>shotgun overpenetration
literally what

>> No.8163453

Someone tell me she's not a boy.
> her fucking pornstar camera angles.

>> No.8163455

>>shotgun overpenetration

That's when you rupture your colon while using the barrel to fuck yourself

>> No.8163456

The primary purpose of a gun is to kill.

>> No.8163461

John Green put in his 2 cents as well


>le pretentious 3 minute list of the victims

>> No.8163463

>literally what
Guns have this kooky habit of firing ammunition. Now, ammunition shoots out of guns at an alarming velocity! Depending on the type of ammunition used, a bullet could lodge in a body of whatever wall or surface it strikes. However, some ammunition is big and scary! This means it can pass *through* a wall or body when fired and inadvertently butcher your darling toddler in a home defense situation.

>> No.8163466

After shootings why does everyone make a statement about it? I swear it's for personal gain and attention.

>> No.8163469

......Which is exactly what you wouldn't expect out the spread of a shotgun

>makes it clear that he is generally ignorant about guns
>is still an insufferable smartass

Come on bud.

>> No.8163472

No shit, I didn't say that guns have a larger purpose to kill, I meant that most people who own guns just have a handgun for protection, and the people who have high grade weaponry just use it for shooting ranges.

>> No.8163478

You're the one basing home defense strategies off of some Buzzfeed article your nitwit coworker recalls reading while they were on the shitter.

>> No.8163479

Because mass shootings are an excuse for trendy social media folk to show their friends how progressive they are about politics by criticizing the evil right winged Americans and their backwards ways. Naturally they ignore the fact that the equivalent of a mass shooting happens literally every weekend in the suburbs of Chicago, since that doesn't fit their narrative quite as well.

>> No.8163483

I know what overpenetration is. I'm saying you're pitting pistols/rifles vs shotguns, then pulling the overpenetration card as though birdshot/buckshot is worse than an actual bullet.
That's a really stupid thing to think and I'm beginning to see how you've rationalized your sentiments.

>> No.8163485

I'm basing my home defense strategies on the knowledge that shotgun pellets don't run the risk of overpenetration as other ammunitions do, you fucking retard.

>> No.8163516

Why haven't you honored the dead by subscribing to her Patreon?

>> No.8163527

Isn't there over representation of homosexuals on the Internet? Or are there this many irl? Every blogger comes out as some form of lgbt.

>> No.8163532

Being LGBT these days gives you a head start in terms of attention, and a niche that will eat from your hand, so it's easier to be a successful blogger.

>> No.8163543

>blaming guns for jihad


>> No.8163547

because your american neoliberalist society distances people from one another on purpose to stimulate material consumption and therefore economic stability, so whenever a tragedy occurs it's actually a holiday* for all of you and you get to all experience the joy of actually belonging to an actual community of actual people who are all currently going through the same thing.

*unlike actual regular holidays which you have also managed to reduce exclusively into a contest about who will spend the most money

>> No.8163558
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>> No.8163567

What a dumb cunt that mopey bitch is...

>> No.8163570

shoot cops when the revolution comes :)

>> No.8163649
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>kinda like the lizzy grant lana del rey switcheroo


>> No.8163673


Nice poem, poorly read. It all sounds clichéd, pre-chewed, and tasteless when she reads it.

>> No.8163677

>people think this wasn't staged by the government like sandy hook and 9/11 were

fucking kools aid drinkers

>> No.8163695

It's not terrible, but her voice would ruin any poem. Probably smoked too much pot.

>> No.8163712

The sheer amount of butthurt in a gun discussion thread still amazes me to this day.

>> No.8163717

>Cut the misogynistic language please

Where do you think you are cunt? Don't want problematic words being used? Fuck off to tumblr. Or better yet, find a noose

>> No.8163722

Revolvers are not semi-auto.

>> No.8163723

>From Ohio
>Talks in a bastardized version of British
Why does she fake her accent?

>> No.8163729

Double-action revolvers are semi-auto.
Although I couldn't imagine how that's relevant.

>> No.8163730

This bitch, mane

>> No.8163736
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Britfag here. Was speaking to a co worker about this. Is muh freedom the only reason that there isnt a cap on what type of guns one can buy?

I mean, i agree with buying able to buy guns and it seems fine to me that rifles, pistols and shot guns are available but machine guns for the average joe seems a bit excessive.

Someone educate me

>> No.8163749

>machine guns for the average joe

You can't buy automatic weapons but its very easy to modify weapons to make them automatic. Lefties whine about the AR15 because it looks scary to them. But banning it won't do shit. There's so many in circulation already. Also if they tried to forcibly take the guns from current owners it would very likely turn to bloodshed. Besides, why take away guns from law abiding citizens when criminals will be able to get them no matter what?

>> No.8163753

the average joe can not obtain a machine gun
the vast majority of firearm homicides are committed with handguns
you are twice as likely to be beaten to death than die from any sort of rifle wound

>> No.8163767

>Brits thinking Americans can just buy machine guns at the store
lel. I bet that was a funny conversation

>> No.8163784


>> No.8163787

Yo how the fuck is this shitty thread about this shitty talentless yew-tewb hack still going on?

Let's go discuss some gaddis boys!

>> No.8163793


Sorry buddy but this is a safe space for discussing this relevant and topical poem. Take your toxic masculinity to literally any of the other boards on this site.

>> No.8163794


That's actually a nice poem Anon.

Can you really get away with doing the accent thing in 2016 though?

>> No.8163805

>And now the Devil’s Tone has had its say
Wonky, also, not dense enough: this lines contains too little. Otherwise, alright, even good.

>> No.8163806

Why is no one bringing up the Bataclan attack in Paris as comparison? Its pretty obvious that tighter gun control doesnt stop anyone determined enough.

>> No.8163811


Because then we'd have to acknowledge the politically inconvenient commonality of Muslims.

>> No.8163812

someone on my normiebook unironically shared the hi im a slut slam poem
i cringed desu

>> No.8163822

Wow I don't see any books being discussed here. Get this garbage back to tumblr

>> No.8163824

Orlandofag here, getting tired of using the tragedy for virtue signalling purposes. Maybe it's because I'm so close to it, but I just feel like a lot of the "solidarity" is hollow and self-serving.

>> No.8163830
File: 171 KB, 780x620, oh god why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degeneracy haha

>> No.8163831

>thinking all shotgun shot is the same
00 buck runs a high risk of overpenetration, birdshot runs the risk of being too weak to stop an attacker. Also all your talk of spread is clearly based on vidya games, it isn't very large whatsoever in the short distances you would be dealing with, even with an SBS.

I'm not arguing shotguns are bad, but your logic is poor. It comes down to the ammo you use for whatever your choice is for HD. I'm a pistol guy myself, mostly because of the maneuverability.

>> No.8163834
File: 39 KB, 500x400, christina grim reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been visited by the Christina Grimmie Reaper. She will methodically assassinate the RIAA board members who ordered her death. But only if you comment: "Thanks Christina."


>> No.8163835

spread the idea that it's disgusting, because it is.
It makes me sick

>> No.8163837

>very easy
wat, it's actually pretty difficult. You have to be a fairly skilled gunsmith to do this.
>inb4 you mention some AR-15 part listed as automatic because it's built to those dimensions and specifications, but actually does not make auto-fire possible

>> No.8163840

Merciless killing fueled by religious hatred? Boo fucking hoo nothing has changed in thousands of years of human history. This will never ever end no matter what you think.

>> No.8163845
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Sounds like an unhealthy interest in firearms, chum. Perhaps the bobbies ought to investigate your flat for any illegal weapons such as Assault Knives.

>> No.8163846

You know what? People like you make ME sick. Whining about this shit as if it's never happened before the last century and you've got your just little cause to parade around like a fashion accessory. People will always kill one another. There's nothing to mourn. Get the fuck out of here, dude

>> No.8163847

no you fucking illiterate retard, the virtue signaling that people cannot help but vomit forth from their rotting holes whenever tragedy strikes. That's what I'm disgusted by, idiot shitmouth fucktoy

>> No.8163850

I don't think you read what he was responding to, dipshit.

>> No.8163851

learn to read

>> No.8163861

>Savannah Brown. Youtube poet. Very popular and very talented.

No she isn't. You want to FUCK HER.

Don't deny it.

>> No.8163864

nudes where?

>> No.8163865

>don't say things i don't like please
>i might get ~triggered~ on the internet
oh my lord

>> No.8163875

>trying to give the impression of sadness and seriousness
>whoops, five seconds are up. better pause the camera, scooch my chair over two feet, sit down, unpause, and continue

>> No.8163885

because that wouldn't fit into the 'guns bad muslims good' narrative
it really is that simple
when people use this argument they are really saying "it's perfectly fine to have groups that are homicidally (arguably genocidally) hostile to us as long as we somewhat lessen their chances (of course this is impossible in contemporary America) of obtaining a certain tool to do that"
America is an extremely violent (by first world standards) country but guns have very little to do with that

>> No.8163887

How many levels of irony do this post and it's responses collectively inhabit?

>> No.8163892

Really, if I was John Green, I wouldn't do it for dramatic effect.I think that would be a good tool for him to use once for a while. It's a primitive subversion, but Green not moving and not being quirky can be a powerful image.

Why is his face so red?

>> No.8163893


Seriously though I see pictures of just her face on /s/

that hot!

>> No.8163895

Shows how uninformed i really am!

This is pathetic.

Lel they'll never find my gold Deagle brand Deagle

>> No.8163902

>video named just "Orlando"
>thumbnail is him looking like a heroin addict
>reads through list of victims

cant make this shit up

>> No.8163921

>muh soginy

Nice spook bruh.

>> No.8163935

>muh spook

nice meme lad

>> No.8163957
File: 6 KB, 224x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8163967 [DELETED] 

i've just noticed how he changes his postition every 3 minutes

>> No.8163976

the way he changes his position every 30 seconds is incredible infuriating

>> No.8163986

The issue is that the Bataclan was a targeted attack by a large terrorist group and Orlando was a single guy who was able to legally get his hands on a comparable amount of firepower, without any tangible connection to terrorist groups.

>> No.8163994


>grim subject matter
>still uses frenetic ADD youtube editing that panders to retarded toddlers

Form and function, you fucking hack.

>> No.8163997


Australia set a historical precedent that counters most of your assumptions.

>> No.8164012

she sounds like she's gonna cry and puts too much emphasis on everything

>> No.8164013

I'm sick of gun grabbers using my country as an example
Australia never had a gun violence problem nor did it have high firearm ownership before the new measures were brought in, it's not even close to comparable to the situation in the USA
Australia is a cuck country that gave up our arms without a fight, the US is not because gun culture is completely different there

>> No.8164020

For some reason i don't buy that this girl has had that much sex

>> No.8164042

She's hot.
She's progressive.
Progressive women are hedonists without dignity.
I think she's been with at least 20 guys.

>> No.8164047

You can see her nips through her shirt in the second half of her braless video where she explains pasties.

>> No.8164049

>toxic masculinity
>women have anything to offer

sorry m8 but history has proven you and your whole cadre thoroughly wrong

w-w-where are your m-m-matriarchs you cunt?

>> No.8164050

Screenshot it please?

>> No.8164052

How dumb are you, really?

Can't you see that that post is bait?

>> No.8164054

Why does she film her videos from an angle that makes them look like blowjob POV videos?

>> No.8164058

because shes a slut

>> No.8164059

the vast majority of gun related deaths are committed with handguns, so it wouldn't really do anything to make them illegal, not a burger and I've never felt the need to own a gun, but I would respect people's rights to have them.

by the way, most people know the point of the 2nd amendment is that the people have an insurance against potential government tyranny.

a lot of leftists argue that people wouldnt be able to defend themselves anyways if the US government were to turn against it's people, however if you look at how much control ISIS could conquer with just 20 thousand men, you might reconsider.

It's a difficult issue, and although I agree that there are people out there that should not have guns, you should keep in mind that these criminals will probably be able to get their hands on them anyways.

>> No.8164104

Because she's got good blowjob eyes

>> No.8164112 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 1465985125193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8164117

What a slut.

>> No.8164118

she makes my wee-wee go hard for some reason

>> No.8164127

dude what's bait

this is my first time on this website

>> No.8164142

>this is my first time on this website
We can tell

>> No.8164157

imagine the black friday after that, it'll be a friendly place...

>> No.8164176
File: 80 KB, 390x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to be hot as hell, but then she decided to cut all her hair off and become a le edgy generic feminist slut.

Just goes to show you what happens when nice girls lose their virginity to some Chad on summer break or what have you.

>> No.8164177
File: 65 KB, 490x427, 1459011522723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's supporting Trumps ban on Muslims entering America right?

I have to say, she makes a valid point.

>> No.8164181

b-but short hair is cute

>> No.8164184

I agree with you in general, but it's too angular on her. She looked better with longer hair.

>> No.8164286

If you like traps, yes.

>> No.8164302

Is she using video editing effects for her blowjob eyes?

>> No.8164589

Only with nu males.
She needs a good dicking from an alpha.

>> No.8165004
File: 23 KB, 550x300, 50178185dc2b710830c34489ad6ca82b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is not a great poet. Then again, she is still very young and probably has many other things to do other than sit and read and write and re-write and eventually learning all the secretes of the craft. She might become a great writer with more effort and time, who knows.

But one thing I know for sure is that she is hot and I would love to fuck her. I guess that this is the case with most of her viewers.

>> No.8165009

Judging from the comment section most of her viewers are 'problematic' tumblr girls

>> No.8165019

As opposed to generic shut in edgy white bastard?

>> No.8165023

are you talking about yourself?

>> No.8165030


Ah, yeah, I forgot about that – teenage girls and the like. But I have seen some comments like the first guy on this video:


Who clearly are interested in giving her the dick, but hide this with a lot of nice-guy talk.

>> No.8165034

Nope. I'm talking about you.

>> No.8165035

man I wouldn't even care about this chick if she didn't cut her hair. but then she cut her hair and it was like wow look at how artistic and cool this chick is.

>> No.8165041

Long hair is a bitch to deal with, all girls should have short hair. Long hair isn't a standard anymore and I'm glad.

>> No.8165043

The tripfaggot is back. Just ignore and report.

>> No.8165051 [DELETED] 

I'm not getting banned for posting. But other people are getting banned for arguing politics.

>> No.8165062 [DELETED] 

Reporting you for spamming. Enjoy

>> No.8165066

what is a Tripp faggot

>> No.8165072

kys cuck pos

>> No.8165082

I'd rather have the trip than the alt right cucks :)

>> No.8165085

newfags should lurk more and post less

>> No.8165086

also what is an alt right. I'm too old for this young whipper snapper lingo

>> No.8165089

I think shotguns are the way to go. You can even fire them at a drone in the sky without hurting anyone (just making a mess).

The moment you start going into a "I need a bigger gun than him" it just doesn't end until both sides are stupidly armed. And I seriously worry about people with that kind of attitude shooting someone well outside of their residence.

>> No.8165092

>if you don't agree with my annoying and tired cuck ass you must be new.


>> No.8165093

They're right like their dad but not uncool like he is :^)

>> No.8165094
File: 8 KB, 249x202, 1433863694898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when every post in a thread is a reply to another.

>> No.8165095

shotguns overpenetrate too

>> No.8165097

What does this even mean lmfao. My dad is an annoying liberal. That doesn't make the alt right suddenly less annoying. You're more annoying than my dad.

>> No.8165106

son let me give you a little history lesson. I'm no newfag. back in my day son, a newfag was someone who came from the website newgrounds to 4chan. I bet you don't even know what newgrounds is. son in my day we didn't have no YouTube. we used to make our videos with this program called flash. it was like a cartoon, except on shittier.

>> No.8165108

I like you

>> No.8165113
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>> No.8165114

>That doesn't make the alt right suddenly less annoying.
If you're not alt right why are you even talking about your liberal daddio? Again, alt-righters have cuckservative parents.

>> No.8165119

Im not alt right, I'm saying I'd rather the trip than the alt right :)

>> No.8165130


>political spoken word
>ever being anything else than a circlefest

>> No.8165139
File: 139 KB, 342x380, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he thinks it's political spoken word
>mfw he thinks he's not the pleb here

top pleb

>> No.8165140

I am not killing myself, and I am very much posting.

>> No.8165144

I heard the poem.

Does anyone
this is good?

Sure it's horrible people die. Some die because they are gay, others die because they are of a certain ethnicity.

Some also die by sustaining the life she has on the other side of the globe.

>> No.8165150

I think its negative our society can allow anyone to get an AR-15 few questions asked, when we have a million different rules to driving, the DMV; etc.

We should be over this at this point, shit like this happens. People feel entitled to spread their ideology through bullets.

>> No.8165151

I'm not sure if you're baiting but I'm biting it. The moment you are reactionary to a event that has "shaken" the world, people are going to draw politics into the matter. And when people do you, you can't escape it.

Also. I've done spoken word before, the average in my town atleast is way higher than this.

>> No.8165152


>> No.8165153


>> No.8165155

ahahahaha too ché

>> No.8165163


>> No.8165165

>I think its negative our society can allow anyone to get an AR-15 few questions asked
>Gun used in the shooting wasn't even an AR-15
>Liberals are just histrionic doofuses that get memed around by the "AR-15" boogeyman
Why do liberals think that AR-15s are assembled in the bowels of hell and shoot baby-seeking bullets

>> No.8165169

Im sorry she hurt your feelings anon but
>Some also die by sustaining the life she has on the other side of the globe.
I sincerely hope you're referring to sweatshop workers, nobody has died to protect "muh freedoms" since the 1940s

>> No.8165170
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure brah, i think i'd rather do a poem adressing the underlying problem; mainly USAs retarded gun policies. And lobbying. MAYBE, for once in a while, SOME activist who actually cared wrote something that MIGHT have an effect?

Everyone has lost someone, it's nothing new. She's mainly stating the facts, and
>BUHUUU society doesnt protect us
Now i might be a spookmemer but one thing every pleb should know is society doesnt own you jackshit, you're merely a cattle to milk.

Also; spoken word is infested. As fuck. SJW, for all that matters. Nothing wrong with standing up for oppressed people, but DONT MAKE IT ABOUT POLITICS, MAKE IT ABOUT POETRY

>being this triggered
>20 minutes past bedtime

Please. Do poetry. Not politics.

>> No.8165173
File: 192 KB, 376x390, 1465405365789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere did I suggest anything you're saying. Nowhere did I suggest a liberal. Quit screaming and squealing "LIBERAL! LIBERAL! REDDIT! TUMBLR! HE'S LIBERAL REDDIT! TUMBLR! HE'S LIBERAL!" every time this happens. Everyone thinks its ridiculous you can get semi-automatic weapons, you're in the insubstantial minority compared to the vast majority who isn't brain damaged.

>> No.8165175

Why did you need to write all these sentences for a simple point? Simplify your posts.

>> No.8165178

>Everyone thinks its ridiculous you can get semi-automatic weapons
Do you even know what semi-automatic action means?

>> No.8165181
File: 857 KB, 756x9800, 1465926983360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what I am referring to brah. And don't just make a poem, live your poem. A poem is all a poet has, and if you're not pouring it from the bottom of your heart, you're a shill.

>muh society
>muh rights

Breh, i come from the fucking desert. I've lived of dates and milk, and i can easily go back to it. Don't tilt me with your random shit, or I'll make sure your death is 100% halal certificated.

>inb4 NSA cant take a joke
>inb4 they come knocking at my door.

>> No.8165183
File: 2.65 MB, 640x480, Urinluck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bitch is trash, dude.
accept it.

i spent 2 seconds writing random sentences as a reaction to her video having 50,000 views.

>my fucking face when my 2 second rambling of nonsense is better than this bitches trash fucking ''poetry'' that she probably spent fucking hours thinking of

fuck this gay fucking earth and people like you and her... they shouldn't let people like you learn to read

hang yourself on my edge fucker

>> No.8165186

You're an idiot and a tool if you think the Midwest doesn't have hipsters

>> No.8165199

Yeah she is trash. I think either you or me misread here. Also, spoken word wasnt one of my proudest moments, but hey, gotta check your wings.

I write better with my piss in snow that she ever does. 50,000 views is nothing. Spoken word is infested by trans, lgbt and other degeneracy.

>> No.8165204

what's this guy's youtube channel again?

>> No.8165217
File: 125 KB, 467x661, 90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I agree with you then.

50,000 views is not nothing. Think about it for a second. As I said in my first post that you replied to... great men died after having poured their fucking souls into their work only for it to go unread and vanish.

Fuck this whore. I hope she chokes on her mothers teet of which she has never unattached from.

I don't know. Sorry mate.

>> No.8165223

What's the point of bitching about "degeneracy" on 4chan.

>> No.8165231

When i talked about spoken word in >>8165130
i did mean the lgbt-infested degeneracy thats going on now.

I don't even want to call it spoken word. That shit that is sprouting out is worse than suicide notes a 11 yo writes when he gets grounded from watching sonic.


Man. What i linked. Atleast it has more views, but on the other hand, it's around 1000 years old so..

>one of the greatest poets of all time
>if not the greatest
>Girl has prolly never even heard of him
>Girl has never heard scheherazade
>or brahms
>Thinks pinacle of human art is blink-182


>> No.8165234

Because here, whilst i wont agree with most of its user, degeneracy is a phenomena that is acknowledged to exist.

Here we can bitch before bowing down to reality like the cattle we are.

>> No.8165235

Anyone got her cumshot pose pic?

>> No.8165237
File: 1.78 MB, 265x257, shake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of you being alive on this earth? Breathing the same air? Taking up room like too many chairs in a room?

Kill yourself and do us all a favour.


Good. This makes you one of the good guys. Godspeed.

>> No.8165242

>degeneracy is a phenomena that is acknowledged to exist.

By people who don't spend much of their time criticizing their logic, sure. It certainly does exist to people who don't ask any sort of questions what-so-ever.

>> No.8165245

>Kill yourself and do us all a favour.

Nope. Stop rambling nonsensically, go outside, it's such a beautiful day.

>> No.8165246
File: 526 KB, 2048x1366, 1466007086692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets jerk each others off and sleep.

But seriously. Link me some comfy good poetry. I'm tired of looking for people in youtube that can read the illiad in greek but wont get the hexameter right.

>> No.8165258


>secretes of the craft

Makes me think of a Joycean play on words.

>> No.8165263

REALLY want to rape her to be honest, lads

>> No.8165265


I meant assonance, alliteration, imagery (metaphors and similes), metric, rhyme, figures of speech, balance between concrete words and abstractions, etc.

>> No.8165267

0 the best you can is foolish

>> No.8165274


I know what you meant.

I meant it was a good pun. Look up the word 'secrete(s)'.

>> No.8165275
File: 167 KB, 1024x773, uber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious that you're the fuck in OP's video. Or her friend, or whatever the fuck.
Stop shilling your own poetry. It is quite clear that you were never meant to write poetry. You were not meant to create anything, probably.
Without the internet and easily accessible saps that watch your videos and like them... you would have been coasting along happily in the job your dumb fucking parents arranged for you. The only people who think you're talented are the same people who read Harry Potter with an erection and enjoy spilling food down their faces when eating.

Now please, go away and die already.

Everything on this gay earth has been done.

"I journeyed long time to East and to West,
I journeyed years and months for love of that Moon,
Heedless of the way, absorbed in God.
With bare feet I trod upon thorns and flints,
Seeing I was bewildered, and beside myself, and senseless."

I wish I could convince myself to kill myself.

>> No.8165281 [DELETED] 

I'm her friend :)

>> No.8165284


Lol, now I get it. Well, thanks, but unfortunately for me it was unintentional ;_;

>> No.8165285


>Implying a tripfag other than Quentin has friends

>> No.8165286 [DELETED] 

I'm her friend :)

>> No.8165287
File: 608 KB, 499x499, 1430946502163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her that I live in London and that I will find her, choke her, and repe her. Got it?

>> No.8165291 [DELETED] 

I'm her friend :)

>> No.8165295


Can you get us some nude pics of her? She is very beautiful.

>> No.8165299 [DELETED] 

I'm her friend :)

>> No.8165301
File: 2 KB, 112x82, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're goddamn beautiful. Godspeed, now i can sleep with a smile in my face.

"Open up, not spit, pour it!
A bird that flew by said

The winds are changing and so should you
For life is never a headwind flight
but another mystery to dissolve
between your fingers

To catch the words is to catch a bird
And to catch a bird is kill a bird"


The reality is harsh, but your friend is... Well, not talented. She'd get rekt over here atleast.

Damn. This made me want to record one of my own poems.
Should i vocaroo?

>> No.8165306 [DELETED] 

>The reality is harsh, but your friend is... Well, not talented. She'd get rekt over here atleast.

I'm her friend :)

>> No.8165308

i dar u

>> No.8165310
File: 2.40 MB, 250x188, puttingguntohead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never be Savannah's little baby tampon boy

>> No.8165323

most not all

>> No.8165329

Ignore and fucking report.

>> No.8165336

Almost all of your posts are the same tripe, so, why should I respond to them any other way? I shouldn't.

>> No.8165341

agreed. just kill yourself instead

>> No.8165343

see >>8165329

>> No.8165345

gimme a min

>> No.8165347
File: 666 KB, 1200x800, 85 - Hydra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to do anything to her other than murder in cold blood for being the way she is

top kuks

''I'm like, totally smart and creative you guys. Check out my poem that I writed after that guy in the news and stuff. Also, check out my tumblr im so progressive that i often think about like, making some artwork with my pubic hair that i grown for months because fuck living up to the man standard on this manosphere and stuff. like people call me pretentioss but wat does that mean really? it means they jus dont understand me and stuff and like i've really suffered in life cos one time my friend got called pretty and i didnt and also like, my parents are middle class and buy my everything i want also but like i still suffer daily because im so smart and i overthink stuff and yeah, basically, im now a poet because its cool to be a creative isn't it? i have nothing to say but that doesnt even matter nowadays because in the modern art gallery there is a painting of a dog turd that is like, genius... and its worth 200 thousand because its like progressive and yeah, basically i want everyone to think im smart and cool so i decided to become a poet and post my videos to youtube''

from page 1 of her diary.

>> No.8165350

>The wires have slipped from the hostile Sun,

Breaks the meter. Other than that, it's alright. What does the bit about Bion refer to?

>> No.8165357

they are the establishment already my man

>> No.8165359

You have issues lmfao

>> No.8165360
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Preparing to get my anus rekted by /lit/
Also, excuse my asthma voice.

>> No.8165366

Says the tripfaggot who is so lonely that he spends his summer days drumming up negative attention on an anonymous anime imageboard

>> No.8165367

ok, mutanabster/weekend warrior /lit/izen vs your friend. Who'd win a slam?

Gaise, i trust in you. >>8165360

>> No.8165382


Well, I have already heard so many stupid things from so many girls that I am used to it. Actually, this one girl is not even half as bad as some I know.

I just want to fuck them, not read their poems or discuss politics with them. They want a nice time, I want a nice time, what’s wrong with that? You just have to talk a little with them before you go to bed with them in order that they don’t feel bad or see themselves as “easy” or “sluts”(you know, that social protocol).

That OP girls is quite cute and I would like to sleep with her and cuddle her and caress her body, etc.

>> No.8165392

not bad. what's your ethnicity?

>> No.8165394

Yes, so says the tripfaggot who is so lonely that he spends his summer days drumming up negative attention on an anonymous anime imageboard. It is I.

>> No.8165398

Are you not the one drumming up negative attention, more so?

>> No.8165399
File: 47 KB, 413x327, tumblr_npcb2ddVj51tjmcvmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fullblood arab, but living in sweden

>Plz no /pol/-posting

>> No.8165401

watching her vids with the sound off is pretty nice.

>> No.8165403

Oops. Forgot to put on my trip. Silly me ;0

>> No.8165420
File: 3.92 MB, 2200x1639, Pierre Auguste Renoir_Bal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I do. Mainly because of fucks like you that populate the earth and shit up everything.
Keep posting your poetry and pander some more to your sycophantic fans on the internet.

I will sleep peacefully knowing that no matter how badly you want it, no matter how hard you try... your poetry will never mean anything to anyone other than the fucking nameless, faceless morons of this planet. The lowest of the low, the last drop of piss that spills down the leg. You know, the ones who contribute nothing and ultimately come to mean nothing to anyone other than their ugly fucking wives or husbands. Even their pets will eat them when they pass. You desperately want to be a creative, an artist... but you never will be.

If we lived a thousand years ago, I or someone else would have bludgeoned you to death.

Some summers they drop like flies...

>> No.8165427

>Sure, I do

You certainly do

>> No.8165430

I love you. The faggot is just baiting brah.

>> No.8165436

Nobody loves either of you, or the other trip. Shut up.

>> No.8165438

For fuck's sake learn to realise when you're being trolled you thick fuck.

>> No.8165439


>> No.8165444
File: 36 KB, 426x785, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll me again, baby

>> No.8165449

I think you quoted the wrong post. You meant >>8165420

I'm always willing to be of service, fixing your mistakes (︶ω︶)

>> No.8165480

why do these youtube poets always sound like they are on the verge of tears?

>> No.8165487


Well, not quite, because I read that 'the' as an abreviated 'th''. The real formal problem with the poem is the rhyming of Bion with done, in my opinion. Bion, by the way, is the subject of a famous elegiac by Moschus, in which Bion's death is equated to the death of poetry/song itself. There's also the fact that But worse etc. and And now the Devil's etc. are in pentameter instead of tetrameter, but I consider that legitimate variation.


How do you mean? Of course one can still 'get away' with accentual verse in 2016. I may not have gotten away with it, but I think the chief issue with poetry today is vers that's a little too libre. Also abuses of vocabulary.


Really? I actually think the last stanza's pretty strong, besides the last line.

>> No.8165493
File: 143 KB, 566x677, 1459883053053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>she will never check your privilege
>she will never do sex positive things with you
>you will never recite poems for her to cheer her up after Trump wins and the kebab is removed
>she will never smash your patriarchy

It hurts.

>> No.8165501

because their parents just got finished telling them to get a job and stop posting that gibberish on the youtubes

>> No.8165543

I think I would enjoy it more if I just read it. She comes off as pretentious and disingenuous.

>> No.8165616

This is some deep level shitposting

and you're falling for it.

>> No.8165712

thats her boyfriend or something

heres a video with them together

>> No.8165773

and you're falling for it

>> No.8166122

If it wasn't for her hypnotic Amelie-look, I would have laughed at her writing talents and tell her to fuck off in the comments

>> No.8166511

>and you're falling for it.
Am I?

>> No.8166522
File: 286 KB, 858x539, degenerate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Spoken word has to be the worst thing to ever happen to poetry. I hate the default cadence and disingenuous voice trembling, it makes me fucking sick.

>> No.8167409

Because it would accomplish nothing. Rifles aren't what kill people, handguns are overwhelmingly the weapon of choice because they're relatively cheap and can be easily concealed. A bunch of handguns are also semi-automatic. Saying "handguns are okay but rifles aren't" is a meaningless meme argument, you might as well ban them all if you're going to ban handguns and there is no conceivable way that can be enforced considering there are hundreds of millions of guns in the US

If you want further proof semi-auto rifles were banned in 1994 with the Assault Weapons Ban, then when the bill expired it wasn't renewed because the Department of Justice did a research report and found that the ban did nothing because criminals weren't even using the weapons that were banned